File: content.class.php
<?php /** * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see * LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the * License. */ /** * Category database table class */ class mosCategory extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string The menu title for the Category (a short name)*/ var $title=null; /** @var string The full name for the Category*/ var $name=null; /** @var string */ var $image=null; /** @var string */ var $section=null; /** @var int */ var $image_position=null; /** @var string */ var $description=null; /** @var boolean */ var $published=null; /** @var boolean */ var $checked_out=null; /** @var time */ var $checked_out_time=null; /** @var int */ var $ordering=null; /** @var int */ var $access=null; /** @var string */ var $params=null; /** * @param database A database connector object */ function mosCategory( &$db ) { $this->mosDBTable( '#__categories', 'id', $db ); } // overloaded check function function check() { // check for valid name if (trim( $this->title ) == '') { $this->_error = "Your Category must contain a title."; return false; } if (trim( $this->name ) == '') { $this->_error = "Your Category must have a name."; return false; } // check for existing name $this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT id FROM #__categories " . "\nWHERE name='".$this->name."' AND section='".$this->section."'" ); $xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() ); if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) { $this->_error = "There is a category already with that name, please try again."; return false; } return true; } } /** * Section database table class * @package Mambo */ class mosSection extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string The menu title for the Section (a short name)*/ var $title=null; /** @var string The full name for the Section*/ var $name=null; /** @var string */ var $image=null; /** @var string */ var $scope=null; /** @var int */ var $image_position=null; /** @var string */ var $description=null; /** @var boolean */ var $published=null; /** @var boolean */ var $checked_out=null; /** @var time */ var $checked_out_time=null; /** @var int */ var $ordering=null; /** @var int */ var $access=null; /** @var string */ var $params=''; /** * @param database A database connector object */ function mosSection( &$db ) { $this->mosDBTable( '#__sections', 'id', $db ); } // overloaded check function function check() { // check for valid name if (trim( $this->title ) == '') { $this->_error = "Your Section must contain a title."; return false; } if (trim( $this->name ) == '') { $this->_error = "Your Section must have a name."; return false; } // check for existing name $this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT id FROM #__sections " . "\nWHERE name='$this->name' AND scope='$this->scope'" ); $xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() ); if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) { $this->_error = "There is a section already with that name, please try again."; return false; } return true; } } /** * Module database table class * @package Mambo */ class mosContent extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string */ var $title=null; /** @var string */ var $title_alias=null; /** @var string */ var $introtext=null; /** @var string */ var $fulltext=null; /** @var int */ var $state=null; /** @var int The id of the category section*/ var $sectionid=null; /** @var int DEPRECATED */ var $mask=null; /** @var int */ var $catid=null; /** @var datetime */ var $created=null; /** @var int User id*/ var $created_by=null; /** @var string An alias for the author*/ var $created_by_alias=null; /** @var datetime */ var $modified=null; /** @var int User id*/ var $modified_by=null; /** @var boolean */ var $checked_out=null; /** @var time */ var $checked_out_time=null; /** @var datetime */ var $frontpage_up=null; /** @var datetime */ var $frontpage_down=null; /** @var datetime */ var $publish_up=null; /** @var datetime */ var $publish_down=null; /** @var string */ var $images=null; /** @var string */ var $urls=null; /** @var string */ var $attribs=null; /** @var int */ var $version=null; /** @var int */ var $parentid=null; /** @var int */ var $ordering=null; /** @var string */ var $metakey=null; /** @var string */ var $metadesc=null; /** @var int */ var $access=null; /** @var int */ var $hits=null; /** * @param database A database connector object */ function mosContent() { $db =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $this->mosDBTable( '#__content', 'id', $db ); } /** * Validation and filtering */ function check() { // filter malicious code $ignoreList = array( 'introtext', 'fulltext' ); $this->filter( $ignoreList ); /* TODO: This filter is too rigorous, need to implement more configurable solution // specific filters $iFilter = new InputFilter( null, null, 1, 1 ); $this->introtext = trim( $iFilter->process( $this->introtext ) ); $this->fulltext = trim( $iFilter->process( $this->fulltext ) ); */ if (trim( str_replace( ' ', '', $this->fulltext ) ) == '') { $this->fulltext = ''; } return true; } /** * Converts record to XML * @param boolean Map foreign keys to text values */ function toXML( $mapKeysToText=false ) { global $database; if ($mapKeysToText) { $query = 'SELECT name FROM #__sections WHERE id=' . $this->sectionid; $database->setQuery( $query ); $this->sectionid = $database->loadResult(); $query = 'SELECT name FROM #__categories WHERE id=' . $this->catid; $database->setQuery( $query ); $this->catid = $database->loadResult(); $query = 'SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id=' . $this->created_by; $database->setQuery( $query ); $this->created_by = $database->loadResult(); } return parent::toXML( $mapKeysToText ); } } class mosExtendedContent extends mosContent { /** @var numeric */ var $rating = null; /** @var int */ var $rating_count = null; /** @var string */ var $author = null; /** @var string */ var $usertype = null; /** @var string */ var $section = null; /** @var string */ var $category = null; /** @var string */ var $groups = null; /** @var string */ var $text = null; function getText () { return $this->text; } function saveText ($text) { $this->text = $text; } function getImages () { return $this->images; } function saveImages ($images) { $this->images = $images; } function getId () { return $this->id; } function getRating () { return $this->rating; } function getRatingCount () { return $this->rating_count; } } class contentHandler { var $_category_limit = 250; var $_category_status = 0; var $_category; var $_section_limit = 250; var $_section_status = 0; var $_sections; function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new contentHandler(); return $instance; } /** * @return number of Published Blog Sections */ function getBlogSectionCount( ) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); if (count($menuhandler->getMenusByType('content_blog_section'))) { $query = "SELECT COUNT( m.id )" ."\n FROM #__content AS i" ."\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s ON i.sectionid=s.id" ."\n LEFT JOIN #__menu AS m ON m.componentid=s.id " ."\n WHERE m.type='content_blog_section'" ."\n AND m.published='1'" ; $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $database->setQuery( $query ); $count = $database->loadResult(); } else { $count = 0; } return $count; } /** * @return number of Published Blog Categories */ function getBlogCategoryCount( ) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); if (count($menuhandler->getMenusByType('content_blog_category'))) { $query = "SELECT COUNT( m.id )" . "\n FROM #__content AS i" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON i.catid=c.id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__menu AS m ON m.componentid=c.id " . "\n WHERE m.type='content_blog_category'" . "\n AND m.published='1'" ; $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $database->setQuery( $query ); $count = $database->loadResult(); } else $count = 0; return $count; } /** * @return number of Published Global Blog Sections */ function getGlobalBlogSectionCount( ) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); return $menuhandler->getGlobalBlogSectionCount(); } /** * @return number of Static Content */ function getStaticContentCount( ) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); return $menuhandler->getMenuCount ('content_typed', 1); } /** * @return number of Content Item Links */ function getContentItemLinkCount( ) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); return $menuhandler->getMenuCount ('content_item_link', 1); } function getItemid ($id, $typed=1, $link=1, $bs=1, $bc=1, $gbs=1) { $_Itemid = null; $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); if ($typed) { // Search for typed link $_Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDByTypeLink('content_typed', "index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=$id"); } if ($_Itemid == null AND $link) { // Search for item link $_Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDByTypeLink('content_item_link', "index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=$id"); } $sectionid = $this->getSection($id); if ($_Itemid == null) { // Search in sections $_Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDByTypeCid ('content_section', $sectionid); } if ($_Itemid == null) { // Search in sections $_Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDByTypeCid ('content_blog_section', $sectionid); } if ($_Itemid == null) { // Search in sections $_Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDByTypeCid ('content_blog_category', $sectionid); } if ($_Itemid == null AND $gbs) { // Search in global blog section $_Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDByTypeCid('content_blog_section', 0); } /* if ($_Itemid == '') { // Search in global blog category $this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT id " ."\nFROM #__menu " ."\nWHERE type='content_blog_category' AND published='1' AND componentid=0" ); $_Itemid = $this->_db->loadResult(); } */ $catid = $this->getCategory($id); if ($_Itemid == null) { // Search in categories $_Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDByTypeCid ('content_category', $catid); } if ($_Itemid == null) { // Search in main menu $menus = $menuhandler->getByParentOrder(0,'mainmenu'); $home = $menus[0]; $_Itemid = $home->id; } if ($_Itemid) return $_Itemid; else return mamboCore::get('Itemid'); } function getSection ($id) { $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $limit = $this->_section_limit; if (!$this->_section_status) { $database->setQuery("SELECT i.id, i.sectionid FROM #__content AS i, #__sections AS s WHERE i.sectionid=s.id ORDER BY i.id DESC LIMIT $limit"); $sections = $database->loadObjectList(); if ($sections) { foreach ($sections as $section) $this->_sections[$section->id] = $section->sectionid; $this->_section_status = count($sections); } } if ($this->_section_status) { if (isset($this->_sections[$id])) return $this->_sections[$id]; if (count($this->_sections) < $limit) return 0; $database->setQuery("SELECT i.sectionid FROM #__content AS i, #__sections AS s WHERE i.sectionid=s.id AND i.id=$id"); return $database->loadResult(); } else return 0; } function getCategory ($id) { $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $limit = $this->_category_limit; if (!$this->_category_status) { $database->setQuery("SELECT i.id, i.catid FROM #__content AS i, #__categories AS s WHERE i.catid=s.id ORDER BY i.id DESC LIMIT $limit"); $categories = $database->loadObjectList(); if ($categories) { foreach ($categories as $category) $this->_categories[$category->id] = $category->catid; $this->_category_status = count($categories); } } if ($this->_category_status) { if (isset($this->_categories[$id])) return $this->_categories[$id]; if (count($this->_categories) < $limit) return 0; $database->setQuery("SELECT i.catid FROM #__content AS i, #__categories AS s WHERE i.catid=s.id AND i.id=$id"); return $database->loadResult(); } else return 0; } } ?>