File: install.php
<?php # Mantis - a php based bugtracking system # Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org # Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Mantis Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net # Mantis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mantis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mantis. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # -------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: install.php,v 2007-10-13 22:34:55 giallu Exp $ # -------------------------------------------------------- error_reporting( E_ALL ); //@@@ put this somewhere set_time_limit ( 0 ) ; $g_skip_open_db = true; # don't open the database in database_api.php @require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.php' ); $g_error_send_page_header = false; # bypass page headers in error handler define( 'BAD', 0 ); define( 'GOOD', 1 ); $g_failed = false; # ------- # print test result function print_test_result( $p_result, $p_hard_fail=true, $p_message='' ) { global $g_failed; echo '<td '; if ( BAD == $p_result ) { if ( $p_hard_fail ) { $g_failed = true; echo 'bgcolor="red">BAD'; } else { echo 'bgcolor="pink">POSSIBLE PROBLEM'; } if ( '' != $p_message ) { echo '<br />' . $p_message; } } if ( GOOD == $p_result ) { echo 'bgcolor="green">GOOD'; } echo '</td>'; } # ------- # print test header and result function print_test( $p_test_description, $p_result, $p_hard_fail=true, $p_message='' ) { echo "\n<tr><td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">$p_test_description</td>"; print_test_result( $p_result, $p_hard_fail, $p_message ); echo "</tr>\n"; } # -------- # create an SQLArray to insert data function InsertData( $p_table, $p_data ) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . $p_table . $p_data; return Array( $query ); } # install_state # 0 = no checks done # 1 = server ok, get database information # 2 = check the database information # 3 = install the database # 4 = get additional config file information # 5 = write the config file # 6 = post install checks # 7 = done, link to login or db updater $t_install_state = gpc_get_int( 'install', 0 ); # read control variables with defaults $f_hostname = gpc_get( 'hostname', config_get( 'hostname', 'localhost' ) ); $f_db_type = gpc_get( 'db_type', config_get( 'db_type', '' ) ); $f_database_name = gpc_get( 'database_name', config_get( 'database_name', 'bugtrack') ); $f_db_username = gpc_get( 'db_username', config_get( 'db_username', '' ) ); $f_db_password = gpc_get( 'db_password', config_get( 'db_password', '' ) ); if ( CONFIGURED_PASSWORD == $f_db_password ) { $f_db_password = config_get( 'db_password' ); } $f_admin_username = gpc_get( 'admin_username', '' ); $f_admin_password = gpc_get( 'admin_password', ''); $f_log_queries = gpc_get_bool( 'log_queries', false ); $f_db_exists = gpc_get_bool( 'db_exists', false ); $f_db_schema=''; if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { # If schema name is supplied, then separate it from database name. if ( strpos( $f_database_name, '/' ) != false ) { $f_db2AS400 = $f_database_name; list( $f_database_name, $f_db_schema ) = split( '/', $f_db2AS400, 2 ); } } ?> <html> <head> <title> Mantis Administration - Installation </title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="admin.css" /> </head> <body> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr class="top-bar"> <td class="links"> [ <a href="index.php">Back to Administration</a> ] </td> <td class="title"> <?php switch ( $t_install_state ) { case 6: echo "Post Installation Checks"; break; case 5: echo "Install Configuration File"; break; case 4: echo "Additional Configuration Information"; break; case 3: echo "Install Database"; break; case 2: echo "Check and Install Database"; break; case 1: echo "Database Parameters"; break; case 0: default: echo "Pre-Installation Check"; break; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br /><br /> <form method='POST'> <?php if ( 0 == $t_install_state ) { ?> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#222222" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#e8e8e8" colspan="2"> <span class="title">Checking Installation...</span> </td> </tr> <!-- Check PHP Version --> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Checking PHP version (your version is <?php echo phpversion(); ?>) </td> <?php if ( function_exists ( 'version_compare' ) ) { if ( version_compare ( phpversion() , '4.3.0', '>=' ) ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Upgrade to a more recent version of PHP' ); } } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Upgrade to a more recent version of PHP' ); } ?> </tr> <!-- Check Safe Mode --> <?php print_test( 'Checking if safe mode is enabled for install script', ! ini_get ( 'SAFE_MODE' ), true, 'Disable safe_mode in php.ini before proceeding' ) ?> </table> <?php if ( false == $g_failed ) { $t_install_state++; } } # end install_state == 0 # got database information, check and install if ( 2 == $t_install_state ) { ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1"> <!-- Setting config variables --> <?php print_test( 'Setting Database Hostname', '' !== $f_hostname , true, 'host name is blank' ) ?> <!-- Setting config variables --> <?php print_test( 'Setting Database Type', '' !== $f_db_type , true, 'database type is blank?' ) ?> <!-- Checking DB support--> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Checking PHP support for database type </td> <?php $t_support = false; switch ($f_db_type) { case 'mysql': $t_support = function_exists('mysql_connect'); break; case 'mysqli': $t_support = function_exists('mysqli_connect'); break; case 'pgsql': $t_support = function_exists('pg_connect'); break; case 'mssql': $t_support = function_exists('mssql_connect'); break; case 'oci8': $t_support = function_exists('OCILogon'); break; case 'db2': $t_support = function_exists( 'db2_connect' ); break; default: $t_support = false; } if ( $t_support ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'database is not supported by PHP. Check that it has been compiled into your server.' ); } ?> </tr> <?php print_test( 'Setting Database Username', '' !== $f_db_username , true, 'database username is blank' ) ?> <?php print_test( 'Setting Database Password', '' !== $f_db_password , false, 'database password is blank' ) ?> <?php print_test( 'Setting Database Name', '' !== $f_database_name , true, 'database name is blank' )?> <?php if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { print_test( 'Setting Database Schema', !is_blank( $f_db_schema ), true, 'must have a schema name for AS400 in the form of DBNAME/SCHEMA' ); } ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Setting Admin Username </td> <?php if ( '' !== $f_admin_username ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'admin user name is blank, using database user instead' ); $f_admin_username = $f_db_username; } ?> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Setting Admin Password </td> <?php if ( '' !== $f_admin_password ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { if ( '' != $f_db_password ) { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'admin user password is blank, using database user password instead' ); $f_admin_password = $f_db_password; } else { print_test_result( GOOD ); } } ?> </tr> <!-- connect to db --> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Attempting to connect to database as admin </td> <?php $t_db_open = false; $g_db = ADONewConnection($f_db_type); $t_result = @$g_db->Connect($f_hostname, $f_admin_username, $f_admin_password); if ( $t_result ) { # check if db exists for the admin $t_result = @$g_db->Connect($f_hostname, $f_admin_username, $f_admin_password, $f_database_name); if ( $t_result ) { $t_db_open = true; $f_db_exists = true; } if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $result = &$g_db->execute( 'set schema ' . $f_db_schema ); if ( $result === false ) { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'set schema failed: ' . $g_db->errorMsg() ); } } else { print_test_result( GOOD ); } } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Does administrative user have access to the database? ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } ?> </tr> <?php if ( $f_db_exists ) { ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Attempting to connect to database as user </td> <?php $g_db = ADONewConnection($f_db_type); $t_result = @$g_db->Connect($f_hostname, $f_db_username, $f_db_password, $f_database_name); if ( $t_result == true ) { $t_db_open = true; if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $result = &$g_db->execute( 'set schema ' . $f_db_schema ); if ( $result === false ) { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'set schema failed: ' . $g_db->errorMsg() ); } } else { print_test_result( GOOD ); } } else { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'Database user doesn\'t have access to the database ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } ?> </tr> <?php } if( $t_db_open ) { ?> <!-- display database version --> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Checking Database Server Version <?php # due to a bug in ADODB, this call prompts warnings, hence the @ # the check only works on mysql if the database is open $t_version_info = @$g_db->ServerInfo(); echo '<br /> Running ' . $f_db_type . ' version ' . $t_version_info['description']; ?> </td> <?php $t_warning = ''; $t_error = ''; switch ( $f_db_type ) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': if ( version_compare ( $t_version_info['version'] , '4.1.0', '<' ) ) { $t_error = 'MySQL 4.1.0 or later is required for installation.'; } break; case 'pgsql': case 'mssql': case 'db2': default: break; } print_test_result( ( '' == $t_error ) && ( '' == $t_warning ), ( '' != $t_error ), $t_error . ' ' . $t_warning ); ?> </tr> <?php } if ( false == $g_failed ) { $t_install_state++; } else { $t_install_state--; # a check failed, redisplay the questions } } # end 2 == $t_install_state # system checks have passed, get the database information if ( 1 == $t_install_state ) { ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#e8e8e8" colspan="2"> <span class="title">Installation Options</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Type of Database </td> <td> <select name="db_type"> <?php if ( $f_db_type == 'mysql' ) { echo '<option value="mysql" selected="selected">MySql (default)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="mysql">MySql (default)</option>'; } if ( $f_db_type == 'mysqli' ) { echo '<option value="mysqli" selected="selected">MySqli</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="mysqli">MySqli</option>'; } if ( $f_db_type == 'mssql' ) { echo '<option value="mssql" selected="selected">Microsoft SQL Server (experimental)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="mssql">Microsoft SQL Server (experimental)</option>'; } if ( $f_db_type == 'pgsql' ) { echo '<option value="pgsql" selected="selected">PGSQL (experimental)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="pgsql">PGSQL (experimental)</option>'; } if ( $f_db_type == 'oci8' ) { echo '<option value="oci8" selected="selected">Oracle - oci8 (Experimental)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="oci8">Oracle - oci8 (Experimental)</option>'; } if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { echo '<option value="db2" selected="selected">db2/400 (experimental)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="db2">db2/400 (experimental)</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Hostname (for Database Server) </td> <td> <input name="hostname" type="textbox" value="<?php echo $f_hostname ?>"></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Username (for Database) </td> <td> <input name="db_username" type="textbox" value="<?php echo $f_db_username ?>"></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Password (for Database) </td> <td> <input name="db_password" type="password" value="<?php echo ( !is_blank( $f_db_password ) ? CONFIGURED_PASSWORD : "" ) ?>"></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Database name (for Database) </td> <td> <input name="database_name" type="textbox" value="<?php echo $f_database_name ?>"></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Admin Username (to create Database) </td> <td> <input name="admin_username" type="textbox" value="<?php echo $f_admin_username ?>"></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Admin Password (to create Database) </td> <td> <input name="admin_password" type="password" value="<?php echo $f_admin_password ?>"></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Print SQL Queries instead of Writing to the Database </td> <td> <input name="log_queries" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo ( $f_log_queries ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ) ?>></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Attempt Installation </td> <td> <input name="go" type="submit" value="Install/Upgrade Database"></input> </td> </tr> <input name="install" type="hidden" value="2"></input> </table> <?php } # end install_state == 1 # all checks have passed, install the database if ( 3 == $t_install_state ) { ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#e8e8e8" colspan="2"> <span class="title">Installing Database</span> </td> </tr> <?php if ( ! $f_log_queries ) { ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Create database if it does not exist </td> <?php $t_result = @$g_db->Connect( $f_hostname, $f_admin_username, $f_admin_password, $f_database_name ); if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $rs = $g_db->Execute("select * from SYSIBM.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '" . $f_db_schema . "' AND SCHEMA_OWNER = '" . $f_db_username . "'" ); if ( $rs === false ) { echo "<br />false"; } if ( $rs->EOF ) { $t_result = false; echo $g_db->errorMsg(); } else { $t_result = &$g_db->execute( 'set schema ' . $f_db_schema ); } } $t_db_open = false; if ( $t_result == true ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); $t_db_open = true; } else { // create db $g_db = ADONewConnection( $f_db_type ); $t_result = $g_db->Connect( $f_hostname, $f_admin_username, $f_admin_password ); $dict = NewDataDictionary( $g_db ); if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $rs = &$g_db->Execute("CREATE SCHEMA " . $f_db_schema ); if ( !$rs ) { $t_result = false; print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Does administrative user have access to create the database? ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); $t_install_state--; # db creation failed, allow user to re-enter user/password info } else { print_test_result( GOOD ); $t_db_open = true; } } else { $sqlarray = $dict->CreateDatabase( $f_database_name ); $ret = $dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sqlarray ); if( $ret == 2) { print_test_result( GOOD ); $t_db_open = true; } else { $t_error = db_error_msg(); if( strstr( $t_error, 'atabase exists' ) ) { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'Database already exists? ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Does administrative user have access to create the database? ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); $t_install_state--; # db creation failed, allow user to re-enter user/password info } } } } ?> </tr> <?php if( $t_db_open ) { ?> <!-- display database version --> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Checking Database Server Version <?php # due to a bug in ADODB, this call prompts warnings, hence the @ $t_version_info = @$g_db->ServerInfo(); echo '<br /> Running ' . $f_db_type . ' version ' . $t_version_info['description']; ?> </td> <?php $t_warning = ''; $t_error = ''; switch ( $f_db_type ) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': if ( version_compare ( $t_version_info['version'] , '4.1.0', '<' ) ) { $t_error = 'MySQL 4.1.0 or later is required for installation.'; } break; case 'pgsql': case 'mssql': case 'db2': default: break; } print_test_result( ( '' == $t_error ) && ( '' == $t_warning ), ( '' != $t_error ), $t_error . ' ' . $t_warning ); ?> </tr> <?php } $g_db->Close(); ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Attempting to connect to database as user </td> <?php $g_db = ADONewConnection($f_db_type); $t_result = @$g_db->Connect($f_hostname, $f_db_username, $f_db_password, $f_database_name); if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $result = &$g_db->execute( 'set schema ' . $f_db_schema ); if ( $result === false ) { echo $g_db->errorMsg(); } } if ( $t_result == true ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'Database user doesn\'t have access to the database ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } $g_db->Close(); ?> </tr> <?php } # install the tables if ( false == $g_failed ) { $g_db_connected = false; # fake out database access routines used by config_get $GLOBALS['g_db_type'] = $f_db_type; # database_api references this require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'schema.php' ); $g_db = ADONewConnection( $f_db_type ); $t_result = @$g_db->Connect( $f_hostname, $f_admin_username, $f_admin_password, $f_database_name ); if ( ! $f_log_queries ) { $g_db_connected = true; # fake out database access routines used by config_get } $t_last_update = config_get( 'database_version', -1, ALL_USERS, ALL_PROJECTS ); $lastid = sizeof( $upgrade ) - 1; $i = $t_last_update + 1; if ( $f_log_queries ) { echo '<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" col_span="2"> Database Creation Suppressed, SQL Queries follow <pre>'; } if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $result = &$g_db->execute( 'set schema ' . $f_db_schema ); if ( $result === false ) { echo $g_db->errorMsg(); } } while ( ( $i <= $lastid ) && ! $g_failed ) { if ( ! $f_log_queries ) { echo '<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff">'; } $dict = NewDataDictionary($g_db); $t_sql = true; $t_target = $upgrade[$i][1][0]; if ( $upgrade[$i][0] == 'InsertData' ) { $sqlarray = call_user_func_array( $upgrade[$i][0], $upgrade[$i][1] ); } else if ( $upgrade[$i][0] == 'UpdateSQL' ) { $sqlarray = array( $upgrade[$i][1] ); $t_target = $upgrade[$i][1]; } else if ( $upgrade[$i][0] == 'UpdateFunction' ) { $sqlarray = array( $upgrade[$i][1] ); $t_sql = false; $t_target = $upgrade[$i][1]; } else { $sqlarray = call_user_func_array(Array($dict,$upgrade[$i][0]),$upgrade[$i][1]); } if ( $f_log_queries ) { foreach ( $sqlarray as $sql ) { echo htmlentities( $sql ) . ";\r\n\r\n"; } } else { echo 'Schema ' . $upgrade[$i][0] . ' ( ' . $t_target . ' )</td>'; if ($t_sql) $ret = $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); else $ret = call_user_func( 'install_' . $sqlarray[0] ); if ( $ret == 2 ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); config_set( 'database_version', $i ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, $sqlarray[0] . '<br />' . $g_db->ErrorMsg() ); } echo '</tr>'; } $i++; } if ( $f_log_queries ) { # add a query to set the database version echo 'INSERT INTO mantis_config_table ( value, type, access_reqd, config_id, project_id, user_id ) VALUES (\'' . $lastid . '\', 1, 90, \'database_version\', 20, 0 );' . "\r\n"; echo '</pre></br /><p style="color:red">Your database has not been created yet. Please create the database, then install the tables and data using the information above before proceeding.</td></tr>'; } } if ( false == $g_failed ) { $t_install_state++; } else { $t_install_state--; } ?> </table> <?php } # end install_state == 3 # database installed, get any additional information if ( 4 == $t_install_state ) { # @@@ to be written # must post data gathered to preserve it ?> <input name="hostname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_hostname ?>"></input> <input name="db_type" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_db_type ?>"></input> <input name="database_name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_database_name ?>"></input> <input name="db_username" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_db_username ?>"></input> <input name="db_password" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_db_password ?>"></input> <input name="admin_username" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_admin_username ?>"></input> <input name="admin_password" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_admin_password ?>"></input> <input name="log_queries" type="hidden" value="<?php echo ( $f_log_queries ? 1 : 0 ) ?>"></input> <input name="db_exists" type="hidden" value="<?php echo ( $f_db_exists ? 1 : 0 ) ?>"></input> <?php # must post <input name="install" type="hidden" value="5"></input> # rather than the following line $t_install_state++; } # end install_state == 4 # all checks have passed, install the database if ( 5 == $t_install_state ) { $t_config_filename = $g_absolute_path . 'config_inc.php'; $t_config_exists = file_exists ( $t_config_filename ); ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#e8e8e8" colspan="2"> <span class="title">Write Configuration File(s)</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> <?php if ( !$t_config_exists ) { echo 'Creating Configuration File (config_inc.php)<br />'; echo '<font color="red">(if this file is not created, create it manually with the contents below)</font>'; } else { echo 'Updating Configuration File (config_inc.php)<br />'; } ?> </td> <?php $t_config = '<?php'."\r\n"; $t_config .= "\t\$g_hostname = '$f_hostname';\r\n"; $t_config .= "\t\$g_db_type = '$f_db_type';\r\n"; $t_config .= "\t\$g_database_name = '$f_database_name';\r\n"; $t_config .= "\t\$g_db_username = '$f_db_username';\r\n"; $t_config .= "\t\$g_db_password = '$f_db_password';\r\n"; if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $t_config .= "\t\$g_db_schema = '$f_db_schema';\r\n"; } $t_config .= '?>' . "\r\n"; $t_write_failed = true; if ( !$t_config_exists ) { if ( $fd = @fopen( $t_config_filename, 'w' ) ) { fwrite( $fd, $t_config ); fclose( $fd ); } if ( file_exists ( $t_config_filename ) ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); $t_write_failed = false; } else { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'cannot write ' . $t_config_filename ); } } else { # already exists, see if the information is the same if ( ( $f_hostname != config_get( 'hostname', '' ) ) || ( $f_db_type != config_get( 'db_type', '' ) ) || ( $f_database_name != config_get( 'database_name', '') ) || ( $f_db_schema != config_get( 'db_schema', '') ) || ( $f_db_username != config_get( 'db_username', '' ) ) || ( $f_db_password != config_get( 'db_password', '' ) ) ) { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'file ' . $g_absolute_path . 'config_inc.php' . ' already exists and has different settings' ); } else { print_test_result( GOOD, false, 'file not updated' ); $t_write_failed = false; } } ?> </tr> <?php if ( true == $t_write_failed ) { echo '<tr><table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" align="center">'; echo '<tr><td>Please add the following lines to ' . $g_absolute_path . 'config_inc.php before continuing to the database upgrade check:</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><pre>' . htmlentities( $t_config ) . '</pre></td></tr></table></tr>'; } ?> </table> <?php if ( false == $g_failed ) { $t_install_state++; } } # end install_state == 5 if ( 6 == $t_install_state ) { # post install checks ?> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#222222" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#e8e8e8" colspan="2"> <span class="title">Checking Installation...</span> </td> </tr> <!-- Checking register_globals are off --> <?php print_test( 'Checking for register_globals are off for mantis', ! ini_get_bool( 'register_globals' ), false, 'change php.ini to disable register_globals setting' ) ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Attempting to connect to database as user </td> <?php $g_db = ADONewConnection($f_db_type); $t_result = @$g_db->Connect($f_hostname, $f_db_username, $f_db_password, $f_database_name); if ( $t_result == true ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, false, 'Database user doesn\'t have access to the database ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } if ( $f_db_type == 'db2' ) { $result = &$g_db->execute('set schema ' . $f_db_schema); if ( $result === false ) { echo $g_db->errorMsg(); } } ?> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> checking ability to SELECT records </td> <?php $t_mantis_config_table = config_get_global( 'mantis_config_table' ); $t_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $t_mantis_config_table"; $t_result = @$g_db->Execute( $t_query ); if ( $t_result != false ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Database user doesn\'t have SELECT access to the database ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } ?> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> checking ability to INSERT records </td> <?php $t_query = "INSERT INTO $t_mantis_config_table ( value, type, access_reqd, config_id, project_id, user_id ) VALUES ('test', 1, 90, 'database_test', 20, 0 )"; $t_result = @$g_db->Execute( $t_query ); if ( $t_result != false ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Database user doesn\'t have INSERT access to the database ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } ?> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> checking ability to UPDATE records </td> <?php $t_query = "UPDATE $t_mantis_config_table SET value='test_update' WHERE config_id='database_test'"; $t_result = @$g_db->Execute( $t_query ); if ( $t_result != false ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Database user doesn\'t have UPDATE access to the database ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } ?> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> checking ability to DELETE records </td> <?php $t_query = "DELETE FROM $t_mantis_config_table WHERE config_id='database_test'"; $t_result = @$g_db->Execute( $t_query ); if ( $t_result != false ) { print_test_result( GOOD ); } else { print_test_result( BAD, true, 'Database user doesn\'t have DELETE access to the database ( ' . db_error_msg() . ' )' ); } ?> </tr> </table> <?php if ( false == $g_failed ) { $t_install_state++; } } # end install_state == 6 if ( 7 == $t_install_state ) { # cleanup and launch upgrade ?> <p>Install was successful.</p> <?php if ( $f_db_exists ) { ?> <p><a href="../login_page.php">Continue</a> to log into Mantis</p> <?php } else { ?> <p>Please log in as the administrator and <a href="../manage_proj_create_page.php">create</a> your first project. <?php } } # end install_state == 7 if( $g_failed ) { ?> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#222222" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#e8e8e8" colspan="2"> <span class="title">Checks Failed...</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">Please correct failed checks</td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"> <input name="install" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $t_install_state ?>"></input> <input name="hostname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_hostname ?>"></input> <input name="db_type" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_db_type ?>"></input> <input name="database_name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_database_name ?>"></input> <input name="db_username" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_db_username ?>"></input> <input name="db_password" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_db_password ?>"></input> <input name="admin_username" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_admin_username ?>"></input> <input name="admin_password" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $f_admin_password ?>"></input> <input name="log_queries" type="hidden" value="<?php echo ( $f_log_queries ? 1 : 0 ) ?>"></input> <input name="retry" type="submit" value="Retry"></input> <input name="db_exists" type="hidden" value="<?php echo ( $f_db_exists ? 1 : 0 ) ?>"></input> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> </form> </body> </html>