File: UpgradeOtherModulesStep.class
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * Upgrade plugins * @package Upgrade */ class UpgradeOtherModulesStep extends UpgradeStep { function stepName() { return _('Upgrade Plugins'); } function processRequest() { global $gallery; if (!isset($_REQUEST['upgrade'])) { return true; } /* We want to log all debug output in our upgrade log */ $this->_startDebugLog('Upgrade Plugins'); $gallery->startRecordingDebugSnippet(); $totalPlugins = $currentModule = $currentTheme = 0; $templateData['stackTrace'] = ''; $template = new StatusTemplate(); $template->renderHeader(true); $ret = selectAdminUser(); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to initialize Gallery session'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); unset($_REQUEST['module']); unset($_REQUEST['theme']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['module']) || isset($_REQUEST['theme'])) { $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['module']) && is_array($_REQUEST['module'])) { $totalPlugins += ($totalModules = count($_REQUEST['module'])); foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST['module']) as $moduleId) { $currentModule++; list ($ret, $module) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', $moduleId, true); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to load the %s module'), $moduleId); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); continue; } $module->setName($module->translate($module->getName())); $module->setDescription($module->translate($module->getDescription())); $this->resetL10Domain(); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(120); $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Upgrading modules'), $module->getName(), $currentModule / $totalModules); $ret = $module->installOrUpgrade(); $this->resetL10Domain(); if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED) { $templateData['needsConfig'][] = sprintf(_('%s module needs configuration'), $module->getName()); } else { $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to upgrade the %s module'), $module->getName()); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } continue; } $templateData['upgradedModule'][$moduleId] = $module->getName(); $ret = $storage->checkPoint(); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to commit database transaction'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['theme']) && is_array($_REQUEST['theme'])) { $totalPlugins += ($totalThemes = count($_REQUEST['theme'])); foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST['theme']) as $themeId) { $currentTheme++; list ($ret, $theme) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('theme', $themeId, true); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to load the %s theme'), $themeId); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); continue; } $theme->setName($theme->translate($theme->getName())); $theme->setDescription($theme->translate($theme->getDescription())); $this->resetL10Domain(); $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Upgrading themes'), $theme->getName(), $currentTheme / $totalThemes); $ret = $theme->installOrUpgrade(); $this->resetL10Domain(); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to upgrade the %s theme'), $theme->getName()); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); continue; } $templateData['upgradedTheme'][$themeId] = $theme->getName(); $ret = $storage->checkPoint(); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to commit database transaction'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['module']) || isset($_REQUEST['theme'])) { $ret = $storage->commitTransaction(); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to commit database transaction'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } } $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'UpgradeOtherModulesSuccess.html'; $templateData['anyUpgradeable'] = false; if (!empty($templateData['errors'])) { $templateData['debug'] = $gallery->stopRecordingDebugSnippet(); } else { if ($totalPlugins < $_REQUEST['upgrade']) { $templateData['anyUpgradeable'] = true; } else { $this->setComplete(true); } } $template->hideStatusBlock(); $template->renderBodyAndFooter($templateData); return false; } function loadTemplateData(&$templateData) { global $gallery; if (!$gallery->getDebug()) { $gallery->setDebug('buffered'); } $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(60); /* * We'll need a translator to load up our modules for the * GalleryPlugin::setGroup() method to work. */ $translator =& $gallery->getTranslator(); if (empty($translator)) { $ret = $gallery->initTranslator(); if ($ret) { return; } } $groupedModules = $groupLabel = array(); $moduleInstalledStatus = $pluginIsUpgradeable = $pluginIsCompatible = $installedVersion = $deactivatedPlugins = array(); $templateData['stackTrace'] = ''; if (empty($templateData['errors'])) { list ($ret, $moduleList) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus('module', true); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to get the module list'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } list ($ret, $installedModules) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginList('module'); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to get the module list'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } foreach ($installedModules as $moduleId => $data) { if ($data['active'] && !isset($moduleList[$moduleId])) { $deactivatedPlugins['module'][] = $moduleId; } } } if (empty($templateData['errors'])) { list ($ret, $themeList) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus('theme', true); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to get the theme list'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } list ($ret, $installedThemes) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginList('theme'); if ($ret) { $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to get the theme list'); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } foreach ($installedThemes as $themeId => $data) { if ($data['active'] && !isset($themeList[$themeId])) { $deactivatedPlugins['theme'][] = $themeId; } } } if (empty($templateData['errors'])) { foreach (array_keys($moduleList) as $moduleId) { list ($ret, $modulePlugin) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', $moduleId, true); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to load the %s module'), $moduleId); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } else { $pluginIsCompatible['module'][$moduleId] = GalleryCoreApi::isPluginCompatibleWithApis($modulePlugin); if (!$pluginIsCompatible['module'][$moduleId]) { list ($ret, $isActive) = $modulePlugin->isActive(); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to query the %s module'), $moduleId); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); continue; } if ($isActive) { $deactivatedPlugins['module'][] = $moduleId; } } $modulePlugin->setName($modulePlugin->translate($modulePlugin->getName())); $modulePlugin->setDescription( $modulePlugin->translate($modulePlugin->getDescription())); $modules[$moduleId] = $modulePlugin; $this->resetL10Domain(); } } uksort($modules, array($this, '_sortModules')); foreach (array_keys($modules) as $moduleId) { $module =& $modules[$moduleId]; $pluginIsUpgradeable['module'][$moduleId] = !empty($moduleList[$moduleId]['version']) && $moduleList[$moduleId]['version'] != $module->getVersion() && $pluginIsCompatible['module'][$moduleId]; $currentVersion[$moduleId] = $moduleList[$moduleId]['version']; $group = $module->getGroup(); if (empty($group)) { $group = array('group' => 'others', 'groupLabel' => _('Other')); } $groupedModules[$group['group']][$moduleId] =& $module; $groupLabel[$group['group']] = $group['groupLabel']; $groupType[$group['group']] = 'module'; } foreach (array_keys($themeList) as $themeId) { list ($ret, $themePlugin) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('theme', $themeId, true); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to load the %s theme'), $themeId); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } else { $pluginIsCompatible['theme'][$themeId] = GalleryCoreApi::isPluginCompatibleWithApis($themePlugin); if (!$pluginIsCompatible['theme'][$themeId]) { list ($ret, $isActive) = $themePlugin->isActive(); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to query the %s theme'), $themeId); $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); continue; } if ($isActive) { $deactivatedPlugins['theme'][] = $themeId; } } $themePlugin->setName($themePlugin->translate($themePlugin->getName())); $themePlugin->setDescription( $themePlugin->translate($themePlugin->getDescription())); $themes[$themeId] = $themePlugin; $this->resetL10Domain(); } } ksort($themes); $groupLabel['themes'] = _('Themes'); $groupType['themes'] = 'theme'; foreach (array_keys($themes) as $themeId) { $theme =& $themes[$themeId]; $pluginIsUpgradeable['theme'][$themeId] = !empty($themeList[$themeId]['version']) && $themeList[$themeId]['version'] != $theme->getVersion() && $pluginIsCompatible['theme'][$themeId]; $currentVersion[$themeId] = $themeList[$themeId]['version']; $groupedModules['themes'][$themeId] =& $theme; } ksort($groupedModules); $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'UpgradeOtherModulesRequest.html'; } /* Deactivate any plugins that need it */ eval(' class MockTheme extends GalleryTheme { function MockTheme($pluginId) { $this->_pluginId = $pluginId; } function getId() { return $this->_pluginId; } } class MockModule extends GalleryModule { function MockModule($pluginId) { $this->_pluginId = $pluginId; } function getId() { return $this->_pluginId; } } '); foreach (array('theme' => 'MockTheme', 'module' => 'MockModule') as $type => $className) { if (empty($deactivatedPlugins[$type])) { continue; } foreach ($deactivatedPlugins[$type] as $pluginId) { $plugin = new $className($pluginId); list ($ret, $ignored) = $plugin->deactivate(false); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); if ($type == 'theme') { $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to deactivate the %s theme'), $pluginId); } else { $templateData['errors'][] = sprintf(_('Unable to deactivate the %s module'), $pluginId); } $templateData['stackTrace'] .= $ret->getAsHtml(); } } } $templateData['groupedModules'] =& $groupedModules; $templateData['groupLabel'] = $groupLabel; $templateData['groupType'] = $groupType; $templateData['pluginIsUpgradeable'] = $pluginIsUpgradeable; $templateData['currentVersion'] = $currentVersion; $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'UpgradeOtherModulesRequest.html'; $templateData['anyUpgradeable'] = false; $templateData['deactivatedPlugins'] = $deactivatedPlugins; $templateData['pluginIsCompatible'] = $pluginIsCompatible; if (!empty($templateData['errors'])) { $templateData['debug'] = $gallery->getDebugBuffer(); } else if (!empty($pluginIsUpgradeable)) { foreach ($pluginIsUpgradeable as $pluginType) { foreach ($pluginType as $tmp) { if ($tmp) { $templateData['anyUpgradeable'] = true; break; } } } if (!$templateData['anyUpgradeable']) { $this->setComplete(true); } } } function isRedoable() { return false; } function isOptional() { return true; } /** * Put GD at the end of the list so that it's the lowest priority toolkit. This is a hack, * that we should replace with a more sophisticated system in the future. * * Note: we do the same in the installer */ function _sortModules($a, $b) { if ($a == 'gd' && $b == 'gd') { return 0; } else if ($a == 'gd') { return 1; } else if ($b == 'gd') { return -1; } else { return strcmp($a, $b); } } } ?>