File: SizeLimitOption.inc
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/sizelimit/classes/SizeLimitHelper.class'); /** * This ItemEditOption allows the user to set size limits for an album. * @package SizeLimit * @subpackage UserInterface * @author Felix Rabinovich <felix@rabinovich.org> * @version $Revision: 17580 $ */ class SizeLimitOption extends ItemEditOption { /** * @see ItemEditOption::isAppropriate */ function isAppropriate($item, $thumbnail) { return array(null, true); } /** * @see ItemEditOption::loadTemplate */ function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form, $item, $thumbnail) { /* * Get the parameters for this album; * we are assuming that both $height and $width are either in or out... */ $SizeLimitOption = array(); list ($ret, $params) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllPluginParameters( 'module', 'sizelimit', $item->getId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } /* if there aren't any - assume 'no limits' */ if (!isset($params['height']) || $params['height'] == 0) { $SizeLimitOption['dimensionChoice'] = 'unlimited'; $SizeLimitOption['height'] = ''; $SizeLimitOption['width'] = ''; } else { $SizeLimitOption['dimensionChoice'] = 'explicit'; $SizeLimitOption['height'] = $params['height']; $SizeLimitOption['width'] = $params['width']; } /* Now do the same for size */ if (!isset($params['size']) || $params['size'] == 0) { $SizeLimitOption['sizeChoice'] = 'unlimited'; $SizeLimitOption['filesize'] = ''; } else { $SizeLimitOption['sizeChoice'] = 'explicit'; $SizeLimitOption['filesize'] = $params['size']; } $SizeLimitOption['keepOriginal'] = (isset($params['keepOriginal']) && $params['keepOriginal'] == 1); $template->setVariable('SizeLimitOption', $SizeLimitOption); return array(null, 'modules/sizelimit/templates/SizeLimitOption.tpl', 'modules_sizelimit'); } /** * @see ItemEditOption::handleRequestAfterEdit */ function handleRequestAfterEdit($form, &$item, &$preferred) { global $gallery; $error = $warning = array(); $setOriginal = false; if (empty($error) && isset($form['changeInDescendents']['sizelimit'])) { /* TODO: We only need subalbums Items that we can administer */ list ($ret, $subAlbumIds) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchDescendentAlbumItemIds($item); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } array_unshift($subAlbumIds, $item->getId()); } else { $subAlbumIds = array($item->getId()); } foreach ($subAlbumIds as $id) { switch ($form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensionChoice']) { case 'unlimited': /* delete parameter from plugin table */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParameter( 'module', 'sizelimit', 'height', $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParameter( 'module', 'sizelimit', 'width', $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParameter( 'module', 'sizelimit', 'keepOriginal', $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } break; case 'explicit': /* figure out x and y and set them... */ $width = $form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensions']['width']; $height = $form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensions']['height']; /* Validate the input data. */ if (!is_numeric($height) && !is_numeric($width)) { $error[] = 'form[error][SizeLimitOption][dimensions][missing]'; break; } if (!is_numeric($height)) { $height = $form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensions']['height'] = $width; } if (!is_numeric($width)) { $width = $form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensions']['width'] = $height;; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter( 'module', 'sizelimit', 'height', $height, $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter( 'module', 'sizelimit', 'width', $width, $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $setOriginal = true; break; } switch ($form['SizeLimitOption']['sizeChoice']) { case 'unlimited': /* delete parameter from plugin table */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParameter('module', 'sizelimit', 'size', $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParameter('module', 'sizelimit', 'keepOriginal', $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } break; case 'explicit': /* Validate the input data. */ if (!is_numeric($form['SizeLimitOption']['filesize']) || $form['SizeLimitOption']['filesize'] < 1) { $error[] = 'form[error][SizeLimitOption][filesize][invalid]'; break; } /* figure out x and y and set them... */ $filesize = $form['SizeLimitOption']['filesize']; $ret = GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter('module', 'sizelimit', 'size', $filesize, $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $setOriginal = true; break; } if ($setOriginal) { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter('module', 'sizelimit', 'keepOriginal', isset($form['SizeLimitOption']['keepOriginal']) ? 1 : 0, $id); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } } } if (empty($error) && isset($form['SizeLimitOption']['applyToDescendents'])) { list ($ret, $error, $warning) = $this->_applyToDescendents($form, $item); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } list ($ret, $module) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'sizelimit'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $templateAdapter =& $gallery->getTemplateAdapter(); $templateAdapter->updateProgressBar($module->translate('Resize complete'), '', 1); } return array(null, $error, $warning); } /** * Apply current settings to all qualified subitems * * @param array $form of form variables * @param GalleryAlbumItem $album to apply settings * @return array GalleryStatus a status code * array errors, array warnings * @access private */ function _applyToDescendents($form, $album) { global $gallery; $templateAdapter =& $gallery->getTemplateAdapter(); $errors = $warnings = array(); if ($setDimensions = ($form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensionChoice'] == 'explicit')) { $dimensions = array($form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensions']['width'], $form['SizeLimitOption']['dimensions']['height']); } if ($setFilesize = ($form['SizeLimitOption']['sizeChoice'] == 'explicit')) { $filesize = array($form['SizeLimitOption']['filesize']); } list ($ret, $module) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'sizelimit'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $preserveOriginal = isset($form['SizeLimitOption']['keepOriginal']) && $form['SizeLimitOption']['keepOriginal']; /* * NOTE: we only need Descendent Data Items, so in the future we may * want to create a separate function. But for now let's just * eliminate everything else */ list ($ret, $descendentIds) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchDescendentItemIds($album, null, null, 'core.edit'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $templateAdapter->updateProgressBar($module->translate('Resize Status'), '', 0); $totalItems = count($descendentIds); /* * Process these descendents in chunks since we may have thousands of * items and we don't want to give the database a heart attack. */ $chunkSize = 200; $numberOfItemsResized = 0; while (!empty($descendentIds)) { $chunk = array_splice($descendentIds, 0, $chunkSize); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(60); list ($ret, $descendents) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($chunk, 'GalleryItem'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } foreach ($descendents as $item) { $numberOfItemsResized++; $templateAdapter->updateProgressBar( $module->translate('Resizing photo'), $item->getTitle(), $numberOfItemsResized / $totalItems); if (!GalleryUtilities::isExactlyA($item, 'GalleryPhotoItem')) { continue; } if ($setDimensions && ($item->getWidth() > $dimensions[0] || $item->getHeight() > $dimensions[1])) { if (!$preserveOriginal) { $ret = SizeLimitHelper::applyLimits($item, 'scale', $dimensions); } else { $ret = SizeLimitHelper::buildDerivativeWithLimits( $item, 'scale', $dimensions); } if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE) { $warnings[] = $module->translate( array('text' => 'WARNING: Cannot resize mime type %s', 'arg1' => $item->getMimeType())); } else { return array($ret, null, null); } } } if ($setFilesize && $filesize[0] > 0 && ($item->getSize() >> 10) > $filesize[0]) { if (!$preserveOriginal) { $ret = SizeLimitHelper::applyLimits($item, 'compress', $filesize); } else { $ret = SizeLimitHelper::buildDerivativeWithLimits( $item, 'compress', $filesize); } if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE) { $warnings[] = $module->translate( array('text' => 'WARNING: Cannot compress mime type %s', 'arg1' => $item->getMimeType())); } else { return array($ret, null, null); } } } } } return array(null, $errors, $warnings); } /** * @see ItemEditOption::requiresProgressBar */ function requiresProgressBar($form) { return isset($form['SizeLimitOption']['applyToDescendents']); } } ?>