File: eu.po
# $Id: eu.po 16578 2007-06-10 20:53:13Z mindless $ # # Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # Piarres Beobide <pi@beobide.net>, 2005. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Gallery: Upgrader 2.2.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gallery-translations@lists.sourceforge.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2006-12-20 09:58-0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-05-22 15:45+0200\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: <eu@li.org>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ezezaguna" msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Egiaztapena" msgid "<b>Error:</b> missing password." msgstr "<b> Errorea:</b> pasahitza falta da." msgid "<b>Error:</b> invalid password." msgstr "<b> Errorea:</b>okerreko pasahitza." msgid "Empty Cache" msgstr "Katxea Garbitu" msgid "Unable to clear the page cache" msgstr "Ezin da katxe orrialdea garbitu" msgid "Unable to commit database transaction" msgstr "Ezin da datubase transakzioa egin" msgid "Finish Upgrade" msgstr "Bertsio berritzea amaitu" msgid "System Checks" msgstr "Sistema Egiaztapenak" msgid "Performing system checks" msgstr "" msgid "PHP version >= 4.3.0 or >= 5.0.4" msgstr "PHP bertsioa >= 4.3.0 edo >= 5.0.4" #, c-format msgid "" "Error: Gallery 2 requires PHP version 4.3.0 or newer or 5.0.4 or newer. You have PHP version " "%s installed. Contact your webserver administrator to request an upgrade, available at the %" "sPHP website%s." msgstr "" "Errorea: Gallery 2 PHP 4.3.0 bertsio edo berriagoa edo 5.0.4 edo berriagoa behar du.Zuk PHP %" "s bertsioa duzu instalaturik. Harremanetan ipini zerbitzari kudeatzailearekin %sPGP webgunean" "%s eskuragarri dagoen eguneraketa eskatzeko." msgid "PHP Version" msgstr "PHP Bertsioa" msgid "FILE directive supported" msgstr "FITXATEGI direktiba onartzen da" msgid "" "Error: your PHP __FILE__ directive is not functioning correctly. Please file a support " "request with your webserver administrator or in the Gallery forums." msgstr "" "Errorea: PHP __FILE__ direktiba ez da behar bezala funtzionatzen ari. Mesedez bete zure web " "kudeatzailearekin batera Gallery foroan eskaera bat." msgid "FILE Directive" msgstr "FITXATEGI Direktiba" msgid "Safe mode disabled" msgstr "Modu segurua ezgaiturik" msgid "" "Error: Your version of PHP is configured with safe mode enabled. You must disable safe mode " "before Gallery will run." msgstr "" "Errorea: Zure PHP modu segurua gaiturik du. Modu segurua ezgaitu egin behar duzu Gallery " "erabiltzeko." msgid "Safe Mode" msgstr "Modu Segurua" msgid "Regular expressions" msgstr "Espresio erregularrak" #, c-format msgid "" "Error: Your PHP is configured without support for %sPerl Compatible Regular Expressions%s. " "You must enable these functions before Gallery will run." msgstr "" "Errorea: Zure PHP-a %sPerl bateragarri diren espresio erregular%s onarpenik gabe " "konfiguraturik dago. Funtzio hau gaitu behar duzu Gallery abiarazi ahal izateko." msgid "exec() allowed" msgstr "exec() onarturik" msgid "" "Warning: The exec() function is disabled in your PHP by the <b>disabled_functions</b> " "parameter in php.ini. You won't be able to use modules that require external binaries (e.g. " "ImageMagick, NetPBM or Ffmpeg). This can only be set server-wide, so you will need to change " "it in the global php.ini." msgstr "" "Abisua: exec() funtzioa ezgaiturik dago zure PHP konfigurazioan php.ini fitxategian " "<b>disabled_functions</b> parametroaz. Kanpo bitarrik behar duten modulurik (adib " "ImageMagick, NetPBM edo Ffmpeg) erabili. Hau zerbitzari aldean bakarrik ezarri daiteke, " "beraz erabili nahi izanez gero php.ini orokorrean aldatu beharko duzu." msgid "set_time_limit() allowed" msgstr "set_time_limit() onarturik" #, c-format msgid "" "Warning: The set_time_limit() function is disabled in your PHP by the <b>disabled_functions</" "b> parameter in php.ini. Gallery can function with this setting, but it will not operate " "reliably. Any operation that takes longer than %d seconds will fail (and in some cases just " "return a blank page) possibly leading to data corruption." msgstr "" "Abisua: zure set_time_limit() funtzioa ez gaiturik dago php.ini fitxategiko " "<b>disabled_functions</b> parametroaren bidez. Gallery-k ezarpena hauez funtziona dezake " "baina ez behar bezain ondo. %d segundutik gora behar duen edozein eskarik huts egin dezake " "(kasu batzuetan orri zuri bat itzuliaz) datu apurtze aukeraz." msgid "Filesystem Operations" msgstr "" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Error: Essential filesystem operations are disabled in your PHP by the " "<b>disabled_functions</b> parameter in php.ini. You must allow these functions before " "Gallery will run. These functions are missing: %s." msgstr "" "Abisua: zure putenv() funtzioa ezgaiturik dago php.ini fitxategiko <b>disabled_functions</" "b> parametroaren bidez. Gallery-k ezarpena hauez funtziona dezake baina sistema arraro " "batzuetan ezin izango da abiarazi ingelesaz beste hizkuntzarik." msgid "Memory limit" msgstr "Memoria muga" msgid "no limit" msgstr "mugarik gabe" #, c-format msgid "" "Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the memory to %sb (<b>memory_limit</b> parameter in " "php.ini). You should raise this limit to at least <b>%sMB</b> for proper Gallery operation." msgstr "" "Abisua: PHP memoria erabilera %sb-ra mugaturik konfiguraturik dago php.ini (<b>memory_limit</" "b> parametroaz. Muga hau behintzat <b>%sMB</b>-ra handitu beharko zenuke Gallery-k behar " "bezala funtziona dezan." msgid "File uploads allowed" msgstr "Fitxategi igoera gaiturik" msgid "" "Warning: Your PHP is configured not to allow file uploads (<b>file_uploads</b> parameter in " "php.ini). You will need to enable this option if you want to upload files to your Gallery " "with a web browser." msgstr "" "Abisua: Zure PHP fitxategi igoerak ez onartzeko konfiguraturik dago (php.ini fitxategian " "<b>file_uploads</b> parametroan bidez). Aukera hau gaitu beharko duzu galeriara web " "nabigatzaile baten bidez argazkiak igo nahi izan ezkero." msgid "Maximum upload size" msgstr "Gehienezko igoera tamaina" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the size of file uploads to %sb " "(<b>upload_max_filesize</b> parameter in php.ini). You should raise this limit to allow " "uploading bigger files." msgstr "" "Abisua: Zure PHP igotako fitxategi tamaina %sb-ra mugatzeko konfiguraturik dago (php.ini " "fitxategiko <b>upload_max_filesize</b> parametroaren bidez). Muga hau handitu beharko zenuke " "fitxategi handiagoak onartzeko" msgid "Maximum POST size" msgstr "Gehienezko MEZU tamaina" #, c-format msgid "" "Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the post data to a maximum of %sb " "(<b>post_max_size</b> parameter in php.ini). You should raise this limit to allow uploading " "bigger files." msgstr "" "Abisua: PHP mezu tamaina %sb-ra mugatzeko konfiguraturik dago (php.ini fitxategiko " "<b>post_max_size</b> parametroaz). Muga hau handitu beharko zenuke fitxategi handiagoak " "onartzeko." msgid "Translation support" msgstr "Itzulpen onarpena" #, c-format msgid "" "Your webserver does not support localization. To enable support for additional languages " "please instruct your system administrator to reconfigure PHP with the %sgettext%s option " "enabled." msgstr "" "Zure web zerbitzariak ez du lokalizaziorik onartzen. Hizkuntza gehigarrien onarpena gaitzeko " "eskatu sistema kudeatzaileari PHP %sgettext%s aukera gaiturik duela birkonfiguratzeko." #, c-format msgid "" "Your PHP is missing the function %sbind_textdomain_codeset%s. This means Gallery may display " "extended characters for some languages incorrectly." msgstr "" "Zure PHP-an %sbind_textdomain_codeset%s funtzioa falta da. Honen ondorioz Gallery-k okerreko " "ikurrak bistaraziko ditu zenbait hizkuntzetako karaktere gehigarrietan." #, c-format msgid "" "Your PHP is missing the function %sdngettext%s. This means Gallery will be unable to " "translate plural forms." msgstr "" "Zure PHP-an %sdngettext%s funtzioa falta da. Honen ondorioz Gallery-k ezingo ditu pluralak " "itzuli." msgid "Zend compatibility mode" msgstr "Zend bateragarritasun modua" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Warning: Your PHP is configured with Zend ze1_compatibility_mode which can cause PHP to " "crash. Click <a href=\"%s\">here</a> to test your PHP. If you see \"SUCCESS\" then your " "PHP is ok. If you get an error or no response then you must turn off ze1_compatibility_mode " "before proceeding." msgstr "" "Abisua: PHP Zend ze1_compatibility_mode onarpenaz konfiguraturik dago, honek PHP apurtzea " "eragin dezake <a href=\"%s\">Hemen</b> klikatu zure PHP probatzeko. \"Lortua\" ikusi ezkero " "PHP ondo dago. Errorea bat eman ezkero ze1_compatibility_mode ezgaitu beharko zenuke aurrera " "jarraitu aurretik." msgid "putenv() allowed" msgstr "putenv() onarturik" msgid "" "Warning: The putenv() function is disabled in your PHP by the <b>disabled_functions</b> " "parameter in php.ini. Gallery can function with this setting, but on some rare systems " "Gallery will be unable to run in other languages than the system language and English." msgstr "" "Abisua: zure putenv() funtzioa ezgaiturik dago php.ini fitxategiko <b>disabled_functions</" "b> parametroaren bidez. Gallery-k ezarpena hauez funtziona dezake baina sistema arraro " "batzuetan ezin izango da abiarazi ingelesaz beste hizkuntzarik." msgid "Output buffering disabled" msgstr "Irteera buferra ezgaiturik" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "Warning: Output buffering is enabled in your PHP by the <b>%s</b> parameter(s) in php.ini. " "Gallery can function with this setting - downloading files is even faster - but Gallery " "might be unable to serve large files (e.g. large videos) and run into the memory limit. " "Also, some features like the progress bars might not work correctly if output buffering is " "enabled unless ini_set() is allowed." msgstr "" "Abisua: Irteera buferra php.ini-ko <b>%s</b> parametroaren bidez gaiturik dago zure php-an. " "Galleryk ezarpen hauekin funtziona dezake - fitxategiak deskargatzea azkarragoa da - baina " "ezingo ditu fitxategi handiak zerbitzatu (adib. bideo luzeak) eta memoriarekin arazoak izan " "ditzake. Baita aurrerapen barra bezalako beste zenbait ezaugarrik ez dute behar bezala " "funtzionatuko irteera buferra gaiturik badago nahiz ini_set() gaiturik egon." msgid "Storage Directory Permissions" msgstr "Biltegiratze Direktorio Baimenak" msgid "Test skipped due to other errors." msgstr "Proba beste errore batzugatik alde batetara utzia" #, c-format msgid "" "Error: Some files and or directories in your storage directory are not writeable by the " "webserver user. Run chown -R webserverUser %s OR run chmod -R 777 %s." msgstr "" "Errorea: Zure biltegiratze direktorioko zenbait direktorio eta fitxategi ez dira web " "zerbitzari erabiltzaileaz idazgarriak. chown -R WebErabiltzailea %s edo chmod -R 777 %s " "abiarazi." msgid "Gallery file integrity" msgstr "Gallery fitxategi integritatea" msgid "Manifest missing or inaccessible." msgstr "Manifestua falta da edo ez da eskuragarri" msgid "Upgrade Core" msgstr "Muina Bertsio berritu" #, fuzzy msgid "Upgrade Plugins" msgstr "Moduluak Bertsio berritu" msgid "Unable to initialize Gallery session" msgstr "Ezin da Gallery saioa abiarazi" #, c-format msgid "Unable to load the %s module" msgstr "Ezin da %s modulua kargatu" msgid "Upgrading modules" msgstr "Moduloak bertsio berritzen" #, c-format msgid "%s module needs configuration" msgstr "%s moduloak konfiguraketa behar du" #, c-format msgid "Unable to upgrade the %s module" msgstr "Ezin da %s modulua bertsio berritu" #, c-format msgid "Unable to load the %s theme" msgstr "Ezin da %s gaia kargatu" msgid "Upgrading themes" msgstr "Gaiak bertsio berritzen" #, c-format msgid "Unable to upgrade the %s theme" msgstr "Ezin da %s gaia bertsio berritu" msgid "Unable to get the module list" msgstr "Ezin da modulu zerrenda eskuratu" msgid "Unable to get the theme list" msgstr "Ezin da gai zerrenda eskuratu" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unable to query the %s module" msgstr "Ezin da %s modulua bertsio berritu" msgid "Other" msgstr "Bestelakoak" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unable to query the %s theme" msgstr "Ezin da %s gaia bertsio berritu" msgid "Themes" msgstr "Gaiak" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unable to deactivate the %s theme" msgstr "Ezin da %s gaia kargatu" #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unable to deactivate the %s module" msgstr "Ezin da %s modulua kargatu" msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Ongi etorri" #, c-format msgid "<b>Error:</b> could not locate %s. Please place it in your %s directory." msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "" "<b>Error:</b> your %s file is not readable. Please give Gallery read permissions on the " "file." msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "" "<b>Error:</b> your %s key does not match correctly. Please use the new authentication " "string from below and try again." msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "" "In order to proceed with the upgrade process, we have to verify that you are who you claim. " "When you performed the install, you entered a password which went into your config.php. " "Type that in now. Refer to your config.php if you've forgotten what you entered." msgstr "" "Instalazioarekin aurrera jarraitu ahal izateko zu esaten duzuna zarela ziurtatu behar dugu. " "Instalazioa egiterakoan config.php fitxategian gordetzen den pasahitz bat idatzi duzu. " "Idatzi pasahitz hori orain. Begiratu config.php fitxategia zein pasahitz sartu zenuen " "gogoratzen ez bazara" msgid "Password:" msgstr "Pasahitza:" msgid "You have exceeded the maximum attempts to login by entering a password." msgstr "" msgid "" "To prevent somebody from hacking your website, we now require you to complete a stricter " "authentication process." msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "" "In order to proceed with the upgrade process, we have to verify that you are who you claim. " "The best way to be sure is to ask you to make a tiny change in the Gallery directory which " "will prove that you have the right permissions. So, we're going to ask that you create a " "new text file called %s in the %s directory on your webserver (that's the same directory " "where %s is located). It must contain the following randomly generated characters:" msgstr "" msgid "Once you've uploaded the file, click below to continue." msgstr "" msgid "Authenticate Me" msgstr "Egiaztatu iezadazu" msgid "Authentication successful!" msgstr "Autentifikazioa behar bezala egin da!" msgid "Successfully cleaned caches." msgstr "Katxeak behar bezala garbitu dira." msgid "Delete Caches" msgstr "Katxeak Ezabatu" msgid "" "Gallery creates temporary copies of some of your data on your hard drive. This helps it to " "run faster. But when you upgrade, some of these files might be out of date so it's a good " "idea to get rid of them now. Gallery will create them again as it needs them." msgstr "" "Gallery-k zure datu batzuen aldiroko kopiak gordetzen ditu disko gogorrean. Honek azkarragoa " "izaten laguntzen du. Baina bertsio berritzea, fitxategi hauetako batzuek zaharkiturik " "geratu zitezkeen beraz ideia ona da fitxategi horiek orain berriz sortzea. Gallery-k " "fitxategi horiek behar dituenean berriz sortuko ditu." msgid "" "We were unable to clean the following cache directories. This is probably ok, but if you " "notice any weird behaviour, you should try to delete these directories yourself. It's " "perfectly safe to get rid of them at any time." msgstr "" "Ezin dira hurrengo direktorioa hauek garbitu. Hau ziurrenik ondo dago, baina hauen inguruan " "arazorik aurkitu ezkero direktorio horiek eskuz ezabatzen saia zaitezke. Guztiz ziurra da " "ezabatu gabe uztea edo edozein momentuan ezabatzea." msgid "" "Even though there were errors, you can still continue. Or, you can try deleting these " "directories yourself and then click the <b>Try Again</b> link below." msgstr "" "Nahiz eta erroreak aurkitu, aurrera jarraitu dezakezu. Edo, direktorio hauek eskuz ezabatu " "eta <b>Berriz Saiatu</b> lotura klikatu dezakezu." msgid "Try Again" msgstr "Saiatu berriro" msgid "Finished!" msgstr "Amaituta!" #, fuzzy msgid "" "Congratulations! Your Gallery 2 upgrade is complete! To upgrade any additional Gallery 2 " "plugins you may use the Site Administrator interface." msgstr "" "Zorionak! Gallery 2 bertsio berritzea osatua da. Beste modulu gehigarriak bertsio " "berritzeko gune kudeaketa interfazea erabil dezakezu." msgid "Go to my Gallery!" msgstr "Joan Galeriara!" msgid "Upgrader Help" msgstr "Bertsio berritzaile Laguntza" msgid "Start Over" msgstr "Berriz Hasi" msgid "Warning" msgstr "Abisua" #, c-format msgid "" "Your config.php appears to use the old form of multisite support. Please see the %sHelp File" "%s for instructions to update your configuration before proceeding." msgstr "" "Zure config.php fitxategiak une anitzeko onarpen zaharkitu erabiltzen duela dirudi. %" "sLaguntza fitxategia%s begiratu eguneraketa argibideentzat aurrera jarraitu aurretik." msgid "Welcome to the Gallery Upgrader" msgstr "Ongi etorri Galeria Bertsio berritzera" #, c-format msgid "Upgrade %d%% complete" msgstr "%d%% Bertsio berritzea osatua" msgid "Redo this step" msgstr "Urrats hau berregin" #, c-format msgid "Continue to Step %d»" msgstr "Jarraitu %d Urratsera»" msgid "Gallery: <strong>your photos</strong> on <strong>your website</strong>" msgstr "Galeria: <strong>zure argazkiak </strong> -<strong>zure webgunean</strong>" #, c-format msgid "Missing files (%d)" msgstr "Fitxategiak falta dira (%d)" msgid "" "Note: You're running Gallery from SVN, so recently removed files may appear here. It might " "be safe to ignore these." msgstr "" "Oharra: Zu SVN-ko Gallery erabiltzen ari zara, beraz azken aldian ezabaturiko fitxategi " "batzu agertu daitezke. Abisuari kasu ez egitea segurua izan daiteke." #, c-format msgid "Modified files (%d)" msgstr "Aldatutako fitxategiak (%d)" msgid "" "Note: You're running Gallery from SVN, so some modified files are to be expected. You can " "probably ignore these, but to be safe you should make sure that you do 'svn update' before " "continuing." msgstr "" "Oharra: SVN-ko Gallery bertsioa erabiltzen ari zara, beraz zenbait fitxategi aldatu izana " "posible da. Ziurrenik alde batetara utz ditzakezu baina aurrera jarraitu aurretik <b>svn " "update</b> egin duzula ziurtatu beharko zenuke." #, c-format msgid "Old files (%d)" msgstr "Fitxategi zaharrak (%d)" #, c-format msgid "" "These files are no longer part of Gallery. They probably won't cause any problems but it is " "a good idea to remove them to keep your install clean. Gallery can't remove these files for " "you, but you can download and run %s in your gallery2 directory to delete them for you." msgstr "" "Fitxategi hauek ez dira hemendik aurrera Gallery-ren zati. Ziurrenik ez dute arazorik " "sortuko baina ideia ona izaten da ezabatzea instalazio garbi bat mantentzeko. Gallery2-k " "ezin ditu fitxategi hauek ezabatu baina %s deskargatu eta gallery2 direktorioan abiaraziaz " "ezabatuko dira." msgid "this script" msgstr "skript hau" msgid "Upgrade Steps" msgstr "Bertsio beritze Urratsak" msgid "Missing or invalid config.php" msgstr "config.php falta da edo baliogabea da" msgid "You tried to run the upgrade process but a valid config.php is missing." msgstr "" "Bertsio berritze prozesua abiarazten saiatu zara baina baliozko config.php fitxategia falta " "da." msgid "" "If you've lost your config.php file when replacing the Gallery 2 files in the preparation " "for this upgrade, please restore it and try again." msgstr "" "Eguneraketa honetarako Gallery 2 fitxategiak ordezkatzean config.php fitxategia ezabatu " "baduzu, berreskuratu ezazu eta berriz saia zaitez." msgid "If you actually want to run the Gallery 2 installer, please follow the link below." msgstr "Orain Gallery 2 instalatzailea abiarazi nahi ezkero, beheko lotura jarraitu ezazu." msgid "" "If you want to upgrade from Gallery 1, you first need to install Gallery 2 and then use the " "import module to import your data from Gallery 1. Please follow the link below to install " "Gallery 2." msgstr "" "Gallery 1-etik eguneratu nahi izan ezkero, lehenik Gallery 2 instalatu ezazu eta gero " "inportatze modulua erabili Gallery 1-etik datuak inportatzeko.Mesedez jarraitu behekaldeko " "lotura Gallery 2 instalatzeko" msgid "Go to the Gallery 2 Installer" msgstr "Joan Gallery 2 instalatzailera" msgid "Success" msgstr "Behar bezala egin da" msgid "Failed" msgstr "Huts egin du" msgid "" "If you are using Apache, create a file named .htaccess in the main Gallery directory with " "the following content:" msgstr "" "Apache erabiltzen ari bazara .htaccess izeneko fitxategi bat sortu Galeria direktorioan " "eduki honekin:" msgid "An error occurred while upgrading Gallery Core Module" msgstr "errorea gertatu da Galeria muin modulua bertsio berritzean" #, c-format msgid "" "Something went wrong when we tried to upgrade the core module. In the boxes below you can " "find some debug information. Report this in the %sGallery Forums%s and we'll help you " "diagnose the problem." msgstr "" "Zerbait oker atera da muin modulua bertsio berritzen saiatzean. Azpiko kutxetan arazpen " "informazioa emango zaizu. Honen berri eman %sGallery Foroetan%s eta arazoa aurkitzen " "lagunduko zaitugu." msgid "Stack Trace:" msgstr "Aztarna Pilaketa :" msgid "Debug Output:" msgstr "Arazpen Irteera:" msgid "Upgrading the Gallery Core Module" msgstr "Galeria Muin Modulua Bertsio berritzeb" msgid "" "The Gallery Core Module is the heart of the Gallery application. You can upgrade most other " "modules using the Site Administration interface, but this module must be handled separately " "in order for the upgrade to go smoothly." msgstr "" "Gallery muin modulua galeria aplikazioaren bihotza da. Beste edozein modulu Gune Kudeaketa " "interfazearen bidez egunera dezakezu, baina modulu hau beste alde batetik kudeatu behar da " "eguneraketa leunki egiteko" msgid "Currently installed" msgstr "Dagoeneko instalaturik" #, c-format msgid "Core Module version: %s (Gallery %s)" msgstr "" msgid "New version" msgstr "Bertsio berria" msgid "Config.php upgrade" msgstr "Config.php bertsio berritu" msgid "Required" msgstr "Beharrezkoa" #, c-format msgid "Unable to write to config.php in your %s directory. Please change its permissions." msgstr "" "Ezin da zure %s direktorioko config.php fitxategian idatzi. Mesedez baimenak aldatu " "iezazkiozu." msgid "You can do <i>chmod 666 config.php</i> to fix this." msgstr "<i>chmod 666 config.php</i> egin dezakezu hau konpontzeko." msgid "" "The installed version is newer than the version you are trying to upgrade to. You cannot " "downgrade G2. Please replace the gallery2 files with files from the currently installed " "version or later." msgstr "" "Instalatutako bertsioa bertsio berritzen saiatzen ari zaren bertsioa baino berriagoa da. " "Mesedez gallery 2 fitxategiak orain instalaturiko bertsioko fitxategiez edo berriagoz " "ordezkatu." #, fuzzy msgid "" "Before you upgrade, we <b>strongly recommend</b> that you make a backup of your database! " "If you fail to make a backup and something goes wrong, there is a strong possibility that we " "will not be able to help you recover your data! Refer to the following example:" msgstr "" "Bertsio berritzearen aurretik zure datu-basearen babeskopia bat egitea <b>oso gomendagarria</" "b> da! Babeskopia ez egin eta zerbait oker atera ezkero posible da zure datuak ezin " "berreskuratu izatea! Hurrengo adibideak begiratu:" msgid "MySQL" msgstr "MySQL" msgid "PostgreSQL" msgstr "PostgreSQL" msgid "Oracle" msgstr "" msgid "IBM DB2" msgstr "" msgid "Microsoft SQL Server" msgstr "" msgid "" "Once the upgrade has begun, please be patient. If you cancel or reload the page, you may " "interfere with the upgrade process." msgstr "" "Bein bertsio berritzea hasi dela, mesedez itxoin. Orrialdea utzi edo freskatuz gero bertsio " "berritze prozesua apur daiteke." msgid "Begin Upgrade" msgstr "Bertsio berritzea hasi" msgid "Recheck config.php" msgstr "Config.php berriz egiaztatu" msgid "Upgraded Gallery Core Module successfully." msgstr "Galeria muin modulua behar bezala bertsio berritu da." msgid "We've successfully upgraded the Gallery Core Module." msgstr "Galeria Muin Modulua behar bezala bertsio berritu da." #, c-format msgid "" "<b>Reminder</b>: Now update the permissions on config.php to make sure it is not writeable " "by other people. Right now your config.php has modes of %s. We suggest that you do this:" msgstr "" msgid "Your Gallery Core Module is up to date!" msgstr "Galeria Muina Modulua eguneraturik dago!" #, fuzzy msgid "" "The following plugins can be automatically upgraded for you. If you choose not to upgrade " "them now, you may experience problems with your Gallery. You can always upgrade or " "deactivate them on the Site Administration page, or return to this page later so any " "decision you make here is not permanent." msgstr "" "Honako modulu hauek automatikoki bertsio berritu daitezke. Orain ez eguneratzea hautatu " "ezkero galeriarekin arazoak izan ditzakezu. Edozein momentuan moduluak Gune Kudeaketa " "orrian bertsio berritu edo ezgaitu ditzakezu edo honera itzuli eta eguneraketa egin beraz " "orain emandako erabakia beranduago alda dezakezu" msgid "Deactivated Plugins" msgstr "" msgid "" "The following plugins were active, but they are missing or incompatible with your current " "version of Gallery. They have been deactivated. Install the latest version of these " "plugins to reactivate them." msgstr "" msgid "Module" msgstr "Modulua" msgid "Theme" msgstr "Gaia" msgid "Name" msgstr "Izena" msgid "Current" msgstr "Unekoa" msgid "New" msgstr "Berria" msgid "Description" msgstr "Azalpena" msgid "Incompatible with this version of Gallery" msgstr "" msgid "(un)check all" msgstr "(des)markatu denak" #, c-format msgid "Skip Upgrade and Continue to Step %d»" msgstr "Saltatu Bertsio berritzea eta Jarraitu %d Urratsera»" #, fuzzy msgid "Upgrade Selected Plugins" msgstr "Hautatutako Moduluak Bertsio berritu" #, c-format msgid "Upgraded the %s module successfully" msgstr "%s modulua behar bezala bertsio berritu da" #, c-format msgid "Upgraded the %s theme successfully" msgstr "%s gaia behar bezala bertsio berritu da" #, fuzzy msgid "Upgrade More Plugins" msgstr "Moduluak Bertsio berritu" #, c-format msgid "" "Upgrading Gallery 2 requires %d steps. This upgrade tool will guide you through these steps " "and provide assistance along the way if additional steps are required. Please read the %" "sHelp File%s before proceeding." msgstr "" "Gallery 2 bertsio berritzeko %d urrats bete behar dira. Bertsio berritze tresna honek urrats " "orrialdeen zehar gidatu eta urrats gehigarririk egin beharko balitz laguntza ematen saiatuko " "da. Irakurri %sLaguntza Fitxategia%s jarraitu aurretik." msgid "" "If you have a busy site, consider putting your Gallery in maintenance mode. This gives " "visitors a message that the site is temporarily offline, rather than showing everybody this " "upgrade page. Edit your config.php file to activate maintenance mode." msgstr "" "Trafiko handiko gune bat baduzu, Galeria mantenu moduan ipintzeko aukeraz pentsa ezazu. " "Honek bisitariari gune aldi batarako itxita dagoela dioen orrialde bat bistaratzen dio " "eguneraketa orrialdea bistarazi beharrean. Zure config.php fitxategia editatu mantenu modua " "gaitzeko." msgid "Select Language:" msgstr "Hizkuntza Hautatu:" msgid "Go" msgstr "Joan" #~ msgid "" #~ "<b>Reminder</b>: Now check the permissions on config.php and make sure it is not globally " #~ "writeable." #~ msgstr "" #~ "<b> Oroigarria</b> Orain config.php fitxategiaren baimenak begiratu beharko zenituzke " #~ "edozeinek idatzi ez dezakela ziurtatzeko." #~ msgid "mysqldump -u%s -p -h %s --opt %s > %s.sql" #~ msgstr "mysqldump -u%s -p -h %s --opt %s > %s.sql" #~ msgid "pg_dump -h %s --format=t %s > %s.sql" #~ msgstr "pg_dump -h %s--format=t %s > %s.sql" #~ msgid "Upgrade More Modules" #~ msgstr "Modulu Gehiago Bertsio berritu" #~ msgid "Unable to verify plugins" #~ msgstr "Ezin dira plugin-ak egiaztatu" #~ msgid "the Gallery website" #~ msgstr "Gallery webgunea" #~ msgid "" #~ "Your upgrade cannot begin because some of your active modules/themes are incompatible or " #~ "missing. You must either locate more recent versions of these modules or themes, or " #~ "revert to your original version of Gallery. No changes have been made so it's safe to " #~ "revert. If you have many incompatible modules listed below, it's possible that you " #~ "downloaded a smaller distribution of Gallery than what you originally installed. You can " #~ "download a larger distribution from %s." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bertsio eguneraketa ezin da hasi gaituriko modulu/gai batenbat batera ezina delako edo ez " #~ "dagoelako. Modulu edo gai hauen bertsio berriagoa instalatu beharko zenuke edo lehen " #~ "zenuen Gallery bertsiora itzuli. Zerrendaturiko bateraezintasun anitz badituzu, posible " #~ "da deskargaturiko Gallery banaketa instalaturik duzuna baino pakete txikiago batena " #~ "izate. Banaketa handiago bat %s-tik deskargatu dezakezu." #~ msgid "Download replacement modules from %s" #~ msgstr "Modulu ordezpenak %s-tik deskargatu" #~ msgid "Upgrade Other Modules" #~ msgstr "Bestelakoak Moduluak Bertsio berritu" #~ msgid "Missing Code" #~ msgstr "Kodea Falta da" #~ msgid "" #~ "The code for some plugins that were previously active can no longer be found. You must " #~ "restore code for these plugins before this upgrade can continue. Code for the plugins " #~ "must be the same version or newer than what was installed before." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Lehen gaiturik zeuden zenbait plugin kodea ez da luzaroago aurkitzen. Plugin horien kodea " #~ "berreskuratu beharko duzu bertsio berritzea jarraitzeko. Plugin horien kodea " #~ "instalaturiko bertsiokoa edo berriagoa izan behar da."