File: lib-trackback.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.6 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | lib-trackback.php | // | | // | Functions needed to handle trackback comments. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2005-2010 by the following authors: | // | | // | Author: Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'lib-trackback.php') !== false) { die('This file can not be used on its own!'); } // result codes for TRB_saveTrackbackComment define('TRB_SAVE_OK', 0); define('TRB_SAVE_SPAM', -1); define('TRB_SAVE_REJECT', -2); // set to true to log rejected Trackbacks $_TRB_LOG_REJECTS = false; /** * Send a trackback response message * * @param int $error 0 = OK, 1 = an error occured * @param string $errormsg the error message (ignored for $error == 0) * @param int $http_status optional HTTP status code * @param string $http_text optional HTTP status code text * @return void * */ function TRB_sendTrackbackResponse ($error, $errormsg = '', $http_status = 200, $http_text = "OK") { $display = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>' . LB . '<response>' . LB . '<error>' . $error . '</error>' . LB; if (($error != 0) && !empty ($errormsg)) { // we're creating XML, so encode these ... $errormsg = str_replace (array ('<', '>', "'"), array ('<', '>', '''), $errormsg); $display .= '<message>' . $errormsg . '</message>' . LB; } $display .= '</response>'; if ($http_status != 200) { header ("HTTP/1.1 $http_status $http_text"); header ("Status: $http_status $http_text"); } header ('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo $display; } /** * Helper function for the curious: Log rejected trackbacks * * @param string $logmsg Message to log * @return void * */ function TRB_logRejected ($reason, $url = '') { global $_TRB_LOG_REJECTS; if ($_TRB_LOG_REJECTS) { $logmsg = 'Trackback from IP ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' rejected for ' . $reason . ', URL: ' . $url; if (function_exists ('SPAMX_log')) { SPAMX_log ($logmsg); } else { COM_errorLog ($logmsg); } } } /** * Creates a piece of RDF pointing out the trackback URL * * Note: When putting this in an HTML page, it may be advisable to enclose it * in HTML comments, i.e. <!-- ... --> * * @param string $article_url URL of our entry * @param string $title title of that entry * @param string $trackback_url trackback URL for our entry * @return string RDF code with our information embedded * */ function TRB_trackbackRdf ($article_url, $title, $trackback_url) { // we're creating XML, so encode these ... $title = str_replace (array ('<', '>', "'"), array ('<', '>', '''), $title); $retval = '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"' . LB . ' xmlns:trackback="http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/"' . LB . ' xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">' . LB; $retval .= '<rdf:Description' . LB . ' rdf:about="' . $article_url . '"' . LB . ' trackback:ping="' . $trackback_url . '"' .LB . ' dc:title="' . $title . '"' . LB . ' dc:identifier="' . $article_url . '" />' . LB; $retval .= '</rdf:RDF>'; return $retval; } /** * Returns the trackback URL for an entry * * Note: Trackback pings default to stories, so we leave off the type if it * is 'article' to create shorter URLs. * * @param string $id the entry's ID * @param string $type type of the entry ('article' = story, etc.) * @return string trackback URL for that entry * */ function TRB_makeTrackbackUrl ($id, $type = 'article') { global $_CONF; $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/trackback.php?id=' . $id; if (!empty ($type) && ($type != 'article')) { $url .= '&type=' . $type; } return COM_buildUrl ($url); } /** * Filter the title for a trackback comment we've received * * @param string $title title of the comment * @return string filtered title * */ function TRB_filterTitle ($title) { return htmlspecialchars (COM_checkWords (strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($title)))); } /** * Filter the blog name for a trackback comment we've received * * @param string $blogname blog name for the comment * @return string filtered blog name * */ function TRB_filterBlogname ($blogname) { return htmlspecialchars (COM_checkWords (strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($blogname)))); } /** * Filter the excerpt of a trackback comment we've received * * Note: Does not truncate the excerpt. * * @param string $excerpt excerpt of the trackback comment * @return string filtered excerpt * */ function TRB_filterExcerpt ($excerpt) { return COM_checkWords (strip_tags (COM_stripslashes ($excerpt))); } /** * Check if the current user is allowed to delete trackback comments. * * @param string $sid ID of the parent object of the comment * @param string $type type of the parent object ('article' = story, etc.) * @return boolean true = user can delete the comment, false = nope * */ function TRB_allowDelete ($sid, $type) { global $_TABLES; $allowed = false; if ($type == 'article') { $sid = addslashes ($sid); $result = DB_query ("SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '$sid'" . COM_getPermSql ('AND', 0, 3) . COM_getTopicSql ('AND')); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); if (SEC_hasRights ('story.edit') && (SEC_hasAccess ($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']) == 3)) { $allowed = true; } else { $allowed = false; } } else { $allowed = PLG_handlePingComment ($type, $sid, 'delete'); } return $allowed; } /** * Check a trackback / pingback for spam * * @param string $url URL of the trackback comment * @param string $title title of the comment (set to $url if empty) * @param string $blog name of the blog that sent the comment * @param string $excerpt excerpt from the comment * @return int TRB_SAVE_OK or TRB_SAVE_SPAM * */ function TRB_checkForSpam ($url, $title = '', $blog = '', $excerpt = '') { global $_CONF; $comment = TRB_formatComment ($url, $title, $blog, $excerpt); $result = PLG_checkforSpam ($comment, $_CONF['spamx']); if ($result > 0) { return TRB_SAVE_SPAM; } return TRB_SAVE_OK; } /** * Save a trackback (or pingback) comment. * * Also filters parameters and handles multiple trackbacks from the same source. * * Note: Spam check should have been done before calling this function. * * @param string $sid entry id * @param string $type type of entry ('article' = story, etc.) * @param string $url URL of the trackback comment * @param string $title title of the comment (set to $url if empty) * @param string $blog name of the blog that sent the comment * @param string $excerpt excerpt from the comment * @return int < 0: error, > 0: ID of the trackback comment * */ function TRB_saveTrackbackComment ($sid, $type, $url, $title = '', $blog = '', $excerpt = '') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $url = COM_applyFilter ($url); $title = TRB_filterTitle ($title); $blog = TRB_filterBlogname ($blog); $excerpt = TRB_filterExcerpt ($excerpt); // MT does that, so follow its example ... if (MBYTE_strlen ($excerpt) > 255) { $excerpt = MBYTE_substr ($excerpt, 0, 252) . '...'; } $title = str_replace (array ('$', '{', '}'), array ('$', '{', '~'), $title); $excerpt = str_replace (array ('$', '{', '}'), array ('$', '{', '~'), $excerpt); $blog = str_replace (array ('$', '{', '}'), array ('$', '{', '~'), $blog); $url = addslashes ($url); $title = addslashes ($title); $blog = addslashes ($blog); $excerpt = addslashes ($excerpt); if ($_CONF['multiple_trackbacks'] == 0) { // multiple trackbacks not allowed - check if we have this one already if (DB_count ($_TABLES['trackback'], array ('url', 'sid', 'type'), array ($url, $sid, $type)) >= 1) { return TRB_SAVE_REJECT; } } else if ($_CONF['multiple_trackbacks'] == 1) { // delete any earlier trackbacks from the same URL DB_delete ($_TABLES['trackback'], array ('url', 'sid', 'type'), array ($url, $sid, $type)); } // else: multiple trackbacks allowed DB_save ($_TABLES['trackback'], 'sid,url,title,blog,excerpt,date,type,ipaddress', "'$sid','$url','$title','$blog','$excerpt',NOW(),'$type','{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'"); $comment_id = DB_insertId (); if ($type == 'article') { DB_query ("UPDATE {$_TABLES['stories']} SET trackbacks = trackbacks + 1 WHERE (sid = '$sid')"); } return $comment_id; } /** * Delete a trackback comment * * Note: Permission checks have to be done by the caller. * * @param int $cid ID of the trackback comment * @return void * */ function TRB_deleteTrackbackComment ($cid) { global $_TABLES; $cid = addslashes ($cid); DB_delete ($_TABLES['trackback'], 'cid', $cid); } /** * Format one trackback comment for display * * Note: $excerpt is not truncated - this should have been done elsewhere * * @param string $url URL of the trackback comment * @param string $title title of the comment (set to $url if empty) * @param string $blog name of the blog that sent the comment * @param string $excerpt excerpt from the comment * @param timestamp $date date and time when the comment was sent * @param boolean $delete_option whether to display a link to delete the trackback comment * @param string $cid id of this trackback comment * @param string $ipaddress IP address the comment was sent from * @param string $token security token * @return string HTML of the formatted trackback comment * */ function TRB_formatComment ($url, $title = '', $blog = '', $excerpt = '', $date = 0, $delete_option = false, $cid = '', $ipaddress = '', $token = '') { global $_CONF, $LANG01, $LANG_TRB, $MESSAGE; if (empty ($title)) { $title = $url; } if ($date == 0) { $date = time (); } $curtime = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($date); $template = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'trackback'); $template->set_file (array ('comment' => 'formattedcomment.thtml')); $template->set_var ('lang_from', $LANG_TRB['from']); $template->set_var ('lang_tracked_on', $LANG_TRB['tracked_on']); $template->set_var ('lang_readmore', $LANG_TRB['read_more']); $anchor = '<a href="' . $url . '">'; $readmore = COM_createLink($LANG_TRB['read_more'], $url); $template->set_var ('readmore_link', $readmore); $template->set_var ('start_readmore_anchortag', $anchor); $template->set_var ('end_readmore_anchortag', '</a>'); $template->set_var ('trackback_url', $url); $template->set_var ('trackback_title', $title); $template->set_var ('trackback_blog_name', $blog); $template->set_var ('trackback_date', $curtime[0]); if (empty ($blog)) { $template->set_var ('trackback_from_blog_name', ''); } else { $template->set_var ('trackback_from_blog_name', $LANG_TRB['from'] . ' ' . $blog); } if (empty ($excerpt)) { $template->set_var ('trackback_excerpt', ''); $template->set_var ('trackback_excerpt_readmore', ''); $template->set_var ('excerpt_br', ''); } else { $template->set_var ('trackback_excerpt', $excerpt); $template->set_var ('trackback_excerpt_readmore', $excerpt . ' ' . $readmore); $template->set_var ('excerpt_br', '<br' . XHTML . '>'); } $deloption = ''; if ($delete_option) { $deloption .= '[ '; $deloption .= COM_createLink($LANG01[28], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/trackback.php?mode=delete&cid=' . $cid . '&' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token, array('onclick'=> "return confirm('{$MESSAGE[76]}');") ); if (!empty ($ipaddress)) { if (empty ($_CONF['ip_lookup'])) { $deloption .= ' | ' . $ipaddress; } else { $iplookup = str_replace ('*', $ipaddress, $_CONF['ip_lookup']); $deloption .= ' | ' . COM_createLink($ipaddress, $iplookup); } } $deloption .= ' ]'; } $template->set_var ('delete_option', $deloption); $template->parse ('output', 'comment'); return $template->finish ($template->get_var ('output')); } /** * Perform a backlink check on an HTML page * * @param string $body complete HTML page to check * @param string $urlToCheck URL to find in that page * @return boolean true: found a link to us; false: no link to us * */ function TRB_containsBacklink ($body, $urlToCheck) { global $_CONF; if (($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 3) == 0) { // we shouldn't be here - don't do anything return true; } $retval = false; preg_match_all ("/<a[^>]*href=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"'][^>]*>/i", $body, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < count ($matches[0]); $i++) { if ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 1) { if (strpos ($matches[1][$i], $urlToCheck) === 0) { // found it! $retval = true; break; } } else { if ($matches[1][$i] == $urlToCheck) { // found it! $retval = true; break; } } } return $retval; } /** * Check if a given web page links to us * * @param string $sid ID of entry that got pinged * @param string $type type of that entry ('article' for stories, etc.) * @param string $urlToGet URL of the page that supposedly links to us * @return boolean true = links to us, false = doesn't * */ function TRB_linksToUs ($sid, $type, $urlToGet) { global $_CONF; if (!isset ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'])) { $_CONF['check_trackback_link'] = 2; } if (($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 3) == 0) { // we shouldn't be here - don't do anything return true; } require_once ('HTTP/Request.php'); $retval = false; if ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 2) { // build the URL of the pinged page on our site $urlToCheck = PLG_getItemInfo($type, $sid, 'url'); } else { // check only against the site_url $urlToCheck = $_CONF['site_url']; } $req = new HTTP_Request ($urlToGet); $req->addHeader ('User-Agent', 'Geeklog/' . VERSION); $response = $req->sendRequest (); if (PEAR::isError ($response)) { COM_errorLog ("Trackback verification: " . $response->getMessage() . " when requesting $urlToGet"); } else { if ($req->getResponseCode () == 200) { $body = $req->getResponseBody (); $retval = TRB_containsBacklink ($body, $urlToCheck); } else { COM_errorLog ("Trackback verification: Got HTTP response code " . $req->getResponseCode () . " when requesting $urlToGet"); } } return $retval; } /** * Handles a trackback ping for an entry. * * Also takes care of the speedlimit and spam. Assumes that the caller of this * function has already checked permissions! * * Note: Error messages are XML-formatted and echo'd out directly, as they * are supposed to be processed by some sort of software. * * @param string $sid ID of entry that got pinged * @param string $type type of that entry ('article' for stories, etc.) * @return boolean true = success, false = an error occured * * P.S. "Critical" errors are rejected with a HTTP 403 Forbidden status code. * According to RFC2616, this status code means * "The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. * Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated." * See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.4 * */ function TRB_handleTrackbackPing ($sid, $type = 'article') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; // Note: Error messages are hard-coded in English since there is no way of // knowing which language the sender of the trackback ping may prefer. $TRB_ERROR = array ( 'no_url' => 'No URL given.', 'rejected' => 'Multiple posts not allowed.', 'spam' => 'Spam detected.', 'speedlimit' => 'Your last trackback comment was %d seconds ago. This site requires at least %d seconds between trackback comments.', 'no_link' => 'Trackback rejected as you do not seem to link to us.' ); // the speed limit applies to trackback comments, too if (isset ($_CONF['trackbackspeedlimit'])) { $speedlimit = $_CONF['trackbackspeedlimit']; } else { $speedlimit = $_CONF['commentspeedlimit']; } COM_clearSpeedlimit ($speedlimit, 'trackback'); $last = COM_checkSpeedlimit ('trackback'); if ($last > 0) { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, sprintf ($TRB_ERROR['speedlimit'], $last, $speedlimit), 403, 'Forbidden'); TRB_logRejected ('Speedlimit', $_POST['url']); return false; } // update speed limit now in any case COM_updateSpeedlimit ('trackback'); if (isset ($_POST['url'])) { // a URL is mandatory ... if (substr ($_POST['url'], 0, 4) != 'http') { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, $TRB_ERROR['no_url'], 403, 'Forbidden'); TRB_logRejected ('No valid URL', $_POST['url']); return false; } // do spam check on the unfiltered post $result = TRB_checkForSpam ($_POST['url'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['blog_name'], $_POST['excerpt']); if ($result == TRB_SAVE_SPAM) { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, $TRB_ERROR['spam'], 403, 'Forbidden'); TRB_logRejected ('Spam detected', $_POST['url']); return false; } if (!isset ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'])) { $_CONF['check_trackback_link'] = 2; } if ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 4) { $parts = parse_url ($_POST['url']); if (empty ($parts['host'])) { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, $TRB_ERROR['no_url'], 403, 'Forbidden'); TRB_logRejected ('No valid URL', $_POST['url']); return false; } else { $ip = gethostbyname ($parts['host']); if ($ip != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, $TRB_ERROR['spam'], 403, 'Forbidden'); TRB_logRejected ('IP address mismatch', $_POST['url']); return false; } } } if ($_CONF['check_trackback_link'] & 3) { if (!TRB_linksToUs ($sid, $type, $_POST['url'])) { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, $TRB_ERROR['no_link'], 403, 'Forbidden'); $comment = TRB_formatComment ($_POST['url'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['blog_name'], $_POST['excerpt']); PLG_spamAction ($comment, $_CONF['spamx']); TRB_logRejected ('No link to us', $_POST['url']); return false; } } $saved = TRB_saveTrackbackComment ($sid, $type, $_POST['url'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['blog_name'], $_POST['excerpt']); if ($saved == TRB_SAVE_REJECT) { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, $TRB_ERROR['rejected'], 403, 'Forbidden'); TRB_logRejected ('Multiple Trackbacks', $_POST['url']); return false; } if (isset ($_CONF['notification']) && in_array ('trackback', $_CONF['notification'])) { TRB_sendNotificationEmail ($saved, 'trackback'); } TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (0); return true; } else { TRB_sendTrackbackResponse (1, $TRB_ERROR['no_url']); TRB_logRejected ('No URL', $_POST['url']); } return false; } /** * Render all the trackback comments for a specific entry * * @param string $sid entry id * @param string $type type of entry ('article' = story, etc.) * @param string $title the entry's title * @param string $permalink link to the entry * @param string trackback_url trackback URL for this entry * @return string HTML (formatted list of trackback comments) * */ function TRB_renderTrackbackComments ($sid, $type, $title, $permalink, $trackback_url = '') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_TRB; $link_and_title = COM_createLink($title, $permalink); if (empty ($trackback_url)) { $trackback_url = TRB_makeTrackbackUrl ($sid, $type); } $template = COM_newTemplate($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'trackback'); $template->set_file (array ('trackback' => 'trackback.thtml', 'comment' => 'trackbackcomment.thtml')); $template->set_var ('lang_trackback', $LANG_TRB['trackback']); $template->set_var ('lang_trackback_url', $LANG_TRB['this_trackback_url']); $template->set_var ('permalink', $permalink); $template->set_var ('permalink_and_title', $link_and_title); $template->set_var ('trackback_url', $trackback_url); $result = DB_query ("SELECT cid,url,title,blog,excerpt,ipaddress,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day " . "FROM {$_TABLES['trackback']} WHERE sid = '$sid' AND type = '$type' ORDER BY date"); $numrows = DB_numRows ($result); $template->set_var ('trackback_comment_count', $numrows); $num_comments = sprintf ($LANG_TRB['num_comments'], $numrows); $template->set_var ('trackback_comment_text', $num_comments); if ($numrows == 0) { $template->set_var ('lang_trackback_comments', $LANG_TRB['no_comments']); $template->set_var ('lang_trackback_comments_no_link', $LANG_TRB['no_comments']); } else { $template->set_var ('lang_trackback_comments', sprintf ($LANG_TRB['intro_text'], $link_and_title)); $template->set_var ('lang_trackback_comments_no_link', sprintf ($LANG_TRB['intro_text'], $title)); } $delete_option = TRB_allowDelete ($sid, $type); $token = ''; if ($delete_option && ($numrows > 0)) { $token = SEC_createToken(); } for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $comment = TRB_formatComment ($A['url'], $A['title'], $A['blog'], $A['excerpt'], $A['day'], $delete_option, $A['cid'], $A['ipaddress'], $token); $template->set_var ('formatted_comment', $comment); $template->parse ('trackback_comments', 'comment', true); } $template->parse ('output', 'trackback'); return $template->finish ($template->get_var ('output')); } /** * Send a trackback ping * * Based on a code snippet by Jannis Hermanns, * http://www.jannis.to/programming/trackback.html * * @param string $targeturl URL to ping * @param string $url URL of our entry * @param string $title title of our entry * @param string $excerpt text excerpt from our entry * @param string $blog name of our Geeklog site * @return mixed true = success, otherwise: error message * */ function TRB_sendTrackbackPing ($targeturl, $url, $title, $excerpt, $blog = '') { global $_CONF, $LANG_TRB; if (empty ($blog)) { $blog = $_CONF['site_name']; } $target = parse_url ($targeturl); if (!isset ($target['query'])) { $target['query'] = ''; } else if (!empty ($target['query'])) { $target['query'] = '?' . $target['query']; } if (!isset ($target['port']) || !is_numeric ($target['port'])) { $target['port'] = 80; } $sock = fsockopen ($target['host'], $target['port']); if (!is_resource ($sock)) { COM_errorLog ('Trackback: Could not connect to ' . $targeturl); return $LANG_TRB['error_socket']; } $toSend = 'url=' . rawurlencode($url) . '&title=' . rawurlencode($title) . '&blog_name=' . rawurlencode($blog) . '&excerpt=' . rawurlencode($excerpt); $charset = COM_getCharset (); fputs ($sock, 'POST ' . $target['path'] . $target['query'] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fputs ($sock, 'Host: ' . $target['host'] . "\r\n"); fputs ($sock, 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . $charset . "\r\n"); fputs ($sock, 'Content-length: ' . MBYTE_strlen ($toSend) . "\r\n"); fputs ($sock, 'User-Agent: Geeklog/' . VERSION . "\r\n"); fputs ($sock, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); fputs ($sock, $toSend); $res = ''; while (!feof ($sock)) { $res .= fgets ($sock, 128); } fclose($sock); // firing up the XML parser for this would be overkill ... $r1 = strpos ($res, '<error>'); $r2 = strpos ($res, '</error>'); if (($r1 === false) || ($r2 === false)) { return $LANG_TRB['error_response']; } $r1 += strlen ('<error>'); $e = trim (substr ($res, $r1, $r2 - $r1)); if ($e != 0) { $r1 = strpos ($res, '<message>'); $r2 = strpos ($res, '</message>'); $r1 += strlen ('<message>'); if (($r1 === false) || ($r2 === false)) { return $LANG_TRB['error_unspecified']; } $m = trim (substr ($res, $r1, $r2 - $r1)); return $m; } return true; } /** * Attempt to auto-detect the Trackback URL of a post. * * @param string $url URL of post with embedded RDF for the Trackback URL * @return mixed Trackback URL, or false on error * * Note: The RDF, if found, is only parsed using a regular expression. Using * the XML parser may be more successful on some occassions ... * */ function TRB_detectTrackbackUrl ($url) { require_once ('HTTP/Request.php'); $retval = false; $req = new HTTP_Request ($url); $req->setMethod (HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET); $req->addHeader ('User-Agent', 'Geeklog/' . VERSION); $response = $req->sendRequest (); if (PEAR::isError ($response)) { COM_errorLog ('TRB_detectTrackbackUrl: ' . $response->getMessage()); return false; } $page = $req->getResponseBody (); // search for the RDF first $startpos = strpos ($page, '<rdf:RDF '); if ($startpos !== false) { $endpos = strpos ($page, '</rdf:RDF>', $startpos); $endpos += strlen ('</rdf:RDF>'); $rdf = substr ($page, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos); // Okay, we COULD fire up the XML parser now. But then again ... if (preg_match ('/trackback:ping="(.*)"/', $rdf, $matches) == 1) { if (!empty ($matches[1])) { $retval = $matches[1]; } } } // no luck with the RDF? try searching for a rel="trackback" link if ($retval === false) { // remove all linefeeds first to help the regexp below $page = str_replace(array("\015", "\012"), '', $page); preg_match_all( "/<a[^>]*href=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"'][^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/i", $page, $matches ); for ($i = 0; $i < count ($matches[0]); $i++) { $link = $matches[0][$i]; if (strpos ($link, 'rel="trackback"') !== false) { $retval = $matches[1][$i]; break; } } } return $retval; } /** * Send a notification email when a new trackback comment has been posted * * @param int $cid ID of the trackback comment * @param string $what type of notification: 'trackback' or 'pingback' * @return void * */ function TRB_sendNotificationEmail ($cid, $what = 'trackback') { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG03, $LANG08, $LANG09, $LANG29, $LANG_TRB; $cid = addslashes ($cid); $result = DB_query ("SELECT sid,type,title,excerpt,url,blog,ipaddress FROM {$_TABLES['trackback']} WHERE (cid = '$cid')"); $A = DB_fetchArray ($result); $type = $A['type']; $id = $A['sid']; $mailbody = ''; if (!empty ($A['title'])) { $mailbody .= $LANG03[16] . ': ' . $A['title'] . "\n"; } $mailbody .= $LANG_TRB['blog_name'] . ': '; if (!empty ($A['blog'])) { $mailbody .= $A['blog'] . ' '; } $mailbody .= '(' . $A['ipaddress'] . ")\n"; $mailbody .= $LANG29[12] . ': ' . $A['url'] . "\n"; if ($type != 'article') { $mailbody .= $LANG09[5] . ': ' . $type . "\n"; } if (!empty ($A['excerpt'])) { // the excerpt is max. 255 characters long anyway, so we add it // in its entirety $mailbody .= $A['excerpt'] . "\n\n"; } // assume that plugins follow the convention and have a 'trackback' anchor $trackbackurl = PLG_getItemInfo($type, $id, 'url') . '#trackback'; $mailbody .= $LANG08[33] . ' <' . $trackbackurl . ">\n\n"; $mailbody .= "\n------------------------------\n"; $mailbody .= "\n$LANG08[34]\n"; $mailbody .= "\n------------------------------\n"; if ($what == 'pingback') { $mailsubject = $_CONF['site_name'] . ' ' . $LANG_TRB['pingback']; } else { $mailsubject = $_CONF['site_name'] . ' ' . $LANG_TRB['trackback']; } COM_mail ($_CONF['site_mail'], $mailsubject, $mailbody); } ?>