File: bug_view_inc.php
<?php # MantisBT - a php based bugtracking system # MantisBT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MantisBT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MantisBT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * This include file prints out the bug information * $f_bug_id MUST be specified before the file is included * * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org */ if ( !defined( 'BUG_VIEW_INC_ALLOW' ) ) { access_denied(); } /** * MantisBT Core API's */ require_once( 'core.php' ); require_once( 'bug_api.php' ); require_once( 'custom_field_api.php' ); require_once( 'file_api.php' ); require_once( 'date_api.php' ); require_once( 'relationship_api.php' ); require_once( 'last_visited_api.php' ); require_once( 'tag_api.php' ); $f_bug_id = gpc_get_int( 'id' ); bug_ensure_exists( $f_bug_id ); $tpl_bug = bug_get( $f_bug_id, true ); # In case the current project is not the same project of the bug we are # viewing, override the current project. This ensures all config_get and other # per-project function calls use the project ID of this bug. $g_project_override = $tpl_bug->project_id; access_ensure_bug_level( VIEWER, $f_bug_id ); $f_history = gpc_get_bool( 'history', config_get( 'history_default_visible' ) ); $t_fields = config_get( $tpl_fields_config_option ); $t_fields = columns_filter_disabled( $t_fields ); compress_enable(); if ( $tpl_show_page_header ) { html_page_top( bug_format_summary( $f_bug_id, SUMMARY_CAPTION ) ); print_recently_visited(); } $t_action_button_position = config_get( 'action_button_position' ); $t_bugslist = gpc_get_cookie( config_get( 'bug_list_cookie' ), false ); $tpl_show_versions = version_should_show_product_version( $tpl_bug->project_id ); $tpl_show_product_version = $tpl_show_versions && in_array( 'product_version', $t_fields ); $tpl_show_fixed_in_version = $tpl_show_versions && in_array( 'fixed_in_version', $t_fields ); $tpl_show_product_build = $tpl_show_versions && in_array( 'product_build', $t_fields ) && ( config_get( 'enable_product_build' ) == ON ); $tpl_product_build = $tpl_show_product_build ? string_display_line( $tpl_bug->build ) : ''; $tpl_show_target_version = $tpl_show_versions && in_array( 'target_version', $t_fields ) && access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'roadmap_view_threshold' ), $f_bug_id ); $tpl_product_version_string = ''; $tpl_target_version_string = ''; $tpl_fixed_in_version_string = ''; if ( $tpl_show_product_version || $tpl_show_fixed_in_version || $tpl_show_target_version ) { $t_version_rows = version_get_all_rows( $tpl_bug->project_id ); if ( $tpl_show_product_version ) { $tpl_product_version_string = prepare_version_string( $tpl_bug->project_id, version_get_id( $tpl_bug->version, $tpl_bug->project_id ), $t_version_rows ); } if ( $tpl_show_target_version ) { $tpl_target_version_string = prepare_version_string( $tpl_bug->project_id, version_get_id( $tpl_bug->target_version, $tpl_bug->project_id) , $t_version_rows ); } if ( $tpl_show_fixed_in_version ) { $tpl_fixed_in_version_string = prepare_version_string( $tpl_bug->project_id, version_get_id( $tpl_bug->fixed_in_version, $tpl_bug->project_id ), $t_version_rows ); } } $tpl_product_version_string = string_display_line( $tpl_product_version_string ); $tpl_target_version_string = string_display_line( $tpl_target_version_string ); $tpl_fixed_in_version_string = string_display_line( $tpl_fixed_in_version_string ); $tpl_bug_id = $f_bug_id; $tpl_form_title = lang_get( 'bug_view_title' ); $tpl_wiki_link = config_get_global( 'wiki_enable' ) == ON ? 'wiki.php?id=' . $f_bug_id : ''; if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'view_history_threshold' ), $f_bug_id ) ) { $tpl_history_link = "view.php?id=$f_bug_id&history=1#history"; } else { $tpl_history_link = ''; } $tpl_show_reminder_link = !current_user_is_anonymous() && !bug_is_readonly( $f_bug_id ) && access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'bug_reminder_threshold' ), $f_bug_id ); $tpl_bug_reminder_link = 'bug_reminder_page.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id; $tpl_print_link = 'print_bug_page.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id; $tpl_top_buttons_enabled = !$tpl_force_readonly && ( $t_action_button_position == POSITION_TOP || $t_action_button_position == POSITION_BOTH ); $tpl_bottom_buttons_enabled = !$tpl_force_readonly && ( $t_action_button_position == POSITION_BOTTOM || $t_action_button_position == POSITION_BOTH ); $tpl_show_project = in_array( 'project', $t_fields ); $tpl_project_name = $tpl_show_project ? string_display_line( project_get_name( $tpl_bug->project_id ) ): ''; $tpl_show_id = in_array( 'id', $t_fields ); $tpl_formatted_bug_id = $tpl_show_id ? string_display_line( bug_format_id( $f_bug_id ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_date_submitted = in_array( 'date_submitted', $t_fields ); $tpl_date_submitted = $tpl_show_date_submitted ? date( config_get( 'normal_date_format' ), $tpl_bug->date_submitted ) : ''; $tpl_show_last_updated = in_array( 'last_updated', $t_fields ); $tpl_last_updated = $tpl_show_last_updated ? date( config_get( 'normal_date_format' ), $tpl_bug->last_updated ) : ''; $tpl_show_tags = in_array( 'tags', $t_fields ) && access_has_global_level( config_get( 'tag_view_threshold' ) ); $tpl_bug_overdue = bug_is_overdue( $f_bug_id ); $tpl_show_view_state = in_array( 'view_state', $t_fields ); $tpl_bug_view_state_enum = $tpl_show_view_state ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'view_state', $tpl_bug->view_state ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_due_date = in_array( 'due_date', $t_fields ) && access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'due_date_view_threshold' ), $f_bug_id ); if ( $tpl_show_due_date ) { if ( !date_is_null( $tpl_bug->due_date ) ) { $tpl_bug_due_date = date( config_get( 'normal_date_format' ), $tpl_bug->due_date ); } else { $tpl_bug_due_date = ''; } } $tpl_show_reporter = in_array( 'reporter', $t_fields ); $tpl_show_handler = in_array( 'handler', $t_fields ) && access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'view_handler_threshold' ), $f_bug_id ); $tpl_show_additional_information = !is_blank( $tpl_bug->additional_information ) && in_array( 'additional_info', $t_fields ); $tpl_show_steps_to_reproduce = !is_blank( $tpl_bug->steps_to_reproduce ) && in_array( 'steps_to_reproduce', $t_fields ); $tpl_show_monitor_box = !$tpl_force_readonly; $tpl_show_relationships_box = !$tpl_force_readonly; $tpl_show_upload_form = !$tpl_force_readonly && !bug_is_readonly( $f_bug_id ); $tpl_show_history = $f_history; $tpl_show_profiles = config_get( 'enable_profiles' ); $tpl_show_platform = $tpl_show_profiles && in_array( 'platform', $t_fields ); $tpl_platform = $tpl_show_platform ? string_display_line( $tpl_bug->platform ) : ''; $tpl_show_os = $tpl_show_profiles && in_array( 'os', $t_fields ); $tpl_os = $tpl_show_os ? string_display_line( $tpl_bug->os ) : ''; $tpl_show_os_version = $tpl_show_profiles && in_array( 'os_version', $t_fields ); $tpl_os_version = $tpl_show_os_version ? string_display_line( $tpl_bug->os_build ) : ''; $tpl_show_projection = in_array( 'projection', $t_fields ); $tpl_projection = $tpl_show_projection ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'projection', $tpl_bug->projection ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_eta = in_array( 'eta', $t_fields ); $tpl_eta = $tpl_show_eta ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'eta', $tpl_bug->eta ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_attachments = in_array( 'attachments', $t_fields ); $tpl_can_attach_tag = $tpl_show_tags && !$tpl_force_readonly && access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'tag_attach_threshold' ), $f_bug_id ); $tpl_show_category = in_array( 'category_id', $t_fields ); $tpl_category = $tpl_show_category ? string_display_line( category_full_name( $tpl_bug->category_id ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_priority = in_array( 'priority', $t_fields ); $tpl_priority = $tpl_show_priority ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'priority', $tpl_bug->priority ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_severity = in_array( 'severity', $t_fields ); $tpl_severity = $tpl_show_severity ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'severity', $tpl_bug->severity ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_reproducibility = in_array( 'reproducibility', $t_fields ); $tpl_reproducibility = $tpl_show_reproducibility ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'reproducibility', $tpl_bug->reproducibility ) ): ''; $tpl_show_status = in_array( 'status', $t_fields ); $tpl_status = $tpl_show_status ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'status', $tpl_bug->status ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_resolution = in_array( 'resolution', $t_fields ); $tpl_resolution = $tpl_show_resolution ? string_display_line( get_enum_element( 'resolution', $tpl_bug->resolution ) ) : ''; $tpl_show_summary = in_array( 'summary', $t_fields ); $tpl_show_description = in_array( 'description', $t_fields ); $tpl_summary = $tpl_show_summary ? bug_format_summary( $f_bug_id, SUMMARY_FIELD ) : ''; $tpl_description = $tpl_show_description ? string_display_links( $tpl_bug->description ) : ''; $tpl_steps_to_reproduce = $tpl_show_steps_to_reproduce ? string_display_links( $tpl_bug->steps_to_reproduce ) : ''; $tpl_additional_information = $tpl_show_additional_information ? string_display_links( $tpl_bug->additional_information ) : ''; $tpl_links = event_signal( 'EVENT_MENU_ISSUE', $f_bug_id ); # # Start of Template # echo '<br />'; echo '<table class="width100" cellspacing="1">'; echo '<tr>'; # Form Title echo '<td class="form-title" colspan="', $t_bugslist ? '3' : '4', '">'; echo $tpl_form_title; echo ' <span class="small">'; # Jump to Bugnotes print_bracket_link( "#bugnotes", lang_get( 'jump_to_bugnotes' ) ); # Send Bug Reminder if ( $tpl_show_reminder_link ) { print_bracket_link( $tpl_bug_reminder_link, lang_get( 'bug_reminder' ) ); } if ( !is_blank( $tpl_wiki_link ) ) { print_bracket_link( $tpl_wiki_link, lang_get( 'wiki' ) ); } foreach ( $tpl_links as $t_plugin => $t_hooks ) { foreach( $t_hooks as $t_hook ) { if ( is_array( $t_hook ) ) { foreach( $t_hook as $t_label => $t_href ) { if ( is_numeric( $t_label ) ) { print_bracket_link_prepared( $t_href ); } else { print_bracket_link( $t_href, $t_label ); } } } else { print_bracket_link_prepared( $t_hook ); } } } echo '</span></td>'; # prev/next links if ( $t_bugslist ) { echo '<td class="center"><span class="small">'; $t_bugslist = explode( ',', $t_bugslist ); $t_index = array_search( $f_bug_id, $t_bugslist ); if ( false !== $t_index ) { if ( isset( $t_bugslist[$t_index-1] ) ) { print_bracket_link( 'view.php?id='.$t_bugslist[$t_index-1], '<<' ); } if ( isset( $t_bugslist[$t_index+1] ) ) { print_bracket_link( 'view.php?id='.$t_bugslist[$t_index+1], '>>' ); } } echo '</span></td>'; } # Links echo '<td class="right" colspan="2">'; if ( !is_blank( $tpl_history_link ) ) { # History echo '<span class="small">'; print_bracket_link( $tpl_history_link, lang_get( 'bug_history' ) ); echo '</span>'; } # Print Bug echo '<span class="small">'; print_bracket_link( $tpl_print_link, lang_get( 'print' ) ); echo '</span>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; if ( $tpl_top_buttons_enabled ) { echo '<tr align="center">'; echo '<td align="center" colspan="6">'; html_buttons_view_bug_page( $tpl_bug_id ); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ( $tpl_show_id || $tpl_show_project || $tpl_show_category || $tpl_show_view_state || $tpl_show_date_submitted || $tpl_show_last_updated ) { # Labels echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="category" width="15%">', $tpl_show_id ? lang_get( 'id' ) : '', '</td>'; echo '<td class="category" width="20%">', $tpl_show_project ? lang_get( 'email_project' ) : '', '</td>'; echo '<td class="category" width="15%">', $tpl_show_category ? lang_get( 'category' ) : '', '</td>'; echo '<td class="category" width="15%">', $tpl_show_view_state ? lang_get( 'view_status' ) : '', '</td>'; echo '<td class="category" width="15%">', $tpl_show_date_submitted ? lang_get( 'date_submitted' ) : '', '</td>'; echo '<td class="category" width="20%">', $tpl_show_last_updated ? lang_get( 'last_update' ) : '','</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; # Bug ID echo '<td>', $tpl_formatted_bug_id, '</td>'; # Project echo '<td>', $tpl_project_name, '</td>'; # Category echo '<td>', $tpl_category, '</td>'; # View Status echo '<td>', $tpl_bug_view_state_enum, '</td>'; # Date Submitted echo '<td>', $tpl_date_submitted, '</td>'; # Date Updated echo '<td>', $tpl_last_updated, '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; # spacer echo '<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"></td></tr>'; } # # Reporter # if ( $tpl_show_reporter ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; $t_spacer = 4; # Reporter if ( $tpl_show_reporter ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'reporter' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>'; print_user_with_subject( $tpl_bug->reporter_id, $tpl_bug_id ); echo '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # # Handler, Due Date # if ( $tpl_show_handler || $tpl_show_due_date ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; $t_spacer = 2; # Handler if ( $tpl_show_handler ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'assigned_to' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>'; print_user_with_subject( $tpl_bug->handler_id, $tpl_bug_id ); echo '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # Due Date if ( $tpl_show_due_date ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'due_date' ), '</td>'; if ( $tpl_bug_overdue ) { echo '<td class="overdue">', $tpl_bug_due_date, '</td>'; } else { echo '<td>', $tpl_bug_due_date, '</td>'; } } else { $t_spacer += 2; } echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # # Priority, Severity, Reproducibility # if ( $tpl_show_priority || $tpl_show_severity || $tpl_show_reproducibility ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; $t_spacer = 0; # Priority if ( $tpl_show_priority ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'priority' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_priority, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # Severity if ( $tpl_show_severity ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'severity' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_severity, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # Reproducibility if ( $tpl_show_reproducibility ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'reproducibility' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_reproducibility, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # spacer if ( $t_spacer > 0 ) { echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } # # Status, Resolution # if ( $tpl_show_status || $tpl_show_resolution ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; $t_spacer = 2; # Status if ( $tpl_show_status ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'status' ), '</td>'; echo '<td bgcolor="', get_status_color( $tpl_bug->status ), '">', $tpl_status, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # Resolution if ( $tpl_show_resolution ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'resolution' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_resolution, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # spacer if ( $t_spacer > 0 ) { echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } # # Projection, ETA # if ( $tpl_show_projection || $tpl_show_eta ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; $t_spacer = 2; if ( $tpl_show_projection ) { # Projection echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'projection' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_projection, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # ETA if ( $tpl_show_eta ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'eta' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_eta, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # # Platform, OS, OS Version # if ( $tpl_show_platform || $tpl_show_os || $tpl_show_os_version ) { $t_spacer = 0; echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; # Platform if ( $tpl_show_platform ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'platform' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_platform, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # Operating System if ( $tpl_show_os ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'os' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_os, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # OS Version if ( $tpl_show_os_version ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'os_version' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_os_version, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } if ( $t_spacer > 0 ) { echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } # # Product Version, Product Build # if ( $tpl_show_product_version || $tpl_show_product_build ) { $t_spacer = 2; echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; # Product Version if ( $tpl_show_product_version ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'product_version' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_product_version_string, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # Product Build if ( $tpl_show_product_build ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'product_build' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_product_build, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # spacer echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # # Target Version, Fixed In Version # if ( $tpl_show_target_version || $tpl_show_fixed_in_version ) { $t_spacer = 2; echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; # target version if ( $tpl_show_target_version ) { # Target Version echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'target_version' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_target_version_string, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # fixed in version if ( $tpl_show_fixed_in_version ) { echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'fixed_in_version' ), '</td>'; echo '<td>', $tpl_fixed_in_version_string, '</td>'; } else { $t_spacer += 2; } # spacer echo '<td colspan="', $t_spacer, '"> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # # Bug Details Event Signal # event_signal( 'EVENT_VIEW_BUG_DETAILS', array( $tpl_bug_id ) ); # spacer echo '<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"></td></tr>'; # # Bug Details (screen wide fields) # # Summary if ( $tpl_show_summary ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'summary' ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">', $tpl_summary, '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # Description if ( $tpl_show_description ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'description' ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">', $tpl_description, '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # Steps to Reproduce if ( $tpl_show_steps_to_reproduce ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'steps_to_reproduce' ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">', $tpl_steps_to_reproduce, '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # Additional Information if ( $tpl_show_additional_information ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'additional_information' ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">', $tpl_additional_information, '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } # Tagging if ( $tpl_show_tags ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'tags' ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">'; tag_display_attached( $tpl_bug_id ); echo '</td></tr>'; } # Attachments Form if ( $tpl_can_attach_tag ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category">', lang_get( 'tag_attach_long' ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">'; print_tag_attach_form( $tpl_bug_id ); echo '</td></tr>'; } # spacer echo '<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"></td></tr>'; # Custom Fields $t_custom_fields_found = false; $t_related_custom_field_ids = custom_field_get_linked_ids( $tpl_bug->project_id ); foreach( $t_related_custom_field_ids as $t_id ) { if ( !custom_field_has_read_access( $t_id, $f_bug_id ) ) { continue; } # has read access $t_custom_fields_found = true; $t_def = custom_field_get_definition( $t_id ); echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category">', string_display( lang_get_defaulted( $t_def['name'] ) ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">'; print_custom_field_value( $t_def, $t_id, $f_bug_id ); echo '</td></tr>'; } if ( $t_custom_fields_found ) { # spacer echo '<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"></td></tr>'; } # custom fields found # Attachments if ( $tpl_show_attachments ) { echo '<tr ', helper_alternate_class(), '>'; echo '<td class="category"><a name="attachments" id="attachments" />', lang_get( 'attached_files' ), '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="5">'; print_bug_attachments_list( $tpl_bug_id ); echo '</td></tr>'; } if ( $tpl_bottom_buttons_enabled ) { echo '<tr align="center"><td align="center" colspan="6">'; html_buttons_view_bug_page( $tpl_bug_id ); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; # User list sponsoring the bug include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bug_sponsorship_list_view_inc.php' ); # Bug Relationships if ( $tpl_show_relationships_box ) { relationship_view_box ( $tpl_bug->id ); } # File upload box if ( $tpl_show_upload_form ) { include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bug_file_upload_inc.php' ); } # User list monitoring the bug if ( $tpl_show_monitor_box ) { include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bug_monitor_list_view_inc.php' ); } # Bugnotes and "Add Note" box if ( 'ASC' == current_user_get_pref( 'bugnote_order' ) ) { include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bugnote_view_inc.php' ); if ( !$tpl_force_readonly ) { include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bugnote_add_inc.php' ); } } else { if ( !$tpl_force_readonly ) { include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bugnote_add_inc.php' ); } include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bugnote_view_inc.php' ); } # Allow plugins to display stuff after notes event_signal( 'EVENT_VIEW_BUG_EXTRA', array( $f_bug_id ) ); # Time tracking statistics if ( config_get( 'time_tracking_enabled' ) && access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'time_tracking_view_threshold' ), $f_bug_id ) ) { include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'bugnote_stats_inc.php' ); } # History if ( $tpl_show_history ) { include( $tpl_mantis_dir . 'history_inc.php' ); } html_page_bottom(); last_visited_issue( $tpl_bug_id );