File: chinese_simplified_utf-8.php
<?php ############################################################################### # chinese_simplified_utf-8.php # # Last Modified: 2008-05-23 # Version: 1.5 # # This is the Chinese Simplified (UTF-8) language set for Geeklog 1.5 # # Copyright (C) 2003 Samuel Maung Stone # sam AT stonemicro DOT com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################### $LANG_CHARSET = 'utf-8'; ############################################################################### # Array Format: # $LANGXX[YY]: $LANG - variable name # XX - file id number # YY - phrase id number ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # USER PHRASES - These are file phrases used in end user scripts ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # lib-common.php $LANG01 = array( 1 => '作者︰', 2 => '读整文', 3 => '个评论', 4 => '编辑', 5 => '', 6 => '', 7 => '', 8 => '', 9 => '管理者功能︰', 10 => '提交物', 11 => '文章', 12 => '组件', 13 => '主题', 14 => '', 15 => '', 16 => '', 17 => '用户', 18 => 'SQL 质问', 19 => '退出', 20 => '用户讯息︰', 21 => '用户名', 22 => '用户识别号', 23 => '安全等级', 24 => '匿名', 25 => '回复', 26 => '以下评论只属张贴者个人观点。', 27 => '最近发表的', 28 => '删除', 29 => '没有评论。', 30 => '旧的文章', 31 => '允许的 HTML 标记:', 32 => '错误,无效的用户名', 33 => '错误,不能写系统日志;', 34 => '错误', 35 => '退出', 36 => '于', 37 => '没有文章', 38 => '内容辛迪加', 39 => '使新', 40 => '', 41 => '客人', 42 => '作者:', 43 => '回复这个', 44 => '母体', 45 => 'MySQL 错误号码', 46 => 'MySQL 错误讯息', 47 => '用户功能', 48 => '我的帐户', 49 => '风格选择', 50 => '错误的 SQL 句子', 51 => '帮助', 52 => '新', 53 => '管理者首页', 54 => '不能打开文件。', 55 => '错处', 56 => '投票', 57 => '密码', 58 => '登入', 59 => "没有帐户?<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\" rel=\"nofollow\">在此登记</a>", 60 => '发表评论', 61 => '新增帐户', 62 => '字', 63 => '评论设定', 64 => '把文章电邮给朋友', 65 => '观看可列印的版本', 66 => '', 67 => '欢迎来到', 68 => '首页', 69 => '联络', 70 => '搜寻', 71 => '投稿', 72 => '网路资源', 73 => '', 74 => '', 75 => '进阶搜索', 76 => '本站统计数据', 77 => '插件', 78 => '', 79 => '新鲜的东西', 80 => '个新文章(', 81 => '新的文章(', 82 => ' 小时内)', 83 => '评论', 84 => '', 85 => '最近四十八小时', 86 => '没有新的评论', 87 => '最近两个星期', 88 => '', 89 => '', 90 => '首页', 91 => '载入这页用了', 92 => '秒', 93 => '版权', 94 => '此网站所有的商标和版权属于他们各自的所有者.', 95 => '动力于', 96 => '小组', 97 => '字词单', 98 => '插件', 99 => '文章', 100 => '没有新的文章', 101 => '', 102 => '', 103 => '资料库备份', 104 => '由', 105 => '寄给用户', 106 => '采样数:', 107 => 'GL 版本测试', 108 => '清除缓冲贮存区', 109 => '报告滥用', 110 => '报告此滥登文给网站管理员', 111 => '', 112 => '登记用户', 113 => '使用说明', 114 => '迹回', 115 => '没有新迹回的评论', 116 => '迹回', 117 => '目录', 118 => '请继续看下页', 119 => "丢失了<a ref=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=getpassword\" rel=\"nofollow\">密码</a>?", 120 => '永久联结此评论', 121 => '评论 (%d)', 122 => '迹回 (%d)', 123 => '准许用所有的HTML', 124 => '点击删除所选的项目', 125 => '你肯定要删除所选的项目吗?', 126 => '选 或 不选 所有的项目', 127 => 'Permalink', 128 => '用OpenID 登入:', 129 => '设定', 130 => '网络服务', 131 => 'No HTML is allowed', 132 => 'Information', 133 => 'Critical', 134 => 'Help', 135 => 'Warning', 136 => 'Warning: Javascript recommended for enhanced functionality', 137 => 'Warning: Javascript required to enable functionality', 138 => "Click <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/usersettings.php\" rel=\"nofollow\">here</a> to disable the advanced editor and use the default editor which does not require JavaScript", 139 => "Click <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/\" rel=\"nofollow\">here</a> to return to the homepage" ); ############################################################################### # comment.php $LANG03 = array( 1 => '发表评论', 2 => '发表方式', 3 => '退出', 4 => '新增帐户', 5 => '用户名', 6 => '本站需要登入才可发表评论,请登入。如果你没有帐户,请使用下面的表格登记。', 7 => '你最後发表的评论是在 ', 8 => " 秒之前。本站限定至少 {$_CONF['commentspeedlimit']} 秒後才可再发表评论", 9 => '评论', 10 => '送出报告', 11 => '发表评论', 12 => '请填写标题注评论栏', 13 => '供你参考', 14 => '预览', 15 => '报告这篇滥登文', 16 => '标题', 17 => '错误', 18 => '重要的东西', 19 => '请尽量不要离题。', 20 => '尽可能回复别人的评论,而不是开新的评论。', 21 => '为避免重复,发表评论之前请先读别人所写的。', 22 => '请尽量用简洁的标题。', 23 => '我们不会公开你的电邮地址。', 24 => '匿名用户', 25 => '你肯定想要报告此滥登文给网站管理员否?', 26 => '%s 报告以下滥登的评论:', 27 => '滥用报告', 28 => 'Preview Changes', 29 => 'Submit Changes', 30 => 'Edited on', 31 => 'by', 32 => 'Editing a Comment', 33 => 'Editing a Comment Submission', 34 => 'Preview Submission Changes', 35 => 'Save Changes to Queue', 36 => 'Notify me of new replies', 37 => 'New Comment Reply', 38 => 'A reply has been made to your comment \'%s\'.', 39 => 'You may view the comment thread at the following address:', 40 => 'If you wish to receive no further notifications of replies, visit the following link:', 41 => 'Hello %s,', 42 => 'Unsubscribe', 43 => 'Unsubscribe from reply notifications', 44 => 'Your Name' ); ############################################################################### # users.php $LANG04 = array( 1 => '用户概况', 2 => '用户名', 3 => '全名', 4 => '密码', 5 => '电子邮件', 6 => '首页', 7 => '小传', 8 => 'PGP 钥匙', 9 => '保存设定', 10 => '给用户的最後十个评论', 11 => '没有评论', 12 => '用户设定', 13 => '每夜电邮文摘', 14 => '这是个随机的密码,请尽快更改。要更改密码请先登入系统,然後点击帐户讯息。', 15 => "你在 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的帐户已建立了。请使用以下讯息登入系统并保留这邮件作日後参考。", 16 => '你的帐户讯息', 17 => '帐户并不存在', 18 => '你提供的不是一个有效的的电邮', 19 => '用户名或电邮已经存在', 20 => '提供的不是一个有效的的电邮', 21 => '错误', 22 => "登记用 {$_CONF['site_name']} !", 23 => "在 {$_CONF['site_name']} 登记的用户可享有的会员好处。他们可以用自己的名字发表评论和存取本站的资源。请注意本站<b><i>绝不会</i></b>公开用户的电邮。", 24 => '你的密码将被送到你输入的电邮信箱', 25 => '忘记了你的密码吗?', 26 => '请你输入的用户名和点击电邮密码,我们会发送一个新的密码到你的电邮信箱。', 27 => '现在就登记!', 28 => '电邮密码', 29 => '退出时', 30 => '登入时', 31 => '需要登入才可用', 32 => '署名', 33 => '绝不会公开', 34 => '这是你的真名', 35 => '要改变请输入密码', 36 => '开始是 http://', 37 => '将会附加在你发表的评论上', 38 => '你的简介', 39 => '你的公共 PGP 钥匙', 40 => '没有主题图示', 41 => '愿意主持', 42 => '日期格式', 43 => '文章限度', 44 => '没有组件', 45 => '显示设定', 46 => '不包括的', 47 => '新组件配置为', 48 => '主题', 49 => '文章里没有图像', 50 => '不要打钩如果你不感兴趣', 51 => '只是新文章', 52 => '预设值的是', 53 => '每晚接收当日的文章', 54 => '打钩如果你不看这些主题或作者。', 55 => '如果你没有选择,这意味你要用预设的组件。如果你选择组件,所有预设的箱将被忽略。预设的东西会用粗笔画显示。', 56 => '作者', 57 => '显示方式', 58 => '排序方式', 59 => '评论限制(个)', 60 => '可显示你的评论吗?', 61 => '最新或最旧的先?', 62 => '预设是100', 63 => '密码已被发送,你会很快收到的。', 64 => '评论设定', 65 => '请尝试再登入', 66 => "你可能打错了,请尝试再登入。你是否<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\" rel=\"nofollow\">新用户</a>?", 67 => '成员自', 68 => '记住我为', 69 => '在登入以後,我们应该记住你多久?', 70 => "定做 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的布局和内容", 71 => "一个 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的主要特点是你可以定做自己的布局和内容,但是你必须是本站的会员。<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\" rel=\"nofollow\">在此登记</a>。如果你已经是登记,请使用左边的区域登入。", 72 => '题材', 73 => '语言', 74 => '改变本站外表', 75 => '主题已电邮给', 76 => '请只选择你感兴趣的主题,因为所有当日新张贴的文章将会电邮到你的信箱。', 77 => '相片', 78 => '你自己的图片', 79 => '要删除图片,在这里打钩', 80 => '登入', 81 => '发送电子邮件', 82 => '用户最近发表的十个文章为', 83 => '用户发表统计', 84 => '文章总数︰', 85 => '评论总数︰', 86 => '寻找所有发表过的文章︰', 87 => '你的登入名', 88 => "有人(也许是你)要了新密码 \"%s\" 于 {$_CONF['site_name']}, <{$_CONF['site_url']}>.\n\n若你真的要这样作, 请你点击以下联结:\n\n", 89 => "你若不想要这样作, 请忽视这信息。这项事就将会被抛弃,而你的密码就保持原有.\n\n", 90 => '你可在下面输入一个新的密码。请注意你的旧密码任然有效直到你将此表提交。', 91 => '设定新密码', 92 => '输入新密码', 93 => '你在 %d 秒钟前刚要了一个新密码. 此站规定最少要 %d 秒钟以后才可再次要求新密码。', 94 => '将用户 \'%s\' 删除', 95 => '单据下面的 \'删除用户\' 便将你在我们资料库里的用户。请注意,你以其用户所登载过的文章和评论不会删除,可是会以无名作者的身份显示。', 96 => '删除用户', 97 => '确定用户删除', 98 => '你肯定要删除你的用户吗? 其后你就不在能使用此站,除非你重新设定新用户. 若你肯定的话请再次单据下面的 “删除用户”.', 99 => '隐私选项于', 100 => '管理员来信', 101 => '准许管理员来信', 102 => '用户来信', 103 => '准许其他用户来信', 104 => '显示联机状况', 105 => '让在“谁在联机”组件里显示', 106 => '位置', 107 => '显示在你的公开简介', 108 => '肯定新密码', 109 => '再次输入密码', 110 => '目前的密码', 111 => '请输入目前的密码', 112 => '你已超过准许的登入次数. 情稍候再努力.', 113 => '登入失败', 114 => '账户已被中止', 115 => '你的账户已被中止, 你不能继续登入. 请跟管理员联络.', 116 => '等待启动的账户', 117 => '你的账户现在等待管理员的启动. 在账户未批准以前, 你还不能登入.', 118 => "你的 {$_CONF['site_name']} 账户已被启动. 你可通过以下的url 用先前以电信寄给你的用户名 (<username>) 和密码来登入.", 119 => '你若已忘记了你的密码你可通过此 url 来要求一个新密码', 120 => '帐户已被启动', 121 => '服务', 122 => '对不起, 目前禁止新用户登记', 123 => "你是否 <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\" rel=\"nofollow\">新用户</a>?", 124 => '确认电信', 125 => '你必需要输入同样的电信地址!', 126 => '请重复输入来确认', 127 => '你必须输入目前的密码来做任何修改.', 128 => '姓名', 129 => '密码 & 电信', 130 => '关于你', 131 => '每日摘要选项', 132 => '每日摘要功能', 133 => '评论显示', 134 => '评论选项', 135 => '<li>显示评论的默认模式</li><li>显示评论的默认次序</li><li>设定显示评论的极大数字 – 默认数字是 100</li>', 136 => '排除标题和作者', 137 => '过滤文章内容', 138 => '其他设定', 139 => '版面和语言', 140 => '<li>不要标题的图标:勾此处就不会显示标题的图标</li><li>不要组件:勾了此处就不会显示组件,只会显示管理菜单,用户菜单,和主题菜单<li>设定每页显示的极大文章数字</li><li>设定你的版面主题和喜欢的日期格式</li>', 141 => '隐私设定', 142 => '默认设定的是让用户和管理员们彼此可用电信交通而显示你的在线状态。取消这设定可保护你的隐私权.', 143 => '过滤组件内容', 144 => '显示或隐藏组件', 145 => '你的公开简介', 146 => '密码和电信', 147 => '修改你的用户密码,电信,和自动登入作用。你需要输入你的密码或电信地址两次来避免错误。', 148 => '用户信息', 149 => '修改要显示给其他用户的你的用户信息.<li>你的签名会显示在你的评论或论坛标语的下面</li><li>个人简历是用来分享你自己的简介</li><li>分享你得 PGP 钥匙</li>', 150 => '', 156 => '删除用户', 157 => '删除选项', 158 => '时区', 159 => '这电邮是自动产生的。请不要回信。', 160 => '(max. %d x %d pixels, %d bytes; %s)', 161 => 'will be scaled down', 162 => 'will not be scaled', 163 => 'Re-Authentication Failed', 164 => 'You have exceeded the number of allowed attempts for re-authentication. The operation has been aborted and your recent changes were lost, sorry.', 165 => 'Use Advanced Editor', 166 => 'Re-synch Remote Account' ); ############################################################################### # Customize if need to modify the Tabbed navbar MyAccount panels used. # Array index key matches preference div id $LANG_MYACCOUNT = array( 'pe_preview' => '预览', 'pe_namepass' => '用户名 & 密码', 'pe_userinfo' => '关于你', 'pe_layout' => '版面 & 语言', 'pe_content' => '内容', 'pe_privacy' => '秘密' ); ############################################################################### # index.php $LANG05 = array( 1 => '没有新闻可显示', 2 => '没有新文章可显示。', 3 => '这也许是真的没有新主题或是你的 %s 设定得太过限制性。', 4 => '今天头条', 5 => '下页', 6 => '上页', 7 => '第一', 8 => '最终' ); ############################################################################### # profiles.php $LANG08 = array( 1 => '发送电子邮件时发生错误。请再尝试。', 2 => '电邮已送出。', 3 => '请确定你在回复栏有一个可用的电子邮件地址。', 4 => '请填写你的名字、回复栏、主题和内容', 5 => '错误:没有这用户。', 6 => '发生错误。', 7 => '用户资料', 8 => '用户名', 9 => '用户名的 URL', 10 => '发送邮件到', 11 => '你的名字:', 12 => '回复到:', 13 => '主题:', 14 => '内容:', 15 => 'HTML 不会被翻译。', 16 => '发送邮件', 17 => '把文章电邮给朋友', 18 => '收件人名字', 19 => '收件人电邮', 20 => '寄件人名字', 21 => '寄件人电邮', 22 => '所有栏都要填写', 23 => "这电子邮件是由 %s (%s) 寄给你的,他认为你也许对这篇在 {$_CONF['site_url']} 的文章感兴趣。这不是垃圾邮件(SPAM),你的电邮地址也不会被纪录。", 24 => '关於这个文章的评论在', 25 => '为帮助我们防止系统被滥用,你必须登入。', 26 => '这个表格允许你送电子邮件到你选择的用户中。请填写所有的栏位。', 27 => '短信', 28 => '%s 写道:', 29 => "来自於 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的每日文摘,给予:", 30 => ' 每日的时事通讯,给予:', 31 => '标题', 32 => '日期', 33 => '完整的文章在:', 34 => '电邮结束', 35 => '对不起,此用户不愿意收电信.', 36 => 'Copy:', 37 => 'Send me a copy of this email', 38 => "This is a copy of the email that you sent to %s from <{$_CONF['site_url']}>:", 39 => 'Your last message was ', 40 => " seconds ago. This site requires at least {$_CONF['speedlimit']} seconds between sending messages" ); ############################################################################### # search.php $LANG09 = array( 1 => '进阶搜寻', 2 => '关键词', 3 => '主题', 4 => '所有', 5 => '类型', 6 => '文章', 7 => '评论', 8 => '作者', 9 => '所有', 10 => '搜寻', 11 => '搜寻结果', 12 => '相配', 13 => '搜寻结果:没有相配的', 14 => '没有你寻找的东西︰', 15 => '请再尝试', 16 => '标题', 17 => '日期', 18 => '作者', 19 => "搜寻整个 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的新旧文章资料库", 20 => '日期', 21 => '到', 22 => '(日期格式 年-月-日 YYYY-MM-DD)', 23 => '采样数', 24 => '找到', 25 => '个相配在', 26 => '个项目中,共用了', 27 => '秒', 28 => '没有你所寻找的文章或评论', 29 => '文章和评论的结果', 30 => '', 31 => '没有你所寻找的插件', 32 => '', 33 => 'URL', 34 => '地点', 35 => '所有日子', 36 => '', 37 => '', 38 => '', 39 => '', 40 => '', 41 => '搜寻的关键词最少要有三个字。', 42 => '请使用 YYYY-MM-DD (年-月-日) 日期格式。', 43 => '整个短语', 44 => '所有字词', 45 => '其中任何字词', 46 => '以下', 47 => '以上', 48 => '作者', 49 => '日期', 50 => '采样数', 51 => '', 52 => '位置', 53 => '文章结果', 54 => '评论结果', 55 => '句子', 56 => '和', 57 => '或', 58 => '更多的结果 >>', 59 => '结果', 60 => '每页', 61 => '改进搜寻', 62 => '#', 63 => 'Description', 64 => 'Showing %1$d - %2$d of %3$d results', 65 => 'Story', 66 => 'Comment', 67 => 'Show %d Results', 68 => 'Sort By', 69 => 'Titles Only', 70 => 'Not available ...', 71 => 'asc', 72 => 'desc' ); ############################################################################### # stats.php $LANG10 = array( 1 => '本站统计数据', 2 => '系统点击总数', 3 => '文章(评论)总数', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => '', 7 => '采样数最高的十个文章', 8 => '文章标题', 9 => '采样数', 10 => '看来本站没有文章或是没人观看过本站的文章。', 11 => '最多评论的十个文章', 12 => '评论', 13 => '看来本站没有文章或是没人评论过本站的文章。', 14 => '', 15 => '', 16 => '', 17 => '', 18 => '', 19 => '', 20 => '', 21 => '', 22 => '最多人寄出的十个文章', 23 => '电邮', 24 => '看来没人寄出过本站的文章', 25 => '头十个迹回评论的文章', 26 => '找不到迹回评论.', 27 => '用户人数', 28 => '', 29 => '', 30 => '采样数', 31 => '' ); ############################################################################### # article.php $LANG11 = array( 1 => '有什麽是相关的', 2 => '寄文章给朋友', 3 => '可印的文章格式', 4 => '文章选项', 5 => '', 6 => 'Subscribe to \'%s\'' ); ############################################################################### # submit.php $LANG12 = array( 1 => '你需要登入才可发表 %s ', 2 => '登入', 3 => '新用户', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => '发表一个文章', 7 => '你需要登入', 8 => '发表', 9 => '在本站发表东西时请跟随以下建议...<ul><li>填写所有的栏<li>提供完全和准确的讯息<li>再三检查那些 URLs</ul>', 10 => '标题', 11 => '', 12 => '开始日期', 13 => '结束日期', 14 => '地点', 15 => '描述', 16 => '', 17 => '', 18 => '', 19 => '读这先', 20 => '', 21 => '', 22 => '错误:缺少栏位', 23 => '请填写所有的栏位', 24 => '你发表的已被保存了', 25 => '你的 %s 已被保存了', 26 => '限速', 27 => '用户名', 28 => '主题', 29 => '文章', 30 => '你最後发表的是', 31 => " 秒之前。本站限定至少 {$_CONF['speedlimit']} 秒後才可再发表", 32 => '预览', 33 => '文章 预览', 34 => '退出', 35 => '不准许 HTML 标记', 36 => '发表模式', 37 => '', 38 => '', 39 => '', 40 => '', 41 => '', 42 => '', 43 => '', 44 => '地址 1', 45 => '地址 2', 46 => '城市/市镇', 47 => '州', 48 => '邮政编码', 49 => '', 50 => '', 51 => '地点', 52 => '删除', 53 => '新加帐户', 54 => '文章介绍', 55 => '文章整文' ); ############################################################################### # ADMIN PHRASES - These are file phrases used in admin scripts ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # admin/auth.inc.php $LANG20 = array( 1 => '要求认证', 2 => '拒绝!不正确的登入资料', 3 => '无效的密码', 4 => '用户名:', 5 => '密码:', 6 => '这页只供授权人员使用。<br' . XHTML . '>所有存取将被记录和检查。', 7 => '登入' ); ############################################################################### # admin/block.php $LANG21 = array( 1 => '权力不足', 2 => '你没有权去编辑这个组件。', 3 => '组件编辑器', 4 => '读取此文流时发现错误,请在你的错误记录档案 error.log 里看细节.', 5 => '', 6 => '', 7 => '所有', 8 => '组件安全水平', 9 => '组件次序', 10 => '', 11 => '入口组件', 12 => '正常组件', 13 => '入口组件选项', 14 => '文流 RDF 的 URL', 15 => '最後的文流 RDF 更新', 16 => '正常组件选项', 17 => '组件内容', 18 => '请填写组件的标题和内容。', 19 => '组件管理员', 20 => '', 21 => '组件安全水平', 22 => '', 23 => '组件次序', 24 => '', 25 => '点击下面的组件可修改或删除它,点击上面的新组件可创造一个新的。', 26 => '版面组件', 27 => 'PHP 组件', 28 => 'PHP 组件选项', 29 => '组件函数', 30 => '如果你想用自己的 PHP 函数组件,请在上面输入函数的名字。为防止执行任性的编码,PHP 组件函数名必须以 "phpblock_" 作开始 (e.g. phpblock_getweather)。请不要把空的圆括号 "()" 放在函数後。最後,建议你把所有的 PHP 组件放在 /path/to/geeklog/system/lib-custom.php 里以方便系统升级。', 31 => 'PHP 组件错误︰函数 %s 并不存在。', 32 => '错误︰缺少栏位。', 33 => '在入口组件你必须把 URL 输入到 .rdf 档案', 34 => '在 PHP 组件你必须输入标题和函数', 35 => '在正常组件你必须输入标题和内容', 36 => '在版面组件你必须输入内容', 37 => '不适当的 PHP 组件函数名', 38 => '为防止执行任性的编码,PHP 组件函数名必须以 "phpblock_" 作开始 (e.g. phpblock_getweather)。', 39 => '放在那边', 40 => '左', 41 => '右', 42 => '在本系统的预设组件你必须输入组件标题和次序', 43 => '只可是首页', 44 => '', 45 => "企图存取不允许的组件已被记录。请<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/block.php\">反回组件管理员昼面</a>。", 46 => '新组件', 47 => '', 48 => '组件名', 49 => ' (不可有空隔和必须是唯一的)', 50 => 'The Block Name can not be empty', 51 => '包括 http://', 52 => '如果这里留白,组件的求助文件图示将不被显示', 53 => '使有效', 54 => '保存', 55 => '取消', 56 => '删除', 57 => '下移组件', 58 => '上移组件', 59 => '移组件到右边', 60 => '移组件到左边', 61 => '无标题', 62 => '文章限制', 63 => '错误组件标题', 64 => '你的标题不能空白或有HTML!', 65 => '次序', 66 => '自动标签', 67 => '打勾来准许自动标签', 68 => '这入口组件的新闻馈入太长. 请在组件设定区里设定最多文章数限,或在志乐的全面设定区里设定最多文章数限。' ); ############################################################################### # admin/story.php $LANG24 = array( 1 => '上篇文章', 2 => '下篇文章', 3 => '模式', 4 => '发表模式', 5 => '文章编辑器', 6 => '没有文章', 7 => '作者', 8 => '保存', 9 => '预览', 10 => '取消', 11 => '删除', 12 => 'ID', 13 => '', 14 => '', 15 => '日期', 16 => '文章简介', 17 => '文章内容', 18 => '点击次数', 19 => '评论', 20 => 'Ping', 21 => '传送 Ping', 22 => '文章清单', 23 => '点击下面的文章编号可修改或删除它,点击下面的文章标题可观看它,点击上面的新文章可创造一个新的。', 24 => '你选的用户名以有人在用。请用另一个用户名。', 25 => '存续文章时发生错误', 26 => '文章预览', 27 => '你若用 [unscaledX] 而不是[imageX], 图像将会以原来的尺寸插入.', 28 => '<p><b>预览</b>: 预览有图像的文章的最好方法是将它存为草稿。用预览按钮来预览没有图像的文章。', 29 => '迹回', 30 => '上载错误', 31 => '你需要提供作者、标题和文章简介!', 32 => '头条的', 33 => '只可有一个头条文章', 34 => '草稿', 35 => '是', 36 => '否', 37 => '更多来自於', 38 => '更多发表於', 39 => '电邮', 40 => '', 41 => "企图存取不允许的文章已被记录。你可以以唯读模式观看下面文章。看完後请<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/story.php\">反回文章管理员昼面</a>。", 42 => "企图存取不允许的文章已被记录。请<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/story.php\">反回文章管理员昼面</a>。", 43 => '', 44 => '', 45 => '', 46 => '<b>注意︰</b>如果你把日期改成将来,在那个日期前这篇文章将不会被发表。并且 意味着这篇文章不会包括在你的 RDF 标题内,在搜寻和统计页中会被忽略。', 47 => '图像', 48 => '图像', 49 => '右', 50 => '左', 51 => '请用特别格式的文字([imageX]、[imageX_right] 或 [imageX_left])来插入图像, X 是你附加图像的编号。注意︰你只可使用你附加的图像否则你将无法保存你的文章。<BR><P><B>预览</B>︰最佳预览文章的方法是把文章保存成草稿而不是直击预览按钮。只有没有附加图像时才用预览按钮。', 52 => '', 53 => '没有被使用。保存前,你必须把这个图像包含在文章简介或文章内容中。', 54 => '附加图像未被使用', 55 => '保存你的文章时发生以下错误。请改正这些错误再保存', 56 => '显示主题图示', 57 => '看没味缩小的图像', 58 => '有期文章管理', 59 => '选项', 60 => '', 61 => '过期后自动存档', 62 => '过期后自动删除', 63 => 'Disable Comments', 64 => '', 65 => '', 66 => '', 67 => '扩大内容编辑范围', 68 => '缩小内容编辑范围', 69 => '登高日期', 70 => '工具列选择', 71 => '基本工具列', 72 => '普通工具列', 73 => '先进工具列', 74 => '先进II 工具列', 75 => '全部功能', 76 => '出版选项', 77 => '必须启动Javascript 来用高级的编辑器。此选项可再config.php 关掉。', 78 => '点击<a href="%s/story.php?mode=edit&sid=%s&editopt=default">这里</a>来用预设值的编辑器', 79 => '预览', 80 => '编辑器', 81 => '出版选项', 82 => '图像处理', 83 => '有期文章管理', 84 => '权限', 85 => '完全显示', 86 => '高等编辑器', 87 => '文章统计', 88 => 'Wiki 式的格式', 89 => 'Meta Description', 90 => 'Meta Keywords', 91 => 'You can always hit "Preview" to extend the expiry time.', 'autotag_desc_story' => '[story: id alternate title] - Displays a link to a Story using the Story Title as the title. An alternate title may be specified but is not required.' ); ############################################################################### # admin/topic.php $LANG27 = array( 1 => '主题编辑器', 2 => '主题编号', 3 => '主题名', 4 => '主题图像', 5 => '(不可有空隔)', 6 => '删除主题会同时删除所有有关的文章和组件!', 7 => '你需要提供主题编号和主题名!', 8 => '主题管理员', 9 => '点击下面的主题可修改或删除它,点击上面的新主题可创造一个新的。在括号里你将发现你的存取级别。', 10 => '排序次序', 11 => '文章 / 页', 12 => '存取被拒绝', 13 => "企图存取不允许的主题已被记录。请<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/topic.php\">反回主题管理员昼面</a>.", 14 => '排序方法', 15 => '按字母排序', 16 => '预设是', 17 => '新主题', 18 => '管理员首页', 19 => '保存', 20 => '取消', 21 => '删除', 22 => '预设', 23 => '用此主题作为新稿的预设主体', 24 => '(*)', 25 => '保存文件的题目', 26 => '用此题目作保存文件的默认题目。只准许一个题目。', 27 => '或上载主题图像', 28 => '最大', 29 => '文件上载出了问题', 30 => 'Stories in Topic' ); ############################################################################### # admin/user.php $LANG28 = array( 1 => '用户编辑器', 2 => '用户编号', 3 => '用户名', 4 => '全名', 5 => '密码', 6 => '安全级别', 7 => '电邮地址', 8 => '首页', 9 => '(不可有空隔)', 10 => '你需要提供用户名、全名、安全级别和电邮地址。', 11 => '用户管理员', 12 => '点击下面的用户可修改或删除它,点击上面的新用户可创造一个新的。在下面的表格中输入部份的用户名、电邮地址或全名 (e.g.*son* or *.edu) ,可做简单的寻找。', 13 => '安全级别', 14 => '登记日', 15 => '', 16 => '', 17 => '', 18 => '', 19 => '', 20 => '保存', 21 => '用户名已经存在', 22 => '错误', 23 => '大量增加', 24 => '大量输入用户', 25 => '你可一次过输入大量的用户到志乐。输入档案必须是一个用 tab 分隔的文字档案,栏位的顺序是︰全名、用户名、电邮地址。每一个被输入的用户将会收到一个以电子邮件发送的随机密码。档案中每一行是一个用户。没遵守这些要求将造成问题,也许需要手动作业,请再三检查你档案!', 26 => '', 27 => '', 28 => '在这里打钩可删除这张图片', 29 => '路径', 30 => '输入', 31 => '新用户', 32 => '处理完成。输入了 %d 个;%d 个失败', 33 => '递交', 34 => '错误︰你必须指定上载档案。', 35 => '最后一次登入', 36 => '(从未)', 37 => 'UID', 38 => '小组目录', 39 => '密码 (再次)', 40 => '登记日期', 41 => '最后登入日期', 42 => '被禁止的', 43 => '等待启动', 44 => '等待准许', 45 => '有效的', 46 => '用户状态', 47 => '编辑', 48 => '显示管理组', 49 => '管理组', 50 => '打勾来准许过滤此组为管理组', 51 => '在线日', 52 => '<br' . XHTML . '>注: "在线日" 是从登记的第一天到最后一次登入.', 53 => '登记过的', 54 => '批量的删除', 55 => '这功能只会有效若你已在 config.php 里设定为 <code>$_CONF[\'lastlogin\'] = true;</code>', 56 => '请选你想要删除的用户种类,然后按 "更新名单". 然后, 取消那些你不想删除的用户,再按删除. 请注意,你只会删除你现在所看见的用户。若有多页,后页不会删除。', 57 => '幻影用户', 58 => '短期用户', 59 => '老用户', 60 => '用户登记超过 ', 61 => ' 个月, 但未曾登入过.', 62 => '用户登记超过 ', 63 => ' 个月, 然后在24小时内登入过, 但从此就未曾回来过.', 64 => '正常用户, 但已经没有回来 ', 65 => ' 个月.', 66 => '更新名单', 67 => '登记月数', 68 => '在线时数', 69 => '离线月数', 70 => '无法删除', 71 => '删除成功', 72 => '为选任何要删除的用户', 73 => '你肯定要将所选的用户永久删除吗?', 74 => '最近用户', 75 => '在最近', 76 => ' 月内登记的用户。', 77 => '给所选的用户寄送提醒电邮', 78 => '寄送提醒电邮', 79 => '没有所选的用户', 80 => '寄送成功', 81 => '提醒查证 %s 的帐户', 82 => "你的账户于 {$_CONF['site_name']} 自从 %s 就未曾运用,如果此账户在三十天内不再运用,它会变成无效。", 83 => "你的账户于 {$_CONF['site_name']} 自从登记时就未曾运用。若不继续运用,它将变成无效。", 84 => "你的用户名是: %s 我们的网站是: {$_CONF['site_url']}", 85 => '若你忘记你的密码请跟从这个连结: %s', 86 => 'Include', 87 => 'Reminders', 88 => 'Default Group', 89 => 'Check to make this a default group for new users', 90 => 'Apply "Default Group" change to existing user accounts', 'autotag_desc_user' => '[user: id alternate title] - Displays a link to a User using the Username as the title. An alternate title may be specified but is not required.' ); ############################################################################### # admin/moderation.php $LANG29 = array( 1 => '批准', 2 => '删除', 3 => '编辑', 4 => '简要描述', 10 => '标题', 11 => '开始日期', 12 => 'URL', 13 => '类别', 14 => '日期', 15 => '主题', 16 => '用户名', 17 => '全名', 18 => '电子邮件', 34 => '命令和控制', 35 => '已递交的文章', 36 => 'Parent or Comment', 37 => '', 38 => '递交', 39 => '此时没有递交的东西', 40 => '申请的用户', 41 => 'Comment Submissions', 42 => 'Username', 43 => 'Auto-publish Comments?' ); ############################################################################### # admin/mail.php $LANG31 = array( 1 => "{$_CONF['site_name']} 邮件程式", 2 => '寄件人', 3 => '回复到', 4 => '主题', 5 => '内容', 6 => '收件人︰', 7 => '所有用户', 8 => '管理员', 9 => '选项', 10 => 'HTML', 11 => '迫切的讯息!', 12 => '发送', 13 => '重设', 14 => '忽略用户设定', 15 => '错误,当发送到︰', 16 => '讯息已发送到︰', 17 => "<a href={$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/mail.php>发送其它信件</a>", 18 => '收件人', 19 => '注意︰如果你希望发送讯息到本站所有的成员,请在小组选择栏位中选择 Logged-in Users group。', 20 => "已发送 <successcount> 个讯息,有 <failcount> 个不能发送。发送的细节在下面。如不想看细节,你可<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/mail.php\">发送其它讯息</a> 或 <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/moderation.php\">反回管理员首页</a>。", 21 => '失败', 22 => '成功 ', 23 => '全部成功 ', 24 => '全部失败', 25 => '-- 请选小组 --', 26 => '请填写所有表格上的栏位和选择一个小组。' ); ############################################################################### # admin/plugins.php $LANG32 = array( 1 => '安装插件能损坏你的主系统。 必需要特别小心。 最好不要安装任何你不了解的插件。', 2 => '插件安装声明', 3 => '插件安装表格', 4 => '插件档案', 5 => '插件清单', 6 => '警告︰插件已经被安装过!', 7 => '你想安装的插件已经存在,请先把它删除再安装。', 8 => '插件不能通过兼容性校验。', 9 => '这插件要求一个更新版本的志乐. 你可以升级你的<a href="http://www.geeklog.net">志乐</a>或是另找一个适合的版本。', 10 => '<br' . XHTML . '><b>没有安装的插件。</b><br' . XHTML . '><br' . XHTML . '>', 11 => '若想修改或删除插件,点击以下插件的名称。这会显示插件的详细内容和制作者的网站。安装的版本和从代码中来的版本都会显出来。这会让你知道此插件是否应该更新。若要安装或升级插件请咨询它的说明文件。', 12 => 'plugineditor() 找不到插件名', 13 => '插件编辑器', 14 => '新插件', 15 => '管理员首页', 16 => '插件名字', 17 => '插件版本', 18 => '志乐版本', 19 => '使有效', 20 => '是', 21 => '否', 22 => '安装', 23 => '保存', 24 => '取消', 25 => '删除', 26 => '插件名', 27 => '插件首页', 28 => '已安装的插件版本', 29 => '志乐版本', 30 => '删除插件?', 31 => '你肯定要删除这个插件吗?这麽会删除所有有关这插件的文件、资料和资料结构。如果你肯定的,请再点击下面表格中的删除钮。', 32 => '<p><b>错误:AutoLink 标签不对</b></p>', 33 => '代码版本', 34 => '更新', 35 => '编辑', 36 => '代码', 37 => '数据', 38 => '更新!', 39 => 'Upload a plugin', 40 => 'You can upload a plugin archive (.tar.gz, .tgz, .zip) directly here:', 41 => 'Upload', 42 => 'Click to update', 43 => 'Load Order', 44 => 'Move plugin up the load order', 45 => 'Move plugin down the load order', 46 => 'Click to Delete this Plugin', 47 => 'Really Delete %s Plugin?', 48 => 'Click to Enable this Plugin', 49 => 'Click to Disable this Plugin', 50 => 'Dependencies', 51 => 'OK', 52 => 'Unresolved', 53 => 'Disabled', 54 => 'Unavailable', 55 => 'Uninstalled', 56 => 'Wrong Version', 57 => 'Unknown', 58 => 'The load order of one or more plugins has been altered in order to resolve dependencies', 59 => 'Info', 60 => 'Close', 61 => 'Status', 62 => 'Click to Install this Plugin', 63 => 'This Plugin Cannot be Installed', 64 => 'This Plugin Cannot be Enabled', 65 => 'The plugin upload function has been disabled due to the following errors:', 66 => 'File uploads are disabled in your PHP configuration.', 67 => 'The directory "%s" is not writable.', 68 => 'You do not have the required permissions to install plugins.', 69 => 'You do not have the required permissions to upload plugins.', 99 => 'An unknown error occured', 100 => 'Ok.', 101 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 102 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', 103 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', 104 => 'No file was uploaded.', 105 => '(undefined error)', 106 => 'Missing a temporary folder.', 107 => 'Failed to write file to disk.', 108 => 'File upload stopped by extension.' ); ############################################################################### # admin/syndication.php $LANG33 = array( 1 => '建立文流', 2 => '保存', 3 => '删除', 4 => '取消', 10 => '内容辛迪加', 11 => '新文流', 12 => '管理处首页', 13 => '若要修改或删除一个文流, 再一下主题上点击. 若要建立新的文流, 点击以上的新文流.', 14 => '标题', 15 => '种类', 16 => '文件名', 17 => '格式', 18 => '最后一次更新', 19 => '启动', 20 => '是', 21 => '否', 22 => '<i>(无文流)</i>', 23 => '所有文章', 24 => '文流编辑', 25 => '文流标题', 26 => '限定', 27 => '条目长度', 28 => '(0 = 无内文, 1 = 整文, other = 限定于此字数.)', 29 => '说明', 30 => '最后一次更新', 31 => '字符集', 32 => '语言', 33 => '内容', 34 => '条目', 35 => '小时', 36 => '选择文流种类', 37 => '', 38 => '错误: 缺少信息', 39 => '请填入文流标题, 说明, 和文件名.', 40 => '请输入条目数目或小时数目.', 41 => '连结', 42 => '', 43 => '全部', 44 => '无', 45 => '题目内的标题联结', 46 => '限制结果', 47 => '搜寻', 48 => '编辑', 49 => '新闻 Feed 的标志', 50 => "跟网址有关 ({$_CONF['site_url']})", 51 => '你所选的文件名已经在另一个文流中用着了。请选另一个。', 52 => '错误: 文件名已存在', 53 => 'All Frontpage Stories', 54 => 'Please select the type of feed to create.', 55 => 'Articles' ); ############################################################################### # confirmation and error messages $MESSAGE = array( 1 => "我们已电邮了你的密码到你的电邮信箱,请跟随邮件中的指示。多谢使用 {$_CONF['site_name']}", 2 => "多谢递交你的文章到 {$_CONF['site_name']} 。只要经过我们员工的核对,你的文章将出现在我们的纲页上。", 3 => '', 4 => '', 5 => '你的帐户设定已被保存了。', 6 => '你的个人设定已被保存了。', 7 => '你的评论界面设定已被保存了。', 8 => '你已退出。', 9 => '你的文章已被保存了。', 10 => '你的文章已被删除了。', 11 => '你的组件已被保存了。', 12 => '你的组件已被删除了。', 13 => '你的主题已被保存了。', 14 => '你的主题和所有相关的文章已被删除了。', 15 => 'Your comment has been submitted for review and will be published when approved by a moderator.', 16 => 'You have been unsubscribed. You will no longer be notified of new replies.', 17 => '', 18 => '', 19 => '', 20 => '', 21 => '用户已被保存了。', 22 => '用户已被删除了。', 23 => '', 24 => '', 25 => '', 26 => '', 27 => '信息已发送。', 28 => '插件已被保存了。', 29 => 'Sorry, you do not have access to this administration page. Please note that all attempts to access unauthorized features are logged', 30 => '存取被拒绝', 31 => '', 32 => '', 33 => '', 34 => '', 35 => '', 36 => '', 37 => '', 38 => '', 39 => '', 40 => '系统讯息', 41 => '', 42 => '', 43 => '', 44 => '插件已被安装了。', 45 => '插件已被删除了。', 46 => '', 47 => '', 48 => "感谢你申请成为 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的会员。只要经过我们员工的核对,我们会把密码寄到你所登记的电邮中。", 49 => '你的小组已被保存了。', 50 => '小组已被删除了。', 51 => '此用户名已有人在用。请选择另一个。', 52 => '你给的电信地址不像是有效。', 53 => '你的新密码已被接受。现在以下请用你的新密码来登入.', 54 => '你要求新密码的期限以过。请在下面从新要求。', 55 => '已经给你寄了一封电信。请照此信的说明来设定新密码。', 56 => '你供给的电信地址已有别的用户在使用。', 57 => '你的用户已经成功地删除了。', 58 => '你的文流已成功的保存了.', 59 => '你的文流已成功的删除了.', 60 => '插件已经更新成功', 61 => '插件 %s: 不知名的信息占位符', 62 => '迹回评论已被删除.', 63 => '删除迹回评论时发生错误.', 64 => '你的迹回评论已成功地传送出.', 65 => '网志目录服务已成功的存续.', 66 => '网志目录服务已被删除.', 67 => '你输入的新密码跟证实密码不同!', 68 => '你必要输入正确的目前密码.', 69 => '你的账户已被禁止!', 70 => '你的账户在等待管理员的批准.', 71 => '你的账户已证实并且等待管理员的批准.', 72 => '安装插件时发生错误,细节请看 error.log.', 73 => '卸载插件时发生错误,细节请看error.log.', 74 => 'Ping 回已成功地送出.', 75 => '迹回必须用 POST 要求.', 76 => '你真的要删除这项目吗?', 77 => '警告:<br' . XHTML . '>你已默认UTF-8 为语文编码。 但是,你的服务器不支持多字节编码。请安装 mbstring 入 PHP 或选另一种语文编码。', 78 => '请确定你的电信地址跟你的确认电信地址是完全同样的。', 79 => '你想打开的网页提交到已经在这网站不存在的功能。', 80 => '建立此文流的插件已被关闭。你不能修改此文流除非你从新启动有关插件。', 81 => '你可能错误的输入了你的用户资料。请在下面再次登入。', 82 => '你已超过准许的登入次数。 等会儿再试。', 83 => '要改密码,电信地址,或要记得你多久,请输入你的目前密码。', 84 => '要删除你的用户帐号,请输入你的目前密码。', 85 => '寄送电邮是出了错误。', 86 => 'OpenID 服务器不批准你的输入。', 87 => 'OpenID 输入被用户取消。', 88 => 'OpenID 服务器传回错误。', 89 => '无法找到一个 OpenID 服务器承认这身份 URL.', 90 => 'OpenID 证明取消。', 91 => '你提供了一个无效的身份 URL.', 92 => "请 <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/sectest.php\"> 检查你的网站的安全 </a> 然后再开始运用!", 93 => '资料库备份成功。', 94 => '备份失败: 文件小于 1kb', 95 => '有错误。', 96 => '', 97 => '', 98 => 'The plugin was successfully uploaded.', 99 => 'The plugin already exists.', 100 => 'The plugin file you uploaded was not a GZip or Zip compressed archive.', 101 => 'There are no topics (that you have access to). You need at least one topic to be able to submit stories.', 110 => 'Can not get URL for authentication.', 111 => 'Authentication error.', 112 => 'Certification has been canceled.', 113 => 'Your account has been created successfully. {site_url}', 114 => 'Your re-synch with your remote account has failed but your other account information has been successfully saved.', 115 => 'Remote service has been disabled.', 400 => 'Not all required fields have been passed validation', 401 => 'Please enter Fullname' ); ############################################################################### $LANG_ACCESS = array( 'access' => '存取', 'ownerroot' => '所有者/Root', 'group' => '小组', 'readonly' => '唯读', 'accessrights' => '存取权', 'owner' => '所有者', 'grantgrouplabel' => '给予之上小组编辑权利', 'permmsg' => '注意︰会员是指所有注册和登入的用户;而匿名是指所有非注册的浏览者或没有登入的用户。', 'securitygroups' => '安全小组', 'editrootmsg' => "即使你是用户管理员;但你不能编辑 root 用户。你能编辑所有的用户除了 root 用户。请注意所有企图非法地编辑 root 用户的动作已被记录。请回到<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/user.php\">用户管理页</a>去。", 'securitygroupsmsg' => '选择这位用户属於的小组。', 'groupeditor' => '小组编辑器', 'description' => '描述', 'name' => '名字', 'rights' => '权限', 'missingfields' => '缺少栏位', 'missingfieldsmsg' => '你必须提供小组的名字和描述', 'groupmanager' => '小组管理员', 'newgroupmsg' => '点击下面的小组可修改或删除它,点击上面的新小组可创造一个新的。请注意所核心小组不能被删除。', 'groupname' => '组名', 'coregroup' => '核心小组', 'yes' => '是', 'no' => '否', 'corerightsdescr' => "这个小组的权限不能被编辑,因为这是个 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的核心小组。以下是这小组的权限清单(唯读的)。", 'groupmsg' => '安全小组在这纲站是有等级制度的。当增加这个小组到另一组别,这个小组将得到那组别的权限。请尽可能小组加下列的组别去。如果这小组需要特别的权限,你可以在以下的"权利"区域中挑选。要把小组加到组别去,你只需要在组别旁边的挑选盒打钩。', 'coregroupmsg' => "因为这是个 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的核心小组,这个小组的权限不能被编辑。以下是这小组的组别清单(唯读的)。", 'rightsdescr' => '小组的权限可以是来自於小组本身或是这小组所属的组别。以下的权限中如没有检验盒即代表这权限是来自於小组所属的组别;如有检验盒即代表你可以直接把权限给予这小组。', 'lock' => '锁住', 'members' => '成员', 'anonymous' => '匿名', 'permissions' => '权限', 'permissionskey' => 'R = 唯读, E = 编辑,有编辑权即有唯读权', 'edit' => '编辑', 'none' => '没有', 'accessdenied' => '存取被拒绝', 'storydenialmsg' => "因未被批准,你不可以观看这个文章。这是可能是因为你并不是 {$_CONF['site_name']} 的会员。请<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\" rel=\"nofollow\">成为会员</a>。", 'nogroupsforcoregroup' => '这小组不属於任何其它的小组', 'grouphasnorights' => ' 这小组没有管理权。', 'newgroup' => '新小组', 'adminhome' => '管理员首页', 'save' => '保存', 'cancel' => '取消', 'delete' => '删除', 'canteditroot' => '因为你不属于 Root 小组,所以你对 Root 小组的修改被拒绝了。如有问题请与系统管理员联系。', 'listusers' => '列出用户', 'listthem' => '列出', 'usersingroup' => '属于 "%s" 小组的用户', 'usergroupadmin' => '用户小组管理', 'add' => '加入', 'remove' => '免除', 'availmembers' => '可用的成员', 'groupmembers' => '小组成员', 'canteditgroup' => '若要修改此小组, 你必要时这个小组的成员. 若你认为这是错误, 请你联络系统管理员.', 'cantlistgroup' => '要看此小组的会员,你必须是此小组的会员。你若认为这是错误,请联络系统管理员。', 'editgroupmsg' => '若要修改小组会员,点击会员名,然后用增加或删除的按钮. 如果一个会员是一个小组的会员,他们的名字只会显现在右边. 一旦完成,按 <b>保存</b> 来更新小组,然后回到小组管理主页.', 'listgroupmsg' => '列出此小组目前所有的会员: <b>%s</b>', 'search' => '搜寻', 'submit' => '提交', 'limitresults' => '控制结果', 'group_id' => '小组 ID', 'plugin_access_denied_msg' => '你在非法的进入插件管理页. 请注意所有的非法登入都被登记.', 'groupexists' => '小组名称已存在', 'groupexistsmsg' => '目前已有用此名的小组. 小组名称必须独特.' ); ############################################################################### # admin/database.php $LANG_DB_BACKUP = array( 'last_ten_backups' => '最後十个备份', 'do_backup' => '做备份', 'backup_successful' => '资料库备份完成。', 'db_explanation' => '要做新的志乐备份,点击以下的按钮', 'not_found' => "不正确的路径或 mysqldump 程式不可执行。<br" . XHTML . ">检查<strong>\$_DB_mysqldump_path</strong>定义在 config.php.<br" . XHTML . ">变数现在被定义为︰<var>{$_DB_mysqldump_path}</var>", 'zero_size' => '备份失败︰档案是 0 大小', 'path_not_found' => "{$_CONF['backup_path']} 不存在或不是目录", 'no_access' => "错误︰目录 {$_CONF['backup_path']} ,不能存取。", 'backup_file' => '备份档案', 'size' => '大小', 'bytes' => '位元组', 'total_number' => '总备份次数: %d', 'download' => '点击下载', 'new_backup' => 'New Backup', 'delete_failure' => 'One or more backup files could not be deleted.', 'delete_success' => 'Backup file(s) successfully deleted.', 'convert_menu' => 'Convert to InnoDB', 'convert_title' => 'Convert to InnoDB tables', 'convert_button' => 'Convert', 'sorry_no_innodb' => 'Sorry, your version of MySQL does not support InnoDB tables.', 'innodb_explain' => 'InnoDB tables provide better performance on <em>really</em> large databases but make the backup process more complicated. Please <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/innodb.html">read up</a> on the pros and cons of InnoDB tables before you perform this operation.', 'already_converted' => 'Note: It appears that all of the tables have already been converted to InnoDB.', 'conversion_patience' => 'Note: Conversion may take some time - please be patient.', 'innodb_success' => 'Successfully converted tables to InnoDB.', 'table_issues' => 'There may have been problems with some tables, though. Please check error.log for details.', 'optimize_menu' => 'Optimize Tables', 'optimize_title' => 'Optimize Tables', 'optimize_button' => 'Optimize', 'optimize_explain' => 'Optimizing tables may help to improve the performance of your site. The actual impact depends on the table usage and some tables may benefit from it more than others. Do no expect to see a huge difference in performance. The <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/optimize-table.html">MySQL manual</a> states: <q>it is not likely that you need to do this more than once a week or month</q>.', 'last_optimization' => 'Last optimization', 'optimization_patience' => 'Note: Optimization may take some time - please be patient.', 'optimize_success' => 'Successfully optimized database tables.' ); ############################################################################### $LANG_BUTTONS = array( 1 => '首页', 2 => '联络', 3 => '投稿', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => '', 7 => '本站统计数据', 8 => '个人化', 9 => '搜索', 10 => '进阶搜寻', 11 => '目录' ); ############################################################################### # 404.php $LANG_404 = array( 1 => '404 错误', 2 => '咦,我到处都看过了但找不到<b>%s</b>.', 3 => "<p>很抱歉,但你要求的文件不存在。请检查<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}\">主页</a>或<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/search.php\">搜索页</a>看看能发现什麽。" ); ############################################################################### # login form $LANG_LOGIN = array( 1 => '要求登入', 2 => '抱歉,要求登入才可存取这个区域。', 3 => '登入', 4 => '新用户' ); ############################################################################### # trackback.php $LANG_TRB = array( 'trackback' => '迹回', 'from' => '从', 'tracked_on' => '迹回于', 'read_more' => '[读下文]', 'intro_text' => '这是别人对 \'%s\' 的看法:', 'no_comments' => '此登录无迹回评论.', 'this_trackback_url' => '此登录的迹回 URL:', 'num_comments' => '%d 迹回评论', 'send_trackback' => '送出 Ping', 'preview' => '预览', 'editor_title' => '送出迹回评论', 'trackback_url' => '迹回 URL', 'entry_url' => '登录 URL', 'entry_title' => '登录标题', 'blog_name' => '网站名', 'excerpt' => '摘录', 'truncate_warning' => '注: 目的站可能将你的摘录缩短', 'button_send' => '送出', 'button_preview' => '预览', 'send_error' => '错误', 'send_error_details' => '送出迹回评论时发生错误:', 'url_missing' => '无登录 URL', 'url_required' => '请输入登录的最少一个 URL.', 'target_missing' => '无迹回 URL', 'target_required' => '请输入一个迹回 URL', 'error_socket' => '无法打开 socket.', 'error_response' => '不明白你的反应.', 'error_unspecified' => '为指明的错误.', 'select_url' => '选择迹回 URL', 'not_found' => '找不到迹回 URL', 'autodetect_failed' => '志乐探测不到关于你要送出评论的迹回 URL. 以下请输入.', 'trackback_explain' => '从以下的联结中,请选你要送出评论的 URL. 志乐将会决定正确的迹回 URL. 或者你若已知道的话,可 <a href="%s">在此输入它</a>.', 'no_links_trackback' => '找不到联结. 你不能送出此登录的迹回评论.', 'pingback' => 'Ping 回', 'pingback_results' => 'Ping 回的结果', 'send_pings' => '送出 ping', 'send_pings_for' => '送出ping 于 "%s"', 'no_links_pingback' => '找不到联结. 为此登录无 Ping 回送出.', 'pingback_success' => 'Ping 回已送出.', 'no_pingback_url' => '无 ping 回 URL.', 'resend' => '重送', 'ping_all_explain' => '你现在可通知你所联结的网站 (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingback">Ping 回</a>), 广告你的站已经被更新于ping 过网志目录服务, 或送出一个 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trackback">迹回</a> 评论若你写过有关一个在别人的网站上的登录.', 'pingback_button' => '送出Ping 回', 'pingback_short' => '送出Ping 回到所有跟此登录联结的网站.', 'pingback_disabled' => '(Ping 回已中止)', 'ping_button' => '送出Ping', 'ping_short' => 'Ping 网志目录服务.', 'ping_disabled' => '(Ping 已中止)', 'trackback_button' => '送出迹回', 'trackback_short' => '送出一个迹回评论.', 'trackback_disabled' => '(迹回一中止)', 'may_take_a_while' => '请注意,送出 Ping回 和 Ping 可需要一段时间.', 'ping_results' => 'Ping 的结果', 'unknown_method' => '无知 ping 法', 'ping_success' => 'Ping 已送出.', 'error_site_name' => '请输入网站名.', 'error_site_url' => '请输入网站 URL.', 'error_ping_url' => '请输入正确的 Ping URL.', 'no_services' => '未设定网志目录服务.', 'services_headline' => '网志目录服务', 'service_explain' => '若要更改或删除网志目录服务,请点击一下服务的编辑标图. 要增加一个新的网志目录服务,请点击以上的 "建新".', 'service' => '服务', 'ping_method' => 'Ping 法', 'service_website' => '网站', 'service_ping_url' => '要ping 的URL', 'ping_standard' => '标准 Ping', 'ping_extended' => '扩大的 Ping', 'ping_unknown' => '(无知法)', 'edit_service' => '编辑网志目录服务', 'trackbacks' => '迹回', 'editor_intro' => '准备你的迹回评论于 <a href="%s">%s</a>.', 'editor_intro_none' => '准备你的迹回评论.', 'trackback_note' => '若要送出一个迹回评论于一个文章,去到文章目录然后点击那文章的"传送 Ping". 若要送出跟任何文章都无关的迹回, <a href="%s">请点击此处</a>.', 'pingback_explain' => '输入一个 URL 来送出 Ping回. Ping回将会指到你的网站主页.', 'pingback_url' => 'Ping回 URL', 'site_url' => '此站的 URL', 'pingback_note' => '若要给一个文章送出 ping回, 去到文章目录然后点击那文章的 "传送 Ping". 要送出一个跟任何文章都无关的 ping回, <a href="%s">请点击此处</a>.', 'pbtarget_missing' => '无 Ping回 URL', 'pbtarget_required' => '请输入一个ping回 URL', 'pb_error_details' => '送出 ping回时发生错误:', 'delete_trackback' => '要删除这迹回请按: ' ); ############################################################################### # directory.php $LANG_DIR = array( 'title' => '文章目录', 'title_year' => '文章目录为 %d', 'title_month_year' => '文章目录为 %s %d', 'nav_top' => '回到文章目录', 'no_articles' => '没有文章.' ); ############################################################################### # admin/sectest.php $LANG_SECTEST = array( 'sectest' => 'Geeklog Security Check', 'results' => 'Results of the Security Check', 'okay' => 'Everything seems to be in order.', 'please_fix' => 'Please fix the above issues before using your site!', 'please_note' => 'Please note that no site is ever 100% secure. This script can only test for obvious security issues.', 'stay_informed' => 'To stay informed about new Geeklog releases and possible security issues, we suggest that you subscribe to the (low-traffic) %s mailing list and/or use the %s option in your Admin menu from time to time to check for available updates.', 'public_html' => '"public_html" should never be part of your site\'s URL. Please read the part about public_html in the %s again and change your setup accordingly before you proceed.', 'installation' => 'installation instructions', 'directory' => 'directory', 'failed_tmp' => 'Failed to create a temporary file in your %s directory. Check your directory permissions!', 'fix_it' => 'This is a security risk and should be fixed!', 'reachable' => 'Your %s is reachable from the web.', 'not_reachable' => 'Good! Your %s is not reachable from the web.', 'not_sure' => 'Got an HTTP result code %s when trying to test your %s. Not sure what to make of it ...', 'remove_inst' => 'You should really remove the install directory %s once you have your site up and running without any errors.', 'remove_inst2' => 'Keeping it around would allow malicious users the ability to destroy your current install, take over your site, or retrieve sensitive information.', 'inst_removed' => 'Good! You seem to have removed the install directory already.', 'fix_password' => 'You still have not changed the <strong>default password</strong> from "password" on %s Root user account(s).', 'password_okay' => 'Good! You seem to have changed the default account password already.' ); ############################################################################### # "What's New" Time Strings # # For the first two strings, you can use the following placeholders. # Order them so it makes sense in your language: # %i item, "Stories" # %n amount, "2", "20" etc. # %t time, "2" (weeks) # %s scale, "hrs", "weeks" $LANG_WHATSNEW = array( 'new_string' => '%n 新 %i 在最后 %t %s', 'new_last' => '最后 %t %s', 'minutes' => '分钟', 'hours' => '小时', 'days' => '日', 'weeks' => '周', 'months' => '月', 'years' => 'years', 'minute' => '分钟', 'hour' => '小时', 'day' => '日', 'week' => '周', 'month' => '月', 'year' => 'year' ); ############################################################################### # Month names $LANG_MONTH = array( 1 => '一月', 2 => '二月', 3 => '三月', 4 => '四月', 5 => '五月', 6 => '六月', 7 => '七月', 8 => '八月', 9 => '九月', 10 => '十月', 11 => '十一月', 12 => '十二月' ); ############################################################################### # Weekdays $LANG_WEEK = array( 1 => '周日', 2 => '周一', 3 => '周二', 4 => '周三', 5 => '周四', 6 => '周五', 7 => '周六' ); ############################################################################### # Admin - Strings # # These are some standard strings used by core functions as well as plugins to # display administration lists and edit pages $LANG_ADMIN = array( 'search' => '搜寻', 'limit_results' => '限制结果', 'submit' => '提交', 'edit' => '编辑', 'edit_adv' => 'Adv. 编辑', 'admin_home' => '管理主页', 'create_new' => '建新', 'create_new_adv' => '建新 (Adv.)', 'enabled' => '启动', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'title' => '标题', 'page_title' => 'Page Title', 'type' => '类型', 'topic' => '题目', 'info' => 'Info', 'help_url' => '帮助文 URL', 'save' => '存续', 'cancel' => '取消', 'install' => 'Install', 'delete' => '删除', 'deleteitem' => 'Delete', 'delete_sel' => '删除所选的', 'copy' => '复制', 'no_results' => '- 找不到任何登录 -', 'data_error' => '处理订阅资料时发现错误. 请检查资料来源.', 'preview' => '预览', 'records_found' => '已找到的资料', 'addchild' => '加入子单', 'list' => '列', 'list_all' => '列所有', 'meta_description' => 'Meta Description', 'meta_keywords' => 'Meta Keywords', 'na' => 'N/A', 'unavailable' => 'N/A', 'warning' => '!!!', 'token_expiry' => 'You have until %s to make changes. After that time, the security token embedded into this page will expire and you will lose your changes.', 'token_expired' => 'The security token for this operation has expired. Please authenticate again to continue.', 'reauth_msg' => 'The security token for this operation has expired. If you want to continue with this operation, then please authenticate again below. This will ensure that the changes you just made will not be lost.', 'authenticate' => 'Authenticate' ); # Localisation of the texts for the various drop-down menus that are actually # stored in the database. If these exist, they override the texts from the # database. $LANG_commentcodes = array( 0 => '评论已启动', -1 => '评论已关掉', 1 => 'Comments Closed' ); $LANG_commentmodes = array( 'flat' => '平面的', 'nested' => '嵌套的', 'threaded' => '线状的', 'nocomment' => '勿评论' ); $LANG_cookiecodes = array( 0 => '(don\'t)', 3600 => '1 小时', 7200 => '2 小时', 10800 => '3 小时', 28800 => '8 小时', 86400 => '1 日', 604800 => '1 周', 2678400 => '1 月' ); $LANG_dateformats = array( 0 => '系统指定的' ); $LANG_featurecodes = array( 0 => '不定为重要文章', 1 => '定为重要文章' ); $LANG_frontpagecodes = array( 0 => '只显在主提版', 1 => '显在标题版' ); $LANG_postmodes = array( 'plaintext' => '普通文字', 'html' => 'HTML 格式' ); $LANG_sortcodes = array( 'ASC' => '最老的在前', 'DESC' => '最新的在前' ); $LANG_trackbackcodes = array( 0 => '迹回已启动', -1 => '迹回已关掉' ); ############################################################################### # Localization of the Admin Configuration UI $LANG_CONFIG = array( 'home' => '主页', 'admin_home' => '网站管理', 'sections' => '设定项目', 'restore' => '恢复', 'add_element' => '增加元件', 'save_changes' => '存续所更改的', 'reset_form' => '恢复表格原状', 'changes_made' => '更改已成功地安置于', 'title' => '设定管理', 'disable' => 'Click to disable this option', 'enable' => 'Enable', 'default_tab_name' => 'Main', 'search_configuration_label' => 'Search Configuration', 'error_validation_occurs' => 'There are invalid configuration values. Please correct these fields (just click the config variable to point you to the error field)' ); $LANG_configsections['Core'] = array( 'label' => '志乐', 'title' => '志乐设定' ); $LANG_confignames['Core'] = array( 'path_html' => 'HTML 路径', 'site_url' => '网站 URL', 'site_admin_url' => '管理 URL', 'site_mail' => '网站电邮', 'noreply_mail' => '无可回信的电邮', 'site_name' => '网站名称', 'site_slogan' => '标语', 'owner_name' => 'Owner Name', 'microsummary_short' => '细微摘要', 'path_log' => '记录', 'path_language' => '语言', 'backup_path' => '备份', 'path_data' => '数据', 'path_images' => '图像', 'path_pear' => 'Pear 路径', 'have_pear' => '有 Pear 吗?', 'mail_settings' => '电邮设定', 'allow_mysqldump' => '准许 MySQL Dump', 'mysqldump_path' => 'Executable 路径', 'mysqldump_options' => 'MySQL Dump 选项', 'mysqldump_filename_mask' => 'Backup File Name Mask', 'theme' => '画面主题', 'doctype' => 'DOCTYPE Declaration', 'menu_elements' => '才当成分', 'path_themes' => '画面主题的路径', 'disable_new_user_registration' => '关闭新登记', 'allow_user_themes' => '允许用户版面主题', 'allow_user_language' => '允许用户语言', 'allow_user_photo' => '允许用户照片', 'allow_username_change' => '允许用户名更改', 'allow_account_delete' => '允许用户删除', 'hide_author_exclusion' => '允许隐藏作者', 'show_fullname' => '显现全名', 'show_servicename' => '显现服务名', 'custom_registration' => '激活自定登记', 'user_login_method' => '用户登入方式', 'facebook_login' => 'Enable OAuth Login Method Facebook', 'facebook_consumer_key' => 'Facebook OAuth Application ID', 'facebook_consumer_secret' => 'Facebook OAuth Application Secret', 'linkedin_login' => 'Enable OAuth Login Method LinkedIn', 'linkedin_consumer_key' => 'LinkedIn OAuth API Key', 'linkedin_consumer_secret' => 'LinkedIn OAuth Secret Key', 'twitter_login' => 'Enable OAuth Login Method Twitter', 'twitter_consumer_key' => 'Twitter OAuth Consumer Key', 'twitter_consumer_secret' => 'Twitter OAuth Consumer Secret', 'spamx' => 'Spam-X 作用', 'sort_admin' => '排列联结', 'language' => '语言', 'locale' => '地区', 'date' => '日期格式', 'daytime' => '日时格式', 'shortdate' => '间断日期格式', 'dateonly' => '只显日期格式', 'timeonly' => '只显时间格式', 'week_start' => '周初', 'hour_mode' => '时式', 'thousand_separator' => '千段标点', 'decimal_separator' => '小数点标点', 'decimal_count' => '小数点数', 'language_files' => '语言档案', 'languages' => '语言', 'timezone' => '时区', 'site_disabled_msg' => '网站关闭信息和 URL', 'rootdebug' => '根本用户调试', 'cookie_session' => '短期 Cookie 名', 'cookie_name' => '永久 Cookie 名', 'cookie_password' => '密码 Cookie 名', 'cookie_theme' => '版面主题 Cookie 名', 'cookie_language' => '语言 Cookie 名', 'cookie_tzid' => '时区 Cookie 名', 'cookie_anon_name' => 'Anon. Username Cookie Name', 'cookie_ip' => 'Cookies 嵌入IP?', 'default_perm_cookie_timeout' => '永恒休息', 'session_cookie_timeout' => '短期休息', 'cookie_path' => 'Cookie 路径', 'cookiedomain' => 'Cookie 域名', 'cookiesecure' => 'Cookie 保护', 'lastlogin' => '记录最后登入?', 'num_search_results' => '搜寻结果次数', 'loginrequired' => '需要登入吗?', 'submitloginrequired' => '提交需要登入吗?', 'commentsloginrequired' => '评论需要登入吗?', 'statsloginrequired' => '看统计数据需要登入吗?', 'searchloginrequired' => '使用搜寻需要登入吗?', 'profileloginrequired' => '看个人档案需要登入吗?', 'emailuserloginrequired' => '寄送点邮给用户需要登入吗?', 'emailstoryloginrequired' => '电邮文章需要登入吗?', 'directoryloginrequired' => '看目录需要登入吗?', 'storysubmission' => '投稿队列?', 'usersubmission' => '用户提交队列?', 'listdraftstories' => '排列草稿?', 'notification' => '通知', 'postmode' => '默认登稿方式', 'speedlimit' => '登稿速度限制', 'skip_preview' => '登稿时跳过预览', 'advanced_editor' => '进阶编辑器?', 'wikitext_editor' => 'Wikitext 编辑器?', 'cron_schedule_interval' => 'Cron 时间表间隔', 'sortmethod' => '题目分类', 'showstorycount' => '显示文章数目?', 'showsubmissioncount' => '显示提交数目?', 'hide_home_link' => '隐藏主页联结?', 'whosonline_threshold' => '运用时间极限', 'whosonline_anonymous' => '对客人隐藏用户名?', 'whosonline_photo' => 'Display Thumbnail Photo?', 'emailstories' => '激活每日择要?', 'emailstorieslength' => '文章长度', 'emailstoriesperdefault' => '激活给新用户?', 'allow_domains' => '自动允许的域名', 'disallow_domains' => '自动禁止的域名', 'newstoriesinterval' => '新文章间隔', 'newcommentsinterval' => '新评论间隔', 'newtrackbackinterval' => '新迹回间隔', 'hidenewstories' => '隐藏新文章', 'hidenewcomments' => '隐藏新评论', 'hidenewtrackbacks' => '隐藏新迹回', 'hidenewplugins' => '隐藏新插件条目', 'title_trim_length' => '题目长度裁减', 'trackback_enabled' => '激活迹回?', 'pingback_enabled' => '激活Ping回?', 'ping_enabled' => '激活Ping?', 'trackback_code' => '迹回预设', 'multiple_trackbacks' => '多迹回', 'trackbackspeedlimit' => '迹回数度', 'check_trackback_link' => '检查迹回', 'pingback_self' => 'Ping回自己?', 'pingback_excerpt' => '建设Ping回摘录?', 'link_documentation' => '联结用户指南?', 'link_versionchecker' => '联结版本检查?', 'maximagesperarticle' => '每文章的最多图像限度', 'limitnews' => '每页最多文章显示', 'minnews' => '每页最少文章显示', 'contributedbyline' => '显示 "提交者"?', 'hideviewscount' => '隐藏文章观数?', 'hideemailicon' => '隐藏电邮图标?', 'hideprintericon' => '隐藏打印图标?', 'allow_page_breaks' => '允许文章分页?', 'page_break_comments' => '评论显示在多页文章', 'article_image_align' => '主题图标校直', 'show_topic_icon' => '显示主题图标?', 'draft_flag' => '草稿标记预设', 'frontpage' => '主页预设', 'hide_no_news_msg' => '隐藏 "没有新闻" 信息?', 'hide_main_page_navigation' => '隐藏主页底的页数导航?', 'onlyrootfeatures' => '只有根用户能指定特载文章?', 'aftersave_story' => '存续文章后', 'aftersave_user' => '存续用户后', 'show_right_blocks' => '总是显示右边的组件?', 'showfirstasfeatured' => '显示第一个文章为特载文章?', 'backend' => '激活新闻供应(RSS Feeds)?', 'rdf_file' => '新闻供应输出档案夹', 'rdf_limit' => '新闻供应速度', 'rdf_storytext' => '新闻供应文章长度', 'rdf_language' => '新闻供应语言', 'syndication_max_headlines' => '题目数目限度 (门户组件)', 'copyrightyear' => '版权年', 'image_lib' => '图像库', 'path_to_mogrify' => 'Mogrify 的路径', 'path_to_netpbm' => 'Netpbm 的路径', 'debug_image_upload' => '调试图像上载?', 'keep_unscaled_image' => '保存未修改过的图像?', 'allow_user_scaling' => '准许用户修改?', 'jpeg_quality' => 'JPEG Quality?', 'max_image_width' => '图像宽度限定?', 'max_image_height' => '图像高度限定?', 'max_image_size' => '图像大小限定?', 'max_topicicon_width' => '最大主题缩图宽度?', 'max_topicicon_height' => '最大主题缩图高度?', 'max_topicicon_size' => '最大主题缩图体积?', 'max_photo_width' => '最大照片宽度?', 'max_photo_height' => '最大照片高度?', 'max_photo_size' => '最大照片体积?', 'use_gravatar' => '运用 Gravatar?', 'gravatar_rating' => '许可Gravatar 级别', 'force_photo_width' => '硬定照片宽度', 'default_photo' => '默认照片', 'commentspeedlimit' => '评论速度限定', 'comment_limit' => '评论限定', 'comment_mode' => '评论方式', 'comment_code' => '评论默认', 'comment_edit' => 'Allow Comment Edit?', 'comment_edittime' => 'Comment Edit Time (seconds)', 'commentsubmission' => 'Queue Comment Submissions', 'passwordspeedlimit' => '密码速度限定', 'login_attempts' => '最多登入企图次数', 'login_speedlimit' => '登入速度限定', 'user_html' => '用户 HTML', 'admin_html' => '管理员 HTML', 'advanced_html' => 'Additional HTML for Adv. Editor', 'skip_html_filter_for_root' => '根用户跳过 HTML 过滤?', 'allowed_protocols' => '许可 Protocols', 'disable_autolinks' => '关闭 Autotags?', 'clickable_links' => 'Make URLs clickable?', 'compressed_output' => 'Send compressed output?', 'frame_options' => 'Protection against "clickjacking"', 'censormode' => '检查方式?', 'censorreplace' => '检查代替文字', 'censorlist' => '检查列', 'ip_lookup' => 'IP 搜寻', 'url_rewrite' => '激活 URL Rewrite', 'cdn_hosted' => 'Use CDN-hosted copy of jQuery', 'meta_tags' => 'Meta Tags', 'meta_description' => 'Default Meta Description', 'meta_keywords' => 'Default Meta Keywords', 'default_permissions_block' => '防碍默认许可设定', 'default_permissions_story' => '文章默认许可设定', 'default_permissions_topic' => '主题默认许可设定', 'atom_max_stories' => 'Webservices Feed里的文章数定', 'disable_webservices' => '关闭 Webservices?', 'restrict_webservices' => '限制 Webservices?', 'article_comment_close_enabled' => 'Automatically close comments (default)', 'article_comment_close_days' => 'Days to close comments (default)', 'comment_close_rec_stories' => 'Number of most recent stories enabled for comments', 'allow_reply_notifications' => 'Allow comment reply notifications?', 'search_style' => 'Results List Style', 'search_limits' => 'Page Limits', 'search_show_num' => 'Show Result Number?', 'search_show_type' => 'Show Result Type?', 'search_show_sort' => 'Allow User to Sort Results?', 'search_show_limit' => 'Show Page Limits?', 'search_separator' => 'Group Separator', 'search_def_keytype' => 'Default Search Method', 'search_def_sort' => 'Default Sort Order', 'autotag_permissions_story' => '[story: ] Permissions', 'autotag_permissions_user' => '[user: ] Permissions' ); $LANG_configsubgroups['Core'] = array( 'sg_site' => '网站', 'sg_stories' => '文章及迹回', 'sg_theme' => '版面主题', 'sg_blocks' => '组件', 'sg_users' => '用户及提交物', 'sg_images' => '图像', 'sg_locale' => '语言及地区', 'sg_misc' => '其他' ); $LANG_fs['Core'] = array( 'fs_site' => '网站', 'fs_paths' => '路径', 'fs_theme' => '版面主题', 'fs_mail' => '电邮', 'fs_pear' => 'Pear', 'fs_mysql' => 'MySQL', 'fs_users' => '用户', 'fs_misc' => '其他', 'fs_spamx' => 'Spam-X', 'fs_admin_block' => '管理员组件', 'fs_locale' => '地区', 'fs_language' => '语言', 'fs_debug' => '调试', 'fs_cookies' => 'Cookies', 'fs_login' => '登入设定', 'fs_search' => '搜寻', 'fs_user_submission' => '用户提交', 'fs_submission' => '提交设定', 'fs_topics_block' => '主题组件', 'fs_whosonline_block' => '谁在线 组件', 'fs_daily_digest' => '每日文集', 'fs_whatsnew_block' => '有什么新的 组件', 'fs_trackback' => '迹回', 'fs_pingback' => 'Ping 回', 'fs_story' => '文章', 'fs_theme_advanced' => '进阶设定', 'fs_syndication' => '辛迪加', 'fs_imagelib' => '图像库', 'fs_upload' => '上载', 'fs_articleimg' => '文章里的图像数定', 'fs_topicicon' => '主题图标', 'fs_userphoto' => '照片', 'fs_gravatar' => 'Gravatar', 'fs_comments' => '评论', 'fs_htmlfilter' => 'HTML 过滤', 'fs_censoring' => '文字检查', 'fs_iplookup' => 'IP 搜寻', 'fs_perm_story' => '文章默认许可设定', 'fs_perm_topic' => '主题默认许可设定', 'fs_perm_block' => '组件默认许可设定', 'fs_webservices' => 'Webservices', 'fs_autotag_permissions' => 'Autotag Usage Permissions' ); $LANG_tab['Core'] = array( 'tab_site' => 'Site', 'tab_paths' => 'Paths', 'tab_theme' => 'Theme', 'tab_mail' => 'Mail', 'tab_pear' => 'Pear', 'tab_mysql' => 'MySQL', 'tab_users' => 'Users', 'tab_misc' => 'Miscellaneous', 'tab_spamx' => 'Spam-X', 'tab_admin_block' => 'Admin Block', 'tab_locale' => 'Locale', 'tab_language' => 'Language', 'tab_debug' => 'Debug', 'tab_cookies' => 'Cookies', 'tab_login' => 'Login Settings', 'tab_search' => 'Search', 'tab_user_submission' => 'User Submission', 'tab_submission' => 'Submission Settings', 'tab_topics_block' => 'Topics Block', 'tab_whosonline_block' => 'Who\'s Online Block', 'tab_daily_digest' => 'Daily Digest', 'tab_whatsnew_block' => 'What\'s New Block', 'tab_trackback' => 'Trackback', 'tab_pingback' => 'Pingback', 'tab_story' => 'Story', 'tab_theme_advanced' => 'Advanced Settings', 'tab_syndication' => 'Syndication', 'tab_imagelib' => 'Image Library', 'tab_upload' => 'Upload', 'tab_articleimg' => 'Images in Articles', 'tab_topicicon' => 'Topic Icons', 'tab_userphoto' => 'Photos', 'tab_gravatar' => 'Gravatar', 'tab_comments' => 'Comments', 'tab_htmlfilter' => 'HTML Filtering', 'tab_censoring' => 'Censoring', 'tab_iplookup' => 'IP Lookup', 'tab_permissions' => 'Permissions', 'tab_webservices' => 'Webservices' ); $LANG_configselects['Core'] = array( 0 => array('True' => 1, 'False' => 0), 1 => array('True' => true, 'False' => false), 2 => array('Reject' => 0, 'Only Keep Latest' => 1, 'Allow Multiple Posts' => 2), 3 => array('Trackback Enabled' => 0, 'Trackback Disabled' => -1), 4 => array('Don\'t Check Anything' => 0, 'Check against Site URL' => 1, 'Check full URL' => 2, 'Check against Site URL and full URL' => 3, 'Check IP against Site IP' => 4, 'Check IP and Site URL' => 5, 'Check IP and Full URL' => 6, 'Check IP, Full URL, and Site URL' => 7), 5 => array('Plain Old Text' => 'plaintext', 'HTML Formatted' => 'html'), 6 => array('12' => 12, '24' => 24), 7 => array('Last Page' => 'last', 'First Page' => 'first', 'Every Page' => 'all'), 8 => array('Right' => 'right', 'Left' => 'left'), 9 => array('Forward to page' => 'item', 'Display List' => 'list', 'Display Home' => 'home', 'Display Admin' => 'admin'), 10 => array('None' => '', 'Netpbm' => 'netpbm', 'ImageMagick' => 'imagemagick', 'gdLib' => 'gdlib'), 11 => array('Flat' => 'flat', 'Nested' => 'nested', 'Threaded' => 'threaded', 'No Comments' => 'nocomment'), 12 => array('No access' => 0, 'Read-Only' => 2, 'Read-Write' => 3), 13 => array('Skip' => 0, 'Allow, with speedlimit' => 1, 'Allow, no speedlimit' => 2), 14 => array('Sunday' => 'Sun', 'Monday' => 'Mon'), 15 => array('By Number' => 'sortnum', 'Alphabetically' => 'alpha'), 16 => array('No Login required' => 0, 'Advanced Search only' => 1, 'Simple + Advanced Search' => 2), 17 => array('Comments Enabled' => 0, 'Comments Disabled' => -1), 18 => array('Disabled' => 0, 'Enabled (Exact Match)' => 1, 'Enabled (Word Beginning)' => 2, 'Enabled (Word Fragment)' => 3), 19 => array('Google' => 'google', 'Table' => 'table'), 20 => array('Exact Phrase' => 'phrase', 'All of The Words' => 'all', 'Any of The Words' => 'any'), 21 => array('HTML 4.01 Transitional' => 'html401transitional', 'HTML 4.01 Strict' => 'html401strict', 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional' => 'xhtml10transitional', 'XHTML 1.0 Strict' => 'xhtml10strict'), 22 => array('Strict' => 'DENY', 'Same Origin' => 'SAMEORIGIN', '(disabled)' => ''), 23 => array('Disabled' => 0, 'Enabled' => 1, 'Enabled (Default for Homepage only)' => 2), 24 => array('Contribute' => 'contribute', 'Home' => 'home', 'Advanced Search' => 'search', 'Directory' => 'directory', 'My Account' => 'prefs', 'Plugin Entries' => 'plugins', 'Custom Entries' => 'custom', 'Site Statistics' => 'stats'), 25 => array('New Stories' => 'story', 'New Comments' => 'comment', 'New Trackbacks' => 'trackback', 'New Pingbacks' => 'pingback', 'New Users' => 'user'), 26 => array('G (General Audiences)' => 'G', 'PG (Parental Guidance)' => 'PG', 'R (Restricted)' => 'R', 'X (Explicit)' => 'X'), 27 => array('Hits (asc)' => 'hits|asc', 'Hits (desc)' => 'hits|desc', 'Date (asc)' => 'date|asc', 'Date (desc)' => 'date|desc', 'Title (asc)' => 'title|asc', 'Title (desc)' => 'title|desc', 'Author (asc)' => 'uid|asc', 'Author (desc)' => 'uid|desc'), 28 => array('No access' => 0, 'Use' => 2) ); ############################################################################### # Localization of validation error messages $LANG_VALIDATION = array( 'default' => 'This field contains an invalid value', 'notEmpty' => 'This field cannot be empty', 'alphaNumeric' => 'This field must be in alpha numeric', 'between' => 'This field must be in specified range', 'blank' => 'This field must be blank', 'comparison' => 'This field does not match the comparison operation', 'date' => 'This field must be in date format', 'year' => 'This field must be in year format such as 2010', 'time' => 'This field must be in time format', 'datetime' => 'This field must be in datetime format', 'boolean' => 'This field must be in boolean', 'decimal' => 'This field must be in decimal', 'email' => 'This field must contains valid email address', 'equalTo' => 'This field does not equal', 'extension' => 'This field only accept allowable file extension', 'ip' => 'This field must be in valid IP format', 'minLength' => 'This field is too short', 'maxLength' => 'This field is too long', 'numeric' => 'This field must be a numeric', 'phone' => 'This field must contains valid phone number', 'range' => 'This field must be in specified range', 'url' => 'This field must contains valid URL', 'inList' => 'This field must contain specified list', 'mail_settings_backend' => 'This field must be one of \'smtp\', \'sendmail\', or \'mail\'', 'mail_settings_sendmail_path' => 'This field must contains valid path to sendmail binary', 'mail_settings_host' => 'This field must contain valid hostname', 'mail_settings_port' => 'This field must be between 0 - 65535', 'rdf_limit' => 'This field must in numeric or hour such as 24h', 'path' => 'Path does not exist', 'file' => 'File does not exist', 'search_limits' => 'This field must be numeric separated with a comma', 'num_search_results' => 'This field must be numeric and from \'search_limits\' above', 'theme' => 'Theme directory does not exist', 'path_themes' => 'Theme path must be in absolute path and make sure the last character contains directory separator', 'path_to_mogrify' => 'You must set image library to imagemagick and fill this field with complete path to the mogrify executable', 'path_to_netpbm' => 'You must set image library to netpbm and fill this field with directory where the binaries from the Netpbm package are kept', 'language' => 'Language file does not exist', 'timezone' => 'Invalid timezone', 'single_char' => 'This field must be a single character' ); ?>