File: oauthhelper.class.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.8 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | oauthhelper.class.php | // | version: 1.0.0 | // | | // | Geeklog Distributed Authentication Module. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Hiroron - hiroron AT hiroron DOT com | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'oauthhelper.class.php') !== false) { die('This file can not be used on its own.'); } // PEAR class to handle HTTP-Request2 require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php'; class OAuthConsumer { protected $consumer = NULL; public function OAuthConsumer($service) { global $_CONF; if (strpos($service, 'oauth.') === 0) { $service = str_replace("oauth.", "", $service); } require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/oauth/' . $service . '.auth.class.php'; $serviceclass = $service . 'Consumer'; $this->consumer = new $serviceclass; // Set key and secret for OAuth service if found in config if ($this->consumer->consumer_key == '') { if (isset($_CONF[$service . '_consumer_key'])) { if ($_CONF[$service . '_consumer_key'] != '') { $this->consumer->consumer_key = $_CONF[$service . '_consumer_key']; } } } if ($this->consumer->consumer_secret == '') { if (isset($_CONF[$service . '_consumer_secret'])) { if ($_CONF[$service . '_consumer_secret'] != '') { $this->consumer->consumer_secret = $_CONF[$service . '_consumer_secret']; } } } } public function find_identity_info($callback_url, $query) { return $this->consumer->find_identity_info($callback_url, $query); } public function sreq_userinfo_response($query) { return $this->consumer->sreq_userinfo_response($query); } public function refresh_userinfo() { return $this->consumer->refresh_userinfo(); } public function getErrorMsg() { return $this->consumer->getErrorMsg(); } public function doSynch($info) { $this->consumer->doSynch($info); } public function doAction($info) { $this->consumer->doAction($info); } public function getCallback_query_string() { return $this->consumer->callback_query_string; } public function getCancel_query_string() { return $this->consumer->cancel_query_string; } } class OAuthConsumerBaseClass { protected $request = ''; protected $consumer = ''; protected $errormsg = ''; protected $shortapi = 'http://api.tr.im/api/trim_url.xml'; public $consumer_key = ''; public $consumer_secret = ''; public $url_requestToken = ''; public $url_authorize = ''; public $url_accessToken = ''; public $url_userinfo = ''; public $method_requestToken = 'GET'; public $method_accessToken = 'GET'; public $method_userinfo = 'GET'; public $cookietimeout = 300; // google Callbacks 5min public $token = ''; public $token_secret = ''; public $callback_query_string = 'oauth_verifier'; public $cancel_query_string = ''; public function __construct () { $httpRequest = new HTTP_Request2; $httpRequest->setConfig('ssl_verify_peer', false); $httpRequest->setHeader('Accept-Encoding', '.*'); $this->request = new HTTP_OAuth_Consumer_Request; $this->request->accept($httpRequest); } public function find_identity_info($callback_url, $query) { $url = ''; try { $this->consumer = new HTTP_OAuth_Consumer($this->consumer_key, $this->consumer_secret); $this->consumer->accept($this->request); $this->consumer->getRequestToken($this->url_requestToken, $callback_url, array(), $this->method_requestToken); $timeout = time() + $this->cookietimeout; SEC_setCookie('request_token', $this->consumer->getToken(), $timeout); SEC_setCookie('request_token_secret', $this->consumer->getTokenSecret(), $timeout); $url = $this->consumer->getAuthorizeUrl($this->url_authorize); } catch (HTTP_OAuth_Consumer_Exception_Invalid_Response $e) { $this->errormsg = get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getBody(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->errormsg = get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(); } return $url; } public function sreq_userinfo_response($query) { $userinfo = array(); // COM_errorLog("BASE:sreq_userinfo_response()------------------"); try { $this->token = $_COOKIE['request_token']; $this->token_secret = $_COOKIE['request_token_secret']; $verifier = $query[$this->callback_query_string]; // clear cookies SEC_setCookie($_COOKIE['request_token'], '', time() - 10000); SEC_setCookie($_COOKIE['request_token_secret'], '', time() - 10000); $this->consumer = new HTTP_OAuth_Consumer($this->consumer_key, $this->consumer_secret, $this->token, $this->token_secret); $this->consumer->accept($this->request); $this->consumer->getAccessToken($this->url_accessToken, $verifier, array(), $this->method_accessToken); $this->token = $this->consumer->getToken(); $this->token_secret = $this->consumer->getTokenSecret(); $this->consumer->setToken($this->token); $this->consumer->setTokenSecret($this->token_secret); $response = $this->consumer->sendRequest($this->url_userinfo, array(), $this->method_userinfo); if ($response->getStatus() !== 200) { $this->errormsg = $response->getStatus() . ' : ' . $response->getBody(); } else { $userinfo = simplexml_load_string($response->getBody()); } } catch (HTTP_OAuth_Consumer_Exception_Invalid_Response $e) { $this->errormsg = get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getBody(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->errormsg = get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(); } return $userinfo; } public function doSynch($info) { global $_TABLES, $_USER, $status, $uid, $_CONF; // COM_errorLog("doSynch() method ------------------"); // remote auth precludes usersubmission and integrates user activation $users = $this->_getCreateUserInfo($info); $userinfo = $this->_getUpdateUserInfo($info); $updatecolumns = ''; // Update users if (is_array($users)) { $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET "; if (!empty($users['fullname'])) { $fn = addslashes(strip_tags($users['fullname'])); $updatecolumns .= "fullname='$fn'"; } if (!empty($users['email'])) { if (!empty($updatecolumns)) { $updatecolumns .= ", "; } $em = addslashes(COM_applyFilter($users['email'])); $updatecolumns .= "email='$em'"; } if (!empty($users['homepage'])) { if (!empty($updatecolumns)) { $updatecolumns .= ", "; } $hp = addslashes(COM_applyFilter($users['homepage'])); $updatecolumns .= "homepage='$hp'"; } $sql = $sql . $updatecolumns . " WHERE uid={$_USER['uid']}"; DB_query($sql); // Update rest of users info $this->_DBupdate_users($_USER['uid'], $users); } // Update userinfo if (is_array($userinfo)) { $this->_DBupdate_userinfo($_USER['uid'], $userinfo); } } public function doAction($info) { global $_TABLES, $status, $uid, $_CONF; // COM_errorLog("doAction() method ------------------"); // remote auth precludes usersubmission, and integrates user activation $status = USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE; $users = $this->_getCreateUserInfo($info); $userinfo = $this->_getUpdateUserInfo($info); $passwords = USER_createPassword(); $users['passwd2'] = $passwords['encrypted']; $sql = "SELECT uid,status FROM {$_TABLES['users']} WHERE remoteusername = '{$users['remoteusername']}' AND remoteservice = '{$users['remoteservice']}'"; // COM_errorLog("sql={$sql}"); $result = DB_query($sql); $tmp = DB_error(); // COM_errorLog("DB_error={$tmp}"); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); // COM_errorLog("DB_numRows={$nrows}"); if (empty($tmp) && $nrows == 1) { list($uid, $status) = DB_fetchArray($result); // COM_errorLog("user found! uid={$uid} status={$status}"); } else { // COM_errorLog("user not found - creating new account"); // initial login - create account $status = USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE; // COM_errorLog("checking remoteuser login name for uniqueness"); $checkName = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "username='{$users['loginname']}'"); if (!empty($checkName)) { if ($checkName == $users['loginname']) { if (function_exists('CUSTOM_uniqueRemoteUsername')) { // COM_errorLog("CUSTOM_uniqueRemoteUserName function exists, calling it"); $users['loginname'] = CUSTOM_uniqueRemoteUsername($users['loginname'], $users['remoteservice']); } else { // COM_errorLog("loginname is not unique, using USER_uniqueUsername() to create one"); $users['loginname'] = USER_uniqueUsername($users['loginname']); } } } $uid = USER_createAccount($users['loginname'], $users['email'], $users['passwd2'], $users['fullname'], $users['homepage'], $users['remoteusername'], $users['remoteservice']); // COM_errorLog("after creation, uid={$uid}"); // COM_errorLog("updating users[]"); if (is_array($users)) { $this->_DBupdate_users($uid, $users); } // COM_errorLog("updating userinfo[]"); if (is_array($userinfo)) { $this->_DBupdate_userinfo($uid, $userinfo); } // COM_errorLog("adding uid={$uid} to Remote Users group"); $remote_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Remote Users'"); DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id, ug_uid) VALUES ($remote_grp, $uid)"); // usercreate after trigger if (method_exists($this, '_after_trigger')) { $this->_after_trigger($uid, $users, $userinfo); } } } public function getErrorMsg() { return $this->errormsg; } protected function _DBupdate_users($uid, $users) { global $_TABLES, $_CONF; // COM_errorLog("_DBupdate_users()---------------------"); $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET remoteusername = '{$users['remoteusername']}', remoteservice = '{$users['remoteservice']}', status = 3"; if (!empty($users['remotephoto'])) { // COM_errorLog("saving userphoto"); $save_img = $_CONF['path_images'] . 'userphotos/' . $users['loginname']; // COM_errorLog("from={$users['remotephoto']} to={$save_img}"); $imgsize = $this->_saveUserPhoto($users['remotephoto'], $save_img); // COM_errorLog("imgsize={$imgsize}"); if (!empty($imgsize)) { $ext = $this->_getImageExt($save_img); // COM_errorLog("image_ext={$ext}"); $image = $save_img . $ext; // if a userphoto exists, delete it if (file_exists($image)) { unlink($image); } rename($save_img, $image); $imgname = $users['loginname'] . $ext; $sql .= ", photo = '{$imgname}'"; } } $sql .= " WHERE uid = $uid"; // COM_errorLog("sql={$sql}"); DB_query($sql); } protected function _DBupdate_userinfo($uid, $userinfo) { global $_TABLES; // COM_errorLog("_DBupdate_userinfo()-----------------"); if (!empty($userinfo['about']) || !empty($userinfo['location'])) { // COM_errorLog("userinfo update needed"); // COM_errorLog("userinfo[about]={$userinfo['about']}"); // COM_errorLog("userinfo[location]={$userinfo['location']}"); $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['userinfo']} SET"; if (! empty($userinfo['about'])) { $sql .= " about = '" . addslashes(strip_tags($userinfo['about'])) . "'"; } $sql .= (!empty($userinfo['about']) && !empty($userinfo['location'])) ? "," : ""; if (! empty($userinfo['location'])) { $sql .= " location = '" . addslashes(strip_tags($userinfo['location'])) . "'"; } $sql .= " WHERE uid = {$uid}"; // COM_errorLog("sql={$sql}"); DB_query($sql); } } protected function _saveUserPhoto($from, $to) { $ret = ''; require_once 'HTTP/Request.php'; $req = new HTTP_Request($from); $req->addHeader('User-Agent', 'Geeklog/' . VERSION); $req->addHeader('Referer', COM_getCurrentUrl()); $res = $req->sendRequest(); if( !PEAR::isError($res) ){ $img = $req->getResponseBody(); $ret = file_put_contents($to, $img); } return $ret; } protected function _getImageExt($img, $dot = true) { $size = getimagesize($img); switch ($size['mime']) { case 'image/gif': $ext = 'gif'; break; case 'image/jpeg': $ext = 'jpg'; break; case 'image/png': $ext = 'png'; break; case 'image/bmp': $ext = 'bmp'; break; } return ($dot ? '.' : '') . $ext; } protected function _shorten($url) { $this->request->setUrl($this->shortapi.'?url='.$url); $this->request->setMethod('GET'); $response = $this->request->send(); if ($response->getStatus() !== 200) { return $url; } else { $xml = @simplexml_load_string($response->getBody()); return $xml->url; } } } ?>