File: pageNavigation.php
<?php /** * @package Mambo * @author Mambo Foundation Inc see README.php * @copyright Mambo Foundation Inc. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * @license GNU/GPL Version 2, see LICENSE.php * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. */ /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); /** * Page navigation support class */ class mosPageNav { /** @var int The record number to start dislpaying from */ var $limitstart = null; /** @var int Number of rows to display per page */ var $limit = null; /** @var int Total number of rows */ var $total = null; function mosPageNav( $total, $limitstart, $limit ) { $this->total = intval( $total ); $this->limitstart = max( intval($limitstart), 0 ); $this->limit = max( intval($limit), 0 ); } /** * Returns the html limit # input box * @param string The basic link to include in the href * @return string */ function getLimitBox () { $limits = array(); for ($i=5; $i <= 30; $i+=5) { $limits[] = mosHTML::makeOption( "$i" ); } $limits[] = mosHTML::makeOption( "50" ); $limits[] = mosHTML::makeOption( "100" ); $limits[] = mosHTML::makeOption( "500" ); $limits[] = mosHTML::makeOption( "1000" ); $limits[] = mosHTML::makeOption( "2500" ); $limits[] = mosHTML::makeOption( "5000" ); // build the html select list $html = mosHTML::selectList( $limits, 'limit', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"', 'value', 'text', $this->limit ); $html .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"limitstart\" value=\"$this->limitstart\" />"; return $html; } /** * Writes the html limit # input box * @param string The basic link to include in the href */ function writeLimitBox ( $link ) { echo mosPageNav::getLimitBox( $link ); } /** * Writes the html for the pages counter, eg, Results 1-10 of x */ function writePagesCounter() { $txt = ''; $from_result = $this->limitstart+1; if ($this->limitstart + $this->limit < $this->total) { $to_result = $this->limitstart + $this->limit; } else { $to_result = $this->total; } if ($this->total > 0) { $txt .= sprintf(T_('Results %d - %d of %d'), $from_result, $to_result, $this->total); } return $txt; } /** * Writes the html for the leafs counter, eg, Page 1 of x */ function writeLeafsCounter() { $txt = ''; $page = $this->limitstart+1; if ($this->total > 0) { $txt .= sprintf(T_('Page %d of %d'), $page, $this->total); } return $txt; } /** * Writes the html links for pages, eg, previous, next, 1 2 3 ... x * @param string The basic link to include in the href */ function writePagesLinks( $link ) { // clean link - could be better filtered in rewrite // stops XSS require_once(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_absolute_path').'/includes/phpInputFilter/class.inputfilter.php'); $iFilter = new InputFilter( null, null, 1, 1 ); $link = trim( $iFilter->process( $link ) ); // Removing task breaks nagivation - temporarily removed for 4.6.2 release // For more information, See FS#127 // $link = preg_replace("/(task.*?)&/i", "", $link); $txt = ''; $displayed_pages = 10; $total_pages = ceil( $this->total / $this->limit ); $this_page = ceil( ($this->limitstart+1) / $this->limit ); $start_loop = (floor(($this_page-1)/$displayed_pages))*$displayed_pages+1; if ($start_loop + $displayed_pages - 1 < $total_pages) { $stop_loop = $start_loop + $displayed_pages - 1; } else { $stop_loop = $total_pages; } $link .= '&limit='. $this->limit; if ($this_page > 1) { $page = ($this_page - 2) * $this->limit; $txt .= '<a href="'. sefRelToAbs( "$link&limitstart=0" ) .'" class="pagenav" title="'.T_('first page').'"><< '. T_('Start') .'</a> '; $txt .= '<a href="'. sefRelToAbs( "$link&limitstart=$page" ) .'" class="pagenav" title="'.T_('previous page').'">< '. T_('Previous') .'</a> '; } else { $txt .= '<span class="pagenav"><< '. T_('Start') .'</span> '; $txt .= '<span class="pagenav">< '. T_('Previous') .'</span> '; } for ($i=$start_loop; $i <= $stop_loop; $i++) { $page = ($i - 1) * $this->limit; if ($i == $this_page) { $txt .= '<span class="pagenav">'. $i .'</span> '; } else { $txt .= '<a href="'. sefRelToAbs( $link .'&limitstart='. $page ) .'" class="pagenav"><strong>'. $i .'</strong></a> '; } } if ($this_page < $total_pages) { $page = $this_page * $this->limit; $end_page = ($total_pages-1) * $this->limit; $txt .= '<a href="'. sefRelToAbs( $link .'&limitstart='. $page ) .' " class="pagenav" title="'.T_('next page').'">'. T_('Next') .' ></a> '; $txt .= '<a href="'. sefRelToAbs( $link .'&limitstart='. $end_page ) .' " class="pagenav" title="'.T_('end page').'">'. T_('End') .' >></a>'; } else { $txt .= '<span class="pagenav">'. T_('Next') .' ></span> '; $txt .= '<span class="pagenav">'. T_('End') .' >></span>'; } return $txt; } } ?>