File: html.php
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * HTML helper class. * * @package Kohana * @author Kohana Team * @copyright (c) 2007-2009 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaphp.com/license */ class html_Core { // Enable or disable automatic setting of target="_blank" public static $windowed_urls = FALSE; /** * Convert special characters to HTML entities * * @param string string to convert * @param boolean encode existing entities * @return string */ public static function chars($str, $double_encode = TRUE) { // Return HTML entities using the Kohana charset return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::CHARSET, $double_encode); } /** * Create HTML link anchors. * * @param string URL or URI string * @param string link text * @param array HTML anchor attributes * @param string non-default protocol, eg: https * @param boolean option to escape the title that is output * @return string */ public static function anchor($uri, $title = NULL, $attributes = NULL, $protocol = NULL, $escape_title = FALSE) { if ($uri === '') { $site_url = url::base(FALSE); } elseif (strpos($uri, '#') === 0) { // This is an id target link, not a URL $site_url = $uri; } elseif (strpos($uri, '://') === FALSE) { $site_url = url::site($uri, $protocol); } else { if (html::$windowed_urls === TRUE AND empty($attributes['target'])) { $attributes['target'] = '_blank'; } $site_url = $uri; } return // Parsed URL '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($site_url, ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::CHARSET, FALSE).'"' // Attributes empty? Use an empty string .(is_array($attributes) ? html::attributes($attributes) : '').'>' // Title empty? Use the parsed URL .($escape_title ? htmlspecialchars((($title === NULL) ? $site_url : $title), ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::CHARSET, FALSE) : (($title === NULL) ? $site_url : $title)).'</a>'; } /** * Creates an HTML anchor to a file. * * @param string name of file to link to * @param string link text * @param array HTML anchor attributes * @param string non-default protocol, eg: ftp * @return string */ public static function file_anchor($file, $title = NULL, $attributes = NULL, $protocol = NULL) { return // Base URL + URI = full URL '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars(url::base(FALSE, $protocol).$file, ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::CHARSET, FALSE).'"' // Attributes empty? Use an empty string .(is_array($attributes) ? html::attributes($attributes) : '').'>' // Title empty? Use the filename part of the URI .(($title === NULL) ? end(explode('/', $file)) : $title) .'</a>'; } /** * Generates an obfuscated version of an email address. * * @param string email address * @return string */ public static function email($email) { $safe = ''; foreach (str_split($email) as $letter) { switch (($letter === '@') ? rand(1, 2) : rand(1, 3)) { // HTML entity code case 1: $safe .= '&#'.ord($letter).';'; break; // Hex character code case 2: $safe .= '&#x'.dechex(ord($letter)).';'; break; // Raw (no) encoding case 3: $safe .= $letter; } } return $safe; } /** * Creates an email anchor. * * @param string email address to send to * @param string link text * @param array HTML anchor attributes * @return string */ public static function mailto($email, $title = NULL, $attributes = NULL) { if (empty($email)) return $title; // Remove the subject or other parameters that do not need to be encoded if (strpos($email, '?') !== FALSE) { // Extract the parameters from the email address list ($email, $params) = explode('?', $email, 2); // Make the params into a query string, replacing spaces $params = '?'.str_replace(' ', '%20', $params); } else { // No parameters $params = ''; } // Obfuscate email address $safe = html::email($email); // Title defaults to the encoded email address empty($title) and $title = $safe; // Parse attributes empty($attributes) or $attributes = html::attributes($attributes); // Encoded start of the href="" is a static encoded version of 'mailto:' return '<a href="mailto:'.$safe.$params.'"'.$attributes.'>'.$title.'</a>'; } /** * Generate a "breadcrumb" list of anchors representing the URI. * * @param array segments to use as breadcrumbs, defaults to using Router::$segments * @return string */ public static function breadcrumb($segments = NULL) { empty($segments) and $segments = Router::$segments; $array = array(); while ($segment = array_pop($segments)) { $array[] = html::anchor ( // Complete URI for the URL implode('/', $segments).'/'.$segment, // Title for the current segment ucwords(inflector::humanize($segment)) ); } // Retrun the array of all the segments return array_reverse($array); } /** * Creates a meta tag. * * @param string|array tag name, or an array of tags * @param string tag "content" value * @return string */ public static function meta($tag, $value = NULL) { if (is_array($tag)) { $tags = array(); foreach ($tag as $t => $v) { // Build each tag and add it to the array $tags[] = html::meta($t, $v); } // Return all of the tags as a string return implode("\n", $tags); } // Set the meta attribute value $attr = in_array(strtolower($tag), Kohana::config('http.meta_equiv')) ? 'http-equiv' : 'name'; return '<meta '.$attr.'="'.$tag.'" content="'.$value.'" />'; } /** * Creates a stylesheet link. * * @param string|array filename, or array of filenames to match to array of medias * @param string|array media type of stylesheet, or array to match filenames * @param boolean include the index_page in the link * @return string */ public static function stylesheet($style, $media = FALSE, $index = FALSE) { return html::link($style, 'stylesheet', 'text/css', $media, $index); } /** * Creates a link tag. * * @param string|array filename * @param string|array relationship * @param string|array mimetype * @param string|array specifies on what device the document will be displayed * @param boolean include the index_page in the link * @return string */ public static function link($href, $rel, $type, $media = FALSE, $index = FALSE) { $compiled = ''; if (is_array($href)) { foreach ($href as $_href) { $_rel = is_array($rel) ? array_shift($rel) : $rel; $_type = is_array($type) ? array_shift($type) : $type; $_media = is_array($media) ? array_shift($media) : $media; $compiled .= html::link($_href, $_rel, $_type, $_media, $index); } } else { if (strpos($href, '://') === FALSE) { // Make the URL absolute $href = url::base($index).$href; } $attr = array ( 'rel' => $rel, 'type' => $type, 'href' => $href, ); if ( ! empty($media)) { // Add the media type to the attributes $attr['media'] = $media; } $compiled = '<link'.html::attributes($attr).' />'; } return $compiled."\n"; } /** * Creates a script link. * * @param string|array filename * @param boolean include the index_page in the link * @return string */ public static function script($script, $index = FALSE) { $compiled = ''; if (is_array($script)) { foreach ($script as $name) { $compiled .= html::script($name, $index); } } else { if (strpos($script, '://') === FALSE) { // Add the suffix only when it's not already present $script = url::base((bool) $index).$script; } $compiled = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$script.'"></script>'; } return $compiled."\n"; } /** * Creates a image link. * * @param string image source, or an array of attributes * @param string|array image alt attribute, or an array of attributes * @param boolean include the index_page in the link * @return string */ public static function image($src = NULL, $alt = NULL, $index = FALSE) { // Create attribute list $attributes = is_array($src) ? $src : array('src' => $src); if (is_array($alt)) { $attributes += $alt; } elseif ( ! empty($alt)) { // Add alt to attributes $attributes['alt'] = $alt; } if (strpos($attributes['src'], '://') === FALSE) { // Make the src attribute into an absolute URL $attributes['src'] = url::base($index).$attributes['src']; } return '<img'.html::attributes($attributes).' />'; } /** * Compiles an array of HTML attributes into an attribute string. * * @param string|array array of attributes * @return string */ public static function attributes($attrs) { if (empty($attrs)) return ''; if (is_string($attrs)) return ' '.$attrs; $compiled = ''; foreach ($attrs as $key => $val) { $compiled .= ' '.$key.'="'.htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::CHARSET).'"'; } return $compiled; } } // End html