File: comment.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.6 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | comment.php | // | | // | Let user comment on a story or plugin. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2000-2010 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony AT tonybibbs DOT com | // | Mark Limburg - mlimburg AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net | // | Jason Whittenburg - jwhitten AT securitygeeks DOT com | // | Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // | Vincent Furia - vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net | // | Jared Wenerd - wenerd87 AT gmail DOT com | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * This file is responsible for letting user enter a comment and saving the * comments to the DB. All comment display stuff is in lib-common.php * * @author Jason Whittenburg * @author Tony Bibbs, tonyAT tonybibbs DOT com * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @author Jared Wenerd, wenerd87 AT gmail DOT com * */ /** * Geeklog common function library */ require_once 'lib-common.php'; /** * Geeklog comment function library */ require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-comment.php'; // Uncomment the line below if you need to debug the HTTP variables being passed // to the script. This will sometimes cause errors but it will allow you to see // the data being passed in a POST operation // echo COM_debug($_POST); /** * Handles a comment submission * * @copyright Vincent Furia 2005 * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @return string HTML (possibly a refresh) */ function handleCancel() { global $_CONF; $display = ''; $type = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['type']); $sid = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['sid']); switch ( $type ) { case 'article': $display = COM_refresh (COM_buildUrl ($_CONF['site_url'] . "/article.php?story=$sid")); break; default: // assume plugin // Need a way to go back to initial page for plugins. $url = PLG_getItemInfo($type, $sid, 'url'); if ($url == '') { // Then plugin doesn't support PLG_getItemInfo $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'; } $display = COM_refresh ($url); break; } return $display; } /** * Handles a comment submission * * @copyright Vincent Furia 2005 * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @return string HTML (possibly a refresh) */ function handleSubmit() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG03; $display = ''; $type = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['type']); $sid = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['sid']); switch ( $type ) { case 'article': $commentcode = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['stories'], 'commentcode', "sid = '$sid'" . COM_getPermSQL('AND') . " AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) " . COM_getTopicSQL('AND')); if (!isset($commentcode) || ($commentcode != 0)) { return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } $ret = CMT_saveComment ( strip_tags ($_POST['title']), $_POST['comment'], $sid, COM_applyFilter ($_POST['pid'], true), 'article', COM_applyFilter ($_POST['postmode'])); if ($ret == -1) { $url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid); $url .= (strpos($url, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'msg=15'; $display = COM_refresh($url); } elseif ( $ret > 0 ) { // failure //FIXME: some failures should not return to comment form $display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG03[1]) . CMT_commentForm ($_POST['title'], $_POST['comment'], $sid, COM_applyFilter($_POST['pid']), $type, $LANG03[14], COM_applyFilter($_POST['postmode'])) . COM_siteFooter(); } else { // success $comments = DB_count ($_TABLES['comments'], 'sid', $sid); DB_change ($_TABLES['stories'], 'comments', $comments, 'sid', $sid); COM_olderStuff (); // update comment count in Older Stories block $display = COM_refresh (COM_buildUrl ($_CONF['site_url'] . "/article.php?story=$sid")); } break; default: // assume plugin if ( !($display = PLG_commentSave($type, strip_tags ($_POST['title']), $_POST['comment'], $sid, COM_applyFilter ($_POST['pid'], true), COM_applyFilter ($_POST['postmode']))) ) { $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; } return $display; } /** * Handles a comment delete * * @copyright Vincent Furia 2005 * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @return string HTML (possibly a refresh) */ function handleDelete($formtype) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $display = ''; if ($formtype == 'editsubmission') { DB_delete($_TABLES['commentsubmissions'], 'cid', COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['cid'], true)); $display = COM_refresh ( $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php'); } else { $type = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['type']); $sid = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['sid']); switch ($type) { case 'article': $has_editPermissions = SEC_hasRights('story.edit'); $result = DB_query("SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '$sid'"); $A = DB_fetchArray($result); if ($has_editPermissions && SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']) == 3) { CMT_deleteComment(COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['cid'], true), $sid, 'article'); $comments = DB_count($_TABLES['comments'], 'sid', $sid); DB_change($_TABLES['stories'], 'comments', $comments, 'sid', $sid); $display .= COM_refresh(COM_buildUrl ($_CONF['site_url'] . "/article.php?story=$sid") . '#comments'); } else { COM_errorLog("User {$_USER['username']} (IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}) tried to illegally delete comment $cid from $type $sid"); $display .= COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; default: // assume plugin if (!($display = PLG_commentDelete($type, COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['cid'], true), $sid))) { $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; } } return $display; } /** * Handles a comment view request * * @copyright Vincent Furia 2005 * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @param boolean $view View or display (true for view) * @return string HTML (possibly a refresh) */ function handleView($view = true) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG_ACCESS; $display = ''; if ($view) { $cid = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['cid'], true); } else { $cid = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['pid'], true); } if ($cid <= 0) { return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } $sql = "SELECT sid, title, type FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} WHERE cid = $cid"; $A = DB_fetchArray( DB_query($sql) ); $sid = $A['sid']; $title = $A['title']; $type = $A['type']; $format = $_CONF['comment_mode']; if( isset( $_REQUEST['format'] )) { $format = COM_applyFilter( $_REQUEST['format'] ); } if ( $format != 'threaded' && $format != 'nested' && $format != 'flat' ) { if (COM_isAnonUser()) { $format = $_CONF['comment_mode']; } else { $format = DB_getItem( $_TABLES['usercomment'], 'commentmode', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}" ); } } switch ( $type ) { case 'article': $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, commentcode, owner_id, group_id, perm_owner, perm_group, ' . "perm_members, perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (sid = '$sid') " . 'AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (commentcode >= 0) AND (date <= NOW())' . COM_getPermSQL('AND') . COM_getTopicSQL('AND') . ' GROUP BY sid,owner_id, group_id, perm_owner, perm_group,perm_members, perm_anon '; $result = DB_query ($sql); $B = DB_fetchArray ($result); $allowed = $B['count']; if ( $allowed == 1 ) { $delete_option = ( SEC_hasRights( 'story.edit' ) && ( SEC_hasAccess( $B['owner_id'], $B['group_id'], $B['perm_owner'], $B['perm_group'], $B['perm_members'], $B['perm_anon'] ) == 3 ) ); $order = ''; if (isset ( $_REQUEST['order'])) { $order = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['order']); } $page = 0; if (isset ($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['page'], true); } $display .= CMT_userComments ($sid, $title, $type, $order, $format, $cid, $page, $view, $delete_option, $B['commentcode']); } else { $display .= COM_startBlock ($LANG_ACCESS['accessdenied'], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')) . $LANG_ACCESS['storydenialmsg'] . COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); } break; default: // assume plugin $order = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { $order = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['order']); } $page = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['page'], true); } if ( !($display = PLG_displayComment($type, $sid, $cid, $title, $order, $format, $page, $view)) ) { return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; } return COM_siteHeader('menu', $title) . COM_showMessageFromParameter() . $display . COM_siteFooter(); } /** * Handles a comment edit submission * * @copyright Jared Wenerd 2008 * @author Jared Wenerd, wenerd87 AT gmail DOT com * @param string $mode 'edit' or 'editsubmission' * @return string HTML (possibly a refresh) */ function handleEdit($mode) { global $_TABLES, $LANG03; //get needed data $cid = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['cid']); if ($mode == 'editsubmission') { $table = $_TABLES['commentsubmissions']; $result = DB_query("SELECT type, sid FROM {$_TABLES['commentsubmissions']} WHERE cid = $cid"); list($type, $sid) = DB_fetchArray($result); } else { $sid = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['sid']); $type = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['type']); $table = $_TABLES['comments']; } //check for bad data if (!is_numeric ($cid) || ($cid < 0) || empty ($sid) || empty ($type)) { COM_errorLog("handleEdit(): {$_USER['uid']} from {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} tried " . 'to edit a comment with one or more missing/bad values.'); return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } $result = DB_query ("SELECT title,comment FROM $table " . "WHERE cid = $cid AND sid = '$sid' AND type = '$type'"); if ( DB_numRows($result) == 1 ) { $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $title = COM_stripslashes($A['title']); $commenttext = COM_stripslashes(COM_undoSpecialChars ($A['comment'])); //remove signature $pos = strpos( $commenttext,'<!-- COMMENTSIG --><span class="comment-sig">'); if ( $pos > 0) { $commenttext = substr($commenttext, 0, $pos); } //get format mode if ( preg_match( '/<.*>/', $commenttext ) != 0 ){ $postmode = 'html'; } else { $postmode = 'plaintext'; } } else { COM_errorLog("handleEdit(): {$_USER['uid']} from {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} tried " . 'to edit a comment that doesn\'t exist as described.'); return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } return COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG03[1]) . CMT_commentForm($title, $commenttext, $sid, $cid, $type, $mode, $postmode) . COM_siteFooter(); } // MAIN CMT_updateCommentcodes(); $display = ''; // If reply specified, force comment submission form if (isset ($_REQUEST['reply'])) { $_REQUEST['mode'] = ''; } $mode = ''; if (!empty ($_REQUEST['mode'])) { $mode = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['mode']); } $formtype = ''; if (!empty ($_REQUEST['formtype'])) { $formtype = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['formtype']); } switch ($mode) { case $LANG03[28]: // Preview Changes (for edit) case $LANG03[34]: // Preview Submission changes (for edit) case $LANG03[14]: // Preview $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG03[14]) . CMT_commentForm (strip_tags ($_POST['title']), $_POST['comment'], COM_applyFilter ($_POST['sid']), COM_applyFilter ($_POST['pid'], true), COM_applyFilter ($_POST['type']), $mode, COM_applyFilter ($_POST['postmode'])) . COM_siteFooter(); break; case $LANG03[35]: // Submit Changes to Moderation table case $LANG03[29]: // Submit Changes if (SEC_checkToken()) { $display .= CMT_handleEditSubmit($mode); } else { $display .= COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; case $LANG03[11]: // Submit Comment $display .= handleSubmit(); // moved to function for readibility break; case $LANG_ADMIN['delete']: case 'delete': if (SEC_checkToken()) { $display .= handleDelete($formtype); // moved to function for readibility } else { $display .= COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; case 'view': $display .= handleView(true); // moved to function for readibility break; case 'display': $display .= handleView(false); // moved to function for readibility break; case 'report': $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG03[27]) . CMT_reportAbusiveComment(COM_applyFilter($_GET['cid'], true), COM_applyFilter($_GET['type'])) . COM_siteFooter(); break; case 'sendreport': if (SEC_checkToken()) { $display .= CMT_sendReport(COM_applyFilter($_POST['cid'], true), COM_applyFilter($_POST['type'])); } else { $display .= COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; case 'editsubmission': if (!SEC_hasRights('comment.moderate')) { $display .= COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); break; } // deliberate fall-through case 'edit': $display .= handleEdit($mode); break; case 'unsubscribe': $cid = 0; $key = COM_applyFilter($_GET['key']); if (! empty($key)) { $key = addslashes($key); $cid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['commentnotifications'], 'cid', "deletehash = '$key'"); if (! empty($cid)) { $redirecturl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?mode=view&cid=' . $cid . '&format=nested&msg=16'; DB_delete($_TABLES['commentnotifications'], 'deletehash', $key, $redirecturl); exit; } } $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); break; case $LANG_ADMIN['cancel']: if ($formtype == 'editsubmission') { $display = COM_refresh ( $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php'); } else { $display .= handleCancel(); // moved to function for readibility } break; default: // New Comment $abort = false; $sid = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['sid'])) { $sid = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['sid']); } $type = 'article'; if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) { $type = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['type']); } $title = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['title'])) { $title = strip_tags($_REQUEST['title']); } $postmode = $_CONF['postmode']; if (isset($_REQUEST['postmode'])) { $postmode = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['postmode']); } if (($type == 'article') && !empty($sid)) { $dbTitle = DB_getItem($_TABLES['stories'], 'title', "(sid = '$sid') AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) AND (commentcode = 0)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND') . COM_getTopicSQL('AND')); if ($dbTitle === null) { // no permissions, or no story of that title $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); $abort = true; } } if (!$abort) { if (!empty($sid) && !empty($type)) { if (empty($title)) { if ($type == 'article') { $title = $dbTitle; } else { $title = PLG_getItemInfo($type, $sid, 'title'); } $title = str_replace ('$', '$', $title); // CMT_commentForm expects non-htmlspecial chars for title... $title = str_replace ( '&', '&', $title ); $title = str_replace ( '"', '"', $title ); $title = str_replace ( '<', '<', $title ); $title = str_replace ( '>', '>', $title ); } $noindex = '<meta name="robots" content="noindex"' . XHTML . '>' . LB; $pid = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['pid'])) { $pid = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['pid'], true); } $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG03[1], $noindex) . CMT_commentForm($title, '', $sid, $pid, $type, $mode, $postmode) . COM_siteFooter(); } else { $display .= COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } } break; } COM_output($display); ?>