File: lib-plugins.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.8 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | lib-plugins.php | // | | // | This file implements plugin support in Geeklog. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2000-2011 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony AT tonybibbs DOT com | // | Blaine Lang - blaine AT portalparts DOT com | // | Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * This is the plugin library for Geeklog. This is the API that plugins can * implement to get tight integration with Geeklog. * See each function for more details. * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Plugin_API * */ if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'lib-plugins.php') !== false) { die('This file can not be used on its own!'); } /** * Include plugin class */ require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/plugin.class.php'; /** * Response codes for the service invocation PLG_invokeService(). Note that * these are intentionally vague so as not to give away too much information. */ define('PLG_RET_OK', 0); // success define('PLG_RET_ERROR', -1); // generic error define('PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED', -2); // access to item or object denied define('PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED', -3); // authentication failed define('PLG_RET_PRECONDITION_FAILED', -4); // a precondition was not met // buffer for function names for the center block API $PLG_bufferCenterAPI = array(); $PLG_buffered = false; // buffer enabled plugins $result = DB_query("SELECT pi_name FROM {$_TABLES['plugins']} WHERE pi_enabled = 1 ORDER BY pi_load ASC"); /** * @global array List of all active plugins */ $_PLUGINS = array(); while ($A = DB_fetchArray($result)) { $_PLUGINS[] = $A['pi_name']; } /** * Calls a function for all enabled plugins * * @param string $function_name holds name of function to call * @return void * @access private * @internal not to be used by plugins * @todo only supports functions without any parameters * */ function PLG_callFunctionForAllPlugins($function_name) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_' . $function_name . '_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function(); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_' . $function_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function(); } } /** * Calls a function for a single plugin * * This is a generic function used by some of the other API functions to * call a function for a specific plugin and, optionally pass parameters. * This function can handle up to 5 arguments and if more exist it will * try to pass the entire args array to the function. * * @param string $function holds name of function to call * @param array $args arguments to send to function * @return mixed returns result of function call, otherwise false * @access private * @internal not to be used by plugins * */ function PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin($function, $args='') { if (function_exists($function)) { if (empty($args)) { $args = array(); } // great, function exists, run it switch (count($args)) { case 0: return $function(); break; case 1: return $function($args[1]); break; case 2: return $function($args[1], $args[2]); break; case 3: return $function($args[1], $args[2], $args[3]); break; case 4: return $function($args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4]); break; case 5: return $function($args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5]); break; case 6: return $function($args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6]); break; case 7: return $function($args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6], $args[7]); break; default: return $function($args); break; } } else { return false; } } /** * Tells a plugin to install itself. NOTE: not currently used any more * * @param string $type Plugin name * @return boolean Returns true on success otherwise false * @deprecated deprecated since Geeklog 1.6.0 * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Plugin_Autoinstall * */ function PLG_install($type) { return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_install_' . $type); } /** * Upgrades a plugin. Tells a plugin to upgrade itself. * * @param string $type Plugin name * @return mixed true on success, false or error number on failure * */ function PLG_upgrade($type) { return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_upgrade_' . $type); } /** * Called during site migration - let plugin handle changed URLs or paths * * @param string $type Plugin name * @param array $old_conf contents of $_CONF before the migration * @return boolean true on success, otherwise false * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/PLG_migrate * @since Geeklog 1.6.0 * */ function PLG_migrate($type, $old_conf) { if (! function_exists('plugin_migrate_' . $type)) { // since PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin would return false ... return true; } $args[1] = $old_conf; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_migrate_' . $type, $args); } /** * Calls the plugin function to return the current version of code. * Used to indicate to admin if an update or upgrade is required. * * @param string $type Plugin name * @return boolean Returns true on success otherwise false * */ function PLG_chkVersion($type) { return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_chkVersion_' . $type); } /** * Tells a plugin to uninstall itself. * * @param string $type Plugin to uninstall * @return boolean Returns true on success otherwise false * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Plugin_Auto-Uninstall * */ function PLG_uninstall($type) { global $_PLUGINS, $_TABLES; if (empty($type)) { return false; } if (function_exists('plugin_autouninstall_' . $type)) { COM_errorLog("Auto-uninstalling plugin $type:", 1); $function = 'plugin_autouninstall_' . $type; $remvars = $function(); if (empty($remvars) || $remvars == false) { return false; } // removing tables if (isset($remvars['tables'])) { $num_tables = count($remvars['tables']); } else { $num_tables = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) { if (isset($_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]])) { COM_errorLog("Dropping table {$_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]]}", 1); DB_query("DROP TABLE {$_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]]}", 1); COM_errorLog('...success', 1); } } // removing variables if (isset($remvars['vars'])) { $num_vars = count($remvars['vars']); } else { $num_vars = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_vars; $i++) { COM_errorLog("Removing variable {$remvars['vars'][$i]}", 1); DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', $remvars['vars'][$i]); COM_errorLog('...success', 1); } // removing groups if (isset($remvars['groups'])) { $num_groups = count($remvars['groups']); } else { $num_groups = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_groups; $i++) { $grp_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = '{$remvars['groups'][$i]}'"); if (!empty($grp_id)) { COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove the {$remvars['groups'][$i]} group", 1); DB_delete($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', $grp_id); COM_errorLog('...success', 1); COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove the {$remvars['groups'][$i]} group from all groups.", 1); DB_delete($_TABLES['group_assignments'], 'ug_main_grp_id', $grp_id); COM_errorLog('...success', 1); } } // removing features if (isset($remvars['features'])) { $num_features = count($remvars['features']); } else { $num_features = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_features; $i++) { SEC_removeFeatureFromDB($remvars['features'][$i]); } // uninstall feeds $sql = "SELECT filename FROM {$_TABLES['syndication']} WHERE type = '$type';"; $result = DB_query($sql); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows > 0) { COM_errorLog('removing feed files', 1); COM_errorLog($nrows. ' files stored in table.', 1); for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) { $fcount = $i + 1; $A = DB_fetchArray($result); $fullpath = SYND_getFeedPath($A[0]); if (file_exists($fullpath)) { unlink($fullpath); COM_errorLog("removed file $fcount of $nrows: $fullpath", 1); } else { COM_errorLog("cannot remove file $fcount of $nrows, it does not exist! ($fullpath)", 1); } } COM_errorLog('...success', 1); // Remove Links Feeds from syndiaction table COM_errorLog('removing links feeds from table', 1); DB_delete($_TABLES['syndication'], 'type', $type); COM_errorLog('...success', 1); } // remove comments for this plugin COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove comments for $type", 1); DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], 'type', $type); COM_errorLog('...success', 1); // uninstall php-blocks if (isset($remvars['php_blocks'])) { $num_blocks = count($remvars['php_blocks']); } else { $num_blocks = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_blocks; $i++) { DB_delete($_TABLES['blocks'], array('type', 'phpblockfn'), array('phpblock', $remvars['php_blocks'][$i])); } // remove config table data for this plugin COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove config table records for group_name: $type", 1); DB_delete($_TABLES['conf_values'], 'group_name', $type); COM_errorLog('...success', 1); // uninstall the plugin COM_errorLog("Attempting to unregister the $type plugin from Geeklog", 1); DB_delete($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', $type); COM_errorLog('...success',1); COM_errorLog("Finished uninstalling the $type plugin.", 1); return true; } else { $retval = PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_uninstall_' . $type); if ($retval === true) { $plg = array_search($type, $_PLUGINS); if ($plg !== false) { unset($_PLUGINS[$plg]); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Inform plugin that it is either being enabled or disabled. * * @param string $type Plugin name * @param boolean $enable true if enabling, false if disabling * @return boolean Returns true on success otherwise false * @see PLG_pluginStateChange * */ function PLG_enableStateChange($type, $enable) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_DB_table_prefix; $args[1] = $enable; // IF we are enabling the plugin // THEN we must include its functions.inc so we have access to the function if ($enable) { require_once ($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $type . '/functions.inc'); } return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin ('plugin_enablestatechange_' . $type, $args); } /** * Checks to see if user is a plugin moderator * * Geeklog is asking if the user is a moderator for any installed plugins. * * @return boolean True if current user is moderator of plugin otherwise false * */ function PLG_isModerator() { return PLG_callFunctionForAllPlugins('ismoderator'); } /** * Gives plugins a chance to print their menu items in header * * Note that this is fairly unflexible. This simply loops through the plugins * in the database in the order they were installed and get their menu items. * If you want more flexibility in your menu then you should hard code the menu * items in header.thtml for the theme(s) you are using. * * @return array Returns menu options for plugin * */ function PLG_getMenuItems() { global $_PLUGINS; $menu = array(); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_getmenuitems_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $menuitems = $function(); if (is_array($menuitems)) { $menu = array_merge ($menu, $menuitems); } } } return $menu; } /** * Get view URL and name of unique identifier * * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @param string $type Plugin to delete comment * @return array string of URL of view page, name of unique identifier */ function PLG_getCommentUrlId($type) { global $_CONF; $ret = PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_getcommenturlid_' . $type); if (empty($ret[0])) { $ret[0] = $_CONF['site_url'] . "/$type/index.php"; } if (empty($ret[1])) { $ret[1] = 'id'; } return $ret; } /** * Plugin should delete a comment * * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @param string $type Plugin to delete comment * @param int $cid Comment to be deleted * @param string $id Item id to which $cid belongs * @return mixed false for failure, HTML string (redirect?) for success */ function PLG_commentDelete($type, $cid, $id) { $args[1] = $cid; $args[2] = $id; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_deletecomment_' . $type, $args); } /** * Plugin should save a comment * * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @param string $type Plugin to delete comment * @param string $title comment title * @param string $comment comment text * @param string $id Item id to which $cid belongs * @param int $pid comment parent * @param string $postmode 'html' or 'text' * @return mixed false for failure, HTML string (redirect?) for success */ function PLG_commentSave($type, $title, $comment, $id, $pid, $postmode) { $args[1] = $title; $args[2] = $comment; $args[3] = $id; $args[4] = $pid; $args[5] = $postmode; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_savecomment_' . $type, $args); } /** * Plugin should display [a] comment[s] * * @author Vincent Furia, vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net * @param string $type Plugin to display comment * @param string $id Unique idenifier for item comment belongs to * @param int $cid Comment id to display (possibly including sub-comments) * @param string $title Page/comment title * @param string $order 'ASC' or 'DSC' or blank * @param string $format 'threaded', 'nested', or 'flat' * @param int $page Page number of comments to display * @param boolean $view True to view comment (by cid), false to display (by $pid) * @return mixed results of calling the plugin_displaycomment_ function */ function PLG_displayComment($type, $id, $cid, $title, $order, $format, $page, $view) { $args[1] = $id; $args[2] = $cid; $args[3] = $title; $args[4] = $order; $args[5] = $format; $args[6] = $page; $args[7] = $view; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_displaycomment_' . $type, $args); } /** * Allows plugins a chance to handle a comment before Geeklog does. * This is a first-come-first-serve affair so if a plugin returns an error, other * plugins wishing to handle comment preprocessing won't get called * * @author Tony Bibbs, tony AT tonybibbs DOT com * @access public * @param int $uid User ID * @param string &$title Comment title * @param string &$comment Comment text * @param string $sid Story ID (not always a story, remember!) * @param int $pid Parent comment ID * @param string $type Type of comment * @param string &$postmode HTML or text * @return mixed an error otherwise false if no errors were encountered * @see PLG_itemPreSave * */ function PLG_commentPreSave($uid, &$title, &$comment, $sid, $pid, $type, &$postmode) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_commentPreSave_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $someError = $function($uid, $title, $comment, $sid, $pid, $type, $postmode); if ($someError) { // Plugin doesn't want to save the comment return $someError; } } } $function = 'CUSTOM_commentPreSave'; if (function_exists($function)) { $someError = $function($uid, $title, $comment, $sid, $pid, $type, $postmode); if ($someError) { // Custom function refused save: return $someError; } } return false; } /** * Allows plugins a chance to handle an item before Geeklog does. Modeled * after the PLG_commentPreSave() function. * * This is a first-come-first-serve affair so if a plugin returns an error, other * plugins wishing to handle comment preprocessing won't get called * * @author Mark Evans, mevans AT ecsnet DOT com * @access public * @param string $type Type of item, i.e.; registration, contact ... * @param string $content item specific content * @return string empty is no error, error message if error was encountered * @see PLG_commentPreSave * */ function PLG_itemPreSave($type, $content) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_itemPreSave_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists ($function)) { $msgError = $function ($type, $content); if (!empty($msgError)) { // Plugin doesn't want to save the item return $msgError; } } } $function = 'CUSTOM_itemPreSave'; if (function_exists ($function)) { $msgError = $function ($type, $content); if (!empty($msgError)) { // Custom doesn't want to save the item return $msgError; } } return ''; } /** * The way this function works is very specific to how Geeklog shows its * statistics. On stats.php, there is the top box which gives overall * statistics for Geeklog and then there are blocks below it that give * more specific statistics for various components of Geeklog. * * This plugin API function suffers from a variety of bugs and bad design * decisions for which we have to provide backward compatibility, so please * bear with us ... * * The only parameter to this function, $showsitestats, was documented as being * being 1 for the site stats and 0 for the plugin-specific stats. However, the * latter was always called with a value of 2, so plugins only did a check for 1 * and "else", which makes extensions somewhat tricky. * Furthermore, due to the original templates for the site stats, it has * become standard practice to hard-code a <table> in the plugins as the return * value for $showsitestats == 1. This table, however, didn't align properly * with the built-in site stats entries. * * Because of all this, the new mode, 3, works differently: * - for $showsitestats == 3, we call a new plugin API function, * plugin_statssummary_<plugin-name>, which is supposed to return the plugin's * entry for the site stats in an array which stats.php will then properly * format, alongside the entries for the built-in items. * - for $showsitestats == 1, we only call those plugins that do NOT have a * plugin_statssummary_<plugin-name> function, thus providing backward * compatibility * - for $showsitestats == 2, nothing has changed * * @param int $showsitestats value indicating type of stats to return * @return mixed array (for mode 3) or string * */ function PLG_getPluginStats($showsitestats) { global $_PLUGINS; if ($showsitestats == 3) { $retval = array(); } else { $retval = ''; } foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { if ($showsitestats == 3) { $function = 'plugin_statssummary_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists ($function)) { $summary = $function (); if (is_array($summary)) { $retval[$pi_name] = $summary; } } } elseif ($showsitestats == 1) { $function1 = 'plugin_showstats_' . $pi_name; $function2 = 'plugin_statssummary_' . $pi_name; if (!function_exists ($function2)) { if (function_exists ($function1)) { $retval .= $function1 ($showsitestats); } } } elseif ($showsitestats == 2) { $function = 'plugin_showstats_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists ($function)) { $retval .= $function ($showsitestats); } } } if ($showsitestats == 3) { $function = 'CUSTOM_statssummary'; if (function_exists ($function)) { $summary = $function (); if (is_array($summary)) { $retval['Custom'] = $summary; } } } elseif ($showsitestats == 1) { $function1 = 'CUSTOM_showstats'; $function2 = 'CUSTOM_statssummary'; if (!function_exists ($function2)) { if (function_exists ($function1)) { $retval .= $function1 ($showsitestats); } } } elseif ($showsitestats == 2) { $function = 'CUSTOM_showstats'; if (function_exists ($function)) { $retval .= $function ($showsitestats); } } return $retval; } /** * This function gives each plugin the opportunity to put a value(s) in * the 'Type' drop down box on the search.php page so that their plugin * can be incorporated into searches. * * @return array String array of search types for plugin(s) * */ function PLG_getSearchTypes() { global $_PLUGINS; $types = array(); $cur_types = array(); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_searchtypes_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists ($function)) { $cur_types = $function (); if (is_array($cur_types) && (count($cur_types) > 0)) { $types = array_merge ($types, $cur_types); } } // no else because this is not a required API function } $function = 'CUSTOM_searchtypes'; if (function_exists ($function)) { $cur_types = $function (); if (is_array($cur_types) && (count($cur_types) > 0)) { $types = array_merge ($types, $cur_types); } } asort($types); return $types; } /** * This function gives each plugin the opportunity to do their search * and return their results. Results come back in an array of HTML * formatted table rows that can be quickly printed by search.php * * @param string $query What the user searched for * @param date $datestart beginning of date range to search for * @param date $dateend ending date range to search for * @param string $topic the topic the user searched within * @param string $type Type of items they are searching, or 'all' * @param int $author UID...only return results for this person * @param string $keyType search key type: 'all', 'phrase', 'any' * @param int $page page number of current search (deprecated) * @param int $perpage number of results per page (deprecated) * @return array Returns search results * */ function PLG_doSearch($query, $datestart, $dateend, $topic, $type, $author, $keyType = 'all', $page = 1, $perpage = 10) { global $_PLUGINS; /** * The API, as of 1.6.0, does not use $page, $perpage * $type is now only used in the core and should not be passed to the plugin */ $search_results = array(); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_dopluginsearch_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $result = $function($query, $datestart, $dateend, $topic, $type, $author, $keyType, $page, $perpage); if (is_array($result)) { $search_results = array_merge($search_results, $result); } else { $search_results[] = $result; } } // no else because implementation of this API function not required } $function = 'CUSTOM_dopluginsearch'; if (function_exists($function)) { $search_results[] = $function($query, $datestart, $dateend, $topic, $type, $author, $keyType, $page, $perpage); } return $search_results; } /** * Asks each plugin to report any submissions they may have in their * submission queue * * @return int Number of submissions in queue for plugins * */ function PLG_getSubmissionCount() { global $_PLUGINS; $num = 0; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_submissioncount_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $num = $num + $function(); } } return $num; } /** * This function will get & check user or admin options from plugins and check * required ones for availability. This function is called by several other * functions and is not to be called from the plugin directly. The function which * call this here follow below. * * NOTE for plugin developers: * The plugin is responsible for its own security. * This supports a plugin having either a single menuitem or multiple menuitems. * The plugin has to provide an array for the menuitem of the format: * <code> * array(menuitem_title, item_url, submission_count) * </code> * or an array of arrays in case there are several entries: * <code> * array( * array(menuitem1_title, item1_url, submission1_count), * array(menuitem2_title, item2_url, submission2_count), * array(menuitem3_title, item3_url, submission3_count)) * </code> * Plugin function can return a single record array or multiple records * * * @param array $var_names An array of the variables that are retrieved. * This has to match the named array that is used * in the function returning the values * @param array $required_names An array of true/false-values, describing * which of the above listed values is required * to give a valid set of data. * @param string $function_name A string that gives the name of the function * at the plugin that will return the values. * @return array Returns options to add to the given menu that is calling this * @access private * @internal not to be used by plugins * */ function PLGINT_getOptionsforMenus($var_names, $required_names, $function_name) { global $_PLUGINS; $plgresults = array(); $num_var_names = count($var_names); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = $function_name . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $plg_array = $function(); if (($plg_array !== false) && (count($plg_array) > 0)) { // Check if plugin is returning a single record array or multiple records $sets_array = array(); $entries = count($plg_array[0]); if ($entries == 1) { // Single record - so we need to prepare the sets_array; $sets_array[0] = $plg_array; } else { // Multiple menuitem records - in required format $sets_array = $plg_array; } foreach ($sets_array as $val) { $plugin = new Plugin(); $good_array = true; for ($n = 0; $n < $num_var_names; $n++) { if (isset($val[$n])) { $plugin->$var_names[$n] = $val[$n]; } else { $plugin->$var_names[$n] = ''; } if (empty($plugin->$var_names[$n]) && $required_names[$n]) { $good_array = false; } } if ($good_array) { $plgresults[] = $plugin; } } } } } return $plgresults; } /** * This function shows the option for all plugins at the top of the * command and control center. * * This supports that a plugin can have several lines in the CC menu. * The plugin has to provide simply a set arrays with 3 variables in order to * get n lines in the menu such as * <code> * array( * array("first line", "url1", "1"), * array("second line", "url2", "44"), * etc, etc) * </code> * If there is only one item, a single array is enough: * <code> * array("first line", "url1", "1") * </code> * * @return array Returns Command and Control options for moderation.php * */ function PLG_getCCOptions() { $var_names = array('adminlabel', 'adminurl', 'plugin_image'); $required_names = array(true, true, true); $function_name = 'plugin_cclabel_'; $plgresults = PLGINT_getOptionsforMenus($var_names, $required_names, $function_name); return $plgresults; } /** * This function will show any plugin adminstrative options in the * admin functions block on every page (assuming the user is an admin * and is logged in). * * NOTE: the plugin is responsible for its own security. * This supports that a plugin can have several lines in the Admin menu. * The plugin has to provide simply a set arrays with 3 variables in order to * get n lines in the menu such as * <code> * array( * array("first line", "url1", "1"), * array("second line", "url2", "44"),, * etc, etc) * </code> * If there is only one item, a single array is enough: * <code> * array("first line", "url1", "1") * </code> * * @return array Returns options to put in admin menu * */ function PLG_getAdminOptions() { $var_names = array('adminlabel', 'adminurl', 'numsubmissions'); $required_names = array(true, true, false); $function_name = 'plugin_getadminoption_'; $plgresults = PLGINT_getOptionsforMenus($var_names, $required_names, $function_name); return $plgresults; } /** * This function will show any plugin user options in the * user block on every page * * This supports that a plugin can have several lines in the User menu. * The plugin has to provide simply a set of arrays with 3 variables in order to * get n lines in the menu such as * <code> * array( * array("first line", "url1", "1"), * array("second line", "url2", "44"), * etc, etc) * </code> * If there is only one item, a single array is enough: * <code> * array("first line", "url1", "1") * </code> * * NOTE: the plugin is responsible for its own security. * * @return array Returns options to add to user menu * */ function PLG_getUserOptions() { // I know this uses the adminlabel, adminurl but who cares? $var_names = array('adminlabel', 'adminurl', 'numsubmissions'); $required_names = array(true, true, false); $function_name = 'plugin_getuseroption_'; $plgresults = PLGINT_getOptionsforMenus($var_names, $required_names, $function_name); return $plgresults; } /** * This function is responsible for calling * plugin_moderationapproves_<pluginname> which approves an item from the * submission queue for a plugin. * * @param string $type Plugin name to do submission approval for * @param string $id used to identify the record to approve * @return boolean Returns true on success otherwise false * */ function PLG_approveSubmission($type, $id) { $args[1] = $id; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_moderationapprove_' . $type, $args); } /** * This function is responsible for calling * plugin_moderationdelete_<pluginname> which deletes an item from the * submission queue for a plugin. * * @param string $type Plugin to do submission deletion for * @param string $id used to identify the record for which to delete * @return boolean Returns true on success otherwise false * */ function PLG_deleteSubmission($type, $id) { $args[1] = $id; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_moderationdelete_' . $type, $args); } /** * This function calls the plugin_savesubmission_<pluginname> to save * a user submission * * @param string $type Plugin to save submission for * @param array $A holds plugin specific data to save * @return boolean Returns true on success otherwise false * */ function PLG_saveSubmission($type, $A) { $args[1] = $A; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_savesubmission_' . $type, $args); } /** * This function starts the chain of calls needed to show any submissions * needing moderation for the plugins. * * @param string $token security token * @return string returns list of items needing moderation for plugins * */ function PLG_showModerationList($token) { global $_PLUGINS; $retval = ''; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $retval .= itemlist($pi_name, $token); } return $retval; } /** * This function is responsible for setting the plugin-specific values * needed by moderation.php to approve stuff. * * @param string $type Plugin to call function for * @return string * */ function PLG_getModerationValues($type) { return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_moderationvalues_' . $type); } /** * This function is resonsible for calling plugin_submit_<pluginname> so * that the submission form for the plugin is displayed. * * @param string $type Plugin to show submission form for * @return string HTML for submit form for plugin * */ function PLG_showSubmitForm($type) { return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_submit_' . $type); } /** * This function will show the centerblock for any plugin. * * Plugin can display some of their own content in a block on the index or any * topic index page. The block can be at the top or bottom of the page, after * the featured story or the plugin can take over the entire page. * The plugin is responsible to format the output correctly. * * @param int $where where 1 = top, 2 = after feat. story, 3 = bottom of page, 0 = entire page * @param int $page page number (1, ...) * @param string $topic topic ID or empty string == front page * @return string Formatted center block content * @since Geeklog 1.3.8 * */ function PLG_showCenterblock($where = 1, $page = 1, $topic = '') { global $PLG_bufferCenterAPI, $PLG_buffered, $_PLUGINS; $retval = ''; // buffer function names since we're coming back for them two more times if (!$PLG_buffered) { $PLG_bufferCenterAPI = array(); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_centerblock_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $PLG_bufferCenterAPI[$pi_name] = $function; } } $PLG_buffered = true; } foreach ($PLG_bufferCenterAPI as $function) { $retval .= $function($where, $page, $topic); if (($where == 0) && !empty($retval)) { break; } } $function = 'CUSTOM_centerblock'; if (function_exists($function)) { $retval .= $function($where, $page, $topic); } return $retval; } /** * This function will inform all plugins when a new user account is created. * * @param int $uid user id of the new user account * @return void * */ function PLG_createUser($uid) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_user_create_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function ($uid); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_user_create'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } /** * This function will inform all plugins when a user account is deleted. * * @param int $uid user id of the deleted user account * @return void * */ function PLG_deleteUser($uid) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_user_delete_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists ($function)) { $function($uid); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_user_delete'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } /** * This function will inform all plugins when a user logs in * * Note: This function is NOT called when users are re-authenticated by their * long-term cookie. The global variable $_USER['auto_login'] will be set to * 'true' in that case, however. * * @param int $uid user id * @return void * */ function PLG_loginUser($uid) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_user_login_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_user_login'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } /** * This function will inform all plugins when a user logs out. * Plugins should not rely on this ever being called, as the user may simply * close the browser instead of logging out. * * @param int $uid user id * @return void * */ function PLG_logoutUser($uid) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_user_logout_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_user_logout'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } /** * This function is called to inform plugins when a user's information * (profile or preferences) has changed. * * @param int $uid user id * @return void * */ function PLG_userInfoChanged($uid) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_user_changed_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_user_changed'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid); } } /** * This function is called to inform plugins when a group's information has * changed or a new group has been created. * * @param int $grp_id Group ID * @param string $mode type of change: 'new', 'edit', or 'delete' * @return void * */ function PLG_groupChanged($grp_id, $mode) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_group_changed_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($grp_id, $mode); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_group_changed'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($grp_id, $mode); } } /** * Geeklog is about to display the edit form for the user's profile. Plugins * now get a chance to add their own variables and input fields to the form. * * @param int $uid user id of the user profile to be edited * @param ref &$template reference of the Template for the profile edit form * @return void * */ function PLG_profileVariablesEdit($uid, &$template) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_profilevariablesedit_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function ($uid, $template); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_profilevariablesedit'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid, $template); } } /** * Geeklog is about to display the edit form for the user's profile. Plugins * now get a chance to add their own blocks below the standard form. * * @param int $uid user id of the user profile to be edited * @return string HTML for additional block(s) * */ function PLG_profileBlocksEdit($uid) { global $_PLUGINS; $retval = ''; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_profileblocksedit_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $retval .= $function ($uid); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_profileblocksedit'; if (function_exists($function)) { $retval .= $function($uid); } return $retval; } /** * Geeklog is about to display the user's profile. Plugins now get a chance to * add their own variables to the profile. * * @param int $uid user id of the user profile to be edited * @param ref &$template reference of the Template for the profile edit form * @return void * */ function PLG_profileVariablesDisplay($uid, &$template) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_profilevariablesdisplay_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function ($uid, $template); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_profilevariablesdisplay'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($uid, $template); } } /** * Geeklog is about to display the user's profile. Plugins now get a chance to * add their own blocks below the standard profile form. * * @param int $uid user id of the user profile to be edited * @return string HTML for additional block(s) * */ function PLG_profileBlocksDisplay($uid) { global $_PLUGINS; $retval = ''; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_profileblocksdisplay_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $retval .= $function ($uid); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_profileblocksdisplay'; if (function_exists($function)) { $retval .= $function($uid); } return $retval; } /** * The user wants to save changes to his/her profile. Any plugin that added its * own variables or blocks to the profile input form will now have to extract * its data and save it. * Plugins will have to refer to the global $_POST array to get the * actual data. * * @param string $plugin name of a specific plugin or empty(all plugins) * @return void * */ function PLG_profileExtrasSave($plugin = '') { if (empty($plugin)) { PLG_callFunctionForAllPlugins ('profileextrassave'); } else { PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin ('plugin_profileextrassave_' . $plugin); } } /** * This function can be called to check if a plugin wants to set a template * variable * * A plugin can check for $templatename == 'header' and then set additional * template variables * * Called from within Geeklog for: * - 'header' (site header) * - 'footer' (site footer) * - 'storytext', 'featuredstorytext', 'archivestorytext' (story templates) * - 'story' (story submission) * - 'comment' (comment submission form) * - 'registration' (user registration form) * - 'contact' (email user form) * - 'emailstory' (email story to a friend) * - 'loginblock' (login form in the side bar) * - 'loginform' (login form in the content area) * - 'search' (advanced search form; simple search is usually part of 'header') * * @param string $templatename Name of calling template * @param ref &$template reference for the Template * @return void * @see CUSTOM_templateSetVars * */ function PLG_templateSetVars($templatename, &$template) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_templatesetvars_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $function ($templatename, $template); } } if (function_exists('CUSTOM_templateSetVars')) { CUSTOM_templatesetvars($templatename, $template); } } /** * This function is called from COM_siteHeader and will return additional header * information. This can be used for JavaScript functions required for the plugin * or extra Metatags * * @return string returns a concatenated string of all plugins extra header code * @since Geeklog 1.3.8 * */ function PLG_getHeaderCode() { global $_PLUGINS; $headercode = ''; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_getheadercode_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $headercode .= $function(); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_getheadercode'; if (function_exists($function)) { $headercode .= $function(); } return $headercode; } /** * This function is called from COM_siteFooter and will return additional footer * information. This can be used for JavaScript functions required for the plugin * * @return string returns a concatenated string of all plugins extra footer code * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 * */ function PLG_getFooterCode() { global $_PLUGINS; $footercode = ''; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_getfootercode_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $footercode .= $function(); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_getfootercode'; if (function_exists($function)) { $footercode .= $function(); } return $footercode; } /** * Get a list of all currently supported autolink tags. * * Returns an associative array where $A['tag-name'] = 'plugin-name' * * @return array All currently supported autolink tags * @access private * @internal not to be used by plugins * */ function PLG_collectTags($type = 'tagname') { global $_CONF, $_PLUGINS; if (isset($_CONF['disable_autolinks']) && ($_CONF['disable_autolinks'] == 1)) { // autolinks are disabled - return an empty array return array(); } // ensure that we're picking up the Core autotags require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-story.php'; require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-user.php'; $all_plugins = array_merge($_PLUGINS, array('story', 'user')); $autolinkModules = array(); foreach ($all_plugins as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_autotags_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $autotag = $function($type); if ($type == 'tagname' || $type == 'permission' || $type == 'nopermission') { if ($type == 'permission') { // Compare permission info if both blank then no permission info found so rerun for tagname (backwards compatible) if (($function('permission') == '') && ($function('nopermission') == '')) { $autotag = $function('tagname'); } } if (is_array($autotag)) { foreach ($autotag as $tag) { $autolinkModules[$tag] = $pi_name; } } elseif ($autotag != '') { // If is now possible that a autotag function exists but will not return anything due to permissions $autolinkModules[$autotag] = $pi_name; } } else { if (is_array($autotag)) { foreach ($autotag as $key => $tag) { $autolinkModules[$tag] = $key; } } else { $autolinkModules[$autotag] = ''; } } } } return $autolinkModules; } /** * This function will allow plugins to support the use of custom autolinks * in other site content. Plugins can now use this API when saving content * and have the content checked for any autolinks before saving. * The autolink would be like: [story:20040101093000103 here] * * @param string $content Content that should be parsed for autolinks * @param string $plugin Optional if you only want to parse using a specific plugin * @param string $remove Optional if you want to remove the autotag from the content * */ function PLG_replaceTags($content, $plugin = '', $remove = false) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG32; if (isset($_CONF['disable_autolinks']) && ($_CONF['disable_autolinks'] == 1)) { // autolinks are disabled - return $content unchanged return $content; } if ($remove) { $autolinkModules = PLG_collectTags('nopermission'); if (!is_array($autolinkModules)) { // a permission check may not return any data so no point parsing content return $content; } } else { $autolinkModules = PLG_collectTags(); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { // For each supported module, scan the content looking for any AutoLink tags $tags = array(); $contentlen = MBYTE_strlen($content); $content_lower = MBYTE_strtolower($content); foreach ($autolinkModules as $moduletag => $module) { $autotag_prefix = '[' . $moduletag . ':'; $offset = 0; $prev_offset = 0; while ($offset < $contentlen) { $start_pos = MBYTE_strpos($content_lower, $autotag_prefix, $offset); if ($start_pos === false) { break; } else { $end_pos = MBYTE_strpos($content_lower, ']', $start_pos); $next_tag = MBYTE_strpos($content_lower, '[', $start_pos + 1); if (($end_pos > $start_pos) AND (($next_tag === false) OR ($end_pos < $next_tag))) { $taglength = $end_pos - $start_pos + 1; $tag = MBYTE_substr($content, $start_pos, $taglength); $parms = explode(' ', $tag); // Extra test to see if autotag was entered with a space // after the module name if (MBYTE_substr($parms[0], -1) == ':') { $startpos = MBYTE_strlen($parms[0]) + MBYTE_strlen($parms[1]) + 2; $label = str_replace(']', '', MBYTE_substr($tag, $startpos)); $tagid = $parms[1]; } else { $label = str_replace(']', '', MBYTE_substr($tag, MBYTE_strlen($parms[0]) + 1)); $parms = explode(':', $parms[0]); if (count($parms) > 2) { // whoops, there was a ':' in the tag id ... array_shift($parms); $tagid = implode(':', $parms); } else { $tagid = $parms[1]; } } $newtag = array( 'module' => $module, 'tag' => $moduletag, 'tagstr' => $tag, 'startpos' => $start_pos, 'length' => $taglength, 'parm1' => str_replace(']', '', $tagid), 'parm2' => $label ); $tags[] = $newtag; } else { // Error: tags do not match - return with no changes return $content . $LANG32[32]; } $prev_offset = $offset; $offset = $end_pos; } } } // If we have found 1 or more AutoLink tag if (count($tags) > 0) { // Found the [tag] - Now process them all foreach ($tags as $autotag) { if ($remove) { $content = str_replace($autotag['tagstr'], '', $content); } else { $function = 'plugin_autotags_' . $autotag['module']; if (function_exists($function) AND (empty($plugin) OR ($plugin == $autotag['module']))) { $content = $function('parse', $content, $autotag); } } } } else { break; } } return $content; } /** * Prepare a list of all plugins that support feeds. To do this, we re-use * plugin_getfeednames_<plugin name> and only keep the names of those plugins * which support that function * * @return array array of plugin names (can be empty) * */ function PLG_supportingFeeds() { global $_PLUGINS; $plugins = array(); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_getfeednames_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $feeds = $function(); if (is_array($feeds) && (count($feeds) > 0)) { $plugins[] = $pi_name; } } } $function = 'CUSTOM_getfeednames'; if (function_exists($function)) { $feeds = $function(); if (is_array($feeds) && (count($feeds) > 0)) { $plugins[] = 'custom'; } } return $plugins; } /** * Ask the plugin for a list of feeds it supports. The plugin is expected to * return an array of id/name pairs where 'id' is the plugin's internal id * for the feed and 'name' is what will be presented to the user. * * @param string $plugin plugin name * @return array array of id/name pairs * */ function PLG_getFeedNames($plugin) { global $_PLUGINS; $feeds = array(); if ($plugin == 'custom') { $function = 'CUSTOM_getfeednames'; if (function_exists($function)) { $feeds = $function(); } } else { if (in_array($plugin, $_PLUGINS)) { $function = 'plugin_getfeednames_' . $plugin; if (function_exists($function)) { $feeds = $function(); } } } return $feeds; } /** * Get the content of a feed from the plugin. * * The plugin is expected to return an array holding the content of the feed * and to fill in 'link' (some link that represents the same content on the * site as that in the feed) and 'update_data' (to be stored for later up-to-date * checks. * * @param string $plugin plugin name * @param int $feed feed id * @param string &$link link to content on the site * @param string &$update_data information for later up-to-date checks * @param string $feedType The type of feed (RSS/Atom etc) * @param string $feedVersion The version info of the feed. * @return array content of feed * */ function PLG_getFeedContent($plugin, $feed, &$link, &$update_data, $feedType, $feedVersion) { global $_PLUGINS; $content = array(); if ($plugin == 'custom') { $function = 'CUSTOM_getfeedcontent'; if (function_exists($function)) { $content = $function($feed, $link, $update_data, $feedType, $feedVersion); } } else { if (in_array($plugin, $_PLUGINS)) { $function = 'plugin_getfeedcontent_' . $plugin; if (function_exists ($function)) { $content = $function ($feed, $link, $update_data, $feedType, $feedVersion); } } } return $content; } /** * Get extension tags for a feed. For example, some plugins may extened the * available elements for an RSS 2.0 feed for articles. For some reason. This * function allows that. * * @param string $contentType Type of feed content, article or a plugin specific type * @param string $contentID Unique identifier of content item to extend * @param string $feedType Type of feed format (RSS/Atom/etc) * @param string $feedVersion Type of feed version (RSS 1.0 etc) * @param string $topic The topic for the feed. * @param string $fid The ID of the feed being fetched. * @return array list of extension tags * */ function PLG_getFeedElementExtensions($contentType, $contentID, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid) { global $_PLUGINS; $extensions = array(); foreach( $_PLUGINS as $plugin ) { $function = 'plugin_feedElementExtensions_'.$plugin; if (function_exists($function)) { $extensions = array_merge($extensions, $function($contentType, $contentID, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid)); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_feedElementExtensions'; if (function_exists($function)) { $extensions = array_merge($extensions, $function($contentType, $contentID, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid)); } return $extensions; } /** * Get namespaces extensions for a feed. If a plugin has added extended tags * to a feed, then it may also need to insert some extensions to the name * spaces. * * @param string $contentType Type of feed content, article or a plugin specific type * @param string $feedType Type of feed format (RSS/Atom/etc) * @param string $feedVersion Type of feed version (RSS 1.0 etc) * @param string $topic The topic for the feed. * @param string $fid The ID of the feed being fetched. * @return array list of extension namespaces * */ function PLG_getFeedNSExtensions($contentType, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid) { global $_PLUGINS; $namespaces = array(); foreach( $_PLUGINS as $plugin ) { $function = 'plugin_feedNSExtensions_'.$plugin; if (function_exists($function)) { $namespaces = array_merge($namespaces, $function($contentType, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid)); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_feedNSExtensions'; if (function_exists($function)) { $namespaces = array_merge($namespaces, $function($contentType, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid)); } return $namespaces; } /** * Get meta tag extensions for a feed. Add extended tags to the meta * area of a feed. * * @param string $contentType Type of feed content, article or a plugin specific type * @param string $feedType Type of feed format (RSS/Atom/etc) * @param string $feedVersion Type of feed version (RSS 1.0 etc) * @param string $topic The topic for the feed. * @param string $fid The ID of the feed being fetched. * @return array list of meta tag extensions * */ function PLG_getFeedExtensionTags($contentType, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid) { global $_PLUGINS; $tags = array(); foreach( $_PLUGINS as $plugin ) { $function = 'plugin_feedExtensionTags_'.$plugin; if (function_exists($function)) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $function($contentType, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid)); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_feedExtensionTags'; if (function_exists($function)) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $function($contentType, $feedType, $feedVersion, $topic, $fid)); } return $tags; } /** * The plugin is expected to check if the feed content needs to be updated. * * This is called from COM_rdfUpToDateCheck() every time Geeklog's index.php * is displayed - it should try to be as efficient as possible ... * * NOTE: The presence of non-empty $updated_XXX parameters indicates that an * existing entry has been changed. The plugin may therefore apply a * different method to check if its feed has to be updated. * * @param string $plugin plugin name * @param int $feed feed id * @param string $topic "topic" of the feed - plugin specific * @param string $update_data comma-sep. list of updated ids * @param string $limit number of entries or number of hours * @param string $updated_type (optional) type of feed to update * @param string $updated_topic (optional) topic to update * @param string $updated_id (optional) entry id to update * @return boolean false = feed has to be updated, true = ok * */ function PLG_feedUpdateCheck($plugin, $feed, $topic, $update_data, $limit, $updated_type = '', $updated_topic = '', $updated_id = '') { global $_PLUGINS; $is_current = true; if ($plugin == 'custom') { $function = 'CUSTOM_feedupdatecheck'; if (function_exists($function)) { $is_current = $function ($feed, $topic, $update_data, $limit, $updated_type, $updated_topic, $updated_id); } } else { if (in_array($plugin, $_PLUGINS)) { $function = 'plugin_feedupdatecheck_' . $plugin; if (function_exists($function)) { $is_current = $function($feed, $topic, $update_data, $limit, $updated_type, $updated_topic, $updated_id); } } } return $is_current; } /** * Ask plugins if they want to add something to Geeklog's What's New block. * * @return array array($headlines[], $bylines[], $content[$entries[]]) * */ function PLG_getWhatsNew() { global $_PLUGINS; $newheadlines = array(); $newbylines = array(); $newcontent = array(); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $fn_head = 'plugin_whatsnewsupported_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($fn_head)) { $supported = $fn_head(); if (is_array($supported)) { list($headline, $byline) = $supported; $fn_new = 'plugin_getwhatsnew_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($fn_new)) { $whatsnew = $fn_new (); $newcontent[] = $whatsnew; $newheadlines[] = $headline; $newbylines[] = $byline; } } } } $fn_head = 'CUSTOM_whatsnewsupported'; if (function_exists($fn_head)) { $supported = $fn_head(); if (is_array($supported)) { list($headline, $byline) = $supported; $fn_new = 'CUSTOM_getwhatsnew'; if (function_exists($fn_new)) { $whatsnew = $fn_new (); $newcontent[] = $whatsnew; $newheadlines[] = $headline; $newbylines[] = $byline; } } } return array($newheadlines, $newbylines, $newcontent); } /** * Ask plugins if they want to add new comments to Geeklog's What's New block or * User Profile Page. * * @param string $type Plugin name. '' for all plugins. * @param int $numreturn If 0 will return results for What's New Block. * If > 0 will return last X new comments for User Profile. * @param int $uid ID of the user to return results for. 0 = all users. * @return array list of new comments (dups, type, title, sid, lastdate) or (sid, title, cid, unixdate) * @since Geeklog 1.7.0 * */ function PLG_getWhatsNewComment($type = '', $numreturn = 0, $uid = 0) { global $_PLUGINS, $_CONF; $whatsnew = array(); $plugintypes = array(); // Get Story new comment info first if (($type == 'article') || ($type == 'story') || ($type == '')) { require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-story.php'; $whatsnew = plugin_getwhatsnewcomment_story($numreturn, $uid); if ($type == '') { $plugintypes = $_PLUGINS; } } else { $plugintypes[] = $type; } if (!(($type == 'article') || ($type == 'story'))) { // Now check new comments for plugins foreach ($plugintypes as $pi_name) { $fn_head = 'plugin_whatsnewsupported_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($fn_head)) { $supported = $fn_head(); if (is_array($supported) || ($numreturn > 0)) { list($headline, $byline) = $supported; $fn_new = 'plugin_getwhatsnewcomment_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($fn_new)) { $tempwhatsnew = $fn_new ($numreturn, $uid); if(!empty($tempwhatsnew) && is_array($tempwhatsnew)) { if (!empty($whatsnew)) { $whatsnew = array_merge($tempwhatsnew, $whatsnew); } else { $whatsnew = $tempwhatsnew; } } } } } } } // Now check new comments for custom changes $fn_head = 'CUSTOM_whatsnewsupported'; if (function_exists($fn_head)) { $supported = $fn_head(); if (is_array($supported)) { list($headline, $byline) = $supported; $fn_new = 'CUSTOM_getwhatsnewcomment'; if (function_exists($fn_new)) { $tempwhatsnew = $fn_new ($numreturn, $uid); if(!empty($tempwhatsnew) && is_array($tempwhatsnew)) { $whatsnew = array_merge($tempwhatsnew, $whatsnew); } } } } return $whatsnew; } /** * Allows plugins and Core Geeklog Components to filter out spam. * * The Spam-X Plugin is now part of the Geeklog Distribution * This plugin API will call the main function in the Spam-X plugin * but can also be used to call other plugins or custom functions * if available for filtering spam or content. * * The caller should check for return values > 0 in which case spam has been * detected and the poster should be told, either via * <code> * echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php?msg=' . $result * . '&plugin=spamx'); * </code> * or by * <code> * COM_displayMessageAndAbort($result, 'spamx', 403, 'Forbidden'); * </code> * Where the former will only display a "spam detected" message while the latter * will also send an HTTP status code 403 with the message. * * @param string $content Text to be filtered or checked for spam * @param int $action what to do if spam found * @return int > 0: spam detected, == 0: no spam detected * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Filtering_Spam_with_Spam-X * */ function PLG_checkforSpam($content, $action = -1) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_checkforSpam_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $result = $function($content, $action); if ($result > 0) { // Plugin found a match for spam $result = PLG_spamAction($content, $action); return $result; } } } $function = 'CUSTOM_checkforSpam'; if (function_exists($function)) { $result = $function($content, $action); if ($result > 0) { // Plugin found a match for spam $result = PLG_spamAction($content, $action); return $result; } } return 0; } /** * Act on spam * * This is normally called from PLG_checkforSpam (see above) automatically when * spam has been detected. There may however be situations where spam has been * detected by some other means, in which case you may want to trigger the * spam action explicitly. * * @param string $content Text to be filtered or checked for spam * @param int $action what to do if spam found * @return int > 0: spam detected, == 0: no spam detected * @see PLG_checkforSpam * @since Geeklog 1.4.1 * */ function PLG_spamAction($content, $action = -1) { global $_PLUGINS; $result = 0; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_spamaction_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $res = $function($content, $action); $result = max($result, $res); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_spamaction'; if (function_exists($function)) { $res = $function($content, $action); $result = max($result, $res); } return $result; } /** * Ask plugin for information about one of its items * * Item properties that can be requested: * - 'date-created' - creation date, if available * - 'date-modified' - date of last modification, if available * - 'description' - full description of the item * - 'excerpt' - short description of the item * - 'id' - ID of the item, e.g. sid for articles * - 'title' - title of the item * - 'url' - URL of the item * * 'excerpt' and 'description' may return the same value. Properties should be * returned in the order they are listed in $what. Properties that are not * available should return an empty string. * Return false for errors (e.g. access denied, item does not exist, etc.). * * @param string $type plugin type (incl. 'article' for stories) * @param string $id ID of an item under the plugin's control or '*' * @param string $what comma-separated list of item properties * @param int $uid user ID or 0 = current user * @param array $options (reserved for future extensions) * @return mixed string or array of strings with the information * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/PLG_getItemInfo * */ function PLG_getItemInfo($type, $id, $what, $uid = 0, $options = array()) { if (($type == 'article') || ($type == 'story')) { global $_CONF; require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-story.php'; $type = 'story'; } $args[1] = $id; $args[2] = $what; $args[3] = $uid; $args[4] = $options; $function = 'plugin_getiteminfo_' . $type; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin($function, $args); } /** * Geeklog is about to perform an operation on a trackback or pingback comment * to one of the items under the plugin's control and asks for the plugin's * permission to continue. * * Geeklog handles receiving and deleting trackback comments and pingbacks * for the plugin but since it doesn't know about the plugin's access control, * it has to ask the plugin to approve / reject such an operation. * * $operation can be one of the following: * - 'acceptByID': accept a trackback comment on item with ID $id * returns: true for accept, false for reject * - 'acceptByURI': accept a pingback comment on item at URL $id * returns: the item's ID for accept, false for reject * - 'delete': is the current user allowed to delete item with ID $id? * returns: true for accept, false for reject * * @param string $type plugin type * @param string $id an ID or URL, depending on the operation * @param string $operation operation to perform * @return mixed depends on $operation * */ function PLG_handlePingComment($type, $id, $operation) { $args[1] = $id; $args[2] = $operation; $function = 'plugin_handlepingoperation_' . $type; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin ($function, $args); } /** * Check if plugins have a scheduled task they want to run * The interval between runs is determined by $_CONF['cron_schedule_interval'] * * @return void * */ function PLG_runScheduledTask() { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_runScheduledTask_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists ($function)) { $function (); } } if (function_exists('CUSTOM_runScheduledTask')) { CUSTOM_runScheduledTask(); } } /** * "Generic" plugin API: Save item * * To be called (eventually) whenever Geeklog saves an item into the database. * Plugins can define their own 'itemsaved' function to be notified whenever * an item is saved or modified. * * NOTE: The behaviour of this API function changed in Geeklog 1.6.0 * * @param string $id unique ID of the item * @param string $type type of the item, e.g. 'article' * @param string $old_id (optional) old ID when the ID was changed * @return void (actually: false, for backward compatibility) * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/PLG_itemSaved * */ function PLG_itemSaved($id, $type, $old_id = '') { global $_PLUGINS; $t = explode('.', $type); $plg_type = $t[0]; $plugins = count($_PLUGINS); for ($save = 0; $save < $plugins; $save++) { if ($_PLUGINS[$save] != $plg_type) { $function = 'plugin_itemsaved_' . $_PLUGINS[$save]; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($id, $type, $old_id); } } } if (function_exists('CUSTOM_itemsaved')) { CUSTOM_itemsaved($id, $type, $old_id); } return false; // for backward compatibility } /** * "Generic" plugin API: Delete item * * To be called (eventually) whenever Geeklog removes an item from the database. * Plugins can define their own 'itemdeleted' function to be notified whenever * an item is deleted. * * @param string $id ID of the item * @param string $type type of the item, e.g. 'article' * @return void * @since Geeklog 1.6.0 * */ function PLG_itemDeleted($id, $type) { global $_PLUGINS; $t = explode('.', $type); $plg_type = $t[0]; $plugins = count($_PLUGINS); for ($del = 0; $del < $plugins; $del++) { if ($_PLUGINS[$del] != $plg_type) { $function = 'plugin_itemdeleted_' . $_PLUGINS[$del]; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($id, $type); } } } if (function_exists('CUSTOM_itemdeleted')) { CUSTOM_itemdeleted($id, $type); } } /** * "Generic" plugin API: Display item * * To be called (eventually) whenever Geeklog displays an item. * Plugins can hook into this and add content to the displayed item, in the form * of an array (true, string1, string2...). * * The object that called can then display one or several items with a * object-defined layout. * * Plugins can signal an error by returning an array (false, 'Error Message') * In case of an error, the error message will be written to the error.log and * nothing will be displayed on the output. * * @param string $id unique ID of the item * @param string $type type of the item, e.g. 'article' * @return array array with a status and one or several strings * */ function PLG_itemDisplay($id, $type) { global $_PLUGINS; $result_arr = array(); $plugins = count($_PLUGINS); for ($display = 0; $display < $plugins; $display++) { $function = 'plugin_itemdisplay_' . $_PLUGINS[$display]; if (function_exists($function)) { $result = $function($id, $type); if ($result[0] == false) { // plugin reported a problem - do not add and continue COM_errorLog($result[1], 1); } else { array_shift($result); $result_arr = array_merge($result_arr,$result); } } } $function = 'CUSTOM_itemdisplay'; if (function_exists ($function)) { $result = $function ($id, $type); if ($result[0] == false) { // plugin reported a problem - do not add and continue COM_errorLog( $result[1], 1); } else { array_shift($result); $result_arr = array_merge($result_arr,$result); } } return $result_arr; } /** * Gets Geeklog blocks from plugins * * Returns data for blocks on a given side and, potentially, for * a given topic. * * @param string $side Side to get blocks for (right or left for now) * @param string $topic Only get blocks for this topic * @return array array of block data * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Dynamic_Blocks * */ function PLG_getBlocks($side, $topic='') { global $_PLUGINS; $ret = array(); foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $function = 'plugin_getBlocks_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $items = $function($side, $topic); if (is_array($items)) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $items); } } } if (function_exists('CUSTOM_getBlocks')) { $cust_items .= CUSTOM_getBlocks($side, $topic); if (is_array($cust_items)) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $cust_items); } } return $ret; } /** * Get the URL of a plugin's icon * * @param string $type plugin name * @return string URL of the icon * */ function PLG_getIcon($type) { global $_CONF; $retval = ''; // try the "geticon" function first $function = 'plugin_geticon_' . $type; if (function_exists($function)) { $retval = $function (); } // if that didn't work, try the "cclabel" function if (empty($retval)) { $function = 'plugin_cclabel_' . $type; if (function_exists($function)) { $cclabel = $function (); if (is_array($cclabel)) { if (!empty($cclabel[2])) { $retval = $cclabel[2]; } } } } // lastly, search for the icon if (empty($retval)) { // create a list of possible icon locations $icons = array('/' . $type . '/images/' . $type . '.gif', '/' . $type . '/images/' . $type . '.png', '/admin/plugins/' . $type . '/images/' . $type . '.gif', // Hardcoding 'admin' here is not ideal, but we '/admin/plugins/' . $type . '/images/' . $type . '.png'); // don't have a $_CONF['path_site_admin'] variable. // see if any of these files exists and is readable foreach ($icons as $key => $value) { if (is_readable($_CONF['path_html'] . $value)) { // search for the path (e.g.: '/home/user/example.com/foo') $retval = $_CONF['site_url'] . $value; // but return the URL (e.g.: 'http://example.com/foo') break; } } } // Still nothing? Give up and use a generic icon if (empty($retval)) { $retval = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/plugins.png'; } return $retval; } /** * Invoke a service * * @param string $type The plugin type whose service is to be called * @param string $action The service action to be performed * @param array $args The arguments to be passed to the service invoked * @param array &$output The output variable that will contain the output after invocation * @param array &$svc_msg The output variable that will contain the service messages * @return int The result of the invocation * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Webservices_API * */ function PLG_invokeService($type, $action, $args, &$output, &$svc_msg) { global $_CONF; $retval = PLG_RET_ERROR; if ($type == 'story') { // ensure we can see the service_XXX_story functions require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-story.php'; } $output = ''; $svc_msg = ''; // Check if the plugin type and action are valid $function = 'service_' . $action . '_' . $type; if (function_exists($function) && PLG_wsEnabled($type)) { if (!isset($args['gl_svc'])) { $args['gl_svc'] = false; } $retval = $function($args, $output, $svc_msg); } return $retval; } /** * Returns true if the plugin supports webservices * * @param string $type The plugin type that is to be checked * @return boolean true: enabled, false: disabled * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Webservices_API * */ function PLG_wsEnabled($type) { global $_CONF; if ($type == 'story') { // ensure we can see the service_XXX_story functions require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-story.php'; } $function = 'plugin_wsEnabled_' . $type; if (function_exists($function)) { return $function(); } else { return false; } } /** * Forward the user depending on config setting after saving something * * @param string $target where to redirect to * @param string $item_url the url of the item saved * @param string $plugin the name of the plugin that saved the item * @param string $message (optional) message number to attach to url * @return string the url where the user will be forwarded to * */ function PLG_afterSaveSwitch($target, $item_url, $plugin, $message = '') { global $_CONF; if (isset($message) && (!empty($message) || is_numeric($message))) { $msg = "msg=$message"; } else { $msg = ''; } switch ($target) { case 'item': $url = $item_url; if (!empty($msg) && ($plugin != 'story')) { if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { $url .= '?' . $msg; } else { $url .= '&' . $msg; } } break; case 'home': $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'; if (!empty($msg)) { $url .= '?' . $msg; if (($plugin != 'story') && ($plugin != 'user')) { $url .= '&plugin=' . $plugin; } } break; case 'admin': $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php'; if (!empty($msg)) { $url .= '?' . $msg; if (($plugin != 'story') && ($plugin != 'user')) { $url .= '&plugin=' . $plugin; } } break; case 'plugin': $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . "/$plugin/index.php"; if (!empty($msg)) { $url .= '?' . $msg; } break; case 'list': default: if ($plugin == 'story') { $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . "/$plugin.php"; } elseif ($plugin == 'user') { $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . "/user.php"; } else { $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . "/plugins/$plugin/index.php"; } if (!empty($msg)) { $url .= '?' . $msg; } break; } return COM_refresh($url); } /** * Inform plugins of configuration changes * * NOTE: Plugins will only be notified of details of changes in 'Core' and in * their own configuration. For other plugins, they will only be notified * of the fact that something in the other plugin's config changed. * * @param string $group plugin name or 'Core' for $_CONF changes * @param array $changes names of config values that changed * @return void * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/PLG_configChange * @since Geeklog 1.6.0 * */ function PLG_configChange($group, $changes) { global $_PLUGINS; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { $args = array(); $args[1] = $group; if (($group == 'Core') || ($group == $pi_name)) { $args[2] = $changes; } PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_configchange_' . $pi_name, $args); } $function = 'CUSTOM_configchange'; if (function_exists($function)) { if ($group == 'Core') { $function($group, $changes); } else { $function($group); } } } /** * Ask plugin for the URL to its documentation * * @param string $type plugin name * @param string $file documentation file being requested, e.g. 'config' * @return mixed URL or false / empty string when not available * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/PLG_getDocumentationUrl * @since Geeklog 1.6.0 * */ function PLG_getDocumentationUrl($type, $file) { $args[1] = $file; $function = 'plugin_getdocumentationurl_' . $type; return PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin($function, $args); } /** * Ask plugin for text for a Configuration tooltip * * @param string $group plugin name or 'Core' * @param string $id Id of config value * @return mixed Text to use regular tooltip, NULL to use config * tooltip hack, or empty string when not available * @link http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/PLG_getConfigTooltip * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 * */ function PLG_getConfigTooltip($group, $id) { if ($group == 'Core') { $retval = false; } else { $args[1] = $id; $function = 'plugin_getconfigtooltip_' . $group; $retval = PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin($function, $args); } return $retval; } /** * Inform plugins when another plugin's state changed * * Unlike PLG_enableStateChange, this function is called after the state * change. * * NOTE: You can not rely on being informed of state changes for 'installed', * 'uninstalled', and 'upgraded', as these may happen in the plugin's install * script, outside of Geeklog's control. * * @param string $type plugin name * @param string $status new status: 'enabled', 'disabled', 'installed', 'uninstalled', 'upgraded' * @return void * @see PLG_enableStateChange * @since Geeklog 1.6.0 * */ function PLG_pluginStateChange($type, $status) { global $_PLUGINS; $args[1] = $type; $args[2] = $status; foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) { if ($pi_name != $type) { $function = 'plugin_pluginstatechange_' . $pi_name; PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin($function, $args); } } $function = 'CUSTOM_pluginstatechange'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($type, $status); } } /** * Disables all plugins with unresolved dependencies * and resolves the load order for all enabled plugins. * * @return bool True or False, depending on whether it was * necessary to alter the load order of a plugin * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 */ function PLG_resolveDependencies() { global $_PLUGINS, $_TABLES; $retval = ''; $flag = true; // false means that all dependencies are resolved while ($flag) { // loop until ALL dependencies are satisfied $flag = false; // set this if any plugin has been disabled during the loop foreach ($_PLUGINS as $key => $pi_name) { if (!PLG_checkDependencies($pi_name)) { // plugin has unresolved dependencies // disable plugin; $flag = true; // disabling a plugin can break the dependencies of a plugin that has already been checked, remember to loop again PLG_enableStateChange($pi_name, false); DB_change($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_enabled', 0, 'pi_name', $pi_name); PLG_pluginStateChange($pi_name, 'disabled'); unset($_PLUGINS[$key]); } } } // automatically resolve load order for enabled plugins $index = 2000; // how far through the load order to push back plugins $maxqueries = 50; // just in case... $globalflag = false; // remember if we change the load order of any plugin $flag = true; // set true if we need another pass in the while loop while ($flag && $maxqueries) { // Now check if the load order is correct $flag = false; // get the load orders of all enabled plugins $q = DB_query("SELECT pi_name, pi_load FROM {$_TABLES['plugins']} WHERE pi_enabled='1'"); $plo = array(); // Plugins Load Order while ($a = DB_fetchArray($q)) { $plo[] = $a; } $params = array(); foreach ($plo as $key => $value) { // for each available plugin $maxqueries--; $params = PLG_getParams($value['pi_name']); // get dependencies if (isset($params['requires']) && is_array($params['requires'])) { // if any foreach ($params['requires'] as $rkey => $rvalue) { // process each dependency if (isset($rvalue['plugin'])) { // get the load order of the required plugin foreach ($plo as $new_key => $new_value) { if ($new_value['pi_name'] == $rvalue['plugin']) { $dep_load = $new_value['pi_load']; break; } } if ( $dep_load > $value['pi_load'] ) { // incorrect load order // move down the order DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_load = '{$index}' WHERE pi_name = '{$value['pi_name']}'"); $index++; $flag = true; $globalflag = true; } } } } } } reorderplugins(); if ($globalflag == false) { return true; // no change } else { return false; // something changed } } /** * Returns a string with HTML that contains the dependency information of a plugin. * * @param $pi_name string The short name of the plugin * @param $pi_gl_version string Specify a minimum version of Geeklog to require. * (Optional and only for use with plugins that have the old-style install.) * @return string An string that contains HTML code. * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 * */ function PLG_printDependencies($pi_name, $pi_gl_version='') { global $LANG32, $_DB_dbms; $retval = ''; $params = PLG_getParams($pi_name); $dbAvailable = array(); // cache the databases that are supported by the plugin $dbSupported = false; // True if we support the database that the plugin is requiring if (isset($params['requires']) && count($params['requires']) > 0) { // new autoinstall type foreach ($params['requires'] as $key => $value) { // check every requirement that is imposed by the plugin $name = ''; if (isset($value['plugin'])) { $name = $value['plugin']; } elseif (isset($value['core'])) { $name = 'geeklog'; } $op = '>='; // set the default if (isset($value['operator'])) { // optional operator included $op = $value['operator']; // override default } $ver = '0.0.0'; // set the default version if (isset($value['version'])) { // the plugin is requiring a particular version $ver = $value['version']; // override the default } if (!empty($name)) { // check for a plugin or a core requirement $op = '>='; // set the default $retval .= "<b class=\"notbold\" style=\"display: block; padding: 2px; margin: 0;\">$name $op $ver "; $status = PLG_checkAvailable($name, $ver, $op); if (!$status) { $retval .= "<b class='status_red'>{$LANG32[54]}</b>"; } else if ($status == 'wrong_version') { $retval .= "<b class='status_red'>{$LANG32[56]}</b>"; } else if ($status == 'disabled') { $retval .= "<b class='status_orange'>{$LANG32[53]}</b>"; } else if ($status == 'uninstalled') { $retval .= "<b class='status_orange'>{$LANG32[55]}</b>"; } else if ($status == 'ok') { $retval .= "<b class='status_green'>{$LANG32[51]}</b>"; } $retval .= "</b>"; } else if (isset($value['db'])){ // check for a database requirement $dbAvailable[] = array($value['db'], $op, $ver); // cache the database types if ($_DB_dbms == $value['db']) { // this db requirement matches the database that the site is run on $name = $value['db']; $retval .= "<b class=\"notbold\" style=\"display: block; padding: 2px; margin: 0;\">$name $op $ver "; if (PLG_checkAvailableDb($name, $pi_name, $ver, $op)) { $dbSupported = true; // the reuirement for the database is fullfilled $retval .= "<b class='status_green'>{$LANG32[51]}</b>"; } else { // unsupported version $retval .= "<b class='status_red'>{$LANG32[54]}</b>"; } $retval .= "</b>"; } } } if (count($dbAvailable) > 0 && !$dbSupported) { // the plugin requires a database, but this requirement is not fullfilled foreach ($dbAvailable as $key => $value) { // print every database that would satisfy this requirement $retval .= "<b class=\"notbold\" style=\"display: block; padding: 2px; margin: 0;\">{$value[0]} {$value[1]} {$value[2]} "; $retval .= "<b class='status_red'>{$LANG32[54]}</b>"; $retval .= "</b>"; } } } else if (!empty($pi_gl_version)) { // old plugin install $retval .= "geeklog >= $pi_gl_version "; if (PLG_checkAvailable('geeklog', $pi_gl_version)) { $retval .= "<b class='status_green'>{$LANG32[51]}</b>"; } else { $retval .= "<b class='status_red'>{$LANG32[54]}</b>"; } } else { // we're not too sure right now.... $retval .= "<b class='status_black'>{$LANG32[57]}</b>"; } return $retval; } /** * Given a plugin name see if ALL of it's dependencies are satisfied * * @param $pi_name string The short name of the plugin * @return bool True or False, depending on whether all of the * dependencies are satisfied for plugin $pi_name * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 * */ function PLG_checkDependencies($pi_name) { global $_TABLES, $_DB_dbms; $retval = true; $params = PLG_getParams($pi_name); $dbSupported = false; // True if we support the database that the plugin is requiring $dbRequired = false; // True if the plugin needs a database if (isset($params['requires']) && count($params['requires']) > 0) { // plugin exists and uses new installer foreach ($params['requires'] as $key => $value) { // check for requirements $name = ''; if (isset($value['plugin'])) { $name = $value['plugin']; } elseif (isset($value['core'])) { $name = $value['core']; } $op = '>='; // set the default if (!empty($value['operator'])) { // optional operator included $op = $value['operator']; // override default } $ver = '0.0.0'; // set the default version if (isset($value['version'])) { // the plugin is requiring a particular version $ver = $value['version']; // override the default } if (!empty($name)) { // check for a plugin or a core requirement if (PLG_checkAvailable($name, $ver, $op) != 'ok') { return false; } } elseif (isset($value['db'])) { // check for db requirements $dbRequired = true; // there is at least one database requirement if ($_DB_dbms == $value['db'] && PLG_checkAvailableDb($value['db'], $pi_name, $ver, $op)) { $dbSupported = true; } } } if ($dbRequired && !$dbSupported) { // the plugin requires a database, but this requirement is not fullfilled return false; } } else { // maybe it's a plugin with a legacy installer $q = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['plugins']} WHERE pi_name = '{$pi_name}'"); if (DB_numRows($q)) { $A = DB_fetchArray($q); $status = PLG_checkAvailable('geeklog', $A['pi_gl_version']); if ($status != 'ok') { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Returns the status of a plugin or false if unavailable * * @param $pi_name string The short name of the plugin to look for * @param $version string A version to ask for, the default operator is '>=' * @param $operator string Optional operator to override the default * See COM_versionCompare() for all valid operators * @return mixed false is returned if the plugin is unavailable * other possible values are: 'ok', 'disabled', 'uninstalled', 'wrong_version' * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 * */ function PLG_checkAvailable($pi_name, $version, $operator='>=') { global $_PLUGINS, $_TABLES, $_CONF; // not really a plugin if ($pi_name == 'geeklog') { if (COM_VersionCompare(VERSION, $version, $operator)) { // use default operator return 'ok'; } else { return false; } } // real plugins $A = array(); $q = DB_query("SELECT pi_version FROM {$_TABLES['plugins']} WHERE pi_name = '{$pi_name}'"); $A = DB_fetchArray($q); // access database if (DB_numRows($q)) { // an enabled plugin if (in_array($pi_name, $_PLUGINS)){ if (COM_VersionCompare($A['pi_version'], $version, $operator)) { return 'ok'; } else { return 'wrong_version'; } } // a disabled plugin if (COM_VersionCompare($A['pi_version'], $version, $operator)) { return 'disabled'; } } // an uninstalled plugin $file1 = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $pi_name . '/autoinstall.php'; $file2 = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $pi_name . '/config.php'; if (file_exists($file1) || file_exists($file2)) { return 'uninstalled'; } // 'unavailable' return false; } /** * Returns true if the database server version matches the criteria and the required * file is available in the plugin, false otherwise. * * @param $db string The name of the dbms to check for * @param $pi_name string The short name of the plugin for which to check support * @param $version string A version to ask for, the default operator is '>=' * @param $operator string Optional operator to override the default * See COM_versionCompare() for all valid operators * @return bool * * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 * */ function PLG_checkAvailableDb($db, $pi_name, $version, $operator='>=') { global $_CONF; // check if the plugin supports the dbms $dbFile = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $pi_name . '/sql/' . strtolower($db) . '_install.php'; // if both requirements are satisfied, return true if (file_exists($dbFile) && COM_versionCompare(DB_getVersion(), $version, $operator)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get list of install parameters for a plugin (including dependencies) * For plugins with new install this works like a charm. For the older plugins, not so much. * * @param $pi_name string The short name of the plugin * @return array An array containing the installation parameters of a plugin * * @since Geeklog 1.8.0 * */ function PLG_getParams($pi_name) { global $_CONF, $LANG_ADMIN, $_DB_table_prefix; $retval = array(); $file = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . COM_sanitizeFilename($pi_name) . '/autoinstall.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { // new install system include_once $file; $function = 'plugin_autoinstall_' . $pi_name; if (function_exists($function)) { $retval = $function($pi_name); } } else { // old install system $file = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . COM_sanitizeFilename($pi_name) . '/config.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { // find out what variables are included by $file $ar1 = get_defined_vars(); include_once $file; $ar2 = get_defined_vars(); $ar3 = array(); foreach ($ar2 as $key => $value) { if (empty($ar1[$key]) && $key != '_TABLES' && $key != 'ar1' && $key != 'retval') { $ar3[] = $ar2[$key]; } } // some of these included variables could be pi_version and pi_gl_version foreach ($ar3 as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $rkey => $rvalue) { switch ($rkey) { case 'version': $retval['info']['pi_version'] = $rvalue; break; case 'gl_version': $retval['info']['pi_gl_version'] = $rvalue; break; } } } } } } // If we have a geeklog version requirement... if (!empty($retval['info']['pi_gl_version'])) { // treat it like a requirement for a plugin and use the "new-style" dependency array $retval['requires'][] = array('core' => 'geeklog', 'version' => $retval['info']['pi_gl_version']); } else { // We need to initialise this index of the array, so we place a string in it. $retval['info']['pi_gl_version'] = $LANG_ADMIN['na']; } // If we don't know the plugin version if (empty($retval['info']['pi_version'])) { // We need to initialise this index of the array, so we place a string in it. $retval['info']['pi_version'] = $LANG_ADMIN['na']; } return $retval; } ?>