File: mambo.php
<?php /** * Main file for Mambo * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see * LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the * License. */ defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); class mosAuthoriser { var $connection = ''; var $perm_found; var $permissions = array(); var $assignments = array(); function mosAuthoriser () { $this->connection =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); } function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) { $instance =& new mosAuthoriser(); } return $instance; } function doSQL ($sql) { $this->connection->setQuery($sql); if (!$this->connection->query()) { echo "<script> alert('".$this->connection->getErrorMsg()."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } } function getAccessorData ($type, $id) { if (isset($this->perm_found[$type][$id])) return; $sql = "SELECT a.*, p.control, p.action, p.subject_type, p.subject_id, p.system FROM #__assignments AS a LEFT JOIN #__permissions AS p ON p.role=a.role WHERE a.access_type='$type'"; if (isset($this->perm_found[$type])) $sql .= " AND a.access_id='$id'"; else $sql .= " AND (a.access_id='$id' OR a.access_id='*' OR a.access_id='+')"; $this->doSQL($sql); $new_permissions = $this->connection->loadObjectList(); if ($new_permissions) $this->permissions = array_merge($this->permissions, $new_permissions); $this->perm_found[$type][$id] = 1; } function &getRoles ($type, $id) { $this->getAccessorData ($type, $id); $rolenames = array(); foreach ($this->permissions as $role) { if (strcasecmp($role->access_type, $type) == 0 AND ($role->access_id == $id OR $role->access_id == '*' OR ($role->access_id == '+' AND $id != 0)) AND !in_array($role->role,$rolenames)) $rolenames[] = $role->role; } return $rolenames; } function accessorPermissionOrControl ($mask, $a_type, $a_id, $action, $s_type='*', $s_id='*') { $this->getAccessorData ($a_type, $a_id); foreach ($this->permissions as $permission) { if ((strcasecmp($permission->access_type,$a_type) == 0 OR $permission->access_type == '*') AND (strcasecmp($permission->access_id,$a_id) == 0 OR $permission->access_id == '*') AND (strcasecmp($permission->action,$action)==0 OR $permission->action == '*' OR $action == '*') AND (strcasecmp($permission->subject_type,$s_type)==0 OR $s_type=='*') AND (strcasecmp($permission->subject_id,$s_id)==0 OR $permission->subject_id == '*') AND ($permission->control&$mask)) return 1; } return 0; } function checkPermission ($a_type, $a_id, $action, $s_type='*', $s_id='*') { return $this->accessorPermissionOrControl(2, $a_type, $a_id, $action, $s_type='*', $s_id='*'); } function checkControl ($a_type, $a_id, $action, $s_type='*', $s_id='*') { return $this->accessorPermissionOrControl(1, $a_type, $a_id, $action, $s_type='*', $s_id='*'); } function checkGrant ($a_type, $a_id, $action, $s_type='*', $s_id='*') { return $this->accessorPermissionOrControl(4, $a_type, $a_id, $action, $s_type='*', $s_id='*'); } function rolePermissionOrControl ($mask, $role, $action, $s_type, $s_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__permissions WHERE role='$role'"; $this->connection->setQuery($sql); $permissions = $this->connection->loadObjectList(); if ($permissions) { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { if (strcasecmp($permission->role,$role) == 0 AND (strcasecmp($permission->action,$action)==0 OR $permission->action == '*') AND (strcasecmp($permission->subject_type,$s_type)==0) AND (strcasecmp($permission->subject_id,$s_id)==0 OR $permission->subject_id == '*') AND ($permission->control&$mask)) return 1; } } return 0; } function checkRolePermission ($role, $action, $s_type, $s_id) { return $this->rolePermissionOrControl(2, $role, $action, $s_type, $s_id); } function checkRoleControl ($role, $action, $s_type, $s_id) { return $this->rolePermissionOrControl(1, $role, $action, $s_type, $s_id); } function checkRoleGrant ($role, $action, $s_type, $s_id) { return $this->rolePermissionOrControl(4, $role, $action, $s_type, $s_id); } function &listPermissions ($a_type, $a_id, $action, $property) { $this->getAccessorData ($a_type, $a_id); $results = array(); foreach ($this->permissions as $permission) { if (strcasecmp($permission->access_type,$a_type) == 0 AND (strcasecmp($permission->access_id,$a_id) == 0 OR $permission->access_id == '*' OR ($permission->access_id == '+' AND $a_id != 0)) AND (strcasecmp($permission->action,$action) == 0 OR $permission->action == '*') AND $permission->subject_type != null AND $permission->subject_id != null) { $results[] = $permission->$property; } } return $results; } } class mosAuthorisationAdmin { var $connection; var $roles = array(); function mosAuthorisationAdmin () { $this->connection =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); } function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) { $instance =& new mosAuthorisationAdmin(); } return $instance; } function doSQL ($sql) { $this->connection->setQuery($sql); if (!$this->connection->query()) { echo "<script> alert('".$this->connection->getErrorMsg()."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } } function getRoles () { if (count($this->roles) == 0) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT role FROM #__assignments"; $this->connection->setQuery($sql); $this->roles = $this->connection->loadResultArray(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT role FROM #__permissions"; $this->connection->setQuery($sql); $more = $this->connection->loadResultArray(); foreach ($more as $role) $this->addRole($role); } return $this->roles; } function addRole ($role) { if (!in_array($role, $this->roles)) $this->roles[] = $role; } function removeRole ($role) { $key = array_search($role, $this->roles); if ($key !== false) unset($this->roles[$key]); } function &permissionHolders ($subject_type, $subject_id) { $sql = "SELECT role, action, control FROM #__permissions"; if ($subject_type != '*') $where[] = "(subject_type='$subject_type' OR subject_type='*')"; if ($subject_id != '*') $where[] = "(subject_id='$subject_id' OR subject_id='*')"; if (isset($where)) $sql .= " WHERE ".implode(' AND ', $where); $this->connection->setQuery($sql); $result = $this->connection->loadObjectList(); if (!$result) $result = array(); return $result; } function &nonLocalPermissionHolders ($subject_type, $subject_id) { $sql = "SELECT role, action, control FROM #__permissions WHERE (action='*' OR subject_type='*' OR subject_id='*') AND ((subject_type='$subject_type' OR subject_type='*') AND (subject_id='$subject_id' OR subject_id='*'))"; $this->connection->setQuery($sql); $result = $this->connection->loadObjectList(); if (!$result) $result = array(); return $result; } function permitSQL ($role, $control, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id) { $sql = "REPLACE INTO #__permissions (role, control, action, subject_type, subject_id) VALUES ('$role', '$control', '$action', '$subject_type', '$subject_id');"; return $sql; } function permit ($role, $control, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id) { $sql = $this->permitSQL($role, $control, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id); $this->doSQL($sql); $this->addRole($role); } function assign ($role, $access_type, $access_id) { $sql = "REPLACE INTO #__assignments (role, access_type, access_id) VALUES ('$role', '$access_type', '$access_id')"; $this->doSQL($sql); $this->addRole($role); } function dropAccess ($access_type, $access_id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM #__assignments WHERE access_type='$access_type' AND access_id='$access_id'"; $this->doSQL($sql); } function &getControllingRoles ($access_type, $access_id, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id) { $sql = "SELECT a.role FROM #__permissions AS p, #__assignments AS a WHERE a.access_type='$access_type'" ." AND a.access_id='$access_id' AND a.role=p.role AND (p.control&1)" ." AND p.action='$action' AND p.subject_type='$subject_type' AND p.subject_id='$subject_id'"; $this->doSQL($sql); $roles = $this->connection->loadResultArray(); return $roles; } function &getMyPermissions ($access_type, $access_id) { $sql = 'SELECT p.action, p.subject_type, p.subject_id, control FROM #__permissions AS p, #__assignments AS a' . " WHERE p.role=a.role AND a.access_type='$access_type' AND (a.access_id='$access_id' OR a.access_id='*')" . ' AND (p.control&1)'; $this->doSQL($sql); $permissions =& $this->connection->loadObjectList(); return $permissions; } function getJointPermissions ($access_type, $access_id, $role) { $sql = "SELECT p2.control AS hiscontrol, p1.control AS mycontrol, p1.action, p1.subject_type, p1.subject_id" ." FROM `#__assignments` AS a, `#__permissions` AS p1 LEFT JOIN `#__permissions` AS p2" ." ON (p2.role='$role' AND p1.action=p2.action AND p1.subject_type=p2.subject_type AND p1.subject_id=p2.subject_id)" ." WHERE (p1.control&1) AND p1.role=a.role AND a.access_type='$access_type' AND (a.access_id='$access_id' OR a.access_id='*')"; $this->doSQL($sql); $permissions =& $this->connection->loadObjectList(); return $permissions; } function getAccessLists ($access_type, $access_id, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id) { $authoriser =& mosAuthoriser::getInstance(); if ($authoriser->checkControl($access_type, $access_id, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id)) { $cangrant = $authoriser->checkGrant($access_type, $access_id, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id); $permissions = $this->permissionHolders($subject_type, $subject_id); $allroles = $this->getRoles(); foreach ($allroles as $role) { $itemc[] = $optionc = mosHTML::makeOption($role, $role); $itema[] = $optiona = mosHTML::makeOption($role, $role); if ($cangrant) $itemg[] = $optiong = mosHTML::makeOption($role, $role); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { if (($permission->action == '*' OR $permission->action == $action) AND $permission->role == $role) { if ($permission->control & 1) $cselected[] = $optionc; if ($permission->control & 2) $aselected[] = $optiona; if ($cangrant AND $permission->control & 4) $gselected[] = $optiong; } } } $results[] = mosHTML::selectList($itema, $action.'_arole[]', 'multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', $aselected); $results[] = mosHTML::selectList($itemc, $action.'_crole[]', 'multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', $cselected); if ($cangrant) $results[] = mosHTML::selectList($itemg, $action.'_grole[]', 'multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', $gselected); } else $results = array(); return $results; } function resetPermissions ($action, $subject_type, $subject_id) { $control_types = array ('crole', 'arole', 'grole'); $control_values = array (1,2,4); $permissions = $this->nonLocalPermissionHolders($subject_type, $subject_id); $this->dropPermissions($action, $subject_type, $subject_id); foreach ($control_types as $i=>$type) { $key = $action.'_'.$type; if (isset($_POST[$key])) { foreach ($_POST[$key] as $role) { $value = isset($newpermits[$role]) ? $newpermits[$role] : 0; $newpermits[$role] = $value | $control_values[$i]; } } } $sql = ''; foreach ($newpermits as $role=>$value) { $needed = true; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { if (($permission->action == '*' OR $permission->action == $action) AND $permission->role == $role) { if (($value & $permission->control) === $value) { $needed = false; break; } } } if ($needed) $sql .= $this->permitSQL ($role, $value, $action, $subject_type, $subject_id); } if ($sql) $this->doSQL($sql); } function roleExists ($role) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(role) FROM #__permissions WHERE role='$role' GROUP BY role"; $this->doSQL($sql); if ($this->connection->loadResult()) return true; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(role) FROM #__assignments WHERE role='$role' GROUP BY role"; $this->doSQL($sql); if ($this->connection->loadResult()) return true; else return false; } function dropRole ($role) { $sql = "DELETE FROM #__permissions WHERE action='administer' AND subject_type='$role' AND system=0"; $this->doSQL($sql); $sql = "DELETE a FROM #__assignments AS a LEFT JOIN #__permissions AS p ON a.role=p.role WHERE a.role='$role' AND (p.system=0 OR p.system=NULL)"; $this->doSQL($sql); $this->dropRolePermissions($role); $this->removeRole($role); } function dropRolePermissions ($role) { $sql = "DELETE FROM #__permissions WHERE role='$role' AND system=0"; $this->doSQL($sql); $this->roles = array(); } function dropPermissions ($action, $subject_type, $subject_id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM #__permissions WHERE action='$action' AND subject_type='$subject_type'AND subject_id='$subject_id' AND system=0"; $this->doSQL($sql); $this->roles = array(); } } // ----- NO MORE CLASSES OR FUNCTIONS PASSED THIS POINT ----- // Post class declaration initialisations // some version of PHP don't allow the instantiation of classes // before they are defined ?>