Theme: Professional_139 AKA Professional ======================================== Major thanks to Matt Jones at http://geeksta.com for his work on the XSilver theme for the Geeklog.net CMSystem. I really enjoy modifying XSilver and this theme "Professional_139" is proof of that. Thanks goes to Squatty at http://squatty.com for his support and the entire Geeklog.net staff. TOC === -- IMPORTANT -- License -- README -- Installation -- General USE -- Things to DO -- BUGS IMPORTANT ========= This theme doesn't provide page menu elements. Basically I never liked the idea of having navigational elements spread about on a page. It not only contributes to poor design but it definitely aids in confusing a user. To address this problem and give users the power of Page menu elements I am enclosing code in which was provided to me by Dirk from http://geeklog.net ======================================== function phpblock_plugin_menu() { $retval = ''; $plugin_menu = PLG_getMenuItems(); for( $i = 1; $i <= count($plugin_menu); $i++ ) { $url = current($plugin_menu); $plg = key($plugin_menu); $retval .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $plg . '</a><br>'; next( $plugin_menu ); } return $retval; } ======================================== The above code will give you back your page menu elements but this time it'll go into a block instead of being found within the header as a third navigational element. To apply the above code, simply copy the code between the seperators above and open the following file for Geeklog: geeklog\system\lib-custom.php Scroll to the bottom of the file and paste it directly above ?>. Go into Geeklog and create a new block. You can call the block anything you want but it is the Block Function field you need to pay attention too. please paste the following into block Function: phpblock_plugin_menu . Now I know you didn't paste the period so choose Block Type: PHP Block. Save and exit the block editor and check out your new block :) Tip: you might wish to position the block directly above or beneath your other navigational elements so keep your users focused than confused. License ======= http://www.gnu.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. README ====== There are a few things about this theme which you should be aware of. 1. This has a new block which isn't really a block. It is hard-coded. When a user is logged-out, they'll see the regular login block + register fields directly beneath it. 1. Two links within this hard-coded block. One points to forgot password whereas the other for register points to a privacy policy. This will most likely not make it into the final build. I currently have it implemented for myself. 2. All links have been underlined and retain the original web standard link colors. Links change color when visited, hovered over and active. This has been done so to comply with some web standards. 3. Unlike most themes, you can hold control and scroll with your mouses wheel (if you have one), and the text will change size. This has also been done so to comply with some web standards. Otherwise you can increase or decrease size through your browser. 4. One look at the stylesheet and you'll see something so sweet. Mostly all tags have been alphabetized and renamed so to make editing any thing much easier. This required some changes throughout the entire theme but was well worth it. 5. Incredibly the theme is based around 5 colors and that's it. This has been done so colorize a theme on a global scale in seconds rather than minutes. Trust me, this is the easiest theme ever to color! #F7F7F7 is the color of the left block background. #E7E7E7 is the color of the right block background. #CCCCCC colors borders which need to be darker than #E7E7E7. #1A3955 is the color of block titles, header and footer background. #000000 (black) is the color of text. #FFFFFF (white) is the color of most backgrounds. To be honest, the entire theme revolves around the above colors. In theory this has been done so to easily color it. All other colors found within the sytlesheet should not be touched. In theory, this is how you would most likely change the color in a global swoop... Pretend you wanted a green theme... #F7F7F7 is your lightest green. #E7E7E7 is a bit darker than #F7F7F7. #CCCCCC is a bit more darker than #E7E7E7. #1A3955 (block titles) have to contrast well against your greens. #000000 (black) is the color of text (should be left alone). #FFFFFF (white) is the color of most backgrounds (should be left alone). Don't play with any other colors and do not remove the link underlines and I would be more than happy to accept your stylesheet if you would like to share it with others. If you must change the link colors which is acceptable as long as it definitely compliements the theme is cool *but* please do not remove the underlined links. Some people are colorblind and though underlines might not appeal to some I simply prefer leaving them in this theme for more reasons than colorblindness. 6. The new Geeklog 1.3.9 automatically contains the required code within the index.php file so to achieve the Splash Block. Basically, if a certain template exist within the themes root (topcenterblock-span.thtml) and a static page is made to appear on the homepage above everything else, the block will span across the center and right side blocks. To remove this feature, simply remove the topcenterblock-span.thtml file. 7. If you wish to use other themes along with this theme, here a few things which you'll need to know. 7a. Do not disable your login block to Guest (User Functions). 7b. Add a login link to the header of your other themes if you wish to remove the User Functions block for Guest. 7c. Notice anything necessary not mentioned here, notify me. 8. One thing which I use to not pay much attention to before but am a bit proud of lately is the calendar on this mod. The month is certainly impressive and so is the week view. The day is a little itchy but it fits. I really hope the calendar looks cool! 9. The search function is hardcoded into the left block of the theme. This has been done as I've always liked it like that :) Thats it. I will not work on any other themes except for this one and for quite some time. It should be fully compatible with Geeklog 1.3.9. -- Best regards, Victor B. Gonzalez aeonserv-sf@vbgunz.com Installation ============ Simply unzip all of the contents of this theme into your public_html/layout directory. Only one folder "Professional" should end up going into the layout directory. General Use =========== If you would like to change the theme for your self alone, go into your preferences and change the look. If you would like to make the entire site pick up on the change go into your Configuration panel and change the default theme to the name of the theme "professional". Things to Do ============ Things to do: --------- Convert the table based layout into <div> and make it truly user disability friendly (left and right blocks are done) for the next version. Get the code for the hard-coded block to appear within the User Functions Guest Mode block. Have fun and let me know what you think. Good luck! BUGS ==== Please report bugs to http://aeonserv.com Thank you for choosing Professional_139 AKA Professional