File: core.php
<?php # Mantis - a php based bugtracking system # Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org # Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Mantis Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net # Mantis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mantis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mantis. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # -------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: core.php,v 2007-10-13 22:33:13 giallu Exp $ # -------------------------------------------------------- ########################################################################### # INCLUDES ########################################################################### # -------------------- # timer analysis function microtime_float() { list( $usec, $sec ) = explode( " ", microtime() ); return ( (float)$usec + (float)$sec ); } $g_request_time = microtime_float(); # Before doing anything else, start output buffering so we don't prevent # headers from being sent if there's a blank line in an included file ob_start( 'compress_handler' ); # Include compatibility file before anything else require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'php_api.php' ); # Check if Mantis is down for maintenance # # To make Mantis 'offline' simply create a file called # 'mantis_offline.php' in the mantis root directory. # Users are redirected to that file if it exists. # If you have to test Mantis while it's offline, add the # parameter 'mbadmin=1' to the URL. # $t_mantis_offline = 'mantis_offline.php'; if ( file_exists( $t_mantis_offline ) && !isset( $_GET['mbadmin'] ) ) { include( $t_mantis_offline ); exit; } # Load constants and configuration files require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'constant_inc.php' ); if ( file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'custom_constant_inc.php' ) ) { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'custom_constant_inc.php' ); } $t_config_inc_found = false; require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config_defaults_inc.php' ); # config_inc may not be present if this is a new install if ( file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config_inc.php' ) ) { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config_inc.php' ); $t_config_inc_found = true; } # Allow an environment variable (defined in an Apache vhost for example) # to specify a config file to load to override other local settings $t_local_config = getenv( 'MANTIS_CONFIG' ); if ( $t_local_config && file_exists( $t_local_config ) ){ require_once( $t_local_config ); $t_config_inc_found = true; } if ( false === $t_config_inc_found ) { # if not found, redirect to the admin page to install the system # this needs to be long form and not replaced by is_page_name as that function isn't loaded yet if ( ! ( isset( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) && ( 0 < strpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'admin' ) ) ) ) { if ( OFF == $g_use_iis ) { header( 'Status: 302' ); } header( 'Content-Type: text/html' ); if ( ON == $g_use_iis ) { header( "Refresh: 0;url=admin/install.php" ); } else { header( "Location: admin/install.php" ); } exit; # additional output can cause problems so let's just stop output here } } # Attempt to find the location of the core files. $t_core_path = dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (isset($GLOBALS['g_core_path']) && !isset( $HTTP_GET_VARS['g_core_path'] ) && !isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS['g_core_path'] ) && !isset( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['g_core_path'] ) ) { $t_core_path = $g_core_path; } # Load rest of core in separate directory. require_once( $t_core_path.'config_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'timer_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'logging_api.php' ); # load utility functions used by everything else require_once( $t_core_path.'utility_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'compress_api.php' ); # Load internationalization functions (needed before database_api, in case database connection fails) require_once( $t_core_path.'lang_api.php' ); # error functions should be loaded to allow database to print errors require_once( $t_core_path.'authentication_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'html_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'error_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'gpc_api.php' ); # custom functions (in main directory) # @@@ Move all such files to core/ require_once( $t_core_path . 'custom_function_api.php' ); $t_overrides = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'custom_functions_inc.php'; if ( file_exists( $t_overrides ) ) { require_once( $t_overrides ); } # initialize our timer $g_timer = new BC_Timer; # seed random number generator list( $usec, $sec ) = explode( ' ', microtime() ); mt_srand( $sec*$usec ); # DATABASE WILL BE OPENED HERE!! THE DATABASE SHOULDN'T BE EXPLICITLY # OPENED ANYWHERE ELSE. require_once( $t_core_path.'database_api.php' ); # Headers to prevent caching # with option to bypass if running from script global $g_bypass_headers, $g_allow_browser_cache; if ( !isset( $g_bypass_headers ) && !headers_sent() ) { if ( ! isset( $g_allow_browser_cache ) ) { header( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' ); header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false ); } header( 'Expires: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() ) ); # SEND USER-DEFINED HEADERS foreach( config_get( 'custom_headers' ) as $t_header ) { header( $t_header ); } } require_once( $t_core_path.'project_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'project_hierarchy_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'access_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'print_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'helper_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'user_api.php' ); # push push default language to speed calls to lang_get lang_push( lang_get_default() ); if ( !isset( $g_bypass_headers ) && !headers_sent() ) { header( 'Content-type: text/html;charset=' . lang_get( 'charset' ) ); } ?>