File: lib-webservices.php
<?php /* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */ // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Geeklog 1.8 | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | lib-webservices.php | // | | // | WS-related functions needed in more than one place. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2007-2010 by the following authors: | // | | // | Authors: Ramnath R Iyer - rri AT silentyak DOT com | // | Dirk Haun - dirk AT haun-online DOT de | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | // | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | // | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, | // | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | // | | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Implementation of the Webservices functions for the Atom Publishing Protocol * (AtomPub). */ if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'lib-webservices.php') !== false) { die('This file can not be used on its own!'); } /** * Namespaces */ define('WS_ATOM_NS', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'); define('WS_APP_NS', 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app'); define('WS_APP_NS2', 'http://purl.org/atom/app#'); define('WS_EXTN_NS', 'http://www.geeklog.net/xmlns/app/gl'); $WS_PLUGIN = ''; $WS_INTROSPECTION = false; $WS_TEXT = ''; // Set = true to enable verbose logging (in error.log) $WS_VERBOSE = false; /** * Displays an error message with the appropriate HTTP error-code * * @param string $error_code the name of the error * @param string $error_desc a short description of the actual error (optional) */ function WS_error($error_code, $error_desc = '') { global $_CONF, $WS_VERBOSE; header('Content-type: text/plain'); switch ($error_code) { case PLG_RET_PRECONDITION_FAILED: header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 412 Precondition Failed'); if (empty($error_desc)) { $error_desc = 'Precondition Failed'; } break; case PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED: header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 403 Forbidden'); if (empty($error_desc)) { $error_desc = 'Forbidden'; } break; case PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED: $realm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_\. ]/', '', $_CONF['site_name']); header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 401 Unauthorized'); header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $realm . '"'); if (empty($error_desc)) { $error_desc = 'Unauthorized'; } break; case PLG_RET_ERROR: header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 400 Bad Request'); if (empty($error_desc)) { $error_desc = 'Bad Request'; } break; } if (empty($error_desc)) { $error_desc = 'Error'; } if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Error $error_code ('$error_desc')"); } // Output exact error message here echo trim($error_desc); exit(); } /** * Dissects the URI and obtains parameters * * @param array &$args the array to store any input parameters */ function WS_dissectURI(&$args) { global $WS_PLUGIN, $WS_INTROSPECTION, $WS_VERBOSE; $WS_PLUGIN = ''; $args = array(); if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Dissecting URI '" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "'"); } $uri_parts = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); foreach ($uri_parts as $param) { $uri_parts = explode('=', $param); $param_key = COM_applyFilter($uri_parts[0]); if (count($uri_parts) > 1) { $param_val = COM_applyFilter($uri_parts[1]); } switch ($param_key) { case 'introspection': $WS_INTROSPECTION = true; case 'plugin': if (!empty($param_val)) { $WS_PLUGIN = $param_val; } break; default: if (!empty($param_val)) { $args[$param_key] = $param_val; } break; } } } /** * Handles the POST request */ function WS_post() { global $_CONF, $WS_PLUGIN, $WS_VERBOSE; if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: POST request received"); } WS_dissectURI($args); $args['category'] = array(); WS_xmlToArgs($args); /* The default action is submit */ if (empty($args['action'])) { $action = 'submit'; } // @TODO Store array $args // object id has already been stored from the URI /* Indicates that the method are being called by the webservice */ $args['gl_svc'] = true; // provide convenient access to the 'Slug:' header, if available if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SLUG'])) { $args['slug'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_SLUG']; } else { $args['slug'] = ''; } // Call PLG_invokeService here $ret = PLG_invokeService($WS_PLUGIN, $action, $args, $out, $svc_msg); if ($ret == PLG_RET_OK) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 201 Created'); header('Location: ' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/webservices/atom/?plugin=' . $WS_PLUGIN . '&id' . '=' . $svc_msg['id']); /* While RFC 5023 only states that the server SHOULD return the created * entry, some clients (e.g. Tim Bray's APE) seem to insist on it. * So let's see what we can do ... */ $getargs = array(); $getargs['gl_svc'] = true; $getargs['id'] = $svc_msg['id']; $ret = PLG_invokeService($WS_PLUGIN, 'get', $getargs, $out, $svc_msg); if ($ret == PLG_RET_OK) { $atom_doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $entry_elem = $atom_doc->createElementNS(WS_ATOM_NS, 'atom:entry'); $atom_doc->appendChild($entry_elem); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_APP_NS, 'app:entry'); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_EXTN_NS, 'gl:entry'); WS_arrayToEntryXML($out, $svc_msg['output_fields'], $entry_elem, $atom_doc); WS_write($atom_doc->saveXML()); } return; } WS_error($ret, $svc_msg['error_desc']); } /** * Handles the PUT request */ function WS_put() { global $_CONF, $WS_PLUGIN, $WS_VERBOSE; if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: PUT request received"); } WS_dissectURI($args); WS_xmlToArgs($args); // @TODO Store array $args // object id has already been stored from the URI /* Indicates that the method are being called by the webservice */ $args['gl_svc'] = true; $args['gl_edit'] = true; $args['gl_etag'] = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MATCH'])) { $args['gl_etag'] = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MATCH'], '"'); } // Call PLG_invokeService here $ret = PLG_invokeService($WS_PLUGIN, 'submit', $args, $out, $svc_msg); if ($ret == PLG_RET_OK) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 200 OK'); return; } if (!isset($svc_msg['error_desc'])) { $svc_msg['error_desc'] = ''; } WS_error($ret, $svc_msg['error_desc']); } /** * Handles the GET request */ function WS_get() { global $_CONF, $WS_PLUGIN, $WS_INTROSPECTION, $WS_VERBOSE, $_PLUGINS; if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: GET request received"); } WS_dissectURI($args); if ($WS_INTROSPECTION) { header('Content-type: application/atomsvc+xml; charset=UTF-8'); $atom_uri = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/webservices/atom/'; /* Determine which plugins have webservices enabled */ $_ws_plugins = array(); /* Handle the story 'plugin' separately */ if (PLG_wsEnabled('story')) { $_ws_plugins[] = 'story'; } if (is_array($_PLUGINS)) { foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi) { if (PLG_wsEnabled($pi)) { $_ws_plugins[] = $pi; } } } /* It might be simpler to do this part directly :-/ */ $atom_doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $root_elem = $atom_doc->createElementNS(WS_APP_NS, 'app:service'); $atom_doc->appendChild($root_elem); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_ATOM_NS, 'atom:service'); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_EXTN_NS, 'gl:service'); $workspace = $atom_doc->createElement('app:workspace'); $root_elem->appendChild($workspace); $title = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:title', $_CONF['site_name']); $workspace->appendChild($title); foreach ($_ws_plugins as $ws_plugin) { $atom_uri_for_plugin = $atom_uri . '?plugin=' . $ws_plugin; $collection = $atom_doc->createElement('app:collection'); $collection->setAttribute('href', $atom_uri_for_plugin); $workspace->appendChild($collection); $title = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:title', $ws_plugin); $collection->appendChild($title); $entry = $atom_doc->createElement('app:accept', 'application/atom+xml;type=entry'); $collection->appendChild($entry); $categories = $atom_doc->createElement('app:categories'); $categories->setAttribute('fixed', 'yes'); $collection->appendChild($categories); $topics = array(); $msg = array(); $ret = PLG_invokeService($ws_plugin, 'getTopicList', null, $topics, $msg); if ($ret == PLG_RET_OK) { foreach ($topics as $t) { $topic = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:category'); $topic->setAttribute('term', htmlentities($t)); $categories->appendChild($topic); } } } WS_write($atom_doc->saveXML()); return; } // @TODO Store array $args // object id has already been stored from the URI /* Indicates that the method is being called by the webservice */ $args['gl_svc'] = true; $ret = PLG_invokeService($WS_PLUGIN, 'get', $args, $out, $svc_msg); if ($ret == PLG_RET_OK) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 200 OK'); header('Content-type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8'); // Output the actual object/objects here if (!$svc_msg['gl_feed']) { /* This is an entry, not a feed */ $etag = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) { $etag = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'], '"'); } if (!empty($etag) && ($out['updated'] == $etag)) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 304 Not Modified'); exit(); } else { header('Etag: "' . $out['updated'] . '"'); } $atom_doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $entry_elem = $atom_doc->createElementNS(WS_ATOM_NS, 'atom:entry'); $atom_doc->appendChild($entry_elem); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_APP_NS, 'app:entry'); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_EXTN_NS, 'gl:entry'); WS_arrayToEntryXML($out, $svc_msg['output_fields'], $entry_elem, $atom_doc); WS_write($atom_doc->saveXML()); } else { /* Output the feed here */ $atom_doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $feed_elem = $atom_doc->createElementNS(WS_ATOM_NS, 'atom:feed'); $atom_doc->appendChild($feed_elem); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_APP_NS, 'app:feed'); $atom_doc->createAttributeNS(WS_EXTN_NS, 'gl:feed'); $feed_id = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:id', $_CONF['site_name']); $feed_elem->appendChild($feed_id); $feed_title = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:title', $_CONF['site_name']); $feed_elem->appendChild($feed_title); $feed_updated = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:updated', date('c')); $feed_elem->appendChild($feed_updated); $feed_link = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:link'); $feed_link->setAttribute('rel', 'self'); $feed_link->setAttribute('type', 'application/atom+xml'); $feed_link->setAttribute('href', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/webservices/atom/?plugin=' . htmlentities($WS_PLUGIN)); $feed_elem->appendChild($feed_link); if (!empty($svc_msg['offset'])) { $next_link = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:link'); $next_link->setAttribute('rel', 'next'); $next_link->setAttribute('type', 'application/atom+xml'); $next_link->setAttribute('href', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/webservices/atom/?plugin=' . htmlentities($WS_PLUGIN) . '&offset=' . $svc_msg['offset']); $feed_elem->appendChild($next_link); } foreach ($out as $entry_array) { $entry_elem = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:entry'); WS_arrayToEntryXML($entry_array, $svc_msg['output_fields'], $entry_elem, $atom_doc); $feed_elem->appendChild($entry_elem); } WS_write($atom_doc->saveXML()); } return; } WS_error($ret, $svc_msg['error_desc']); } /** * Handles the DELETE request */ function WS_delete() { global $_CONF, $WS_PLUGIN, $WS_VERBOSE; if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: DELETE request received"); } WS_dissectURI($args); // @TODO Store array $args // object id has already been stored from the URI /* Indicates that the method are being called by the webservice */ $args['gl_svc'] = true; $ret = PLG_invokeService($WS_PLUGIN, 'delete', $args, $out, $svc_msg); if ($ret == PLG_RET_OK) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 200 OK'); return; } WS_error($ret, $svc_msg['error_desc']); } /** * Get 'content', depending on the type * * @param array &$args the array to which the content is to be appended * @param object $atom_doc current DOMDocument * @param object $node the 'content' node * @todo I guess we could at least support 'text/plain', 'text/html', etc. */ function WS_getContent(&$args, $atom_doc, $node) { $type = (string) $node->getAttribute('type'); if (empty($type)) { $type = 'text'; } switch ($type) { case 'text': case 'text/plain': $args['content'] = (string) $node->nodeValue; $args['content_type'] = 'text'; break; case 'html': case 'text/html': $args['content'] = (string) $node->nodeValue; $args['content_type'] = 'html'; break; case 'xhtml': /* The XHTML div element itself MUST NOT be considered part of the * content. -- RFC 4287, XHTML */ $div = $node->firstChild; if (($div->nodeName == 'div') || ($div->nodeName == 'xhtml:div')) { $args['content'] = ''; foreach ($div->childNodes as $item) { $args['content'] .= $atom_doc->saveXML($item); } $args['content_type'] = 'html'; // it's all the same to us ... } elseif ($div->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) { // hack for Yulup which sometimes sends Text nodes within the XHTML $args['content'] = trim((string) $node->nodeValue); $args['content_type'] = 'html'; } break; default: // we can't handle any other types yet break; } } /** * Converts the input XML into an argument array * * @param array &$args the array to which the arguments are to be appended */ function WS_xmlToArgs(&$args) { global $_USER; /* Previous data in args is NOT deleted */ @$atom_doc = new DOMDocument(); if (!@$atom_doc->load('php://input')) { WS_error(PLG_RET_ERROR, 'Invalid XML document'); } /* Get the entry */ $entry_element = $atom_doc->getElementsByTagName('entry')->item(0); if ($entry_element == null) { WS_error(PLG_RET_ERROR, 'Invalid Atom entry'); } /* Get the action, if it exists */ $action_element = $entry_element->getElementsByTagNameNS(WS_EXTN_NS, 'action')->item(0); $action = ''; if ($action_element != null) { $args['action'] = strtolower((string)($action_element->firstChild->data)); } if ($entry_element->hasChildNodes()) { $nodes = $entry_element->childNodes; $args['category'] = array(); for ($index = 0; $index < $nodes->length; $index++) { $node = $nodes->item($index); if (($node->namespaceURI != WS_ATOM_NS) && ($node->namespaceURI != WS_APP_NS) && ($node->namespaceURI != WS_APP_NS2) && ($node->namespaceURI != WS_EXTN_NS)) { continue; } switch ($node->localName) { case 'author': $author_name_element = $node->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0); if ($author_name_element != null) { $args['author_name'] = (string)($author_name_element->firstChild->nodeValue); } $author_uid_element = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(WS_EXTN_NS, 'uid')->item(0); if ($author_uid_element != null) { $args['uid'] = (string)($author_uid_element->firstChild->nodeValue); } break; case 'category': $args['category'][] = (string)$node->getAttribute('term'); break; case 'updated': $args['updated'] = (string)$node->firstChild->nodeValue; break; case 'edited': $args['edited'] = (string)$node->firstChild->nodeValue; break; case 'published': $args['published'] = (string)$node->firstChild->nodeValue; break; case 'content': WS_getContent($args, $atom_doc, $node); break; case 'control': if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $child_nodes = $node->childNodes; if ($child_nodes == null) { continue; } $args[$node->localName] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $child_nodes->length; $i++) { $child_node = $child_nodes->item($i); if ($child_node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($child_node->firstChild->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) { $args[$node->localName][$child_node->localName] = $child_node->firstChild->nodeValue; break; } } } } break; default: if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $is_array = 1; $child_nodes = $node->childNodes; if ($child_nodes == null) continue; $args[$node->localName] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $child_nodes->length; $i++) { $child_node = $child_nodes->item($i); if ($child_node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) { $args[$node->localName] = $child_node->nodeValue; continue; } elseif ($child_node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($child_node->firstChild->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) { $args[$node->localName][$node->firstChild->localName] = $child_node->firstChild->nodeValue; } } elseif ($child_node->nodeType == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { $args[$node->localName] = $child_node->nodeValue; } } } } } $timestamp = date('c'); if (!empty($args['published'])) { $timestamp = $args['published']; } elseif (!empty($args['updated'])) { $timestamp = $args['updated']; } elseif (!empty($args['edited'])) { $timestamp = $args['edited']; } $args['publish_month'] = date('m', strtotime($timestamp)); $args['publish_year'] = date('Y', strtotime($timestamp)); $args['publish_day'] = date('d', strtotime($timestamp)); $args['publish_hour'] = date('H', strtotime($timestamp)); $args['publish_minute'] = date('i', strtotime($timestamp)); $args['publish_second'] = date('s', strtotime($timestamp)); if (isset($args['control']) && is_array($args['control'])) { foreach ($args['control'] as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'draft') { $args['draft_flag'] = ($value == 'yes' ? 1 : 0); break; } } } if (empty($args['uid'])) { $args['uid'] = $_USER['uid']; } } } /** * Converts an array into an XML entry node * * @param array $arr the array which is to be converted into XML * @param array $extn_elements Geeklog-specific extension elements * @param object &$entry_elem entry to append to * @param DOMDocument &$atom_doc the Atom document to which the entry should be appended */ function WS_arrayToEntryXML($arr, $extn_elements, &$entry_elem, &$atom_doc) { global $_CONF, $WS_PLUGIN; /* Standard Atom elements */ $id = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:id', $arr['id']); $entry_elem->appendChild($id); if (!empty($arr['published'])) { $published = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:published', $arr['published']); $entry_elem->appendChild($published); } $updated = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:updated', $arr['updated']); $entry_elem->appendChild($updated); if (!isset($arr['edited'])) { $lasted = $arr['updated']; } else { $lasted = $arr['edited']; } $edited = $atom_doc->createElement('app:edited', $lasted); $entry_elem->appendChild($edited); $title = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:title', $arr['title']); $title->setAttribute('type', 'text'); $entry_elem->appendChild($title); foreach ($arr['category'] as $topic) { $category = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:category'); $category->setAttribute('term', $topic); $entry_elem->appendChild($category); } if (!empty($arr['summary'])) { $summary = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:summary', $arr['summary']); $summary->setAttribute('type', $arr['content_type']); $entry_elem->appendChild($summary); } if (!empty($arr['id'])) { $link_self = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:link'); $link_self->setAttribute('rel', 'edit'); $link_self->setAttribute('type', 'application/atom+xml'); $link_self->setAttribute('href', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/webservices/atom/?plugin=' . htmlentities($WS_PLUGIN) . '&id=' . htmlentities($arr['id'])); $entry_elem->appendChild($link_self); } $content = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:content', $arr['content']); $content->setAttribute('type', $arr['content_type']); $entry_elem->appendChild($content); $author = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:author'); $author_name = $atom_doc->createElement('atom:name', $arr['author_name']); $author->appendChild($author_name); $entry_elem->appendChild($author); // if there's a draft flag and it's == 1, export it as <app:draft> $draft = 0; if (isset($arr['draft_flag']) && ($arr['draft_flag'] == 1)) { $draft = 1; } if ($draft == 1) { $control = $atom_doc->createElement('app:control'); $draft = $atom_doc->createElement('app:draft', 'yes'); $control->appendChild($draft); $entry_elem->appendChild($control); } // Geeklog-specific elements foreach ($extn_elements as $elem) { if (isset($arr[$elem])) { if (is_array($arr[$elem])) { $count = 0; $extn_elem = $atom_doc->createElement('gl:' . $elem); foreach ($arr[$elem] as $param) { if (empty($param)) { continue; } $count += 1; $param_elem = $atom_doc->createElement('gl:param', $param); $extn_elem->appendChild($param_elem); } if ($count > 0) { $entry_elem->appendChild($extn_elem); } } else { $extn_elem = $atom_doc->createElement('gl:' . $elem, $arr[$elem]); if (!empty($arr[$elem])) { $entry_elem->appendChild($extn_elem); } } } } return $entry_elem; } /** * Authenticates the user if authentication headers are present * * Our handling of the speedlimit here requires some explanation ... * Atompub clients will usually try to do everything without logging in first. * Since that would mean that we can't provide feeds for drafts, items with * special permissions, etc. we ask them to log in (PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED). * That, however, means that every request from an Atompub client will count * as one failed login attempt. So doing a couple of requests in quick * succession will surely get the client blocked. Therefore * - a request without any login credentials counts as one failed login attempt * - a request with wrong login credentials counts as two failed login attempts * - if, after a successful login, we have only one failed attempt on record, * we reset the speedlimit * This still ensures that * - repeated failed logins (without or with invalid credentials) will cause the * client to be blocked eventually * - this can not be used for dictionary attacks * */ function WS_authenticate() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_GROUPS, $_RIGHTS, $WS_VERBOSE; $uid = ''; $username = ''; $password = ''; $status = -1; if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { $username = COM_applyBasicFilter($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']); $password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Attempting to log in user '$username'"); } /** this does not work! ******************************************************* } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WSSE']) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WSSE'], 'UsernameToken') !== false)) { // this is loosely based on a code snippet taken from Elgg (elgg.org) $wsse = str_replace('UsernameToken', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_WSSE']); $wsse = explode(',', $wsse); $username = ''; $pwdigest = ''; $created = ''; $nonce = ''; foreach ($wsse as $element) { $element = explode('=', $element); $key = array_shift($element); if (count($element) == 1) { $val = $element[0]; } else { $val = implode('=', $element); } $key = trim($key); $val = trim($val, "\x22\x27"); if ($key == 'Username') { $username = COM_applyBasicFilter($val); } elseif ($key == 'PasswordDigest') { $pwdigest = $val; } elseif ($key == 'Created') { $created = $val; } elseif ($key == 'Nonce') { $nonce = $val; } } if (!empty($username) && !empty($pwdigest) && !empty($created) && !empty($nonce)) { $uname = addslashes($username); $pwd = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'passwd', "username = '$uname'"); // ... and here we would need the _unencrypted_ password if (!empty($pwd)) { $mydigest = pack('H*', sha1($nonce . $created . $pwd)); $mydigest = base64_encode($mydigest); if ($pwdigest == $mydigest) { $password = $pwd; } } } if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Attempting to log in user '$username' (via WSSE)"); } ******************************************************************************/ } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { /* PHP installed as CGI may not have access to authorization headers of * Apache. In that case, use .htaccess to store the auth header as * explained at * http://wiki.geeklog.net/wiki/index.php/Webservices_API#Authentication */ list($auth_type, $auth_data) = explode(' ', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); list($username, $password) = explode(':', base64_decode($auth_data)); $username = COM_applyBasicFilter($username); if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Attempting to log in user '$username' (via \$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])"); } } else { if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: No login given"); } // fallthrough (see below) } COM_clearSpeedlimit($_CONF['login_speedlimit'], 'wsauth'); if (COM_checkSpeedlimit('wsauth', $_CONF['login_attempts']) > 0) { WS_error(PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Speed Limit exceeded'); } if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) { if ($_CONF['user_login_method']['3rdparty']) { // remote users will have to use username@servicename $u = explode('@', $username); if (count($u) > 1) { $sv = $u[count($u) - 1]; if (!empty($sv)) { $modules = SEC_collectRemoteAuthenticationModules(); foreach ($modules as $smod) { if (strcasecmp($sv, $smod) == 0) { array_pop($u); // drop the service name $uname = implode('@', $u); $status = SEC_remoteAuthentication($uname, $password, $smod, $uid); break; } } } } } if (($status == -1) && $_CONF['user_login_method']['standard']) { $status = SEC_authenticate($username, $password, $uid); } } if ($status == USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE) { $_USER = SESS_getUserDataFromId($uid); PLG_loginUser($_USER['uid']); // Global array of groups current user belongs to $_GROUPS = SEC_getUserGroups($_USER['uid']); // Global array of current user permissions [read,edit] $_RIGHTS = explode(',', SEC_getUserPermissions()); if ($_CONF['restrict_webservices']) { if (!SEC_hasRights('webservices.atompub')) { COM_updateSpeedlimit('wsauth'); if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: User '{$_USER['username']}' ({$_USER['uid']}) does not have permission to use the webservices"); } // reset user, groups, and rights, just in case ... $_USER = array(); $_GROUPS = array(); $_RIGHTS = array(); WS_error(PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED); } } if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: User '{$_USER['username']}' ({$_USER['uid']}) successfully logged in"); } // if there were less than 2 failed login attempts, reset speedlimit if (COM_checkSpeedlimit('wsauth', 2) == 0) { if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Successful login - resetting speedlimit"); } COM_resetSpeedlimit('wsauth'); } } else { COM_updateSpeedlimit('wsauth'); if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) { COM_updateSpeedlimit('wsauth'); if ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Wrong login credentials - counting as 2 failed attempts"); } } elseif ($WS_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog("WS: Empty login credentials - counting as 1 failed attempt"); } WS_error(PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED); } } /** * Buffers text for output * * @param string $text the text to be written */ function WS_write($text) { global $WS_TEXT; $WS_TEXT .= $text; } /** * Writes buffered text to output */ function WS_writeSync() { global $WS_TEXT; echo $WS_TEXT; } /** * Create a new ID, preferrably from a provided 'Slug:' header * * For more information on the 'Slug:' header, see RFC 5023, section 9.7 * * @param string $slug Content of the 'Slug:' header * @param int $max_length max. length of the created ID * @return string new ID * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5023#section-9.7 * */ function WS_makeId($slug = '', $max_length = 40) { $sid = COM_makeSid(); if (strpos($slug, '%') !== false) { // we'll end up removing most of the %-encoded characters anyway ... $slug = ''; } $slug = trim($slug); if (!empty($slug)) { // make it more ID-like $slug = str_replace(' ', '-', $slug); $slug = strtolower($slug); $id = COM_sanitizeID($slug . '-' . $sid); if (strlen($id) > $max_length) { // 'slug-sid' would make for nicer IDs but if we have to shorten // them, they're probably not unique any more. So swap order. $id = $sid . '-' . $slug; } } else { $id = $sid; } return substr(COM_sanitizeID($id), 0, $max_length); } ?>