File: weblinks.php
<?php /** * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license GNU/GPL Version 2, see LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. */ /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); /** load the html drawing class */ require_once( $mainframe->getPath( 'front_html' ) ); require_once( $mainframe->getPath( 'class' ) ); $mainframe->setPageTitle( T_('Web Links') ); $task = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', "" ) ); $id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) ); $catid = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'catid', 0 ) ); switch ($task) { case 'new': editWebLink( 0, $option ); break; case 'edit': /** disabled until permissions system can handle it */ editWebLink( 0, $option ); break; case 'save': saveWebLink( $option ); break; case 'cancel': cancelWebLink( $option ); break; case 'view': showItem( $id, $catid ); break; default: listWeblinks( $catid ); break; } function listWeblinks( $catid ) { global $mainframe, $database, $my; global $mosConfig_shownoauth, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_absolute_path; global $cur_template, $Itemid; /* Query to retrieve all categories that belong under the web links section and that are published. */ $query = "SELECT *, COUNT(a.id) AS numlinks FROM #__categories AS cc" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__weblinks AS a ON a.catid = cc.id" . "\n WHERE a.published='1' AND a.approved='1' AND section='com_weblinks' AND cc.published='1' AND cc.access <= '$my->gid'" . "\n GROUP BY cc.id" . "\n ORDER BY cc.ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $categories = $database->loadObjectList(); $rows = array(); $currentcat = NULL; if ( $catid ) { // url links info for category $query = "SELECT id, url, title, description, date, hits, params FROM #__weblinks" . "\nWHERE catid = '$catid' AND published='1' AND approved='1' AND archived=0" . "\nORDER BY ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); // current cate info $query = "SELECT name, description, image, image_position FROM #__categories" . "\n WHERE id = '$catid'" . "\n AND published = '1'" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $database->loadObject( $currentcat ); } // Parameters $menu =& new mosMenu( $database ); $menu->load( $Itemid ); $params =& new mosParameters( $menu->params ); $params->def( 'page_title', 1 ); $params->def( 'header', $menu->name ); $params->def( 'pageclass_sfx', '' ); $params->def( 'headings', 1 ); $params->def( 'hits', $mainframe->getCfg( 'hits' ) ); $params->def( 'item_description', 1 ); $params->def( 'other_cat_section', 1 ); $params->def( 'other_cat', 1 ); $params->def( 'description', 1 ); $params->def( 'description_text', T_('From the list below choose one of our web link categories, then select a URL to visit the site.') ); $params->def( 'image', '-1' ); $params->def( 'weblink_icons', '' ); $params->def( 'image_align', 'right' ); $params->def( 'back_button', $mainframe->getCfg( 'back_button' ) ); if ( $catid ) { $params->set( 'type', 'category' ); } else { $params->set( 'type', 'section' ); } // page description $currentcat->descrip = ''; if( ( @$currentcat->description ) <> '' ) { $currentcat->descrip = $currentcat->description; } else if ( !$catid ) { // show description if ( $params->get( 'description' ) ) { $currentcat->descrip = $params->get( 'description_text' ); } } // page image $currentcat->img = ''; $path = $mosConfig_live_site .'/images/stories/'; if ( ( @$currentcat->image ) <> '' ) { $currentcat->img = $path . $currentcat->image; $currentcat->align = $currentcat->image_position; } else if ( !$catid ) { if ( $params->get( 'image' ) <> -1 ) { $currentcat->img = $path . $params->get( 'image' ); $currentcat->align = $params->get( 'image_align' ); } } // page header $currentcat->header = ''; if ( @$currentcat->name <> '' ) { $currentcat->header = $currentcat->name; $pathway =& mosPathway::getInstance(); $pathway->addItem($currentcat->name, ''); } else { $currentcat->header = $params->get( 'header' ); } // used to show table rows in alternating colours $tabclass = array( 'sectiontableentry1', 'sectiontableentry2' ); HTML_weblinks::displaylist( $categories, $rows, $catid, $currentcat, $params, $tabclass ); } function showItem ( $id, $catid ) { global $database; //Record the hit $sql="UPDATE #__weblinks SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE id = ". $id .""; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $database->query(); $database->setQuery( "SELECT url FROM #__weblinks WHERE id = ". $id ."" ); $url = $database->loadResult(); mosRedirect ( $url ); listWeblinks( $catid ); } function editWebLink( $id, $option ) { global $database, $my; global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site; if ($my->gid < 1) { mosNotAuth(); return; } $row = new mosWeblink( $database ); // load the row from the db table $row->load( $id ); // fail if checked out not by 'me' if ($row->checked_out && $row->checked_out <> $my->id) { mosRedirect( "index2.php?option=$option",sprintf(T_('The module %s is currently being edited by another administrator.'), $row->title) ); } if ($id) { $row->checkout( $my->id ); } else { // initialise new record $row->published = 0; $row->approved = 0; $row->ordering = 0; } /* // make the select list for the image positions $yesno[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '0', 'No' ); $yesno[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '1', 'Yes' ); // build the html select list $applist = mosHTML::selectList( $yesno, 'approved', 'class="inputbox" size="2"', 'value', 'text', $row->approved ); // build the html select list for ordering $query = "SELECT ordering AS value, title AS text" . "\n FROM #__weblinks" . "\n WHERE catid='$row->catid'" . "\n ORDER BY ordering" ; $lists['ordering'] = mosAdminMenus::SpecificOrdering( $row, $id, $query, 1 ); */ // build list of categories require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/administrator/includes/mosAdminMenus.php'); $lists['catid'] = mosAdminMenus::ComponentCategory( 'catid', $option, intval( $row->catid ) ); HTML_weblinks::editWeblink( $option, $row, $lists ); } function cancelWebLink( $option ) { global $database, $my; if ($my->gid < 1) { mosNotAuth(); return; } $row = new mosWeblink( $database ); $row->id = intval( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'id', 0 ) ); $row->checkin(); $Itemid = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Returnid', '' ); mosRedirect( "index.php?Itemid=$Itemid" ); } /** * Saves the record on an edit form submit * @param database A database connector object */ function saveWeblink( $option ) { global $database, $my, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_mailfrom; if ($my->gid < 1) { mosNotAuth(); return; } $row = new mosWeblink( $database ); if (!$row->bind( $_POST, "approved published" )) { echo "<script> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } // sanitize $row->id = intval($row->id); $isNew = $row->id < 1; $row->date = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); $row->title = $database->getEscaped($row->title); $row->catid = $database->getEscaped($row->catid); if (!$row->check()) { echo "<script> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } if (!$row->store()) { echo "<script> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } $row->checkin(); // messaging for new items require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/components/com_messages/messages.class.php' ); $query = "SELECT id,email FROM #__users WHERE sendEmail = '1'"; $database->setQuery( $query ); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $user) { // admin message $msg = new mosMessage( $database ); $msg->send( $my->id, $user->id, T_("New Item"), sprintf( T_('A new WebLink has been submitted by [ %s ] titled [ %s ] '), $my->username, $row->title ) ); // email message mosMail ( $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $user->email, "A new Web Link has been submitted", 'A new WebLink has been submitted by ['.$my->username.'] titled ['.$row->title.']. Please login to view and approve it.'); } $msg = $isNew ? T_('Thanks for your submission; it will be reviewed before being posted to the site.') : ''; $Itemid = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Returnid', '' ); mosRedirect( 'index.php?Itemid='. $Itemid, $msg ); } ?>