File: bug_relationship_graph.php
<?php # Mantis - a php based bugtracking system # Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org # Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Mantis Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net # Mantis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mantis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mantis. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # -------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: bug_relationship_graph.php,v 2007-10-13 22:32:47 giallu Exp $ # -------------------------------------------------------- require_once( 'core.php' ); $t_core_path = config_get( 'core_path' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'bug_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'compress_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'current_user_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'relationship_graph_api.php' ); # If relationship graphs were made disabled, we disallow any access to # this script. auth_ensure_user_authenticated(); if ( ON != config_get( 'relationship_graph_enable' ) ) access_denied(); $f_bug_id = gpc_get_int( 'bug_id' ); $f_type = gpc_get_string( 'graph', 'relation' ); $f_orientation = gpc_get_string( 'orientation', config_get( 'relationship_graph_orientation' ) ); if ( 'relation' == $f_type ) { $t_graph_type = 'relation'; $t_graph_relation = true; } else { $t_graph_type = 'dependency'; $t_graph_relation = false; } if ( 'horizontal' == $f_orientation ) { $t_graph_orientation = 'horizontal'; $t_graph_horizontal = true; } else { $t_graph_orientation = 'vertical'; $t_graph_horizontal = false; } access_ensure_bug_level( VIEWER, $f_bug_id ); $t_bug = bug_prepare_display( bug_get( $f_bug_id, true ) ); if( $t_bug->project_id != helper_get_current_project() ) { # in case the current project is not the same project of the bug we are viewing... # ... override the current project. This to avoid problems with categories and handlers lists etc. $g_project_override = $t_bug->project_id; } compress_enable(); html_page_top1( bug_format_summary( $f_bug_id, SUMMARY_CAPTION ) ); html_page_top2(); ?> <br /> <table class="width100" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <!-- Title --> <td class="form-title"> <?php if ( $t_graph_relation ) echo lang_get( 'viewing_bug_relationship_graph_title' ); else echo lang_get( 'viewing_bug_dependency_graph_title' ); ?> </td> <!-- Links --> <td class="right"> <!-- View Issue --> <span class="small"><?php print_bracket_link( 'view.php?id=' . $f_bug_id, lang_get( 'view_issue' ) ) ?></span> <!-- Relation/Dependency Graph Switch --> <span class="small"> <?php if ( $t_graph_relation ) print_bracket_link( 'bug_relationship_graph.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id . '&graph=dependency', lang_get( 'dependency_graph' ) ); else print_bracket_link( 'bug_relationship_graph.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id . '&graph=relation', lang_get( 'relation_graph' ) ); ?> </span> <?php if ( !$t_graph_relation ) { ?> <!-- Horizontal/Vertical Switch --> <span class="small"> <?php if ( $t_graph_horizontal ) print_bracket_link( 'bug_relationship_graph.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id . '&graph=dependency&orientation=vertical', lang_get( 'vertical' ) ); else print_bracket_link( 'bug_relationship_graph.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id . '&graph=dependency&orientation=horizontal', lang_get( 'horizontal' ) ); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- Graph --> <td colspan="2"> <?php if ( $t_graph_relation ) $t_graph = relgraph_generate_rel_graph( $f_bug_id, $t_bug ); else $t_graph = relgraph_generate_dep_graph( $f_bug_id, $t_bug, $t_graph_horizontal ); relgraph_output_map( $t_graph, 'relationship_graph_map' ); ?> <div class="center relationship-graph"> <img src="bug_relationship_graph_img.php?bug_id=<?php echo $f_bug_id ?>&graph=<?php echo $t_graph_type ?>&orientation=<?php echo $t_graph_orientation ?>" border="0" usemap="#relationship_graph_map" /> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- Legend --> <td colspan="2"> <table class="hide"> <tr> <td class="center"> <img alt="" src="images/rel_related.png" /> <?php echo lang_get( 'related_to' ) ?> </td> <td class="center"> <img alt="" src="images/rel_dependant.png" /> <?php echo lang_get( 'blocks' ) ?> </td> <td class="center"> <img alt="" src="images/rel_duplicate.png" /> <?php echo lang_get( 'duplicate_of' ) ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <?php include( 'bug_view_inc.php' ); html_page_bottom1( __FILE__ ); ?>