File: installer.php
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access."); /** * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ class installer { static $mysqli; static function already_installed() { return file_exists(VARPATH . "database.php"); } static function var_writable() { if (is_writable(VARPATH)) { return true; } if (@mkdir(VARPATH)) { return true; } return false; } static function create_database_config($config) { $db_config_file = VARPATH . "database.php"; ob_start(); extract($config); include(DOCROOT . "installer/database_config.php"); $output = ob_get_clean(); return file_put_contents($db_config_file, $output) !== false; } static function unpack_var() { if (!file_exists(VARPATH)) { mkdir(VARPATH); chmod(VARPATH, 0777); } include(DOCROOT . "installer/init_var.php"); return true; } static function unpack_sql($config) { $prefix = $config["prefix"]; $buf = null; foreach (file(DOCROOT . "installer/install.sql") as $line) { $buf .= trim($line); if (preg_match("/;$/", $buf)) { if (!mysql_query(self::prepend_prefix($prefix, $buf))) { return false; } $buf = ""; } } return true; } static function connect($config) { // We know that we have either mysql or mysqli. By default we use mysql functions, so if // they're not defined then do the simplest thing which will work: remap them to their mysqli // counterparts. if (!function_exists("mysql_query")) { function mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) { list ($host, $port) = explode(":", $host . ":"); installer::$mysqli = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $port); // http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.connect.php says to use mysqli_connect_error() instead of // $mysqli->connect_error because of bugs before PHP 5.2.9 $error = mysqli_connect_error(); return empty($error); } function mysql_query($query) { return installer::$mysqli->query($query); } function mysql_num_rows($result) { return $result->num_rows; } function mysql_error() { return installer::$mysqli->error; } function mysql_select_db($db) { return installer::$mysqli->select_db($db); } } $host = empty($config["port"]) ? $config['host'] : "{$config['host']}:{$config['port']}"; return @mysql_connect($host, $config["user"], $config["password"]); } static function select_db($config) { if (mysql_select_db($config["dbname"])) { return true; } return mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE `{$config['dbname']}`") && mysql_select_db($config["dbname"]); } static function verify_mysql_version($config) { return version_compare(installer::mysql_version($config), "5.0.0", ">="); } static function mysql_version($config) { $result = mysql_query("SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name = \"version\""); $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $row->Value; } static function db_empty($config) { $query = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$config['prefix']}items'"; $results = mysql_query($query); if ($results === false) { $msg = mysql_error(); return $msg; } return mysql_num_rows($results) === 0; } static function create_admin($config) { $salt = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $char = mt_rand(48, 109); $char += ($char > 90) ? 13 : ($char > 57) ? 7 : 0; $salt .= chr($char); } if (!$password = $config["g3_password"]) { $password = substr(md5(time() . mt_rand()), 0, 6); } // Escape backslash in preparation for our UPDATE statement. $hashed_password = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $salt . md5($salt . $password)); $sql = self::prepend_prefix($config["prefix"], "UPDATE {users} SET `password` = '$hashed_password' WHERE `id` = 2"); if (mysql_query($sql)) { } else { throw new Exception(mysql_error()); } return array("admin", $password); } static function create_admin_session($config) { $session_id = md5(time() . mt_rand()); $user_agent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; $user_agent_len = strlen($user_agent); $now = time(); $data = "session_id|s:32:\"$session_id\""; $data .= ";user_agent|s:{$user_agent_len}:\"$user_agent\""; $data .= ";user|i:2"; $data .= ";after_install|i:1"; $data .= ";last_activity|i:$now"; $data = base64_encode($data); $sql = "INSERT INTO {sessions}(`session_id`, `last_activity`, `data`) " . "VALUES('$session_id', $now, '$data')"; $sql = self::prepend_prefix($config["prefix"], $sql); if (mysql_query($sql)) { setcookie("g3sid", $session_id, 0, "/", "", false, false); } else { throw new Exception(mysql_error()); } } static function create_private_key($config) { $key = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)) . md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $sql = self::prepend_prefix($config["prefix"], "INSERT INTO {vars} VALUES(NULL, 'gallery', 'private_key', '$key')"); if (mysql_query($sql)) { } else { throw new Exception(mysql_error()); } } static function prepend_prefix($prefix, $sql) { return preg_replace("#{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}#", "`{$prefix}$1`", $sql); } static function check_environment() { if (!function_exists("mysql_query") && !function_exists("mysqli_set_charset")) { $errors[] = "Gallery 3 requires a MySQL database, but PHP doesn't have either the <a href=\"http://php.net/mysql\">MySQL</a> or the <a href=\"http://php.net/mysqli\">MySQLi</a> extension."; } if (!preg_match("/^.$/u", "ñ")) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing <a href=\"http://php.net/pcre\">Perl-Compatible Regular Expression</a> with UTF-8 support."; } else if (!preg_match("/^\pL$/u", "ñ")) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing <a href=\"http://php.net/pcre\">Perl-Compatible Regular Expression</a> with Unicode support."; } if (!(function_exists("spl_autoload_register"))) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing <a href=\"http://php.net/spl\">Standard PHP Library (SPL)</a> support"; } if (!(class_exists("ReflectionClass"))) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing <a href=\"http://php.net/reflection\">reflection</a> support"; } if (!(function_exists("filter_list"))) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing the <a href=\"http://php.net/filter\">filter extension</a>"; } if (!(extension_loaded("iconv"))) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing the <a href=\"http://php.net/iconv\">iconv extension</a>"; } if (!(extension_loaded("xml"))) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing the <a href=\"http://php.net/xml\">XML Parser extension</a>"; } if (!(extension_loaded("simplexml"))) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing the <a href=\"http://php.net/simplexml\">SimpleXML extension</a>"; } if (!extension_loaded("mbstring")) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing the <a href=\"http://php.net/mbstring\">mbstring extension</a>"; } else if (ini_get("mbstring.func_overload") & MB_OVERLOAD_STRING) { $errors[] = "The <a href=\"http://php.net/mbstring\">mbstring extension</a> is overloading PHP's native string functions. Please disable it."; } if (!function_exists("json_encode")) { $errors[] = "PHP is missing the <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/book.json.php\">JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) extension</a>. Please install it."; } if (!ini_get("short_open_tag")) { $errors[] = "Gallery requires <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php\">short_open_tag</a> to be on. Please enable it in your php.ini."; } if (!function_exists("ctype_alpha")) { $errors[] = "Gallery requires the <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/book.ctype.php\">PHP Ctype</a> extension. Please install it."; } if (self::ini_get_bool("safe_mode")) { $errors[] = "Gallery cannot function when PHP is in <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php\">Safe Mode</a>. Please disable safe mode."; } return @$errors; } /** * Convert any possible boolean ini value to true/false. * On = on = 1 = true * Off = off = 0 = false */ static function ini_get_bool($varname) { $value = ini_get($varname); if (!strcasecmp("on", $value) || $value == 1 || $value === true) { return true; } if (!strcasecmp("off", $value) || $value == 0 || $value === false) { return false; } return false; } }