File: config.php.in
<?php // Copyright (c) 2005 Help Center Live. All Rights Reserved // This file is part of Help Center Live. // Help Center Live is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Help Center Live is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Help Center Live; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // Contributors: Michael Bird // File Comments: // This file contains configuration settings that need to altered // in order for Help Center Live to work, and other settings that // we thought you might want to change. Read the comment before // each string in order to understand what it should contain */ // Database info // Your database DNS host name, usually localhost $conf['host'] = '@@DB_MAIN_HOST@@'; // The name of the database that contains/will contain the HCL // tables. $conf['database'] = '@@DB_MAIN_NAME@@'; // The username used to access the database. $conf['username'] = '@@DB_MAIN_LOGIN@@'; // The password for this username $conf['password'] = '@@DB_MAIN_PASSWORD@@'; // You may want to make the tables have a prefix if it is a shared database $conf['prefix'] = '@@DB_MAIN_PREFIX@@'; // The length of time in seconds that the database cache will be kept $conf['expire'] = @@EXPIRE@@; //24 hours // Installation info // If you have safe_mode set to 'on' in your php.ini, change this to true $conf['safe_mode'] = false; // The URL where HCL is installed $conf['url'] = '@@BASE_URL_SCHEME@@://@@BASE_URL_HOST@@/@@BASE_URL_PATH@@'; // Monitor visitor activity as well as chats in the request monitor $conf['monitor_traffic'] = @@MONITOR_TRAFFIC@@; // The polling method you wish to use $conf['poll'] = 'load_balanced'; // Block IP's from starting a chat - comma separated list. $conf['block'] = ','; // Allow booting of operators $conf['boot_client'] = @@BOOT_CLIENT@@; // Allow operators to delete transcripts $conf['opdelete']= @@OPDELETE@@; // Place in demo mode, system will constantly set the admin user and password to admin/admin // Don't be stupid and do this on a production system, it's simply to allow testing without // having some smuck lock you out //$conf['demomode']=true; // Regional info // The language you wish to use $conf['lang'] = '@@LOCALE@@'; // Time offset from GMT $conf['offset'] = @@OFFSET@@; // Misc info // Your company or web site's name $conf['company'] = '@@COMPANY_NAME@@'; // The template you wish to use $conf['template'] = '@@TEMPLATE@@'; // Will display a link to the forum if chat request fails as // well as the default trouble ticket / email links $conf['forum_show'] = false; // The URL where the forum is installed $conf['forum_url'] = '@@BASE_URL_SCHEME@@://@@BASE_URL_HOST@@/forums'; // The format that the operator's name is displayed in chats // you can use USERNAME, FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME // $conf['operator_name'] = 'FIRSTNAME LASTNAME'; // $conf['operator_name'] = 'FIRSTNAME LASTNAME (USERNAME)'; // $conf['operator_name'] = 'USERNAME'; $conf['operator_name'] = '@@OPERATOR_NAME@@'; // Text size of the text in the chat window (in pixels) $conf['text_size'] = '@@TEXT_SIZE@@'; // The size of the visitors chat window $conf['chat_width'] = '@@CHAT_WIDTH@@'; $conf['chat_height'] = '@@CHAT_HEIGHT@@'; // The size of the operator's chat window $conf['chat_op_width'] = '@@CHAT_OP_WIDTH@@'; $conf['chat_op_height'] = '@@CHAT_OP_HEIGHT@@'; // The size of the operator chat window $conf['opchat_width'] = '@@OPCHAT_WIDTH@@'; $conf['opchat_height'] = '@@OPCHAT_HEIGHT@@'; // The size of the request monitor $conf['monitor_width'] = '@@MONITOR_WIDTH@@'; $conf['monitor_height'] = '@@MONITOR_HEIGHT@@'; // The size of the visitors information popup $conf['info_width'] = '@@INFO_WIDTH@@'; $conf['info_height'] = '@@INFO_HEIGHT@@'; // The size of the initiate chat popup $conf['initiate_width'] = '@@INITIATE_WIDTH@@'; $conf['initiate_height'] = '@@INITIATE_HEIGHT@@'; // Timers // The default settings should be ok. // The number of second to put a chat on hold $conf['chat_hold'] = '@@CHAT_HOLD@@'; // The number of seconds the operator has to accept chat before // it polls to next operator $conf['session_timeout'] = '@@SESSION_TIMEOUT@@'; // The number of miliseconds to refresh the tracker. // This checks for initiated chat requests and updates the // visitors timer so they do not reamin idle and timeout $conf['tracker_refresh'] = '@@TRACKER_REFRESH@@'; // The number of seconds the visitor can remain idle until // they timeout. $conf['traffic_timeout'] = '@@TRAFFIC_TIMEOUT@@'; // The number of seconds the visitor can remain idle until // their total time on site updates as a new visit. // Note that if this is different to $conf['traffic_timeout'] and the // user revisits a page after between the $conf['traffic_timeout'] // and $conf['traffic_newvisit'] period the traffic monitor will not // refresh to show the visitor again. $conf['traffic_newvisit'] = '@@TRAFFIC_NEWVISIT@@'; // The number of milliseconds to refresh the chat window to check // for new chat messages recommended is 3000 to 6000 $conf['chat_refresh'] = '@@CHAT_REFRESH@@'; // The number of seconds until the chat session times out $conf['chat_timeout'] = '@@CHAT_TIMEOUT@@'; // The number of miliseconds to refresh the cobrowse tracker. // This checks for new cobrowse, coforms and comarkers activity. $conf['cobrowse_refresh'] = '@@COBROWSE_REFRESH@@'; // The number of milliseconds to refresh the request monitor to check // for any new visitors or chat requests recommended is 3000 to 5000 $conf['monitor_refresh'] = '@@MONITOR_REFRESH@@'; // The number of seconds the operator can remain idle until // their status changes to offline $conf['live_timeout'] = '@@LIVE_TIMEOUT@@'; // The number of milliseconds to show the initiate image $conf['initiate_timeout'] = '@@INITIATE_TIMEOUT@@'; ?>