File: strings.raw
# $Id: strings.raw 15508 2006-12-19 19:44:50Z mindless $ /* UpgradeStep.class */ gettext("Unknown") /* steps/AuthenticateStep.class */ gettext("Authenticate") /* also in: templates/AuthenticateRequest.html */ gettext("<b>Error:</b> missing password.") gettext("<b>Error:</b> invalid password.") /* steps/CleanCacheStep.class */ gettext("Empty Cache") gettext("Unable to clear the page cache") gettext("Unable to commit database transaction") /* also in: steps/UpgradeOtherModulesStep.class */ /* steps/FinishedStep.class */ gettext("Finish Upgrade") /* steps/SystemChecksStep.class */ gettext("System Checks") /* also in: templates/SystemChecks.html */ gettext("Performing system checks") gettext("PHP version >= 4.3.0 or >= 5.0.4") gettext("Error: Gallery 2 requires PHP version 4.3.0 or newer or 5.0.4 or newer. You have PHP version %s installed. Contact your webserver administrator to request an upgrade, available at the %sPHP website%s.") gettext("PHP Version") gettext("FILE directive supported") gettext("Error: your PHP __FILE__ directive is not functioning correctly. Please file a support request with your webserver administrator or in the Gallery forums.") gettext("FILE Directive") gettext("Safe mode disabled") gettext("Error: Your version of PHP is configured with safe mode enabled. You must disable safe mode before Gallery will run.") gettext("Safe Mode") gettext("Regular expressions") gettext("Error: Your PHP is configured without support for %sPerl Compatible Regular Expressions%s. You must enable these functions before Gallery will run.") gettext("exec() allowed") gettext("Warning: The exec() function is disabled in your PHP by the <b>disabled_functions</b> parameter in php.ini. You won't be able to use modules that require external binaries (e.g. ImageMagick, NetPBM or Ffmpeg). This can only be set server-wide, so you will need to change it in the global php.ini.") gettext("set_time_limit() allowed") gettext("Warning: The set_time_limit() function is disabled in your PHP by the <b>disabled_functions</b> parameter in php.ini. Gallery can function with this setting, but it will not operate reliably. Any operation that takes longer than %d seconds will fail (and in some cases just return a blank page) possibly leading to data corruption.") gettext("Filesystem Operations") gettext("Error: Essential filesystem operations are disabled in your PHP by the <b>disabled_functions</b> parameter in php.ini. You must allow these functions before Gallery will run. These functions are missing: %s.") gettext("Memory limit") gettext("no limit") gettext("Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the memory to %sb (<b>memory_limit</b> parameter in php.ini). You should raise this limit to at least <b>%sMB</b> for proper Gallery operation.") gettext("File uploads allowed") gettext("Warning: Your PHP is configured not to allow file uploads (<b>file_uploads</b> parameter in php.ini). You will need to enable this option if you want to upload files to your Gallery with a web browser.") gettext("Maximum upload size") gettext("Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the size of file uploads to %sb (<b>upload_max_filesize</b> parameter in php.ini). You should raise this limit to allow uploading bigger files.") gettext("Maximum POST size") gettext("Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the post data to a maximum of %sb (<b>post_max_size</b> parameter in php.ini). You should raise this limit to allow uploading bigger files.") gettext("Translation support") gettext("Your webserver does not support localization. To enable support for additional languages please instruct your system administrator to reconfigure PHP with the %sgettext%s option enabled.") gettext("Your PHP is missing the function %sbind_textdomain_codeset%s. This means Gallery may display extended characters for some languages incorrectly.") gettext("Your PHP is missing the function %sdngettext%s. This means Gallery will be unable to translate plural forms.") gettext("Zend compatibility mode") gettext("Warning: Your PHP is configured with Zend ze1_compatibility_mode which can cause PHP to crash. Click <a href=\"%s\">here</a> to test your PHP. If you see \"SUCCESS\" then your PHP is ok. If you get an error or no response then you must turn off ze1_compatibility_mode before proceeding.") gettext("putenv() allowed") gettext("Warning: The putenv() function is disabled in your PHP by the <b>disabled_functions</b> parameter in php.ini. Gallery can function with this setting, but on some rare systems Gallery will be unable to run in other languages than the system language and English.") gettext("Output buffering disabled") gettext("Warning: Output buffering is enabled in your PHP by the <b>%s</b> parameter(s) in php.ini. Gallery can function with this setting - downloading files is even faster - but Gallery might be unable to serve large files (e.g. large videos) and run into the memory limit. Also, some features like the progress bars might not work correctly if output buffering is enabled unless ini_set() is allowed.") gettext("Storage Directory Permissions") gettext("Test skipped due to other errors.") gettext("Error: Some files and or directories in your storage directory are not writeable by the webserver user. Run chown -R webserverUser %s OR run chmod -R 777 %s.") gettext("Gallery file integrity") gettext("Manifest missing or inaccessible.") /* steps/UpgradeCoreModuleStep.class */ gettext("Upgrade Core") /* steps/UpgradeOtherModulesStep.class */ gettext("Upgrade Plugins") /* also in: templates/UpgradeOtherModulesRequest.html templates/UpgradeOtherModulesSuccess.html */ gettext("Unable to initialize Gallery session") gettext("Unable to load the %s module") gettext("Upgrading modules") gettext("%s module needs configuration") gettext("Unable to upgrade the %s module") gettext("Unable to load the %s theme") gettext("Upgrading themes") gettext("Unable to upgrade the %s theme") gettext("Unable to get the module list") gettext("Unable to get the theme list") gettext("Unable to query the %s module") gettext("Other") gettext("Unable to query the %s theme") gettext("Themes") gettext("Unable to deactivate the %s theme") gettext("Unable to deactivate the %s module") /* steps/WelcomeStep.class */ gettext("Welcome") /* also in: templates/Welcome.html */ /* templates/AuthenticateRequest.html */ gettext("<b>Error:</b> could not locate %s. Please place it in your %s directory.") gettext("<b>Error:</b> your %s file is not readable. Please give Gallery read permissions on the file.") gettext("<b>Error:</b> your %s key does not match correctly. Please use the new authentication string from below and try again.") gettext("In order to proceed with the upgrade process, we have to verify that you are who you claim. When you performed the install, you entered a password which went into your config.php. Type that in now. Refer to your config.php if you've forgotten what you entered.") gettext("Password:") gettext("You have exceeded the maximum attempts to login by entering a password.") gettext("To prevent somebody from hacking your website, we now require you to complete a stricter authentication process.") gettext("In order to proceed with the upgrade process, we have to verify that you are who you claim. The best way to be sure is to ask you to make a tiny change in the Gallery directory which will prove that you have the right permissions. So, we're going to ask that you create a new text file called %s in the %s directory on your webserver (that's the same directory where %s is located). It must contain the following randomly generated characters:") gettext("Once you've uploaded the file, click below to continue.") gettext("Authenticate Me") /* templates/AuthenticateSuccessful.html */ gettext("Authentication successful!") /* templates/CleanCache.html */ gettext("Successfully cleaned caches.") gettext("Delete Caches") gettext("Gallery creates temporary copies of some of your data on your hard drive. This helps it to run faster. But when you upgrade, some of these files might be out of date so it's a good idea to get rid of them now. Gallery will create them again as it needs them.") gettext("We were unable to clean the following cache directories. This is probably ok, but if you notice any weird behaviour, you should try to delete these directories yourself. It's perfectly safe to get rid of them at any time.") gettext("Even though there were errors, you can still continue. Or, you can try deleting these directories yourself and then click the <b>Try Again</b> link below.") gettext("Try Again") /* templates/Finished.html */ gettext("Finished!") gettext("Congratulations! Your Gallery 2 upgrade is complete! To upgrade any additional Gallery 2 plugins you may use the Site Administrator interface.") gettext("Go to my Gallery!") /* templates/Header.html */ gettext("Upgrader Help") gettext("Start Over") /* templates/InvalidConfig.html */ gettext("Warning") /* also in: templates/SystemChecks.html */ gettext("Your config.php appears to use the old form of multisite support. Please see the %sHelp File%s for instructions to update your configuration before proceeding.") /* templates/MainPage.html */ gettext("Welcome to the Gallery Upgrader") gettext("Upgrade %d%% complete") gettext("Redo this step") gettext("Continue to Step %d»") /* also in: templates/UpgradeOtherModulesSuccess.html */ gettext("Gallery: <strong>your photos</strong> on <strong>your website</strong>") /* templates/ManifestSystemCheck.html */ gettext("Missing files (%d)") gettext("Note: You're running Gallery from SVN, so recently removed files may appear here. It might be safe to ignore these.") gettext("Modified files (%d)") gettext("Note: You're running Gallery from SVN, so some modified files are to be expected. You can probably ignore these, but to be safe you should make sure that you do 'svn update' before continuing.") gettext("Old files (%d)") gettext("These files are no longer part of Gallery. They probably won't cause any problems but it is a good idea to remove them to keep your install clean. Gallery can't remove these files for you, but you can download and run %s in your gallery2 directory to delete them for you.") gettext("this script") /* templates/NavBar.html */ gettext("Upgrade Steps") /* templates/RedirectToInstaller.html */ gettext("Missing or invalid config.php") gettext("You tried to run the upgrade process but a valid config.php is missing.") gettext("If you've lost your config.php file when replacing the Gallery 2 files in the preparation for this upgrade, please restore it and try again.") gettext("If you actually want to run the Gallery 2 installer, please follow the link below.") gettext("If you want to upgrade from Gallery 1, you first need to install Gallery 2 and then use the import module to import your data from Gallery 1. Please follow the link below to install Gallery 2.") gettext("Go to the Gallery 2 Installer") /* templates/SystemChecks.html */ gettext("Success") gettext("Failed") gettext("If you are using Apache, create a file named .htaccess in the main Gallery directory with the following content:") /* templates/UpgradeCoreModuleError.html */ gettext("An error occurred while upgrading Gallery Core Module") gettext("Something went wrong when we tried to upgrade the core module. In the boxes below you can find some debug information. Report this in the %sGallery Forums%s and we'll help you diagnose the problem.") gettext("Stack Trace:") /* also in: templates/UpgradeOtherModulesRequest.html templates/UpgradeOtherModulesSuccess.html */ gettext("Debug Output:") /* also in: templates/UpgradeOtherModulesRequest.html templates/UpgradeOtherModulesSuccess.html */ /* templates/UpgradeCoreModuleRequest.html */ gettext("Upgrading the Gallery Core Module") /* also in: templates/UpgradeCoreModuleUpToDate.html */ gettext("The Gallery Core Module is the heart of the Gallery application. You can upgrade most other modules using the Site Administration interface, but this module must be handled separately in order for the upgrade to go smoothly.") gettext("Currently installed") /* also in: templates/UpgradeCoreModuleUpToDate.html */ gettext("Core Module version: %s (Gallery %s)") /* also in: templates/UpgradeCoreModuleUpToDate.html */ gettext("New version") gettext("Config.php upgrade") gettext("Required") gettext("Unable to write to config.php in your %s directory. Please change its permissions.") gettext("You can do <i>chmod 666 config.php</i> to fix this.") gettext("The installed version is newer than the version you are trying to upgrade to. You cannot downgrade G2. Please replace the gallery2 files with files from the currently installed version or later.") gettext("Before you upgrade, we <b>strongly recommend</b> that you make a backup of your database! If you fail to make a backup and something goes wrong, there is a strong possibility that we will not be able to help you recover your data! Refer to the following example:") gettext("MySQL") gettext("PostgreSQL") gettext("Oracle") gettext("IBM DB2") gettext("Microsoft SQL Server") gettext("Once the upgrade has begun, please be patient. If you cancel or reload the page, you may interfere with the upgrade process.") gettext("Begin Upgrade") gettext("Recheck config.php") /* also in: templates/UpgradeCoreModuleSuccess.html */ /* templates/UpgradeCoreModuleSuccess.html */ gettext("Upgraded Gallery Core Module successfully.") gettext("We've successfully upgraded the Gallery Core Module.") gettext("<b>Reminder</b>: Now update the permissions on config.php to make sure it is not writeable by other people. Right now your config.php has modes of %s. We suggest that you do this:") /* templates/UpgradeCoreModuleUpToDate.html */ gettext("Your Gallery Core Module is up to date!") /* templates/UpgradeOtherModulesRequest.html */ gettext("The following plugins can be automatically upgraded for you. If you choose not to upgrade them now, you may experience problems with your Gallery. You can always upgrade or deactivate them on the Site Administration page, or return to this page later so any decision you make here is not permanent.") gettext("Deactivated Plugins") gettext("The following plugins were active, but they are missing or incompatible with your current version of Gallery. They have been deactivated. Install the latest version of these plugins to reactivate them.") gettext("Module") gettext("Theme") gettext("Name") gettext("Current") gettext("New") gettext("Description") gettext("Incompatible with this version of Gallery") gettext("(un)check all") gettext("Skip Upgrade and Continue to Step %d»") gettext("Upgrade Selected Plugins") /* templates/UpgradeOtherModulesSuccess.html */ gettext("Upgraded the %s module successfully") gettext("Upgraded the %s theme successfully") gettext("Upgrade More Plugins") /* templates/Welcome.html */ gettext("Upgrading Gallery 2 requires %d steps. This upgrade tool will guide you through these steps and provide assistance along the way if additional steps are required. Please read the %sHelp File%s before proceeding.") gettext("If you have a busy site, consider putting your Gallery in maintenance mode. This gives visitors a message that the site is temporarily offline, rather than showing everybody this upgrade page. Edit your config.php file to activate maintenance mode.") gettext("Select Language:") gettext("Go")