File: lib-story.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.8 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | lib-story.php | // | | // | Story-related functions needed in more than one place. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2000-2011 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony AT tonybibbs DOT com | // | Mark Limburg - mlimburg AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net | // | Jason Whittenburg - jwhitten AT securitygeeks DOT com | // | Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // | Vincent Furia - vinny01 AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'lib-story.php') !== false) { die('This file can not be used on its own!'); } require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . '/classes/story.class.php'; if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo']) { // only needed for the USER_getPhoto function require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-user.php'; } // this must be kept in sync with the actual size of 'sid' in the db ... define('STORY_MAX_ID_LENGTH', 40); // Story Record Options for the STATUS Field if (!defined ('STORY_ARCHIVE_ON_EXPIRE')) { define ('STORY_ARCHIVE_ON_EXPIRE', '10'); define ('STORY_DELETE_ON_EXPIRE', '11'); } /** * Takes an article class and renders HTML in the specified template and style. * * Formats the given article into HTML. Called by index.php, article.php, * submit.php and admin/story.php (Preview mode for the last two). * * @param object $story The story to display, an instance of the Story class. * @param string $index n = Full display of article. p = 'Preview' mode. Else introtext only. * @param string $storytpl The template to use to render the story. * @param string $query A search query, if one was specified. * * @return string Article as formated HTML. * * Note: Formerly named COM_Article, and re-written totally since then. */ function STORY_renderArticle( &$story, $index='', $storytpl='storytext.thtml', $query='') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG01, $LANG05, $LANG11, $LANG_TRB, $_IMAGE_TYPE, $mode; static $storycounter = 0; if( empty( $storytpl )) { $storytpl = 'storytext.thtml'; } $introtext = COM_undoSpecialChars($story->displayElements('introtext')); $bodytext = COM_undoSpecialChars($story->displayElements('bodytext')); $readmore = empty($bodytext)?0:1; $numwords = COM_numberFormat(count(explode(' ', COM_getTextContent($bodytext)))); if (COM_onFrontpage()) { $bodytext = ''; } if( !empty( $query )) { $introtext = COM_highlightQuery($introtext, $query ); $bodytext = COM_highlightQuery($bodytext, $query ); } $article = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout']); $article->set_file( array( 'article' => $storytpl, 'bodytext' => 'storybodytext.thtml', 'featuredarticle' => 'featuredstorytext.thtml', 'featuredbodytext' => 'featuredstorybodytext.thtml', 'archivearticle' => 'archivestorytext.thtml', 'archivebodytext' => 'archivestorybodytext.thtml' )); $article->set_var( 'site_name', $_CONF['site_name'] ); $article->set_var( 'story_date', $story->DisplayElements('date') ); $article->set_var( 'story_date_short', $story->DisplayElements('shortdate') ); $article->set_var( 'story_date_only', $story->DisplayElements('dateonly') ); if( $_CONF['hideviewscount'] != 1 ) { $article->set_var( 'lang_views', $LANG01[106] ); $article->set_var( 'story_hits', $story->DisplayElements('hits') ); } $article->set_var( 'story_id', $story->getSid() ); if ($_CONF['contributedbyline'] == 1) { $article->set_var('lang_contributed_by', $LANG01[1]); $article->set_var('contributedby_uid', $story->DisplayElements('uid')); $fullname = $story->DisplayElements('fullname'); $username = $story->DisplayElements('username'); $article->set_var('contributedby_user', $username); if (empty($fullname)) { $article->set_var('contributedby_fullname', $username); } else { $article->set_var('contributedby_fullname',$fullname); } $authorname = COM_getDisplayName($story->DisplayElements('uid'), $username, $fullname); $article->set_var('contributedby_author', $authorname); $article->set_var('author', $authorname); if ($story->DisplayElements('uid') > 1) { $profileUrl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&uid=' . $story->DisplayElements('uid'); $article->set_var('start_contributedby_anchortag', '<a class="storybyline" href="' . $profileUrl . '">'); $article->set_var('end_contributedby_anchortag', '</a>'); $article->set_var('contributedby_url', $profileUrl); } $photo = ''; if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1) { $authphoto = $story->DisplayElements('photo'); if (empty($authphoto)) { $authphoto = '(none)'; // user does not have a photo } $photo = USER_getPhoto($story->DisplayElements('uid'), $authphoto, $story->DisplayElements('email')); } if (!empty($photo)) { $article->set_var('contributedby_photo', $photo); $article->set_var('author_photo', $photo); $camera_icon = '<img src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/smallcamera.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt=""' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var('camera_icon', COM_createLink($camera_icon, $profileUrl)); } else { $article->set_var ('contributedby_photo', ''); $article->set_var ('author_photo', ''); $article->set_var ('camera_icon', ''); } } $topicname = $story->DisplayElements('topic'); $article->set_var('story_topic_id', $story->DisplayElements('tid')); $article->set_var('story_topic_name', $topicname); $topicurl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php?topic=' . $story->DisplayElements('tid'); if(( !isset( $_USER['noicons'] ) OR ( $_USER['noicons'] != 1 )) AND $story->DisplayElements('show_topic_icon') == 1 ) { $imageurl = $story->DisplayElements('imageurl'); if( !empty( $imageurl )) { $imageurl = COM_getTopicImageUrl( $imageurl ); $article->set_var( 'story_topic_image_url', $imageurl ); $topicimage = '<img src="' . $imageurl . '" class="float' . $_CONF['article_image_align'] . '" alt="' . $topicname . '" title="' . $topicname . '"' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var( 'story_anchortag_and_image', COM_createLink( $topicimage, $topicurl, array('rel'=>"category") ) ); $article->set_var( 'story_topic_image', $topicimage ); $topicimage_noalign = '<img src="' . $imageurl . '" alt="' . $topicname . '" title="' . $topicname . '"' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var( 'story_anchortag_and_image_no_align', COM_createLink( $topicimage_noalign, $topicurl, array('rel'=>"category") ) ); $article->set_var( 'story_topic_image_no_align', $topicimage_noalign ); } } $article->set_var( 'story_topic_url', $topicurl ); $recent_post_anchortag = ''; $articleUrl = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $story->getSid()); $article->set_var('story_title', $story->DisplayElements('title')); $article->set_var('lang_permalink', $LANG01[127]); $show_comments = true; // n = Full display of article. p = 'Preview' mode. if ((($index != 'n') && ($index != 'p')) || !empty($query)) { $attributes = ' class="non-ul"'; $attr_array = array('class' => 'non-ul'); if (!empty($query)) { $attributes .= ' rel="bookmark"'; $attr_array['rel'] = 'bookmark'; } $article->set_var('start_storylink_anchortag', '<a href="' . $articleUrl . '"' . $attributes . '>'); $article->set_var('end_storylink_anchortag', '</a>'); $article->set_var('story_title_link', COM_createLink( $story->DisplayElements('title'), $articleUrl, $attr_array ) ); } else { $article->set_var('story_title_link', $story->DisplayElements('title')); } if(( $index == 'n' ) || ( $index == 'p' )) { if( empty( $bodytext )) { $article->set_var( 'story_introtext', $introtext ); $article->set_var( 'story_text_no_br', $introtext ); } else { if(( $_CONF['allow_page_breaks'] == 1 ) and ( $index == 'n' )) { $story_page = 1; // page selector if( is_numeric( $mode )) { $story_page = $mode; if( $story_page <= 0 ) { $story_page = 1; $mode = 0; } elseif( $story_page > 1 ) { $introtext = ''; } } $article_array = explode( '[page_break]', $bodytext ); $pagelinks = COM_printPageNavigation( $articleUrl, $story_page, count( $article_array ), 'mode=', $_CONF['url_rewrite'], $LANG01[118]); if( count( $article_array ) > 1 ) { $bodytext = $article_array[$story_page - 1]; } $article->set_var( 'page_selector', $pagelinks ); if ( ( ($_CONF['page_break_comments'] == 'last') and ($story_page < count($article_array)) ) or ( ($_CONF['page_break_comments'] == 'first') and ($story_page != 1) ) ) { $show_comments = false; } $article->set_var( 'story_page', $story_page ); } $article->set_var('story_introtext', $introtext . '<br' . XHTML . '><br' . XHTML . '>' . $bodytext); $article->set_var('story_text_no_br', $introtext . ' ' . $bodytext); } $article->set_var( 'story_introtext_only', $introtext ); $article->set_var( 'story_bodytext_only', $bodytext ); if(( $_CONF['trackback_enabled'] || $_CONF['pingback_enabled'] ) && SEC_hasRights( 'story.ping' )) { $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/trackback.php?mode=sendall&id=' . $story->getSid(); $article->set_var( 'send_trackback_link', COM_createLink($LANG_TRB['send_trackback'], $url) ); $pingico = '<img src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/sendping.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt="' . $LANG_TRB['send_trackback'] . '" title="' . $LANG_TRB['send_trackback'] . '"' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var( 'send_trackback_icon', COM_createLink($pingico, $url) ); $article->set_var( 'send_trackback_url', $url ); $article->set_var( 'lang_send_trackback_text', $LANG_TRB['send_trackback'] ); } $article->set_var( 'story_display', ( $index == 'p' ) ? 'preview' : 'article' ); $article->set_var( 'story_counter', 0 ); } else { $article->set_var( 'story_introtext', $introtext ); $article->set_var( 'story_text_no_br', $introtext ); $article->set_var( 'story_introtext_only', $introtext ); if($readmore) { $article->set_var( 'lang_readmore', $LANG01[2] ); $article->set_var( 'lang_readmore_words', $LANG01[62] ); $article->set_var( 'readmore_words', $numwords ); $article->set_var( 'readmore_link', COM_createLink( $LANG01[2], $articleUrl, array('class'=>'story-read-more-link') ) . ' (' . $numwords . ' ' . $LANG01[62] . ') ' ); $article->set_var('start_readmore_anchortag', '<a href="' . $articleUrl . '" class="story-read-more-link">'); $article->set_var('end_readmore_anchortag', '</a>'); $article->set_var('read_more_class', 'class="story-read-more-link"'); } if(( $story->DisplayElements('commentcode') >= 0 ) and ( $show_comments )) { $commentsUrl = COM_buildUrl( $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $story->getSid() ) . '#comments'; $article->set_var( 'comments_url', $commentsUrl ); $article->set_var( 'comments_text', COM_numberFormat( $story->DisplayElements('comments') ) . ' ' . $LANG01[3] ); $article->set_var( 'comments_count', COM_numberFormat ( $story->DisplayElements('comments') )); $article->set_var( 'lang_comments', $LANG01[3] ); $comments_with_count = sprintf( $LANG01[121], COM_numberFormat( $story->DisplayElements('comments') )); if( $story->DisplayElements('comments') > 0 ) { $result = DB_query( "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day,username,fullname,{$_TABLES['comments']}.uid as cuid FROM {$_TABLES['comments']},{$_TABLES['users']} WHERE {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.uid AND sid = '".$story->getSid()."' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1" ); $C = DB_fetchArray( $result ); $recent_post_anchortag = '<span class="storybyline">' . $LANG01[27] . ': ' . strftime( $_CONF['daytime'], $C['day'] ) . ' ' . $LANG01[104] . ' ' . COM_getDisplayName ($C['cuid'], $C['username'], $C['fullname']) . '</span>'; $article->set_var( 'comments_with_count', COM_createLink($comments_with_count, $commentsUrl)); $article->set_var( 'start_comments_anchortag', '<a href="' . $commentsUrl . '">' ); $article->set_var( 'end_comments_anchortag', '</a>' ); } else { $article->set_var( 'comments_with_count', $comments_with_count); $recent_post_anchortag = COM_createLink($LANG01[60], $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?sid=' . $story->getSid() . '&pid=0&type=article'); } if( $story->DisplayElements( 'commentcode' ) == 0 ) { $postCommentUrl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?sid=' . $story->getSid() . '&pid=0&type=article'; $article->set_var( 'post_comment_link', COM_createLink($LANG01[60], $postCommentUrl, array('rel' => 'nofollow'))); /* $article->set_var( 'subscribe_link', COM_createLink('Nubbies', '', array('rel' => 'nofollow')) ); */ $article->set_var( 'lang_post_comment', $LANG01[60] ); $article->set_var( 'start_post_comment_anchortag', '<a href="' . $postCommentUrl . '" rel="nofollow">' ); $article->set_var( 'end_post_comment_anchortag', '</a>' ); } } if(( $_CONF['trackback_enabled'] || $_CONF['pingback_enabled'] ) && ( $story->DisplayElements('trackbackcode') >= 0 ) && ( $show_comments )) { $num_trackbacks = COM_numberFormat( $story->DisplayElements('trackbacks') ); $trackbacksUrl = COM_buildUrl( $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $story->getSid() ) . '#trackback'; $article->set_var( 'trackbacks_url', $trackbacksUrl ); $article->set_var( 'trackbacks_text', $num_trackbacks . ' ' . $LANG_TRB['trackbacks'] ); $article->set_var( 'trackbacks_count', $num_trackbacks ); $article->set_var( 'lang_trackbacks', $LANG_TRB['trackbacks'] ); $article->set_var( 'trackbacks_with_count', COM_createLink( sprintf( $LANG01[122], $num_trackbacks ), $trackbacksUrl ) ); if(SEC_hasRights( 'story.ping' )) { $pingurl = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/trackback.php?mode=sendall&id=' . $story->getSid(); $pingico = '<img src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/sendping.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt="' . $LANG_TRB['send_trackback'] . '" title="' . $LANG_TRB['send_trackback'] . '"' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var( 'send_trackback_icon', COM_createLink($pingico, $pingurl) ); } if( $story->DisplayElements('trackbacks') > 0 ) { $article->set_var( 'trackbacks_with_count', COM_createLink( sprintf( $LANG01[122], $num_trackbacks ), $trackbacksUrl ) ); } else { $article->set_var( 'trackbacks_with_count', sprintf( $LANG01[122], $num_trackbacks ) ); } } if(( $_CONF['hideemailicon'] == 1 ) || ( COM_isAnonUser() && (( $_CONF['loginrequired'] == 1 ) || ( $_CONF['emailstoryloginrequired'] == 1 )))) { $article->set_var( 'email_icon', '' ); } else { $emailUrl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/profiles.php?sid=' . $story->getSid() . '&what=emailstory'; $emailicon = '<img src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/mail.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt="' . $LANG01[64] . '" title="' . $LANG11[2] . '"' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var( 'email_icon', COM_createLink($emailicon, $emailUrl) ); $article->set_var( 'email_story_url', $emailUrl ); $article->set_var( 'lang_email_story', $LANG11[2] ); $article->set_var( 'lang_email_story_alt', $LANG01[64] ); } $printUrl = COM_buildUrl( $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $story->getSid() . '&mode=print' ); if( $_CONF['hideprintericon'] == 1 ) { $article->set_var( 'print_icon', '' ); } else { $printicon = '<img src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/print.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt="' . $LANG01[65] . '" title="' . $LANG11[3] . '"' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var( 'print_icon', COM_createLink($printicon, $printUrl, array('rel' => 'nofollow')) ); $article->set_var( 'print_story_url', $printUrl ); $article->set_var( 'lang_print_story', $LANG11[3] ); $article->set_var( 'lang_print_story_alt', $LANG01[65] ); } $article->set_var( 'story_display', 'index' ); $storycounter++; $article->set_var( 'story_counter', $storycounter ); } $article->set_var( 'article_url', $articleUrl ); $article->set_var( 'recent_post_anchortag', $recent_post_anchortag ); if( $story->checkAccess() == 3 AND SEC_hasrights( 'story.edit' ) AND ( $index != 'p' )) { $article->set_var( 'edit_link', COM_createLink($LANG01[4], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php?mode=edit&sid=' . $story->getSid()) ); $article->set_var( 'edit_url', $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php?mode=edit&sid=' . $story->getSid() ); $article->set_var( 'lang_edit_text', $LANG01[4] ); $editicon = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/edit.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE; $editiconhtml = '<img src="' . $editicon . '" alt="' . $LANG01[4] . '" title="' . $LANG01[4] . '"' . XHTML . '>'; $article->set_var( 'edit_icon', COM_createLink( $editiconhtml, $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php?mode=edit&sid=' . $story->getSid() ) ); $article->set_var( 'edit_image', $editiconhtml); } if( $story->DisplayElements('featured') == 1 ) { $article->set_var( 'lang_todays_featured_article', $LANG05[4] ); $article->parse( 'story_bodyhtml', 'featuredbodytext', true ); PLG_templateSetVars( 'featuredstorytext', $article ); $article->parse( 'finalstory', 'featuredarticle' ); } elseif( $story->DisplayElements('statuscode') == STORY_ARCHIVE_ON_EXPIRE AND $story->DisplayElements('expire') <= time() ) { $article->parse( 'story_bodyhtml', 'archivestorybodytext', true ); PLG_templateSetVars( 'archivestorytext', $article ); $article->parse( 'finalstory', 'archivearticle' ); } else { $article->parse( 'story_bodyhtml', 'bodytext', true ); PLG_templateSetVars( 'storytext', $article ); $article->parse( 'finalstory', 'article' ); } return $article->finish( $article->get_var( 'finalstory' )); } /** * Extract links from an HTML-formatted text. * * Collects all the links in a story and returns them in an array. * * @param string $fulltext the text to search for links * @param int $maxlength max. length of text in a link (can be 0) * @return array an array of strings of form <a href="...">link</a> * */ function STORY_extractLinks( $fulltext, $maxlength = 26 ) { $rel = array(); /* Only match anchor tags that contain 'href="<something>"' */ preg_match_all( "/<a[^>]*href=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"'][^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/i", $fulltext, $matches ); for ( $i=0; $i< count( $matches[0] ); $i++ ) { $matches[2][$i] = strip_tags( $matches[2][$i] ); if ( !MBYTE_strlen( trim( $matches[2][$i] ) ) ) { $matches[2][$i] = strip_tags( $matches[1][$i] ); } // if link is too long, shorten it and add ... at the end if ( ( $maxlength > 0 ) && ( MBYTE_strlen( $matches[2][$i] ) > $maxlength ) ) { $matches[2][$i] = substr( $matches[2][$i], 0, $maxlength - 3 ) . '...'; } $rel[] = '<a href="' . $matches[1][$i] . '">' . str_replace(array("\015", "\012"), '', $matches[2][$i]) . '</a>'; } return( $rel ); } /** * Create "What's Related" links for a story * * Creates an HTML-formatted list of links to be used for the What's Related * block next to a story (in article view). * * @param string $related contents of gl_stories 'related' field * @param int $uid user id of the author * @param int $tid topic id * @return string HTML-formatted list of links */ function STORY_whatsRelated( $related, $uid, $tid ) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG24; // get the links from the story text if (!empty ($related)) { $rel = explode ("\n", $related); } else { $rel = array (); } if( !COM_isAnonUser() || (( $_CONF['loginrequired'] == 0 ) && ( $_CONF['searchloginrequired'] == 0 ))) { // add a link to "search by author" if( $_CONF['contributedbyline'] == 1 ) { $author = COM_getDisplayName( $uid ); $rel[] = "<a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/search.php?mode=search&type=stories&author=$uid\">{$LANG24[37]} $author</a>"; } // add a link to "search by topic" $topic = DB_getItem( $_TABLES['topics'], 'topic', "tid = '$tid'" ); $rel[] = '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/search.php?mode=search&type=stories&topic=' . $tid . '">' . $LANG24[38] . ' ' . stripslashes( $topic ) . '</a>'; } $related = ''; if( count( $rel ) > 0 ) { $related = COM_checkWords( COM_makeList( $rel, 'list-whats-related' )); } return( $related ); } /** * Delete one image from a story * * Deletes scaled and unscaled image, but does not update the database. * * @param string $image file name of the image (without the path) * */ function STORY_deleteImage ($image) { global $_CONF; if (empty ($image)) { return; } $filename = $_CONF['path_images'] . 'articles/' . $image; if (!@unlink ($filename)) { // log the problem but don't abort the script echo COM_errorLog ('Unable to remove the following image from the article: ' . $filename); } // remove unscaled image, if it exists $lFilename_large = substr_replace ($image, '_original.', strrpos ($image, '.'), 1); $lFilename_large_complete = $_CONF['path_images'] . 'articles/' . $lFilename_large; if (file_exists ($lFilename_large_complete)) { if (!@unlink ($lFilename_large_complete)) { // again, log the problem but don't abort the script echo COM_errorLog ('Unable to remove the following image from the article: ' . $lFilename_large_complete); } } } /** * Delete all images from a story * * Deletes all scaled and unscaled images from the file system and the database. * * @param string $sid story id * */ function STORY_deleteImages ($sid) { global $_TABLES; $result = DB_query ("SELECT ai_filename FROM {$_TABLES['article_images']} WHERE ai_sid = '$sid'"); $nrows = DB_numRows ($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); STORY_deleteImage ($A['ai_filename']); } DB_delete ($_TABLES['article_images'], 'ai_sid', $sid); } /** * Delete a story. * * This is used to delete a story from the list of stories. * * @param string $sid ID of the story to delete * @return string HTML, e.g. a meta redirect * */ function STORY_deleteStory($sid) { $args = array ( 'sid' => $sid ); $output = ''; PLG_invokeService('story', 'delete', $args, $output, $svc_msg); return $output; } /** * Delete a story and related data immediately. * * Note: For internal use only! To delete a story, use STORY_deleteStory (see * above), which will do permission checks and eventually end up here. * * @param string $sid ID of the story to delete * @internal For internal use only! * */ function STORY_doDeleteThisStoryNow($sid) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-comment.php'; STORY_deleteImages($sid); DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($sid, 'article')); DB_delete($_TABLES['trackback'], array('sid', 'type'), array($sid, 'article')); DB_delete($_TABLES['stories'], 'sid', $sid); // notify plugins PLG_itemDeleted($sid, 'article'); // update RSS feed and Older Stories block COM_rdfUpToDateCheck(); COM_olderStuff(); CMT_updateCommentcodes(); } /* * Implement *some* of the Plugin API functions for stories. While stories * aren't a plugin (and likely never will be), implementing some of the API * functions here will save us from doing special handling elsewhere. */ /** * Return new Story comments for the What's New block * * @param string $numreturn If 0 will return results for What's New Block. * If > 0 will return last X new comments for User Profile. * @param string $uid ID of the user to return results for. 0 = all users. * @return array list of new comments (dups, type, title, sid, lastdate) or (sid, title, cid, unixdate) * */ function plugin_getwhatsnewcomment_story($numreturn = 0, $uid = 0) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $topicsql = COM_getTopicSql ('AND', 0, $_TABLES['stories']); $stwhere = ''; if( !COM_isAnonUser() ) { $stwhere .= "(({$_TABLES['stories']}.owner_id IS NOT NULL AND {$_TABLES['stories']}.perm_owner IS NOT NULL) OR "; $stwhere .= "({$_TABLES['stories']}.group_id IS NOT NULL AND {$_TABLES['stories']}.perm_group IS NOT NULL) OR "; $stwhere .= "({$_TABLES['stories']}.perm_members IS NOT NULL))"; } else { $stwhere .= "({$_TABLES['stories']}.perm_anon IS NOT NULL)"; } if ($uid > 0) { $stwhere .= " AND ({$_TABLES['comments']}.uid = $uid)"; } if ($numreturn == 0 ) { $sql['mssql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid, max({$_TABLES['comments']}.date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['stories']} ON (({$_TABLES['stories']}.sid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid) AND type = 'article' " . COM_getPermSQL( 'AND', 0, 2, $_TABLES['stories'] ) . " AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.draft_flag = 0) AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.commentcode >= 0)" . $topicsql . COM_getLangSQL( 'sid', 'AND', $_TABLES['stories'] ) . ") WHERE ({$_TABLES['comments']}.date >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND))) AND ((({$stwhere}))) GROUP BY {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid,type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15"; $sql['mysql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid, max({$_TABLES['comments']}.date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['stories']} ON (({$_TABLES['stories']}.sid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid) AND type = 'article' " . COM_getPermSQL( 'AND', 0, 2, $_TABLES['stories'] ) . " AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.draft_flag = 0) AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.commentcode >= 0)" . $topicsql . COM_getLangSQL( 'sid', 'AND', $_TABLES['stories'] ) . ") WHERE ({$_TABLES['comments']}.date >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND))) AND ((({$stwhere}))) GROUP BY {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid,type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15"; $sql['pgsql'] = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS dups, type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid, max({$_TABLES['comments']}.date) AS lastdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['stories']} ON (({$_TABLES['stories']}.sid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid) AND type = 'article' " . COM_getPermSQL( 'AND', 0, 2, $_TABLES['stories'] ) . " AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.draft_flag = 0) AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.commentcode >= 0)" . $topicsql . COM_getLangSQL( 'sid', 'AND', $_TABLES['stories'] ) . ") WHERE ({$_TABLES['comments']}.date >= (NOW()+ INTERVAL '{$_CONF['newcommentsinterval']} SECOND')) AND ((({$stwhere}))) GROUP BY {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid,type, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.title, {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 15"; } else { $sql = "SELECT {$_TABLES['stories']}.sid, {$_TABLES['comments']}.title, cid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$_TABLES['comments']}.date) AS unixdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['stories']} ON (({$_TABLES['stories']}.sid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.sid) AND type = 'article' " . COM_getPermSQL( 'AND', 0, 2, $_TABLES['stories'] ) . " AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.draft_flag = 0) AND ({$_TABLES['stories']}.commentcode >= 0)" . $topicsql . COM_getLangSQL( 'sid', 'AND', $_TABLES['stories'] ) . ") WHERE ({$stwhere}) ORDER BY unixdate DESC LIMIT $numreturn"; } $result = DB_query($sql); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows > 0) { for ($x = 0; $x < $nrows; $x++) { $A[] = DB_fetchArray($result); } return $A; } } /** * Return information for a story * * This is the story equivalent of PLG_getItemInfo. See lib-plugins.php for * details. * * @param string $sid story ID or '*' * @param string $what comma-separated list of story properties * @param int $uid user ID or 0 = current user * @param array $options (reserved for future extensions) * @return mixed string or array of strings with the information * */ function plugin_getiteminfo_story($sid, $what, $uid = 0, $options = array()) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; // parse $what to see what we need to pull from the database $properties = explode(',', $what); $fields = array(); foreach ($properties as $p) { switch ($p) { case 'date-created': $fields[] = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate'; break; case 'description': $fields[] = 'introtext'; $fields[] = 'bodytext'; break; case 'excerpt': $fields[] = 'introtext'; break; case 'feed': $fields[] = 'tid'; break; case 'id': $fields[] = 'sid'; break; case 'title': $fields[] = 'title'; break; case 'url': // needed for $sid == '*', but also in case we're only requesting // the URL (so that $fields isn't emtpy) $fields[] = 'sid'; break; default: // nothing to do break; } } $fields = array_unique($fields); if (count($fields) == 0) { $retval = array(); return $retval; } // prepare SQL request if ($sid == '*') { $where = ' WHERE'; } else { $where = " WHERE (sid = '" . addslashes($sid) . "') AND"; } $where .= ' (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW())'; if ($uid > 0) { $permSql = COM_getPermSql('AND', $uid) . COM_getTopicSql('AND', $uid); } else { $permSql = COM_getPermSql('AND') . COM_getTopicSql('AND'); } $sql = "SELECT " . implode(',', $fields) . " FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}" . $where . $permSql; if ($sid != '*') { $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; } $result = DB_query($sql); $numRows = DB_numRows($result); $retval = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray($result); $props = array(); foreach ($properties as $p) { switch ($p) { case 'date-created': $props['date-created'] = $A['unixdate']; break; case 'description': $props['description'] = trim(PLG_replaceTags(stripslashes($A['introtext']) . ' ' . stripslashes($A['bodytext']))); break; case 'excerpt': $excerpt = stripslashes($A['introtext']); if (!empty($A['bodytext'])) { $excerpt .= "\n\n" . stripslashes($A['bodytext']); } $props['excerpt'] = trim(PLG_replaceTags($excerpt)); break; case 'feed': $feedfile = DB_getItem($_TABLES['syndication'], 'filename', "topic = '::all'"); if (empty($feedfile)) { $feedfile = DB_getItem($_TABLES['syndication'], 'filename', "topic = '::frontpage'"); } if (empty($feedfile)) { $feedfile = DB_getItem($_TABLES['syndication'], 'filename', "topic = '{$A['tid']}'"); } if (empty($feedfile)) { $props['feed'] = ''; } else { $props['feed'] = SYND_getFeedUrl($feedfile); } break; case 'id': $props['id'] = $A['sid']; break; case 'title': $props['title'] = stripslashes($A['title']); break; case 'url': if (empty($A['sid'])) { $props['url'] = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid); } else { $props['url'] = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid']); } break; default: // return empty string for unknown properties $props[$p] = ''; break; } } $mapped = array(); foreach ($props as $key => $value) { if ($sid == '*') { if ($value != '') { $mapped[$key] = $value; } } else { $mapped[] = $value; } } if ($sid == '*') { $retval[] = $mapped; } else { $retval = $mapped; break; } } if (($sid != '*') && (count($retval) == 1)) { $retval = $retval[0]; } return $retval; } /** * Return true since this component supports webservices * * @return boolean True, if webservices are supported * */ function plugin_wsEnabled_story() { return true; } /** * Returns list of moderation values * * The array returned contains (in order): the row 'id' label, main table, * moderation fields (comma separated), and submission table * * @return array Returns array of useful moderation values * */ function plugin_moderationvalues_story() { global $_TABLES; return array( 'sid', $_TABLES['stories'], 'sid,uid,tid,title,introtext,date,postmode', $_TABLES['storysubmission'] ); } /** * Performs story exclusive work for items deleted by moderation * * While moderation.php handles the actual removal from the submission * table, within this function we handle all other deletion related tasks * * @param string $sid Identifying string, i.e. the story id * @return string Any wanted HTML output * */ function plugin_moderationdelete_story($sid) { global $_TABLES; DB_delete($_TABLES['storysubmission'], 'sid', $sid); return ''; } /** * Checks that the current user has the rights to moderate stories. * Returns true if this is the case, false otherwise * * @return boolean Returns true if moderator * */ function plugin_ismoderator_story() { return SEC_hasRights('story.moderate'); } /** * Returns SQL & Language texts to moderation.php * * @return mixed Plugin object or void if not allowed * */ function plugin_itemlist_story() { global $_TABLES, $LANG29; if (plugin_ismoderator_story()) { $plugin = new Plugin(); $plugin->submissionlabel = $LANG29[35]; $plugin->submissionhelpfile = 'ccstorysubmission.html'; $plugin->getsubmissionssql = "SELECT sid AS id,title,date,tid FROM {$_TABLES['storysubmission']}" . COM_getTopicSQL ('WHERE') . " ORDER BY date ASC"; $plugin->addSubmissionHeading($LANG29[10]); $plugin->addSubmissionHeading($LANG29[14]); $plugin->addSubmissionHeading($LANG29[15]); return $plugin; } } /* * Another pseudo plugin API for draft stories */ /** * Returns list of moderation values * * The array returned contains (in order): the row 'id' label, main table, * moderation fields (comma separated), and submission table * * @return array Returns array of useful moderation values * */ function plugin_moderationvalues_story_draft() { global $_TABLES; return array( 'sid', $_TABLES['stories'], 'sid,uid,tid,title,introtext,date,postmode', $_TABLES['stories'] ); } /** * Performs draft story exclusive work for items deleted by moderation * * While moderation.php handles the actual removal from the submission * table, within this function we handle all other deletion related tasks * * @param string $sid Identifying string, i.e. the story id * @return string Any wanted HTML output * */ function plugin_moderationdelete_story_draft($sid) { global $_TABLES; STORY_deleteStory($sid); return ''; } /** * Returns SQL & Language texts to moderation.php * * @return mixed Plugin object or void if not allowed * */ function plugin_itemlist_story_draft() { global $_TABLES, $LANG24, $LANG29; if (SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) { $plugin = new Plugin(); $plugin->submissionlabel = $LANG29[35] . ' (' . $LANG24[34] . ')'; $plugin->submissionhelpfile = 'ccdraftsubmission.html'; $plugin->getsubmissionssql = "SELECT sid AS id,title,date,tid FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (draft_flag = 1)" . COM_getTopicSQL ('AND') . COM_getPermSQL ('AND', 0, 3) . " ORDER BY date ASC"; $plugin->addSubmissionHeading($LANG29[10]); $plugin->addSubmissionHeading($LANG29[14]); $plugin->addSubmissionHeading($LANG29[15]); return $plugin; } } /** * "Approve" a draft story * * @param string $sid story id * @return void * */ function plugin_moderationapprove_story_draft($sid) { global $_TABLES; DB_change($_TABLES['stories'], 'draft_flag', 0, 'sid', $sid); PLG_itemSaved($sid, 'article'); // update feeds COM_rdfUpToDateCheck(); // update Older Stories block COM_olderStuff(); } /** * Implements the [story:] autotag. * * @param string $op operation to perform * @param string $content item (e.g. story text), including the autotag * @param array $autotag parameters used in the autotag * @param mixed tag names (for $op='tagname') or formatted content * */ function plugin_autotags_story($op, $content = '', $autotag = '') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG24, $_GROUPS; if ($op == 'tagname' ) { return 'story'; } elseif ($op == 'permission' || $op == 'nopermission') { if ($op == 'permission') { $flag = true; } else { $flag = false; } $tagnames = array(); if (isset($_GROUPS['Story Admin'])) { $group_id = $_GROUPS['Story Admin']; } else { $group_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Story Admin'"); } $owner_id = SEC_getDefaultRootUser(); if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_CONF['autotag_permissions_story'][0], $_CONF['autotag_permissions_story'][1], $_CONF['autotag_permissions_story'][2], $_CONF['autotag_permissions_story'][3]) == $flag) { $tagnames[] = 'story'; } if (count($tagnames) > 0) { return $tagnames; } } elseif ($op == 'description') { return array ( 'story' => $LANG24['autotag_desc_story'] ); } else { $sid = COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm1']); if (! empty($sid)) { $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '$sid'" . COM_getPermSql('AND')); $A = DB_fetchArray($result); if ($A['count'] > 0) { $url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid); $linktext = $autotag['parm2']; if (empty($linktext)) { $linktext = stripslashes(DB_getItem($_TABLES['stories'], 'title', "sid = '$sid'")); } $link = COM_createLink($linktext, $url); $content = str_replace($autotag['tagstr'], $link, $content); } } return $content; } } /* * START SERVICES SECTION * This section implements the various services offered by the story module */ /** * Submit a new or updated story. The story is updated if it exists, or a new one is created * * @param array args Contains all the data provided by the client * @param string &output OUTPUT parameter containing the returned text * @return int Response code as defined in lib-plugins.php */ function service_submit_story($args, &$output, &$svc_msg) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG24, $MESSAGE, $_GROUPS; if (!SEC_hasRights('story.edit')) { $output .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $MESSAGE[30]) . COM_showMessageText($MESSAGE[29], $MESSAGE[30]) . COM_siteFooter(); return PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED; } require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-comment.php'; if (! $_CONF['disable_webservices']) { require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-webservices.php'; } $gl_edit = false; if (isset($args['gl_edit'])) { $gl_edit = $args['gl_edit']; } if ($gl_edit) { /* This is EDIT mode, so there should be an old sid */ if (empty($args['old_sid'])) { if (!empty($args['id'])) { $args['old_sid'] = $args['id']; } else { return PLG_RET_ERROR; } if (empty($args['sid'])) { $args['sid'] = $args['old_sid']; } } } else { if (empty($args['sid']) && !empty($args['id'])) { $args['sid'] = $args['id']; } } /* Store the first CATEGORY as the Topic ID */ if (!empty($args['category'][0])) { $args['tid'] = $args['category'][0]; } $content = ''; if (!empty($args['content'])) { $content = $args['content']; } else if (!empty($args['summary'])) { $content = $args['summary']; } if (!empty($content)) { $parts = explode('[page_break]', $content); if (count($parts) == 1) { $args['introtext'] = $content; $args['bodytext'] = ''; } else { $args['introtext'] = array_shift($parts); $args['bodytext'] = implode('[page_break]', $parts); } } /* Apply filters to the parameters passed by the webservice */ if ($args['gl_svc']) { if (isset($args['mode'])) { $args['mode'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['mode']); } if (isset($args['editopt'])) { $args['editopt'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['editopt']); } } /* - START: Set all the defaults - */ if (empty($args['tid'])) { // see if we have a default topic $topic = DB_getItem($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid', 'is_default = 1' . COM_getPermSQL('AND')); if (!empty($topic)) { $args['tid'] = $topic; } else { // otherwise, just use the first one $o = array(); $s = array(); if (service_getTopicList_story(array('gl_svc' => true), $o, $s) == PLG_RET_OK) { $args['tid'] = $o[0]; } else { $svc_msg['error_desc'] = 'No topics available'; return PLG_RET_ERROR; } } } if(empty($args['owner_id'])) { $args['owner_id'] = $_USER['uid']; } if (empty($args['group_id'])) { $args['group_id'] = SEC_getFeatureGroup('story.edit', $_USER['uid']); } if (empty($args['postmode'])) { $args['postmode'] = $_CONF['postmode']; if (!empty($args['content_type'])) { if ($args['content_type'] == 'text') { $args['postmode'] = 'text'; } else if (($args['content_type'] == 'html') || ($args['content_type'] == 'xhtml')) { $args['postmode'] = 'html'; } } } if ($args['gl_svc']) { /* Permissions */ if (!isset($args['perm_owner'])) { $args['perm_owner'] = $_CONF['default_permissions_story'][0]; } else { $args['perm_owner'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['perm_owner'], true); } if (!isset($args['perm_group'])) { $args['perm_group'] = $_CONF['default_permissions_story'][1]; } else { $args['perm_group'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['perm_group'], true); } if (!isset($args['perm_members'])) { $args['perm_members'] = $_CONF['default_permissions_story'][2]; } else { $args['perm_members'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['perm_members'], true); } if (!isset($args['perm_anon'])) { $args['perm_anon'] = $_CONF['default_permissions_story'][3]; } else { $args['perm_anon'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['perm_anon'], true); } if (!isset($args['draft_flag'])) { $args['draft_flag'] = $_CONF['draft_flag']; } if (empty($args['frontpage'])) { $args['frontpage'] = $_CONF['frontpage']; } if (empty($args['show_topic_icon'])) { $args['show_topic_icon'] = $_CONF['show_topic_icon']; } } /* - END: Set all the defaults - */ // TEST CODE /* foreach ($args as $k => $v) { if (!is_array($v)) { echo "$k => $v\r\n"; } else { echo "$k => $v\r\n"; foreach ($v as $k1 => $v1) { echo " $k1 => $v1\r\n"; } } }*/ // exit (); // END TEST CODE if (!isset($args['sid'])) { $args['sid'] = ''; } $args['sid'] = COM_sanitizeID($args['sid']); if (!$gl_edit) { if (strlen($args['sid']) > STORY_MAX_ID_LENGTH) { $slug = ''; if (isset($args['slug'])) { $slug = $args['slug']; } if (function_exists('WS_makeId')) { $args['sid'] = WS_makeId($slug, STORY_MAX_ID_LENGTH); } else { $args['sid'] = COM_makeSid(); } } } $story = new Story(); $gl_edit = false; if (isset($args['gl_edit'])) { $gl_edit = $args['gl_edit']; } if ($gl_edit && !empty($args['gl_etag'])) { /* First load the original story to check if it has been modified */ $result = $story->loadFromDatabase($args['sid']); if ($result == STORY_LOADED_OK) { if ($args['gl_etag'] != date('c', $story->_date)) { $svc_msg['error_desc'] = 'A more recent version of the story is available'; return PLG_RET_PRECONDITION_FAILED; } } else { $svc_msg['error_desc'] = 'Error loading story'; return PLG_RET_ERROR; } } /* This function is also doing the security checks */ $result = $story->loadFromArgsArray($args); $sid = $story->getSid(); switch ($result) { case STORY_DUPLICATE_SID: $output .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG24[5]); $output .= COM_errorLog ($LANG24[24], 2); if (!$args['gl_svc']) { $output .= storyeditor ($sid); } $output .= COM_siteFooter (); return PLG_RET_ERROR; case STORY_EXISTING_NO_EDIT_PERMISSION: $output .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $MESSAGE[30]) . COM_showMessageText($MESSAGE[29], $MESSAGE[30]) . COM_siteFooter (); COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally submit or edit story $sid."); return PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED; case STORY_NO_ACCESS_PARAMS: $output .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $MESSAGE[30]) . COM_showMessageText($MESSAGE[29], $MESSAGE[30]) . COM_siteFooter (); COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally submit or edit story $sid."); return PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED; case STORY_EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELDS: $output .= COM_siteHeader('menu'); $output .= COM_errorLog($LANG24[31],2); if (!$args['gl_svc']) { $output .= storyeditor($sid); } $output .= COM_siteFooter(); return PLG_RET_ERROR; default: break; } /* Image upload is not supported by the web-service at present */ if (!$args['gl_svc']) { // Delete any images if needed if (array_key_exists('delete', $args)) { $delete = count($args['delete']); for ($i = 1; $i <= $delete; $i++) { $ai_filename = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['article_images'],'ai_filename', "ai_sid = '{$sid}' AND ai_img_num = " . key($args['delete'])); STORY_deleteImage ($ai_filename); DB_query ("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['article_images']} WHERE ai_sid = '$sid' AND ai_img_num = " . key($args['delete'])); next($args['delete']); } } // OK, let's upload any pictures with the article if (DB_count($_TABLES['article_images'], 'ai_sid', $sid) > 0) { $index_start = DB_getItem($_TABLES['article_images'],'max(ai_img_num)',"ai_sid = '$sid'") + 1; } else { $index_start = 1; } if (count($_FILES) > 0 AND $_CONF['maximagesperarticle'] > 0) { require_once($_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/upload.class.php'); $upload = new upload(); if (isset ($_CONF['debug_image_upload']) && $_CONF['debug_image_upload']) { $upload->setLogFile ($_CONF['path'] . 'logs/error.log'); $upload->setDebug (true); } $upload->setMaxFileUploads ($_CONF['maximagesperarticle']); if (!empty($_CONF['image_lib'])) { if ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'imagemagick') { // Using imagemagick $upload->setMogrifyPath ($_CONF['path_to_mogrify']); } elseif ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'netpbm') { // using netPBM $upload->setNetPBM ($_CONF['path_to_netpbm']); } elseif ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'gdlib') { // using the GD library $upload->setGDLib (); } $upload->setAutomaticResize(true); if ($_CONF['keep_unscaled_image'] == 1) { $upload->keepOriginalImage (true); } else { $upload->keepOriginalImage (false); } if (isset($_CONF['jpeg_quality'])) { $upload->setJpegQuality($_CONF['jpeg_quality']); } } $upload->setAllowedMimeTypes (array ( 'image/gif' => '.gif', 'image/jpeg' => '.jpg,.jpeg', 'image/pjpeg' => '.jpg,.jpeg', 'image/x-png' => '.png', 'image/png' => '.png' )); if (!$upload->setPath($_CONF['path_images'] . 'articles')) { $output = COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG24[30]); $output .= COM_startBlock ($LANG24[30], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')); $output .= $upload->printErrors (false); $output .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); $output .= COM_siteFooter (); echo $output; exit; } // NOTE: if $_CONF['path_to_mogrify'] is set, the call below will // force any images bigger than the passed dimensions to be resized. // If mogrify is not set, any images larger than these dimensions // will get validation errors $upload->setMaxDimensions($_CONF['max_image_width'], $_CONF['max_image_height']); $upload->setMaxFileSize($_CONF['max_image_size']); // size in bytes, 1048576 = 1MB // Set file permissions on file after it gets uploaded (number is in octal) $upload->setPerms('0644'); $filenames = array(); $end_index = $index_start + $upload->numFiles() - 1; for ($z = $index_start; $z <= $end_index; $z++) { $curfile = current($_FILES); if (!empty($curfile['name'])) { $pos = strrpos($curfile['name'],'.') + 1; $fextension = substr($curfile['name'], $pos); $filenames[] = $sid . '_' . $z . '.' . $fextension; } next($_FILES); } $upload->setFileNames($filenames); reset($_FILES); $upload->uploadFiles(); if ($upload->areErrors()) { $retval = COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG24[30]); $retval .= COM_startBlock ($LANG24[30], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')); $retval .= $upload->printErrors(false); $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); $retval .= COM_siteFooter(); echo $retval; exit; } reset($filenames); for ($z = $index_start; $z <= $end_index; $z++) { DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['article_images']} (ai_sid, ai_img_num, ai_filename) VALUES ('$sid', $z, '" . current($filenames) . "')"); next($filenames); } } if ($_CONF['maximagesperarticle'] > 0) { $errors = $story->insertImages(); if (count($errors) > 0) { $output = COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG24[54]); $output .= COM_startBlock ($LANG24[54], '', COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'header')); $output .= $LANG24[55] . '<p>'; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($errors); $i++) { $output .= current($errors) . '<br' . XHTML . '>'; next($errors); } $output .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate ('_msg_block', 'footer')); $output .= storyeditor($sid); $output .= COM_siteFooter(); echo $output; exit; } } } $result = $story->saveToDatabase(); if ($result == STORY_SAVED) { // see if any plugins want to act on that story if ((! empty($args['old_sid'])) && ($args['old_sid'] != $sid)) { PLG_itemSaved($sid, 'article', $args['old_sid']); } else { PLG_itemSaved($sid, 'article'); } // update feed(s) and Older Stories block COM_rdfUpToDateCheck('article', $story->DisplayElements('tid'), $sid); COM_olderStuff(); CMT_updateCommentcodes(); if ($story->type == 'submission') { $output = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php?msg=9'); } else { $output = PLG_afterSaveSwitch($_CONF['aftersave_story'], COM_buildURL("{$_CONF['site_url']}/article.php?story=$sid"), 'story', 9); } /* @TODO Set the object id here */ $svc_msg['id'] = $sid; return PLG_RET_OK; } } /** * Delete an existing story * * @param array args Contains all the data provided by the client * @param string &output OUTPUT parameter containing the returned text * @return int Response code as defined in lib-plugins.php */ function service_delete_story($args, &$output, &$svc_msg) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER; if (empty($args['sid']) && !empty($args['id'])) { $args['sid'] = $args['id']; } if ($args['gl_svc']) { $args['sid'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['sid']); } $sid = $args['sid']; $result = DB_query ("SELECT tid,owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '$sid'"); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $access = SEC_hasAccess ($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']); $access = min ($access, SEC_hasTopicAccess ($A['tid'])); if ($access < 3) { COM_accessLog ("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally delete story $sid."); $output = COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php'); if ($_USER['uid'] > 1) { return PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED; } else { return PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED; } } STORY_doDeleteThisStoryNow($sid); $output = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php?msg=10'); return PLG_RET_OK; } /** * Get an existing story * * @param array args Contains all the data provided by the client * @param string &output OUTPUT parameter containing the returned text * @return int Response code as defined in lib-plugins.php */ function service_get_story($args, &$output, &$svc_msg) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER; $output = array(); $retval = ''; if (!isset($_CONF['atom_max_stories'])) { $_CONF['atom_max_stories'] = 10; // set a resonable default } $svc_msg['output_fields'] = array( 'draft_flag', 'hits', 'numemails', 'comments', 'trackbacks', 'featured', 'commentcode', 'statuscode', 'expire_date', 'postmode', 'advanced_editor_mode', 'frontpage', 'owner_id', 'group_id', 'perm_owner', 'perm_group', 'perm_members', 'perm_anon' ); if (empty($args['sid']) && !empty($args['id'])) { $args['sid'] = $args['id']; } if ($args['gl_svc']) { if (isset($args['mode'])) { $args['mode'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['mode']); } if (isset($args['sid'])) { $args['sid'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['sid']); } if (empty($args['sid'])) { $svc_msg['gl_feed'] = true; } else { $svc_msg['gl_feed'] = false; } } else { $svc_msg['gl_feed'] = false; } if (empty($args['mode'])) { $args['mode'] = 'view'; } if (!$svc_msg['gl_feed']) { $sid = $args['sid']; $mode = $args['mode']; $story = new Story(); $retval = $story->loadFromDatabase($sid, $mode); if ($retval != STORY_LOADED_OK) { $output = $retval; return PLG_RET_ERROR; } reset($story->_dbFields); while (list($fieldname,$save) = each($story->_dbFields)) { $varname = '_' . $fieldname; $output[$fieldname] = $story->{$varname}; } $output['username'] = $story->_username; $output['fullname'] = $story->_fullname; if ($args['gl_svc']) { if (($output['statuscode'] == STORY_ARCHIVE_ON_EXPIRE) || ($output['statuscode'] == STORY_DELETE_ON_EXPIRE)) { // This date format is PHP 5 only, // but only the web-service uses the value $output['expire_date'] = date('c', $output['expire']); } $output['id'] = $output['sid']; $output['category'] = array($output['tid']); $output['published'] = date('c', $output['date']); $output['updated'] = date('c', $output['date']); if (empty($output['bodytext'])) { $output['content'] = $output['introtext']; } else { $output['content'] = $output['introtext'] . LB . '[page_break]' . LB . $output['bodytext']; } $output['content_type'] = ($output['postmode'] == 'html') ? 'html' : 'text'; $owner_data = SESS_getUserDataFromId($output['owner_id']); $output['author_name'] = $owner_data['username']; $output['link_edit'] = $sid; } } else { $output = array(); $mode = $args['mode']; $sql = array(); if (isset($args['offset'])) { $offset = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['offset'], true); } else { $offset = 0; } $max_items = $_CONF['atom_max_stories'] + 1; $limit = " LIMIT $offset, $max_items"; $limit_pgsql = " LIMIT $max_items OFFSET $offset"; $order = " ORDER BY unixdate DESC"; $sql['mysql'] = "SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN s.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.date) AS unixdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.expire) as expireunix, " . "u.username, u.fullname, u.photo, u.email, t.topic, t.imageurl " . "FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} AS s, {$_TABLES['users']} AS u, {$_TABLES['topics']} AS t " . "WHERE (s.uid = u.uid) AND (s.tid = t.tid)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', $_USER['uid'], 2, 's') . $order . $limit; $sql['mssql'] = "SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN s.sid, s.uid, s.draft_flag, s.tid, s.date, s.title, CAST(s.introtext AS text) AS introtext, CAST(s.bodytext AS text) AS bodytext, s.hits, s.numemails, s.comments, s.trackbacks, s.related, s.featured, s.show_topic_icon, s.commentcode, s.trackbackcode, s.statuscode, s.expire, s.postmode, s.frontpage, s.owner_id, s.group_id, s.perm_owner, s.perm_group, s.perm_members, s.perm_anon, s.advanced_editor_mode, " . " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.date) AS unixdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.expire) as expireunix, " . "u.username, u.fullname, u.photo, u.email, t.topic, t.imageurl " . "FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} AS s, {$_TABLES['users']} AS u, {$_TABLES['topics']} AS t " . "WHERE (s.uid = u.uid) AND (s.tid = t.tid)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', $_USER['uid'], 2, 's') . $order . $limit; $sql['pgsql'] = "SELECT s.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.date) AS unixdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.expire) as expireunix, u.username, u.fullname, u.photo, u.email, t.topic, t.imageurl FROM stories s, users u, topics t WHERE (s.uid = u.uid) AND (s.tid = t.tid) FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} AS s, {$_TABLES['users']} AS u, {$_TABLES['topics']} AS t WHERE (s.uid = u.uid) AND (s.tid = t.tid)" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', $_USER['uid'], 2, 's') . $order . $limit_pgsql; $result = DB_query($sql); $count = 0; while (($story_array = DB_fetchArray($result, false)) !== false) { $count += 1; if ($count == $max_items) { $svc_msg['offset'] = $offset + $_CONF['atom_max_stories']; break; } $story = new Story(); $story->loadFromArray($story_array); // This access check is not strictly necessary $access = SEC_hasAccess($story_array['owner_id'], $story_array['group_id'], $story_array['perm_owner'], $story_array['perm_group'], $story_array['perm_members'], $story_array['perm_anon']); $story->_access = min($access, SEC_hasTopicAccess($story->_tid)); if ($story->_access == 0) { continue; } $story->_sanitizeData(); reset($story->_dbFields); $output_item = array (); while (list($fieldname,$save) = each($story->_dbFields)) { $varname = '_' . $fieldname; $output_item[$fieldname] = $story->{$varname}; } if ($args['gl_svc']) { if (($output_item['statuscode'] == STORY_ARCHIVE_ON_EXPIRE) || ($output_item['statuscode'] == STORY_DELETE_ON_EXPIRE)) { // This date format is PHP 5 only, // but only the web-service uses the value $output_item['expire_date'] = date('c', $output_item['expire']); } $output_item['id'] = $output_item['sid']; $output_item['category'] = array($output_item['tid']); $output_item['published'] = date('c', $output_item['date']); $output_item['updated'] = date('c', $output_item['date']); if (empty($output_item['bodytext'])) { $output_item['content'] = $output_item['introtext']; } else { $output_item['content'] = $output_item['introtext'] . LB . '[page_break]' . LB . $output_item['bodytext']; } $output_item['content_type'] = ($output_item['postmode'] == 'html') ? 'html' : 'text'; $owner_data = SESS_getUserDataFromId($output_item['owner_id']); $output_item['author_name'] = $owner_data['username']; } $output[] = $output_item; } } return PLG_RET_OK; } /** * Get all the topics available * * @param array args Contains all the data provided by the client * @param string &output OUTPUT parameter containing the returned text * @return int Response code as defined in lib-plugins.php */ function service_getTopicList_story($args, &$output, &$svc_msg) { $output = COM_topicArray('tid'); return PLG_RET_OK; } /* * END SERVICES SECTION */ ?>