File: functions.inc
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Polls Plugin 2.1 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | functions.inc | // | | // | This file does two things: 1) it implements the necessary Geeklog Plugin | // | API method and 2) implements all the common code needed by the Polls | // | plugin' PHP files. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2000-2011 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony AT tonybibbs DOT com | // | Tom Willett - twillett AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net | // | Blaine Lang - langmail AT sympatico DOT ca | // | Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Implementation of the Plugin API for the Polls plugin * * @package Polls */ if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'functions.inc') !== false) { die('This file can not be used on its own.'); } $plugin_path = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/'; /** * Language file include */ $langfile = $plugin_path . 'language/' . $_CONF['language'] . '.php'; if (file_exists($langfile)) { require_once $langfile; } else { require_once $plugin_path . 'language/english.php'; } /** * Check and see if we need to load the plugin configuration */ if (!isset($_PO_CONF['pollsloginrequired'])) { require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php'; $po_config = config::get_instance(); $_PO_CONF = $po_config->get_config('polls'); } // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog Plugin API Implementations | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Returns the items for this plugin that should appear on the main menu * * NOTE: this MUST return the url/value pairs in the following format * $<arrayname>[<label>] = <url> * */ function plugin_getmenuitems_polls () { global $_CONF, $_USER, $_PO_CONF, $LANG_POLLS; $anon = (empty ($_USER['uid']) || ($_USER['uid'] <= 1)) ? true : false; if (($_PO_CONF['hidepollsmenu'] == 1) || ($anon && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] || $_PO_CONF['pollsloginrequired']))) { return false; } $menuitems[$LANG_POLLS['polls']] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php'; return $menuitems; } /** * Poll saves a comment * * @param string $type Plugin to save comment * @param string $title comment title * @param string $comment comment text * @param string $id Item id to which $cid belongs * @param int $pid comment parent * @param string $postmode 'html' or 'text' * @return mixed false for failure, HTML string (redirect?) for success */ function plugin_savecomment_polls($title, $comment, $id, $pid, $postmode) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG03, $_USER; $retval = ''; $commentcode = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'commentcode', "pid = '$id'"); if ($commentcode != 0) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } $ret = CMT_saveComment ($title, $comment, $id, $pid, 'polls', $postmode); if ($ret > 0) { // failure //FIXME: some failures should not return to comment form $retval .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG03[1]) . CMT_commentForm ($title, $comment, $id, $pid, 'polls', $LANG03[14], $postmode) . COM_siteFooter(); } else { // success $retval = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . "/polls/index.php?pid=$id"); } return $retval; } /** * polls: delete a comment * * @param int $cid Comment to be deleted * @param string $id Item id to which $cid belongs * @return mixed false for failure, HTML string (redirect?) for success */ function plugin_deletecomment_polls($cid, $id) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER; $retval = ''; $has_editPermissions = SEC_hasRights ('polls.edit'); $result = DB_query ("SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE pid = '{$id}'"); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); if ($has_editPermissions && SEC_hasAccess ($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']) == 3) { CMT_deleteComment($cid, $id, 'polls'); $retval .= COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . "/polls/index.php?pid=$id&aid=-1"); } else { COM_errorLog ("User {$_USER['username']} (IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}) " . "tried to illegally delete comment $cid from poll $id"); $retval .= COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } return $retval; } /** * Helper function: count number of polls and total number of votes * * @return array(number of polls, number of votes); * */ function POLLS_countPollsAndVotes () { global $_TABLES; $total_polls = 0; $total_answers = 0; $result = DB_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']}" . COM_getPermSQL ()); $A = DB_fetchArray($result); $total_polls = $A['count']; $result = DB_query ("SELECT pid FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']}" . COM_getPermSQL ()); $nrows = DB_numRows ($result); if ($nrows > 0) { $topics = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray($result); if ($i > 1) { $topics .= ','; } $topics .= "'" . $A['pid'] . "'"; } $result = DB_query ("SELECT SUM(votes) FROM {$_TABLES['pollanswers']} WHERE pid IN ({$topics})"); $A = DB_fetchArray($result, true); $total_answers = $A[0]; } return array ($total_polls, $total_answers); } /** * Shows the statistics for the Polls plugin on stats.php. * If $showsitestats is 1 then we are to only print the overall stats in the * 'site statistics box' otherwise we show the detailed stats * * @param int showsitestate Flag to let us know which stats to get */ function plugin_showstats_polls ($showsitestats) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_POLLS; require_once ($_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-admin.php'); $retval = ''; $result = DB_query ("SELECT pid,topic,voters FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE (voters > 0)" . COM_getPermSQL ('AND') . " ORDER BY voters DESC LIMIT 10"); $nrows = DB_numRows ($result); if ($nrows > 0) { $header_arr = array( array('text' => $LANG_POLLS['stats_topics'], 'field' => 'pid', 'header_class' => 'stats-header-title' ), array('text' => $LANG_POLLS['stats_votes'], 'field' => 'voters', 'header_class' => 'stats-header-count', 'field_class' => 'stats-list-count' ), ); $data_arr = array(); $text_arr = array('has_menu' => false, 'title' => $LANG_POLLS['stats_top10'], ); for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $A['pid'] . '&aid=-1'; $pid = COM_createLink($A['topic'], $url); $voters = COM_NumberFormat ($A['voters']); $data_arr[] = array ('pid' => $pid, 'voters' => $voters); } $retval .= ADMIN_simpleList ('', $header_arr, $text_arr, $data_arr); } else { $retval .= COM_startBlock ($LANG_POLLS['stats_top10']); $retval .= $LANG_POLLS['stats_none']; $retval .= COM_endBlock (); } return $retval; } /** * New stats plugin API function for proper integration with the site stats * * @return array(item text, item count); * */ function plugin_statssummary_polls () { global $LANG_POLLS; list($total_polls, $total_answers) = POLLS_countPollsAndVotes (); $item_count = COM_numberFormat ($total_polls) . ' (' . COM_numberFormat ($total_answers) . ')'; return array ($LANG_POLLS['stats_summary'], $item_count); } /** * This will put an option for polls in the command and control block on * moderation.php * */ function plugin_cclabel_polls() { global $_CONF, $LANG_POLLS; if (SEC_hasRights ('polls.edit')) { return array ($LANG_POLLS['polls'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php', plugin_geticon_polls ()); } return false; } /** * returns the administrative option for this plugin * */ function plugin_getadminoption_polls() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_POLLS; if (SEC_hasRights ('polls.edit')) { $result = DB_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']}" . COM_getPermSQL ()); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $total_pages = $A['cnt']; return array ($LANG_POLLS['polls'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php', $total_pages); } } /** * A user is about to be deleted. Update ownership of any polls owned * by that user or delete them. * * @param uid int User id of deleted user * */ function plugin_user_delete_polls ($uid) { global $_TABLES, $_PO_CONF; if (DB_count ($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'owner_id', $uid) == 0) { // there are no polls owned by this user return; } if ($_PO_CONF['delete_polls'] == 1) { // delete the polls $result = DB_query ("SELECT pid FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE owner_id = $uid"); $numPolls = DB_numRows ($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $numPolls; $i++) { list($pid) = DB_fetchArray($result); DB_delete($_TABLES['pollanswers'], 'pid', $pid); DB_delete($_TABLES['pollvoters'], 'pid', $pid); DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($pid, 'polls')); } DB_delete($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'owner_id', $uid); } else { // assign ownership to a user from the Root group $rootgroup = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Root'"); $result = DB_query ("SELECT DISTINCT ug_uid FROM {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} WHERE ug_main_grp_id = $rootgroup ORDER BY ug_uid LIMIT 1"); list($rootuser) = DB_fetchArray ($result); DB_query ("UPDATE {$_TABLES['polltopics']} SET owner_id = $rootuser WHERE owner_id = $uid"); } } /** * Return the current version of code. * Used in the Plugin Editor to show the registered version and code version */ function plugin_chkVersion_polls() { global $_CONF; require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/autoinstall.php'; $inst_parms = plugin_autoinstall_polls('polls'); return $inst_parms['info']['pi_version']; } /** * Geeklog informs us that we're about to be enabled or disabled * * @param boolean $enable true = we're being enabled, false = disabled * @return void * */ function plugin_enablestatechange_polls ($enable) { global $_TABLES; $is_enabled = $enable ? 1 : 0; // toggle Poll block DB_query ("UPDATE {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET is_enabled = $is_enabled WHERE (type = 'phpblock') AND (phpblockfn = 'phpblock_polls')"); } /** * Automatic uninstall function for plugins * * @return array * * This code is automatically uninstalling the plugin. * It passes an array to the core code function that removes * tables, groups, features and php blocks from the tables. * Additionally, this code can perform special actions that cannot be * foreseen by the core code (interactions with other plugins for example) * */ function plugin_autouninstall_polls () { $out = array ( /* give the name of the tables, without $_TABLES[] */ 'tables' => array('pollanswers','polltopics','pollvoters','pollquestions'), /* give the full name of the group, as in the db */ 'groups' => array('Polls Admin'), /* give the full name of the feature, as in the db */ 'features' => array('polls.edit', 'config.polls.tab_whatsnew', 'config.polls.tab_main', 'config.polls.tab_permissions', 'config.polls.tab_autotag_permissions'), /* give the full name of the block, including 'phpblock_', etc */ 'php_blocks' => array('phpblock_polls'), /* give all vars with their name */ 'vars'=> array() ); return $out; } /** * Get path for the template files. * * @param string $path subdirectory within the base template path * @return string full path to template directory * */ function polls_templatePath ($path = '') { global $_CONF; if (empty ($path)) { $layout_path = $_CONF['path_layout'] . polls; } else { $layout_path = $_CONF['path_layout'] . polls . '/' . $path; } if (is_dir ($layout_path)) { $retval = $layout_path; } else { $retval = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/templates'; if (!empty ($path)) { $retval .= '/' . $path; } } return $retval; } /** * Shows a poll form * * Shows an HTML formatted poll for the given topic ID * * @param string $pid ID for poll topic * @param boolean $showall Show only the first question in the poll or all? * @param int $displaytype Possible values 0 = Normal, 1 = In Block, 2 = autotag * @see function COM_pollResults * @see function COM_showPoll * @return string HTML Formatted Poll * */ function POLLS_pollVote($pid, $showall = true, $displaytype = 0, $order = '', $mode = '', $page = 1) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG_POLLS, $LANG01, $LANG25, $_IMAGE_TYPE; $retval = ''; $result = DB_query("SELECT topic,voters,commentcode,is_open,hideresults,owner_id " . ",group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_anon,perm_members " . "FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE pid='$pid'" . COM_getPermSql('AND')); $ntopics = DB_numRows($result); if ($ntopics == 0) { return $retval; } $P = DB_fetchArray($result); if ((!isset($_COOKIE[$pid]) && !POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($pid)) or ($P['is_open'] == 1)) { if ($ntopics == 1) { $questions_sql = "SELECT question,qid " . "FROM {$_TABLES['pollquestions']} " . "WHERE pid='$pid' ORDER BY qid"; $questions = DB_query($questions_sql); $nquestions = DB_numRows($questions ); if ($nquestions > 0) { $poll = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/templates/'); $poll->set_file(array('panswer' => 'pollanswer.thtml', 'block' => 'pollblock.thtml', 'pquestions' => 'pollquestions.thtml', 'comments' => 'pollcomments.thtml')); $poll->set_var('poll_id', $pid ); $poll->set_var('poll_topic', $P['topic'] ); $poll->set_var('num_votes', COM_numberFormat($P['voters'])); $poll->set_var('poll_vote_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php'); if (($nquestions == 1) || $showall) { $poll->set_var('lang_vote', $LANG_POLLS['vote']); } else { $poll->set_var('lang_vote', $LANG_POLLS['start_poll']); } $poll->set_var('lang_voters', $LANG_POLLS['voters']); $results = ''; if (($P['is_open'] == 0) || ($P['hideresults'] == 0) || (($P['hideresults'] == 1) && ( SEC_inGroup('Root') || (isset($_USER['uid']) && ($_USER['uid'] == $P['owner_id'])) ))) { $results = COM_createLink($LANG_POLLS['results'], $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $pid . '&aid=-1'); } $poll->set_var('poll_results', $results); $access = SEC_hasAccess($P['owner_id'], $P['group_id'], $P['perm_owner'], $P['perm_group'], $P['perm_members'], $P['perm_anon']); if (($access == 3) && SEC_hasRights('polls.edit')) { $editlink = COM_createLink($LANG25[27], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php?mode=edit&pid=' . $pid); $poll->set_var('edit_link', $editlink); $editicon = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/edit.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE; $icon_attr = array('title' => $LANG25[27]); $editiconhtml = COM_createImage($editicon, $LANG25[27], $icon_attr); $editlink = COM_createLink($editiconhtml, $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php?mode=edit&pid=' . $pid); $poll->set_var('edit_icon', $editlink); } if (array_key_exists('aid', $_POST)) { $aid = $_POST['aid']; } else { $aid = array(); } for ($j = 0; $j < $nquestions; $j++) { $Q = DB_fetchArray($questions); $poll->set_var('poll_question', $Q['question']); $poll->set_var('question_id', $j); $notification = ''; $filter = ''; if (!$showall) { $nquestions--; if ($nquestions > 0) { $notification = $LANG25[35] . " $nquestions " . $LANG25[36]; } $filter = "AND qid='0'"; $nquestions = 1; } else { $filter = "AND qid = '{$Q['qid']}'"; $poll->set_var('lang_question_number', " ". ($j+1).":"); } $answer_sql = "SELECT answer,aid " . "FROM {$_TABLES['pollanswers']} " . "WHERE pid='$pid'$filter ORDER BY qid, aid"; $answers = DB_query($answer_sql); $nanswers = DB_numRows($answers ); for($i=0; $i<$nanswers; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray($answers ); if (($j < count($aid)) && ($aid[$j] == $A['aid'])) { $poll->set_var('selected', ' checked'); } $poll->set_var('answer_id', $A['aid']); $poll->set_var('answer_text', $A['answer']); $poll->parse('poll_answers', 'panswer', true); $poll->clear_var('selected'); } $poll->parse('poll_questions', 'pquestions', true); $poll->clear_var('poll_answers'); } if ($nquestions > 1) { $poll->set_var('poll_topic', $LANG25['34'] . " " . $P['topic']); $poll->set_var('lang_question', $LANG25[31]); } $poll->set_var('lang_polltopics', $LANG_POLLS['polltopics']); $poll->set_var('poll_notification', $notification); if($P['commentcode'] >= 0 ) { $num_comments = DB_count($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($pid, 'polls')); $poll->set_var('num_comments', COM_numberFormat($num_comments)); $poll->set_var('lang_comments', $LANG01[3]); $poll->set_var('poll_comments_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $pid . '#comments'); $poll->parse('poll_comments', 'comments', true); } else { $poll->set_var('poll_comments', ''); $poll->set_var('poll_comments_url', ''); } $retval = $poll->finish($poll->parse('output', 'block')) . LB; if ($showall && ($P['commentcode'] >= 0 AND $displaytype != 2)) { $delete_option = (SEC_hasRights('polls.edit') && SEC_hasAccess($P['owner_id'], $P['group_id'], $P['perm_owner'], $P['perm_group'], $P['perm_members'], $P['perm_anon']) == 3 ? true : false); require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-comment.php'; $retval .= CMT_userComments($pid, $P['topic'], 'polls', $order, $mode, 0, $page, false, $delete_option, $P['commentcode']); } } } } else { $retval .= POLLS_pollResults($pid, 0, '', '', 1, $displaytype); } return $retval; } /** * This shows a poll * * This will determine if a user needs to see the poll form OR the poll result. * * @param int $size Size in pixels of poll results * @param string $pid Poll topic ID to show (optional) * @param boolean $showall Show only the first question or all * @param int $displaytype Possible values 0 = Normal, 1 = In Block, 2 = autotag * @return string HTML formatted string of poll * @see function COM_pollVote * @see function COM_pollResults * */ function POLLS_showPoll($size, $pid = '', $showall = false, $displaytype = 0) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_PO_CONF, $LANG_POLLS; $retval = ''; DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pollvoters']} WHERE date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - {$_PO_CONF['polladdresstime']}"); if (!empty($pid)) { $Q['is_open'] = DB_getItem($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'is_open', "pid = '".$pid."'"); if (($displaytype == 2) && ($Q['is_open'] == 0)) { $retval = '<div class="poll-autotag-message">' . $LANG_POLLS['pollclosed'] . '</div>'; } if (!isset($_COOKIE['poll-' . $pid]) && !POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($pid) && ($Q['is_open'] == 1)) { $retval .= POLLS_pollVote($pid, $showall, $displaytype); } else { $retval .= POLLS_pollResults($pid, $size, '', '', 1, $displaytype); } } else { $result = DB_query("SELECT pid,topic,is_open FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE display = 1" . COM_getPermSql('AND') . " ORDER BY created DESC"); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); $title = DB_getItem($_TABLES['blocks'], 'title', "name='poll_block'"); if ($nrows > 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) { $Q = DB_fetchArray($result); $pid = $Q['pid']; if ($displaytype == 1) { // in the poll block $showall = false; } else { // assume we're in polls/index.php $retval .= COM_startBlock($title); $showall = true; } if (!isset($_COOKIE['poll-' . $pid]) && !POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($pid) && ($Q['is_open'] == 1)) { $retval .= POLLS_pollVote($pid, $showall, $displaytype); } else { $retval .= POLLS_pollResults($pid, $size, '', '', 1, $displaytype); } if ($displaytype == 1) { // in the poll block if (($i < $nrows) && !empty($retval)) { $retval .= '<div class="poll-divider"></div>'; } } else { $retval .= COM_endBlock(); } } } } return $retval; } /** * Saves a user's vote * * Saves the users vote, if allowed for the poll $pid. * NOTE: all data comes from form post * * @param string $pid poll id * @param array $aid selected answers * @return string HTML for poll results * */ function POLLS_pollsave($pid, $aid) { global $_TABLES, $LANG_POLLS; $retval = ''; if (POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted ($pid)) { exit; } DB_change($_TABLES['polltopics'],'voters',"voters + 1",'pid',$pid,'',true); // This call to DB-change will properly supress the insertion of quotes around $value in the sql $answers = count($aid); for ($i = 0; $i < $answers; $i++) { DB_change( $_TABLES['pollanswers'], 'votes', "votes + 1", array('pid', 'qid', 'aid'), array($pid, $i, COM_applyFilter($aid[$i], true)), '', true ); } // This always does an insert so no need to provide key_field and key_value args DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollvoters']} (ipaddress,date,pid) VALUES ('{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'," . time() . ",'$pid')"); $retval .= COM_startBlock ($LANG_POLLS['savedvotetitle'], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')) . $LANG_POLLS['savedvotemsg'] . ' "' . DB_getItem ($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'topic', "pid = '{$pid}'") . '"' . COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')) . POLLS_pollResults($pid); return $retval; } /** * Shows the results of a poll * * Shows the poll results for a given poll topic * * @param string $pid ID for poll topic to show * @param int $scale Size in pixels to scale formatted results to * @param string $order 'ASC' or 'DESC' for Comment ordering (SQL statment ordering) * @param string $mode Comment Mode possible values 'nocomment', 'flat', 'nested', 'threaded' * @param int $displaytype Possible values 0 = Normal, 1 = In Block, 2 = autotag * @see POLLS_pollVote * @see POLLS_showPoll * @return string HTML Formated Poll Results * */ function POLLS_pollResults($pid, $scale=400, $order='', $mode='', $page = 1, $displaytype = 0) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_IMAGE_TYPE, $_PO_CONF, $LANG01, $LANG_POLLS, $_COM_VERBOSE, $LANG25; $retval = ''; $topic_sql = "SELECT topic,voters,is_open,hideresults,commentcode,owner_id,group_id," . "perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon " . "FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE pid='$pid'"; $result = DB_query($topic_sql); $P = DB_fetchArray($result); if(SEC_hasAccess($P['owner_id'], $P['group_id'], $P['perm_owner'], $P['perm_group'], $P['perm_members'], $P['perm_anon']) == 0 ) { return $retval; } if (( $P['hideresults'] == 0 ) || ( ($P['hideresults'] == 1) && (isset($_USER['uid']) && ($_USER['uid'] == $P['owner_id'])) ) || ( ($P['hideresults'] == 1) && (SEC_inGroup('Root')) ) ) { $retval = ''; } else { if ($displaytype == 2) { $retval = '<div class="poll-autotag-message">' . $LANG_POLLS['pollhidden']. "</div>"; } return $retval; } $ntopic = DB_numRows($result); if ($ntopic == 1) { $questions_sql = "SELECT qid,pid,question " . "FROM {$_TABLES['pollquestions']} " . "WHERE pid='$pid' " . "ORDER BY qid"; $questions = DB_query ($questions_sql); $nquestions = DB_numRows($questions); if ($_COM_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("got $questions questions in COM_pollResults", 1 ); } if ($nquestions > 0){ $poll = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/templates/' ); $poll->set_file(array('result' => 'pollresult.thtml', 'question' => 'pollquestion.thtml', 'comments' => 'pollcomments.thtml', 'votes_bar' => 'pollvotes_bar.thtml', 'votes_num' => 'pollvotes_num.thtml' )); $poll->set_var('poll_topic', $P['topic']); $poll->set_var('poll_id', $pid); $poll->set_var('num_votes', COM_numberFormat($P['voters'])); $poll->set_var('lang_voters', $LANG_POLLS['voters']); $access = SEC_hasAccess($P['owner_id'], $P['group_id'], $P['perm_owner'], $P['perm_group'], $P['perm_members'], $P['perm_anon']); if (($access == 3) && SEC_hasRights('polls.edit')) { $editlink = COM_createLink($LANG25[27], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php?mode=edit&pid=' . $pid ); $poll->set_var('edit_link', $editlink); $editicon = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/edit.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE; $icon_attr = array('title' => $LANG25[27]); $editiconhtml = COM_createImage($editicon, $LANG25[27], $icon_attr); $editlink = COM_createLink($editiconhtml, $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php?mode=edit&pid=' . $pid ); $poll->set_var('edit_icon', $editlink); } if ($_PO_CONF['answerorder'] == 'voteorder'){ $answerorder = "votes DESC"; } else { $answerorder = "aid"; } for ($j = 0; $j < $nquestions; $j++) { $Q = DB_fetchArray($questions); if ($nquestions >= 1) { $counter = ($j + 1) . "/$nquestions: " ; } $poll->set_var('poll_question', $counter . $Q['question']); $answer_sql = "SELECT votes,answer,remark " . "FROM {$_TABLES['pollanswers']} " . "WHERE pid='$pid' and qid='{$Q['qid']}' " . "ORDER BY $answerorder"; $answers = DB_query ($answer_sql); $nanswers = DB_numRows($answers); $a_summ_sql = "SELECT SUM(votes) as votesumm FROM {$_TABLES['pollanswers']} " . "WHERE pid='$pid' and qid='{$Q['qid']}' " . "GROUP BY qid"; $a_summ = DB_query ($a_summ_sql); $S = DB_fetchArray($a_summ); if ($_COM_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("got $answers answers in COM_pollResults", 1 ); } for ($i=1; $i<=$nanswers; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray($answers); if ($S['votesumm'] == 0) { $percent = 0; } else { $percent = $A['votes'] / $S['votesumm']; } $poll->set_var('cssida', 1); $poll->set_var('cssidb', 2); $poll->set_var('answer_text', $A['answer']); $poll->set_var('remark_text', $A['remark']); $poll->set_var('answer_counter', $i); $poll->set_var('answer_odd', (($i - 1) % 2)); $poll->set_var('answer_num', COM_numberFormat($A['votes'])); $poll->set_var('answer_percent', sprintf('%.2f', $percent * 100)); if ($scale < 120) { $poll->parse('poll_votes', 'votes_num', true ); } else { $width = (int)($percent * $scale); $poll->set_var('bar_width', $width); $poll->parse('poll_votes', 'votes_bar', true); } } $poll->parse('poll_questions', 'question', true); $poll->clear_var('poll_votes'); if (($scale < 100) && ($j < 1)) { $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . "/polls/index.php?pid=$pid"; $poll->set_var('notification', COM_createLink($LANG25[40], $url). "<br" . XHTML . ">"); break; } } if($P['commentcode'] >= 0 ) { $num_comments = DB_count($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type' ), array($pid, 'polls' )); $poll->set_var('num_comments', COM_numberFormat($num_comments)); $poll->set_var('lang_comments', $LANG01[3]); $poll->set_var('poll_comments_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $pid . '#comments'); $poll->parse('poll_comments', 'comments', true); } else { $poll->set_var('poll_comments_url', ''); $poll->set_var('poll_comments', ''); } $poll->set_var('lang_polltopics', $LANG_POLLS['polltopics'] ); $retval .= $poll->finish($poll->parse('output', 'result' )); if($scale > 399 && $P['commentcode'] >= 0 && $displaytype != 2) { $delete_option = (SEC_hasRights('polls.edit') && SEC_hasAccess($P['owner_id'], $P['group_id'], $P['perm_owner'], $P['perm_group'], $P['perm_members'], $P['perm_anon']) == 3 ? true : false); require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-comment.php'; $retval .= CMT_userComments($pid, $P['topic'], 'polls', $order, $mode, 0, $page, false, $delete_option, $P['commentcode']); } } } return $retval; } /** * Check if we already have a vote from this IP address * * @param string $pid Poll ID * @param string $ip (optional) IP address * @return boolean true: IP already voted; false: didn't * */ function POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($pid, $ip = '' ) { global $_TABLES; $retval = false; if(empty($ip )) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if(DB_count($_TABLES['pollvoters'], array('ipaddress', 'pid'), array($ip, $pid)) > 0) { $retval = true; } return $retval; } /** * Display the current poll(s) in a side block * * @return string HTML for the poll(s) to be displayed (or an empty string) * */ function phpblock_polls() { return POLLS_showPoll(60, '', false, 1); } /** * Returns the URL of the plugin's icon * * @return string URL of the icon * */ function plugin_geticon_polls () { global $_CONF; return $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/images/polls.png'; } /** * Plugin should display [a] comment[s] * * @param string $id Unique idenifier for item comment belongs to * @param int $cid Comment id to display (possibly including sub-comments) * @param string $title Page/comment title * @param string $order 'ASC' or 'DESC' or blank * @param string $format 'threaded', 'nested', or 'flat' * @param int $page Page number of comments to display * @param boolean $view True to view comment (by cid), false to display (by $pid) * @return mixed results of calling the plugin_displaycomment_ function */ function plugin_displaycomment_polls ($id, $cid, $title, $order, $format, $page, $view) { global $_TABLES, $LANG_ACCESS, $LANG_POLLS; $retval = ''; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, commentcode, owner_id, group_id, perm_owner, " . "perm_group, perm_members, perm_anon " . "FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} " . "WHERE (pid = '$id')" . COM_getPermSQL('AND') . ' GROUP BY pid'; $result = DB_query ($sql); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $allowed = $A['count']; if ($allowed == 1) { $delete_option = (SEC_hasRights ('polls.edit') && (SEC_hasAccess ($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']) == 3)); $retval .= CMT_userComments ($id, $title, 'polls', $order, $format, $cid, $page, $view, $delete_option, $A['commentcode']); } else { $retval .= COM_startBlock ($LANG_ACCESS['accessdenied'], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')) . $LANG_POLLS['deny_msg'] . COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); } return $retval; } function plugin_getListField_polls($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr) { global $_CONF, $LANG25, $LANG_ACCESS, $_USER; $retval = ''; $access = SEC_hasAccess ($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']); if ($access > 0) { switch($fieldname) { case 'edit': if ($access == 3) { $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['edit'], "{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/polls/index.php?mode=edit&pid={$A['pid']}"); } break; case 'unixdate': $retval = strftime ($_CONF['daytime'], $A['unixdate']); break; case 'topic': if (($A['hideresults'] == 0) || (isset($_USER['uid']) && ($_USER['uid'] == $A['owner_id'])) || SEC_inGroup('Root')) { $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, "{$_CONF['site_url']}/polls/index.php?pid={$A['pid']}"); } else { $retval = $fieldvalue; } break; case 'access': if ($access == 3) { $access = $LANG_ACCESS['edit']; } else { $access = $LANG_ACCESS['readonly']; } $retval = $access; break; case 'is_open': if ($A['is_open'] == 1) { $retval = $LANG25[25]; } else { $retval = $LANG25[26]; } break; case 'display': if ($A['display'] == 1) { $retval = $LANG25[25]; } else { $retval = $LANG25[26]; } break; case 'voters': $retval = COM_numberFormat ($A['voters']); break; default: $retval = $fieldvalue; break; } } else { $retval = false; } return $retval; } /** * Set template variables * * @param string $templatename name of template, e.g. 'header' * @param ref $template reference of actual template * @return void * * Note: A plugin should use its name as a prefix for the names of its * template variables, e.g. 'polls_xxx' and 'lang_polls_xxx'. * 'button_polls' is an exception, as such a variable existed for header.thtml * in Geeklog 1.3.11 and earlier, where the Polls were an integral part * of Geeklog. It is added here for backward-compatibility. * */ function plugin_templatesetvars_polls ($templatename, &$template) { global $LANG_POLLS; if (($templatename == 'header') || ($templatename == 'footer')) { $template->set_var ('button_polls', $LANG_POLLS['polls']); } } function plugin_getheadercode_polls() { global $_SCRIPTS; // You normally only set the css file when needed but with the possibility of // the poll block or autotag being displayed after COM_SiteHeader being called // we need to set it just in case $_SCRIPTS->setCSSFile('polls', '/polls/style.css'); } /** * Update the Polls plugin * * @return int Number of message to display (true = generic success msg) * */ function plugin_upgrade_polls() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_DB_dbms; $installed_version = DB_getItem($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_version', "pi_name = 'polls'"); $code_version = plugin_chkVersion_polls(); if ($installed_version == $code_version) { // nothing to do return true; } require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/autoinstall.php'; if (! plugin_compatible_with_this_version_polls('polls')) { return 3002; } $inst_parms = plugin_autoinstall_polls('polls'); $pi_gl_version = $inst_parms['info']['pi_gl_version']; require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/sql/' . $_DB_dbms . '_updates.php'; require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/install_updates.php'; $current_version = $installed_version; $done = false; $current_config = false; while (! $done) { switch ($current_version) { case '1.1.0': require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php'; $plugin_path = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/polls/'; require_once $plugin_path . 'install_defaults.php'; if (file_exists($plugin_path . 'config.php')) { global $_DB_table_prefix, $_PO_CONF; require_once $plugin_path . 'config.php'; } if (!plugin_initconfig_polls()) { echo 'There was an error upgrading the Polls plugin'; return false; } if (isset($_UPDATES[$current_version])) { $_SQL = $_UPDATES[$current_version]; $_SQL = INST_checkInnodbUpgrade($_SQL); foreach ($_SQL as $sql) { DB_query($sql); } } polls_update_polltopics(); $current_config = true; $current_version = '2.0.1'; break; case '2.0.1': // no db changes $current_version = '2.0.2'; break; case '2.0.2': // no db changes $current_version = '2.1.0'; break; case '2.1.0': if (isset($_UPDATES[$current_version])) { $_SQL = $_UPDATES[$current_version]; foreach ($_SQL as $sql) { DB_query($sql); } } if (! $current_config) { polls_update_ConfValues_2_1_0(); } $current_version = '2.1.1'; break; case '2.1.1': if (isset($_UPDATES[$current_version])) { $_SQL = $_UPDATES[$current_version]; foreach ($_SQL as $sql) { DB_query($sql); } } if (! $current_config) { polls_update_ConfValues_2_1_1(); } $current_version = '2.1.2'; break; case '2.1.2': if (isset($_UPDATES[$current_version])) { $_SQL = $_UPDATES[$current_version]; foreach ($_SQL as $sql) { DB_query($sql); } } if (! $current_config) { polls_update_ConfValues_2_1_2(); polls_update_ConfigSecurity_2_1_2(); } $current_version = '2.1.3'; break; default: $done = true; } } DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version = '$code_version', pi_gl_version = '$pi_gl_version' WHERE pi_name = 'polls'"); return true; } /** * Called during site migration - handle changed URLs or paths * * @param array $old_conf contents of the $_CONF array on the old site * @param boolean true on success, otherwise false * */ function plugin_migrate_polls($old_conf) { global $_CONF; $tables = array( 'pollanswers' => 'aid, answer', 'pollquestions' => 'qid, question', 'polltopics' => 'pid, topic' ); if ($old_conf['site_url'] != $_CONF['site_url']) { INST_updateSiteUrl($old_conf['site_url'], $_CONF['site_url'], $tables); } return true; } /** * Return information for a poll * * @param string $pid poll ID or '*' * @param string $what comma-separated list of properties * @param int $uid user ID or 0 = current user * @param array $options (reserved for future extensions) * @return mixed string or array of strings with the information * */ function plugin_getiteminfo_polls($pid, $what, $uid = 0, $options = array()) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER; // parse $what to see what we need to pull from the database $properties = explode(',', $what); $fields = array(); foreach ($properties as $p) { switch ($p) { case 'date-modified': $fields[] = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(modified) AS unixdate'; break; case 'id': $fields[] = 'pid'; break; case 'title': $fields[] = 'topic'; break; case 'url': // needed for $pid == '*', but also in case we're only requesting // the URL (so that $fields isn't emtpy) $fields[] = 'pid'; $fields[] = 'hideresults'; $fields[] = 'owner_id'; break; default: // nothing to do break; } } $fields = array_unique($fields); if (count($fields) == 0) { $retval = array(); return $retval; } // prepare SQL request if ($pid == '*') { $where = ''; $permOp = 'WHERE'; } else { $where = " WHERE pid = '" . addslashes($pid) . "'"; $permOp = 'AND'; } if ($uid > 0) { $permSql = COM_getPermSql($permOp, $uid); } else { $permSql = COM_getPermSql($permOp); } $sql = "SELECT " . implode(',', $fields) . " FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']}" . $where . $permSql; if ($pid != '*') { $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; } $result = DB_query($sql); $numRows = DB_numRows($result); $retval = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray($result); $props = array(); foreach ($properties as $p) { switch ($p) { case 'date-modified': $props['date-modified'] = $A['unixdate']; break; case 'id': $props['id'] = $A['pid']; break; case 'title': $props['title'] = $A['topic']; break; case 'url': if (empty($A['pid'])) { $props['url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $pid . '&aid=-1'; } else { if (COM_isAnonUser()) { $userid = 1; } else { $userid = $_USER['uid']; } // Users who have already voted but cannot see the results cannot view link (unless they are the admin or the owner) $has_Permissions = false; if (($A['hideresults'] == 0) || (isset($_USER['uid']) && ($_USER['uid'] == $A['owner_id'])) || SEC_inGroup('Root')) { $has_Permissions = true; } if ($has_Permissions || (!$has_Permissions && !($A['hideresults'] == 1 && (isset($_COOKIE['poll-' . $A['pid']]) || POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($A['pid']))))) { $props['url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $A['pid']; // . '&aid=-1'; } } break; default: // return empty string for unknown properties $props[$p] = ''; break; } } $mapped = array(); foreach ($props as $key => $value) { if ($pid == '*') { if ($value != '') { $mapped[$key] = $value; } } else { $mapped[] = $value; } } if ($pid == '*') { $retval[] = $mapped; } else { $retval = $mapped; break; } } if (($pid != '*') && (count($retval) == 1)) { $retval = $retval[0]; } return $retval; } /** * Provide URL of a documentation file * * @param string $file documentation file being requested, e.g. 'config' * @return mixed URL or false when not available * */ function plugin_getdocumentationurl_polls($file) { global $_CONF; static $docurl; switch ($file) { case 'index': case 'config': if (isset($docurl)) { $retval = $docurl; } else { $doclang = COM_getLanguageName(); $docs = 'docs/' . $doclang . '/polls.html'; if (file_exists($_CONF['path_html'] . $docs)) { $retval = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/' . $docs; } else { $retval = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/docs/english/polls.html'; } $docurl = $retval; } break; default: $retval = false; break; } return $retval; } /** * Provides text for a Configuration tooltip * * @param string $id Id of config value * @return mixed Text to use regular tooltip, NULL to use config * tooltip hack, or empty string when not available * */ function plugin_getconfigtooltip_polls($id) { // Use config tooltip hack where tooltip is read from the config documentation return; } /** * Provide URL and ID for the link to a comment's parent * * @return array array consisting of the base URL and the ID name * */ function plugin_getcommenturlid_polls() { global $_CONF; $tmp = array( $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php', 'pid' ); return $tmp; } /** * Poll Autotags * [poll: pid] - Displays a link to a poll using the Poll Topic as the title. A alternate title may be specified. * [poll_vote: pid pid class:poll-autotag showall:1] - Class and showall not required. Class specifies the css class and Showall if set to 1, shows all questions * [poll_result: pid class:poll-autotag] - Class not required. Class specifies the css class * */ function plugin_autotags_polls($op, $content = '', $autotag = '') { global $_CONF, $_PO_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_POLLS, $_GROUPS; if ($op == 'tagname') { return array('poll_vote', 'poll_result', 'poll'); } elseif ($op == 'permission' || $op == 'nopermission') { if ($op == 'permission') { $flag = true; } else { $flag = false; } $tagnames = array(); if (isset($_GROUPS['Polls Admin'])) { $group_id = $_GROUPS['Polls Admin']; } else { $group_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Polls Admin'"); } $owner_id = SEC_getDefaultRootUser(); if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_vote'][0], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_vote'][1], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_vote'][2], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_vote'][3]) == $flag) { $tagnames[] = 'poll_vote'; } if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_result'][0], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_result'][1], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_result'][2], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll_result'][3]) == $flag) { $tagnames[] = 'poll_result'; } if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll'][0], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll'][1], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll'][2], $_PO_CONF['autotag_permissions_poll'][3]) == $flag) { $tagnames[] = 'poll'; } if (count($tagnames) > 0) { return $tagnames; } } elseif ($op == 'description') { return array ( 'poll' => $LANG_POLLS['autotag_desc_poll'], 'poll_vote' => $LANG_POLLS['autotag_desc_poll_vote'], 'poll_result' => $LANG_POLLS['autotag_desc_poll_result'] ); } elseif ($op == 'parse') { $pid = COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm1']); $showall = false; switch ($autotag['tag']) { case 'poll': if (!empty($autotag['parm2'])) { $title = COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm2']); } else { $title = DB_getItem($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'topic', "pid = '$pid'"); } $retval = COM_createLink($title, $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $pid . '&aid=-1'); break; case 'poll_vote': case 'poll_result': $px = explode(' ', trim($autotag['parm2'])); $css_class = "poll-autotag"; if (is_array($px)) { foreach ($px as $part) { if (substr($part, 0, 6) == 'class:') { $a = explode(':', $part); $css_class = $a[1]; } elseif (substr($part, 0, 8) == 'showall:') { $a = explode(':', $part); $val = $a[1]; if ($val == 1) { $showall = true; } } else { break; } } } if ($autotag['tag'] == 'poll_vote') { $retval = POLLS_showPoll(0, $pid, $showall, 2); } else { $retval = POLLS_pollResults($pid, 0,'', '', 1, 2); } $retval = '<div class="' . $css_class . '">' . $retval . '</div>'; break; } $content = str_replace($autotag['tagstr'], $retval, $content); } return $content; } /** * Return headlines for New Polls section in the What's New block, if enabled * * @return mixed array(headline, byline), or boolean false if disabled * */ function plugin_whatsnewsupported_polls() { global $_PO_CONF, $LANG_POLLS, $LANG_WHATSNEW; if ($_PO_CONF['hidenewpolls'] == 'hide') { $retval = false; } else { $retval = array($LANG_POLLS['polls'], COM_formatTimeString($LANG_WHATSNEW['new_last'], $_PO_CONF['newpollsinterval']) ); } return $retval; } /** * Return new Polls for the What's New block * * @return string HTML list of new staticpages * */ function plugin_getwhatsnew_polls() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_PO_CONF, $LANG_POLLS, $_USER; $retval = ''; if ($_PO_CONF['hidenewpolls'] == 'modified') { $datecolumn = 'modified'; } else { $datecolumn = 'created'; } $sql = array(); $sql['mysql'] = "SELECT pid, topic, hideresults, owner_id FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE ({$datecolumn} >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$_PO_CONF['newpollsinterval']} SECOND))) " . COM_getPermSQL('AND') . " ORDER BY {$datecolumn} DESC LIMIT 15"; $sql['mssql'] = $sql['mysql']; $sql['pgsql'] = "SELECT pid, topic, hideresults, owner_id FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE ({$datecolumn} >= (NOW() - INTERVAL '{$_PO_CONF['newpollsinterval']} SECONDS')) " . COM_getPermSQL('AND') . " ORDER BY {$datecolumn} DESC LIMIT 15"; $result = DB_query($sql); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows > 0) { $newpolls = array(); for ($x = 0; $x < $nrows; $x++) { $A = DB_fetchArray($result); // Users who have already voted but cannot see the results cannot view link (unless they are the admin or the owner) $has_Permissions = false; if (($A['hideresults'] == 0) || (isset($_USER['uid']) && ($_USER['uid'] == $A['owner_id'])) || SEC_inGroup('Root')) { $has_Permissions = true; } if ($has_Permissions || (!$has_Permissions && !($A['hideresults'] == 1 && (isset($_COOKIE['poll-' . $A['pid']]) || POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($A['pid']))))) { //if ($_USER['uid'] == 2 || ($_USER['uid'] != 2 && !($A['hideresults'] == 1 && (isset($_COOKIE['poll-' . $A['pid']]) || POLLS_ipAlreadyVoted($A['pid']))))) { $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/polls/index.php?pid=' . $A['pid']; $title = COM_undoSpecialChars(stripslashes( $A['topic'])); $titletouse = COM_truncate($title, $_PO_CONF['title_trim_length'], '...'); if ($title != $titletouse) { $attr = array('title' => htmlspecialchars($title)); } else { $attr = array(); } $apoll = str_replace('$', '$', $titletouse); $apoll = str_replace(' ', ' ', $apoll); $newpolls[] = COM_createLink($apoll, $url, $attr); } } if (isset($url)) { $retval .= COM_makeList($newpolls, 'list-new-plugins'); } } if ($nrows == 0 || !isset($url)) { $retval .= $LANG_POLLS['no_new_polls'] . '<br' . XHTML . '>' . LB; } return $retval; } /** * Return new Polls comments for the What's New block * * @param string $numreturn If 0 will return results for What's New Block. * If > 0 will return last X new comments for User Profile. * @param string $uid ID of the user to return results for. 0 = all users. * @return array list of new comments (dups, type, title, sid, lastdate) or (sid, title, cid, unixdate) * */ function plugin_getwhatsnewcomment_polls($numreturn = 0, $uid = 0) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $stwhere = ''; if ($uid > 0) { $stwhere = " AND ({$_TABLES['comments']}.uid = $uid)"; } if ($numreturn == 0 ) { $sql['mysql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, title, sid, max(date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']}, {$_TABLES['polltopics']} pt" . " WHERE type = 'polls' AND (pt.pid = sid) AND (pt.commentcode >= 0)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2, 'pt') . " AND (date >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND))) {$stwhere} GROUP BY sid,type, title, sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15"; $sql['mssql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, title, sid, max(date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']}, {$_TABLES['polltopics']} pt" . " WHERE type = 'polls' AND (pt.pid = sid) AND (pt.commentcode >= 0)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2, 'pt') . " AND (date >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND))) {$stwhere} GROUP BY sid,type, title, sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15"; $sql['pgsql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, title, sid, max(date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']}, {$_TABLES['polltopics']} pt" . " WHERE type = 'polls' AND (pt.pid = sid) AND (pt.commentcode >= 0)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2, 'pt') . " AND (date >= (NOW()+ INTERVAL '{$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND')) {$stwhere} GROUP BY sid,type, title, sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15"; } else { $sql = "SELECT {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid, {$_TABLES['comments']}.title title, cid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$_TABLES['comments']}.date) AS unixdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']}, {$_TABLES['polltopics']} pt" . " WHERE type = 'polls' AND (pt.pid = sid) AND (pt.commentcode >= 0)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2, 'pt') . "{$stwhere} ORDER BY unixdate DESC LIMIT $numreturn"; } $result = DB_query($sql); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows > 0) { for ($x = 0; $x < $nrows; $x++) { $A[] = DB_fetchArray($result); } return $A; } } ?>