File: cmtclasses.php
<?php /** * Some Components, Modules, Mambots and Templates classes * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license GNU/GPL Version 2, see LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. */ /** * Singleton class to handle with current component * * This class controls the start, end and send output buffer from current component * @package Mambo * @acces public */ class mosComponentHandler { /** * stores the output from current component * * @acces private * @var string */ var $_buffer = ''; /** * Return a reference to current handler * * This function returns a reference to current component handler, if none handler exists, * it creates one. * * Example of use: * * <code>$c_handler =& mosComponentHandler::getInstance();</code> * * @acces public * @return object reference to current singleton Handler */ function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mosComponentHandler(); return $instance; } /** * Returns the admin parameters from a component * * This function returns a reference to specified component in $name param, if none parameters * are founded it returns null. * * @acces public * @return object mosParameters object with parameters, null if none was founded. */ function &getParamsByName ($name) { $params = null; $row = new mosComponent(); $query = "SELECT a.params, a.option" . "\n FROM #__components AS a" . "\n WHERE a.name = '$name'" ; $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $database->setQuery( $query ); // load the row from the db table if ($database->loadObject($row)) { // get params definitions $mainframe =& mosMainFrame::getInstance(); $params =& new mosParameters( $row->params); } return $params; } /** * Writes the output from current component * * This function send to client browser the outputs from the component, it's * called by mosMainBody() global function. * * @acces private */ function mosMainBody() { // message passed via the url $mosmsg = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'mosmsg', ''); if ($mosmsg) { if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $mosmsg = addslashes( $mosmsg ); echo "\n<div class=\"message\">$mosmsg</div>"; } echo $this->_buffer; // Alternative if "popmessages" - apparently never implemented // echo "\n<script language=\"javascript\">alert('$mosmsg');</script>"; } /** * Start the use of buffer * * This function start the use of buffers to components output * * @acces private */ function startBuffer () { $this->_buffer = ''; ob_start(); } /** * Ends the use of buffer * * This function ends the use of buffers to components output, all outputs * are stored in $this->_buffer * * @acces private */ function endBuffer () { $this->_buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } /** * Components database table class * * This class can be used to gain access to #_components database table * * @package Mambo * @access public */ class mosComponent extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string component name*/ var $name=null; /** @var string component link*/ var $link=null; /** @var int menu id*/ var $menuid=null; /** @var int parent menu*/ var $parent=null; /** @var string component admin link*/ var $admin_menu_link=null; /** @var string alternative text for admin menu*/ var $admin_menu_alt=null; /** @var string component option id*/ var $option=null; /** @var string order*/ var $ordering=null; /** @var string image from admin menu*/ var $admin_menu_img=null; /** @var int 1 core component ,0 others */ var $iscore=null; /** @var string component parameters*/ var $params=null; /** * mosComponent class Contructor * @access private */ function mosComponent() { $db = mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $this->mosDBTable( '#__components', 'id', $db ); } } /** * Abstract component common base class for both user and admin sides * * Since 4.6 version a new way to develop components based in MVC pattern was included, * this requires that each component should to create a instance from mosComponentUserManager * to user(frontend) side and a instance from mosComponentAdminManager to admin(backend) side, * both classes are derived from this abstract class * * @package Mambo * @access public */ class mosComponentManager { /** @var string component name */ var $plugin_name = ''; var $magic_quotes_value = 0; /** @var int current magic quotes value, used to restore it */ var $magic_quotes_restore = ''; /** @var string component version*/ var $plugin_version = ''; /** @var string option from URL*/ var $option = ''; /** * mosComponentManager Class contructor * * This constructor initiates all necessary members, clear all magic quotes if * is present and load the language from component * * @access private * @param string component name * @param string component version */ function mosComponentManager ($component_name, $version) { $this->text_name = $component_name; $this->plugin_name = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $component_name)); $this->plugin_version = $version; $this->option = mamboCore::get('option'); $this->magic_quotes_restore = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); $this->noMagicQuotes(); $cname = 'com_'.$this->plugin_name; $mosConfig_absolute_path = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path'); if(file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path."/components/$cname/language/".mamboCore::get('mosConfig_lang').'.php')) require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path."/components/$cname/language/".mamboCore::get('mosConfig_lang').'.php'); else if (file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path."/components/$cname/language/english.php")) require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path."/components/$cname/language/english.php"); } /** * remove magic quotes from Superglobals arrays * * This function removes the magic quotes if is present in $_REQUEST, $_GET * and $_POST arrays * * @access private */ function noMagicQuotes () { // Is magic quotes on? if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // Yes? Strip the added slashes $_REQUEST =& $this->remove_magic_quotes($_REQUEST); $_GET =& $this->remove_magic_quotes($_GET); $_POST =& $this->remove_magic_quotes($_POST); } set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); $this->magic_quotes_value = 0; } /** * remove magic quotes and slashes from a array * * This function removes the magic quotes if is present in passed array * * @access private * @param array array to strip quotes and slashes * @return array reference to converted array */ function &remove_magic_quotes ($array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) $array[$k] = $this->remove_magic_quotes($v); else $array[$k] = stripslashes($v); } return $array; } /** * restore magic quotes from old value * * This function restore the old value of magic_quotes_runtime * * @access private */ function restore_magic_quotes () { set_magic_quotes_runtime($this->magic_quotes_restore); } /** * checks for a method in a class * * This function returns TRUE when $method is a member of $object * * @access public * @param object Reference to the object * @param string method name that is looking for * @return bool TRUE when $method exits */ function checkCallable (&$object, $method) { if (is_callable(array(&$object, $method))) return true; $name = get_class($object); trigger_error (sprintf(T_('Component %s error: attempt to use non-existent class %s in %s'), $this->plugin_name, $method, $name)); return false; } } /** * Component base controller for user(frontend) side * * Since 4.6 version a new way to develop components based in MVC pattern was included, * this requires that each component should to create a instance from mosComponentUserManager * to user(frontend) side. * * @package Mambo * @access public */ class mosComponentUserManager extends mosComponentManager { /** * mosComponentUserManager Class contructor * * This constructor initiates all necessary members, sets the title to browser, * creates a new instance of the correct class and calls the action to do, finally * restore the magic quotes to it initial state * * @access private * @param string component name * @param string variable used as control * @param array array whin alternavite names to actions methods * @param string default action to do * @param string browser title to show when the component is in use * @param string component version */ function mosComponentUserManager ($component_name, $control_name, $alternatives, $default, $title, $version) { mosComponentManager::mosComponentManager($component_name, $version); $mainframe =& mosMainFrame::getInstance(); $mainframe->SetPageTitle($title); $func = mosGetParam ($_REQUEST, $control_name, $default); if (isset($alternatives[$func])) $method = $alternatives[$func]; else $method = $func; $classname = $this->plugin_name.'_'.$method.'_Controller'; if (class_exists($classname)) { $controller =& new $classname($this); if (is_callable(array(&$controller,$method))) $controller->$method($func); else trigger_error (sprintf(T_('Component %s error: attempt to use non-existent method %s in %s'), $this->plugin_name, $method, $controller)); } else trigger_error(sprintf(T_('Component %s error: attempt to use non-existent class %s'), $this->plugin_name, $classname)); $this->restore_magic_quotes(); } /** * Loads and returns a class for render HTML (view Object) * * This function load a class for view html an associated controller is passed * * @access public * @param string HTML view class name * @param object reference to controller object * @param int not used * @param int list of items to show * @return mixed a instance to the HTML class, FALSE if the class is not founded */ function newHTMLClassCheck ($name, &$controller, $total_items, $clist) { if (class_exists($name)) return new $name ($controller, $this->limit, $clist); trigger_error(sprintf(T_('Component %s error: attempt to use non-existent class %s'), $this->plugin_name, $name)); return false; } } /** * Component base controller for admin side * * Since 4.6 version a new way to develop components based in MVC pattern was included, * this requires that each component should to create a instance from mosComponentAdminManager * to admin(backend) side. * * @package Mambo * @access public */ class mosComponentAdminManager extends mosComponentManager { /** @var string action executed */ var $act = ''; /** @var string task executed */ var $task = ''; /** @var int init offset to admin list*/ var $limitstart = 0; /** @var int quantity of elements to show in list*/ var $limit = 0; /** @var mixed id or id's of selected objects in admin list */ var $cfid = 0; /** @var array order positions for all items */ var $order = 0; /** @var int first element of cfid */ var $currid = 0; /** * mosComponentAdminManager Class contructor * * This constructor initiates all necessary members with values passed trought REQUEST * creates a new instance of the correct class and calls the task to do, finally * restore the magic quotes to it initial state. * * @param string component name * @param string component version * @access private */ function mosComponentAdminManager ($component_name, $version) { mosComponentManager::mosComponentManager($component_name, $version); $this->act = mosGetParam ($_REQUEST, 'act', $this->plugin_name); $this->task = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'task', 'list'); $mainframe = mosMainFrame::getInstance(); $default_limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "viewlistlimit", 'limit', 20 ); $this->limit = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'limit', $default_limit ) ); $this->limitstart = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0 ); $this->cfid = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'cfid', array(0)); if (is_array($this->cfid)) foreach ($this->cfid as $i=>$id) $this->cfid[$i] = intval($id); $this->order= mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'order', array()); if (is_array( $this->cfid )) $this->currid=intval($this->cfid[0]); else $this->currid=intval($this->cfid); $name = $this->getAction(); if (class_exists($name)) { $controller =& new $name($this); $task = $this->task.'Task'; if (is_callable(array(&$controller, 'getRequestData'))) $controller->getRequestData(); if (is_callable(array(&$controller,$task))) $controller->$task(); else trigger_error(sprintf(T_('MOS error in %s: method %s not found in class %s'), $this->plugin_name, $task, $name)); } else trigger_error(sprintf(T_('MOS error in %s: class not found %s'), $this->plugin_name, $name)); $this->restore_magic_quotes(); } /** * Checks that at least one item selected * * @param string alert message * @access public */ function check_selection ($text) { if (!is_array($this->cfid) OR count( $this->cfid ) < 1) { echo "<script> alert('".$text."'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n"; exit; } } /** * returns the class name from the current action * * @return string class name from the current action * @access public */ function getAction () { $actname = strtoupper(substr($this->act,0,1)).strtolower(substr($this->act,1)); return strtolower($this->plugin_name).'Admin'.$actname; } /** * Loads and returns a class for render HTML (view Object) * * This function load a class for view html an associated controller is passed * * @access public * @param string HTML view class name * @param object reference to controller object * @param int * @param int list of items to show * @return mixed a instance to the HTML class, FALSE if the class is not founded */ function newHTMLClassCheck ($name, &$controller, $total_items, $clist) { $controller->makePageNav($this, $total_items); if (class_exists($name)) return new $name ($controller, $this->limit, $clist); trigger_error(sprintf(T_('Component %s error: attempt to use non-existent class %s'), $this->plugin_name, $name)); return false; } } /** * Abstract component base class for admin side component controller logic (not used yet) * * @package Mambo * @access public * @todo This class is not used yet */ class mosComponentAdminControllers { /** @var string action executed */ var $admin = ''; /** @var string curren user */ var $user = ''; /** @var object Page navigation Object */ var $pageNav = ''; /** @var string curren root path */ var $rootPath = ''; /** @var string curren language */ var $language = ''; /** * mosComponentAdminControllers Class contructor * * @param object $admin * @access private */ function mosComponentAdminControllers ($admin) { $this->admin = $admin; $this->user = mamboCore::get('currentUser'); $this->rootPath = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path'); $this->language = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_lang'); } /** * Creates a mosPageNav object * * @param object component name * @param int not used * @access public */ function makePageNav (&$admin, $total) { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/administrator/includes/pageNavigation.php'); $this->pageNav =& new mosPageNav( $total, $admin->limitstart, $admin->limit ); } } /** * Template database table class * * This class can be used to gain access to #_templates database table * * @package Mambo * @access public * @todo This class is not used yet */ class mosTemplate extends mosDBTable { /** @var int table primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string is act*/ var $cur_template=null; /** @var int */ var $col_main=null; /** * mosTemplate Class contructor * * Init a mosDBTable object. * * @param object &$database reference to current database object * @access private */ function mosTemplate( &$database ) { $this->mosDBTable( '#__templates', 'id', $database ); } } /** * Mambot database table class * * This class can be used to gain access to #_mambots database table * * @package Mambo * @access public */ class mosMambot extends mosDBTable { /** @var int table primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string mambot name */ var $name=null; /** @var string element name */ var $element=null; /** @var string mambot kind */ var $folder=null; /** @var int access level 0 public, 1 registered, 2 special */ var $access=null; /** @var int order lower first*/ var $ordering=null; /** @var int 1 published, 0 unpublished */ var $published=null; /** @var int 1 core mambots ,0 others */ var $iscore=null; /** @var int 1 admin mambot, 0 user mambot*/ var $client_id=null; /** @var int id from the user that checkout, 0 checkin */ var $checked_out=null; /** @var datetime date and time from checkout*/ var $checked_out_time=null; /** @var string mambot parameters */ var $params=null; /** * mosMambot Class contructor * * Init a mosDBTable object. * * @param object reference to current database object * @access private */ function mosMambot( &$db ) { $this->mosDBTable( '#__mambots', 'id', $db ); } } /** * Singleton class to handle with modules * * This class loads, counts and caches modules for both sides, user and admin * * @package Mambo * @acces public */ class mosModuleHandler { /** * @var object current database object * @access private */ var $_db = null; /** * @var object modules cached * @access private */ var $_modules = null; /** * @var array unpublished modules * @access private */ var $_unpublished = null; /** * @var bool TRUE when admin modules are loaded * @access private */ var $_isAdmin = null; /** * @var bool TRUE when content is buffered * @access private */ var $_isBuffered = null; /** * mosModuleHandler Class contructor * * Init the database object. * * @access private */ function mosModuleHandler () { $this->_db =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); } /** * Returns a reference to current handler * * This function returns a reference to current modules handler, if none handler exists, * it creates one. * * @acces public * @return object reference to current singleton Handler */ function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mosModuleHandler(); return $instance; } function get ($property) { if (isset($this->$property)) return $this->$property; return null; } /** * Caches some modules output * * This function cache all modules output, a $isAdmin bool value can be passed to select * the side (user/admin) by default user modules are loaded. * * @access private * @param bool TRUE when admin modules will loaded */ function initBuffers($isAdmin=false) { $this->initModules($isAdmin); require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/includes/frontend.html.php'); $Itemid = mamboCore::get('Itemid'); foreach($this->_modules as $position=>$modules) { foreach ($modules as $module) { ob_start(); if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_debug')) echo (T_('buffered').'<br />'); $params =& new mosParameters($module->params); if ((substr("$module->module",0,4))=="mod_") $modfunc = 'module2'; else $modfunc = 'module'; if ($params->get('cache') == 1 AND mamboCore::get('mosConfig_caching') == 1) { $cache =& mosCache::getCache('com_content'); $cache->call("modules_html::$modfunc", $module, $params, $Itemid, -1 ); } else { modules_html::$modfunc($module, $params, $Itemid, -1, 0); } $this->_modules[$position][$module->id]->buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } $this->_isBuffered = true; } /** * Caches some modules information * * This function cache all modules, a $isAdmin bool value can be passed to select * the side (user/admin) by default user modules are loaded. * * @access private * @param bool TRUE when admin modules will loaded */ function initModules($isAdmin=false) { static $frontLoaded; static $adminLoaded; if (!$isAdmin && isset($frontLoaded)) return; if ($isAdmin && isset($adminLoaded)) return; if ($isAdmin) $adminLoaded = true; else $frontLoaded = true; $my = mamboCore::get('currentUser'); if (!isset($this->_modules) OR $isAdmin != $this->_isAdmin) { $this->_isAdmin = $isAdmin; if ($isAdmin) { $query = "SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params, published" . "\n FROM #__modules AS m" . "\n WHERE m.published = '1'" . "\n AND (m.client_id = 1)" . "\n ORDER BY m.ordering"; } else { $Itemid = mamboCore::get('Itemid'); $query = "SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params, published, m.access, m.groups" ."\nFROM #__modules AS m, #__modules_menu AS mm" . "\nWHERE m.access <= '$my->gid' AND m.client_id='0'" . "\nAND mm.moduleid=m.id" . "\nAND (mm.menuid = '$Itemid' OR mm.menuid = '0')" . "\nORDER BY ordering"; } $this->_db->setQuery( $query ); $modules = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($modules as $module) { if (!$isAdmin) $canAccess = $this->canAccess($module, $my->gid); else $canAccess = 1; if ($module->published == 1 && $canAccess == 1) $this->_modules[$module->position][$module->id] = $module; else $this->_unpublished[] = $module; } } } /** * Returns the number of modules in a specified position, this method is called by * mosCountModules global function * * @access public * @param string The template position * @param bool TRUE when admin modules will loaded */ function mosCountModules( $position='left', $isAdmin=false ) { if (!$this->_isBuffered) $this->initModules($isAdmin); return isset($this->_modules[$position]) ? count($this->_modules[$position]) : 0; } /** * Returns a array with modules that match whit $name, when $unpublished is TRUE * unpublished modules are returned too. * * @access public * @param string Name of module required * @param bool TRUE when admin modules will loaded * @param bool TRUE whish to include unpublished modules too * @return array array with all modules that match */ function &getByName( $name, $isAdmin=false, $unpublished=false ) { if (!$this->_isBuffered) $this->initModules($isAdmin); $modules = array(); foreach ($this->_modules as $position) { foreach ($position as $module) if ($module->module == $name) $modules[] = $module; } if ($unpublished AND $this->_unpublished) foreach ($this->_unpublished as $module) if ($module->module == $name) $modules[] = $module; return $modules; } /** * Loads all published modules from a specified position, a $style can be passed * to change the style of output * * @param string The position * @param int The style. 0=normal(default), 1=horiz, -1=no wrapper * @param bool TRUE when admin modules will loaded */ function mosLoadModules( $position='left', $style=0, $isAdmin=false ) { $Itemid = mamboCore::get('Itemid'); $tp = mosGetParam( $_GET, 'tp', 0 ); if ($tp) { echo '<div style="height:50px;background-color:#eee;margin:2px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #f00;color:#700;">'; echo $position; echo '</div>'; return; } $style = intval($style); $cache =& mosCache::getCache('com_content'); require_once( mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/includes/frontend.html.php'); // check for buffered output if (!$this->_isBuffered) { $this->initModules($isAdmin); } if (isset($this->_modules[$position] )) $modules = $this->_modules[$position]; else { $modules = array(); $style = 0; } if ($style == 1) { echo "<table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; } $prepend = ($style == 1) ? "<td valign=\"top\">\n" : ''; $postpend = ($style == 1) ? "</td>\n" : ''; $count = 1; foreach ($modules as $module) { $params =& new mosParameters($module->params); echo $prepend; if ((substr("$module->module",0,4))=="mod_") $modfunc = 'module2'; else $modfunc = 'module'; if ($params->get('cache') == 1 AND mamboCore::get('mosConfig_caching') == 1) { $cache->call("modules_html::$modfunc", $module, $params, $Itemid, $style, $this->_isBuffered ); } else { modules_html::$modfunc($module, $params, $Itemid, $style, $count, $this->_isBuffered); } echo $postpend; $count++; } if ($style == 1) echo "</tr>\n</table>\n"; } /** * Loads admin modules from a specified position,a $style can be passed * to change the style of output * * @param string The position * @param int The style 0 = no style(default), 1 = tabbed, 2 = use div */ function mosLoadAdminModules( $position='left', $style=0 ) { global $my, $acl; $this->initModules(true); $cache =& mosCache::getCache( 'com_content' ); if (isset($this->_modules[$position] )) $modules = $this->_modules[$position]; else $modules = array(); switch ($style) { case 0: default: foreach ($modules as $module) { $params =& new mosParameters( $module->params ); if ( $module->module == '' ) mosLoadCustomModule( $module, $params ); else mosLoadAdminModule( substr( $module->module, 4 ), $params ); } break; case 1: // Tabs $tabs = new mosTabs(1); $tabs->startPane( 'modules-' . $position ); foreach ($modules as $module) { $params =& new mosParameters( $module->params ); $editAllComponents = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'edit', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', 'all' ); // $authoriser = new mosAuthoriser($database); // $editAllComponents = $authoriser->checkPermission('mosUser', $my->id, 'edit', 'editAllComponents', 0); // special handling for components module if ( $module->module != 'mod_components' || ( $module->module == 'mod_components' && $editAllComponents ) ) { $tabs->startTab( T_($module->title), 'module' . $module->id ); if ( $module->module == '' ) mosLoadCustomModule( $module, $params ); else mosLoadAdminModule( substr( $module->module, 4 ), $params ); $tabs->endTab(); } } $tabs->endPane(); break; case 2: // Div'd foreach ($modules as $module) { $params =& new mosParameters( $module->params ); echo '<div>'; if ( $module->module == '' ) mosLoadCustomModule( $module, $params ); else mosLoadAdminModule( substr( $module->module, 4 ), $params ); echo '</div>'; } break; } } /** * Module access check * * Used in * * @param object a module object * @param int an array of groups */ function canAccess($module, $gid) { if($module->access == 2) { $groups = explode(',',$module->groups); if(count($groups) > 0) { if (in_array($gid, $groups)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } return 1; } } /** * Modules database table class * * This class can be used to gain access to #_modules database table * * Example of use: * * To load all modules in a object.. * * <code> * $row = new mosModule(); * $query = "SELECT * FROM #_modules"; * $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); * $database->setQuery( $query ); * if ($database->loadObject($row)) { * ... * } * </code> * @package Mambo * @access public */ class mosModule extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string module title */ var $title=null; /** @var bool TRUE show title, FALSE hide title*/ var $showtitle=null; /** @var string content to custom modules*/ var $content=null; /** @var int order lower first*/ var $ordering=null; /** @var string template position*/ var $position=null; /** @var int id from the user that checkout, 0 checkin */ var $checked_out=null; /** @var int date and time from checkout */ var $checked_out_time=null; /** @var bool TRUE published, FALSE unpublished*/ var $published=null; /** @var string module name*/ var $module=null; /** @var int num of news from newsfeed modules*/ var $numnews=null; /** @var int access level 0 public, 1 registered, 2 special */ var $access=null; /** @var string module parameters*/ var $params=null; /** @var int 1 core mambots ,0 others */ var $iscore=null; /** @var int 1 admin module, 0 user module*/ var $client_id=null; /** @var string group access*/ var $groups=null; /** * mosModule Class contructor * * Init a mosDBTable object. * * @param object reference to current database object * @access private */ function mosModule( &$db ) { $this->mosDBTable( '#__modules', 'id', $db ); } /** * overloaded check function * * @access private */ function check() { // check for valid name if (trim( $this->title ) == '') { $this->_error = T_('Your Module must contain a title.'); return false; } // limitation has been removed // check for existing title //$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT id FROM #__modules" //. "\nWHERE title='$this->title'" //); // check for module of same name //$xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() ); //if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) { // $this->_error = "There is a module already with that name, please try again."; // return false; //} return true; } } ?>