File: configuration.php-dist
<?php /** * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see * LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the * License. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * If you are installing Mambo manually i.e. not using the web installer * then rename this file to configuration.php e.g. * * UNIX -> mv configuration.php-dist configuration.php * Windows -> rename configuration.php-dist configuration.php * * Now edit this file and configure the parameters for your site and * database. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Database configuration section * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $mosConfig_offline = '0'; $mosConfig_host = 'localhost'; // This is normally set to localhost $mosConfig_user = ''; // MySQL username $mosConfig_password = ''; // MySQL password $mosConfig_db = ''; // MySQL database name $mosConfig_dbprefix = 'mos_'; // Do not change unless you need to! /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Site specific configuration * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $mosConfig_absolute_path = '/path/to/mambo/install'; // No trailing slash $mosConfig_live_site = 'http://www.your_mambo_site.com'; // No trailing slash. Make sure to use www. $mosConfig_sitename = 'Mambo'; // Name of Mambo site $mosConfig_shownoauth = '1'; // Display links & categories users don't have access to $mosConfig_useractivation = '1'; // Send new registration passwords via e-mail $mosConfig_uniquemail = '1'; // Require unique email adress for each user $mosConfig_usecaptcha = '0'; // Enable form captcha security $mosConfig_offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance.<br /> Please check back again soon.'; $mosConfig_lifetime = '900'; // Session time $mosConfig_MetaDesc = 'Mambo - the dynamic portal engine and content management system'; $mosConfig_MetaKeys = 'mambo, Mambo, Mambo, Mambo'; $mosConfig_MetaTitle = '1'; $mosConfig_MetaAuthor = '1'; $mosConfig_debug = '0'; $mosConfig_lang = 'english'; // Site language $mosConfig_locale = 'en'; $mosConfig_offset = '0'; // Local time offset $mosConfig_locale_debug = 0; $mosConfig_locale_use_gettext = 0; $mosConfig_hideAuthor = '0'; $mosConfig_hideCreateDate = '0'; $mosConfig_hideModifyDate = '0'; $mosConfig_hidePdf = '0'; $mosConfig_hidePrint = '0'; $mosConfig_hideEmail = '0'; $mosConfig_enable_log_items = '0'; $mosConfig_enable_log_searches = '0'; $mosConfig_enable_stats = '1'; $mosConfig_sef = '0'; $mosConfig_vote = '0'; $mosConfig_gzip = '0'; $mosConfig_multipage_toc = '0'; $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration = '1'; $mosConfig_error_reporting = -1; $mosConfig_register_globals = 1; $mosConfig_error_message = 'This site is temporarily unavailable.<br />Please contact your System Administrator.'; $mosConfig_link_titles = '0'; $mosConfig_list_limit = '50'; $mosConfig_caching = '0'; $mosConfig_cachepath = '/path/to/mambo/install/cache'; $mosConfig_cachetime = '900'; $mosConfig_mailer = 'mail'; $mosConfig_mailfrom = ''; $mosConfig_fromname = ''; $mosConfig_sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $mosConfig_smtpauth = '0'; $mosConfig_smtpuser = ''; $mosConfig_smtppass = ''; $mosConfig_smtphost = 'localhost'; $mosConfig_back_button = '0'; $mosConfig_item_navigation = '1'; $mosConfig_secret = 'FBVtggIk5lAzEU9H'; //Change this to something more secure $mosConfig_pagetitles = '1'; $mosConfig_readmore = '1'; $mosConfig_hits = '1'; $mosConfig_icons = '1'; $mosConfig_favicon = 'favicon.ico'; $mosConfig_fileperms = ''; $mosConfig_dirperms = ''; $mosConfig_mbf_content='0'; setlocale (LC_TIME, $mosConfig_locale); // Country locale ?>