File: core.classes.php
<?php /** * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license GNU/GPL Version 2, see LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. */ /** * Mambo basic error object */ define ('_MOS_ERROR_INFORM', 0); define ('_MOS_ERROR_WARN', 1); define ('_MOS_ERROR_SEVERE', 2); define ('_MOS_ERROR_FATAL', 3); /** * Enter description here... * */ class mosError { /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $text = ''; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $level = 0; /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $text * @param unknown_type $level * @return mosError */ function mosError ($text='', $level=_MOS_ERROR_INFORM) { $this->text = $text; $this->level = $level; } } /** * Mambo group of errors for some particular operation */ class mosErrorSet { /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $errors = array(); /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $maxlevel = 0; // Parameter is an error object /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $error */ function addError ($error) { $this->errors[] = $error; if ($error->level > $this->maxlevel) $this->maxlevel = $error->level; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $text * @param unknown_type $level */ function addErrorDetails ($text='', $level=_MOS_ERROR_INFORM) { $error = new mosError($text, $level); $this->addError($error); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function &getErrors () { return $this->errors; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function getMaxLevel () { return $this->maxlevel; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function getCount () { return count($this->errors); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $errorset */ function mergeAnother ($errorset) { $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $errorset->errors); } } /* This is the new error handler to store errors in the database class mosErrorHandler { var $types = array ( E_STRICT => 'Strict check', E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice', E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_NOTICE => 'Notice', E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning', E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning', E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error', E_ERROR => 'Error', E_PARSE => 'Parse error', E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error', E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error' ); function mosErrorHandler () { set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'handler')); } function handler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { if ($errno = E_STRICT) return; $string = $this->types[$errno].': '.$errstr.' in '.$errfile.' at '.$errline; $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); if (eregi('^(sql)$', $errstr)) { $extra = $database->getErrorMsg(); } if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { foreach(debug_backtrace() as $back) { if (@$back['file']) { $extra .= "\n".$back['file'].':'.$back['line']; } } } $database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__errors WHERE file=$errfile AND line=$errline AND number=$errno"); $database->query(); $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__errors VALUES (0, $errno, '$errfile', $errline, '$string', '$extra')"); $database->query(); } } */ /** * Enter description here... * */ class mamboCore { /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $rootPath = ''; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $Itemid = 0; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $option = ''; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $subdirectory; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $current_user = null; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $do_gzip_compress = false; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $init_errorlevel = 0; /** * Enter description here... * * @return mamboCore */ function mamboCore () { global $adminside; $this->init_errorlevel = error_reporting(0); //$this->rootPath = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(str_replace('includes', '', dirname(__FILE__)))); $this->rootPath = str_replace('\\', '/',str_replace('includes', '', dirname(__FILE__))); $this->checkConfig(); $this->Itemid = (int)mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'Itemid', 0); $this->getConfig(); $this->fixLanguage(); @set_magic_quotes_runtime( 0 ); if (@$this->mosConfig_error_reporting > 0 OR @$this->mosConfig_error_reporting ===0) error_reporting($this->mosConfig_error_reporting); else error_reporting($this->init_errorlevel); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function &getMamboCore () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mamboCore(); return $instance; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function rootPath () { //if (realpath($this->rootPath) === false) die ('Invalid program load path'); if (file_exists($this->rootPath) === false) die ('Invalid program load path'); return $this->rootPath; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $property * @return unknown */ function get ($property) { $config =& mamboCore::getMamboCore(); if ($property == 'mosConfig_absolute_path') { //if (realpath($config->mosConfig_absolute_path) === false) die ('Invalid program load path'); if (file_exists($config->mosConfig_absolute_path) === false) die ('Invalid program load path'); else return $config->rootPath; } if (isset($config->$property)) return $config->$property; trigger_error("Invalid property ($property) requested from mamboCore"); return null; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $property * @return unknown */ function is_set ($property) { $config =& mamboCore::getMamboCore(); return isset($config->$property); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $property * @param unknown_type $value * @return unknown */ function set ($property, $value) { $config =& mamboCore::getMamboCore(); $config->$property = $value; $GLOBALS[$property] = $value; return $value; } /** * Enter description here... * */ function checkConfig () { // checks for configuration file, if none found loads installation page if (!file_exists($this->rootPath.'/configuration.php') OR filesize($this->rootPath.'/configuration.php') < 10 ) { header( 'Location: installation/index.php' ); exit(); } } /** * Enter description here... * */ function getConfig () { global $adminside; $code = ''; $f = @fopen($this->rootPath.'/configuration.php','rb'); if ($f) { while ($f AND !feof($f)) { $line = fgets($f); $altered = preg_replace('/^\$/', '$this->', $line); if ($altered != $line) $code .= $altered; } } else { #header( 'Location: installation/index.php' ); exit(); } fclose($f); eval($code); $origin = array_pop(debug_backtrace()); // Find the PHP script at the start, with a fix for Windows slashes $absolutepath = str_replace('\\', '/', $origin['file']); $localpath = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $userdir= ''; if (strpos($localpath,'~') !== false){ $userdir = substr($localpath, 0, strpos(substr($localpath,1),'/')+1); $localpath = substr($localpath,strpos(substr($localpath,1),'/')+1); } $docroot = substr($absolutepath,0,strpos($absolutepath,$localpath)); $mamboroot = str_replace('\\', '/', rtrim($this->rootPath, '\/')); $this->subdirectory = $userdir . substr($mamboroot, strlen($docroot)); $scheme = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SCHEME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_SCHEME'] : ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) AND strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')) ? 'https' : 'http'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $withport = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $servername = $withport[0]; if (isset($withport[1])) $port = ':'.$withport[1]; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) $servername = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; else trigger_error(T_('Impossible to determine the name of this server'), E_USER_ERROR); if (!isset($port) AND !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) $port = ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; if (isset($port)) { if (($scheme == 'http' AND $port == ':80') OR ($scheme == 'https' AND $port == ':443')) $port = ''; } else $port = ''; $afterscheme = '://'.$servername.$port.$this->subdirectory; //$this->mosConfig_live_site = $this->mosConfig_secure_site = $scheme.$afterscheme; $this->mosConfig_unsecure_site = 'http'.$afterscheme; $this->mosConfig_absolute_path = $this->rootPath; preg_match_all('/\$this\-\>([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/', $code, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $match) $GLOBALS[$match] = $this->$match; if (!isset($this->mosConfig_register_globals)) { $this->mosConfig_register_globals = 0; $GLOBALS['mosConfig_register_globals'] = 0; } } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function getFavIcon () { // favourites icon if (!isset($this->mosConfig_favicon)) $this->mosConfig_favicon = 'favicon.ico'; if (!file_exists($this->rootPath.'/images/'.$this->mosConfig_favicon)) $this->mosConfig_favicon = 'favicon.ico'; return $this->mosConfig_live_site.'/images/'.$this->mosConfig_favicon; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $user * @param unknown_type $database */ function offlineCheck (&$user, &$database) { global $adminside; if (($this->mosConfig_offline && !$adminside) OR file_exists($this->rootPath.'/installation/index.php')) { require_once($this->rootPath().'/administrator/includes/admin.php'); session_start(); $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); if (!isset($_SESSION['initiated'])) { session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['initiated'] = true; } $my =& new mosUser(); $my->getSessionData(); if (mosSession::validate($my)) return; include("$this->mosConfig_absolute_path/offline.php"); exit(); } } function loadLanguage(){ if (!mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'lang')); else $this->mosConfig_locale = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'lang', $this->mosConfig_locale); $language =& new mamboLanguage($this->mosConfig_locale, $this->rootPath.'/language/'); $languages = $language->getLanguages(); $charset = $language->get('charset'); $dateformat = $language->get('dateformat'); $this->mosConfig_lang = $language->get('lang'); $this->current_language = $language; if (!defined('_ISO')) DEFINE('_ISO','charset='.$charset); header('Content-type: text/html; '._ISO); if (!defined('_DATE_FORMAT_LC')) DEFINE('_DATE_FORMAT_LC', $dateformat); //Uses PHP's strftime Command Format if (!defined('_DATE_FORMAT_LC2')) DEFINE('_DATE_FORMAT_LC2', $dateformat); #error_reporting(E_ALL) ; ########## DEPRECATED ############ if (isset($this->mosConfig_lang) AND $this->mosConfig_lang); else $this->set('mosConfig_lang', 'english'); $language_file = "$this->mosConfig_absolute_path/language/$this->mosConfig_lang.php"; if (file_exists($language_file)) require_once ($language_file); else require_once ("$this->mosConfig_absolute_path/language/english.php"); ################################### } /** * Enter description here... * */ function fixLanguage () { require_once($this->mosConfig_absolute_path.'/includes/phpgettext/phpgettext.class.php'); require_once($this->mosConfig_absolute_path.'/includes/phpgettext/error.php'); require_once($this->mosConfig_absolute_path.'/includes/mambofunc.php'); require_once($this->mosConfig_absolute_path.'/includes/mambolanguage.class.php'); } /** * Enter description here... * */ function handleGlobals () { $superglobals = array($_SERVER, $_ENV, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_POST, $_GET); if (isset( $_SESSION )) array_unshift ( $superglobals , $_SESSION ); // Emulate register_globals on if (!ini_get('register_globals') && $this->mosConfig_register_globals) { while(list($key,$value)=each($_GET)) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=$value; } while(list($key,$value)=each($_POST)) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=$value; } } // Emulate register_globals off elseif (ini_get('register_globals') && !$this->mosConfig_register_globals) { foreach ( $superglobals as $superglobal ) { foreach ( $superglobal as $key => $value) { unset( $GLOBALS[$key]); unset( $GLOBALS[$key]); } } } } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function determineOptionAndItemid () { $this->Itemid = (int)mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'Itemid', 0); if ($option = strtolower(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'option'))); else { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); $menus =& $menuhandler->getByParentOrder($this->Itemid, 'mainmenu'); if (count($menus)) { $this->Itemid = $menus[0]->id; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $this->Itemid; $link = $menus[0]->link; $pos = strpos( $link, '?' ); if ($pos !== false) $link = substr( $link, $pos+1 ). '&Itemid='.$this->Itemid; parse_str( $link, $temp ); /** this is a patch, need to rework when globals are handled better */ foreach ($temp as $k=>$v) $_GET[$k] = $_REQUEST[$k] = $v; if (isset($temp['option'])) $option = $temp['option']; else return ''; } } /** patch to lessen the impact on templates */ if ($option == 'search') $option = 'com_search'; // checking if we can find the Itemid thru the component if ($this->Itemid === 0) { if ( $option == 'com_content') { require_once($this->rootPath().'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& contentHandler::getInstance(); $this->Itemid = (int)$handler->getItemid(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'id', 0 )); $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $this->Itemid; } else { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); $this->Itemid = $menuhandler->getIdLikeLink("index.php?option=$option"); if ($this->Itemid === 0) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); $menus =& $menuhandler->getByParentOrder($this->Itemid, 'mainmenu'); } } } return trim(htmlspecialchars($option)); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $url * @param unknown_type $msg */ function redirect ($url, $msg='') { $callcheck = array('InputFilter', 'process'); if (!is_callable($callcheck)) require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/includes/phpInputFilter/class.inputfilter.php'); // specific filters $iFilter =& new InputFilter(); $url = $iFilter->process( $url ); $message = trim($iFilter->process($msg)); if ($iFilter->badAttributeValue(array('href', $url))) $url = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site'); if ($message) { if (strpos($url, '?')) $url .= '&mosmsg='.urlencode($message); else $url .= '?mosmsg='.urlencode($message); } $url = preg_replace("/[\n]|[\r]/",'',$url); if (headers_sent()) echo "<script>document.location.href='$url';</script>\n"; else { @ob_end_clean(); // clear output buffer header( "Location: $url" ); } exit(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $text */ function logMessage ($text) { // JS Popup message if (mosGetParam( $_POST, 'message', 0 )) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--// alert( "<?php echo $text; ?>" ); //--> </script> <?php } if ($return = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'return', '' )) { $this->redirect( $return ); } else { $this->redirect( $this->mosConfig_live_site.'/index.php' ); } } /** * Enter description here... * */ function handleLogin () { require_once($this->rootPath().'/includes/authenticator.php'); $authenticator =& mamboAuthenticator::getInstance(); $loggedin = $authenticator->loginUser(); if ($loggedin) $this->logMessage(T_('You have Logged In succesfully')); else mamboCore::redirect('index.php'); } /** * Enter description here... * */ function handleLogout () { require_once($this->rootPath().'/includes/authenticator.php'); $authenticator =& mamboAuthenticator::getInstance(); $authenticator->logoutUser(); $this->logMessage(T_('You have Logged Out successfully')); } /** * Enter description here... * */ function standardHeaders () { header( 'Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' ); header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' ); header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' ); header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false ); header( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); $mambothandler =& mosMambotHandler::getInstance(); $mambothandler->loadBotGroup('system'); $mambothandler->trigger('onHeaders', array($this)); } /** * Enter description here... * */ function initGzip() { $this->do_gzip_compress = FALSE; //zlib.output_compression and ob_gzhandler don't get along well so we'll check to make //that zlib.output_compression is not enable in the php.ini before turning on ob_gzhandler if ( $this->mosConfig_gzip == 1 AND (int)ini_get('zlib.output_compression') != 1 ) { $phpver = phpversion(); $useragent = mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' ); $canZip = mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '' ); if ( $phpver >= '4.0.4pl1' AND ( strpos($useragent,'compatible') !== false || strpos($useragent,'Gecko') !== false ) ) { if ( extension_loaded('zlib') ) { ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' ); return; } } else if ( $phpver > '4.0' ) { if ( strpos($canZip,'gzip') !== false ) { if (extension_loaded( 'zlib' )) { $this->do_gzip_compress = TRUE; ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); header( 'Content-Encoding: gzip' ); return; } } } } ob_start(); } /** * Perform GZIP */ function doGzip() { if ( $this->do_gzip_compress ) { /** *Borrowed from php.net! */ $gzip_contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $gzip_size = strlen($gzip_contents); $gzip_crc = crc32($gzip_contents); $gzip_contents = gzcompress($gzip_contents, 9); $gzip_contents = substr($gzip_contents, 0, strlen($gzip_contents) - 4); echo "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; echo $gzip_contents; echo pack('V', $gzip_crc); echo pack('V', $gzip_size); } else { ob_end_flush(); } } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $separator * @param unknown_type $field * @return unknown */ function getLastPart ($separator, $field) { $parts = explode($separator, $field); return $parts[count($parts)-1]; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $separator * @param unknown_type $field * @return unknown */ function allButLast ($separator, $field) { $lastSize = strlen(mamboCore::getLastPart($separator,$field)); return substr($field, 0, strlen($field)-$lastSize); } } /** * Sorts an Array of objects */ class mosObjectSorter { /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $_keyname = ''; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $_direction = 0; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $_object_array = array(); /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $a * @param unknown_type $k * @param unknown_type $sort_direction * @return mosObjectSorter */ function mosObjectSorter (&$a, $k, $sort_direction=1) { $this->_keyname = $k; $this->_direction = $sort_direction; $this->_object_array =& $a; $this->sort(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $a * @param unknown_type $b * @return unknown */ function mosObjectCompare (&$a, &$b) { $key = $this->_keyname; if ($a->$key > $b->$key) return $this->_direction; if ($a->$key < $b->$key) return -$this->_direction; return 0; } /** * Enter description here... * */ function sort () { usort($this->_object_array, array($this,'mosObjectCompare')); } } /** * Pathway handler * @package Mambo */ class mosPathway { /** @var array Names for display in pathway */ var $_names = null; /** @var array URLs for links from pathway */ var $_urls = null; /** * Constructor */ function mosPathway () { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); $menus =& $menuhandler->getByParentOrder(0,'mainmenu'); $home = $menus[0]; $this->_names[] = $home->name; $this->_urls[] = sefRelToAbs($home->link."&Itemid=$home->id"); } /** * Singleton accessor */ function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mosPathway(); return $instance; } /** * Add an item to the pathway */ function addItem ($name, $givenurl) { $last = count($this->_names) - 1; if (!$name) return; $url = sefRelToAbs($givenurl); if ($name == $this->_names[$last] AND $url == $this->_urls[$last]) return; $this->_names[$last+1] = $name; $this->_urls[$last+1] = $url; } /** * Enter description here... * */ function reduceToOne () { for ($i = count($this->_names) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) { unset($this->_names[$i]); unset($this->_urls[$i]); } } /** * Make a pathway string for display */ function makePathway () { $mainframe =& mosMainFrame::getInstance(); $customs = $mainframe->getCustomPathWay(); $last = count($this->_names) - 1; if (($last == 0) AND (count($customs) == 0)) return ''; $result = "<span class='pathway'>"; $config =& mamboCore::getMamboCore(); $rootpath = $config->rootPath(); $imgPath = 'templates/'.$mainframe->getTemplate().'/images/arrow.png'; if (file_exists( "$rootpath/$imgPath" )) $img = "<img src='$config->mosConfig_live_site/$imgPath' border='0' alt='arrow' />"; else { $imgPath = '/images/M_images/arrow.png'; if (file_exists( "$rootpath/$imgPath" )) $img = "<img src='$config->mosConfig_live_site/images/M_images/arrow.png' alt='arrow' />"; else $img = '>'; } $uri =& mosUriHelper::getInstance(); foreach ($this->_names as $i=>$name) { $uri->setUri($this->_urls[$i]); if ($i === $last AND count($customs) == 0) $result .= "$name</span>"; elseif (strstr($uri->get('task'), 'view')) $result .= ""; else { $sefurl = sefRelToAbs($this->_urls[$i]); $result .= "<a href='$sefurl' class='pathway'>$name</a>"; $result .= " $img "; } } foreach ($customs as $custom) $result .= $custom; if (count($customs)) $result .= '</span>'; return $result; } } /** * Module database table class * @package Mambo */ class mosMenu extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Primary key */ var $id=null; /** @var string */ var $menutype=null; /** @var string */ var $name=null; /** @var string */ var $link=null; /** @var int */ var $type=null; /** @var int */ var $published=null; /** @var int */ var $componentid=null; /** @var int */ var $parent=null; /** @var int */ var $sublevel=null; /** @var int */ var $ordering=null; /** @var boolean */ var $checked_out=null; /** @var datetime */ var $checked_out_time=null; /** @var boolean */ var $pollid=null; /** @var string */ var $browserNav=null; /** @var int */ var $access=null; /** @var int */ var $utaccess=null; /** @var string */ var $params=null; /** * @param database A database connector object */ function mosMenu() { $db =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $this->mosDBTable( '#__menu', 'id', $db ); } /** * binds an array/hash to this object * @param int $oid optional argument, if not specifed then the value of current key is used * @return any result from the database operation */ function load( $oid=null ) { $k = $this->_tbl_key; if ($oid !== null) $this->$k = $oid; if ($this->$k === null) return false; $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); $menu =& $menuhandler->getMenuById($this->$k); if ($menu) { foreach (get_object_vars($menu) as $key=>$data) $this->$key = $data; return true; } else return false; } } /** * File Manager including safe mode provision? * @package Mambo */ class mosFileManager { /** * Singleton accessor */ function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mosFileManager(); return $instance; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $file * @return unknown */ function deleteFile ($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { @chmod($file, 0644); return unlink($file); } return true; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $dir * @return unknown */ function deleteDirectory ($dir) { if (file_exists($dir)) { if (is_dir($dir)) { @chmod($dir, 0755); return rmdir($dir); } return false; } return true; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $fileSysObject */ function setPermissions ($fileSysObject) { if (file_exists($fileSysObject)) { if (is_dir($fileSysObject)) $perms = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_dirperms'); else $perms = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_fileperms'); if ($perms) { $origmask = @umask(0); $mode = octdec($perms); @chmod($fileSysObject, $mode); @umask($origmask); } } } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $dir * @return unknown */ function makeDirectory ($dir) { $perms = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_dirperms'); $origmask = @umask(0); if ($perms) $result = @mkdir($dir, octdec($perms)); else $result = @mkdir($dir, 0755); if ($result) $this->setPermissions($dir); @umask($origmask); return $result; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $dir * @param unknown_type $onlyCheck * @return unknown */ function createDirectory ($dir, $onlyCheck=false) { if (file_exists($dir)) { if (is_dir($dir) AND is_writable($dir)) return true; else return false; } list($upDirectory, $count) = $this->containingDirectory($dir); if ($count > 1 AND !file_exists($upDirectory) AND !($result = $this->createDirectory($upDirectory, $onlyCheck))) return false; if ($onlyCheck AND isset($result)) return true; if (!is_dir($upDirectory) OR !is_writable($upDirectory)) return false; if ($onlyCheck) return true; else return $this->makeDirectory($dir); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $dir * @return unknown */ function containingDirectory ($dir) { $dirs = preg_split('*[/|\\\]*', $dir); for ($i = count($dirs)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $text = trim($dirs[$i]); unset($dirs[$i]); if ($text) break; } $result2 = count($dirs); $result1 = implode('/',$dirs).($result2 > 1 ? '' : '/'); return array($result1, $result2); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $from * @param unknown_type $to * @return unknown */ function simpleCopy ($from, $to) { if (@copy($from, $to)) { $this->setPermissions($to); return true; } else return false; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $from * @param unknown_type $to * @return unknown */ function forceCopy ($from, $to) { $todir = dirname($to); if (!file_exists($todir)) $this->createDirectory($todir); if (!file_exists($todir)) return false; $name = basename($from); $this->deleteFile($to.$name); return $this->simpleCopy ($from, $to); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $from * @param unknown_type $to * @return unknown */ function lightCopy ($from, $to) { $name = basename($from); if (file_exists($to.$name)) return false; $todir = dirname($to); if (!file_exists($todir)) $this->createDirectory($todir); if (!file_exists($todir)) return false; return $this->simpleCopy ($from, $to); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $to * @return unknown */ function acceptCopy ($to) { $todir = dirname($to); return $this->createDirectory($todir, true); } /** * Function to strip additional / or \ in a path name * @param string The path * @param boolean Add trailing slash */ function mosPathName($p_path, $p_addtrailingslash=true) { if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') { $retval = str_replace( '/', '\\', $p_path ); if ($p_addtrailingslash AND substr( $retval, -1 ) != '\\') $retval .= '\\'; // Remove double \\ $retval = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\', $retval ); } else { $retval = str_replace( '\\', '/', $p_path ); if ($p_addtrailingslash AND substr( $retval, -1 ) != '/') $retval .= '/'; // Remove double // $retval = str_replace('//','/',$retval); } return $retval; } /** * Chmods files and directories recursively to mos global permissions. Available from 4.5.2 up. * @param path The starting file or directory (no trailing slash) * @param filemode Integer value to chmod files. NULL = dont chmod files. * @param dirmode Integer value to chmod directories. NULL = dont chmod directories. * @return TRUE=all succeeded FALSE=one or more chmods failed */ function mosChmod($path) { $fileperms = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_fileperms'); if ($fileperms != '') $filemode = octdec($fileperms); else $filemode = null; $dirperms = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_dirperms'); if ($dirperms != '') $dirmode = octdec($dirperms); else $dirmode = null; if (isset($filemode) OR isset($dirmode)) return $this->mosChmodRecursive($path, $filemode, $dirmode); return true; } // mosChmod /** * Chmods files and directories recursively to given permissions. Available from 4.5.2 up. * @param path The starting file or directory (no trailing slash) * @param filemode Integer value to chmod files. NULL = dont chmod files. * @param dirmode Integer value to chmod directories. NULL = dont chmod directories. * @return TRUE=all succeeded FALSE=one or more chmods failed */ function mosChmodRecursive($path, $filemode=NULL, $dirmode=NULL) { $ret = true; if (is_dir($path)) { $topdir =& new mosDirectory($path); $files =& $topdir->listFiles ('', 'file', true, true); $dirs =& $topdir->listFiles ('', 'dir', true, true); } else { $files = array($path); $dirs = array(); } if (isset($filemode)) foreach ($files as $file) $ret = @chmod($file, $filemode) ? $ret : false; if (isset($dirmode)) foreach ($dirs as $dir) $ret = @chmod($dir, $dirmode) ? $ret : false; return $ret; } } /** * Enter description here... * */ class mosDirectory { /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $path = ''; /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $path * @return mosDirectory */ function mosDirectory ($path) { $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); if (substr($path,-1,1) == '/') $this->path = $path; else $this->path = $path.'/'; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $recurse * @param unknown_type $fullpath * @return unknown */ function &listAll ($type='file', $recurse=false, $fullpath=false) { $results = array(); if ($dir = @opendir($this->path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file == '.' OR $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($this->path.$file)) { if ($recurse) { $subdir = new mosDirectory($this->path.$file); $results = array_merge($results, $subdir->listAll($type, $recurse, $fullpath)); unset($subdir); } if ($type == 'file') continue; } elseif ($type == 'dir') continue; if ($fullpath) $results[] = $this->path.$file; else $results[] = $file; } closedir($dir); } asort($results); return $results; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function soleDir () { $found = ''; if ($dir = @opendir($this->path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file == '.' OR $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($this->path.$file)) { if ($found) return ''; else $found = $file; } else return ''; } closedir($dir); } return $found; } /** * Enter description here... * */ function deleteAll () { if (!file_exists($this->path)) return; $subdirs =& $this->listAll ('dir', false, true); foreach ($subdirs as $subdir) { $subdirectory = new mosDirectory($subdir); $subdirectory->deleteAll(); unset($subdirectory); } $filemanager =& mosFileManager::getInstance(); $files =& $this->listAll ('file', false, true); foreach ($files as $file) $filemanager->deleteFile($file); $filemanager->deleteDirectory($this->path); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function createFresh () { $this->deleteAll(); $filemanager =& mosFileManager::getInstance(); $filemanager->createDirectory($this->path); return true; } /** * Enter description here... * */ function createIfNeeded () { if (!file_exists($this->path)) { $filemanager =& mosFileManager::getInstance(); $filemanager->createDirectory($this->path); } } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $pattern * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $recurse * @param unknown_type $fullpath * @return unknown */ function &listFiles ($pattern='', $type='file', $recurse=false, $fullpath=false) { $results = array(); $all =& $this->listAll($type, $recurse, $fullpath); foreach ($all as $file) { $name = basename($file); if ($pattern AND !preg_match( "/$pattern/", $name )) continue; if (($name != 'index.html') AND ($name[0] != '.')) $results[] = $file; } return $results; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function getSize () { $totalsize = 0; $files =& $this->listFiles(); foreach ($files as $file) $totalsize += filesize($this->path.$file); return $totalsize; } } /** * Menu handler * @package Mambo */ class mosMenuHandler { /** @var array Menu objects currently available */ var $_menus = null; /** @var array Counts of menu items by type and published status */ var $_counts = null; /** @var array Access to stored menu objects by ID */ var $_idlinks = null; /** @var array Items that may be useful for setting Itemid */ var $_byParentOrder = null; /** * Constructor */ function mosMenuHandler() { $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__menu ORDER BY name"; $this->_menus =& $database->doSQLget($sql, 'mosMenu'); if (!$this->_menus) $this->_menus = array(); foreach ($this->_menus as $key=>$menu) { $this->_idlinks[$menu->id] = $key; if ($menu->published == 1) $this->_byParentOrder[$menu->parent][$menu->ordering][$menu->menutype] = $key; if (isset($this->_counts[$menu->menutype][$menu->published])) $this->_counts[$menu->menutype][$menu->published]++; else $this->_counts[$menu->menutype][$menu->published] = 1; } if ($this->_byParentOrder) { foreach ($this->_byParentOrder as $parent=>$outer) ksort($this->_byParentOrder[$parent]); ksort($this->_byParentOrder); } } /** * Singleton accessor */ function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mosMenuHandler(); return $instance; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $id * @return unknown */ function &getMenuByID ($id) { if (isset($this->_idlinks[$id])) { $key = $this->_idlinks[$id]; $result = $this->_menus[$key]; } else $result = null; return $result; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $published * @return unknown */ function getMenuCount ($type, $published) { if (isset($this->_counts[$type][$published])) return $this->_counts[$type][$published]; else return 0; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $types * @return unknown */ function &getMenusByType ($types) { $checker = explode(',', $types); $result = null; foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { if (in_array($menu->type, $checker)) $result[] = $menu; } return $result; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function &getMenuTypes () { $types = array(); foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { if (!isset($types[$menu->menutype])) $types[$menu->menutype] = 0; $types[$menu->menutype]++; } return $types; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $link * @return unknown */ function getIDByTypeLink ($type, $link) { foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { if ($menu->published == 1 AND ($type == '*' OR $menu->type == $type) AND $menu->link == $link) return $menu->id; } return null; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $link * @return unknown */ function getIDLikeLink ($link) { $exact = $this->getIdByTypeLink('*', $link); if ($exact !== null) return $exact; foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { if ($menu->published == 1 AND strpos($menu->link,$link) === 0) return $menu->id; } return 0; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $componentid * @return unknown */ function getIDByTypeCid ($type, $componentid) { foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { if ($menu->published == 1 AND $menu->type == $type AND $menu->componentid == $componentid) return $menu->id; } return null; } function getSectionItemId($sectionid, $gbs = 1){ static $__sectionsItemds; if (isset($__sectionsItemids[$sectionid])) return $__sectionsItemids[$sectionid]; $_Itemid = null; if ($_Itemid == null ) { // Search in sections $_Itemid = $this->getIDByTypeCid ('content_section', $sectionid); } if ($_Itemid == null ) { // Search in sections $_Itemid = $this->getIDByTypeCid ('content_blog_section', $sectionid); } if ($_Itemid == null && $gbs) { // Search in global blog section $_Itemid = $this->getIDByTypeCid('content_blog_section', 0); } if ($_Itemid != null) $__sectionsItemids[$sectionid] = $_Itemid; return $_Itemid; } function getCategoryItemId($catid){ static $__categoriesItemids; if (isset($__categoriesItemids[$catid])) return $__categoriesItemids[$catid]; $_Itemid = null; if ($_Itemid == null) { // Search in blog categories $_Itemid = $this->getIDByTypeCid ('content_blog_category', $catid); } if ($_Itemid == null) { // Search in categories $_Itemid = $this->getIDByTypeCid ('content_category', $catid); } if ($_Itemid != null) $__categoriesItemids[$catid] = $_Itemid; return $_Itemid; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function getGlobalBlogSectionCount () { $count = 0; foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { if ($menu->type == 'content_blog_section' AND $menu->published == 1 AND $menu->componentid == 0) $count++; } return $count; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $Itemid * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $id * @param unknown_type $catid * @return unknown */ function getContentItemid ($Itemid, $type, $id, $catid=0) { if ($Itemid) return $Itemid; foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { if (strpos($menu->link,'index.php?option=com_content') === false AND strpos($menu->link,'index.php?option=content') === false) continue; if (strpos($menu->link, $type) === false) continue; if ($catid) { if (strpos($menu->link, "&id=$catid") === false) continue; if (strpos($menu->link, "§ionid=$id") === false) continue; } elseif (strpos($menu->link, "&id=$id") === false) continue; return $menu->id; } return 0; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return unknown */ function getBestQueryMatch () { parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $qitems); if (!isset($qitems['option'])) return 0; $failures = 999; $best = 0; foreach ($this->_menus as $menu) { $split = explode('?', $menu->link); if (isset($split[1])) parse_str($split[1], $mitems); else continue; if (!isset($mitems['option']) OR $mitems['option'] != $qitems['option']) continue; $thisfail = 0; foreach ($mitems as $key=>$mitem) if (!isset($qitems[$key]) OR $mitem != $qitems[$key]) $thisfail++; if ($thisfail < $failures) { $best = $menu->id; $failures = $thisfail; } } return $best; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $link * @return unknown */ function &maxAccessLink ($link) { $selected = null; $access = 0; foreach ($this->_menus as $key=>$menu) { if (strpos($menu->link,$link) === 0 AND $menu->access > $access) { $access = $menu->access; $selected =& $this->_menus[$key]; } } return $selected; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $Itemid * @param unknown_type $menutype * @param unknown_type $maxaccess * @param unknown_type $noparent * @return unknown */ function &getByParentOrder ($Itemid, $menutype, $maxaccess=0, $noparent=false) { $result = array(); if ($this->_byParentOrder !== null) { foreach ($this->_byParentOrder as $parent=>$outer) { foreach ($outer as $ordering=>$inner) { foreach ($inner as $mtype=>$last) { $key = $this->_byParentOrder[$parent][$ordering][$mtype]; $menu = $this->_menus[$key]; if ($menutype AND $mtype != $menutype) continue; if ($Itemid AND $Itemid != $menu->id) continue; if ($menu->access > $maxaccess) continue; if ($noparent AND $parent != 0) continue; $result[] = $this->_menus[$key]; } } } } if ($Itemid == 0 && !count($result)){ $result[0] = new stdclass; $result[0]->id = 1; $result[0]->link = 'index.php?option=com_frontpage'; $result[0]->parent = 0; $result[0]->type = 'components'; $result[0]->browserNav = 0; $result[0]->name = 'Home'; } return $result; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $Itemid */ function setPathway ($Itemid) { if ($Itemid) { $menu =& $this->getMenuByID($Itemid); if (!$menu) return; if ($menu->parent) $this->setPathway($menu->parent); $pathway =& mosPathway::getInstance(); $pathway->addItem($menu->name, $menu->link."&Itemid=$Itemid"); } } /** * Checks whether a menu option is within the users access level * @param int Item id number * @param string The menu option * @param int The users group ID number * @param database A database connector object * @return boolean True if the visitor's group at least equal to the menu access */ function menuCheck( $Itemid, $menu_option, $task, $gid ) { // Construct a link to this component - if no menu for it, assume it is OK $dblink="index.php?option=$menu_option"; if ($this->getIDLikeLink($dblink) == 0) return true; if ($Itemid) { $menu =& $this->getMenuByID($Itemid); if (!$menu) return false; if (strpos($menu->link,$dblink) ===0) { $access = $menu->access; } elseif ($menu_option == 'com_content' AND $Itemid == 1) { return true; } } if (!isset($access)) { if ($task!='') $dblink .= "&task=$task"; $menu =& $this->maxAccessLink($dblink); if (isset($menu)) { $access = $menu->access; mamboCore::set('Itemid', $menu->id); } } return isset($access) ? $access <= $gid : false; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $mitem * @param unknown_type $level * @param unknown_type $params * @param unknown_type $Itemid * @return unknown */ function mosGetMenuLink( &$mitem, $level=0, &$params, $Itemid ) { $txt = ''; switch ($mitem->type) { case 'separator': case 'component_item_link': break; case 'content_item_link': $temp = split("&task=view&id=", $mitem->link); if (isset($temp[1])) { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& contentHandler::getInstance(); $mitem->link .= '&Itemid='.$handler->getItemid($temp[1]); } break; case 'url': $link = strtolower($mitem->link); if (substr($link,0,10) == 'index.php?' AND strpos($link,'itemid=') === false) $mitem->link .= '&Itemid='. $mitem->id; break; case 'content_typed': default: $mitem->link .= '&Itemid='.$mitem->id; break; } // Active Menu highlighting if ( $Itemid == $mitem->id ) $id = 'id="active_menu'.$params->get( 'class_sfx' ).'"'; else $id = ''; $mitem->link = ampReplace( $mitem->link ); if (strcasecmp(substr($mitem->link,0,4), 'http')) $mitem->link = sefRelToAbs( $mitem->link ); if ($level > 0) $menuclass = 'sublevel'; else $menuclass = 'mainlevel'; $menuclass .= $params->get( 'class_sfx'); switch ($mitem->browserNav) { // cases are slightly different case 1: // open in a new window $txt = '<a href="'. $mitem->link .'" target="_blank" class="'. $menuclass .'" '. $id .'>'. $mitem->name .'</a>'; break; case 2: // open in a popup window $txt = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript: window.open('". $mitem->link ."', '', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=550'); return false\" class=\"$menuclass\" ". $id .">". $mitem->name ."</a>\n"; break; case 3: // don't link it $txt = '<span class="'. $menuclass .'" '. $id .'>'. $mitem->name .'</span>'; break; default: // formerly case 2 // open in parent window $txt = '<a href="'. $mitem->link .'" class="'. $menuclass .'" '. $id .'>'. $mitem->name .'</a>'; break; } if ( $params->get( 'menu_images' ) ) { $menu_params =& new mosParameters( $mitem->params ); $menu_image = $menu_params->def( 'menu_image', -1 ); if ($menu_image AND $menu_image <> '-1') { $image = '<img src="'. mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site') .'/images/stories/'. $menu_image .'" border="0" alt="'. $mitem->name .'"/>'; if ( $params->get('menu_images_align')) $txt = $txt .' '. $image; else $txt = $image .' '. $txt; } } return $txt; } /** * Vertically Indented Menu */ function mosShowVIMenu( &$params ) { global $my, $cur_template, $Itemid; if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_shownoauth')) $maxaccess = 9999999; else $maxaccess = $my->getAccessGid(); $rows =& $this->getByParentOrder(0, $params->get('menutype'), $maxaccess); foreach ($rows as $i=>$row) $crosslink[$row->id] = $i; // indent icons $base = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site'); switch ( $params->get( 'indent_image' ) ) { case '1': // Default images for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $img[$i] = "<img src=\"$base/images/M_images/indent$i.png\" alt=\"indent$i\" />"; } break; case '2': // Use Params for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $parm = $params->get('indent_image'. $i); if ($parm == '-1' ) $img[$i] = NULL; else $img[$i] = "<img src=\"$base/images/M_images/$parm\" alt=\"indent$i\" />"; } break; case '3': // None for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) $img[$i] = NULL; break; default: // Template $imgpath = $base.'/templates/'. $cur_template .'/images'; for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $img[$i] = "<img src=\"$base/templates/$cur_template/images/indent$i.png\" alt=\"indent$i\" />"; } break; } $indents = array( // block prefix / item prefix / item suffix / block suffix array( '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">', '<tr align="left"><td>' , '</td></tr>', '</table>' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 4px">'. $img[1] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 8px">'. $img[2] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 12px">'. $img[3] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 16px">'. $img[4] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 20px">'. $img[5] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 24px">'. $img[6] , '</div>', '' ), ); // establish the hierarchy of the menu $children = array(); // first pass - collect children foreach ($rows as $v ) $children[$v->parent][] = $v; // second pass - collect 'open' menus $open = array( $Itemid ); for ($i = 0; $i < 20 AND isset($crosslink[$open[$i]]) AND isset($rows[$crosslink[$open[$i]]]); $i++) { $next = $rows[$crosslink[$open[$i]]]->parent; if ($next) $open[$i+1] = $next; else break; } $this->mosRecurseVIMenu( 0, 0, $children, $open, $indents, $params ); } /** * Utility function to recursively work through a vertically indented * hierarchial menu */ function mosRecurseVIMenu( $id, $level, &$children, &$open, &$indents, &$params ) { global $Itemid; if (@$children[$id]) { $n = min( $level, count($indents )-1); echo "\n".$indents[$n][0]; foreach ($children[$id] as $row) { echo "\n".$indents[$n][1]; echo $this->mosGetMenuLink( $row, $level, $params, $Itemid ); // show menu with menu expanded - submenus visible if ($params->get('expand_menu') OR in_array($row->id, $open)) $this->mosRecurseVIMenu( $row->id, $level+1, $children, $open, $indents, $params ); echo $indents[$n][2]; } echo "\n".$indents[$n][3]; } } /** * Draws a horizontal 'flat' style menu (very simple case) */ function mosShowHFMenu( &$params, $style=0 ) { global $my, $cur_template, $Itemid; if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_shownoauth')) $maxaccess = 9999999; else $maxaccess = $my->getAccessGid(); $rows =& $this->getByParentOrder(0, $params->get('menutype'), $maxaccess, true); $links = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $links[] = $this->mosGetMenuLink( $row, 0, $params, $Itemid ); $menuclass = 'mainlevel'. $params->get( 'class_sfx' ); if (count( $links )) { if ($style == 1) { echo '<ul id="'. $menuclass .'">'; foreach ($links as $link) echo '<li>' . $link . '</li>'; echo '</ul>'; } else { echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td nowrap="nowrap">'; echo '<span class="'. $menuclass .'"> '. $params->get( 'end_spacer' ) .' </span>'; echo implode( '<span class="'. $menuclass .'"> '. $params->get( 'spacer' ) .' </span>', $links ); echo '<span class="'. $menuclass .'"> '. $params->get( 'end_spacer' ) .' </span>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } } } } /** * Plugin handler * @package Mambo */ class mosMambotHandler { /** @var array An array of functions in event groups */ var $_events=null; /** @var array An array of lists */ var $_lists=null; /** @var array An array of mambots */ var $_bots=null; /** @var array An array of bools showing if corresponding bot is registered */ var $_registered=array(); /** @var int Index of the mambot being loaded */ var $_loading=null; /** * Constructor */ function mosMambotHandler() { $my = mamboCore::is_set('currentUser') ? mamboCore::get('currentUser') : null; $gid = $my ? $my->gid : 0; $this->_events = array(); $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $database->setQuery( "SELECT folder, element, published, params, CONCAT_WS('/',folder,element) AS lookup" . "\nFROM #__mambots" . "\nWHERE published >= 1 AND access <= $gid" . "\nORDER BY ordering" ); $this->_bots = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$this->_bots) $this->_bots = array(); } /** * Singleton accessor */ function &getInstance () { static $instance; if (!is_object($instance)) $instance = new mosMambotHandler(); return $instance; } /** * Register a class-type mambot, provided it has a perform method * - can register for multiple events if desired * @param object The mambot object * @param mixed string or array of strings - the mambot events to be registered * @param int the subscript for use in the main array of mambots */ function _botRegister (&$botObject, &$selected, $i) { $function = array(&$botObject, 'perform'); if (!is_callable($function)) return; if (is_array($selected)) foreach ($selected as $select) $this->_botRegister($botObject, $select); $this->_events[$selected][] = array ($function, $i); $this->_registered[$i] = true; } /** * Loads all the bot files for a particular group * @param string The group name, relates to the sub-directory in the mambots directory */ function loadBotGroup( $group ) { global $_MAMBOTS; $group = trim( $group ); $total = 0; $basepath = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path'); foreach ($this->_bots as $i=>$bot) { if ($bot->folder != $group OR isset($this->_registered[$i])) continue; $path = "$basepath/mambots/$bot->folder/$bot->element.php"; if (file_exists( $path )) { $this->_loading = $i; require_once( $path ); if (!isset($this->_registered[$i])) { $botclass = str_replace('.','_',$bot->element); if (class_exists($botclass)) { $newbot = new $botclass(); if (is_callable(array(&$newbot, 'register'))) { $selected = $newbot->register(); $this->_botRegister($newbot, $selected, $i); } unset($newbot); } } $total++; } } $this->_loading = null; if ($total) return true; return false; } /** * Registers a function to a particular event group * @param string The event name * @param string The function name */ function registerFunction( $event, $function ) { $this->_events[$event][] = array( $function, $this->_loading ); $this->_registered[$this->_loading] = true; } /** * Makes a option for a particular list in a group * @param string The group name * @param string The list name * @param string The value for the list option * @param string The text for the list option */ function addListOption( $group, $listName, $value, $text='' ) { $this->_lists[$group][$listName][] = mosHTML::makeOption( $value, $text ); } /** * @param string The group name * @param string The list name * @return array */ function getList( $group, $listName ) { return $this->_lists[$group][$listName]; } /** * Calls all functions according to passed parameters * @param string The event name * @param array An array of arguments * @param boolean True is unpublished bots are to be processed * @return array An array of results from each function call */ function &_runBots ($event, $args, $doUnpublished=false) { $result = array(); if (isset( $this->_events[$event] )) { foreach ($this->_events[$event] as $func) { $botargs = $args; if (is_callable( $func[0] )) { $botparams = $this->_bots[$func[1]]->params; $botargs[] = new mosParameters($botparams); $botargs[] = $event; if ($doUnpublished) { $botargs[0] = $this->_bots[$func[1]]->published; $result[] = call_user_func_array( $func[0], $botargs ); } else if ($this->_bots[$func[1]]->published) { $result[] = call_user_func_array( $func[0], $botargs ); } } } } return $result; } /** * Calls all functions associated with an event group * @param string The event name * @param array An array of arguments * @param boolean True is unpublished bots are to be processed * @return array An array of results from each function call */ function trigger( $event, $args=null, $doUnpublished=false ) { if ($args === null) $args = array(); // prepend the published argument if ($doUnpublished) array_unshift( $args, null ); $result =& $this->_runBots($event, $args, $doUnpublished); return $result; } /** * Same as trigger but only returns the first event and * allows for a variable argument list * @param string The event name * @return array The result of the first function call */ function call( $event ) { $args =& func_get_args(); array_shift( $args ); $result =& $this->_runBots($event, $args); if (isset($result[0])) return $result[0]; return null; } function getBot($element, $folder) { $returnBot = ''; foreach ($this->_bots as $i=>$bot) { if ($bot->folder == $folder && $bot->element == $element){ $returnBot = $bot; break; } } return $returnBot; } } /** * Users Table Class * * Provides access to the mos_templates table * @package Mambo */ class mosUser extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Unique id*/ var $id=null; /** @var string The users real name (or nickname)*/ var $name=null; /** @var string The login name*/ var $username=null; /** @var string email*/ var $email=null; /** @var string MD5 encrypted password*/ var $password=null; /** @var string */ var $usertype=null; /** @var int */ var $block=null; /** @var int */ var $sendEmail=null; /** @var int The group id number */ var $gid=null; /** @var int Group number from ACL */ var $grp=null; /** @var datetime */ var $registerDate=null; /** @var datetime */ var $lastvisitDate=null; /** @var string activation hash*/ var $activation=null; /** @var string */ var $params=null; /** * @param database A database connector object */ function mosUser() { $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $this->mosDBTable( '#__users', 'id', $database ); } /** * Return true if this user is an administrator, false otherwise */ function isAdmin() { return ( strtolower( $this->usertype ) == 'superadministrator' OR strtolower( $this->usertype ) == 'super administrator' OR (isset($this->grp) AND $this->grp == 16) ) ? true : false; } /** * Fill a user object with information from the current session */ function getSessionData() { $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); $this->id = intval( $session->userid ); $this->username = $session->username; $this->usertype = $session->usertype; $this->gid = intval ($session->gid); } function getSession () { $this->id = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_user_id', 0 ); $this->username = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_username', '' ); $this->usertype = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_usertype', '' ); $this->gid = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_gid', 0 ); $this->grp = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_grp', 0); } /** * User access level */ function getAccessGid() { static $access; if (!isset($access)) { $acl = new gacl; $access = $this->id > 0 ? 1 : 0; $access += $acl->acl_check( 'action', 'access', 'users', $this->usertype, 'frontend', 'special' ); } return $access; } /** * Validation and filtering * @return boolean True is satisfactory */ function check() { Global $mosConfig_absolute_path; //include $mosConfig_absolute_path . ('/language/english.php'); $this->_error = ''; if ($this->name == '') $this->_error = _REGWARN_NAME; elseif ($this->username == '') $this->_error = _REGWARN_UNAME; elseif (strlen($this->username) < 3 OR preg_match("/[\\<\\>\\\"\\'\\%\\;\\(\\)\\&\\+\\-]/", $this->username)) $this->_error = sprintf( _VALID_AZ09, _PROMPT_UNAME, 2 ); elseif (($this->email == '') OR preg_match("/[\w\.\-]+@\w+[\w\.\-]*?\.\w{1,4}/", $this->email ) == 0) $this->_error = _REGWARN_MAIL; else { // check for existing username $username = strtolower($this->username); $this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__users " . "\nWHERE LOWER(username)='$username' AND id!='$this->id'" ); if ($this->_db->loadResult()) $this->_error = _REGWARN_INUSE; elseif (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_uniquemail')) { // check for existing email $this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__users " . "\nWHERE email='$this->email' AND id!='$this->id'" ); if ($this->_db->loadResult()) $this->_error = _REGWARN_EMAIL_INUSE; } } if ($this->_error) return false; return true; } function store( $updateNulls=false ) { global $acl, $migrate; $section_value = 'users'; if( $this->id AND !$migrate) { // update existing record $ret = $this->_db->updateObject( $this->_tbl, $this, 'id', $updateNulls ); // syncronise ACL // single group handled at the moment // trivial to expand to multiple groups $groups = $acl->get_object_groups( $section_value, $this->id, 'ARO' ); $acl->del_group_object( $groups[0], $section_value, $this->id, 'ARO' ); $acl->add_group_object( $this->gid, $section_value, $this->id, 'ARO' ); $object_id = $acl->get_object_id( $section_value, $this->id, 'ARO' ); $acl->edit_object( $object_id, $section_value, $this->_db->getEscaped( $this->name ), $this->id, 0, 0, 'ARO' ); } else { // new record $ret = $this->_db->insertObject( $this->_tbl, $this, 'id' ); // syncronise ACL $acl->add_object( $section_value, $this->_db->getEscaped( $this->name ), $this->id, null, null, 'ARO' ); $acl->add_group_object( $this->gid, $section_value, $this->id, 'ARO' ); } if ($ret) return true; $this->_error = "mosUser::store failed <br />" . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(); return false; } function delete($oid=null) { global $acl; $k = $this->_tbl_key; if ($oid) $this->id = intval( $oid ); $aro_id = $acl->get_object_id( 'users', $this->$k, 'ARO' ); $acl->del_object( $aro_id, 'ARO', true ); // $authoriser = mosAuthorisationAdmin::getInstance(); // $authoriser->dropAccess('mosUser', $this->id); $this->_error = ''; $this->_db->setQuery( "DELETE FROM $this->_tbl WHERE id = '".$this->id."'" ); if ($this->_db->query()) { // cleanup related data // :: private messaging $this->_db->setQuery( "DELETE FROM #__messages_cfg WHERE user_id='".$this->id."'" ); if (!$this->_db->query()) $this->_error = $this->_db->getErrorMsg(); else { $this->_db->setQuery( "DELETE FROM #__messages WHERE user_id_to='".$this->$k."'" ); if (!$this->_db->query()) $this->_error = $this->_db->getErrorMsg(); } } else $this->_error = $this->_db->getErrorMsg(); if ($this->_error) return false; return true; } } /** * User login details class * @package Mambo */ class mosLoginDetails { var $_user = ''; var $_password = ''; var $_remember = ''; function mosLoginDetails ($user, $password='', $remember='') { $this->_user = $user; $this->_password = $password; $this->_remember = $remember; } function getUser () { return $this->_user; } function getPassword () { return $this->_password; } function getRemember () { return $this->_remember; } } /** * Mambo Mainframe class * * Provide many supporting API functions * @package Mambo */ class mosMainFrame { /** @var database Internal database class pointer */ var $_db=null; /** @var object A default option (e.g. component) */ var $_option=null; /** @var string The current template */ var $_template=null; /** @var array An array to hold global user state within a session */ var $_userstate=null; /** @var array An array of page meta information */ var $_head=null; /** @var string Custom html string to append to the pathway */ var $_custom_pathway=array(); /** * Class constructor * @param database A database connection object * @param string The url option * @param string The path of the mos directory */ function mosMainFrame( &$db, $option, $basePath, $isAdmin=false ) { $this->_db =& $db; // load the configuration values //return( $this->loadConfig() ); $this->_setTemplate($isAdmin); if (substr($option,0,4) != 'com_') $this->_option = "com_$option"; else $this->_option = $option; if (isset( $_SESSION['session_userstate'] )) $this->_userstate =& $_SESSION['session_userstate']; else $this->_userstate = null; $this->_head['title'] = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename']; $this->_head['meta'] = array(); $this->_head['custom'] = array(); mosMainFrame::getInstance($this); } /** * Get the current user - deprecated - use mamboCore instead */ function getUser() { return mamboCore::get('currentUser'); } /** * Logout the current user - deprecated - use the code here directly */ function logout() { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/includes/authenticator.php'); $authenticator =& mamboAuthenticator::getInstance(); $authenticator->logoutUser(); } /** * Login a user given name and password - deprecated - use the code here directly */ function login ($username=null,$passwd=null) { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/includes/authenticator.php'); $authenticator =& mamboAuthenticator::getInstance(); return $authenticator->loginUser($username, $passwd); } /** * @param object */ function &getInstance () { global $mainframe; if (isset($mainframe)) { return $mainframe; } else { $result = null; return $result; } } /** * @param string */ function setPageTitle( $title=null ) { if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_pagetitles')) { $title = trim(htmlspecialchars($title)); $base = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sitename'); $this->_head['title'] = $title ? $title.' - '.$base : $base; } } /** * @return string */ function getPageTitle() { return $this->_head['title']; } /** * @param string The value of the name attibute * @param string The value of the content attibute * @param string Text to display before the tag * @param string Text to display after the tag */ function addMetaTag( $name, $content, $prepend='', $append='' ) { list($name, $content) = $this->_tidyMetaData($name, $content); $prepend = trim($prepend); $append = trim($append); $this->_head['meta'][$name] = array($content, $prepend, $append); } /** * @param string The value of the name attibute */ function _getMetaTag ($name) { return isset($this->_head['meta'][$name]) ? $this->_head['meta'][$name] : array('', '', ''); } /** * @param string The value of the name attibute * @param string The value of the content attibute to append to the existing */ function _tidyMetaData($name, $content) { $result[] = trim(htmlspecialchars($name)); $result[] = trim(htmlspecialchars($content)); return $result; } /** * @param string The value of the name attibute * @param string The value of the content attibute to append to the existing * Tags ordered in with Site Keywords and Description first */ function appendMetaTag( $name, $content, $ifEmpty=false ) { list($name, $content) = $this->_tidyMetaData($name, $content); $tag = $this->_getMetaTag($name); if ($tag[0] AND $ifEmpty) return; if ($tag[0] AND $content) $content .= ', '; $tag[0] = $content.$tag[0]; $this->_head['meta'][$name] = $tag; } /** * @param string The value of the name attibute * @param string The value of the content attibute to append to the existing */ function prependMetaTag( $name, $content ) { list($name, $content) = $this->_tidyMetaData($name, $content); $tag = $this->_getMetaTag($name); $tag[0] = $content.$tag[0]; $this->_head['meta'][$name] = $tag; } /** * Adds a custom html string to the head block * @param string The html to add to the head */ function addCustomHeadTag( $html ) { $this->_head['custom'][] = trim( $html ); } /** * @return string */ function getHead() { $head[] = '<title>'.$this->_head['title'].'</title>'; foreach ($this->_head['meta'] as $name=>$meta) { if ($meta[1]) $head[] = $meta[1]; $head[] = '<meta name="' . $name . '" content="' . $meta[0] . '" />'; if ($meta[2]) $head[] = $meta[2]; } foreach ($this->_head['custom'] as $html) $head[] = $html; return implode( "\n", $head )."\n"; } /** * @return string */ function getCustomPathWay() { return $this->_custom_pathway; } function appendPathWay($html) { $this->_custom_pathway[] = $html; } /** * Gets the value of a user state variable * @param string The name of the variable */ function getUserState( $var_name ) { return is_array($this->_userstate) ? mosGetParam($this->_userstate, $var_name, null) : null; } /** * Sets the value of a user state variable * @param string The name of the variable * @param string The value of the variable */ function setUserState( $var_name, $var_value ) { if (is_array( $this->_userstate )) $this->_userstate[$var_name] = $var_value; } /** * Gets the value of a user state variable * @param string The name of the user state variable * @param string The name of the variable passed in a request * @param string The default value for the variable if not found */ function getUserStateFromRequest( $var_name, $req_name, $var_default=null ) { if (is_array($this->_userstate)) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$req_name])) $this->setUserState($var_name, $_REQUEST[$req_name]); else if (isset($var_default) AND !isset($this->_userstate[$var_name])) $this->setUserState($var_name, $var_default); return $this->_userstate[$var_name]; } else { return null; } } /** * Initialises the user session * * Old sessions are flushed based on the configuration value for the cookie * lifetime. If an existing session, then the last access time is updated. * If a new session, a session id is generated and a record is created in * the mos_sessions table. */ function &initSession() { $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); return $session; } /** * @param string The name of the variable (from configuration.php) * @return mixed The value of the configuration variable or null if not found */ function getCfg( $varname ) { return mamboCore::get('mosConfig_'.$varname); } function _setTemplate( $isAdmin=false ) { global $Itemid; $cur_template = ''; $sql = "SELECT template, client_id, menuid FROM #__templates_menu WHERE (client_id=0 or client_id=1)"; if (isset($Itemid) AND $Itemid) $sql .= " AND (menuid=0 OR menuid=$Itemid)"; else $sql .= " AND menuid=0"; $sql .= " ORDER BY client_id, menuid"; $this->_db->setQuery($sql); $templates = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($templates as $template) { if ($template->client_id == 1) { if ($isAdmin) $cur_template = $template->template; } else $cur_template = $template->template; } if ($isAdmin) { $path = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path')."/administrator/templates/$cur_template/index.php"; if (!file_exists( $path )) $cur_template = 'mambo_admin'; } else { // TemplateChooser Start $mos_user_template = mosGetParam( $_COOKIE, 'mos_user_template', '' ); $mos_change_template = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'mos_change_template', $mos_user_template ); if ($mos_change_template) { // check that template exists in case it was deleted $path = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path')."/templates/$mos_change_template/index.php"; if (strpos($mos_change_template,'..') === false AND strpos($mos_change_template,':') === false AND file_exists($path)) { $lifetime = 60*10; $cur_template = $mos_change_template; setcookie( "mos_user_template", "$mos_change_template", time()+$lifetime); } else setcookie( "mos_user_template", "", time()-3600 ); } // TemplateChooser End } $this->_template = $cur_template; } function getTemplate() { return $this->_template; } /** * Checks to see if an image exists in the current templates image directory * if it does it loads this image. Otherwise the default image is loaded. * Also can be used in conjunction with the menulist param to create the chosen image * load the default or use no image */ function ImageCheck( $file, $directory='/images/M_images/', $param=NULL, $param_directory='/images/M_images/', $alt=NULL, $name='image', $type=1, $align='middle' ) { $basepath = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site'); if ($param) $image = $basepath.$param_directory.$param; else { $endpath = '/templates/'.$this->getTemplate().'/images/'.$file; if (file_exists(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').$endpath)) $image = $basepath.$endpath; else $image = $basepath.$directory.$file; // outputs only path to image } // outputs actual html <img> tag if ($type) $image = '<img src="'. $image .'" alt="'. $alt .'" align="'. $align .'" name="'. $name .'" border="0" />'; return $image; } /** * Returns the first to be found of one or more files, or null * */ function tryFiles ($first_choice, $second_choice=null, $third_choice=null) { if (file_exists($first_choice)) return $first_choice; elseif ($second_choice AND file_exists($second_choice)) return $second_choice; elseif ($third_choice AND file_exists($third_choice)) return $third_choice; else return null; } /** * Returns a standard path variable * */ function getPath( $varname, $option='' ) { $base = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path'); $origoption = $option; if (!$option) $option = $this->_option; $name = substr($option,4); $bac_admin = "$base/administrator/components/com_admin/"; $baco = "$base/administrator/components/$option/"; $bttc = "$base/templates/$this->_template/components/"; $bco = "$base/components/$option/"; $bai = "$base/administrator/includes/"; $bi = "$base/includes/"; switch ($varname) { case 'front': return $this->tryFiles ($bco."$name.php"); case 'front_html': return $this->tryFiles ($bttc."$name.html.php", $bco."$name.html.php"); case 'admin': return $this->tryFiles ($baco."admin.$name.php", $bac_admin.'admin.admin.php'); case 'admin_html': return $this->tryFiles ($baco."admin.$name.html.php", $bac_admin.'admin.admin.html.php'); case 'toolbar': return $this->tryFiles ($baco."toolbar.$name.php"); case 'toolbar_html': return $this->tryFiles ($baco."toolbar.$name.html.php"); case 'toolbar_default': return $this->tryFiles ($bai.'toolbar.html.php'); case 'class': return $this->tryFiles ($bco."$name.class.php", $baco."$name.class.php", $bi."$name.php"); case 'com_xml': return $this->tryFiles ($baco."$name.xml", $bco."$name.xml"); case 'mod0_xml': if ($origoption) $path = $base."/modules/$option.xml"; else $path = $base.'/modules/custom.xml'; return $this->tryFiles ($path); case 'mod1_xml': if ($origoption) $path = $base."/administrator/modules/$option.xml"; else $path = $base.'/administrator/modules/custom.xml'; return $this->tryFiles ($path); case 'bot_xml': return $this->tryFiles ($base."/mambots/$option.xml"); case 'menu_xml': return $this->tryFiles ($base."/administrator/components/com_menus/$option/$option.xml"); case 'installer_html': return $this->tryFiles($base."/administrator/components/com_installer/$option/$option.html.php"); case 'installer_class': return $this->tryFiles($base."/administrator/components/com_installer/$option/$option.class.php"); } } /** * Detects a 'visit' * * This function updates the agent and domain table hits for a particular * visitor. The user agent is recorded/incremented if this is the first visit. * A cookie is set to mark the first visit. */ function detect() { if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_enable_stats') == 1) { if (mosGetParam( $_COOKIE, 'mosvisitor', 0 )) return; setcookie( "mosvisitor", "1" ); $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $browser = mosGetBrowser( $agent ); $os = mosGetOS( $agent ); $domain = gethostbyaddr( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ); // tease out the last element of the domain $tldomain = split( "\.", $domain ); $tldomain = $tldomain[count( $tldomain )-1]; if (is_numeric( $tldomain )) { $tldomain = "Unknown"; } $this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT count(*), type FROM #__stats_agents WHERE (agent='$browser' AND type=0) OR (agent='$os' AND type=1) OR (agent='$tldomain' AND type=2) GROUP BY type"); $stats = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $sql['browser'] = "INSERT INTO #__stats_agents (agent,type) VALUES ('$browser',0)"; $sql['os'] = "INSERT INTO #__stats_agents (agent,type) VALUES ('$os',1)"; $sql['domain'] = "INSERT INTO #__stats_agents (agent,type) VALUES ('$tldomain',2)"; if ($stats) foreach ($stats as $stat) { if ($stat->type == 0) $sql['browser'] = "UPDATE #__stats_agents SET hits=(hits+1) WHERE agent='$browser' AND type=0"; if ($stat->type == 1) $sql['os'] = "UPDATE #__stats_agents SET hits=(hits+1) WHERE agent='$os' AND type=1"; if ($stat->type == 2) $sql['domain'] = "UPDATE #__stats_agents SET hits=(hits+1) WHERE agent='$tldomain' AND type=2"; } $this->_db->setQuery(implode('; ',$sql)); $this->_db->query_batch(); } } /** * @return correct Itemid for Content Item */ function getItemid ($id, $typed=1, $link=1, $bs=1, $bc=1, $gbs=1) { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& contentHandler::getInstance(); return $handler->getItemid($id, $typed, $link, $bs, $bc, $gbs); } function liveBookMark () { // support for Firefox Live Bookmarks ability for site syndication $live_bookmark = 0; $c_handler =& mosComponentHandler::getInstance(); $params =& $c_handler->getParamsByName('Syndicate'); if (!is_null($params)){ $live_bookmark = $params->get( 'live_bookmark', 0 ); } if ($live_bookmark) { // custom bookmark file name $bookmark_file = $params->get( 'bookmark_file', $live_bookmark ); $link_file = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site').'/cache/'. $bookmark_file; $filename = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/cache/'. $bookmark_file; $cache = $params->get( 'cache', 1 ); $cache_time = $params->get( 'cache_time', 3600 ); $title = $params->def( 'title', mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sitename') ); // checks to see if cache file exists, to determine whether to create a new one if ( !file_exists( $filename ) || ( ( time() - filemtime( $filename ) ) > $cache_time ) ) { $task = 'live_bookmark'; // sets bookmark feed type $_GET['feed'] = str_replace( '.xml', '', $live_bookmark ); // loads rss component to create bookmark file require_once( mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_rss/rss.php' ); } // outputs link tag for page ?> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php echo $title; ?>" href="<?php echo $link_file; ?>" /> <?php } } /** * Render head tags * tags are assembled into an associative array with the following elements: * - title * - meta * - mambojavascript * - custom (custom head tags) * - livebookmark * - favicon * @param unknown keys - array elements to output (null = output all) * @param unknown exclude - array elements to exclude in output * * Usage: mosShowHead() - to render all tags * mosShowHead('title') - to render a single tag * mosShowHead(array('title', 'meta')) - to selectively render tags (in order) * mosShowHead(null, 'custom') - to exclude a single tag * mosShowHead(null, array('custom','favicon')) - to exclude multiple tags */ function mosShowHead($keys='', $exclude='') { if (!is_array($keys)) if ($keys !== '' && !is_null($keys)) $keys = array($keys); else $keys = array(); if (!is_array($exclude)) if ($exclude !== '') $exclude = array($exclude); else $exclude = array(); $this->_head['output'] = array(); $head = array();; $head['title'] = '<title>'.$this->_head['title'].'</title>'; $this->appendMetaTag( 'description', mamboCore::get('mosConfig_MetaDesc'), true ); $this->appendMetaTag( 'keywords', mamboCore::get('mosConfig_MetaKeys'), true ); $head['meta'] = array(); foreach ($this->_head['meta'] as $name=>$meta) { if ($meta[1]) $head['meta'][] = $meta[1]; $head['meta'][] = '<meta name="' . $name . '" content="' . $meta[0] . '" />'; if ($meta[2]) $head['meta'][] = $meta[2]; } $head['meta'] = implode( "\n", $head['meta'] ); $my = mamboCore::get('currentUser'); $head['mambojavascript'] = $my->id ? '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site').'/includes/js/mambojavascript.js"></script>' : ''; $head['custom'] = array(); foreach ($this->_head['custom'] as $html) if (trim($html) !== '') $head['custom'][] = $html; if (count($head['custom']) !== 0) $head['custom'] = implode( "\n", $head['custom'] ); else $head['custom'] = ''; ob_start(); $this->liveBookMark(); $head['livebookmark'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $configuration =& mamboCore::getMamboCore(); $head['favicon'] = "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"".$configuration->getFavIcon()."\" />"; if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_sef')) { $baseHref = sefRelToAbs('index.php?'.mosGetParam ($_SERVER,"QUERY_STRING","")); $head['base'] = "<base href=\"{$baseHref}/\" />"; } foreach($head as $key=>$value) $this->_head['output'][$key] = "$value"; $tags = $this->_head['output']; if (count($keys) == 0) { foreach($tags as $key=>$value) if (!in_array($key, $exclude)) if ($value !== '') echo trim($value)."\n"; } else { foreach($keys as $key) if (isset($tags[$key])) if(trim($tags[$key]) !== '') echo trim($tags[$key])."\n"; } } /** * retained for backward compatability */ function getBlogSectionCount() { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& new contentHandler(); return $handler->getBlogSectionCount(); } function getBlogCategoryCount() { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& new contentHandler(); return $handler->getBlogCategoryCount(); } function getGlobalBlogSectionCount() { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& new contentHandler(); return $handler->getGlobalBlogSectionCount(); } function getStaticContentCount() { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& new contentHandler(); return $handler->getStaticContentCount(); } function getContentItemLinkCount() { require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/components/com_content/content.class.php'); $handler =& new contentHandler(); return $handler->getContentItemLinkCount(); } function formId($option='', $task='', $my='') { $option=trim($option);$task=trim($task); if (!$option) die('Illegal option for mainframe formId in core.classes.php'); if (!$task) die('Illegal task for mainframe formId in core.classes.php'); if (!is_object($my)) die('Illegal user object for mainframe formId in core.classes.php'); mos_session_start(); $hash = md5(microtime().mt_rand()); $_SESSION['mosfid'] = md5($hash.$option.$task.$my->id.mamboCore::get('mosConfig_secret')); return $hash; } function validFormId($option='', $task='', $my='') { $option=trim($option);$task=trim($task); if (!$option) die('Illegal option for mainframe validFormId in core.classes.php'); if (!$task) die('Illegal task for mainframe validFormId in core.classes.php'); if (!is_object($my)) die('Illegal user object for mainframe validFormId in core.classes.php'); if (!isset($_REQUEST['f'])) die('Missing hash for mainframe validFormId in core.classes.php'); if (!isset($_SESSION['mosfid'])) return false; $valid = $_SESSION['mosfid'] == md5($_REQUEST['f'].$option.$task.$my->id.mamboCore::get('mosConfig_secret')); unset($_SESSION['mosfid']); return $valid; } /** * retained for backward compatability */ } /** * Class to support function caching * @package Mambo */ class mosCache { /** * @return object A function cache object */ function &getCache( $group='', $plugin = 'Function' ) { if (!in_array($plugin,array('Function','Output'))){ die('Cache plugin not available'); } $mosConfig_absolute_path = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path'); require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/includes/Cache/Lite/'.$plugin.'.php'); $path = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_cachepath'); $caching = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_caching'); $time = mamboCore::get('mosConfig_cachetime'); $options = array( 'cacheDir' => "$path/", 'caching' => $caching, 'defaultGroup' => $group, 'lifeTime' => $time ); $className = 'Cache_Lite_'.$plugin; $cache =& new $className( $options ); return $cache; } /** * Cleans the cache */ function cleanCache ($group=false) { if (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_caching')) { $cache =& mosCache::getCache( $group ); $cache->clean( $group ); } } } /** * Session database table class * @package Mambo */ class mosSession extends mosDBTable { /** @var int Primary key */ var $session_id=null; /** @var time */ var $time=null; /** @var int User ID */ var $userid=0; /** @var string */ var $usertype=null; /** @var string */ var $username=''; /** @var int User group ID */ var $gid=0; /** @var int */ var $guest=1; /** @var string */ var $_session_cookie=null; /** * @param database A database connector object */ function mosSession() { $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $this->mosDBTable( '#__session', 'session_id', $database ); $this->time = time(); } function validate ($user) { // check against db record of session $session_id = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_id', '' ); $logintime = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_logintime', '' ); if ($session_id == md5( $user->id.$user->username.$user->usertype.$logintime )) { $current_time = time(); $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $database->setQuery ("UPDATE #__session" . "\nSET time='$current_time', guest=-3-guest" . "\nWHERE session_id='$session_id'" . " AND username = '" . $database->getEscaped( $user->username ) . "'" . " AND userid = " . intval( $user->id ) ); if (!$result = $database->query()) echo $database->stderr(); elseif ($database->getAffectedRows() == 1) return true; } return false; } function &getCurrent () { static $currentSession; if (!is_object($currentSession)) { $currentSession = new mosSession(); mosSession::purge(); $sessionCookieName = md5('site'.mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site')); $sessioncookie = mosGetParam($_COOKIE, $sessionCookieName, null); $usercookie = mosGetParam($_COOKIE, 'usercookie', null); if ($currentSession->load(md5($sessioncookie.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))) { // Session cookie exists, update time in session table $currentSession->time = time(); $currentSession->update(); } else { $currentSession->generateId(); if (!$currentSession->insert()) { die( $currentSession->getError() ); } setcookie( $sessionCookieName, $currentSession->getCookie(), time() + 43200, '/' ); //$_COOKIE["sessioncookie"] = $session->getCookie(); if ($usercookie) { // Remember me cookie exists. Login with usercookie info. require_once (mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/includes/authenticator.php'); $authenticator =& mamboAuthenticator::getInstance(); $authenticator->authenticateUser ($message, $usercookie['username'], $usercookie['password'], null, $currentSession); } } } return $currentSession; } function insert() { $ret = $this->_db->insertObject( $this->_tbl, $this ); if( !$ret ) { $this->_error = strtolower(get_class( $this ))."::store failed <br />" . $this->_db->stderr(); return false; } else { return true; } } function update( $updateNulls=false ) { $ret = $this->_db->updateObject( $this->_tbl, $this, 'session_id', $updateNulls ); if( !$ret ) { $this->_error = strtolower(get_class( $this ))."::store failed <br />" . $this->_db->stderr(); return false; } else { return true; } } function generateId() { $failsafe = 20; $randnum = 0; while ($failsafe--) { $randnum = md5( uniqid( microtime(), 1 ) ); if ($randnum != "") { $cryptrandnum = md5( $randnum ); $this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT $this->_tbl_key FROM $this->_tbl WHERE $this->_tbl_key=MD5('$randnum')" ); if(!($result = $this->_db->query())) { die( $this->_db->stderr( true )); // todo: handle gracefully } if ($this->_db->getNumRows($result) == 0) { break; } } } $this->_session_cookie = $randnum; $this->session_id = md5( $randnum . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ); } function getCookie() { return $this->_session_cookie; } function purge() { $past = time() - intval(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_lifetime')); $adminpast = time() - 3600; $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); $database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__session WHERE (time<$past AND guest>=0) OR (time<$adminpast AND guest<0)"); return $database->query(); } } /** * Parameters handler * @package Mambo */ class mosParameters { /** @var object */ var $_params = null; /** @var string The raw params string */ var $_raw = null; /** * Constructor * @param string The raw parms text * @param string Path to the xml setup file * @var string The type of setup file */ function mosParameters( $text, $process_sections = false) { $this->_params = $this->parse( $text, $process_sections ); $this->_raw = $text; } /** * Get the result of parsing the string provided on creation * @return string parsed result */ function getParams () { return $this->_params; } /** * @param string The name of the param * @param string The value of the parameter * @return string The set value */ function set( $key, $value='' ) { $this->_params->$key = $value; return $value; } /** * Sets a default value if not alreay assigned * @param string The name of the param * @param string The value of the parameter * @return string The set value */ function def( $key, $value='' ) { return $this->set( $key, $this->get( $key, $value ) ); } /** * @param string The name of the param * @param mixed The default value if not found * @return string */ function get( $key, $default='' ) { if (isset( $this->_params->$key )) return $this->_params->$key === '' ? $default : $this->_params->$key; else return $default; } /** * Look to see if string is bracketed by opener and closer * If so, extract and trim the bracketed string * Otherwise, return a null string **/ function getBracketed ($text, $opener, $closer) { if (strlen($text) > 1 AND ($text[0] != $opener OR substr($text,-1) != $closer)) return ''; else return trim(substr($text,1,-1)); } /** * Parse an .ini string, based on phpDocumentor phpDocumentor_parse_ini_file function * @param mixed The ini string or array of lines * @param boolean add an associative index for each section [in brackets] * @return object */ function parse( $txt, $process_sections = false ) { $result = new stdClass(); if (is_string($txt)) $lines = explode( "\n", $txt ); elseif (is_array($txt)) $lines = $txt; else return $result; $sec_name = ''; $unparsed = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { // ignore comments and null lines $line = trim($line); if (strlen($line) == 0 OR $line[0] == ';') continue; if ($sec_name = $this->getBracketed($line, '[', ']')) { if ($process_sections) $result->$sec_name = new stdClass(); continue; } if (count($propsetter = explode ('=', $line, 2)) == 2) { $property = trim($propsetter[0]); if ($pquoted = $this->getBracketed($property, '"', '"')) $property = stripcslashes($pquoted); $value = trim($propsetter[1]); if ($value == 'false') $value = false; elseif ($value == 'true') $value = true; else if ($vquoted = $this->getBracketed($value, '"', '"')) $value = stripcslashes($vquoted); if ($process_sections AND $sec_name) $result->$sec_name->$property = $value; else $result->$property = $value; } else { $property = '__invalid' . $unparsed++ . '__'; if ($process_sections AND $sec_name) $result->$sec_name->$property = $line; else $result->$property = $line; } } return $result; } /** * @param string The name of the control, or the default text area if a setup file is not found * @return string HTML */ function render( $name='params' ) { if (is_file($this->_path)) { $parser = new mosXMLParams ($this->_path, $this, $name); if (count($parser->html)) return implode("\n", $parser->html); } $raw = $this->_raw; return "<textarea name='$name' cols='40' rows='10' class='text_area'>$raw</textarea>"; } /** * special handling for textarea param */ function textareaHandling( &$txt ) { foreach ($txt as $key=>$value) $txt[$key] = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $value); return implode( "\n", $txt ); } } /** * Page generation time * @package Mambo */ class mosProfiler { var $start=0; var $prefix=''; function mosProfiler( $prefix='' ) { $this->start = $this->getmicrotime(); $this->prefix = $prefix; } function mark( $label ) { return sprintf ( "\n<div class=\"profiler\">$this->prefix %.3f $label</div>", $this->getmicrotime() - $this->start ); } function getmicrotime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } } /** * @author Mikolaj Jedrzejak <mikolajj@op.pl> * @copyright Copyright Mikolaj Jedrzejak (c) 2003-2004 * @version 1.0 2004-07-27 00:37 * @link http://www.unicode.org Unicode Homepage * @link http://www.mikkom.pl My Homepage * **/ $PATH_TO_CLASS = dirname(ereg_replace("\\\\","/",__FILE__)) . "/" . "ConvertTables" . "/"; @require_once($PATH_TO_CLASS."/charsetmapping.php"); define ("CONVERT_TABLES_DIR", $PATH_TO_CLASS); define ("DEBUG_MODE", 1); /** * -- 1.0 2004-07-28 -- * * -- The most important thing -- * I want to thank all people who helped me fix all bugs, small and big once. * I hope that you don't mind that your names are in this file. * * -- Some Apache issues -- * I get info from Lukas Lisa, that in some cases with special apache configuration * you have to put header() function with proper encoding to get your result * displayed correctly. * If you want to see what I mean, go to demo.php and demo1.php * * -- BETA 1.0 2003-10-21 -- * * -- You should know about... -- * For good understanding this class you shouls read all this stuff first :) but if you are * in a hurry just start the demo.php and see what's inside. * 1. That I'm not good in english at 03:45 :) - so forgive me all mistakes * 2. This class is a BETA version because I haven't tested it enough * 3. Feel free to contact me with questions, bug reports and mistakes in PHP and this documentation (email below) * * -- In a few words... -- * Why ConvertCharset class? * * I have made this class because I had a lot of problems with diferent charsets. First because people * from Microsoft wanted to have thair own encoding, second because people from Macromedia didn't * thought about other languages, third because sometimes I need to use text written on MAC, and of course * it has its own encoding :) * * Notice & remember: * - When I'm saying 1 byte string I mean 1 byte per char. * - When I'm saying multibyte string I mean more than one byte per char. * * So, this are main FEATURES of this class: * - conversion between 1 byte charsets * - conversion from 1 byte to multi byte charset (utf-8) * - conversion from multibyte charset (utf-8) to 1 byte charset * - every conversion output can be save with numeric entities (browser charset independent - not a full truth) * * This is a list of charsets you can operate with, the basic rule is that a char have to be in both charsets, * otherwise you'll get an error. * * - WINDOWS * - windows-1250 - Central Europe * - windows-1251 - Cyrillic * - windows-1252 - Latin I * - windows-1253 - Greek * - windows-1254 - Turkish * - windows-1255 - Hebrew * - windows-1256 - Arabic * - windows-1257 - Baltic * - windows-1258 - Viet Nam * - cp874 - Thai - this file is also for DOS * * - DOS * - cp437 - Latin US * - cp737 - Greek * - cp775 - BaltRim * - cp850 - Latin1 * - cp852 - Latin2 * - cp855 - Cyrylic * - cp857 - Turkish * - cp860 - Portuguese * - cp861 - Iceland * - cp862 - Hebrew * - cp863 - Canada * - cp864 - Arabic * - cp865 - Nordic * - cp866 - Cyrylic Russian (this is the one, used in IE "Cyrillic (DOS)" ) * - cp869 - Greek2 * * - MAC (Apple) * - x-mac-cyrillic * - x-mac-greek * - x-mac-icelandic * - x-mac-ce * - x-mac-roman * * - ISO (Unix/Linux) * - iso-8859-1 * - iso-8859-2 * - iso-8859-3 * - iso-8859-4 * - iso-8859-5 * - iso-8859-6 * - iso-8859-7 * - iso-8859-8 * - iso-8859-9 * - iso-8859-10 * - iso-8859-11 * - iso-8859-12 * - iso-8859-13 * - iso-8859-14 * - iso-8859-15 * - iso-8859-16 * * - MISCELLANEOUS * - gsm0338 (ETSI GSM 03.38) * - cp037 * - cp424 * - cp500 * - cp856 * - cp875 * - cp1006 * - cp1026 * - koi8-r (Cyrillic) * - koi8-u (Cyrillic Ukrainian) * - nextstep * - us-ascii * - us-ascii-quotes * * - DSP implementation for NeXT * - stdenc * - symbol * - zdingbat * * - And specially for old Polish programs * - mazovia * * -- Now, to the point... -- * Here are main variables. * * DEBUG_MODE * * You can set this value to: * - -1 - No errors or comments * - 0 - Only error messages, no comments * - 1 - Error messages and comments * * Default value is 1, and during first steps with class it should be left as is. * * CONVERT_TABLES_DIR * * This is a place where you store all files with charset encodings. Filenames should have * the same names as encodings. My advise is to keep existing names, because thay * were taken from unicode.org (www.unicode.org), and after update to unicode 3.0 or 4.0 * the names of files will be the same, so if you want to save your time...uff, leave the * names as thay are for future updates. * * The directory with edings files should be in a class location directory by default, * but of course you can change it if you like. * * @package All about charset... * @author Mikolaj Jedrzejak <mikolajj@op.pl> * @copyright Copyright Mikolaj Jedrzejak (c) 2003-2004 * @version 1.0 2004-07-27 23:11 * @access public * * @link http://www.unicode.org Unicode Homepage **/ class ConvertCharset { var $RecognizedEncoding; //This value keeps information if string contains multibyte chars. var $Entities; // This value keeps information if output should be with numeric entities. /** * CharsetChange::NumUnicodeEntity() * * Unicode encoding bytes, bits representation. * Each b represents a bit that can be used to store character data. * - bytes, bits, binary representation * - 1, 7, 0bbbbbbb * - 2, 11, 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb * - 3, 16, 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb * - 4, 21, 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb * * This function is written in a "long" way, for everyone who woluld like to analize * the process of unicode encoding and understand it. All other functions like HexToUtf * will be written in a "shortest" way I can write tham :) it does'n mean thay are short * of course. You can chech it in HexToUtf() (link below) - very similar function. * * IMPORTANT: Remember that $UnicodeString input CANNOT have single byte upper half * extended ASCII codes, why? Because there is a posibility that this function will eat * the following char thinking it's miltibyte unicode char. * * @param string $UnicodeString Input Unicode string (1 char can take more than 1 byte) * @return string This is an input string olso with unicode chars, bus saved as entities * @see HexToUtf() **/ function UnicodeEntity ($UnicodeString) { $OutString = ""; $StringLenght = strlen ($UnicodeString); for ($CharPosition = 0; $CharPosition < $StringLenght; $CharPosition++) { $Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition]; $AsciiChar = ord ($Char); if ($AsciiChar < 128) //1 7 0bbbbbbb (127) { $OutString .= $Char; } else if ($AsciiChar >> 5 == 6) //2 11 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb (2047) { $FirstByte = ($AsciiChar & 31); $CharPosition++; $Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition]; $AsciiChar = ord ($Char); $SecondByte = ($AsciiChar & 63); $AsciiChar = ($FirstByte * 64) + $SecondByte; $Entity = sprintf ("&#%d;", $AsciiChar); $OutString .= $Entity; } else if ($AsciiChar >> 4 == 14) //3 16 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb { $FirstByte = ($AsciiChar & 31); $CharPosition++; $Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition]; $AsciiChar = ord ($Char); $SecondByte = ($AsciiChar & 63); $CharPosition++; $Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition]; $AsciiChar = ord ($Char); $ThidrByte = ($AsciiChar & 63); $AsciiChar = ((($FirstByte * 64) + $SecondByte) * 64) + $ThidrByte; $Entity = sprintf ("&#%d;", $AsciiChar); $OutString .= $Entity; } else if ($AsciiChar >> 3 == 30) //4 21 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb { $FirstByte = ($AsciiChar & 31); $CharPosition++; $Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition]; $AsciiChar = ord ($Char); $SecondByte = ($AsciiChar & 63); $CharPosition++; $Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition]; $AsciiChar = ord ($Char); $ThidrByte = ($AsciiChar & 63); $CharPosition++; $Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition]; $AsciiChar = ord ($Char); $FourthByte = ($AsciiChar & 63); $AsciiChar = ((((($FirstByte * 64) + $SecondByte) * 64) + $ThidrByte) * 64) + $FourthByte; $Entity = sprintf ("&#%d;", $AsciiChar); $OutString .= $Entity; } } return $OutString; } /** * ConvertCharset::HexToUtf() * * This simple function gets unicode char up to 4 bytes and return it as a regular char. * It is very similar to UnicodeEntity function (link below). There is one difference * in returned format. This time it's a regular char(s), in most cases it will be one or two chars. * * @param string $UtfCharInHex Hexadecimal value of a unicode char. * @return string Encoded hexadecimal value as a regular char. * @see UnicodeEntity() **/ function HexToUtf ($UtfCharInHex) { $OutputChar = ""; $UtfCharInDec = hexdec($UtfCharInHex); if($UtfCharInDec<128) $OutputChar .= chr($UtfCharInDec); else if($UtfCharInDec<2048)$OutputChar .= chr(($UtfCharInDec>>6)+192).chr(($UtfCharInDec&63)+128); else if($UtfCharInDec<65536)$OutputChar .= chr(($UtfCharInDec>>12)+224).chr((($UtfCharInDec>>6)&63)+128).chr(($UtfCharInDec&63)+128); else if($UtfCharInDec<2097152)$OutputChar .= chr($UtfCharInDec>>18+240).chr((($UtfCharInDec>>12)&63)+128).chr(($UtfCharInDec>>6)&63+128). chr($UtfCharInDec&63+128); return $OutputChar; } /** * CharsetChange::MakeConvertTable() * * This function creates table with two SBCS (Single Byte Character Set). Every conversion * is through this table. * * - The file with encoding tables have to be save in "Format A" of unicode.org charset table format! This is usualy writen in a header of every charset file. * - BOTH charsets MUST be SBCS * - The files with encoding tables have to be complet (Non of chars can be missing, unles you are sure you are not going to use it) * * "Format A" encoding file, if you have to build it by yourself should aplly these rules: * - you can comment everything with # * - first column contains 1 byte chars in hex starting from 0x.. * - second column contains unicode equivalent in hex starting from 0x.... * - then every next column is optional, but in "Format A" it should contain unicode char name or/and your own comment * - the columns can be splited by "spaces", "tabs", "," or any combination of these * - below is an example * * <code> * # * # The entries are in ANSI X3.4 order. * # * 0x00 0x0000 # NULL end extra comment, if needed * 0x01 0x0001 # START OF HEADING * # Oh, one more thing, you can make comments inside of a rows if you like. * 0x02 0x0002 # START OF TEXT * 0x03 0x0003 # END OF TEXT * next line, and so on... * </code> * * You can get full tables with encodings from http://www.unicode.org * * @param string $FirstEncoding Name of first encoding and first encoding filename (thay have to be the same) * @param string $SecondEncoding Name of second encoding and second encoding filename (thay have to be the same). Optional for building a joined table. * @return array Table necessary to change one encoding to another. **/ function MakeConvertTable ($FirstEncoding, $SecondEncoding = "") { $ConvertTable = array(); for($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { /** * Because func_*** can't be used inside of another function call * we have to save it as a separate value. **/ $FileName = func_get_arg($i); if (!is_file(CONVERT_TABLES_DIR . $FileName)) { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 0, CONVERT_TABLES_DIR . $FileName); //Print an error message exit; } $FileWithEncTabe = fopen(CONVERT_TABLES_DIR . $FileName, "r") or die(); //This die(); is just to make sure... while(!feof($FileWithEncTabe)) { /** * We asume that line is not longer * than 1024 which is the default value for fgets function **/ if($OneLine=trim(fgets($FileWithEncTabe, 1024))) { /** * We don't need all comment lines. I check only for "#" sign, because * this is a way of making comments by unicode.org in thair encoding files * and that's where the files are from :-) **/ if (substr($OneLine, 0, 1) != "#") { /** * Sometimes inside the charset file the hex walues are separated by * "space" and sometimes by "tab", the below preg_split can also be used * to split files where separator is a ",", "\r", "\n" and "\f" **/ $HexValue = preg_split ("/[\s,]+/", $OneLine, 3); //We need only first 2 values /** * Sometimes char is UNDEFINED, or missing so we can't use it for convertion **/ if (substr($HexValue[1], 0, 1) != "#") { $ArrayKey = strtoupper(str_replace(strtolower("0x"), "", $HexValue[1])); $ArrayValue = strtoupper(str_replace(strtolower("0x"), "", $HexValue[0])); $ConvertTable[func_get_arg($i)][$ArrayKey] = $ArrayValue; } } //if (substr($OneLine,... } //if($OneLine=trim(f... } //while(!feof($FirstFileWi... } //for($i = 0; $i < func_... /** * The last thing is to check if by any reason both encoding tables are not the same. * For example, it will happen when you save the encoding table file with a wrong name * - of another charset. **/ if ((func_num_args() > 1) && (count($ConvertTable[$FirstEncoding]) == count($ConvertTable[$SecondEncoding])) && (count(array_diff_assoc($ConvertTable[$FirstEncoding], $ConvertTable[$SecondEncoding])) == 0)) { print $this->DebugOutput(1, 1, "$FirstEncoding, $SecondEncoding"); } return $ConvertTable; } /** * ConvertCharset::Convert() * * This is a basic function you are using. I hope that you can figure out this function syntax :-) * * @param string $StringToChange The string you want to change :) * @param string $FromCharset Name of $StringToChange encoding, you have to know it. * @param string $ToCharset Name of a charset you want to get for $StringToChange. * @param boolean $TurnOnEntities Set to true or 1 if you want to use numeric entities insted of regular chars. * @return string Converted string in brand new encoding :) * @version 1.0 2004-07-27 01:09 **/ function Convert ($StringToChange, $FromCharset, $ToCharset, $TurnOnEntities = false) { /** * Check are there all variables **/ /*if ($StringToChange == "") { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 3, "\$StringToChange"); } else*/ if ($FromCharset == "") { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 3, "\$FromCharset"); } else if ($ToCharset == "") { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 3, "\$ToCharset"); } /** * Now a few variables need to be set. **/ $NewString = ""; $this->Entities = $TurnOnEntities; /** * For all people who like to use uppercase for charset encoding names :) **/ $FromCharset = strtolower($FromCharset); $ToCharset = strtolower($ToCharset); /** * Of course you can make a conversion from one charset to the same one :) * but I feel obligate to let you know about it. **/ if ($FromCharset == $ToCharset) { print $this->DebugOutput(1, 0, $FromCharset); } if (($FromCharset == $ToCharset) AND ($FromCharset == "utf-8")) { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 4, $FromCharset); exit; } /** * This divison was made to prevent errors during convertion to/from utf-8 with * "entities" enabled, because we need to use proper destination(to)/source(from) * encoding table to write proper entities. * * This is the first case. We are convertinf from 1byte chars... **/ if ($FromCharset != "utf-8") { /** * Now build table with both charsets for encoding change. **/ if ($ToCharset != "utf-8") { $CharsetTable = $this->MakeConvertTable ($FromCharset, $ToCharset); } else { $CharsetTable = $this->MakeConvertTable ($FromCharset); } /** * For each char in a string... **/ for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($StringToChange); $i++) { $HexChar = ""; $UnicodeHexChar = ""; $HexChar = strtoupper(dechex(ord($StringToChange[$i]))); // This is fix from Mario Klingemann, it prevents // droping chars below 16 because of missing leading 0 [zeros] if (strlen($HexChar)==1) $HexChar = "0".$HexChar; //end of fix by Mario Klingemann // This is quick fix of 10 chars in gsm0338 // Thanks goes to Andrea Carpani who pointed on this problem // and solve it ;) if (($FromCharset == "gsm0338") && ($HexChar == '1B')) { $i++; $HexChar .= strtoupper(dechex(ord($StringToChange[$i]))); } // end of workarround on 10 chars from gsm0338 if ($ToCharset != "utf-8") { if (in_array($HexChar, $CharsetTable[$FromCharset])) { $UnicodeHexChar = array_search($HexChar, $CharsetTable[$FromCharset]); $UnicodeHexChars = explode("+",$UnicodeHexChar); for($UnicodeHexCharElement = 0; $UnicodeHexCharElement < count($UnicodeHexChars); $UnicodeHexCharElement++) { if (array_key_exists($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement], $CharsetTable[$ToCharset])) { if ($this->Entities == true) { $NewString .= $this->UnicodeEntity($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement])); } else { $NewString .= chr(hexdec($CharsetTable[$ToCharset][$UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement]])); } } else { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 1, $StringToChange[$i]); } } //for($UnicodeH... } else { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 2,$StringToChange[$i]); } } else { if (in_array("$HexChar", $CharsetTable[$FromCharset])) { $UnicodeHexChar = array_search($HexChar, $CharsetTable[$FromCharset]); /** * Sometimes there are two or more utf-8 chars per one regular char. * Extream, example is polish old Mazovia encoding, where one char contains * two lettes 007a (z) and 0142 (l slash), we need to figure out how to * solve this problem. * The letters are merge with "plus" sign, there can be more than two chars. * In Mazowia we have 007A+0142, but sometimes it can look like this * 0x007A+0x0142+0x2034 (that string means nothing, it just shows the possibility...) **/ $UnicodeHexChars = explode("+",$UnicodeHexChar); for($UnicodeHexCharElement = 0; $UnicodeHexCharElement < count($UnicodeHexChars); $UnicodeHexCharElement++) { if ($this->Entities == true) { $NewString .= $this->UnicodeEntity($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement])); } else { $NewString .= $this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement]); } } // for } else { print $this->DebugOutput(0, 2, $StringToChange[$i]); } } } } /** * This is second case. We are encoding from multibyte char string. **/ else if($FromCharset == "utf-8") { $HexChar = ""; $UnicodeHexChar = ""; $CharsetTable = $this->MakeConvertTable ($ToCharset); foreach ($CharsetTable[$ToCharset] as $UnicodeHexChar => $HexChar) { if ($this->Entities == true) { $EntitieOrChar = $this->UnicodeEntity($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChar)); } else { $EntitieOrChar = chr(hexdec($HexChar)); } $StringToChange = str_replace($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChar), $EntitieOrChar, $StringToChange); } $NewString = $StringToChange; } return $NewString; } /** * ConvertCharset::DebugOutput() * * This function is not really necessary, the debug output could stay inside of * source code but like this, it's easier to manage and translate. * Besides I couldn't find good coment/debug class :-) Maybe I'll write one someday... * * All messages depend on DEBUG_MODE level, as I was writing before you can set this value to: * - -1 - No errors or notces are shown * - 0 - Only error messages are shown, no notices * - 1 - Error messages and notices are shown * * @param int $Group Message groupe: error - 0, notice - 1 * @param int $Number Following message number * @param mix $Value This walue is whatever you want, usualy it's some parameter value, for better message understanding. * @return string String with a proper message. **/ function DebugOutput ($Group, $Number, $Value = false) { //$Debug [$Group][$Number] = "Message, can by with $Value"; //$Group[0] - Errors //$Group[1] - Notice $Debug[0][0] = "Error, can NOT read file: " . $Value . "<br />"; $Debug[0][1] = "Error, can't find maching char \"". $Value ."\" in destination encoding table!" . "<br />"; $Debug[0][2] = "Error, can't find maching char \"". $Value ."\" in source encoding table!" . "<br />"; $Debug[0][3] = "Error, you did NOT set variable " . $Value . " in Convert() function." . "<br />"; $Debug[0][4] = "You can NOT convert string from " . $Value . " to " . $Value . "!" . "<br />"; $Debug[1][0] = "Notice, you are trying to convert string from ". $Value ." to ". $Value .", don't you feel it's strange? ;-)" . "<br />"; $Debug[1][1] = "Notice, both charsets " . $Value . " are identical! Check encoding tables files." . "<br />"; $Debug[1][2] = "Notice, there is no unicode char in the string you are trying to convert." . "<br />"; if (DEBUG_MODE >= $Group) { return $Debug[$Group][$Number]; } } // function DebugOutput } //class ends here ?>