File: mod_rssfeed.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <mosinstall type="module" version="4.5.2"> <name>Syndicate</name> <author>Mambo Foundation</author> <creationDate>July 2004</creationDate> <copyright>copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 Mambo Foundation Inc.</copyright> <license>http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL v.2</license> <authorEmail>core@mambo-foundation.org</authorEmail> <authorUrl>www.mambo-foundation.org</authorUrl> <version>4.5.2</version> <description>The Syndicate module will display a link whereby people can syndicate your site for all your latest news. When you click on the RSS icon, you will be redirected to a new page that will list all the latest news in XML format. In order to use the Newsfeed in another Mambo site or a Newsfeed reader, you need to cut and paste the URL.</description> <files> <filename module="mod_rssfeed">mod_rssfeed.php</filename> </files> <params> <param name="text" type="text" default="" label="Text" description="Enter the text to be displayed along with the RSS links" /> <param name="cache" type="radio" default="0" label="Enable Cache" description="Select whether to cache the content of this module"> <option value="0">No</option> <option value="1">Yes</option> </param> <param name="moduleclass_sfx" type="text" default="" label="Module Class Suffix" description="A suffix to be applied to the css class of the module (table.moduletable), this allows individual module styling" /> <param name="rss091" type="radio" default="1" label="RSS 0.91" description="Show/Hide RSS 0.91 Link"> <option value="0">Hide</option> <option value="1">Show</option> </param> <param name="rss10" type="radio" default="1" label="RSS 1.0" description="Show/Hide RSS 1.0 Link"> <option value="0">Hide</option> <option value="1">Show</option> </param> <param name="rss20" type="radio" default="1" label="RSS 2.0" description="Show/Hide RSS 2.0 Link"> <option value="0">Hide</option> <option value="1">Show</option> </param> <param name="atom" type="radio" default="1" label="Atom" description="Show/Hide Atom 1.0 Link"> <option value="0">Hide</option> <option value="1">Show</option> </param> <param name="opml" type="radio" default="1" label="OPML" description="Show/Hide OPML Link"> <option value="0">Hide</option> <option value="1">Show</option> </param> <param name="rss091_image" type="imagelist" directory="/images/M_images" hide_none="1" default="" label="RSS 0.91 Image" description="Choose the image to be used" /> <param name="rss10_image" type="imagelist" directory="/images/M_images" hide_none="1" default="" label="RSS 1.0 Image" description="Choose the image to be used" /> <param name="rss20_image" type="imagelist" directory="/images/M_images" hide_none="1" default="" label="RSS 2.0 Image" description="Choose the image to be used" /> <param name="atom_image" type="imagelist" directory="/images/M_images" hide_none="1" default="" label="Atom Image" description="Choose the image to be used" /> <param name="opml_image" type="imagelist" directory="/images/M_images" hide_none="1" default="" label="OPML Image" description="Choose the image to be used" /> </params> </mosinstall>