File: lib-custom.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.7 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | lib-custom.php | // | | // | Your very own custom Geeklog library. | // | | // | This is the file where you should put all of your custom code. When | // | possible you should not alter lib-common.php but, instead, put code here. | // | This will make upgrading to future versions of Geeklog easier for you | // | because you will always be guaranteed that the Geeklog developers will | // | NOT add required code to this file. | // | | // | NOTE: we have already gone through the trouble of making sure that we | // | always include this file when lib-common.php is included some place so | // | you will have access to lib-common.php. It follows then that you should | // | not include lib-common.php in this file. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2000-2010 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony AT tonybibbs DOT com | // | Blaine Lang - blaine AT portalparts DOT com | // | Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'lib-custom.php') !== false) { die('This file can not be used on its own!'); } // You can use this global variable to print useful messages to the errorlog // using COM_errorLog(). To see an example of how to do this, look in // lib-common.php and see how $_COM_VERBOSE was used throughout the code $_CST_VERBOSE = false; /** * Sample PHP Block function * * this is a sample function used by a PHP block. This will show the rights that * a user has in the "What you have access to" block. * */ function phpblock_showrights() { global $_RIGHTS, $_CST_VERBOSE; $retval = ''; if ($_CST_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog('**** Inside phpblock_showrights in lib-custom.php ****', 1); } $retval .= ' '; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_RIGHTS); $i++) { $retval .= '<li>' . $_RIGHTS[$i] . '</li>' . LB; } if ($_CST_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog('**** Leaving phpblock_showrights in lib-custom.php ****', 1); } return $retval; } /** * Include any code in this function that will be called by the internal CRON API * The interval between runs is determined by $_CONF['cron_schedule_interval'] */ function CUSTOM_runScheduledTask() { } /** * Example of custom function that can be used to handle a login error. * Only active with custom registration mode enabled * Used if you have a custom front page and need to trap and reformat any error messages * This example redirects to the front page with a extra passed variable plus the message * Note: Message could be a string but in this case maps to $MESSAGE[81] as a default - edit in language file */ function CUSTOM_loginErrorHandler($msg='') { global $_CONF,$MESSAGE; if ($msg > 0) { $msg = $msg; } elseif ($msg == '') { $msg = 81; } $retval = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] .'/index.php?mode=loginfail&msg='.$msg); echo $retval; exit; } /** * Include any code in this function to add custom template variables. * * Called from within Geeklog for: * - 'header' (site header) * - 'footer' (site footer) * - 'storytext', 'featuredstorytext', 'archivestorytext' (story templates) * - 'story' (story submission) * - 'comment' (comment submission form) * - 'registration' (user registration form) * - 'contact' (email user form) * - 'emailstory' (email story to a friend) * - 'loginblock' (login form in the side bar) * - 'loginform' (login form in the content area) * - 'search' (advanced search form; simple search is usually part of 'header') * * This function is called whenever PLG_templateSetVars is called, i.e. in * addition to the templates listed here, it may also be called from plugins. * * @param string $templatename name of the template, e.g. 'header' * @param ref &$template reference to the template * @return void * @see PLG_templateSetVars * */ function CUSTOM_templateSetVars($templatename, &$template) { // define a {hello_world} variable available in header.thtml and // a {hello_again} variable available in the story templates switch ($templatename) { case 'header': $template->set_var('hello_world', 'Hello, world!'); break; case 'storytext': case 'featuredstorytext': case 'archivestorytext': $template->set_var('hello_again', 'Hello (again)!'); break; } } /* Sample Custom Member Functions to create and update Custom Membership registration and profile Note1: Enable CustomRegistration Feature in the configuration $_CONF['custom_registration'] = true; // Set to true if you have custom code Note2: This example requires a template file called memberdetail.thtml to be located under the theme_dir/custom directory. Sample is provided under /system with the distribution. Note3: Optional parm $bulkimport added so that if your using the [Batch Add] feature, you can execute different logic if required. Functions have been provided that are called from the Core Geeklog user and admin functions - This works with User Moderation as well - Admin will see the new registration info when checking a member's profile only - All other users will see the standard User profile with the optional extended custom information - Customization requires changes to a few of the core template files to add {customfields} variables - See notes below in the custom function about the template changes */ /** * Called when user is first created * Create any new records in additional tables you may have added * Update any fields in the core GL tables for this user as needed * * @param int $uid user id - record already exists at this point * @param boolean $bulkimport true during Batch User Import (admin/user.php) * @return boolean true on success, otherwise false * */ function CUSTOM_userCreate($uid, $bulkimport = false) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; if ($bulkimport) { // the sample code in this function is written for the normal signup // process; the $_POST variables are not set during bulk import return true; } // Ensure all data is prepared correctly before inserts, quotes may need to // be escaped with addslashes() $email = ''; if (isset ($_POST['email'])) { $email = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['email']); $email = addslashes ($email); } $homepage = ''; if (isset ($_POST['homepage'])) { $homepage = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['homepage']); $homepage = addslashes ($homepage); } $fullname = ''; if (isset ($_POST['fullname'])) { // COM_applyFilter would strip special characters, e.g. quotes, so // we only strip HTML $fullname = strip_tags ($_POST['fullname']); $fullname = addslashes ($fullname); } // Note: In this case, we can trust the $uid variable to contain the new // account's uid. DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET email = '$email', homepage = '$homepage', fullname = '$fullname' WHERE uid = $uid"); return true; } // Delete any records from custom tables you may have used function CUSTOM_userDelete($uid) { return true; } /* Called from users.php - when user is displaying a member profile. * This function can now return any extra fields that need to be shown. * Output is then replaced in {customfields} -- This variable needs to be added * to your templates * Template: path_layout/users/profile/profile.thtml */ function CUSTOM_userDisplay($uid) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $retval = ''; $var = "Value from custom table"; $retval .= '<tr> <td align="right"><b>Custom Fields:</b></td> <td>' . $var .'</td> </tr>'; return $retval; } /* Function called when editing user profile. */ /* Called from usersettings.php - when user is eding their own profile */ /* and from admin/user.php when admin is editing a member profile */ /* This function can now return any extra fields that need to be shown for editing */ /* Output is then replaced in {customfields} -- This variable needs to be added to your templates */ /* User: path_layout/preferences/profile.thtml and Admin: path_layout/admin/user/edituser.thtml */ /* This example shows adding the Cookie Timeout setting and extra text field */ /* As noted: You need to add the {customfields} template variable. */ /* For the edituser.thtml - maybe it would be added about the {group_edit} variable. */ function CUSTOM_userEdit($uid) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $retval = ''; $var = "Value from custom table"; $cookietimeout = DB_getitem($_TABLES['users'], 'cookietimeout', $uid); $selection = '<select name="cooktime">' . LB; $selection .= COM_optionList ($_TABLES['cookiecodes'], 'cc_value,cc_descr', $cookietimeout, 0); $selection .= '</select>'; $retval .= '<tr> <td align="right">Remember user for:</td> <td>' . $selection .'</td> </tr>'; $retval .= '<tr> <td align="right"><b>Custom Fields:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="custom1" size="50" value="' . $var .'"' . XHTML . '></td> </tr>'; $retval .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr' . XHTML . '></td></tr>'; return $retval; } /* Function called when saving the user profile. */ /* This function can now update any extra fields */ function CUSTOM_userSave($uid) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $cooktime = 0; if (isset ($_POST['cooktime'])) { $cooktime = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['cooktime'], true); if ($cooktime < 0) { $cooktime = 0; } DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET cookietimeout = $cooktime WHERE uid = $uid"); } } /** * Main Form used for Custom membership when member is registering * * Note: Requires a file custom/memberdetail.thtml in every theme that is * installed on the site! * * @param string $msg an error message to display or the word 'new' * @return string HTML for the registration form * */ function CUSTOM_userForm ($msg = '') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG04; $retval = ''; if (!empty ($msg) && ($msg != 'new')) { $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG04[21]) . $msg . COM_endBlock(); } $post_url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php'; $postmode = 'create'; $submitbutton = '<input type="submit" value="Register Now!"' . XHTML . '>'; $message = "<blockquote style=\"padding-top:10px;\"><b>Please complete the application below. Once you have completed the application, click the Register Now! button and the application will be processed immediately.</b></blockquote>"; $user_templates = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'custom'); $user_templates->set_file('memberdetail', 'memberdetail.thtml'); $user_templates->set_var('post_url', $post_url); $user_templates->set_var('startblock', COM_startBlock("Custom Registration Example")); $user_templates->set_var('message', $message); $user_templates->set_var('USERNAME', $LANG04[2]); $user_templates->set_var('USERNAME_HELP', "Name to be used when accessing this site"); $username = ''; if (isset ($_POST['username'])) { $username = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['username']); } $user_templates->set_var('username', $username); $user_templates->set_var('EMAIL', $LANG04[5]); $user_templates->set_var('EMAIL_HELP', $LANG04[33]); $email = ''; if (isset ($_POST['email'])) { $email = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['email']); } $user_templates->set_var('email', $email); $user_templates->set_var('EMAIL_CONF', $LANG04[124]); $user_templates->set_var('EMAIL_CONF_HELP', $LANG04[126]); $email_conf = ''; if (isset ($_POST['email_conf'])) { $email_conf = COM_applyFilter ($_POST['email_conf']); } $user_templates->set_var('email_conf', $email_conf); $user_templates->set_var('FULLNAME', $LANG04[3]); $user_templates->set_var('FULLNAME_HELP', $LANG04[34]); $fullname = ''; if (isset ($_POST['fullname'])) { $fullname = strip_tags ($_POST['fullname']); } $user_templates->set_var('fullname', $fullname); $user_templates->set_var('user_id', $user); $user_templates->set_var('postmode', $postmode); $user_templates->set_var('submitbutton', $submitbutton); $user_templates->set_var('endblock', COM_endBlock()); $user_templates->parse('output', 'memberdetail'); $retval .= $user_templates->finish($user_templates->get_var('output')); return $retval; } /** * Geeklog is about to create a new user or edit an existing user. * This is the custom code's last chance to do any form validation, * e.g. to check if all required data has been entered. * * @param string $username username that Geeklog would use for the new user* @param string $email email address of that user * @return mixed Returns an empty string if no issues found validating user account form * If a validation test fails, return both a message and code * > usercreate needs a string and usersettings saveuser() needs a message number * The message number will map to the GLOBALS $MESSAGE define in the site language files * By default $MESSAGE[400] will appear if a non-numeric is returned to usersettings.php - saveuser function */ function CUSTOM_userCheck ($username, $email='') { global $MESSAGE; $retval = ''; // Example, check that the full name has been entered // and complain if it's missing if (empty($_POST['fullname'])) { $retval['string'] = $MESSAGE['401']; $retval['number'] = 401; } return $retval; } /** * Custom function to retrieve and return a formatted list of blocks * Can be used when calling COM_siteHeader or COM_siteFooter * * Example: * 1: Setup an array of blocks to display * 2: Call COM_siteHeader or COM_siteFooter * * $myblocks = array( 'site_menu', 'site_news', 'poll_block' ); * * COM_siteHeader( array( 'CUSTOM_showBlocks', $myblocks )) ; * COM_siteFooter( true, array( 'CUSTOM_showBlocks', $myblocks )); * * @param array $showblocks An array of block names to retrieve and format * @return string Formated HTML containing site footer and optionally right blocks */ function CUSTOM_showBlocks($showblocks) { global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES; $retval = ''; if( !isset( $_USER['noboxes'] )) { if( !empty( $_USER['uid'] )) { $noboxes = DB_getItem( $_TABLES['userindex'], 'noboxes', "uid = {$_USER['uid']}" ); } else { $noboxes = 0; } } else { $noboxes = $_USER['noboxes']; } foreach($showblocks as $block) { $sql = "SELECT bid, name,type,title,content,rdfurl,phpblockfn,help,allow_autotags,onleft FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE name='$block'"; $result = DB_query($sql); if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) { $A = DB_fetchArray($result); if ($A['onleft'] == 1) { $side = 'left'; } else { $side = 'right'; } $retval .= COM_formatBlock($A,$noboxes, $side); } } return $retval; } /** * This is an example of a custom email function. When this function is NOT * commented out, Geeklog would send all emails through this function * instead of sending them through COM_mail in lib-common.php. * * This is basically a re-implementation of the way emails were sent * prior to Geeklog 1.3.9 (Geeklog uses PEAR::Mail as of version 1.3.9). * */ /* function CUSTOM_mail($to, $subject, $message, $from = '', $html = false, $priority = 0) { global $_CONF; if (empty ($from)) { $from = $_CONF['site_name'] . ' <' . $_CONF['site_mail'] . '>'; } $headers = 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: Geeklog ' . VERSION . "\r\n"; if ($priority > 0) { $headers .= 'X-Priority: ' . $priority . "\r\n"; } $charset = COM_getCharset (); if ($html) { $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset={$charset}\r\n" . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'; } else { $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset={$charset}"; } return mail ($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } */ /** * This is an example of a function that returns menu entries to be used for * the 'custom' entry in $_CONF['menu_elements'] (see configuration). * */ /* function CUSTOM_menuEntries () { global $_CONF, $_USER; $myentries = array (); // Sample link #1: Link to Gallery $myentries[] = array ('url' => $_CONF['site_url'] . '/gallery/', 'label' => 'Gallery'); // Sample link #2: Link to the Personal Calendar - only visible for // logged-in users if (!empty ($_USER['uid']) && ($_USER['uid'] > 1)) { $myentries[] = array ('url' => $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendar/index.php?mode=personal', 'label' => 'My Calendar'); } return $myentries; } */ /** * This is an example of an error handler override. This will be used in * place of COM_handleError if the user is not in the Root group. Really, * this should only be used to display some nice pretty "site error" html. * Though you could try and notify the sysadmin, and log the error, as this * example will show. The function is commented out for saftey. */ /* function CUSTOM_handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { global $_CONF; if( is_array($_CONF) && function_exists('COM_mail')) { COM_mail($_CONF['site_mail'], $_CONF['site_name'].' Error Handler', "An error has occurred: $errno $errstr @ $errline of $errfile"); COM_errorLog("Error Handler: $errno $errstr @ $errline of $errfile"); } echo(" <html> <head> <title>{$_CONF['site_name']} - An error occurred.</title> <style type=\"text/css\"> body,html {height: 100%; width: 100%;} body{ border: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: white; color: black; } div { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; border: solid thin blue; width: 400px; padding: 5px; text-align: center; } h1 { color: blue;} </style> </head> <body> <div> <h1>An Error Has Occurred.</h1> <p>Unfortunatley, the action you performed has caused an error. The site administrator has been informed. If you try again later, the issue may have been fixed.</p> </div> </body> </html> "); exit; } */ ?>