File: hybrid.js
/**************************** * Hybrid theme for Gallery2 * @author Alan Harder <alan.harder@sun.com> * $Revision: 15780 $ */ //Class app var app_ww, app_wh, // Window width/height app_agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), // Browser type app_version = parseInt(navigator.appVersion), app_is_ie = app_agent.indexOf('msie') >= 0 && app_agent.indexOf('opera') < 0, app_is_ie7 = app_agent.indexOf('msie 7') >= 0 && app_agent.indexOf('opera') < 0, app_is_safari = app_agent.indexOf('safari') >= 0, app_body; // Scrollable document container (<body> element, or html for IE) if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", app_onload); window.attachEvent("onunload", app_setcookie); } else if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", app_onload, false); window.addEventListener("unload", app_setcookie, false); } function app_init() { if (!app_is_ie && !app_is_safari || app_is_ie7) album_setfixedtitle(); app_body = document.getElementById('hybridMain'); while (app_body && app_body.tagName != 'BODY') app_body = app_body.parentNode; if (app_is_ie) app_body = app_body.parentNode; imagearea = document.getElementById('imagearea'); imagediv = document.getElementById('imagediv'); textdiv = document.getElementById('textdiv'); // Replace <object> (XHTML compliant) with <iframe> // Currently <object> works only with Mozilla and Opera. IE doesn't accept // any object.data changes, Safari only accepts new data src when object is // visible, Firefox only when object is invisible. Easier to just use iframe. var popup = document.getElementById('popup_details'), iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.frameBorder = 0; popup.replaceChild(iframe, popup.firstChild); document.onkeypress = app_onkeypress; if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onresize", app_onresize); else if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("resize", app_onresize, false); if (app_is_ie) { document.onkeydown = app_onkeydown; document.getElementById('imageview').style.position = 'absolute'; popup.style.position = 'absolute'; document.getElementById('popup_titlebar').style.position = 'absolute'; } else if (app_is_safari) { document.getElementById('tools_right').style.paddingRight = '8px'; } app_onresize(); var i = app_getcookie(); if (i >= 0) image_show(i); } function app_getwinsize() { if (typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number') { app_ww = window.innerWidth; app_wh = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) { app_ww = document.documentElement.clientWidth; app_wh = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { app_ww = document.body.clientWidth; app_wh = document.body.clientHeight; } } function app_onresize() { app_getwinsize(); if (image_on) { image_setsize(); image_fit(); } if (app_is_ie) { document.getElementById('popup_details').firstChild.style.height = Math.round(app_wh * 0.75) + 'px'; } } function app_onload() { if (data_count > 0) image_precache(0); if (app_is_safari) album_setfixedtitle(); } function app_setcookie() { var d = new Date(), c = slide_order + ';' + (slide_delay/1000) + ';' + sidebar_on + ';' + album_detailson + ';' + album_itemlinkson + ';' + text_on + ';'; d.setTime(d.getTime() + 90*24*60*60*1000); // 90 day cookie document.cookie = 'G2_hybrid=' + escape(c) + ';path=' + cookie_path + ';expires=' + d.toUTCString(); } function app_getcookie() { var c = getcookie('G2_hybrid'), i,j,v,n,it=1,r=-1; if (c) { for (i=0, j = c.indexOf(';', 0); j >= 0; i = j+1, j = c.indexOf(';', i)) { v = c.substring(i,j); n = parseInt(v); switch (it++) { case 1: ui_select('slide_order', n); slide_setorder(n); break; case 2: ui_select('slide_delay', n); slide_setdelay(n); break; case 3: if (n) sidebar_onoff(); break; case 4: if (!n) album_detailsonoff(); break; case 5: if (n) album_itemlinksonoff(); break; case 6: if (n) text_onoff(); break; } } } c = getcookie('G2_hybrid_view'); if (c) { r = data_view; document.cookie = 'G2_hybrid_view=;expires=' + new Date().toUTCString(); } return r; } function app_onkeypress(event) { if (app_is_ie) event = window.event; //For IE var keyCode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which; if (event.altKey || event.metaKey) return; if (app_is_safari) switch (keyCode) { //For Safari case 63232: keyCode=38; break; case 63273: keyCode=36; break; case 63233: keyCode=40; break; case 63275: keyCode=35; break; case 63234: keyCode=37; break; case 63276: keyCode=33; break; case 63235: keyCode=39; break; case 63277: keyCode=34; break; } /* Album view: space = start slideshow * ctrl-right/left = show/hide sidebar * ctrl-up/down = show/hide item links * Image view: space = start/pause slideshow * escape = return to album view * left/right = next/prev image * up/down = show hide description text * page up/down = scroll description text * ctrl-up/down = select full/fit size * arrow keys scroll image in full size; use shift-arrows for funcs above * Item Details showing: escape = close popup */ if (keyCode==32) slide_onoff(); else if (keyCode==27) { if (popup_on) popup_vis(0); else if (image_on) image_vis(0); } if (keyCode < 33 || keyCode > 40) return; if (event.shiftKey) keyCode += 100; if (event.ctrlKey) keyCode += 200; if (!image_on) switch (keyCode) { case 239: //Ctrl-Right if (!sidebar_on) sidebar_onoff(); break; case 237: //Ctrl-Left if (sidebar_on) sidebar_onoff(); break; case 238: //Ctrl-Up if (!album_itemlinkson) album_itemlinksonoff(); break; case 240: //Ctrl-Down if (album_itemlinkson) album_itemlinksonoff(); break; } else switch (keyCode) { case 37: //Left if (image_zoomon) { imagearea.scrollLeft -= 20; break; } case 137: //Shift-Left image_prev(); break; case 39: //Right if (image_zoomon) { imagearea.scrollLeft += 20; break; } case 139: //Shift-Right image_next(); break; case 38: //Up if (image_zoomon) { imagearea.scrollTop -= 20; break; } case 138: //Shift-Up if (!text_on) text_onoff(); break; case 40: //Down if (image_zoomon) { imagearea.scrollTop += 20; break; } case 140: //Shift-Down if (text_on) text_onoff(); break; case 33: //PageUp case 34: //PageDown if (text_on) { var obj = document.getElementById('text'); obj.scrollTop += (keyCode==34 ? 1 : -1) * (obj.clientHeight - 5); } break; case 238: //Ctrl-Up if (document.getElementById('full_size').style.display == 'inline') image_zoom(1); break; case 240: //Ctrl-Down if (document.getElementById('fit_size').style.display == 'inline') image_zoom(0); break; } } function app_onkeydown() { if (window.event.keyCode >= 27 && window.event.keyCode <= 40) { app_onkeypress(); window.event.returnValue = false; } } //Class album :: gsContent(album_titlebar(album_tools,album_desc,album_info),gsAlbumContent) var album_detailson=1, // Details are visible album_itemlinkson=0, // Item links are visible album_fixedtitle=0; // Using fixed position for album_titlebar function album_detailsonoff() { ui_vis('album_info', (album_detailson = album_detailson?0:1)); ui_vis('album_desc', album_detailson); ui_sethtml('dtl_link', album_detailson ? album_hidetext : album_showtext); if (album_fixedtitle) album_setmargin(); } function album_itemlinksonoff() { var imgs = document.getElementById('gsAlbumContent').getElementsByTagName('IMG'); album_itemlinkson = album_itemlinkson?0:1; for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) if (imgs[i].className == 'popup_button') imgs[i].style.display = album_itemlinkson ? 'inline' : 'none'; ui_sethtml('lnk_link', album_itemlinkson ? album_hidelinks : album_showlinks); } function album_setfixedtitle() { var t = document.getElementById('album_titlebar'); if (t.offsetTop == 0) { album_fixedtitle = 1; album_setmargin(); } else { // Disable fixed position titlebar if it isn't at very top t.style.position = 'static'; } } function album_setmargin() { document.getElementById('gsAlbumContent').style.marginTop = document.getElementById('album_titlebar').offsetHeight + 'px'; } //Class sidebar :: div sidebar var sidebar_on=0; // Sidebar is visible function sidebar_onoff() { ui_vis('sidebar_max', sidebar_on, 1); ui_vis('sidebar_min', (sidebar_on = sidebar_on?0:1), 1); ui_vis('sidebar', sidebar_on); if (app_is_safari) { document.getElementById('sidebar').parentNode.style.width = sidebar_on ? 'auto' : '0'; } } //Class image :: div imageview(imagearea(imagediv),textdiv(tools_left,tools_right,title,text)) var image_on=0, // Image is visible image_index=0, // Index of visible image image_zoomon=0, // Image is zoomed to full size image_cache = new Image, // For precaching an image image_iscached = new Array(data_count), // Track precached images imagearea, imagediv, textdiv, // Containers text_on=0, // Description text is visible text_empty=0; // Description text is empty function image_setsize() { imagearea.style.height = (app_wh - textdiv.offsetHeight) + 'px'; } function image_vis(on) { if (on) { app_body.saveScrollTop = app_body.parentNode.scrollTop; } //For gecko app_body.style.overflow = on ? 'hidden' : 'auto'; if (!on) { app_body.parentNode.scrollTop = app_body.saveScrollTop; } //For gecko app_getwinsize(); if (!on && slide_on) slide_onoff(); if (app_is_ie && sidebar_on) ui_vis('sidebar', on?0:1); //For IE (hide <select>s) ui_vis('imageview', image_on=on); if (!on) { if (!app_is_safari) imagearea.scrollLeft = imagearea.scrollTop = 0; //avoid Safari crash imagediv.innerHTML = ''; } else if (app_is_ie) { var i = document.getElementById('imageview'); i.style.top = app_body.scrollTop + 'px'; i.style.left = app_body.scrollLeft + 'px'; } } function image_show(i) { if (!image_on) image_vis(1); slide_reset(); image_index = i; ui_sethtml('title', document.getElementById('title_'+image_index).innerHTML); ui_sethtml('date', document.getElementById('date_'+image_index).innerHTML); image_setsize(); if (data_iw[i] < 0) { imagediv.innerHTML = '<iframe style="width:100%;height:' + (imagearea.offsetHeight - 4) + 'px" frameborder="0" src="' + document.getElementById('img_'+i).href + '"></iframe>'; ui_vis('fit_size', 0); ui_vis('full_size', 0); } else { var s = image_fit(1); imagediv.innerHTML = '<img name="view" src="' + document.getElementById('img_'+i).href + '" ' + s + ' onload="image_loaded()" alt=""/>'; } image_setbuttons(); text_fill(); if (slide_inprog && !slide_on) slide_inprog = 0; } function image_fit(getstr) { if (!getstr && !document.view) return; var w = data_iw[image_index], h = data_ih[image_index], aw = app_ww, ah = imagearea.offsetHeight, a=0; if (w > aw || h > ah) { if ((a = h/w) < ah/aw) { w = aw; h = Math.round(aw*a); } else { w = Math.round(ah/a); h = ah; } } if (image_zoomon) { if (getstr || !a) image_zoom(0,1); else { image_zoom(1); return; } } imagediv.style.paddingTop = Math.floor((ah-h)/2) + 'px'; ui_vis('fit_size', 0); ui_vis('full_size', a, 1); if (getstr) { return 'width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '"'; } else { document.view.width = w; document.view.height = h; } } function image_zoom(on,noresize) { imagearea.style.overflow = on ? 'auto' : 'hidden'; if (!on) imagearea.scrollLeft = imagearea.scrollTop = 0; if (image_zoomon=on) { ui_vis('full_size', 0); ui_vis('fit_size', 1, 1); var h = imagearea.offsetHeight - data_ih[image_index]; imagediv.style.paddingTop = max(Math.floor(h/2), 0) + 'px'; document.view.width = data_iw[image_index]; document.view.height = data_ih[image_index]; } else if (!noresize) { image_fit(); } } function image_precache(i) { if (!image_iscached[i]) { image_iscached[i] = 1; image_cache.src = document.getElementById('img_'+i).href; } } function image_loaded() { var i = slide_nextindex(); if (i < 0 || image_iscached[i]) i = slide_previndex(); if (i >= 0) image_precache(i); slide_go(i); } function image_next() { var i = slide_nextindex(); if (i >= 0) image_show(i); } function image_prev() { var i = slide_previndex(); if (i >= 0) image_show(i); } function image_setbuttons() { var i = slide_nextindex(), j = slide_previndex(); ui_vis('next_img', i >= 0, 1); ui_vis('next_off', i < 0, 1); ui_vis('prev_img', j >= 0, 1); ui_vis('prev_off', j < 0, 1); text_empty = document.getElementById('text_'+image_index).innerHTML ?0:1; if (!text_on) { ui_vis('text_on', !text_empty, 1); ui_vis('text_none', text_empty, 1); } } function text_onoff() { if ((text_on = text_on?0:1) && data_count > 0) text_fill(); ui_vis(text_empty ? 'text_none' : 'text_on', !text_on, 1); ui_vis('text_off', text_on, 1); ui_vis('text', text_on); if (image_on) { image_setsize(); image_fit(); } } function text_fill() { if (text_on) ui_sethtml('text', document.getElementById('text_'+image_index).innerHTML); } //Class slide var slide_on=0, // Slideshow is running slide_inprog=0, // Slideshow in progress (may be paused) slide_timer, // Timer to load next slide slide_delay = 5000, // Milliseconds between slides slide_order = 1, // Direction: 1=forward, -1=reverse, 0=random slide_randomorder = new Array(data_count); // Random index order function slide_reset() { clearTimeout(slide_timer); } function slide_nextindex(x) { if (slide_on && !slide_order) { for (var i=0, j=0; i < data_count; i++) if (slide_randomorder[i] == image_index) { j = i + (x?-1:1); break; } return (j >= 0 && j < data_count) ? slide_randomorder[j] : -1; } var j = image_index + (x?-1:1) * (slide_on?slide_order:1); return (j >= 0 && j < data_count) ? j : -1; } function slide_previndex() { return slide_nextindex(1); } function slide_next() { var i = slide_nextindex(); if (i >= 0) image_show(i); else { slide_inprog = 0; slide_onoff(); } } function slide_setorder(o) { slide_order = parseInt(o); slide_setbuttons(); if (!slide_on) slide_inprog = 0; } function slide_setdelay(d) { slide_delay = parseInt(d) * 1000; if (slide_on) { slide_reset(); slide_go(slide_nextindex()); } } function slide_fillrandom(lockfirst) { var i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < data_count; i++) slide_randomorder[i] = i; if (lockfirst=lockfirst?1:0) { slide_randomorder[0] = image_index; slide_randomorder[image_index] = 0; } for (i = data_count-1; i > lockfirst; i--) { j = lockfirst ? random_int(i)+1 : random_int(i+1); k = slide_randomorder[i]; slide_randomorder[i] = slide_randomorder[j]; slide_randomorder[j] = k; } } function slide_setbuttons() { if (!data_count) return; ui_vis('slide_poz', slide_on, 1); ui_vis('slide_fwd', (!slide_on && slide_order > 0), 1); ui_vis('slide__fwd', (slide_order > 0), 1); ui_vis('slide_rev', (!slide_on && slide_order < 0), 1); ui_vis('slide__rev', (slide_order < 0), 1); ui_vis('slide_rand', (!slide_on && !slide_order), 1); ui_vis('slide__rand', !slide_order, 1); } function slide_go(i) { if (slide_on) { if (i >= 0) slide_timer = setTimeout('slide_next()', slide_delay); else { slide_inprog = 0; slide_onoff(); } } } function slide_onoff() { if (!data_count) return; slide_on = slide_on?0:1; slide_setbuttons(); if (slide_on) { var t = 'slide_next()', d = 1500; if (slide_inprog) { if (!image_on) image_show(image_index); } else { if (!slide_order) slide_fillrandom(image_on); if (!image_on || slide_nextindex() < 0) { d = 5; if (slide_order > 0) t = 'image_show(0)'; else if (slide_order < 0) t = 'image_show(' + (data_count-1) + ')'; else t = 'image_show(' + slide_randomorder[0] + ')'; } } slide_inprog = 1; slide_timer = setTimeout(t, d); } else slide_reset(); image_setbuttons(); } //Class popup :: div popup_menu :: div popup_details(iframe), div popup_titlebar var popup_timer, // Timer for hiding popup_menu popup_on=0; // Popup iframe is visible function popup_menu(event,i,ii) { clearTimeout(popup_timer); var pop = document.getElementById('popup_menu'), obj = document.getElementById('links_' + i); pop.style.visibility = 'hidden'; pop.style.display = 'block'; var links = ii >= 0 ? '<a href="" onclick="popup_info(' + ii + ');this.blur();return false">' + item_details + '</a><br/>' : ''; if (obj) links += obj.innerHTML; pop.style.left = '0'; pop.style.width = 'auto'; ui_sethtml('popup_links', links); pop.style.width = pop.offsetWidth + 'px'; if (!event) event = window.event; var pw = pop.offsetWidth, ph = pop.offsetHeight, iw = event.target ? event.target.width : event.srcElement.width, //Gecko+Opera : IE ix = (event.target && event.target.x) ? event.target.x //Gecko : event.pageX ? (event.pageX - event.offsetX) //Opera : (event.x - event.offsetX + app_body.scrollLeft - 2), //IE iy = (event.target && event.target.y) ? event.target.y //Gecko : event.pageY ? (event.pageY - event.offsetY) //Opera : (event.y - event.offsetY + app_body.scrollTop - 2), //IE sy = (typeof(window.scrollY)=='number' ? window.scrollY : app_body.scrollTop); //Gecko:other pop.style.left = (ix + iw - pw) + 'px'; pop.style.top = min(iy, app_wh + sy - ph) + 'px'; // Maybe too low on gecko with horiz scrollbar pop.style.visibility = 'visible'; } function popup_info(i) { var o = document.getElementById('popup_details').firstChild, href = document.getElementById('info_' + (i >= 0 ? i : image_index)).href; o.src = href; // See app_init; use o.data = href if browsers ever support object. popup_vis(1); } function popup_vis(on) { if (app_is_ie) { var d = document.getElementById('popup_details'), t = document.getElementById('popup_titlebar'); t.style.top = (app_body.scrollTop + Math.round(app_wh * 0.11)) + 'px'; d.style.top = (app_body.scrollTop + Math.round(app_wh * 0.14)) + 'px'; t.style.left = d.style.left = (app_body.scrollLeft + Math.round(app_ww * 0.15)) + 'px'; } ui_vis('popup_details', popup_on=on); ui_vis('popup_titlebar', on); } //UI Util function ui_vis(id,vis,inline) { var obj = document.getElementById(id); obj.style.display = vis ? (inline ? 'inline' : 'block') : 'none'; } function ui_sethtml(id,html) { document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = html; } function ui_select(id,val) { var obj = document.getElementById(id), i; for (i=0; i < obj.options.length; i++) { if (obj.options[i].value == val) { obj.options[i].selected = 1; break; } } } //Util function max(a,b) { return (a>b)?a:b; } function min(a,b) { return (a<b)?a:b; } function random_int(i) { return Math.floor(i * (Math.random() % 1)); } function getcookie(k) { var i = document.cookie.indexOf(k+'='); if (i < 0) return; i += k.length + 1; var e = document.cookie.indexOf(';', i); if (e < 0) e = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(i, e)); }