File: usersettings.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.7 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | usersettings.php | // | | // | Geeklog user settings page. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2000-2010 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony AT tonybibbs DOT com | // | Mark Limburg - mlimburg AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net | // | Jason Whittenburg - jwhitten AT securitygeeks DOT com | // | Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ require_once 'lib-common.php'; require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-user.php'; // Set this to true to have this script generate various debug messages in // error.log $_US_VERBOSE = false; // Uncomment the line below if you need to debug the HTTP variables being passed // to the script. This will sometimes cause errors but it will allow you to see // the data being passed in a POST operation // echo COM_debug($_POST); /** * Shows the user's current settings * */ function edituser() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG_MYACCOUNT, $LANG04, $LANG_ADMIN, $_SCRIPTS; $result = DB_query("SELECT fullname,cookietimeout,email,homepage,sig,emailstories,about,location,pgpkey,photo,remoteservice FROM {$_TABLES['users']},{$_TABLES['userprefs']},{$_TABLES['userinfo']} WHERE {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = {$_USER['uid']} AND {$_TABLES['userprefs']}.uid = {$_USER['uid']} AND {$_TABLES['userinfo']}.uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $preferences = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'preferences'); $preferences->set_file (array ('profile' => 'profile.thtml', 'photo' => 'userphoto.thtml', 'username' => 'username.thtml', 'password' => 'password.thtml', 'current_password' => 'current_password.thtml', 'resynch' => 'resynch.thtml', 'deleteaccount' => 'deleteaccount.thtml')); include ($_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/navbar.class.php'); $navbar = new navbar; $cnt = 0; foreach ($LANG_MYACCOUNT as $id => $label) { $navbar->add_menuitem($label,'showhideProfileEditorDiv("'.$id.'",'.$cnt.');return false;',true); $cnt++; } $navbar->set_selected($LANG_MYACCOUNT['pe_namepass']); $preferences->set_var ('navbar', $navbar->generate()); //$preferences->set_var ('no_javascript_warning', $LANG04[150]); $preferences->set_var('noscript', COM_getNoScript()); $preferences->set_var ('cssid1', 1); $preferences->set_var ('cssid2', 2); $preferences->set_var ('preview', USER_showProfile($_USER['uid'], true)); $preferences->set_var ('prefs', editpreferences()); // Add JavaScript $_SCRIPTS->setJavaScriptFile('profile_editor', '/javascript/profile_editor.js'); $js = '<!-- JS Functions which will execute only if JS enabled will un-hide the special features that enhance the profile editor --> <script type="text/JavaScript"> //<![CDATA[ /* Initially the navbar is hidden - in case JS is disabled. Enable it now */ document.getElementById("pe_navbar").style.display=""; /* Now cycle through the profile tabs as the number in the template could have been modified (personalized) If you add custom panels, just ensure you use the class jsenabled_hide or jsenabled_show Build an object that can then be referenced in the functon showhideProfileEditorDiv */ var profilepanels = new Object; var el; el=document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(i=0;i<el.length;i++) { var divname = el[i].id if(el[i].className == "jsenabled_show"){ el[i].style.display = ""; profilepanels[divname] = "show"; } else if(el[i].className == "jsenabled_hide"){ el[i].style.display = "none"; profilepanels[divname] = "hidden"; } } //]]> </script>'; $_SCRIPTS->setJavaScript($js); // some trickery to ensure alternating colors with the available options ... if ($_CONF['allow_username_change'] == 1) { $first = 1; $second = 2; } else { $first = 2; $second = 1; } $preferences->set_var ('cssid1u', $first); $preferences->set_var ('cssid2u', $second); if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1) { $tmp = $first; $first = $second; $second = $tmp; } $preferences->set_var ('cssid1p', $first); $preferences->set_var ('cssid2p', $second); $preferences->set_var ('lang_fullname', $LANG04[3]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_fullname_text', $LANG04[34]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_username', $LANG04[2]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_username_text', $LANG04[87]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_password_help_title', $LANG04[146]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_password_help', $LANG04[147]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_password', $LANG04[4]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_password_text', $LANG04[35]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_password_conf', $LANG04[108]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_password_text_conf', $LANG04[109]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_old_password', $LANG04[110]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_old_password_text', $LANG04[111]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_cooktime', $LANG04[68]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_cooktime_text', $LANG04[69]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_email', $LANG04[5]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_email_text', $LANG04[33]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_email_conf', $LANG04[124]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_email_conf_text', $LANG04[126]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_userinfo_help_title', $LANG04[148]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_userinfo_help', $LANG04[149]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_homepage', $LANG04[6]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_homepage_text', $LANG04[36]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_location', $LANG04[106]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_location_text', $LANG04[107]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_signature', $LANG04[32]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_signature_text', $LANG04[37]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_userphoto', $LANG04[77]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_userphoto_text', $LANG04[78]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_about', $LANG04[7]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_about_text', $LANG04[38]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_pgpkey', $LANG04[8]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_pgpkey_text', $LANG04[39]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_submit', $LANG04[9]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_cancel',$LANG_ADMIN['cancel']); $preferences->set_var ('lang_preview_title', $LANG04[145]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_enter_current_password', $LANG04[127]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_name_legend', $LANG04[128]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_password_email_legend', $LANG04[129]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_personal_info_legend', $LANG04[130]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_resynch', $LANG04[166]); $display_name = COM_getDisplayName ($_USER['uid']); //$preferences->set_var ('start_block_profile', // COM_startBlock ($LANG04[1] . ' ' . $display_name)); //$preferences->set_var ('end_block', COM_endBlock ()); $preferences->set_var ('profile_headline', $LANG04[1] . ' ' . $display_name); if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1) { $preferences->set_var ('enctype', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); } else { $preferences->set_var ('enctype', ''); } $preferences->set_var ('fullname_value', htmlspecialchars ($A['fullname'])); $preferences->set_var ('new_username_value', htmlspecialchars ($_USER['username'])); if ($A['remoteservice'] == '') { $preferences->set_var ('password_value', ''); $preferences->parse ('password_option', 'password', true); $preferences->parse ('current_password_option', 'current_password', true); $preferences->set_var ('resynch_option', ''); } else { $preferences->set_var ('password_option', ''); $preferences->set_var ('current_password_option', ''); if ($_CONF['user_login_method']['oauth'] && (strpos($_USER['remoteservice'], 'oauth.') === 0)) { // OAuth only supports re-synch at the moment $preferences->set_var ('resynch_checked', ''); $preferences->parse ('resynch_option', 'resynch', true); } else { $preferences->set_var ('resynch_option', ''); } } if ($_CONF['allow_username_change'] == 1) { $preferences->parse ('username_option', 'username', true); } else { $preferences->set_var ('username_option', ''); } $selection = '<select id="cooktime" name="cooktime">' . LB; $selection .= COM_optionList ($_TABLES['cookiecodes'], 'cc_value,cc_descr', $A['cookietimeout'], 0); $selection .= '</select>'; $preferences->set_var ('cooktime_selector', $selection); $preferences->set_var ('email_value', htmlspecialchars ($A['email'])); $preferences->set_var ('homepage_value', htmlspecialchars (COM_killJS ($A['homepage']))); $preferences->set_var ('location_value', htmlspecialchars (strip_tags ($A['location']))); $preferences->set_var ('signature_value', htmlspecialchars ($A['sig'])); if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1) { $photo = USER_getPhoto ($_USER['uid'], $A['photo'], $A['email'], -1); if (empty ($photo)) { $preferences->set_var ('display_photo', ''); } else { if (empty ($A['photo'])) { // external avatar $photo = '<br' . XHTML . '>' . $photo; } else { // uploaded photo - add delete option $photo = '<br' . XHTML . '>' . $photo . '<br' . XHTML . '>' . $LANG04[79] . ' <input type="checkbox" name="delete_photo"' . XHTML . '>' . LB; } $preferences->set_var ('display_photo', $photo); } if (empty($_CONF['image_lib'])) { $scaling = $LANG04[162]; } else { $scaling = $LANG04[161]; } $preferences->set_var('photo_max_dimensions', sprintf($LANG04[160], $_CONF['max_photo_width'], $_CONF['max_photo_height'], $_CONF['max_photo_size'], $scaling)); $preferences->parse ('userphoto_option', 'photo', true); } else { $preferences->set_var ('userphoto_option', ''); } $result = DB_query("SELECT about,pgpkey FROM {$_TABLES['userinfo']} WHERE uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); $A = DB_fetchArray($result); $reqid = substr (md5 (uniqid (rand (), 1)), 1, 16); DB_change ($_TABLES['users'], 'pwrequestid', $reqid, 'uid', $_USER['uid']); $preferences->set_var ('about_value', htmlspecialchars ($A['about'])); $preferences->set_var ('pgpkey_value', htmlspecialchars ($A['pgpkey'])); $preferences->set_var ('uid_value', $reqid); $preferences->set_var ('username_value', htmlspecialchars ($_USER['username'])); if ($_CONF['allow_account_delete'] == 1) { $preferences->set_var ('lang_deleteaccount', $LANG04[156]); $preferences->set_var ('delete_text', $LANG04[95]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_button_delete', $LANG04[96]); $preferences->set_var ('delete_mode', 'confirmdelete'); $preferences->set_var ('account_id', $reqid); if (isset ($LANG04[157])) { $preferences->set_var ('lang_deleteoption', $LANG04[157]); } else { $preferences->set_var ('lang_deleteoption', $LANG04[156]); } $preferences->parse ('delete_account_option', 'deleteaccount', false); } else { $preferences->set_var ('delete_account_option', ''); } // Call custom account form and edit function if enabled and exists if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] AND (function_exists('CUSTOM_userEdit'))) { $preferences->set_var ('customfields', CUSTOM_userEdit($_USER['uid']) ); } PLG_profileVariablesEdit ($_USER['uid'], $preferences); $retval = $preferences->finish ($preferences->parse ('output', 'profile')); $retval .= PLG_profileBlocksEdit ($_USER['uid']); return $retval; } /** * Ask user for confirmation to delete his/her account. * * @param string form_reqid request id * @return string confirmation form * */ function confirmAccountDelete ($form_reqid) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG04; if (DB_count ($_TABLES['users'], array ('pwrequestid', 'uid'), array ($form_reqid, $_USER['uid'])) != 1) { // not found - abort return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } // to change the password, email address, or cookie timeout, // we need the user's current password $current_password = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'passwd', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); if (empty($_POST['old_passwd']) || (SEC_encryptPassword($_POST['old_passwd']) != $current_password)) { return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=84'); } $reqid = substr (md5 (uniqid (rand (), 1)), 1, 16); DB_change ($_TABLES['users'], 'pwrequestid', "$reqid", 'uid', $_USER['uid']); $retval = ''; $retval .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG04[97]); $retval .= COM_startBlock ($LANG04[97], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')); $retval .= '<p>' . $LANG04[98] . '</p>' . LB; $retval .= '<form action="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php" method="post"><div>' . LB; $retval .= '<p align="center"><input type="submit" name="btnsubmit" value="' . $LANG04[96] . '"' . XHTML . '></p>' . LB; $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="deleteconfirmed"' . XHTML . '>' . LB; $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="account_id" value="' . $reqid . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB; $retval .= '</div></form>' . LB; $retval .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); $retval .= COM_siteFooter (); return $retval; } /** * Delete an account * * @param string form_reqid request id * @return string redirection to main page (+ success msg) * */ function deleteUserAccount ($form_reqid) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER; if (DB_count ($_TABLES['users'], array ('pwrequestid', 'uid'), array ($form_reqid, $_USER['uid'])) != 1) { // not found - abort return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } if (!USER_deleteAccount ($_USER['uid'])) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php?msg=57'); } /** * Displays user preferences * */ function editpreferences() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_GROUPS, $LANG04; $result = DB_query("SELECT noicons,willing,dfid,tzid,noboxes,maxstories,tids,aids,boxes,emailfromadmin,emailfromuser,showonline,advanced_editor FROM {$_TABLES['userprefs']},{$_TABLES['userindex']} WHERE {$_TABLES['userindex']}.uid = {$_USER['uid']} AND {$_TABLES['userprefs']}.uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); $A = DB_fetchArray($result); // 'maxstories' may be 0, in which case it will pick up the default // setting for the current topic or $_CONF['limitnews'] (see index.php) if (empty ($A['maxstories'])) { $A['maxstories'] = 0; } else if ($A['maxstories'] > 0) { if ($A['maxstories'] < $_CONF['minnews']) { $A['maxstories'] = $_CONF['minnews']; } } $preferences = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'preferences'); $preferences->set_file (array ('prefs' => 'displayprefs.thtml', 'display' => 'displayblock.thtml', 'exclude' => 'excludeblock.thtml', 'digest' => 'digestblock.thtml', 'boxes' => 'boxesblock.thtml', 'comment' => 'commentblock.thtml', 'language' => 'language.thtml', 'theme' => 'theme.thtml', 'privacy' => 'privacyblock.thtml', 'editor' => 'editor.thtml' )); $preferences->set_var ('user_name', $_USER['username']); $preferences->set_var ('lang_language', $LANG04[73]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_theme', $LANG04[72]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_theme_text', $LANG04[74]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_misc_title', $LANG04[138]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_misc_help_title', $LANG04[139]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_misc_help', $LANG04[140]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_noicons', $LANG04[40]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_noicons_text', $LANG04[49]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_noboxes', $LANG04[44]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_noboxes_text', $LANG04[51]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_maxstories', $LANG04[43]); if (strpos ($LANG04[52], '%d') === false) { $maxtext = $LANG04[52] . ' ' . $_CONF['limitnews']; } else { $maxtext = sprintf ($LANG04[52], $_CONF['limitnews']); } $preferences->set_var ('lang_maxstories_text', $maxtext); $preferences->set_var ('lang_dateformat', $LANG04[42]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_excluded_items_title', $LANG04[137]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_excluded_items', $LANG04[54]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_exclude_title', $LANG04[136]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_topics', $LANG04[48]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_emailedtopics', $LANG04[76]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_digest_top_header', $LANG04[131]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_digest_help_header', $LANG04[132]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_boxes_title', $LANG04[144]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_boxes_help_title', $LANG04[143]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_boxes', $LANG04[55]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_displaymode', $LANG04[57]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_displaymode_text', $LANG04[60]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_sortorder', $LANG04[58]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_sortorder_text', $LANG04[61]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_comment_title', $LANG04[133]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_comment_help_title', $LANG04[134]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_comment_help', $LANG04[135]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_commentlimit', $LANG04[59]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_commentlimit_text', $LANG04[62]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_privacy_title', $LANG04[141]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_privacy_help_title', $LANG04[141]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_privacy_help', $LANG04[142]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_emailfromadmin', $LANG04[100]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_emailfromadmin_text', $LANG04[101]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_emailfromuser', $LANG04[102]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_emailfromuser_text', $LANG04[103]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_showonline', $LANG04[104]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_showonline_text', $LANG04[105]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_submit', $LANG04[9]); $display_name = COM_getDisplayName ($_USER['uid']); $preferences->set_var ('lang_authors_exclude', $LANG04[46]); $preferences->set_var ('lang_boxes_exclude', $LANG04[47]); $preferences->set_var ('start_block_display', COM_startBlock ($LANG04[45] . ' ' . $display_name)); $preferences->set_var ('start_block_digest', COM_startBlock ($LANG04[75] . ' ' . $display_name)); $preferences->set_var ('start_block_comment', COM_startBlock ($LANG04[64] . ' ' . $display_name)); $preferences->set_var ('start_block_privacy', COM_startBlock ($LANG04[99] . ' ' . $display_name)); $preferences->set_var ('end_block', COM_endBlock ()); $preferences->set_var ('display_headline', $LANG04[45] . ' ' . $display_name); $preferences->set_var ('exclude_headline', $LANG04[46] . ' ' . $display_name); $preferences->set_var ('digest_headline', $LANG04[75] . ' ' . $display_name); $preferences->set_var ('boxes_headline', $LANG04[47] . ' ' . $display_name); $preferences->set_var ('comment_headline', $LANG04[64] . ' ' . $display_name); $preferences->set_var ('privacy_headline', $LANG04[99] . ' ' . $display_name); // display preferences block if ($_CONF['allow_user_language'] == 1) { if (empty ($_USER['language'])) { $userlang = $_CONF['language']; } else { $userlang = $_USER['language']; } // Get available languages $language = MBYTE_languageList ($_CONF['default_charset']); $has_valid_language = count (array_keys ($language, $userlang)); if ($has_valid_language == 0) { // The user's preferred language is no longer available. // We have a problem now, since we've overwritten $_CONF['language'] // with the user's preferred language ($_USER['language']) and // therefore don't know what the system's default language is. // So we'll try to find a similar language. If that doesn't help, // the dropdown will default to the first language in the list ... $tmp = explode ('_', $userlang); $similarLang = $tmp[0]; } $selection = '<select id="language" name="language">' . LB; foreach ($language as $langFile => $langName) { $selection .= '<option value="' . $langFile . '"'; if (($langFile == $userlang) || (($has_valid_language == 0) && (strpos ($langFile, $similarLang) === 0))) { $selection .= ' selected="selected"'; $has_valid_language = 1; } else if ($userlang == $langFile) { $selection .= ' selected="selected"'; } $selection .= '>' . $langName . '</option>' . LB; } $selection .= '</select>'; $preferences->set_var ('language_selector', $selection); $preferences->parse ('language_selection', 'language', true); } else { $preferences->set_var ('language_selection', ''); } if ($_CONF['allow_user_themes'] == 1) { $selection = '<select id="theme" name="theme">' . LB; if (empty($_USER['theme'])) { $usertheme = $_CONF['theme']; } else { $usertheme = $_USER['theme']; } $themeFiles = COM_getThemes(); usort($themeFiles, 'strcasecmp'); foreach ($themeFiles as $theme) { $selection .= '<option value="' . $theme . '"'; if ($usertheme == $theme) { $selection .= ' selected="selected"'; } $words = explode('_', $theme); $bwords = array(); foreach ($words as $th) { if ((strtolower($th[0]) == $th[0]) && (strtolower($th[1]) == $th[1])) { $bwords[] = ucfirst($th); } else { $bwords[] = $th; } } $selection .= '>' . implode(' ', $bwords) . '</option>' . LB; } $selection .= '</select>'; $preferences->set_var('theme_selector', $selection); $preferences->parse('theme_selection', 'theme', true); } else { $preferences->set_var('theme_selection', ''); } if ($_CONF['advanced_editor'] == 1) { $preferences->set_var('lang_advanced_editor', $LANG04[165]); if ($A['advanced_editor'] == 1) { $preferences->set_var('advanced_editor_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { $preferences->set_var('advanced_editor_checked', ''); } $preferences->parse('advanced_editor_option', 'editor', true); } else { $preferences->set_var('advanced_editor_option', ''); } // Timezone require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/timezoneconfig.class.php'; $timezone = TimeZoneConfig::getUserTimeZone(); $selection = TimeZoneConfig::getTimeZoneDropDown($timezone, array('id' => 'tzid', 'name' => 'tzid')); $preferences->set_var('timezone_selector', $selection); $preferences->set_var('lang_timezone', $LANG04[158]); if (isset ($A['noicons']) && $A['noicons'] == '1') { $preferences->set_var ('noicons_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { $preferences->set_var ('noicons_checked', ''); } if (isset ($A['noboxes']) && $A['noboxes'] == '1') { $preferences->set_var ('noboxes_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { $preferences->set_var ('noboxes_checked', ''); } $preferences->set_var ('maxstories_value', $A['maxstories']); $selection = '<select id="dfid" name="dfid">' . LB . COM_optionList ($_TABLES['dateformats'], 'dfid,description', $A['dfid']) . '</select>'; $preferences->set_var ('dateformat_selector', $selection); $preferences->parse ('display_block', 'display', true); // privacy options block if ($A['emailfromadmin'] == 1) { $preferences->set_var ('emailfromadmin_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { $preferences->set_var ('emailfromadmin_checked', ''); } if ($A['emailfromuser'] == 1) { $preferences->set_var ('emailfromuser_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { $preferences->set_var ('emailfromuser_checked', ''); } if ($A['showonline'] == 1) { $preferences->set_var ('showonline_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { $preferences->set_var ('showonline_checked', ''); } PLG_profileVariablesEdit ($_USER['uid'], $preferences); $preferences->parse ('privacy_block', 'privacy', true); // excluded items block $permissions = COM_getPermSQL (''); $preferences->set_var ('exclude_topic_checklist', COM_checkList($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid,topic', $permissions, $A['tids'], 'topics')); if (($_CONF['contributedbyline'] == 1) && ($_CONF['hide_author_exclusion'] == 0)) { $preferences->set_var ('lang_authors', $LANG04[56]); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT story.uid, users.username,users.fullname FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} story, {$_TABLES['users']} users WHERE story.uid = users.uid"; if ($_CONF['show_fullname'] == 1) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY users.fullname'; } else { $sql .= ' ORDER BY users.username'; } $query = DB_query ($sql); $nrows = DB_numRows ($query ); $authors = explode (' ', $A['aids']); $selauthors = ''; for( $i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++ ) { $B = DB_fetchArray ($query); $selauthors .= '<option value="' . $B['uid'] . '"'; if (in_array (sprintf ('%d', $B['uid']), $authors)) { $selauthors .= ' selected'; } $selauthors .= '>' . COM_getDisplayName ($B['uid'], $B['username'], $B['fullname']) . '</option>' . LB; } if (DB_count($_TABLES['topics']) > 10) { $Selboxsize = intval (DB_count ($_TABLES['topics']) * 1.5); } else { $Selboxsize = 15; } $preferences->set_var ('exclude_author_checklist', '<select name="selauthors[]" multiple="multiple" size="'. $Selboxsize. '">' . $selauthors . '</select>'); } else { $preferences->set_var ('lang_authors', ''); $preferences->set_var ('exclude_author_checklist', ''); } $preferences->parse ('exclude_block', 'exclude', true); // daily digest block if ($_CONF['emailstories'] == 1) { $user_etids = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['userindex'], 'etids', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); if (empty ($user_etids)) { // an empty string now means "all topics" $etids = USER_getAllowedTopics(); $user_etids = implode(' ', $etids); } elseif ($user_etids == '-') { // this means "no topics" $user_etids = ''; } $tmp = COM_checkList($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid,topic', $permissions, $user_etids, 'etids'); $preferences->set_var('email_topic_checklist', str_replace($_TABLES['topics'], 'etids', $tmp)); $preferences->parse('digest_block', 'digest', true); } else { $preferences->set_var('digest_block', ''); } // boxes block $selectedblocks = ''; if (strlen($A['boxes']) > 0) { $blockresult = DB_query("SELECT bid FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE bid NOT IN (" . str_replace(' ',',',$A['boxes']) . ")"); for ($x = 1; $x <= DB_numRows($blockresult); $x++) { $row = DB_fetchArray($blockresult); $selectedblocks .= $row['bid']; if ($x <> DB_numRows($blockresult)) { $selectedblocks .= ' '; } } } $whereblock = ''; if (!empty ($permissions)) { $whereblock .= $permissions . ' AND '; } $whereblock .= "((type != 'gldefault' AND is_enabled = 1) OR " . "(type = 'gldefault' AND is_enabled = 1 AND name IN ('whats_new_block','older_stories'))) " . "ORDER BY onleft desc,blockorder,title"; $preferences->set_var ('boxes_checklist', COM_checkList ($_TABLES['blocks'], 'bid,title,type', $whereblock, $selectedblocks, 'blocks')); $preferences->parse ('boxes_block', 'boxes', true); // comment preferences block $result = DB_query("SELECT commentmode,commentorder,commentlimit FROM {$_TABLES['usercomment']} WHERE uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); if (empty ($A['commentmode'])) { $A['commentmode'] = $_CONF['comment_mode']; } if (empty ($A['commentorder'])) $A['commentorder'] = 0; if (empty ($A['commentlimit'])) $A['commentlimit'] = 100; $selection = '<select id="commentmode" name="commentmode">'; $selection .= COM_optionList ($_TABLES['commentmodes'], 'mode,name', $A['commentmode']); $selection .= '</select>'; $preferences->set_var ('displaymode_selector', $selection); $selection = '<select id="commentorder" name="commentorder">'; $selection .= COM_optionList ($_TABLES['sortcodes'], 'code,name', $A['commentorder']); $selection .= '</select>'; $preferences->set_var ('sortorder_selector', $selection); $preferences->set_var ('commentlimit_value', $A['commentlimit']); $preferences->parse ('comment_block', 'comment', true); return $preferences->finish ($preferences->parse ('output', 'prefs')); } /** * Check if an email address already exists in the database * * NOTE: Allows remote accounts to have duplicate email addresses * * @param email string email address to check * @param uid int user id of current user * @return boolean true = exists, false = does not exist * */ function emailAddressExists ($email, $uid) { global $_TABLES; $old_email = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'email', "uid = '$uid'"); if ($email == $old_email) { // email address didn't change so don't care return false; } $email = addslashes($email); $result = DB_query("SELECT uid FROM {$_TABLES['users']} WHERE email = '$email' AND uid <> '$uid' AND (remoteservice IS NULL OR remoteservice = '')"); if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) { // email address is already in use for another non-remote account return true; } return false; } /** * Upload new photo, delete old photo * * @param string $delete_photo 'on': delete old photo * @return string filename of new photo (empty = no new photo) * */ function handlePhotoUpload ($delete_photo = '') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG24; require_once ($_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/upload.class.php'); $upload = new upload(); if (!empty ($_CONF['image_lib'])) { if ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'imagemagick') { // Using imagemagick $upload->setMogrifyPath ($_CONF['path_to_mogrify']); } elseif ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'netpbm') { // using netPBM $upload->setNetPBM ($_CONF['path_to_netpbm']); } elseif ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'gdlib') { // using the GD library $upload->setGDLib (); } $upload->setAutomaticResize (true); if (isset ($_CONF['debug_image_upload']) && $_CONF['debug_image_upload']) { $upload->setLogFile ($_CONF['path'] . 'logs/error.log'); $upload->setDebug (true); } if (isset($_CONF['jpeg_quality'])) { $upload->setJpegQuality($_CONF['jpeg_quality']); } } $upload->setAllowedMimeTypes (array ('image/gif' => '.gif', 'image/jpeg' => '.jpg,.jpeg', 'image/pjpeg' => '.jpg,.jpeg', 'image/x-png' => '.png', 'image/png' => '.png' ) ); if (!$upload->setPath ($_CONF['path_images'] . 'userphotos')) { $display = COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG24[30]); $display .= COM_startBlock ($LANG24[30], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')); $display .= $upload->printErrors (false); $display .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); $display .= COM_siteFooter (); COM_output($display); exit; // don't return } $filename = ''; if (!empty ($delete_photo) && ($delete_photo == 'on')) { $delete_photo = true; } else { $delete_photo = false; } $curphoto = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['users'], 'photo', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); if (empty ($curphoto)) { $delete_photo = false; } // see if user wants to upload a (new) photo $newphoto = $_FILES['photo']; if (!empty ($newphoto['name'])) { $pos = strrpos ($newphoto['name'], '.') + 1; $fextension = substr ($newphoto['name'], $pos); $filename = $_USER['username'] . '.' . $fextension; if (!empty ($curphoto) && ($filename != $curphoto)) { $delete_photo = true; } else { $delete_photo = false; } } // delete old photo first if ($delete_photo) { USER_deletePhoto ($curphoto); } // now do the upload if (!empty ($filename)) { $upload->setFileNames ($filename); $upload->setPerms ('0644'); if (($_CONF['max_photo_width'] > 0) && ($_CONF['max_photo_height'] > 0)) { $upload->setMaxDimensions ($_CONF['max_photo_width'], $_CONF['max_photo_height']); } else { $upload->setMaxDimensions ($_CONF['max_image_width'], $_CONF['max_image_height']); } if ($_CONF['max_photo_size'] > 0) { $upload->setMaxFileSize($_CONF['max_photo_size']); } else { $upload->setMaxFileSize($_CONF['max_image_size']); } $upload->uploadFiles (); if ($upload->areErrors ()) { $display = COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG24[30]); $display .= COM_startBlock ($LANG24[30], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')); $display .= $upload->printErrors (false); $display .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); $display .= COM_siteFooter (); COM_output($display); exit; // don't return } } else if (!$delete_photo && !empty ($curphoto)) { $filename = $curphoto; } return $filename; } /** * Saves the user's information back to the database * * @param array $A User's data * @return string HTML error message or meta redirect * */ function saveuser($A) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG04, $LANG24, $_US_VERBOSE; if ($_US_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog('**** Inside saveuser in usersettings.php ****', 1); } $reqid = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['users'], 'pwrequestid', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); if ($reqid != $A['uid']) { DB_change ($_TABLES['users'], 'pwrequestid', "NULL", 'uid', $_USER['uid']); COM_accessLog ("An attempt was made to illegally change the account information of user {$_USER['uid']}."); return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } if (! isset($A['cooktime'])) { // If not set or possibly removed from template - set to default $A['cooktime'] = $_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout']; } else { $A['cooktime'] = COM_applyFilter($A['cooktime'], true); } // If empty or invalid - set to user default // So code after this does not fail the user password required test if ($A['cooktime'] < 0) { // note that == 0 is allowed! $A['cooktime'] = $_USER['cookietimeout']; } // to change the password, email address, or cookie timeout, // we need the user's current password $service = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['users'], 'remoteservice', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); if ($service == '') { $current_password = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'passwd', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); if (!empty ($A['passwd']) || ($A['email'] != $_USER['email']) || ($A['cooktime'] != $_USER['cookietimeout'])) { if (empty($A['old_passwd']) || (SEC_encryptPassword($A['old_passwd']) != $current_password)) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=83'); } elseif ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists ('CUSTOM_userCheck')) { $ret = CUSTOM_userCheck ($A['username'], $A['email']); if (!empty($ret)) { // Need a numeric return for the default message handler // - if not numeric use default message if (!is_numeric($ret['number'])) { $ret['number'] = 400; } return COM_refresh("{$_CONF['site_url']}/usersettings.php?msg={$ret['number']}"); } } } elseif ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists ('CUSTOM_userCheck')) { $ret = CUSTOM_userCheck ($A['username'], $A['email']); if (!empty($ret)) { // Need a numeric return for the default message handler // - if not numeric use default message if (!is_numeric($ret['number'])) { $ret['number'] = 400; } return COM_refresh("{$_CONF['site_url']}/usersettings.php?msg={$ret['number']}"); } } } else { if (($A['email'] != $_USER['email']) || ($A['cooktime'] != $_USER['cookietimeout'])) { // re athenticate remote user again for these changes to take place // Can't just be done here since user may have to relogin to his service which then sends us back here and we lose his changes } } // no need to filter the password as it's encoded anyway if ($_CONF['allow_username_change'] == 1) { $A['new_username'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['new_username']); if (!empty ($A['new_username']) && ($A['new_username'] != $_USER['username'])) { $A['new_username'] = addslashes ($A['new_username']); if (DB_count ($_TABLES['users'], 'username', $A['new_username']) == 0) { if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1) { $photo = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['users'], 'photo', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); if (!empty ($photo)) { $newphoto = preg_replace ('/' . $_USER['username'] . '/', $A['new_username'], $photo, 1); $imgpath = $_CONF['path_images'] . 'userphotos/'; if (rename ($imgpath . $photo, $imgpath . $newphoto) === false) { $display = COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG04[21]); $display .= COM_errorLog ('Could not rename userphoto "' . $photo . '" to "' . $newphoto . '".'); $display .= COM_siteFooter (); return $display; } DB_change ($_TABLES['users'], 'photo', addslashes ($newphoto), "uid", $_USER['uid']); } } DB_change ($_TABLES['users'], 'username', $A['new_username'], "uid", $_USER['uid']); } else { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=51'); } } } // a quick spam check with the unfiltered field contents $profile = '<h1>' . $LANG04[1] . ' ' . $_USER['username'] . '</h1><p>'; // this is a hack, for some reason remoteservice links made SPAMX SLV check barf if (empty($service)) { $profile .= COM_createLink($A['homepage'], $A['homepage']) . '<br' . XHTML . '>'; } $profile .= $A['location'] . '<br' . XHTML . '>' . $A['sig'] . '<br' . XHTML . '>' . $A['about'] . '<br' . XHTML . '>' . $A['pgpkey'] . '</p>'; $result = PLG_checkforSpam ($profile, $_CONF['spamx']); if ($result > 0) { COM_displayMessageAndAbort ($result, 'spamx', 403, 'Forbidden'); } $A['email'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['email']); $A['email_conf'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['email_conf']); $A['homepage'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['homepage']); // basic filtering only $A['fullname'] = strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($A['fullname'])); $A['location'] = strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($A['location'])); $A['sig'] = strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($A['sig'])); $A['about'] = strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($A['about'])); $A['pgpkey'] = strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($A['pgpkey'])); if (!COM_isEmail ($A['email'])) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=52'); } else if ($A['email'] !== $A['email_conf']) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=78'); } else if (emailAddressExists ($A['email'], $_USER['uid'])) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=56'); } else { $passwd = ''; if ($service == '') { if (!empty($A['passwd'])) { if (($A['passwd'] == $A['passwd_conf']) && (SEC_encryptPassword($A['old_passwd']) == $current_password)) { $passwd = SEC_encryptPassword($A['passwd']); DB_change($_TABLES['users'], 'passwd', "$passwd", "uid", $_USER['uid']); if ($A['cooktime'] > 0) { $cooktime = $A['cooktime']; } else { $cooktime = -1000; } SEC_setCookie($_CONF['cookie_password'], $passwd, time() + $cooktime); } elseif (SEC_encryptPassword($A['old_passwd']) != $current_password) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=68'); } elseif ($A['passwd'] != $A['passwd_conf']) { return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=67'); } } } else { // Cookie if ($A['cooktime'] > 0) { $cooktime = $A['cooktime']; } else { $cooktime = -1000; } SEC_setCookie($_CONF['cookie_password'], $passwd, time() + $cooktime); } if ($_US_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog('cooktime = ' . $A['cooktime'],1); } if ($A['cooktime'] <= 0) { $cooktime = 1000; SEC_setCookie($_CONF['cookie_name'], $_USER['uid'], time() - $cooktime); } else { SEC_setCookie($_CONF['cookie_name'], $_USER['uid'], time() + $A['cooktime']); } if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1) { $delete_photo = ''; if (isset ($A['delete_photo'])) { $delete_photo = $A['delete_photo']; } $filename = handlePhotoUpload ($delete_photo); } if (!empty ($A['homepage'])) { $pos = MBYTE_strpos ($A['homepage'], ':'); if ($pos === false) { $A['homepage'] = 'http://' . $A['homepage']; } else { $prot = substr ($A['homepage'], 0, $pos + 1); if (($prot != 'http:') && ($prot != 'https:')) { $A['homepage'] = 'http:' . substr ($A['homepage'], $pos + 1); } } $A['homepage'] = addslashes ($A['homepage']); } $A['fullname'] = addslashes ($A['fullname']); $A['email'] = addslashes ($A['email']); $A['location'] = addslashes ($A['location']); $A['sig'] = addslashes ($A['sig']); $A['about'] = addslashes ($A['about']); $A['pgpkey'] = addslashes ($A['pgpkey']); if (!empty ($filename)) { if (!file_exists ($_CONF['path_images'] . 'userphotos/' . $filename)) { $filename = ''; } } DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET fullname='{$A['fullname']}',email='{$A['email']}',homepage='{$A['homepage']}',sig='{$A['sig']}',cookietimeout={$A['cooktime']},photo='$filename' WHERE uid={$_USER['uid']}"); DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['userinfo']} SET pgpkey='{$A['pgpkey']}',about='{$A['about']}',location='{$A['location']}' WHERE uid={$_USER['uid']}"); // Call custom registration save function if enabled and exists if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] AND (function_exists('CUSTOM_userSave'))) { CUSTOM_userSave($_USER['uid']); } PLG_userInfoChanged ($_USER['uid']); $msg = 5; // Re Sync data if needed if (isset($A['resynch'])) { if ($_CONF['user_login_method']['oauth'] && (strpos($_USER['remoteservice'], 'oauth.') === 0)) { $modules = SEC_collectRemoteOAuthModules(); $active_service = (count($modules) == 0) ? false : in_array(substr($_USER['remoteservice'], 6), $modules); if (!$active_service) { $status = -1; $msg = 115; // Remote service has been disabled. } else { $query[] = ''; $callback_url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?mode=synch&oauth_login=' . $service; if ($service == 'oauth.facebook') { // facebook does resynch during refresh return COM_refresh($callback_url); } else { // all other services use reauth/callback method // send request to OAuth Service for user information require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/oauthhelper.class.php'; $consumer = new OAuthConsumer($service); $url = $consumer->find_identity_info($callback_url, $query); if (empty($url)) { $msg = 110; // Can not get URL for authentication.' } else { header('Location: ' . $url); exit; } } } } if ($msg != 5) { $msg = 114; // Account saved but re-synch failed. } } if ($_US_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog('**** Leaving saveuser in usersettings.php ****', 1); } return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&uid=' . $_USER['uid'] . '&msg=' . $msg); } } /** * Saves user's preferences back to the database * * @param array $A User's data to save * @return void * */ function savepreferences($A) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER; if (isset ($A['noicons']) && ($A['noicons'] == 'on')) { $A['noicons'] = 1; } else { $A['noicons'] = 0; } if (isset ($A['willing']) && ($A['willing'] == 'on')) { $A['willing'] = 1; } else { $A['willing'] = 0; } if (isset ($A['noboxes']) && ($A['noboxes'] == 'on')) { $A['noboxes'] = 1; } else { $A['noboxes'] = 0; } if (isset ($A['emailfromadmin']) && ($A['emailfromadmin'] == 'on')) { $A['emailfromadmin'] = 1; } else { $A['emailfromadmin'] = 0; } if (isset ($A['emailfromuser']) && ($A['emailfromuser'] == 'on')) { $A['emailfromuser'] = 1; } else { $A['emailfromuser'] = 0; } if (isset ($A['showonline']) && ($A['showonline'] == 'on')) { $A['showonline'] = 1; } else { $A['showonline'] = 0; } if ($_CONF['advanced_editor'] == 1) { if (isset($A['advanced_editor']) && ($A['advanced_editor'] == 'on')) { $A['advanced_editor'] = 1; } else { $A['advanced_editor'] = 0; } } else { // when Advanced Editor is not enabled, make sure we don't overwrite // the user's current setting $A['advanced_editor'] = DB_getItem($_TABLES['userprefs'], 'advanced_editor', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}"); } $A['maxstories'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['maxstories'], true); if (empty ($A['maxstories'])) { $A['maxstories'] = 0; } else if ($A['maxstories'] > 0) { if ($A['maxstories'] < $_CONF['minnews']) { $A['maxstories'] = $_CONF['minnews']; } } $TIDS = @array_values($A['topics']); // array of strings $AIDS = @array_values($A['selauthors']); // array of integers $BOXES = @array_values($A['blocks']); // array of integers $ETIDS = @array_values($A['etids']); // array of strings $AETIDS = USER_getAllowedTopics(); // array of strings (fetched, needed to "clean" $TIDS and $ETIDS) $tids = ''; if (count($TIDS) > 0) { // the array_intersect mitigates the need to scrub the TIDS input $tids = addslashes (implode (' ', array_intersect ($AETIDS, $TIDS))); } $aids = ''; if (count($AIDS) > 0) { // Scrub the AIDS array to prevent SQL injection and bad values foreach ($AIDS as $key => $val) { $AIDS[$key] = COM_applyFilter($val, true); } $aids = addslashes (implode (' ', $AIDS)); } $selectedblocks = ''; if (count ($BOXES) > 0) { // Scrub the BOXES array to prevent SQL injection and bad values foreach ($BOXES as $key => $val) { $BOXES[$key] = COM_applyFilter($val, true); } $boxes = addslashes (implode (',', $BOXES)); $blockresult = DB_query("SELECT bid,name FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE bid NOT IN ($boxes)"); $numRows = DB_numRows($blockresult); for ($x = 1; $x <= $numRows; $x++) { $row = DB_fetchArray ($blockresult); if ($row['name'] <> 'user_block' AND $row['name'] <> 'admin_block' AND $row['name'] <> 'section_block') { $selectedblocks .= $row['bid']; if ($x <> $numRows) { $selectedblocks .= ' '; } } } } $selectedblocks = trim($selectedblocks); $etids = ''; if (($_CONF['emailstories'] == 1) && (count($ETIDS) > 0)) { // the array_intersect mitigates the need to scrub the ETIDS input $etids = addslashes (implode (' ', array_intersect ($AETIDS, $ETIDS))); } if (isset ($A['tzid'])) { $A['tzid'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['tzid']); } else { $A['tzid'] = ''; } if (isset($A['theme'])) { $A['theme'] = COM_applyFilter($A['theme']); } if (empty($A['theme'])) { $A['theme'] = $_CONF['theme']; } if (isset($A['language'])) { $A['language'] = COM_applyFilter($A['language']); } if (empty($A['language'])) { $A['language'] = $_CONF['language']; } // Save theme, when doing so, put in cookie so we can set the user's theme // even when they aren't logged in $theme = addslashes ($A['theme']); $language = addslashes ($A['language']); DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET theme='$theme',language='$language' WHERE uid = '{$_USER['uid']}'"); setcookie ($_CONF['cookie_theme'], $A['theme'], time() + 31536000, $_CONF['cookie_path'], $_CONF['cookiedomain'], $_CONF['cookiesecure']); setcookie ($_CONF['cookie_language'], $A['language'], time() + 31536000, $_CONF['cookie_path'], $_CONF['cookiedomain'], $_CONF['cookiesecure']); setcookie ($_CONF['cookie_tzid'], $A['tzid'], time() + 31536000, $_CONF['cookie_path'], $_CONF['cookiedomain'], $_CONF['cookiesecure']); $A['dfid'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['dfid'], true); DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['userprefs']} SET noicons='{$A['noicons']}', willing='{$A['willing']}', dfid='{$A['dfid']}', tzid='{$A['tzid']}', emailfromadmin='{$A['emailfromadmin']}', emailfromuser='{$A['emailfromuser']}', showonline='{$A['showonline']}', advanced_editor='{$A['advanced_editor']}' WHERE uid='{$_USER['uid']}'"); if (empty ($etids)) { $etids = '-'; } DB_save($_TABLES['userindex'],"uid,tids,aids,boxes,noboxes,maxstories,etids","{$_USER['uid']},'$tids','$aids','$selectedblocks','{$A['noboxes']}',{$A['maxstories']},'$etids'"); $A['commentmode'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['commentmode']); if (empty ($A['commentmode'])) { $A['commentmode'] = $_CONF['comment_mode']; } $A['commentmode'] = addslashes ($A['commentmode']); $A['commentorder'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['commentorder']); if (empty ($A['commentorder'])) { $A['commentorder'] = 'ASC'; } $A['commentorder'] = addslashes ($A['commentorder']); $A['commentlimit'] = COM_applyFilter ($A['commentlimit'], true); if ($A['commentlimit'] <= 0) { $A['commentlimit'] = $_CONF['comment_limit']; } DB_save($_TABLES['usercomment'],'uid,commentmode,commentorder,commentlimit',"{$_USER['uid']},'{$A['commentmode']}','{$A['commentorder']}','{$A['commentlimit']}'"); PLG_userInfoChanged ($_USER['uid']); } // MAIN $mode = ''; if (isset($_POST['btncancel']) AND $_POST['btncancel'] == $LANG_ADMIN['cancel']) { echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url']); exit; } else if (isset($_POST['btnsubmit']) AND ($_POST['btnsubmit'] == $LANG04[96]) && ($_POST['mode'] != 'deleteconfirmed')) { $mode = 'confirmdelete'; } else if (isset ($_POST['mode'])) { $mode = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['mode']); } else if (isset ($_GET['mode'])) { $mode = COM_applyFilter ($_GET['mode']); } $display = ''; if (! COM_isAnonUser()) { switch ($mode) { case 'saveuser': savepreferences ($_POST); $display .= saveuser($_POST); PLG_profileExtrasSave (); break; case 'savepreferences': savepreferences ($_POST); $display .= COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?mode=preferences&msg=6'); break; case 'confirmdelete': if (($_CONF['allow_account_delete'] == 1) && ($_USER['uid'] > 1)) { $accountId = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['account_id']); if (!empty ($accountId)) { $display .= confirmAccountDelete ($accountId); } else { $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } } else { $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; case 'deleteconfirmed': if (($_CONF['allow_account_delete'] == 1) && ($_USER['uid'] > 1)) { $accountId = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['account_id']); if (!empty ($accountId)) { $display .= deleteUserAccount ($accountId); } else { $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } } else { $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } break; case 'plugin': PLG_profileExtrasSave ($_POST['plugin']); $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=5'); break; case 'synch': // This mode is the result of a callback from an OAuth service. The user has made a request to resynch their Geeklog user account with the OAuth service they used to login with. if ($_CONF['user_login_method']['oauth'] && (strpos($_USER['remoteservice'], 'oauth.') === 0) && isset($_GET['oauth_login'])) { $msg = 5; $query[] = ''; // Here we go with the handling of OAuth authentification $modules = SEC_collectRemoteOAuthModules(); $active_service = (count($modules) == 0) ? false : in_array(substr($_GET['oauth_login'], 6), $modules); if (!$active_service) { $status = -1; $msg = 114; // Your re-synch with your remote account has failed but your other account information has been successfully saved. } else { $query = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); $service = $query['oauth_login']; require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/oauthhelper.class.php'; $consumer = new OAuthConsumer($service); if ($service == 'oauth.facebook') { // facebook resynchronizations are easier to perform // we'll use a FB consumer-specific hack/method $oauth_userinfo = $consumer->refresh_userinfo(); if (empty($oauth_userinfo)) { $msg = 114; // account information saved but resynch failed COM_errorLog($MESSAGE[$msg]); } else { $consumer->doSynch($oauth_userinfo); } } else { // standard OAuth services utilize multiple callback method $callback_url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?mode=synch&oauth_login=' . $service; $callback_query_string = $consumer->getCallback_query_string(); $cancel_query_string = $consumer->getCancel_query_string(); if (!isset($query[$callback_query_string]) && (empty($cancel_query_string) || !isset($query[$cancel_query_string]))) { $msg = 114; // Your re-synch with your remote account has failed but your other account information has been successfully saved. } elseif (isset($query[$callback_query_string])) { $oauth_userinfo = $consumer->sreq_userinfo_response($query); if (empty($oauth_userinfo)) { $msg = 111; // Authentication error. } else { $consumer->doSynch($oauth_userinfo); } } elseif (!empty($cancel_query_string) && isset($query[$cancel_query_string])) { $msg = 112; // Certification has been canceled. } else { $msg = 91; // You specified an invalid identity URL. } } } if ($_US_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog('**** Leaving saveuser in usersettings.php ****', 1); } if ($msg == 5) { $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&uid=' . $_USER['uid'] . '&msg=5'); } else { $display = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/usersettings.php?msg=' . $msg); } break; } // Go right into default default: // also if $mode == 'edit', 'preferences', or 'comments' $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG04[16]); $display .= COM_showMessageFromParameter(); $display .= edituser(); $display .= COM_siteFooter(); break; } } else { $display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu'); $display .= COM_startBlock ($LANG04[70] . '!'); $display .= '<br' . XHTML . '>' . $LANG04[71] . '<br' . XHTML . '><br' . XHTML . '>'; $display .= COM_endBlock (); $display .= COM_siteFooter (); } COM_output($display); ?>