File: sef.php
<?php /** * @package Mambo * @copyright Refer to copyright.php * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php */ class mosSEF { var $prefix = ''; var $custom_code = array(); var $custom_name = array(); var $custom_PHP = array(); var $custom_short = array(); var $sef_content_task = array(); var $sef_name_chars = array(); var $sef_translate_chars = array(); var $sef_name_string = ''; var $sef_translate_string = ''; var $content_data = null; var $content_items = array(); var $content_sections = array(); var $content_categories = array(); var $SEF_SPACE; function mosSEF () { /******************************************************************************* ** The following are parameters for the ReMOSef Search Engine ** Optimisation component. $this->SEF_SPACE should be set to the ** character that is to replace blanks in names that form the URL. ** You can vary this, although the only sensible choices seem to be ** underscore or hyphen (_ or -). ** ** The arrays $this->custom_code and $this->custom_name must be kept exactly ** in step with each other. $this->custom_code is a list of the components ** that are to be handled by ReMOSef. ** ** The array $this->custom_name is the alternative name that will be used ** in the optimised URL to identify the component and can be whatever ** you please so long as it is unique and legal for a URL. Apart from ** using the custom name for the component, ReMOSef will do no further ** translation of the URL than is done by the standard Mambo SEF - UNLESS ** there is a sef_ext.php file installed for that component. The ** exception to this is ReMOSitory - the optimisation code for Remository ** is integrated in ReMOSef. For other components, if a sef_ext.php is ** present, it will be invoked by ReMOSef. ** ** The array $remosef_content_task is capable of translating the tasks ** understood by the Mambo content component. Please DO NOT CHANGE what ** is to the left of the equals sign. When putting different values on ** the right hand side, remember that they must all be different, and must ** also be different from any of the custom names used for components. ** Without that, Remosef cannot figure out what a SEF URL means and will ** give unpredictable results. ** ** Note that the names in custom_name must not be allowed to clash with ** the names used as tasks by the content component, in their ** translated form - see below. *******************************************************************************/ $this->SEF_SPACE = "_"; // divide words with underscores // can be changed to a hyphen "-" $this->custom_code = array('com_frontpage','com_contact'); $this->custom_name = array('Frontpage','Contact_Us'); /******************************************************************************* ** The following are the parameters for the optional content specific ** URL optimisation. They are not used within the standard SEF processing ** unless you add in a sef_ext.php that is integrated with the Mambo SEF. ** ** The following two lines define the translations that SEF will perform on ** names of sections and categories when translating them for inclusion in a URL. ** Each item in $this->sef_name_chars is translated into the corresponding ** element of $this->sef_translate_chars. ** ** NOTE it is important that space be the last translate character, since the ** characters are processed in the order in which they appear. Since earlier ** translates may create new spaces, it is vital that the space translation is ** done last. ** ** You can extend these arrays as you wish, although it is obviously important ** to make sure that the items of one match the items of the other exactly. *******************************************************************************/ $this->sef_name_chars = array('?', '&', '/', ' '); $this->sef_translate_chars = array('', 'and', ' or ', $this->SEF_SPACE); $this->sef_name_string = '�\''; $this->sef_translate_string = '--'; /************** DO NOT MAKE CHANGES IN THE FOLLOWING LINES EXCEPT AT YOUR OWN RISK! ********************/ if (mamboCore::is_set('mosConfig_sef_prefix')) $this->prefix = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sef_prefix'); else $this->prefix = 'mos'; if ($this->prefix == 'content' OR $this->prefix == 'component') $this->prefix = 'mos'; foreach ($this->custom_code as $code) { $codefile = "components/$code/sef_ext.php"; if (file_exists($codefile)) { include ($codefile); $this->custom_PHP[] = true; } else $this->custom_PHP[] = false; $split = explode('_',$code); $this->custom_short[] = $split[1]; } $this->sef_content_task['findkey'] = 'findkey'; $this->sef_content_task['view'] = 'view'; $this->sef_content_task['section'] = 'section'; $this->sef_content_task['category'] = 'category'; $this->sef_content_task['blogsection'] = 'blogsection'; $this->sef_content_task['blogcategorymulti'] = 'blogcategorymulti'; $this->sef_content_task['blogcategory'] = 'blogcategory'; $this->sef_content_task['archivesection'] = 'archivesection'; $this->sef_content_task['archivecategory'] = 'archivecategory'; $this->sef_content_task['save'] = 'save'; $this->sef_content_task['cancel'] = 'cancel'; $this->sef_content_task['emailform'] = 'emailform'; $this->sef_content_task['emailsend'] = 'emailsend'; $this->sef_content_task['vote'] = 'vote'; $this->sef_content_task['showblogsection'] = 'showblogsection'; } function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mosSEF(); return $instance; } function nameForURL ($string) { $accented = "���������������������������������������������������������������������".$this->sef_name_string; $nonaccent = "SOZsozYYuAAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUYsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyy".$this->sef_translate_string; $string = strtr($string, $accented, $nonaccent); foreach ($this->sef_name_chars as $i=>$char) $string = str_replace($char, $this->sef_translate_chars[$i], $string); $string = urlencode($string); return $string; } function sefRetrieval($register_globals){ if (preg_match('/(\b)GLOBALS|_REQUEST|_SERVER|_ENV|_COOKIE|_GET|_POST|_FILES|_SESSION(\b)/i', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) > 0) { die('Invalid Request'); } if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sef')) { $subdir = mamboCore::get('subdirectory'); $uri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($subdir)); $url_array = explode('/', $uri); /** * Content * /$option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart */ if (!isset($url_array[2]) AND strpos($uri, '?')) return 0; elseif ($url_array[2] == 'syndstyle') { array_splice($url_array, 2, 1); $_REQUEST['syndstyle'] = $_GET['syndstyle'] = $syndstyle = 'yes'; $QUERY_STRING = 'syndstyle=yes&'; } else $QUERY_STRING = ''; // language hook for content $lang = ""; $parms = array(); foreach($url_array as $key=>$value) { if ( strcasecmp(substr($value,0,5),'lang,') == 0 ) { $parts = explode(",", $value); if (count($parts) > 1) { $lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] = $_GET['lang'] = $parts[1]; } } elseif ( $value != '' AND $key > 1 ) $parms[] = $value; } $foundit = false; if ($url_array[1] == 'content') { $num = count($parms); $foundit = true; $_REQUEST['option'] = $_GET['option'] = $option = 'com_content'; if (!is_numeric($parms[$num-1])) { $_REQUEST['lang'] = $_GET['lang'] = $lang = array_pop($parms); $num--; } // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart/ $task = array_search($parms[0], $this->sef_content_task); if ($task === false OR $task === null) return 1; $_REQUEST['task'] = $_GET['task'] = $task; $QUERY_STRING .= "option=com_content&task=$task"; if ($task == 'archivecategory') { $_REQUEST['year'] = $_GET['year'] = $year = intval(@$parms[1]); $_REQUEST['month'] = $_GET['month'] = $month = intval(@$parms[2]); $_REQUEST['module'] = $_GET['module'] = $module = intval(@$parms[3]); $QUERY_STRING .= "&year=$year&month=$month&module=$module"; } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= $num-1; $i++) { if (strcmp($parms[$i], (int)$parms[$i]) !== 0) return 1; } $i = 1; if ($num == 6 OR $num == 4) { $_REQUEST['sectionid'] = $_GET['sectionid'] = $sectionid = $parms[$i]; $QUERY_STRING .= "§ionid=$sectionid"; $i++; } if ($num > 1) { $_REQUEST['id'] = $_GET['id'] = $id = $parms[$i]; $QUERY_STRING .= "&id=$id"; } if ($num > 2) { $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid = $parms[$i+1]; mamboCore::set('Itemid',$Itemid); $QUERY_STRING .= "&Itemid=$Itemid"; } if ($num > 4) { $_REQUEST['limit'] = $_GET['limit'] = $limit = $parms[$i+2]; $_REQUEST['limitstart'] = $_GET['limitstart'] = $limitstart = $parms[$i+3]; $QUERY_STRING .= "&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart"; $i+=2; } } if ($lang!="") { $QUERY_STRING .= "&lang=$lang"; } } /* Components http://www.domain.com/component/$name,$value */ elseif ($url_array[1] == 'component') { $QUERY_STRING .= $this->default_revert('component'); if ($QUERY_STRING) $foundit = true; } elseif ($url_array[1] == $this->prefix) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); foreach ($this->custom_name as $i=>$compname) { if ($url_array[2] == $compname) { $origname = $this->custom_code[$i]; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDLikeLink("index.php?option=$origname"); mamboCore::set('Itemid', $Itemid); if ($this->custom_PHP[$i]) { $fixup = '$QUERY_STRING .= "option='.$origname.'&Itemid=".$Itemid.sef_'.$this->custom_short[$i].'::revert($url_array,1);'; eval($fixup); } else $QUERY_STRING .= "option=$origname&Itemid=$Itemid".$this->default_revert($compname); $_REQUEST['option'] = $this->custom_code[$i]; $foundit = true; break; } } if (!$foundit) { $content_sef = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/sef_ext.php'; if (file_exists($content_sef)) { require_once($content_sef); $crevert = sef_content::revert($url_array,1); if ($crevert) { $foundit = true; $QUERY_STRING .= $crevert; } } } } if ($foundit) { $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $QUERY_STRING; $REQUEST_URI = '/index.php?'.$QUERY_STRING; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $REQUEST_URI; return 0; } else return 1; } return 0; } function default_revert ($specialname) { $request = explode($specialname.'/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (isset($request[1])) $parmset = explode("/", $request[1]); else $parmset = array(); $QUERY_STRING = ''; $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); foreach($parmset as $values) { $parts = explode(",", $values); if (count($parts) > 1) { $_REQUEST[$parts[0]] = $_GET[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; if ($parts[0] == 'option') { $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid = $menuhandler->getIDLikeLink("index.php?option=$parts[1]"); mamboCore::set('Itemid', $Itemid); $QUERY_STRING .= "$parts[0]=$parts[1]&Itemid=$Itemid"; } $QUERY_STRING .= "&$parts[0]=$parts[1]"; } } return $QUERY_STRING; } function sefRelToAbs( $string ) { global $mosConfig_nok_content,$iso_client_lang; $server = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site'); if ($string == 'index.php') return $server.'/'; if (strtolower(substr($string,0,9)) != 'index.php' OR eregi('^(([^:/?#]+):)',$string)) return $string; $anchor = ''; if (preg_match('/#((.)+)$/',$string,$parts)){ $anchor = $parts[1]; $string = substr($string, 0, (strlen($anchor) + 1)*-1); } if (mosGetParam($_GET, 'syndstyle', '') == 'yes') $string .= '&syndstyle=yes'; if($mosConfig_nok_content AND (strpos( strtolower($string),"lang=") === false)) { $string .= "&lang=$iso_client_lang"; } $passed_string = str_replace('&', '&', $string); if (!mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sef')) return $this->plusAnchor($server.'/'.str_replace( '&', '&', $passed_string ),$anchor); $string = substr($passed_string,10); $option = $task = ''; $oktasks = true; $syndmark = ''; parse_str($string, $params); foreach ($params as $key=>$value) { $lowkey = strtolower($key); $lowvalue = strtolower($value); $unset = true; switch ($lowkey) { case 'option': $option = $lowvalue; break; case 'task': $task = $value; if ($lowvalue == 'new' OR $lowvalue == 'edit') $oktasks = false; break; case 'syndstyle': $syndmark = '/syndstyle'; break; default: $check_params[$lowkey] = $key; $unset = false; } if ($unset) unset($params[$key]); } // Process content items if (($option == 'com_content' OR $option == 'content') AND $oktasks) { /* Content index.php?option=com_content&task=$task§ionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart */ $task = $this->sef_content_task[$task]; $content_sef = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/sef_ext.php'; if (file_exists($content_sef)) { require_once($content_sef); return $this->plusAnchor($server.'/'.$this->prefix.$syndmark.sef_content::create($task, $params),$anchor); } $keys = array('sectionid', 'id', 'itemid', 'limit', 'limitstart', 'year', 'month', 'module', 'lang'); $string = '/content'.$syndmark.'/'.$task.'/'; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($check_params[$key])) { $pkey = $check_params[$key]; $string .= $params[$pkey].'/'; } } return $this->plusAnchor($server.$string,$anchor); } // Other types of URL than content do not use Itemid in the SEO version if (isset($check_params['itemid']) && isset($check_params['id'])) { $pkey = $check_params['itemid']; unset($params[$pkey]); unset($check_params['itemid']); } // Process customised components $i = array_search($option,$this->custom_code); if ($i !== false AND $i !== null) { if ($this->custom_PHP[$i]) eval('$string = sef_'.$this->custom_short[$i].'::create($passed_string);'); else $string = $this->componentDetails($params,$task); return $this->plusAnchor($server.'/'.$this->prefix.$syndmark.'/'.$this->custom_name[$i].'/'.$string,$anchor); } // Process ordinary components if (strpos($option,'com_')===0 AND $option != 'com_registration' AND $oktasks) { return $this->plusAnchor("$server/component$syndmark/option,$option/".$this->componentDetails($params,$task),$anchor); } // Anything else is returned as received, except it is guaranteed that & will be & return $this->plusAnchor($server.'/'.str_replace( '&', '&', $passed_string ),$anchor); } function componentDetails (&$params, $task) { $string = ($task ? "task,$task/" : ''); foreach ($params as $key=>$param) $string .= "$key,$param/"; return $string; } function plusAnchor($sefString, $anchor){ if ( substr($sefString,-1) == '/' ){ $sefString = substr($sefString,0,-1); if ($anchor!=''){ $sefString.="#{$anchor}"; }else{ $sefString.='/'; } } return $sefString; } } function sefRelToAbs ($string) { $sef =& mosSEF::getInstance(); return $sef->sefRelToAbs($string); } if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sef') AND $indextype == 3) { $sef =& mosSEF::getInstance(); $urlerror = $sef->sefRetrieval(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_register_globals')); $indextype = 1; } ?>