File: modules.manager.html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en_US" xml:lang="en_US"> <head> <title>Site Module Manager</title> <link href="css/help.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <strong class="title">Site Module Manager</strong> <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td width="16%" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" class="datalabel">Purpose:</td> <td width="84%" valign="top" class="data"><p><strong>Modules</strong> are used to display information items or interactive features on select pages of a Mambo Site. The main characteristic is to be assigned to pre-established positions by way of module position holders placed in the code of the template. Though Modules can be positioned anywhere, they are typically located in side columns or at the extreme top or bottom of pages. Examples of modules include: Menus, Login Forum, and the Mambo Search form. Simple HTML Modules can be created directly from the Module Manager; more Modules have to be installed.</p> <p>The <strong>Module Manager</strong> displays the installed modules. You can manage them by clicking on the appropriate icon in the Tool Bar.</p> <strong>Display Columns </strong> <ul> <li><strong>Module Name: </strong>This lists the names of the Modules currently installed. Click the name to edit any of the Modules. </li> <li><strong>Published: </strong>This shows whether the Module is published or unpublished. Click on the icon if you wish to toggle its state.</li> <li><strong>Reorder:</strong> Click the arrow icons to move the item up or down in the list. This changes the order relative to other Modules in the same position. </li> <li><strong>Order: </strong>This shows the order of Modules in relation to other Modules in the same position. Type the new numbers in the order that you wish your Modules to appear. You can change the order any two or more Modules at the same time. Click the "Save Order" icon next to the Column Heading "Order."</li> <li><strong>Access:</strong> Defines which classes of user have access to the Module.</li> <li><strong>Position: </strong>Assigns the Module to a particular Module position holder. </li> <li><strong>Pages: </strong>Assigns the Module to one or more pages. </li> <li><strong>ID: </strong>System generated ID number for the Module.</li> <li><strong>Type: </strong>The name of the Module's file in the Mambo Modules directory. </li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" class="datalabel">Usage:</td> <td valign="top" class="data">n/a</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" class="datalabel">Default State: </td> <td valign="top" class="data">n/a</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" class="datalabel">Parameters:</td> <td valign="top" class="data">n/a</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" class="datalabel">Toolbar Icons: </td> <td valign="top" class="data"><ul> <li><strong>Publish:</strong> Click on the 'Publish' icon to publish your modules on the Front-end of your Web site.</li> <li><span><strong>Unpublish:</strong> Click on the 'Unpublish' icon to unpublish your modules on the Front-end of your Web site. </span></li><span> <li><span><strong>Copy:</strong> Click on the 'Copy' icon to make a copy of the selected module. This enables it to be displayed in more than one place on the Front-end of your Web site. A new version is created with the name 'Copy of (the name of the module you copied)'. You can rename it.</span></li><span> <li><span><strong>New:</strong> Click on the "New" icon to create a custom module with a "User" type. This is a very useful module which may be used to display Content (this content is not related to Sections, Categories or Static Content Items) or an RSS Feed. It can be used as a text box, image module or even to include customized code. </span></li><span> <li><span><strong>Edit:</strong> Click on the 'Edit' icon to edit or modify the module. Clicking the linked name will also perform this function. This enables you to change the attributes of a module like it's title, it's position, the order in which it appears on the page, access level and whether it is published or not. From this page you will also be able to change the location the module appears on the Front-end of your site and any parameters that apply to the module. </span></li><span> </span></span></span></span> <li><span><strong>Delete:</strong> Click on the 'Delete' icon to delete/uninstall a module from your system. NOTE: You cannot delete the 'last' module of a particular 'type' on this screen. If you want to delete a specific type of module, go to the Install/Uninstall screen as explained above.</span></li> </ul></td> </tr></table> </body></html>