File: config_inc.php.in
<?php $g_hostname = "@@DB_MAIN_HOST@@"; $g_db_username = "@@DB_MAIN_LOGIN@@"; $g_db_password = "@@DB_MAIN_PASSWORD@@"; $g_database_name = "@@DB_MAIN_NAME@@"; $g_db_type = "@@DB_MAIN_TYPE@@"; ####################################### # Mantis Database Table Variables ####################################### # --- table prefix ---------------- $g_db_table_prefix = '@@DB_MAIN_PREFIX@@'; # --- table names ----------------- $g_mantis_bug_file_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_file%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bug_history_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_history%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bug_monitor_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_monitor%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bug_relationship_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_relationship%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bug_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bug%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bug_tag_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_tag%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bug_text_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_text%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bugnote_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bugnote%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_bugnote_text_table = '%db_table_prefix%_bugnote_text%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_news_table = '%db_table_prefix%_news%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_project_category_table = '%db_table_prefix%_project_category%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_project_file_table = '%db_table_prefix%_project_file%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_project_table = '%db_table_prefix%_project%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_project_user_list_table = '%db_table_prefix%_project_user_list%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_project_version_table = '%db_table_prefix%_project_version%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_tag_table = '%db_table_prefix%_tag%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_user_table = '%db_table_prefix%_user%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_user_profile_table = '%db_table_prefix%_user_profile%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_user_pref_table = '%db_table_prefix%_user_pref%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_user_print_pref_table = '%db_table_prefix%_user_print_pref%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_custom_field_project_table = '%db_table_prefix%_custom_field_project%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_custom_field_table = '%db_table_prefix%_custom_field%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_custom_field_string_table = '%db_table_prefix%_custom_field_string%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_upgrade_table = '%db_table_prefix%_upgrade%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_filters_table = '%db_table_prefix%_filters%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_sponsorship_table = '%db_table_prefix%_sponsorship%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_tokens_table = '%db_table_prefix%_tokens%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_project_hierarchy_table = '%db_table_prefix%_project_hierarchy%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_config_table = '%db_table_prefix%_config%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_database_table = '%db_table_prefix%_database%db_table_suffix%'; $g_mantis_email_table = '%db_table_prefix%_email%db_table_suffix%'; ############################# # Mantis Version String ############################# # --- version variables ----------- $g_show_version = ON; ############################# # Signup and Lost Password ############################# # --- signup ---------------------- # allow users to signup for their own accounts. # Mail settings must be correctly configured in order for this to work $g_allow_signup = ON; # Max. attempts to login using a wrong password before lock the account. # When locked, it's required to reset the password (lost password) # Value resets to zero at each successfully login # Set to OFF to disable this control $g_max_failed_login_count = OFF; # access level required to be notified when a new user has been created using the "signup form" $g_notify_new_user_created_threshold_min = ADMINISTRATOR; # if ON users will be sent their password when reset. # if OFF the password will be set to blank. If set to ON, mail settings must be # correctly configured. $g_send_reset_password = ON; # String used to generate the confirm_hash for the 'lost password' feature and captcha code for 'signup' # ATTENTION: CHANGE IT TO WHATEVER VALUE YOU PREFER $g_password_confirm_hash_magic_string = 'blowfish'; # --- captcha image --------------- # use captcha image to validate subscription it requires GD library installed $g_signup_use_captcha = ON; # --- lost password ------------- # Setting to disable the 'lost your password' feature. $g_lost_password_feature = ON; # Max. simultaneous requests of 'lost password' # When this value is reached, it's no longer possible to request new password reset # Value resets to zero at each successfully login $g_max_lost_password_in_progress_count = 3; ############################# # Mantis Email Settings ############################# # --- email variables ------------- $g_administrator_email = 'qq@qq.com'; $g_webmaster_email = 'webmaster@example.com'; # the sender email, part of 'From: ' header in emails $g_from_email = 'noreply@example.com'; # the sender name, part of 'From: ' header in emails $g_from_name = 'Mantis Bug Tracker'; # the return address for bounced mail $g_return_path_email = 'admin@example.com'; # allow email notification # note that if this is disabled, sign-up and password reset messages will # not be sent. $g_enable_email_notification = ON; # Whether user's should receive emails for their own actions $g_email_receive_own = OFF; # if ON, allow the user to omit an email field # note if you allow users to create their own accounts, they # must specify an email at that point, no matter what the value # of this option is. Otherwise they wouldn't get their passwords. $g_allow_blank_email = OFF; # This specifies the access level that is needed to get the mailto: links. $g_show_user_email_threshold = NOBODY; # select the method to mail by: # 0 - mail() # 1 - sendmail # 2 - SMTP $g_phpMailer_method = 0; # It is recommended to use a cronjob or a scheduler task to send emails. # The cronjob should typically run every 5 minutes. If no cronjob is used, # then user will have to wait for emails to be sent after performing an action # which triggers notifications. This slows user performance. $g_email_send_using_cronjob = OFF; ############################### # Mantis Display Settings ############################### # --- sitewide variables ---------- $g_window_title = 'Mantis'; # browser window title # --- advanced views -------------- # BOTH, SIMPLE_ONLY, ADVANCED_ONLY $g_show_report = BOTH; $g_show_update = BOTH; $g_show_view = BOTH; # --- top menu items -------------- # Specifies whether to enable support for project documents or not. $g_enable_project_documentation = ON; # --- footer menu ----------------- # Display another instance of the menu at the bottom. The top menu will still remain. $g_show_footer_menu = OFF; # --- show extra menu bar with all available projects --- $g_show_project_menu_bar = OFF; # --- show extra dropdown for subprojects --- # Shows only top projects in the project dropdown and adds an extra dropdown for subprojects. $g_show_extended_project_browser = OFF; # --- show assigned to names ------ # This is in the view all pages $g_show_assigned_names = ON; # --- show priority as icon --- # OFF: Shows priority as icon in view all bugs page # ON: Shows priority as text in view all bugs page $g_show_priority_text = OFF; # --- show projects when in All Projects mode --- $g_show_bug_project_links = ON; # --- Position of the status colour legend, can be: STATUS_LEGEND_POSITION_* # --- see constant_inc.php. (*: TOP , BOTTOM , or BOTH) $g_status_legend_position = STATUS_LEGEND_POSITION_BOTTOM; # --- Show a legend with percentage of bug status # --- x% of all bugs are new, y% of all bugs are assigned and so on. # --- If set to ON it will printed below the status colour legend. $g_status_percentage_legend = OFF; # --- Position of the filter box, can be: FILTER_POSITION_* # FILTER_POSITION_TOP, FILTER_POSITION_BOTTOM, or 0 for none. $g_filter_position = 0; # --- show product versions in create, view and update screens # ON forces display even if none are defined # OFF suppresses display # AUTO suppresses the display if there are no versions defined for the project $g_show_product_version = AUTO; # -- show users with their real name or not $g_show_realname = OFF; $g_differentiate_duplicates = OFF; # leave off for now # -- sorting for names in dropdown lists. If turned on, "Jane Doe" will be sorted with the "D"s $g_sort_by_last_name = OFF; # Show user avatar # the current implementation is based on http://www.gravatar.com # users will need to register there the same address used in # this mantis installation to have their avatar shown # Please note: upon registration or avatar change, it takes some time for # the updated gravatar images to show on sites $g_show_avatar = OFF; # Only users above this threshold will have their avatar shown $g_show_avatar_threshold = DEVELOPER; ############################ # Mantis JPGRAPH Addon ############################ # --- jpgraph settings --- # # Initial Version from Duncan Lisset # # To use the Jpgraph addon you need the JPGRAPH package from # http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/index.php # You can place the package whereever you want, but you have # to set the var in jpgraph.php eg. # (DEFINE('DIR_BASE','/www/mantisbt/jpgraph/');) $g_use_jpgraph = OFF; # use antialiasing - Enabling anti-aliasing will greatly improve the visual apperance of certain graphs. # Note: Using anti-aliasing makes line drawing roughly 8 time slower than normal lines $g_jpgraph_antialias = ON; # what width is used to scale the graphs. $g_graph_window_width = 800; # bar graph aspect ration (height / width) $g_graph_bar_aspect = 0.9; # how many graphs to put in each row in the advanced summary page $g_graph_summary_graphs_per_row = 2; # initial graph type selected on bug_graph_page (see that page for possible values) # 0 asks user to select $g_default_graph_type = 0; ############################ # Mantis Time Settings ############################ # time for 'permanent' cookie to live in seconds (1 year) $g_cookie_time_length = 30000000; # minutes to wait before document is stale (in minutes) $g_content_expire = 0; # The time (in seconds) to allow for page execution during long processes # such as upgrading your database. # The default value of 0 indicates that the page should be allowed to # execute until it is finished. $g_long_process_timeout = 0; ############################ # Mantis Date Settings ############################ # --- date format settings -------- # date format strings defaults to ISO 8601 formatting # go to http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php # for detailed instructions on date formatting $g_short_date_format = 'Y-m-d'; $g_normal_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i'; $g_complete_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i T'; ############################ # Mantis News Settings ############################ # --- Limit News Items ------------ # limit by entry count or date # BY_LIMIT - entry limit # BY_DATE - by date $g_news_limit_method = BY_LIMIT; # limit by last X entries $g_news_view_limit = 7; # limit by days $g_news_view_limit_days = 30; # threshold for viewing private news $g_private_news_threshold = DEVELOPER; ################################## # Mantis Default Preferences ################################## # --- signup default --------------- # look in constant_inc.php for values $g_default_new_account_access_level = REPORTER; # Default Bug View Status (VS_PUBLIC or VS_PRIVATE) $g_default_bug_view_status = VS_PUBLIC; # Default Bugnote View Status (VS_PUBLIC or VS_PRIVATE) $g_default_bugnote_view_status = VS_PUBLIC; # Default bug severity when reporting a new bug $g_default_bug_severity = MINOR; # Default bug priority when reporting a new bug $g_default_bug_priority = NORMAL; # Default bug reproducibility when reporting a new bug $g_default_bug_reproducibility = REPRODUCIBILITY_HAVENOTTRIED; # --- viewing defaults ------------ # site defaults for viewing preferences $g_default_limit_view = 50; $g_default_show_changed = 6; $g_hide_status_default = CLOSED; $g_show_sticky_issues = 'on'; # make sure people aren't refreshing too often $g_min_refresh_delay = 10; # in minutes # --- account pref defaults ------- $g_default_advanced_report = OFF; $g_default_advanced_view = OFF; $g_default_advanced_update = OFF; $g_default_refresh_delay = 30; # in minutes $g_default_redirect_delay = 2; # in seconds $g_default_bugnote_order = 'ASC'; $g_default_email_on_new = ON; $g_default_email_on_assigned = ON; $g_default_email_on_feedback = ON; $g_default_email_on_resolved = ON; $g_default_email_on_closed = ON; $g_default_email_on_reopened = ON; $g_default_email_on_bugnote = ON; $g_default_email_on_new_minimum_severity = OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_on_assigned_minimum_severity = OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_on_feedback_minimum_severity = OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_on_resolved_minimum_severity = OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_on_closed_minimum_severity = OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_on_reopened_minimum_severit= OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_on_bugnote_minimum_severity = OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_on_status_minimum_severity = OFF; # 'any' $g_default_email_bugnote_limit = 0; ############################### = @@g_default_email_on_bugnote_minimum_severity@ # Mantis Summary Settings ############################### = @@g_default_email_on_status_minimum_severity@@ # how many reporters to show # this is useful when there are hundreds of reporters $g_reporter_summary_limit = 10; # shows project '[project] category' when 'All Projects' is selected # otherwise only 'category name' $g_summary_category_include_project = OFF; # threshold for viewing summary $g_view_summary_threshold = MANAGER; ############################### # Mantis Bugnote Settings ############################### # --- bugnote ordering ------------ # change to ASC or DESC $g_bugnote_order = 'ASC'; ################################ # Mantis Bug History Settings ################################ # --- bug history visible by default when you view a bug ---- # change to ON or OFF $g_history_default_visible = ON; # --- bug history ordering ---- # change to ASC or DESC $g_history_order = 'ASC'; ############################### # Mantis Reminder Settings ############################### # are reminders stored as bugnotes $g_store_reminders = ON; # Automatically add recipients of reminders to monitor list, if they are not # the handler or the reporter (since they automatically get notified, if required) # If recipients of the reminders are below the monitor threshold, they will not be added. $g_reminder_recipents_monitor_bug = ON; # Default Reminder View Status (VS_PUBLIC or VS_PRIVATE) $g_default_reminder_view_status = VS_PUBLIC; ################################### # Mantis Sponsorship Settings ################################### # Whether to enable/disable the whole issue sponsorship feature $g_enable_sponsorship = OFF; # Currency used for all sponsorships. $g_sponsorship_currency = 'US$'; # Access level threshold needed to view the total sponsorship for an issue by all users. $g_view_sponsorship_total_threshold = VIEWER; # Access level threshold needed to view the users sponsoring an issue and the sponsorship # amount for each. $g_view_sponsorship_details_threshold = VIEWER; # Access level threshold needed to allow user to sponsor issues. $g_sponsor_threshold = REPORTER; # Access level required to be able to handle sponsored issues. $g_handle_sponsored_bugs_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Access level required to be able to assign a sponsored issue to a user with access level # greater or equal to 'handle_sponsored_bugs_threshold'. $g_assign_sponsored_bugs_threshold = MANAGER; # Minimum sponsorship amount. If the user enters a value less than this, an error will be prompted. $g_minimum_sponsorship_amount = 5; ################################### # Mantis File Upload Settings ################################### # --- file upload settings -------- # This is the master setting to disable *all* file uploading functionality # # If you want to allow file uploads, you must also make sure that they are # enabled in php. You may need to add 'file_uploads = TRUE' to your php.ini # # See also: $g_upload_project_file_threshold, $g_upload_bug_file_threshold, # $g_allow_reporter_upload $g_allow_file_upload = ON; # Upload destination: specify actual location in project settings # DISK, DATABASE, or FTP. $g_file_upload_method = DATABASE; # When using FTP or DISK for storing uploaded files, this setting control # the access permissions they will have on the web server: with the default # value (0400) files will be read-only, and accessible only by the user # running the apache process (probably "apache" in Linux and "Administrator" # in Windows). # For more details on unix style permissions: # http://www.perlfect.com/articles/chmod.shtml $g_attachments_file_permissions = 0400; # FTP settings, used if $g_file_upload_method = FTP $g_file_upload_ftp_server = 'ftp.myserver.com'; # Maximum file size that can be uploaded # Also check your PHP settings (default is usually 2MBs) $g_max_file_size = 5000000; # 5 MB # prefix to be used for the file system names of files uploaded to projects. # Eg: doc-001-myprojdoc.zip $g_document_files_prefix = 'doc'; ############################ # Mantis HTML Settings ############################ # --- html tags ------------------- # Set this flag to automatically convert www URLs and # email adresses into clickable links $g_html_make_links = ON; # These are the valid html tags for multi-line fields (e.g. description) # do NOT include href or img tags here # do NOT include tags that have parameters (eg. <font face="arial">) $g_html_valid_tags = 'p, li, ul, ol, br, pre, i, b, u, em'; # These are the valid html tags for single line fields (e.g. issue summary). # do NOT include href or img tags here # do NOT include tags that have parameters (eg. <font face="arial">) $g_html_valid_tags_single_line = 'i, b, u, em'; # maximum length of the description in a dropdown menu (for search) # set to 0 to disable truncations $g_max_dropdown_length = 40; # This flag conntrolls whether pre-formatted text (delimited by <pre> tags # is wrapped to a maximum linelength (defaults to 100 chars in strings_api) # If turned off, the display may be wide when viewing the text $g_wrap_in_preformatted_text = ON; ########################## # Mantis HR Settings ########################## # --- hr -------------------------- $g_hr_size = 1; $g_hr_width = 50; ############################ # Status Settings ############################ # Status to assign to the bug when submitted. $g_bug_submit_status = NEW_; # Status to assign to the bug when assigned. $g_bug_assigned_status = ASSIGNED; # Status to assign to the bug when reopened. $g_bug_reopen_status = FEEDBACK; # Resolution to assign to the bug when reopened. $g_bug_reopen_resolution = REOPENED; # --- status thresholds (*_status_threshold) --- # Bug becomes readonly if its status is >= this status. The bug becomes read/write again if re-opened and its # status becomes less than this threshold. $g_bug_readonly_status_threshold = RESOLVED; # Bug is resolved, ready to be closed or reopened. In some custom installations a bug # maybe considered as resolved when it is moved to a custom (FIXED OR TESTED) status. $g_bug_resolved_status_threshold = RESOLVED; # Automatically set status to ASSIGNED whenever a bug is assigned to a person. # This is useful for installations where assigned status is to be used when # the bug is in progress, rather than just put in a person's queue. $g_auto_set_status_to_assigned = ON; ############################ # Bug Attachments Settings ############################ # Specifies the maximum size below which an attachment is previewed in the bug # view pages. To disable this feature, set max size to 0. # This feature applies to: bmp, png, gif, jpg $g_preview_attachments_inline_max_size = 0; # Specifies the maximum width for the auto-preview feature. If no maximum width should be imposed # then it should be set to 0. $g_preview_max_width = 0; # Specifies the maximum height for the auto-preview feature. If no maximum height should be imposed # then it should be set to 0. $g_preview_max_height = 250; # --- Show an attachment indicator on bug list --- # Show a clickable attachment indicator on the bug # list page if the bug has one or more files attached. # Note: This option is disabled by default since it adds # 1 database query per bug listed and thus might slow # down the page display. $g_show_attachment_indicator = OFF; # access level needed to view bugs attachments. View means to see the file names # sizes, and timestamps of the attachments. $g_view_attachments_threshold = VIEWER; # list of filetypes to view inline. This is a string of extentions separated by commas # This is used when downloading an attachment. Rather than downloading, the attachment # is viewed in the browser. $g_inline_file_exts = 'gif,png'; # access level needed to download bug attachments $g_download_attachments_threshold = VIEWER; # access level needed to delete bug attachments $g_delete_attachments_threshold = DEVELOPER; # allow users to view attachments uploaded by themselves even if their access # level is below view_attachments_threshold. $g_allow_view_own_attachments = ON; # allow users to download attachments uploaded by themselves even if their access # level is below download_attachments_threshold. $g_allow_download_own_attachments = ON; # allow users to delete attachments uploaded by themselves even if their access # level is below delete_attachments_threshold. $g_allow_delete_own_attachments = OFF; ############################ # Mantis Misc Settings ############################ # --- access level thresholds (*_threshold) --- # access level needed to report a bug $g_report_bug_threshold = REPORTER; # access level needed to update bugs (i.e., the update_bug_page) # This controls whether the user sees the "Update Bug" button in bug_view*_page # and the pencil icon in view_all_bug_page $g_update_bug_threshold = UPDATER; # access level needed to monitor bugs # Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value $g_monitor_bug_threshold = REPORTER; # access level needed to view private bugs # Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value $g_private_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level needed to be able to be listed in the assign to field. $g_handle_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level needed to show the Assign To: button bug_view*_page or # the Assigned list in bug_update*_page. # This allows control over who can route bugs # This defaults to $g_handle_bug_threshold $g_update_bug_assign_threshold = '%handle_bug_threshold%'; # access level needed to view private bugnotes # Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value $g_private_bugnote_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level needed to view handler in bug reports and notification email # @@@ yarick123: now it is implemented for notification email only $g_view_handler_threshold = VIEWER; # access level needed to view history in bug reports and notification email # @@@ yarick123: now it is implemented for notification email only $g_view_history_threshold = VIEWER; # access level needed to send a reminder from the bug view pages # set to NOBODY to disable the feature $g_bug_reminder_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level needed to upload files to the project documentation section # You can set this to NOBODY to prevent uploads to projects # See also: $g_upload_bug_file_threshold, $g_allow_file_upload $g_upload_project_file_threshold = MANAGER; # access level needed to upload files to attach to a bug # You can set this to NOBODY to prevent uploads to bugs but note that # the reporter of the bug will still be able to upload unless you set # $g_allow_reporter_upload or $g_allow_file_upload to OFF # See also: $g_upload_project_file_threshold, $g_allow_file_upload, # $g_allow_reporter_upload $g_upload_bug_file_threshold = REPORTER; # Add bugnote threshold $g_add_bugnote_threshold = REPORTER; # Update bugnote threshold (if the bugnote is not your own) $g_update_bugnote_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Threshold needed to view project documentation $g_view_proj_doc_threshold = ANYBODY; # Threshold needed to manage a project: edit project # details (not to add/delete projects), upload documentation, ...etc. $g_manage_project_threshold = MANAGER; # Threshold needed to add/delete/modify news $g_manage_news_threshold = MANAGER; # Threshold required to delete a project $g_delete_project_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; # Threshold needed to create a new project $g_create_project_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; # Threshold needed to be automatically included in private projects $g_private_project_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; # Threshold needed to manage user access to a project $g_project_user_threshold = MANAGER; # Threshold needed to manage user accounts $g_manage_user_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; # Delete bug threshold $g_delete_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Delete bugnote threshold $g_delete_bugnote_threshold = '%delete_bug_threshold%'; # Are users allowed to change and delete their own bugnotes? $g_bugnote_allow_user_edit_delete = ON; # Move bug threshold $g_move_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Threshold needed to set the view status while reporting a bug or a bug note. $g_set_view_status_threshold = REPORTER; # Threshold needed to update the view status while updating a bug or a bug note. # This threshold should be greater or equal to $g_set_view_status_threshold. $g_change_view_status_threshold = UPDATER; # --- Threshold needed to show the list of users montoring a bug on the bug view pages. $g_show_monitor_list_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Threshold needed to be able to use stored queries $g_stored_query_use_threshold = REPORTER; # Threshold needed to be able to create stored queries $g_stored_query_create_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Threshold needed to be able to create shared stored queries $g_stored_query_create_shared_threshold = MANAGER; # Threshold needed to update readonly bugs. Readonly bugs are identified via # $g_bug_readonly_status_threshold. $g_update_readonly_bug_threshold = MANAGER; # threshold for viewing changelog $g_view_changelog_threshold = VIEWER; # threshold for viewing roadmap $g_roadmap_view_threshold = VIEWER; # threshold for updating roadmap, target_version, etc $g_roadmap_update_threshold = DEVELOPER; # status change thresholds $g_update_bug_status_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level needed to re-open bugs $g_reopen_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level needed to set a bug sticky $g_set_bug_sticky_threshold = MANAGER; # The minimum access level for someone to be a member of the development team # and appear on the project information page. $g_development_team_threshold = DEVELOPER; # --- limit reporters ------------- # Set to ON if you wish to limit reporters to only viewing bugs that they report. $g_limit_reporters = OFF; # --- close immediately ----------- # Allow developers and above to close bugs immediately when resolving bugs $g_allow_close_immediately = OFF; # --- reporter can close ---------- # Allow reporters to close the bugs they reported, after they're marked resolved. $g_allow_reporter_close = OFF; # --- reporter can reopen --------- # Allow reporters to reopen the bugs they reported, after they're marked resolved. $g_allow_reporter_reopen = ON; # --- reporter can upload --------- # Allow reporters to upload attachments to bugs they reported. $g_allow_reporter_upload = ON; # --- account delete ----------- # Allow users to delete their own accounts $g_allow_account_delete = OFF; # --- anonymous login ----------- # Allow anonymous login $g_allow_anonymous_login = OFF; $g_anonymous_account = 'anonymous'; ################################ # Mantis Look and Feel Variables ################################ # The padding level when displaying project ids # The bug id will be padded with 0's up to the size given $g_display_project_padding = 3; # The padding level when displaying bug ids # The bug id will be padded with 0's up to the size given $g_display_bug_padding = 7; # The padding level when displaying bugnote ids # The bugnote id will be padded with 0's up to the size given $g_display_bugnote_padding = 7; # colours for configuration display $g_colour_project = 'LightGreen'; $g_colour_global = 'LightBlue'; ############################### # Mantis Cookie Variables ############################### # cookie version for view_all_page $g_cookie_version = 'v8'; # --- cookie prefix --------------- # set this to a unique identifier. No spaces. $g_cookie_prefix = 'MANTIS'; # --- cookie names ---------------- $g_string_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_STRING_COOKIE'; $g_project_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_PROJECT_COOKIE'; $g_view_all_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_VIEW_ALL_COOKIE'; $g_manage_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_MANAGE_COOKIE'; $g_logout_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_LOGOUT_COOKIE'; $g_bug_list_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_BUG_LIST_COOKIE'; ####################################### # Mantis Filter Variables ####################################### $g_filter_by_custom_fields = ON; $g_filter_custom_fields_per_row = 8; $g_view_filters = SIMPLE_DEFAULT; # This switch enables the use of xmlhttprequest protocol to speed up the filter display. # Rather than launching a separate page, the filters are updated in-line in the # view_all_bugs_page. $g_dhtml_filters = ON; # The service to use to create a short URL. The %s will be replaced by the long URL. $g_create_short_url = 'http://tinyurl.com/create.php?url=%s'; ############################# # Mantis Javascript Variables ############################# # allow the use of Javascript? $g_use_javascript = ON; ########################### # Mantis Speed Optimisation ########################### # Use compression of generated html if browser supports it # If you already have compression enabled in your php.ini file # (either with zlib.output_compression or # output_handler=ob_gzhandler) this option will be ignored. # # If you do not have zlib enabled in your PHP installation # this option will also be ignored. PHP 4.3.0 and later have # zlib included by default. Windows users should uncomment # the appropriate line in their php.ini files to load # the zlib DLL. You can check what extensions are loaded # by running "php -m" at the command line (look for 'zlib') $g_compress_html = ON; # Use persistent database connections $g_use_persistent_connections = OFF; ########################### # Debugging ########################### # --- Timer ---------------------- # Time page loads. Shows at the bottom of the page. $g_show_timer = OFF; # Used for debugging e-mail feature, when set to OFF the emails work as normal. # when set to e-mail address, all e-mails are sent to this address with the # original To, Cc, Bcc included in the message body. $g_debug_email = OFF; # --- Queries -------------------- # Shows the total number/unique number of queries executed to serve the page. $g_show_queries_count = ON; # Indicates the access level required for a user to see the queries count / list. # This only has an effect if $g_show_queries_count is ON. Note that this threshold # is compared against the user's default global access level rather than the # threshold based on the current active project. $g_show_queries_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; # Shows the list of all queries that are executed in chronological order from top # to bottom. This option is only effective when $g_show_queries_count is ON. # WARNING: Potential security hazard. Only turn this on when you really # need it (for debugging/profiling) $g_show_queries_list = OFF; # --- debug messages --- # If this option is turned OFF (default) page redirects will continue to # function even if a non-fatal error occurs. For debugging purposes, you # can set this to ON so that any non-fatal error will prevent page redirection, # allowing you to see the errors. # Only turn this option on for debugging $g_stop_on_errors = OFF; ################## # Custom Fields ################## # Threshold needed to manage custom fields $g_manage_custom_fields_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; # Threshold needed to link/unlink custom field to/from a project $g_custom_field_link_threshold = MANAGER; # Whether to start editng a custom field immediately after creating it $g_custom_field_edit_after_create = ON; ################## # My View Settings ################## # Number of bugs shown in each box $g_my_view_bug_count = 10; # Toggle whether 'My View' boxes are shown in a fixed position (i.e. adjacent boxes start at the same vertical position) $g_my_view_boxes_fixed_position = ON; # Default page after Login or Set Project $g_default_home_page = 'my_view_page.php'; ###################### # RSS Feeds ###################### # This flag enables or disables RSS syndication. In the case where RSS syndication is not used, # it is recommended to set it to OFF. $g_rss_enabled = ON; ###################### # Bug Relationships ###################### # Enable support for bug relationships where a bug can be a related, dependent on, or duplicate of another. # See relationship_api.php for more details. $g_enable_relationship = ON; # --- Relationship Graphs ----------- # Show issue relationships using graphs. # # In order to use this feature, you must first install either GraphViz # (all OSs except Windows) or WinGraphviz (only Windows). # # Graphviz homepage: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ # WinGraphviz homepage: http://home.so-net.net.tw/oodtsen/wingraphviz/ # # Refer to the notes near the top of core/graphviz_api.php and # core/relationship_graph_api.php for more information. # Enable relationship graphs support. $g_relationship_graph_enable = OFF; # Default dependency orientation. If you have issues with lots of childs # or parents, leave as 'horizontal', otherwise, if you have lots of # "chained" issue dependencies, change to 'vertical'. $g_relationship_graph_orientation = 'horizontal'; # Max depth for relation graphs. This only affects relation graphs, # dependency graphs are drawn to the full depth. A value of 3 is already # enough to show issues really unrelated to the one you are currently # viewing. $g_relationship_graph_max_depth = 2; # If set to ON, clicking on an issue on the relationship graph will open # the bug view page for that issue, otherwise, will navigate to the # relationship graph for that issue. $g_relationship_graph_view_on_click = OFF; # Number of years in the future that custom date fields will display in # drop down boxes. $g_forward_year_count = 4 ; ##################### # Wiki Integration ##################### # Wiki Integration Enabled? $g_wiki_enable = OFF; # Wiki Engine (supported engines: 'dokuwiki', 'mediawiki', 'xwiki') $g_wiki_engine = 'dokuwiki'; # Wiki namespace to be used as root for all pages relating to this mantis installation. $g_wiki_root_namespace = 'mantis'; ##################### # Recently Visited ##################### # Whether to show the most recently visited issues or not. At the moment we always track them even if this flag is off. $g_recently_visited = ON; # The maximum number of issues to keep in the recently visited list. $g_recently_visited_count = 5; ##################### # Bug Tagging ##################### # String that will separate tags as entered for input $g_tag_separator = '@@g_tag_separator@@'; # Access level required to view tags attached to a bug $g_tag_view_threshold = VIEWER; # Access level required to attach tags to a bug $g_tag_attach_threshold = REPORTER; # Access level required to detach tags from a bug $g_tag_detach_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Access level required to detach tags attached by the same user $g_tag_detach_own_threshold = REPORTER; # Access level required to create new tags $g_tag_create_threshold = REPORTER; # Access level required to edit tag names and descriptions $g_tag_edit_threshold = DEVELOPER; # Access level required to edit descriptions by the creating user $g_tag_edit_own_threshold = REPORTER; ##################### # Time tracking ##################### # Turn on Time Tracking accounting $g_time_tracking_enabled = OFF; # A billing sums $g_time_tracking_with_billing = OFF; # Stop watch to build time tracking field $g_time_tracking_stopwatch = OFF; # access level required to view time tracking information $g_time_tracking_view_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level required to add/edit time tracking information $g_time_tracking_edit_threshold = DEVELOPER; # access level required to run reports $g_time_tracking_reporting_threshold = MANAGER; ############################# # Profile Related Settings ############################# # Add profile threshold $g_add_profile_threshold = REPORTER; # Threshold needed to be able to create and modify global profiles $g_manage_global_profile_threshold = MANAGER; # Allows the users to enter free text when reporting/updating issues # for the profile related fields (i.e. platform, os, os build) $g_allow_freetext_in_profile_fields = ON; ?>