File: theme.css
/* ******************************************************************************** * Floatrix Theme for Gallery 2, based on Matrix and ideas from Floating Matrix Theme * by Chad Kieffer */ /* ******************************************************************************** * Building blocks * h2, h3, p, etc Standard html tags * div.gbBlock Sidebar or content section with style for contained lists * ul.gbBreadCrumb List of links/path elements * table.gbDataTable Table for data/form elements with styles for shading rows */ #gallery h2, #gallery h3, #gallery h4, #gallery form { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #gallery p { margin: 0.6em 0; padding: 0; } .gbBlock { clear: both; padding: 0.7em 0.7em 0.7em 3.0em; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; border-style: inherit; border-color: inherit; /* IE can't inherit these */ border-style: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.borderStyle); border-color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.borderColor); } .gbBlock ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .gbBlock ul ul { margin: 0 0 0.5em 1.0em; } .gbBlock li { padding: 6px 0 0 0; } #gallery .gbBlock h3 { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } #gallery .gbBlock h4 { margin-top: 0.5em; } #gallery.IE #gsNavBar { display: inline-block; } #gsNavBar div.gbBreadCrumb { margin: 0; padding: 4px 8px; } table.gbDataTable { padding-bottom: 4px; } table.gbDataTable th, table.gbDataTable td { padding: 4px; } .giBlockToggle { padding: 0 0.4em 0.1em; } .giBlockToggle:hover { cursor: pointer; } .gbMarkupBar { margin: 4px 0; } #gallery .gbMarkupBar input { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* ******************************************************************************** * Sections * body.gallery Page body in G2 standalone (doesn't apply to embedded) * #gallery Page container * #gsNavBar Top bar with breadcrumb and other links * #gsSidebar Sidebar * #gsContent Main content */ body.gallery { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #gallery.rtl { direction: rtl; } #gsHeader { padding: 4px 6px; } #gsNavBar { border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; } #gsNavBar div.gbSystemLinks { padding: 4px 6px; } #gsNavBar div.gbSystemLinks span { padding: 0 4px; } #gsSidebarCol { position: absolute; display: none; width: 195px; height: 350px; } #showSidebarTab { position: absolute; display: block; } #hideSidebarTab { float: right; clear: none; } #gallery.rtl #hideSidebarTab { float: left; } #gsSidebar { z-index: 100; /* to avoid overlap of images on sidebar in Safari */ position: absolute; width: 195px; height: 350px; /* overflow: auto; */ /* moved to sidebar.tpl because of admin sidebar conflict */ } #gsSidebar .gbBlock { padding: 8px 8px 8px 22px; } td#gsSidebarCol { position: relative; display: block; width: 195px; margin: 0; padding: 0; } td#gsSidebarCol #gsSideBar { overflow: visible; } /* hack for ie<6 problem with select elements not respecting z-index * http://www.hedgerwow.com/360/bugs/css-select-free.html */ #gsSidebarCol iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1; filter: alpha(opacity: 0); width: 195px; height: 350px; } a#showSidebarTab div { background: url('images/tab_open_sidebar.gif') no-repeat; } a#hideSidebarTab div { background: url('images/tab_close_sidebar.gif') no-repeat; } #gallery.rtl a#showSidebarTab div { background: url('images/tab_open_sidebar_rtl.gif') no-repeat; } #gallery.rtl a#hideSidebarTab div { background: url('images/tab_close_sidebar_rtl.gif') no-repeat; } /* Drop shadows for sidebar, or any other element * yDSF (ydnar Drop-Shadow-Fu) * ydnar@sixapart.com - http://www.sixapart.com */ .dropshadow { display: block; position: relative; margin: 4px -10px -4px 4px; background: url('images/shadow-grid.gif') repeat; } /* ie6 ignores this selector */ html>body .dropshadow { z-index: 100; /* to avoid overlap of images on sidebar in Safari */ margin: 10px -15px -15px 0px; background: url('images/shadow.png') right bottom no-repeat; } /* shadow corners */ .dropshadow:before, .dropshadow:after { content: " "; display: block; width: 15px; height: 10px; background: inherit; } .dropshadow:before { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; margin: -10px 0 0 auto; background-position: right top; } .dropshadow:after { margin: -10px 0 0 -10px; background-position: left bottom; } .dropshadow .inner { display: block; position: relative; overflow: hidden; /* prevents margin leakage from child elements */ left: -4px; top: -4px; } /* ie6 ignores this selector */ html>body .dropshadow .inner { left: -15px; top: -15px; margin: 0; } #gsContent { margin: 0; padding: 0; border-left: 1px solid #ddd; } #gallery.IE #gbTitleBar { display: inline-block; } #gallery.rtl #gbTitleBar h2 { margin-right: 2em; } div.giAlbumCell, div.giItemCell { float: left; clear: none; margin: 0.2em; padding: 1em; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; } div.giAlbumCell table, div.giItemCell table { margin: auto; } #gallery .giAlbumCell select, #gallery .giItemCell select { margin-top: 0.8em; } /* So imageframed thumbs can be centered */ td.giAlbumCell table, td.giItemCell table { margin: auto; } #gsPages { clear: both; } #gsPages span { padding: 0 0.3em; } #gallery #gsSidebar ul { font-size: 1em; } /* ******************************************************************************** * Building blocks * #gallery Default font/color settings * .gcBackground1,2.. Palette of backgrounds * .gcBorder1,2.. Palette of borders * a, h2, h3, etc Standard html tags * .giTitle, .giSubtitle, .giDescription, .giInfo, .giSuccess, .giWarning, .giError * Palette of text styles * div.gbBreadCrumb List of links/path elements * table.gbDataTable Table for data/form elements with styles for shading rows * div.gbTabBar UI component for selectable tabs * .autoComplete* Styles for autoComplete popup lists */ #gallery { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 62.5%; color: #333; background-color: #fff; } body.gallery { background-color: #fff; } .gcBackground1 { background-color: #eee; } .gcBackground2 { background-color: #e7e7e7; } .gcBackground3 { background-color: #e7e7e7; } .gcBorder1 { border: 0 solid #ccc; } .gcBorder2 { border: 0 solid #888; } #gallery a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #6b8cb7; } #gallery a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #f4560f; } #gallery a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #f9c190; } #gallery img { border-width: 0; } #gallery h2, #gallery h3, #gallery h4 { font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #gallery input:focus, #gallery textarea:focus { background-color: #ffc; color: #000; } #gallery input.inputTypeSubmit, #gallery input.inputTypeButton { /* No input[type=submit] in IE */ color: #333; background-color: #eee; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: #e7e7e7 #666 #666 #e7e7e7; } #gallery select { font-size: 1em; } .giTitle, #gallery h2, #gallery h3, #gallery h4 { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; } #gallery pre, #gallery tt { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 1.2em; } #gbSearch { float: right; margin: 0 8px 0 1em; } #gallery.rtl #gbSearch { float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 8px; } .giSubtitle { font-size: 0.9em; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: text-bottom; } .giDescription { font-size: 1.1em; line-height: 1.4em; margin-top: 1.2em; } .gbEmptyAlbum { height: 400px; } .giDescription h3.emptyAlbum { line-height: 4.0em; text-align: center; } .giInfo { font-size: 0.9em; color: #888; } .giInfo .summary { display: inline; margin-right: 2.0em; } .giAlbumCell .summary, .giItemCell .summary { display: block; margin-right: 0; } .giSuccess, .giWarning, .giError { font-weight: bold; } .giSuccess { color: #5c0; } .giWarning { color: #c50; } .giError { color: #a44; } .giNew, .giUpdated { border-width: 2px; border-style: ridge; padding: 0 6px; line-height: 1.9em; } #gsNavBar div.gbBreadCrumb { font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; } #gsNavBar div.gbBreadCrumb a, #gsNavBar div.gbBreadCrumb span { padding: 0 0 0 14px; background: url('images/icon_path_separator.gif') no-repeat left; } #gsNavBar div.gbBreadCrumb a.BreadCrumb-1 { /* no :first-child in IE */ padding-left: 0; background-image: none; white-space: nowrap; } #gsThumbMatrix { width: auto; clear: both; } #gsImageViewContainer { margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; } #gsImageViewContainer img { margin: 0; } #gallery.IE div.gbBreadCrumb span { display: inline-block; /* IE loses padding-left on wrapped inline nowrap element */ padding-right: 4px; /* IE has less space at right of each span */ } #gsNavBar div.gbBreadCrumb span.BreadCrumb-1 { /* no :first-child in IE */ padding-left: 0; background-image: none; } #gsNavBar div.gbSystemLinks { float: right; } table.gbDataTable th { text-align: left; background-color: #e7e7e7; } .gbEven { background-color: #fff; } .gbBusy { background-color: #ae9 !important; } .gbOdd { background-color: #eee; } div.gbTabBar { font-size: 0.9em; font-weight: bold; margin: 0.8em 0 0 3.0em; padding: 6px; background: url('../floatrix/images/tab_bg.gif') repeat-x bottom; white-space: nowrap; } div.gbTabBar span.o { padding: 6px 0 5px 8px; background: url('../floatrix/images/tab_left.jpg') no-repeat left top; } #gallery.IE div.gbTabBar span.o { display: inline-block; /* IE loses padding-left on wrapped inline nowrap element */ margin-bottom: 1px; /* ..and then adds padding differently with inline-block.. */ } /* IE may clip off the right end of a long set of tabs, so allow IE to wrap them */ #gallery.IE div.gbTabBar { padding-bottom: 0; white-space: normal; } #gallery.IE div.gbTabBar span.giSelected { margin-bottom: 0; } #gallery div.gbTabBar span span { padding: 6px 12px 5px 4px; background: url('../floatrix/images/tab_right.jpg') no-repeat right top; } #gallery div.gbTabBar a { color: #777; text-decoration: none; } #gallery div.gbTabBar a:hover { color: #333; } #gallery div.gbTabBar span.giSelected { padding-bottom: 6px; background-image: url('../floatrix/images/tab_left_on.jpg'); } #gallery div.gbTabBar span.giSelected span { color: #333; padding-bottom: 6px; background-image: url('../floatrix/images/tab_right_on.jpg'); } .autoCompleteShadow { background-color: #a0a0a0 !important; } .autoCompleteContainer { border: 1px solid #404040; background-color: #fff; border-top: 0px; border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(0, 128, 0); margin-bottom: -1px; margin-top: 0px; } .autoCompleteContainer li.yui-ac-highlight { background-color: #eee; } #gallery .gbMarkupBar input { font-size: 1.1em; } .giSearchHighlight { font-weight: bold; background-color: #ff6; } /* ******************************************************************************** * Sections * #gallery Page container * #gsNavBar Top bar with breadcrumb and other links * #gsSidebar Sidebar * #gsContent Main content */ #gsNavBar div { margin-top: 0.1em; /* Align system links with breadcrumb */ font-weight: bold; } #gsSidebar div ul { /* no > in IE */ font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; } #gsSidebar div ul ul { font-size: 1.0em; } #gsSidebar ul span { color: #999; } div.gbNavigator { clear: both; } div.gbNavigator .gbPager { float: left; margin: 0 3.0em 0 0; } div.gbNavigator div.next-and-last { float: right; } div.gbNavigator div.next-and-last.no-previous { float: none; text-align: right; } div.gbNavigator a.first { padding-left: 27px; background: url('images/nav_first.gif') left no-repeat; } div.gbNavigator a.previous { padding-left: 27px; background: url('images/nav_prev.gif') left no-repeat; } div.gbNavigator a.next { padding-right: 27px; background: url('images/nav_next.gif') right no-repeat; } div.gbNavigator a.last { padding-right: 27px; background: url('images/nav_last.gif') right no-repeat; } div.gbNavigator div.first-and-previous img { vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 0.5em; } div.gbNavigator div.next-and-last img { vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 0.5em; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator div.next-and-last { float: left; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator div.next-and-last.no-previous { float: none; text-align: left; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator div.first-and-previous { text-align: right; } /* Both IE and Gecko have bugs with omitting padding on rtl inline content */ #gallery.IE.rtl div.gbNavigator a { display: inline-block; } #gallery.gecko.rtl div.gbNavigator a { display: -moz-inline-box; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator a.first { padding: 0 27px 0 0; background: url('images/nav_last.gif') right no-repeat; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator a.previous { padding: 0 27px 0 0; background: url('images/nav_next.gif') right no-repeat; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator a.next { padding: 0 0 0 27px; background: url('images/nav_prev.gif') left no-repeat; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator a.last { padding: 0 0 0 27px; background: url('images/nav_first.gif') left no-repeat; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator div.first-and-previous img { padding: 0 0 0 0.5em; } #gallery.rtl div.gbNavigator div.next-and-last img { padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; } div.block-search-SearchBlock a.advanced { display: block; padding: 3px; } .block-core-ItemInfo { margin-top: 1.2em; } div.floatrix-userLinks { padding-top: 4px; } div.floatrix-userLinks .gbAdminLink { margin: 0 5px; } div.block-core-ItemLinks { margin: 3px 0; } div.block-core-ItemLinks a { padding: 3px; } div#gsSidebar div.block-core-ItemLinks a { display: block; } div#gsSidebar div.block-core-PeerList a { display: block; padding: 3px; } div#gsSidebar div.block-core-PeerList span { font-weight: bold; display: block; padding: 3px; } div#gsSidebar div.block-core-PeerList span.current { color: #0b6cff; } /* ***************************************************** */ /* Dynamic blocks */ /* ***************************************************** */ div.block-comment-ViewComments { margin: 5px; } div.block-comment-ViewComments div.one-comment { border: 1px solid #e7e7e7; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } div.block-comment-ViewComments h3 { } div.block-comment-ViewComments span { padding-right: 5px; } div.block-comment-ViewComments p.info { font-style: italic; text-align: right; font-size: 0.95em; } div.block-core-GuestPreview { float: right; clear: both; } #gallery.rtl div.block-core-GuestPreview { float: left; } span.block-core-SystemLink { } div.block-exif-ExifInfo { margin: 5px; } span.bsw_ButtonDisabled { color: #999; } span.bsw_ButtonEnabled { color: #000; cursor: pointer; } table.bsw_ParamTable { width: 100%; border: 1px solid #999; border-collapse: collapse; } tr.bsw_ParamHeaderRow { background-color: #EEE; } tr.bsw_ParamHeaderRow td { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #999; } td.bsw_BlockCommands { white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; } #gbAlbumBlocks { margin: 0 1.0em 1.0em 2.0em; clear: both; } #gsFooter { padding-top: 4px; float: right; clear: both; } /* ******************************************************************************** * Rating module style fix for Floatrix */ .giRatingUI { margin: 10px auto; /* Required to center default rating module star images */ } #gsThumbMatrix .giRatingAverageContainer { margin: auto; }