File: APP-META.xml
<application xmlns="http://apstandard.com/ns/1"> <name>geeklog</name> <packager-uri>uuid:714f0a7b-85d6-4eb8-b68e-40f9acbb3103</packager-uri> <version>1.4.1</version> <release>4</release> <homepage>http://www.geeklog.net/</homepage> <package-homepage>http://www.parallels.com/</package-homepage> <default-prefix>geeklog</default-prefix> <summary>Geeklog is a weblog powered by PHP and MySQL.</summary> <description>It allows you within minutes to set up a fully functioning dynamic website, and has many features to get you started: user-system, allowing members of the public to register for your site and submit stories; comment system, allowing users to comment on posts made to your site; block system, allowing you to put information anywhere on your site; plugin system that allows you to extend geeklog, without having to code any new php; theme system that allows users to select what layout they want to view; excellent security model that allows you to give users control over certain aspects of the site with no need to worry; site statistics that show you the most popular areas of your site; link system that allows users to add links to the site; calendar system that lets you and your user add up-and-coming events; allow users to email stories to their friends.</description> <icon path="images/icon.png"/> <screenshot path="images/screenshot.jpg"> <description>Typical view</description> </screenshot> <license must-accept="true"> <text> <name>GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE</name> <file>htdocs/public_html/docs/license</file> </text> </license> <configuration-script-language>php</configuration-script-language> <changelog> <version version="1.4.1" release="4"> <entry>Repackaged to conform new standard</entry> </version> <version version="1.3.11" release="43"> <entry>Initial package version</entry> </version> </changelog> <entry-points> <entry> <path>/public_html/admin/index.php</path> <label>Administrative interface</label> </entry> </entry-points> <installed-size>14738915</installed-size> <categories> <category>Web/Blog</category> </categories> <languages> <language>en</language> </languages> <settings> <group> <name>Administrator's preferences</name> <setting id="admin_fullname" type="string" default-value="Geeklog SuperUser"> <name>Administrator's full name</name> </setting> <setting id="admin_name" type="string" default-value="admin" min-length="1" max-length="32" regex="^[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_\-]*"> <name>Administrator's login</name> <error-message>Please make sure the text you entered starts with a letter and continues with either numbers, letters, underscores or hyphens.</error-message> </setting> <setting id="admin_password" type="password" > <name>Password</name> </setting> <setting id="admin_email" type="email"> <name>Administrator's email</name> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Site preferences</name> <setting id="site_name" type="string" default-value="Geeklog Site"> <name>Name</name> </setting> <setting id="site_slogan" type="string" default-value="Another Nifty Geeklog Site"> <name>Slogan</name> </setting> <setting id="site_enabled" type="enum" default-value="true"> <name>Enabled</name> <description>To disable your Geeklog site quickly, simply set this flag to NO.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="site_disabled_msg" type="string" default-value="Geeklog Site is down. Please come back soon."> <name>Disabled message</name> <description>Message shown when site is down. When this starts with 'http:' visitors are redirected to that URL.</description> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Language preferences</name> <setting id="locale" type="enum" default-value="en-GB"> <name>Interface language</name> <choice id="af-CF" > <name>Afrikaans</name> </choice> <choice id="bs-BA" > <name>Bosnian</name> </choice> <choice id="bg-BG" > <name>Bulgarian</name> </choice> <choice id="ca-ES" > <name>Catalan</name> </choice> <choice id="zh-TW" > <name>Chinese tranditional</name> </choice> <choice id="zh-CN" > <name>Chinese simplified</name> </choice> <choice id="hr-HR" > <name>Croatian</name> </choice> <choice id="cz-CZ" > <name>Czech</name> </choice> <choice id="da-DK" > <name>Danish</name> </choice> <choice id="nl-NL" > <name>Dutch</name> </choice> <choice id="en-GB" > <name>English</name> </choice> <choice id="et-EE" > <name>Estonian</name> </choice> <choice id="fi-FI" > <name>Finish</name> </choice> <choice id="fr-FR" > <name>French (France)</name> </choice> <choice id="fr-CA" > <name>French (Canada)</name> </choice> <choice id="gl-ES" > <name>Galician</name> </choice> <choice id="ka-GE" > <name>Georgian</name> </choice> <choice id="de-DE" > <name>German</name> </choice> <choice id="de-SI" > <name>German (formal)</name> </choice> <choice id="he-IL" > <name>Hebrew</name> </choice> <choice id="el-GR" > <name>Hellenic</name> </choice> <choice id="id-ID" > <name>Indonesian</name> </choice> <choice id="it-IT" > <name>Italian</name> </choice> <choice id="ja-JP" > <name>Japanese</name> </choice> <choice id="nb-NO" > <name>Norwegian</name> </choice> <choice id="fa-IR" > <name>Persian (Farsi)</name> </choice> <choice id="pl-PL" > <name>Polish</name> </choice> <choice id="pt-PT" > <name>Portuguese</name> </choice> <choice id="pt-BR" > <name>Portuguese (Brazilian)</name> </choice> <choice id="ro-RO" > <name>Romanian</name> </choice> <choice id="ru-RU" > <name>Russian</name> </choice> <choice id="sk-SK" > <name>Slovak</name> </choice> <choice id="sl-SI" > <name>Slovenian</name> </choice> <choice id="es-ES" > <name>Spanish (Spain)</name> </choice> <choice id="es-AR" > <name>Spanish (Argentina)</name> </choice> <choice id="sv-SE" > <name>Swedish</name> </choice> <choice id="tr-TR" > <name>Turkish</name> </choice> <choice id="uk-UA" > <name>Ukrainian</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="default_charset" type="enum" default-value="utf-8"> <name>Encoding</name> <choice id="iso-8859-1"> <name>ISO-8859-1</name> </choice> <choice id="utf-8"> <name>UTF-8</name> </choice> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Other preferences</name> <setting id="disable_new_user_registration" type="enum" default-value="false"> <name>Disable new user registration</name> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="allow_user_themes" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Allow user themes</name> <description>If YES, users can set their own theme that the site uses.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="allow_user_language" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Allow user language</name> <description>If YES, users can select the language for the site navigation.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="allow_user_photo" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Allow user photo</name> <description>If YES, users can upload a photo to their profile.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="allow_username_change" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Allow user name change</name> <description>If YES, users will be allowed to change their username (login name). Stories and comments posted under the old username will automatically show the new username.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="allow_account_delete" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Allow account delete</name> <description>If YES, users will be allowed to delete their accounts. Stories and comments posted under that account will be kept and show up as being posted by "Anonymous".</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hide_author_exclusion" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide author exclusion</name> <description>If YES, the option to to exclude certain authors from being seen is hidden from the user's preferences.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="show_fullname" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Show fullname</name> <description>Whether to display a user's full name (YES) or only their username (NO). For users that haven't entered their full name, Geeklog will always display the username.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="show_servicename" type="enum" default-value="true"> <name>Show service name</name> <description>If you allow users to log in with accounts on remote services (like Blogger or LiveJournal), this option will at the service's name to the username to avoid confusion with local users of the same name.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="spamx" type="enum" default-value="128"> <name>Spam-X action</name> <description>Define action to be taken by Spam-X module if spam detected.</description> <choice id="128"> <name>Ignore comment and redirect to homepage</name> </choice> <choice id="8"> <name>Mail admin message</name> </choice> <choice id="136"> <name>Ignore and email admin</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="sort_admin" type="enum" default-value="true"> <name>Sort admin links</name> <description>Sort the links in the admin block and the admin panel.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="lastlogin" type="enum" default-value="true"> <name>Remember last login</name> <description>Geeklog keeps track of when a user last logged in. Set this to NO, if you don't want that.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="num_search_results" type="integer" default-value="10"> <name>Search results number</name> <description>Default number of search results (per type) to be displayed per page.</description> </setting> <setting id="storysubmission" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Enable story submission</name> <description>Enable or disable the story submission queue.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="usersubmission" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Enable user submission</name> <description>Enable or disable the user submission queue (i.e. new users must be approved before they receive their password).</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="listdraftstories" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>List draft stories</name> <description>When set to YES, this will display an additional block on the submissions page that lists all stories that have the 'draft' flag set.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="postmode" type="enum" default-value="plaintext"> <name>Default submission mode</name> <choice id="plaintext"> <name>Plain text</name> </choice> <choice id="html"> <name>HTML</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="speedlimit" type="integer" default-value="45"> <name>Speed limit</name> <description>Minimum delay between submissions in seconds. This helps prevent Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.</description> </setting> <setting id="skip_preview" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Skip preview</name> <description>If YES, allows submission of stories and comments without previewing (i.e. the submission form will always have a Preview and a Submit button).</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="advanced_editor" type="enum" default-value="false"> <name>Advanced editor</name> <description>Enable (if set to YES) a WYSIWYG editor for story and comment submissions and static pages. If enabled, the default submission mode will be HTML.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="cron_schedule_interval" type="integer" default-value="86400"> <name>Cron schedule interval</name> <description>Geeklog can emulate a cronjob, i.e. trigger a certain action at a given time. The code to be executed can be provided by a plugin or through the CUSTOM_runScheduledTask function in your lib-custom.php. The value given is in seconds and specifies the interval in which the code should be executed. Please note that to trigger this action, you will need to have someone visit your site at around the specified time. On a site with few visitors, the code may only be executed with considerable delay. Set to 0 to disable.</description> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Topic settings</name> <setting id="sortmethod" type="enum" default-value="sortnum"> <name>Sort method</name> <description>Topics can be assigned a sort number so that you can control what order they appear in the 'Topics' block on the homepage. If you prefer you can also have this sort alphabetically.</description> <choice id="sortnum"> <name>Sort number</name> </choice> <choice id="alpha"> <name>Alphabetically</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="showstorycount" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Show story count</name> <description>Show the number of stories in a topic in Topics Block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="showsubmissioncount" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Show submission count</name> <description>Show the number of story submissions for a topic in the Sections block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hide_home_link" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide home link</name> <description>Hide the "Home" link from the Sections block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> </group> <group> <name>"Who's Online" block settings</name> <setting id="whosonline_threshold" type="integer" default-value="300"> <name>Threshold</name> <description>How long, in seconds, users can be idle before removing them from the whosonline block.</description> </setting> <setting id="whosonline_anonymous" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Show registered users</name> <description>If enabled, anonymous users will only see the number of registered users currently online in the Who's Online block but not their names. Only logged-in users will see the names of other users that are currently online.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> </group> <group> <name>"Daily Digest" settings</name> <setting id="emailstories" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Email stories</name> <description>Let users get stories e-mailed to them, aka Daily Digest. Please note that this requires cron and the use of PHP as a shell script.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="emailstorieslength" type="integer" default-value="1"> <name>Email length</name> <description>When "Email stories" (above) is enabled, send only the title and the link to the new stories (0), or send the entire introtext (1) or send the first n characters from the introtext (where n = any other number).</description> </setting> <setting id="emailstoriesperdefault" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Email per default</name> <description>When enabled, new users will be subscribed to the daily digest automatically when they register with the site.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> </group> <group> <name>"What's New" block settings</name> <setting id="newstoriesinterval" type="integer" default-value="86400"> <name>New stories interval</name> <description>Stories are "new" if they are this many seconds old.</description> </setting> <setting id="newcommentsinterval" type="integer" default-value="172800"> <name>New comments interval</name> <description>Comments are "new" if they are this many seconds old.</description> </setting> <setting id="newtrackbackinterval" type="integer" default-value="172800"> <name>New trackback interval</name> <description>Trackback comments are "new" if they are this many seconds old.</description> </setting> <setting id="hidenewstories" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide new stories</name> <description>Enable to hide new stories from the What's New block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hidenewcomments" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide new comments</name> <description>Enable to hide new comments from the What's New block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hidenewtrackbacks" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide new trackbacks</name> <description>Enable to hide new trackback comments from the What's New block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hidenewplugins" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide new plugins</name> <description>Enable to hide new entries by plugins from the What's New block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="title_trim_length" type="integer" default-value="20"> <name>Title trim length</name> <description>Max. length of the title of items listed in the What's New block.</description> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Trackback, Pingback, and Ping settings</name> <setting id="trackback_enabled" type="enum" default-value="true"> <name>Trackback enabled</name> <description>Enable trackback comments. This applies to both sending and receiving trackback comments.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="pingback_enabled" type="enum" default-value="true"> <name>Pingback enabled</name> <description>Enable pingback support. This applies to both sending and receiving pingbacks.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="ping_enabled" type="enum" default-value="true"> <name>Ping enabled</name> <description>Enable the ability to ping weblog directory services like Technorati.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="trackback_code" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Allow trackbacks and pingbacks by default</name> <description>Can be changed individually for every story.</description> <choice id="0"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="-1"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="multiple_trackbacks" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide new plugins</name> <description>How to handle multiple trackbacks and pingbacks from the same source: First = keep only the first, reject any further trackbacks / pingbacks; Overwrite = only keep the latest trackback / pingback; Allow multiple = allow multiple trackbacks / pingbacks, i.e. list them all.</description> <choice id="0"> <name>First</name> </choice> <choice id="1"> <name>Overwrite</name> </choice> <choice id="2"> <name>Allow multiple</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="trackbackspeedlimit" type="integer" default-value="300"> <name>Trackback speed limit</name> <description>Number of seconds between two trackbacks / pingbacks from the same IP address.</description> </setting> <setting id="check_trackback_link" type="integer" default-value="2"> <name>Check trackback link</name> <description>Use this option to check the validity of Trackbacks: 0 = don't check anything; 1 = check against "site url" variable; 2 = check full URL; 4 = check IP address of sender against the site's IP in the Trackback; Add the values to do more than one check, e.g. 2 + 4 = 6, i.e. check URL + IP</description> </setting> <setting id="pingback_self" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Pingback self</name> <description>Pingbacks are sent out automatically to all the URLs linked from a story - which includes stories on your own site that you may have linked in the article. This option lets you specify how these "self pingbacks" are to be handled: Skip = skip them, i.e. don't send pingbacks to stories on your own site; Allow, with speed limit = allow them, but obey the speed limit; Allow, without speed limit = allow them and ignore the speed limit. If your article contains more than one link to other stories on your site, then option "Allow, with speed limit" is probably of limited use, as it would only pingback the first linked story and run into the speed limit for the others.</description> <choice id="0"> <name>Skip</name> </choice> <choice id="1"> <name>Allow, with speed limit</name> </choice> <choice id="2"> <name>Allow, without speed limit</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="link_documentation" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Show documentation link</name> <description>Link to the documentation from the Admin block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Story settings</name> <setting id="maximagesperarticle" type="integer" default-value="5"> <name>Max images perarticle</name> <description>Max. number of images you can have in a story.</description> </setting> <setting id="limitnews" type="integer" default-value="10"> <name>Limit news</name> <description>Number of stories to limit the index page to, this same number will appear in the older stuff block.</description> </setting> <setting id="minnews" type="integer" default-value="1"> <name>Min news</name> <description>Minimum numbers of stories than can appear on a topic page.</description> </setting> <setting id="contributedbyline" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Show contributed by line</name> <description>Show author username to public, and enable search by username.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hideviewscount" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide views count</name> <description>Whether to show or to hide the number of views a story has had.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hideemailicon" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide email icon</name> <description>When set to YES, this will disable the ability to send a story by email. It will also hide the email icon from stories and the "Email Article To a Friend" from the Story Options block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hideprintericon" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide printer icon</name> <description>When set to YES, this will disable display of a story in a "printer friendly" format. It will also hide the printer icon from stories and the "View Printable Version" from the Story Options block.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="allow_page_breaks" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Allow page breaks</name> <description>Allow usage of the [page_break] tag in stories (when set to YES), so that stories can spread over multiple pages.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="page_break_comments" type="enum" default-value="last"> <name>Page break comments</name> <description>When the [page_break] tag is allowed in stories (see above), where should the story's comments be displayed: 'last' = on the story's last page only, 'first' = on the first page only, 'all' = on every page.</description> <choice id="last"> <name>last</name> </choice> <choice id="first"> <name>first</name> </choice> <choice id="all"> <name>all</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="article_image_align" type="enum" default-value="right"> <name>Article image align</name> <description>Which side of article the topic image should be shown.</description> <choice id="right"> <name>right</name> </choice> <choice id="left"> <name>left</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="show_topic_icon" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Show topic icon</name> <description>Default setting for new stories and story submissions: Whether to show the topic icon or not.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="draft_flag" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Draft flag</name> <description>Default setting for new stories created by Story Admins: Whether the story's draft flag should be set or not.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="frontpage" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>To frontpage</name> <description>Default setting for new stories and story submissions: Whether the story should appear on the site's frontpage or only in its topic's page. Please note that for stories submitted to the archive topic, this setting will be ignored and the story will not appear on the frontpage.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hide_no_news_msg" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide no news message</name> <description>When set to YES, hide the "No News To Display" message on the index page (e.g. when viewing a topic without any stories in it).</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="hide_main_page_navigation" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Hide main page navigation</name> <description>When set to YES, this option will hide the "Google paging" navigation from index.php, i.e. from the site's frontpage and all topic pages. This may come in handy for more advanced layouts but will of course prevent people from easily reaching older articles.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="onlyrootfeatures" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Only root features</name> <description>This restricts the featuring of stories to root user(s). If you have several story admins that can create content that is not visible to other story admins, and such a content is featured, another admin might think its ok to feature his own content. To prevent that two admins unknowingly take features from each other away, only a user who can see all content (= root) should be able to feature a story.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Advanced theme settings</name> <setting id="show_right_blocks" type="enum" default-value="false"> <name>Show right blocks</name> <description>Set the default whether to display the right-side blocks or not. In the default configuration, Geeklog will only display the right-side blocks on the index page. Please note that setting this to YES will reduce the amount of space available for the actual page content, especially for users with narrow browser windows. May require theme changes in article/article.thtml (depending on the theme used) to avoid the What's Related and Story Options "blocks" showing up in an extra (fourth) column.</description> <choice id="true"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="false"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="showfirstasfeatured" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Show first as featured</name> <description>When set to YES, this will render the first story on any page using the templates for a featured story, even if that story is not featured. This will even be applied to the first story on page 2 of a topic page, for example. It is recommended to leave this unchanged and overwrite it in the theme's functions.php instead.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="left_blocks_in_footer" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Left blocks in footer</name> <description>When set to YES, this will make the \{left_blocks\} variable available in footer.thtml (and disable it in header.thtml). This is really only useful for two-column layouts where you want the left column contain the stories and the right columni contain the standard blocks. It is recommended to leave this unchanged and overwrite it in the theme's functions.php instead.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> </group> <group> <name>RSS feed settings</name> <setting id="backend" type="enum" default-value="1"> <name>Activate feeds</name> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="rdf_limit" type="string" default-value="10"> <name>Limit</name> <description>Limit the number of stories to export to the news feed. If the value for this setting is a number, the feed will hold this many stories. If the number is followed by a lower-case 'h' (e.g. 24h) it denotes the number of hours from which to chose the stories.</description> </setting> <setting id="rdf_storytext" type="integer" default-value="1"> <name>Story text</name> <description>If this value is 1, then the entire introtext of the stories will be included in the news feed. Any number greater than 1 limits the introtext to that many characters (e.g. a value of 80 would only include the first 80 characters from the introtext in the feed). If set to 0, the introtext is not included in the feed.</description> </setting> <setting id="rdf_language" type="enum" default-value="en-GB"> <name>Language</name> <description>Value for the feed's language tag. Depending on your site's language and operating system, this may differ from the interface language.</description> <choice id="af-CF"> <name>Afrikaans</name> </choice> <choice id="bs-BA"> <name>Bosnian</name> </choice> <choice id="bg-BG"> <name>Bulgarian</name> </choice> <choice id="ca-ES"> <name>Catalan</name> </choice> <choice id="zh-TW"> <name>Chinese tranditional</name> </choice> <choice id="zh-CN"> <name>Chinese simplified</name> </choice> <choice id="hr-HR"> <name>Croatian</name> </choice> <choice id="cz-CZ"> <name>Czech</name> </choice> <choice id="da-DK"> <name>Danish</name> </choice> <choice id="nl-NL"> <name>Dutch</name> </choice> <choice id="en-GB"> <name>English</name> </choice> <choice id="et-EE"> <name>Estonian</name> </choice> <choice id="fi-FI"> <name>Finish</name> </choice> <choice id="fr-FR"> <name>French (France)</name> </choice> <choice id="fr-CA"> <name>French (Canada)</name> </choice> <choice id="gl-ES"> <name>Galician</name> </choice> <choice id="ka-GE"> <name>Georgian</name> </choice> <choice id="de-DE"> <name>German</name> </choice> <choice id="de-SI"> <name>German (formal)</name> </choice> <choice id="he-IL"> <name>Hebrew</name> </choice> <choice id="el-GR"> <name>Hellenic</name> </choice> <choice id="id-ID"> <name>Indonesian</name> </choice> <choice id="it-IT"> <name>Italian</name> </choice> <choice id="ja-JP"> <name>Japanese</name> </choice> <choice id="nb-NO"> <name>Norwegian</name> </choice> <choice id="fa-IR"> <name>Persian (Farsi)</name> </choice> <choice id="pl-PL"> <name>Polish</name> </choice> <choice id="pt-PT"> <name>Portuguese</name> </choice> <choice id="pt-BR"> <name>Portuguese (Brazilian)</name> </choice> <choice id="ro-RO"> <name>Romanian</name> </choice> <choice id="ru-RU"> <name>Russian</name> </choice> <choice id="sk-SK"> <name>Slovak</name> </choice> <choice id="sl-SI"> <name>Slovenian</name> </choice> <choice id="es-ES"> <name>Spanish (Spain)</name> </choice> <choice id="es-AR"> <name>Spanish (Argentina)</name> </choice> <choice id="sv-SE"> <name>Swedish</name> </choice> <choice id="tr-TR"> <name>Turkish</name> </choice> <choice id="uk-UA"> <name>Ukrainian</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="syndication_max_headlines" type="integer" default-value="0"> <name>Max headlines</name> <description>Upper limit for the max. number of headlines when importing a feed (into a portal block). The limit can also be set for each individual portal block in the block menu. When set to 0, all headlines are imported.</description> </setting> </group> <group> <name>Login settings</name> <setting id="loginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Overall</name> <description>These settings let you select which functions are available for registered users only. This ("Overall") setting means "all of them", if set to YES will override all else.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="submitloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Submit</name> <description>Only registered users can submit stories and items handled by plugins, e.g. links and events.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="commentsloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Comments</name> <description>Only registered users can submit comments.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="statsloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Stats</name> <description>Only registered users can access the site stats.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="searchloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Search</name> <description>Only registered users can use the advanced search. When set to "Block simple search", the simple search is blocked for anonymous users, too.</description> <choice id="2"> <name>Block simple search</name> </choice> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="profileloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Profile</name> <description>Only registered users can view another user's profile.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="emailuserloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Email user</name> <description>Only registered users can use the email submission form to send an email to another user.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="emailstoryloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Email story</name> <description>Only registered users can email stories.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> <setting id="directoryloginrequired" type="enum" default-value="0"> <name>Directory</name> <description>Only registered users can access the list of past articles.</description> <choice id="1"> <name>YES</name> </choice> <choice id="0"> <name>NO</name> </choice> </setting> </group> </settings> <requirements xmlns:php="http://apstandard.com/ns/1/php" xmlns:db="http://apstandard.com/ns/1/db"> <php:version min="4.1.0"/> <php:extension>mysql</php:extension> <db:db> <db:id>main</db:id> <db:default-name>geeklog</db:default-name> <db:can-use-tables-prefix>true</db:can-use-tables-prefix> <db:server-type>mysql</db:server-type> <db:server-min-version>3.23.2</db:server-min-version> </db:db> </requirements> <mapping url="/" path="htdocs" xmlns:php="http://apstandard.com/ns/1/php"> <php:handler> <php:extension>php</php:extension> </php:handler> <mapping url="backups"> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> <mapping url="logs"> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> <mapping url="data"> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> <mapping url="public_html"> <mapping url="backend"> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> <mapping url="images"> <mapping url="articles"> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> <mapping url="userphotos"> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> <mapping url="topics"> <php:permissions writable="true"/> </mapping> </mapping> </mapping> </mapping> </application>