File: module.inc
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * WebDAV Module. Mount Gallery on your desktop. * @package WebDav * @author Jack Bates <ms419@freezone.co.uk> * @version $Revision: 16471 $ */ class WebDavModule extends GalleryModule /* and GalleryEventListener */ { function WebDavModule() { global $gallery; $this->setId('webdav'); $this->setName($gallery->i18n('WebDAV')); $this->setVersion(''); /* Update upgrade() too! */ $this->setDescription($gallery->i18n('Mount Gallery on your desktop.')); $this->setGroup('interfaces', $gallery->i18n('Remote Interfaces')); $this->setCallbacks('getItemLinks|getSiteAdminViews|registerEventListeners'); $this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(7, 17)); $this->setRequiredModuleApi(array(3, 5)); } /** * @see GalleryModule::performFactoryRegistrations */ function performFactoryRegistrations() { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'ItemAddPlugin', 'ItemAddWebDav', 'ItemAddWebDav', 'modules/webdav/ItemAddWebDav.inc', 'webdav', null); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } /** * @see GalleryModule::registerEventListeners */ function registerEventListeners() { return GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener( 'Gallery::ActivatePlugin', new WebDavModule(), true); } /** * @see GalleryModule::upgrade */ function upgrade($currentVersion) { global $gallery; switch ($currentVersion) { case null: /* Initial install */ /* Activate essential rewrite rules */ $ret = $this->_activateRewriteRules(); if ($ret && !($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED)) { return $ret; } break; case '0.0.3': /* Add WebDavSiteAdmin and WebDavLockMap */ case '0.0.4': /* Add modules/webdav/webdav.php and WebDavUrlGenerator */ case '0.0.5': /* Add WebDavInitEventListener */ case '0.0.6': /* Add item link */ case '0.2.0': /* * Activate essential short URL rules automatically * Set HTTP response status on all errors */ case '0.3.0': /* * Eliminate WebDavUrlGenerator, WebDavInitEventListener and WebDavSiteAdmin * Register WebDavActivatePluginEventListener */ case '0.4.0': /* * Move parsePath from WebDavHelper to WebDavRewriteHelper, to avoid loading * WebDavHelper just to generate URLs */ case '0.4.1': /* Add GalleryView::isControllerLike to WebDAV view */ case '0.4.2': /* Add support for the php-cgi server API */ case '0.6.0': /* Remove view with WebDAV permission */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::unregisterModulePermissions($this->getId()); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '0.6.1': /* * Add dependency on latest changes in GalleryModule::getRewriteRules and on * GalleryUrlGenerator::generateUrl's protocol option. */ case '0.6.2': /* Add configuration checks */ case '0.7.0': /* Add whitelist for external interface */ case '0.7.1': /* Rename WebDavMount to DownloadDavMount */ case '0.7.2': /* Add HttpAuth check through interface */ case '0.7.3': /* Version 1.0.0 for Gallery 2.2 release */ case '1.0.0': /* Avoid matching paths starting with 'w[^/]' with URL rewrite rule keyword */ $ret = $this->_activateRewriteRules(); if ($ret && !($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED)) { return $ret; } case '': /* Fix entity-type bug (1681406) */ case 'end of upgrade path': break; default: return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PLUGIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf('Unknown module version %s', $currentVersion)); } } /** * @see GalleryModule::activate * @todo The explicit rewrite module version check can be removed on the next major Module API * version. */ function activate($postActivationEvent=true) { /* Ensure the rewrite module is compatible, 'pattern' is optional since v1.1.8 of rewrite */ list ($ret, $modules) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginList('module'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (isset($modules['rewrite'])) { list ($ret, $rewrite) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'rewrite', true); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (version_compare($rewrite->getVersion(), '1.1.8', '<')) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED), null); } } list ($ret, $redirect) = parent::activate($postActivationEvent); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $redirect); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getItemLinks */ function getItemLinks($items, $wantsDetailedLinks, $permissions, $userId) { $links = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { if (!$item->getCanContainChildren() || empty($wantsDetailedLinks[$item->getId()])) { continue; } $links[$item->getId()][] = array( 'text' => $this->translate('Mount with WebDAV'), 'params' => array('view' => 'webdav.WebDavMount', 'itemId' => $item->getId())); } return array(null, $links); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getSiteAdminViews */ function getSiteAdminViews() { return array(null, array(array('name' => $this->translate($this->getName()), 'view' => 'webdav.WebDavSiteAdmin'))); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getRewriteRules */ function getRewriteRules() { global $gallery; $urlGenerator =& $gallery->getUrlGenerator(); $rules = array(); /* Use short URL because most WebDAV clients don't support query strings */ $rules['connect'] = array( 'comment' => $this->translate('Connect to WebDAV'), 'help' => $this->translate( 'Use short URL because most WebDAV clients don\'t support query strings.' . ' The Windows WebDAV client requires that you don\'t add a slash before the' . ' %path% variable.'), 'match' => array('controller' => 'webdav.WebDav'), 'pattern' => 'w%path%', 'keywords' => array( 'path' => array( 'pattern' => '(/[^?]*)?', 'function' => array('webdav', 'WebDavRewriteHelper', 'parsePath'), 'help' => $this->translate('Path to an item (eg. /album/image.jpg.html)')))); /* Give davmount resources the correct extension */ $rules['davmount'] = array( 'comment' => $this->translate('Mount WebDAV'), 'help' => $this->translate( 'Give davmount resources the correct extension.'), 'match' => array('view' => 'webdav.DownloadDavMount'), /* TODO: How to work with the root album? */ 'pattern' => 'v/%path%.davmount', 'keywords' => array( 'path' => array( 'pattern' => '([^?]+)', 'function' => array('rewrite', 'RewriteSimpleHelper', 'parsePath'), 'help' => $this->translate('Path to an item (eg. /album/image.jpg.html)'))), 'onLoad' => array('rewrite', 'RewriteSimpleHelper', 'loadItemIdFromPath')); /* * Only define the rule to redirect OPTIONS requests so we can set DAV headers if it is * already active, or if OPTIONS responses are missing DAV headers */ list ($ret, $rewriteApi) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance('RewriteApi'); if ($ret) { if ($gallery->getDebug()) { $gallery->debug('Error in WebDavModule::getRewriteRules: ' . $ret->getAsText()); } return $rules; } if (!isset($rewriteApi)) { return $rules; } list ($ret, $isCompatible) = $rewriteApi->isCompatibleWithApi(array(1, 1)); if ($ret) { if ($gallery->getDebug()) { $gallery->debug('Error in WebDavModule::getRewriteRules: ' . $ret->getAsText()); } return $rules; } if (!$isCompatible) { return $rules; } list ($ret, $activeRules) = $rewriteApi->fetchActiveRulesForModule($this->getId()); if ($ret) { if ($gallery->getDebug()) { $gallery->debug('Error in WebDavModule::getRewriteRules: ' . $ret->getAsText()); } return $rules; } if (!in_array('options', $activeRules)) { /* Check that OPTIONS responses include the DAV headers */ GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/webdav/classes/WebDavHelper.class'); if (WebDavHelper::checkDavHeaders($urlGenerator->generateUrl( array('controller' => 'webdav.WebDav'), array('forceFullUrl' => true, 'htmlEntities' => false)))) { return $rules; } } /* Redirect OPTIONS requests so we can set DAV headers */ $rules['options'] = array( 'comment' => $this->translate('OPTIONS Requests'), 'help' => $this->translate( 'Redirect OPTIONS requests so we can set DAV headers.'), /* Use trailing '/' to avoid 301 Moved Permanently */ 'match' => array('href' => 'modules/webdav/data/options/'), 'conditions' => array(array('test' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'pattern' => 'OPTIONS'))); return $rules; } /** * @see GalleryEventListener::handleEvent */ function handleEvent($event) { switch ($event->getEventName()) { case 'Gallery::ActivatePlugin': $data = $event->getData(); if ($data['pluginType'] != 'module' || $data['pluginId'] != 'rewrite') { return array(null, null); } $ret = $this->_activateRewriteRules(); if ($ret && !($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED)) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, null); case 'Gallery::Error': $data = $event->getData(); if (($data['error']->getErrorCode() & ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED)) { /* Prompt for authentication */ list ($ret, $httpAuthInterface) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance('HttpAuthInterface_1_0'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (isset($httpAuthInterface)) { $ret = $httpAuthInterface->requestAuthentication(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } } } /* Suppress generating HTML error pages for WebDAV clients */ return array(null, array('suppressBody' => true)); } return array(null, null); } /** * Activate essential rewrite rules. * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function _activateRewriteRules() { list ($ret, $rewriteApi) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance('RewriteApi'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } if (!isset($rewriteApi)) { return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED); } list ($ret, $isCompatible) = $rewriteApi->isCompatibleWithApi(array(1, 1)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } if (!$isCompatible) { return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED); } list ($ret, $success) = $rewriteApi->activateRewriteRulesForModule($this->getId()); if ($ret) { return $ret; } if (!$success) { return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED); } return null; } } ?>