File: upload.php
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * Upload helper class for working with the global $_FILES * array and Validation library. * * @package Kohana * @author Kohana Team * @copyright (c) 2007-2009 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaphp.com/license */ class upload_Core { /** * Save an uploaded file to a new location. * * @param mixed name of $_FILE input or array of upload data * @param string new filename * @param string new directory * @param integer chmod mask * @return string full path to new file */ public static function save($file, $filename = NULL, $directory = NULL, $chmod = 0644) { // Load file data from FILES if not passed as array $file = is_array($file) ? $file : $_FILES[$file]; if ($filename === NULL) { // Use the default filename, with a timestamp pre-pended $filename = time().$file['name']; } if (Kohana::config('upload.remove_spaces') === TRUE) { // Remove spaces from the filename $filename = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $filename); } if ($directory === NULL) { // Use the pre-configured upload directory $directory = Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE); } // Make sure the directory ends with a slash $directory = rtrim($directory, '/').'/'; if ( ! is_dir($directory) AND Kohana::config('upload.create_directories') === TRUE) { // Create the upload directory mkdir($directory, 0777, TRUE); } if ( ! is_writable($directory)) throw new Kohana_Exception('The upload destination folder, :dir:, does not appear to be writable.', array(':dir:' => $directory)); if (is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) AND move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filename = $directory.$filename)) { if ($chmod !== FALSE) { // Set permissions on filename chmod($filename, $chmod); } // Return new file path return $filename; } return FALSE; } /* Validation Rules */ /** * Tests if input data is valid file type, even if no upload is present. * * @param array $_FILES item * @return bool */ public static function valid($file) { return (is_array($file) AND isset($file['error']) AND isset($file['name']) AND isset($file['type']) AND isset($file['tmp_name']) AND isset($file['size'])); } /** * Tests if input data has valid upload data. * * @param array $_FILES item * @return bool */ public static function required(array $file) { return (isset($file['tmp_name']) AND isset($file['error']) AND is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) AND (int) $file['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK); } /** * Validation rule to test if an uploaded file is allowed by extension. * * @param array $_FILES item * @param array allowed file extensions * @return bool */ public static function type(array $file, array $allowed_types) { if ((int) $file['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) return TRUE; // Get the default extension of the file $extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file['name'], '.'), 1)); // Make sure there is an extension and that the extension is allowed return ( ! empty($extension) AND in_array($extension, $allowed_types)); } /** * Validation rule to test if an uploaded file is allowed by file size. * File sizes are defined as: SB, where S is the size (1, 15, 300, etc) and * B is the byte modifier: (B)ytes, (K)ilobytes, (M)egabytes, (G)igabytes. * Eg: to limit the size to 1MB or less, you would use "1M". * * @param array $_FILES item * @param array maximum file size * @return bool */ public static function size(array $file, array $size) { if ((int) $file['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) return TRUE; // Only one size is allowed $size = strtoupper($size[0]); if ( ! preg_match('/[0-9]++[BKMG]/', $size)) return FALSE; // Make the size into a power of 1024 switch (substr($size, -1)) { case 'G': $size = intval($size) * pow(1024, 3); break; case 'M': $size = intval($size) * pow(1024, 2); break; case 'K': $size = intval($size) * pow(1024, 1); break; default: $size = intval($size); break; } // Test that the file is under or equal to the max size return ($file['size'] <= $size); } } // End upload