File: authenticator.php
<?php /** * Authenticator class file for Mambo * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license GNU/GPL Version 2, see LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. */ class mamboAuthenticator { function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) { $instance =& new mamboAuthenticator(); } return $instance; } /** * Login management function * * The current session is passed. * Username and encoded password is authenticated. * A successful authentication updates the current session record with * the users details. */ function loginUser ($username=null, $passwd=null, $remember=null) { $mambothandler =& mosMambotHandler::getInstance(); $mambothandler->loadBotGroup('authenticator'); $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); if (!$username OR !$passwd) { $username = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'username', ''); $passwd = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'passwd', '' ); $bypost = 1; } else $bypost = 0; if ($remember === null) $remember = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'remember', ''); if (!$username OR !$passwd) { echo "<script> alert(\"".T_('Please complete the username and password fields.')."\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } else { $username = $database->getEscaped($username); $passwd = $database->getEscaped($passwd); $loginfo =& new mosLoginDetails($username, $passwd, $remember); $checkuser = true; $logresults = $mambothandler->trigger('requiredLogin',array($loginfo)); if (count($logresults) == 0) $logresults[] = T_('Logins are not permitted. There is no authentication check active.'); foreach ($logresults as $message) { if ($message) $checkuser = false; break; } if ($checkuser) { $mambothandler->trigger('goodLogin', array($loginfo)); return true; } $mambothandler->trigger('badLogin', array($loginfo)); if (isset($bypost)) echo "<script>alert(\"".$message."\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; @session_destroy(); } } /** * User authentication function * * Username and encoded password are checked against the database. */ function authenticateUser (&$message, $username, $passwd, $remember=null, $session=null) { $message = ''; if ($session === null) $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $database->setQuery( "SELECT id, gid, block, usertype" . "\nFROM #__users" . "\nWHERE username='$username' AND password='$passwd'" ); if ($database->loadObject($row)) { if ($row->block) { $message = T_('Your login has been blocked. Please contact the administrator.'); return false; } // fudge the group stuff // $grp = $acl->getAroGroup( $row->id ); // if ($acl->is_group_child_of( $grp->name, 'Registered', 'ARO' ) || // $acl->is_group_child_of( $grp->name, 'Public Backend', 'ARO' )) { // fudge Authors, Editors, Publishers and Super Administrators into the Special Group // $row->usertype = $grp->name; $session->guest = 0; $session->username = $username; $session->userid = $row->id; $session->usertype = $row->usertype; if ($row->usertype == 'Registered') $session->gid = 1; else $session->gid = 2; $session->gid = intval( $row->gid ); # what is going on here??? $session->update(); $currentDate = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s"); $query = "UPDATE #__users SET lastvisitDate='$currentDate' where id='$session->userid'"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { die($database->stderr(true)); } if ($remember=="yes") { $lifetime = time() + 365*24*60*60; setcookie("usercookie[username]", $username, $lifetime, "/"); setcookie("usercookie[password]", $passwd, $lifetime, "/"); } //mosCache::cleanCache('com_content'); mosCache::cleanCache(); } else { $message = T_('Incorrect username or password. Please try again.'); $this->clearSession($session); return false; } return true; } function clearSession ($session=null) { if ($session === null) $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); //mosCache::cleanCache('com_content'); mosCache::cleanCache(); $session->guest = 1; $session->username = ''; $session->userid = ''; $session->usertype = ''; $session->gid = 0; $session->update(); // this is daggy?? $lifetime = time() - 1800; setcookie( "usercookie[username]", " ", $lifetime, "/" ); setcookie( "usercookie[password]", " ", $lifetime, "/" ); setcookie( "usercookie", " ", $lifetime, "/" ); @session_destroy(); } /** * User logout * * Reverts the current session record back to 'anonymous' parameters */ function logoutUser () { $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); if ($session) { $mambothandler =& mosMambotHandler::getInstance(); $mambothandler->loadBotGroup('authenticator'); $loginfo = new mosLoginDetails($session->username); $mambothandler->trigger('beforeLogout', array($loginfo)); $this->clearSession($session); } } function &loginAdmin ($acl) { $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); /** escape and trim to minimise injection of malicious sql */ $usrname = $database->getEscaped(mosGetParam($_POST, 'usrname', '')); $pass = $database->getEscaped(mosGetParam($_POST, 'pass', '')); $my = null; if (!$pass) echo "<script>alert('".T_('Please enter a password')."'); document.location.href='index.php';</script>\n"; else $pass = md5( $pass ); $admintypes = array ('administrator', 'superadministrator', 'super administrator'); $admins = 0; $query = "SELECT u.*, a.name as usertype, a.lft as grp FROM #__users AS u, #__core_acl_aro_groups AS a" . "\n WHERE ( LOWER( usertype ) = 'administrator'" . "\n OR LOWER( usertype ) = 'superadministrator'" . "\n OR LOWER( usertype ) = 'super administrator'" . "\n OR (username='$usrname' AND block=0)) AND a.group_id = u.gid" ; $users = $database->doSQLget( $query, 'mosUser' ); foreach ($users as $key=>$oneuser) { if (in_array(strtolower($oneuser->usertype),$admintypes)) $admins++; if ($oneuser->username == $usrname) $my =& $users[$key]; } if ($admins == 0) echo "<script>alert(\"".T_('You cannot login. There are no administrators set up.')."\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; /** find the user group (or groups in the future) */ elseif (isset($my)) { if (strcmp( $my->password, $pass ) OR !$acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'login', 'users', $my->usertype )) { echo "<script>alert('".T_('Incorrect Username, Password, or Access Level. Please try again')."'); document.location.href='index.php';</script>\n"; return; } $logintime = time(); $session_id = md5( "$my->id$my->username$my->usertype$logintime" ); $query = "INSERT INTO #__session" . "\nSET time='$logintime', session_id='$session_id', " . "userid='$my->id', usertype='$my->usertype', username='$my->username', guest=-1" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); if (!$database->query()) { echo $database->stderr(); } $_SESSION['session_id'] = $session_id; $_SESSION['session_user_id'] = $my->id; $_SESSION['session_username'] = $my->username; $_SESSION['session_usertype'] = $my->usertype; $_SESSION['session_gid'] = $my->gid; $_SESSION['session_grp'] = $my->grp; $_SESSION['session_logintime'] = $logintime; $_SESSION['session_userstate'] = array(); } return $my; } /** * Random password generator * @return password */ function mosMakePassword() { $salt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; $len = strlen($salt); $makepass=""; mt_srand(10000000*(double)microtime()); for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) $makepass .= $salt[mt_rand(0,$len - 1)]; return $makepass; } }