File: config_defaults_inc.php
<?php # MantisBT - a php based bugtracking system # MantisBT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MantisBT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MantisBT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * Default Configuration Variables * * This file should not be changed. If you want to override any of the values * defined here, define them in a file called config_inc.php, which will * be loaded after this file. * * In general a value of OFF means the feature is disabled and ON means the * feature is enabled. Any other cases will have an explanation. * * For more details see http://www.mantisbt.org/docs/master-1.2.x/ * * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org */ /****************************** * MantisBT Database Settings * ******************************/ /** * hostname should be either a hostname or connection string to supply to adodb. * For example, if you would like to connect to a database server on the local machine, * set hostname to 'localhost' * If you need to supply a port to connect to, set hostname as 'localhost:3306'. * @global string $g_hostname */ $g_hostname = 'localhost'; /** * User name to use for connecting to the database. The user needs to have read/write access to the MantisBT database. * The default user name is "root". * @global string $g_db_username */ $g_db_username = 'root'; /** * Password for the specified user name. The default password is empty. * @global string $g_db_password */ $g_db_password = ''; /** * Name of database that contains MantisBT tables. * The default database name is "bugtracker". * @global string $g_database_name */ $g_database_name = 'bugtracker'; /** * Database Schema Name - used in the case of db2. * @global string $g_db_schema */ $g_db_schema = ''; /** * Defines the database type. The supported default is 'mysql'. * Supported types: 'mysql' or 'mysqli' for MySQL, 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL, * 'odbc_mssql', 'mssql' for MS SQL Server, 'oci8' for Oracle, and 'db2' for DB2. * @global string $g_db_type */ $g_db_type = 'mysql'; /************************** * MantisBT Path Settings * **************************/ if ( isset ( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ) ) { $t_protocol = 'http'; if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ) ) { $t_protocol= $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && ( strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) != 'off' ) ) { $t_protocol = 'https'; } # $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] is not defined in case of php-cgi.exe if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) ) { $t_port = ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; if ( ( ':80' == $t_port && 'http' == $t_protocol ) || ( ':443' == $t_port && 'https' == $t_protocol )) { $t_port = ''; } } else { $t_port = ''; } if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] ) ) { // Support ProxyPass $t_hosts = explode( ',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] ); $t_host = $t_hosts[0]; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) { $t_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) ) { $t_host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $t_port; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ) { $t_host = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . $t_port; } else { $t_host = 'localhost'; } $t_path = str_replace( basename( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ), '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); $t_path = basename( $t_path ) == "admin" ? dirname( $t_path ) . '/' : $t_path; $t_path = basename( $t_path ) == "soap" ? dirname( dirname( $t_path ) ) . '/' : $t_path; $t_url = $t_protocol . '://' . $t_host . $t_path; } else { $t_path = ''; $t_host = ''; $t_protocol = ''; } /** * path to your installation as seen from the web browser * requires trailing / * @global string $g_path */ $g_path = isset( $t_url ) ? $t_url : 'http://localhost/mantisbt/'; /** * path to your images directory (for icons) * requires trailing / * @global string $g_icon_path */ $g_icon_path = '%path%images/'; /** * Short web path without the domain name * requires trailing / * @global string $g_short_path */ $g_short_path = $t_path; /** * absolute path to your installation. Requires trailing / or \ * @global string $g_absolute_path */ $g_absolute_path = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /** * absolute patch to your core files. The default is usually OK, * unless you moved the 'core' directory out of your webroot (recommended). * @global string $g_core_path */ $g_core_path = $g_absolute_path . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /** * absolute path to class files. Requires trailing / or \ * @global string $g_class_path */ $g_class_path = $g_core_path . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /** * Used to link to manual for User Documentation. * @global string $g_manual_url */ $g_manual_url = 'http://www.mantisbt.org/docs/master-1.2.x/'; /************** * Web Server * **************/ if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) ) { // SERVER_SOFTWARE not defined in case of php-cgi.exe $t_use_iis = ( strstr( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'IIS' ) !== false ) ? ON : OFF; } else { $t_use_iis = OFF; } /** * Using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) * ON or OFF * @global int $g_use_iis */ $g_use_iis = $t_use_iis; /** * Session handler. Possible values: * 'php' -> Default PHP filesystem sessions * 'adodb' -> Database storage sessions * 'memcached' -> Memcached storage sessions * @global string $g_session_handler */ $g_session_handler = 'php'; /** * Session key name. Should be unique between multiple installations to prevent conflicts. * @global string $g_session_key */ $g_session_key = 'MantisBT'; /** * Session save path. If false, uses default value as set by session handler. * @global bool $g_session_save_path */ $g_session_save_path = false; /** * Session validation * WARNING: Disabling this could be a potential security risk!! * @global int $g_session_validation */ $g_session_validation = ON; /** * Form security validation. * This protects against Cross-Site Request Forgery, but some proxy servers may * not correctly work with this option enabled because they cache pages incorrectly. * WARNING: Disabling this IS a security risk!! */ $g_form_security_validation = ON; /**************************** * Signup and Lost Password * ****************************/ /** * allow users to signup for their own accounts. * Mail settings must be correctly configured in order for this to work * @global int $g_allow_signup */ $g_allow_signup = ON; /** * Max. attempts to login using a wrong password before lock the account. * When locked, it's required to reset the password (lost password) * Value resets to zero at each successfully login * Set to OFF to disable this control * @global int $g_max_failed_login_count */ $g_max_failed_login_count = OFF; /** * access level required to be notified when a new user has been created using the "signup form" * @global int $g_notify_new_user_created_threshold_min */ $g_notify_new_user_created_threshold_min = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * if ON users will be sent their password when reset. * if OFF the password will be set to blank. If set to ON, mail settings must be * correctly configured. * @global int $g_send_reset_password */ $g_send_reset_password = ON; /** * String used to generate the confirm_hash for the 'lost password' feature and captcha code for 'signup' * ATTENTION: CHANGE IT TO WHATEVER VALUE YOU PREFER * @global int $g_password_confirm_hash_magic_string * @todo randomize + admin check */ $g_password_confirm_hash_magic_string = 'blowfish'; /** * use captcha image to validate subscription it requires GD library installed * @global int $g_signup_use_captcha */ $g_signup_use_captcha = ON; /** * absolute path (with trailing slash!) to folder which contains your TrueType-Font files * used to create the captcha image and since 0.19.3 for the Relationship Graphs * @global string $g_system_font_folder */ $g_system_font_folder = ''; /** * font name used to create the captcha image. i.e. arial.ttf * (the font file has to exist in the system_font_folder) * @global string $g_font_per_captcha */ $g_font_per_captcha = 'arial.ttf'; /** * Setting to disable the 'lost your password' feature. * @global int $g_lost_password_feature */ $g_lost_password_feature = ON; /** * Max. simultaneous requests of 'lost password' * When this value is reached, it's no longer possible to request new password reset * Value resets to zero at each successfully login * @global int $g_max_lost_password_in_progress_count */ $g_max_lost_password_in_progress_count = 3; /*************************** * MantisBT Email Settings * ***************************/ /** * Administrator Email address * @global string $g_administrator_email */ $g_administrator_email = 'administrator@example.com'; /** * Webmaster email * @global string $g_webmaster_email */ $g_webmaster_email = 'webmaster@example.com'; /** * the sender email, part of 'From: ' header in emails * @global string $g_from_email */ $g_from_email = 'noreply@example.com'; /** * the sender name, part of 'From: ' header in emails * @global string $g_from_name */ $g_from_name = 'Mantis Bug Tracker'; /** * the return address for bounced mail * @global string $g_return_path_email */ $g_return_path_email = 'admin@example.com'; /** * Allow email notification. * Set to ON to enable email notifications, OFF to disable them. Note that * disabling email notifications has no effect on emails generated as part * of the user signup process. When set to OFF, the password reset feature * is disabled. Additionally, notifications of administrators updating * accounts are not sent to users. * @global int $g_enable_email_notification */ $g_enable_email_notification = ON; /** * The following two config options allow you to control who should get email * notifications on different actions/statuses. The first option (default_notify_flags) * sets the default values for different user categories. The user categories * are: * * 'reporter': the reporter of the bug * 'handler': the handler of the bug * 'monitor': users who are monitoring a bug * 'bugnotes': users who have added a bugnote to the bug * 'explicit': users who are explicitly specified by the code based on the action (e.g. user added to monitor list). * 'threshold_max': all users with access <= max * 'threshold_min': ..and with access >= min * * The second config option (notify_flags) sets overrides for specific actions/statuses. * If a user category is not listed for an action, the default from the config * option above is used. The possible actions are: * * 'new': a new bug has been added * 'owner': a bug has been assigned to a new owner * 'reopened': a bug has been reopened * 'deleted': a bug has been deleted * 'updated': a bug has been updated * 'bugnote': a bugnote has been added to a bug * 'sponsor': sponsorship has changed on this bug * 'relation': a relationship has changed on this bug * 'monitor': an issue is monitored. * '<status>': eg: 'resolved', 'closed', 'feedback', 'acknowledged', ...etc. * this list corresponds to $g_status_enum_string * * If you wanted to have all developers get notified of new bugs you might add * the following lines to your config file: * * $g_notify_flags['new']['threshold_min'] = DEVELOPER; * $g_notify_flags['new']['threshold_max'] = DEVELOPER; * * You might want to do something similar so all managers are notified when a * bug is closed. If you didn't want reporters to be notified when a bug is * closed (only when it is resolved) you would use: * * $g_notify_flags['closed']['reporter'] = OFF; * * @global array $g_default_notify_flags */ $g_default_notify_flags = array('reporter' => ON, 'handler' => ON, 'monitor' => ON, 'bugnotes' => ON, 'explicit' => ON, 'threshold_min' => NOBODY, 'threshold_max' => NOBODY); /** * We don't need to send these notifications on new bugs * (see above for info on this config option) * @todo (though I'm not sure they need to be turned off anymore * - there just won't be anyone in those categories) * I guess it serves as an example and a placeholder for this * config option * @see $g_default_notify_flags * @global array $g_notify_flags */ $g_notify_flags['new'] = array('bugnotes' => OFF, 'monitor' => OFF); $g_notify_flags['monitor'] = array( 'reporter' => OFF, 'handler' => OFF, 'monitor' => OFF, 'bugnotes' => OFF, 'explicit' => ON, 'threshold_min' => NOBODY, 'threshold_max' => NOBODY); /** * Whether user's should receive emails for their own actions * @global int $g_email_receive_own */ $g_email_receive_own = OFF; /** * set to OFF to disable email check * @global int $g_validate_email */ $g_validate_email = ON; /** * set to OFF to disable email check * @global int $g_check_mx_record */ $g_check_mx_record = OFF; /** * if ON, allow the user to omit an email field * note if you allow users to create their own accounts, they * must specify an email at that point, no matter what the value * of this option is. Otherwise they wouldn't get their passwords. * @global int $g_allow_blank_email */ $g_allow_blank_email = OFF; /** * Only allow and send email to addresses in the given domain * For example: * $g_limit_email_domain = 'users.sourceforge.net'; * @global string|int $g_limit_email_domain */ $g_limit_email_domain = OFF; /** * This specifies the access level that is needed to get the mailto: links. * @global int $g_show_user_email_threshold */ $g_show_user_email_threshold = NOBODY; /** * This specifies the access level that is needed to see realnames on user view page * @global int $g_show_user_realname_threshold */ $g_show_user_realname_threshold = NOBODY; /** * If use_x_priority is set to ON, what should the value be? * Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0 * Note: some MTAs interpret X-Priority = 0 to mean 'Very Urgent' * @global int $g_mail_priority */ $g_mail_priority = 3; /** * select the method to mail by: * PHPMAILER_METHOD_MAIL - mail() * PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL - sendmail * PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP - SMTP * @global int $g_phpMailer_method */ $g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_MAIL; /** * This option allows you to use a remote SMTP host. Must use the phpMailer script * One or more hosts, separated by a semicolon, can be listed. * You can also specify a different port for each host by using this * format: [hostname:port] (e.g. "smtp1.example.com:25;smtp2.example.com"). * Hosts will be tried in order. * @global string $g_smtp_host */ $g_smtp_host = 'localhost'; /** * These options allow you to use SMTP Authentication when you use a remote * SMTP host with phpMailer. If smtp_username is not '' then the username * and password will be used when logging in to the SMTP server. * @global string $g_smtp_username */ $g_smtp_username = ''; /** * SMTP Server Authentication password * @global string $g_smtp_password */ $g_smtp_password = ''; /** * This control the connection mode to SMTP server. Can be 'ssl' or 'tls' * @global string $g_smtp_connection_mode */ $g_smtp_connection_mode = ''; /** * The smtp port to use. The typical SMTP ports are 25 and 587. The port to use * will depend on the SMTP server configuration and hence others may be used. * @global int $g_smtp_port */ $g_smtp_port = 25; /** * It is recommended to use a cronjob or a scheduler task to send emails. * The cronjob should typically run every 5 minutes. If no cronjob is used, * then user will have to wait for emails to be sent after performing an action * which triggers notifications. This slows user performance. * @global int $g_email_send_using_cronjob */ $g_email_send_using_cronjob = OFF; /** * Specify whether e-mails should be sent with the category set or not. This is tested * with Microsoft Outlook. More testing for this feature + other formats will be added * in the future. * OFF, EMAIL_CATEGORY_PROJECT_CATEGORY (format: [Project] Category) * @global int $g_email_set_category */ $g_email_set_category = OFF; /** * email separator and padding * @global string $g_email_separator1 */ $g_email_separator1 = str_pad('', 70, '='); /** * email separator and padding * @global string $g_email_separator2 */ $g_email_separator2 = str_pad('', 70, '-'); /** * email separator and padding * @global int $g_email_padding_length */ $g_email_padding_length = 28; /*************************** * MantisBT Version String * ***************************/ /** * Set to off by default to not expose version to users * @global int $g_show_version */ $g_show_version = OFF; /** * String appended to the MantisBT version when displayed to the user * @global string $g_version_suffix */ $g_version_suffix = ''; /****************************** * MantisBT Language Settings * ******************************/ /** * If the language is set to 'auto', the actual * language is determined by the user agent (web browser) * language preference. * @global string $g_default_language */ $g_default_language = 'english'; /** * list the choices that the users are allowed to choose * @global array $g_language_choices_arr */ $g_language_choices_arr = array( 'auto', 'afrikaans', 'amharic', 'arabic', 'arabicegyptianspoken', 'belarusian_tarask', 'breton', 'bulgarian', 'catalan', 'chinese_simplified', 'chinese_traditional', 'croatian', 'czech', 'danish', 'dutch', 'english', 'estonian', 'finnish', 'french', 'galician', 'german', 'greek', 'hebrew', 'hungarian', 'icelandic', 'interlingua', 'italian', 'japanese', 'korean', 'latvian', 'lithuanian', 'macedonian', 'norwegian_bokmal', 'norwegian_nynorsk', 'occitan', 'polish', 'portuguese_brazil', 'portuguese_standard', 'ripoarisch', 'romanian', 'russian', 'serbian', 'slovak', 'slovene', 'spanish', 'swissgerman', 'swedish', 'tagalog', 'turkish', 'ukrainian', 'urdu', 'vietnamese', 'volapuk', ); /** * Browser language mapping for 'auto' language selection * @global array $g_language_auto_map */ $g_language_auto_map = array( 'af' => 'afrikaans', 'am' => 'amharic', 'ar' => 'arabic', 'arz' => 'arabicegyptianspoken', 'be, be-tarask' => 'belarusian_tarask', 'bg' => 'bulgarian', 'br' => 'breton', 'ca' => 'catalan', 'zh-cn, zh-sg, zh' => 'chinese_simplified', 'zh-hk, zh-tw' => 'chinese_traditional', 'cs' => 'czech', 'da' => 'danish', 'nl-be, nl' => 'dutch', 'en-us, en-gb, en-au, en' => 'english', 'et' => 'estonian', 'fi' => 'finnish', 'fr-ca, fr-be, fr-ch, fr' => 'french', 'gl' => 'galician', 'gsw' => 'swissgerman', 'de-de, de-at, de-ch, de' => 'german', 'he' => 'hebrew', 'hu' => 'hungarian', 'hr' => 'croatian', 'ia' => 'interlingua', 'is' => 'icelandic', 'it-ch, it' => 'italian', 'ja' => 'japanese', 'ko' => 'korean', 'ksh' => 'ripoarisch', 'lt' => 'lithuanian', 'lv' => 'latvian', 'mk' => 'macedonian', 'no' => 'norwegian_bokmal', 'nn' => 'norwegian_nynorsk', 'oc' => 'occitan', 'pl' => 'polish', 'pt-br' => 'portuguese_brazil', 'pt' => 'portuguese_standard', 'ro-mo, ro' => 'romanian', 'ru-mo, ru-ru, ru-ua, ru' => 'russian', 'sr' => 'serbian', 'sk' => 'slovak', 'sl' => 'slovene', 'es-mx, es-co, es-ar, es-cl, es-pr, es' => 'spanish', 'sv-fi, sv' => 'swedish', 'tl' => 'tagalog', 'tr' => 'turkish', 'uk' => 'ukrainian', 'vi' => 'vietnamese', 'vo' => 'volapuk', ); /** * Fallback for automatic language selection * @global string $g_fallback_language */ $g_fallback_language = 'english'; /***************************** * MantisBT Display Settings * *****************************/ /** * browser window title * @global string $g_window_title */ $g_window_title = 'MantisBT'; /** * title at top of html page (empty by default, since there is a logo now) * @global string $g_page_title */ $g_page_title = ''; /** * Check for admin directory, database upgrades, etc. * @global int $g_admin_checks */ $g_admin_checks = ON; /** * Favicon image * @global string $g_favicon_image */ $g_favicon_image = 'images/favicon.ico'; /** * Logo * @global string $g_logo_image */ $g_logo_image = 'images/mantis_logo.gif'; /** * Logo URL link * @global string $g_logo_url */ $g_logo_url = '%default_home_page%'; /** * Re-authentication required for admin areas * @global int $g_reauthentication */ $g_reauthentication = ON; /** * * @global int $g_reauthentication_expiry */ $g_reauthentication_expiry = TOKEN_EXPIRY_AUTHENTICATED; /** * Specifies whether to enable support for project documents or not. * This feature is deprecated and is expected to be moved to a plugin * in the future. * @global int $g_enable_project_documentation */ $g_enable_project_documentation = OFF; /** * Display another instance of the menu at the bottom. The top menu will still remain. * @global int $g_show_footer_menu */ $g_show_footer_menu = OFF; /** * show extra menu bar with all available projects * @global int $g_show_project_menu_bar */ $g_show_project_menu_bar = OFF; /** * show assigned to names * This is in the view all pages * @global int $g_show_assigned_names */ $g_show_assigned_names = ON; /** * show priority as icon * OFF: Shows priority as icon in view all bugs page * ON: Shows priority as text in view all bugs page * @global int $g_show_priority_text */ $g_show_priority_text = OFF; /** * Define the priority level at which a bug becomes significant. * Significant bugs are displayed with emphasis. Set this value to -1 to * disable the feature. * @global int $g_priority_significant_threshold */ $g_priority_significant_threshold = HIGH; /** * Define the severity level at which a bug becomes significant. * Significant bugs are displayed with emphasis. Set this value to -1 to * disable the feature. * @global int $g_severity_significant_threshold */ $g_severity_significant_threshold = MAJOR; /** * The default columns to be included in the View Issues Page. * This can be overriden using Manage -> Manage Configuration -> Manage Columns * Also each user can configure their own columns using My Account -> Manage Columns * Some of the columns specified here can be removed automatically if they conflict with other configuration. * Or if the current user doesn't have the necessary access level to view them. * For example, sponsorship_total will be removed if sponsorships are disabled. * To include custom field 'xyz', include the column name as 'custom_xyz'. * * Standard Column Names (i.e. names to choose from): * selection, edit, id, project_id, reporter_id, handler_id, priority, reproducibility, projection, eta, * resolution, fixed_in_version, view_state, os, os_build, build (for product build), platform, version, date_submitted, attachment, * category, sponsorship_total, severity, status, last_updated, summary, bugnotes_count, description, * steps_to_reproduce, additional_information * * @global array $g_view_issues_page_columns */ $g_view_issues_page_columns = array ( 'selection', 'edit', 'priority', 'id', 'sponsorship_total', 'bugnotes_count', 'attachment', 'category_id', 'severity', 'status', 'last_updated', 'summary' ); /** * The default columns to be included in the Print Issues Page. * This can be overriden using Manage -> Manage Configuration -> Manage Columns * Also each user can configure their own columns using My Account -> Manage Columns * @global array $g_print_issues_page_columns */ $g_print_issues_page_columns = array ( 'selection', 'priority', 'id', 'sponsorship_total', 'bugnotes_count', 'attachment', 'category_id', 'severity', 'status', 'last_updated', 'summary' ); /** * The default columns to be included in the CSV export. * This can be overriden using Manage -> Manage Configuration -> Manage Columns * Also each user can configure their own columns using My Account -> Manage Columns * @global array $g_csv_columns */ $g_csv_columns = array ( 'id', 'project_id', 'reporter_id', 'handler_id', 'priority', 'severity', 'reproducibility', 'version', 'projection', 'category_id', 'date_submitted', 'eta', 'os', 'os_build', 'platform', 'view_state', 'last_updated', 'summary', 'status', 'resolution', 'fixed_in_version' ); /** * The default columns to be included in the Excel export. * This can be overriden using Manage -> Manage Configuration -> Manage Columns * Also each user can configure their own columns using My Account -> Manage Columns * @global array $g_excel_columns */ $g_excel_columns = array ( 'id', 'project_id', 'reporter_id', 'handler_id', 'priority', 'severity', 'reproducibility', 'version', 'projection', 'category_id', 'date_submitted', 'eta', 'os', 'os_build', 'platform', 'view_state', 'last_updated', 'summary', 'status', 'resolution', 'fixed_in_version' ); /** * show projects when in All Projects mode * @global int $g_show_bug_project_links */ $g_show_bug_project_links = ON; /** * Position of the status colour legend, can be: POSITION_* * see constant_inc.php. (*: TOP , BOTTOM , or BOTH) * @global int $g_status_legend_position */ $g_status_legend_position = STATUS_LEGEND_POSITION_BOTTOM; /** * Show a legend with percentage of bug status * x% of all bugs are new, y% of all bugs are assigned and so on. * If set to ON it will printed below the status colour legend. * @global int $g_status_percentage_legend */ $g_status_percentage_legend = OFF; /** * Position of the filter box, can be: POSITION_* * POSITION_TOP, POSITION_BOTTOM, or POSITION_NONE for none. * @global int $g_filter_position */ $g_filter_position = FILTER_POSITION_TOP; /** * Position of action buttons when viewing issues. * Can be: POSITION_TOP, POSITION_BOTTOM, or POSITION_BOTH. * @global int $g_action_button_position */ $g_action_button_position = POSITION_BOTTOM; /** * show product versions in create, view and update screens * ON forces display even if none are defined * OFF suppresses display * AUTO suppresses the display if there are no versions defined for the project * @global int $g_show_product_version */ $g_show_product_version = AUTO; /** * The access level threshold at which users will see the date of release * for product versions. Dates will be shown next to the product version, * target version and fixed in version fields. Set this threshold to NOBODY * to disable the feature. * @global int $g_show_version_dates_threshold */ $g_show_version_dates_threshold = NOBODY; /** * show users with their real name or not * @global int $g_show_realname */ $g_show_realname = OFF; /** * leave off for now * @global int $g_differentiate_duplicates */ $g_differentiate_duplicates = OFF; /** * sorting for names in dropdown lists. If turned on, "Jane Doe" will be sorted with the "D"s * @global int $g_sort_by_last_name */ $g_sort_by_last_name = OFF; /** * Show user avatar * the current implementation is based on http://www.gravatar.com * users will need to register there the same address used in * this MantisBT installation to have their avatar shown * Please note: upon registration or avatar change, it takes some time for * the updated gravatar images to show on sites * @global int $g_show_avatar */ $g_show_avatar = OFF; /** * Only users above this threshold will have their avatar shown * @global int $g_show_avatar_threshold */ $g_show_avatar_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Default avatar for users without a gravatar account * @global string $g_default_avatar */ $g_default_avatar = "%path%images/no_avatar.png"; /** * Show release dates on changelog * @global int $g_show_changelog_dates */ $g_show_changelog_dates = ON; /** * Show release dates on roadmap * @global int $g_show_roadmap_dates */ $g_show_roadmap_dates = ON; /************************** * MantisBT Time Settings * **************************/ /** * time for 'permanent' cookie to live in seconds (1 year) * @global int $g_cookie_time_length */ $g_cookie_time_length = 30000000; /** * minutes to wait before document is stale (in minutes) * @global int $g_content_expire */ $g_content_expire = 0; /** * The time (in seconds) to allow for page execution during long processes * such as upgrading your database. * The default value of 0 indicates that the page should be allowed to * execute until it is finished. * @global int $g_long_process_timeout */ $g_long_process_timeout = 0; /************************** * MantisBT Date Settings * **************************/ /** * date format strings defaults to ISO 8601 formatting * go to http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php * for detailed instructions on date formatting * @global string $g_short_date_format */ $g_short_date_format = 'Y-m-d'; /** * date format strings defaults to ISO 8601 formatting * go to http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php * for detailed instructions on date formatting * @global string $g_normal_date_format */ $g_normal_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i'; /** * date format strings defaults to ISO 8601 formatting * go to http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php * for detailed instructions on date formatting * @global string $g_complete_date_format */ $g_complete_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i T'; /** * jscalendar date format string * go to http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php * for detailed instructions on date formatting * @global string $g_calendar_js_date_format */ $g_calendar_js_date_format = '\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M'; /** * jscalendar date format string * go to http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php * for detailed instructions on date formatting * @global string $g_calendar_date_format */ $g_calendar_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i'; /************************** * MantisBT TimeZone Settings * **************************/ /** * Default timezone to use in mantis. * See http://us.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php * for a list of valid timezones. * Note: if this is left blank, we use the result of * date_default_timezone_get() i.e. in order: * 1. Reading the TZ environment variable (if non empty) * 2. Reading the value of the date.timezone php.ini option (if set) * 3. Querying the host operating system (if supported and allowed by the OS) * 4. If none of the above succeed, will return a default timezone of UTC. * @global string $g_default_timezone */ $g_default_timezone = ''; /************************** * MantisBT News Settings * **************************/ /** * Indicates whether the news feature should be enabled or disabled. * This feature is deprecated and is expected to be moved to a plugin * in the future. */ $g_news_enabled = OFF; /** * Limit News Items * limit by entry count or date * BY_LIMIT - entry limit * BY_DATE - by date * @global int $g_news_limit_method */ $g_news_limit_method = BY_LIMIT; /** * limit by last X entries * @global int $g_news_view_limit */ $g_news_view_limit = 7; /** * limit by days * @global int $g_news_view_limit_days */ $g_news_view_limit_days = 30; /** * threshold for viewing private news * @global int $g_private_news_threshold */ $g_private_news_threshold = DEVELOPER; /******************************** * MantisBT Default Preferences * ********************************/ /** * signup default * look in constant_inc.php for values * @global int $g_default_new_account_access_level */ $g_default_new_account_access_level = REPORTER; /** * Default Bug View Status (VS_PUBLIC or VS_PRIVATE) * @global int $g_default_bug_view_status */ $g_default_bug_view_status = VS_PUBLIC; /** * Default value for steps to reproduce field. * @global string $g_default_bug_steps_to_reproduce */ $g_default_bug_steps_to_reproduce = ''; /** * Default value for addition information field. * @global string $g_default_bug_additional_info */ $g_default_bug_additional_info = ''; /** * Default Bugnote View Status (VS_PUBLIC or VS_PRIVATE) * @global int $g_default_bugnote_view_status */ $g_default_bugnote_view_status = VS_PUBLIC; /** * Default bug resolution when reporting a new bug * @global int $g_default_bug_resolution */ $g_default_bug_resolution = OPEN; /** * Default bug severity when reporting a new bug * @global int $g_default_bug_severity */ $g_default_bug_severity = MINOR; /** * Default bug priority when reporting a new bug * @global int $g_default_bug_priority */ $g_default_bug_priority = NORMAL; /** * Default bug reproducibility when reporting a new bug * @global int $g_default_bug_reproducibility */ $g_default_bug_reproducibility = REPRODUCIBILITY_HAVENOTTRIED; /** * Default bug projection when reporting a new bug * @global int $g_default_bug_projection */ $g_default_bug_projection = PROJECTION_NONE; /** * Default bug ETA when reporting a new bug * @global int $g_default_bug_eta */ $g_default_bug_eta = ETA_NONE; /** * Default global category to be used when an issue is moved from a project to another * that doesn't have a category with a matching name. The default is 1 which is the "General" * category that is created in the default database. */ $g_default_category_for_moves = 1; /** * * @global int $g_default_limit_view */ $g_default_limit_view = 50; /** * * @global int $g_default_show_changed */ $g_default_show_changed = 6; /** * * @global int $g_hide_status_default */ $g_hide_status_default = CLOSED; /** * * @global string $g_show_sticky_issues */ $g_show_sticky_issues = ON; /** * make sure people aren't refreshing too often * in minutes * @global int $g_min_refresh_delay */ $g_min_refresh_delay = 10; /** * in minutes * @global int $g_default_refresh_delay */ $g_default_refresh_delay = 30; /** * in seconds * @global int $g_default_redirect_delay */ $g_default_redirect_delay = 2; /** * * @global string $g_default_bugnote_order */ $g_default_bugnote_order = 'ASC'; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_on_new */ $g_default_email_on_new = ON; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_on_assigned */ $g_default_email_on_assigned = ON; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_on_feedback */ $g_default_email_on_feedback = ON; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_on_resolved */ $g_default_email_on_resolved = ON; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_on_closed */ $g_default_email_on_closed = ON; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_on_reopened */ $g_default_email_on_reopened = ON; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_on_bugnote */ $g_default_email_on_bugnote = ON; /** * @todo Unused * @global int $g_default_email_on_status */ $g_default_email_on_status = 0; /** * @todo Unused * @global int $g_default_email_on_priority */ $g_default_email_on_priority = 0; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_new_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_new_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_assigned_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_assigned_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_feedback_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_feedback_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_resolved_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_resolved_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_closed_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_closed_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_reopened_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_reopened_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_bugnote_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_bugnote_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * 'any' * @global int $g_default_email_on_status_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_status_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * @todo Unused * @global int $g_default_email_on_priority_minimum_severity */ $g_default_email_on_priority_minimum_severity = OFF; /** * * @global int $g_default_email_bugnote_limit */ $g_default_email_bugnote_limit = 0; /***************************** * MantisBT Summary Settings * *****************************/ /** * how many reporters to show * this is useful when there are hundreds of reporters * @global int $g_reporter_summary_limit */ $g_reporter_summary_limit = 10; /** * summary date displays * date lengths to count bugs by (in days) * @global array $g_date_partitions */ $g_date_partitions = array( 1, 2, 3, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, 365); /** * shows project '[project] category' when 'All Projects' is selected * otherwise only 'category name' * @global int $g_summary_category_include_project */ $g_summary_category_include_project = OFF; /** * threshold for viewing summary * @global int $g_view_summary_threshold */ $g_view_summary_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Define the multipliers which are used to determine the effectiveness * of reporters based on the severity of bugs. Higher multipliers will * result in an increase in reporter effectiveness. * @global array $g_severity_multipliers */ $g_severity_multipliers = array( FEATURE => 1, TRIVIAL => 2, TEXT => 3, TWEAK => 2, MINOR => 5, MAJOR => 8, CRASH => 8, BLOCK => 10 ); /** * Define the resolutions which are used to determine the effectiveness * of reporters based on the resolution of bugs. Higher multipliers will * result in a decrease in reporter effectiveness. The only resolutions * that need to be defined here are those which match or exceed * $g_bug_resolution_not_fixed_threshold. * @global array $g_resolution_multipliers */ $g_resolution_multipliers = array( UNABLE_TO_DUPLICATE => 2, NOT_FIXABLE => 1, DUPLICATE => 3, NOT_A_BUG => 5, SUSPENDED => 1, WONT_FIX => 1 ); /***************************** * MantisBT Bugnote Settings * *****************************/ /** * bugnote ordering * change to ASC or DESC * @global string $g_bugnote_order */ $g_bugnote_order = 'DESC'; /********************************* * MantisBT Bug History Settings * *********************************/ /** * bug history visible by default when you view a bug * change to ON or OFF * @global int $g_history_default_visible */ $g_history_default_visible = ON; /** * bug history ordering * change to ASC or DESC * @global string $g_history_order */ $g_history_order = 'ASC'; /****************************** * MantisBT Reminder Settings * ******************************/ /** * are reminders stored as bugnotes * @global int $g_store_reminders */ $g_store_reminders = ON; /** * Automatically add recipients of reminders to monitor list, if they are not * the handler or the reporter (since they automatically get notified, if required) * If recipients of the reminders are below the monitor threshold, they will not be added. * @global int $g_reminder_recipients_monitor_bug */ $g_reminder_recipients_monitor_bug = ON; /** * Default Reminder View Status (VS_PUBLIC or VS_PRIVATE) * @global int $g_default_reminder_view_status */ $g_default_reminder_view_status = VS_PUBLIC; /** * The minimum access level required to show up in the list of users who can receive a reminder. * The access level is that of the project to which the issue belongs. * @global int $g_reminder_receive_threshold */ $g_reminder_receive_threshold = DEVELOPER; /********************************* * MantisBT Sponsorship Settings * *********************************/ /** * Whether to enable/disable the whole issue sponsorship feature * @global int $g_enable_sponsorship */ $g_enable_sponsorship = OFF; /** * Currency used for all sponsorships. * @global string $g_sponsorship_currency */ $g_sponsorship_currency = 'US$'; /** * Access level threshold needed to view the total sponsorship for an issue by all users. * @global int $g_view_sponsorship_total_threshold */ $g_view_sponsorship_total_threshold = VIEWER; /** * Access level threshold needed to view the users sponsoring an issue and the sponsorship * amount for each. * @global int $g_view_sponsorship_details_threshold */ $g_view_sponsorship_details_threshold = VIEWER; /** * Access level threshold needed to allow user to sponsor issues. * @global int $g_sponsor_threshold */ $g_sponsor_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Access level required to be able to handle sponsored issues. * @global int $g_handle_sponsored_bugs_threshold */ $g_handle_sponsored_bugs_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Access level required to be able to assign a sponsored issue to a user with access level * greater or equal to 'handle_sponsored_bugs_threshold'. * @global int $g_assign_sponsored_bugs_threshold */ $g_assign_sponsored_bugs_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Minimum sponsorship amount. If the user enters a value less than this, an error will be prompted. * @global int $g_minimum_sponsorship_amount */ $g_minimum_sponsorship_amount = 5; /********************************* * MantisBT File Upload Settings * *********************************/ /** * --- file upload settings -------- * This is the master setting to disable *all* file uploading functionality * * If you want to allow file uploads, you must also make sure that they are * enabled in php. You may need to add 'file_uploads = TRUE' to your php.ini * * See also: $g_upload_project_file_threshold, $g_upload_bug_file_threshold, * $g_allow_reporter_upload * @global int $g_allow_file_upload */ $g_allow_file_upload = ON; /** * Upload destination: specify actual location in project settings * DISK, DATABASE, or FTP. * @global int $g_file_upload_method */ $g_file_upload_method = DATABASE; /** * When using FTP or DISK for storing uploaded files, this setting control * the access permissions they will have on the web server: with the default * value (0400) files will be read-only, and accessible only by the user * running the apache process (probably "apache" in Linux and "Administrator" * in Windows). * For more details on unix style permissions: * http://www.perlfect.com/articles/chmod.shtml * @global int $g_attachments_file_permissions */ $g_attachments_file_permissions = 0400; /** * FTP settings, used if $g_file_upload_method = FTP * @global string $g_file_upload_ftp_server */ $g_file_upload_ftp_server = 'ftp.myserver.com'; /** * * @global string $g_file_upload_ftp_user */ $g_file_upload_ftp_user = 'readwriteuser'; /** * * @global string $g_file_upload_ftp_pass */ $g_file_upload_ftp_pass = 'readwritepass'; /** * Maximum file size that can be uploaded * Also check your PHP settings (default is usually 2MBs) * @global int $g_max_file_size */ $g_max_file_size = 5000000; /** * Files that are allowed or not allowed. Separate items by commas. * eg. 'php,html,java,exe,pl' * if $g_allowed_files is filled in NO other file types will be allowed. * $g_disallowed_files takes precedence over $g_allowed_files * @global string $g_allowed_files */ $g_allowed_files = ''; /** * * @global string $g_disallowed_files */ $g_disallowed_files = ''; /** * prefix to be used for the file system names of files uploaded to projects. * Eg: doc-001-myprojdoc.zip * @global string $g_document_files_prefix */ $g_document_files_prefix = 'doc'; /** * absolute path to the default upload folder. Requires trailing / or \ * @global string $g_absolute_path_default_upload_folder */ $g_absolute_path_default_upload_folder = ''; /************************** * MantisBT HTML Settings * **************************/ /** * html tags * Set this flag to automatically convert www URLs and * email adresses into clickable links * @global int $g_html_make_links */ $g_html_make_links = ON; /** * These are the valid html tags for multi-line fields (e.g. description) * do NOT include href or img tags here * do NOT include tags that have parameters (eg. <font face="arial">) * @global string $g_html_valid_tags */ $g_html_valid_tags = 'p, li, ul, ol, br, pre, i, b, u, em, strong'; /** * These are the valid html tags for single line fields (e.g. issue summary). * do NOT include href or img tags here * do NOT include tags that have parameters (eg. <font face="arial">) * @global string $g_html_valid_tags_single_line */ $g_html_valid_tags_single_line = 'i, b, u, em, strong'; /** * maximum length of the description in a dropdown menu (for search) * set to 0 to disable truncations * @global int $g_max_dropdown_length */ $g_max_dropdown_length = 40; /** * This flag conntrolls whether pre-formatted text (delimited by <pre> tags * is wrapped to a maximum linelength (defaults to 100 chars in strings_api) * If turned off, the display may be wide when viewing the text * @global int $g_wrap_in_preformatted_text */ $g_wrap_in_preformatted_text = ON; /************************ * MantisBT HR Settings * ************************/ /** * Horizontal Rule Size * @global int $g_hr_size */ $g_hr_size = 1; /** * Horizontal Rule Width * @global int $g_hr_width */ $g_hr_width = 50; /************************** * MantisBT LDAP Settings * **************************/ /** * Specifies the LDAP or Active Directory server to connect to, and must be * provided as an URI * - Protocol is optional, can be one of ldap or ldaps, defaults to ldap * - Port number is optional, and defaults to 389. If this doesn't work, try * using one of the following standard port numbers: 636 (ldaps); for Active * Directory Global Catalog forest-wide search, use 3268 (ldap) or 3269 (ldaps) * * Examples of valid URI: * * ldap.example.com * ldap.example.com:3268 * ldap://ldap.example.com/ * ldaps://ldap.example.com:3269/ * * @global string $g_ldap_server */ $g_ldap_server = 'ldap.example.com'; /** * * @global string $g_ldap_root_dn */ $g_ldap_root_dn = 'dc=example,dc=com,dc=au'; /** * e.g. '(organizationname=*Traffic)' * @global string $g_ldap_organization */ $g_ldap_organization = ''; /** * Use 'sAMAccountName' for Active Directory * @global string $g_ldap_uid_field */ $g_ldap_uid_field = 'uid'; /** * The LDAP field for real name (i.e. common name). * @global string $g_ldap_uid_field */ $g_ldap_realname_field = 'cn'; /** * The distinguished of the user account to use for binding to the LDAP server. * For example, 'CN=ldap,OU=Administrators,DC=example,DC=com'. * * @global string $g_ldap_bind_dn */ $g_ldap_bind_dn = ''; /** * The password for the service account to be used for connecting to the LDAP server. * * @global string $g_ldap_bind_passwd */ $g_ldap_bind_passwd = ''; /** * Should we send to the LDAP email address or what MySql tells us * @global int $g_use_ldap_email */ $g_use_ldap_email = OFF; /** * Whether or not to pull the real name from LDAP. * ON from LDAP, OFF from database. * @global int $g_use_ldap_realname */ $g_use_ldap_realname = OFF; /** * The LDAP Protocol Version, if 0, then the protocol version is not set. For Active Directory use version 3. * * @global int $g_ldap_protocol_version */ $g_ldap_protocol_version = 0; /** * Determines whether the LDAP library automatically follows referrals returned by LDAP servers or not. * This maps to LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS ldap library option. For Active Directory, this should be set to OFF. * * @global int $g_ldap_follow_referrals */ $g_ldap_follow_referrals = ON; /** * For development purposes, this is a configuration option that allows replacing * the ldap communication with a comma separated text file. The text file has a line per user. * Each line includes: user name, user real name, email, password. For production * systems this option should be set to ''. */ $g_ldap_simulation_file_path = ''; /******************* * Status Settings * *******************/ /** * Status to assign to the bug when submitted. * @global int $g_bug_submit_status */ $g_bug_submit_status = NEW_; /** * Status to assign to the bug when assigned. * @global int $g_bug_assigned_status */ $g_bug_assigned_status = ASSIGNED; /** * Status to assign to the bug when reopened. * @global int $g_bug_reopen_status */ $g_bug_reopen_status = FEEDBACK; /** * Status to assign to the bug when feedback is required from the issue reporter. * Once the reporter adds a note the status moves back from feedback to $g_bug_assigned_status * or $g_bug_submit_status. * @global int $g_bug_feedback_status */ $g_bug_feedback_status = FEEDBACK; /** * When a note is added to a bug currently in $g_bug_feedback_status, and the note * author is the bug's reporter, this option will automatically set the bug status * to $g_bug_submit_status or $g_bug_assigned_status if the bug is assigned to a * developer. Defaults to enabled. * @global boolean $g_reassign_on_feedback */ $g_reassign_on_feedback = ON; /** * Resolution to assign to the bug when reopened. * @global int $g_bug_reopen_resolution */ $g_bug_reopen_resolution = REOPENED; /** * Bug becomes readonly if its status is >= this status. The bug becomes read/write again if re-opened and its * status becomes less than this threshold. * @global int $g_bug_readonly_status_threshold */ $g_bug_readonly_status_threshold = RESOLVED; /** * Bug is resolved, ready to be closed or reopened. In some custom installations a bug * may be considered as resolved when it is moved to a custom (FIXED or TESTED) status. * @global int $g_bug_resolved_status_threshold */ $g_bug_resolved_status_threshold = RESOLVED; /** * Threshold resolution which denotes that a bug has been resolved and * successfully fixed by developers. Resolutions above this threshold * and below $g_bug_resolution_not_fixed_threshold are considered to be * resolved successfully. * @global int $g_bug_resolution_fixed_threshold */ $g_bug_resolution_fixed_threshold = FIXED; /** * Threshold resolution which denotes that a bug has been resolved without * being successfully fixed by developers. Resolutions above this * threshold are considered to be resolved in an unsuccessful way. * @global int $g_bug_resolution_not_fixed_threshold */ $g_bug_resolution_not_fixed_threshold = UNABLE_TO_DUPLICATE; /** * Bug is closed. In some custom installations a bug may be considered as closed when * it is moved to a custom (COMPLETED or IMPLEMENTED) status. * @global int $g_bug_closed_status_threshold */ $g_bug_closed_status_threshold = CLOSED; /** * Automatically set status to ASSIGNED whenever a bug is assigned to a person. * This is useful for installations where assigned status is to be used when * the bug is in progress, rather than just put in a person's queue. * @global int $g_auto_set_status_to_assigned */ $g_auto_set_status_to_assigned = ON; /** * 'status_enum_workflow' defines the workflow, and reflects a simple * 2-dimensional matrix. For each existing status, you define which * statuses you can go to from that status, e.g. from NEW_ you might list statuses * '10:new,20:feedback,30:acknowledged' but not higher ones. * The following example can be transferred to config_inc.php * $g_status_enum_workflow[NEW_]='20:feedback,30:acknowledged,40:confirmed,50:assigned,80:resolved'; * $g_status_enum_workflow[FEEDBACK] ='10:new,30:acknowledged,40:confirmed,50:assigned,80:resolved'; * $g_status_enum_workflow[ACKNOWLEDGED] ='20:feedback,40:confirmed,50:assigned,80:resolved'; * $g_status_enum_workflow[CONFIRMED] ='20:feedback,50:assigned,80:resolved'; * $g_status_enum_workflow[ASSIGNED] ='20:feedback,80:resolved,90:closed'; * $g_status_enum_workflow[RESOLVED] ='50:assigned,90:closed'; * $g_status_enum_workflow[CLOSED] ='50:assigned'; * @global array $g_status_enum_workflow */ $g_status_enum_workflow = array(); /**************************** * Bug Attachments Settings * ****************************/ /** * Specify the filename of the magic database file. This is used by * PHP 5.3.0 (or earlier versions with the fileinfo PECL extension) to * guess what the MIME type of a file is. Usually it is safe to leave this * setting as the default (blank) as PHP is usually able to find this file * by itself. * @global string $g_fileinfo_magic_db_file */ $g_fileinfo_magic_db_file = ''; /** * Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) below which an attachment is * previewed in the bug view pages. * To disable the previewing of attachments, set max size to 0. * @global int $g_preview_attachments_inline_max_size */ $g_preview_attachments_inline_max_size = 256 * 1024; /** * Extensions for text files that can be expanded inline. * @global array $g_preview_text_extensions */ $g_preview_text_extensions = array( '', 'txt', 'diff', 'patch' ); /** * Extensions for images that can be expanded inline. * @global array $g_preview_image_extensions */ $g_preview_image_extensions = array( 'bmp', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg' ); /** * Specifies the maximum width for the auto-preview feature. If no maximum width should be imposed * then it should be set to 0. * @global int $g_preview_max_width */ $g_preview_max_width = 0; /** * Specifies the maximum height for the auto-preview feature. If no maximum height should be imposed * then it should be set to 0. * @global int $g_preview_max_height */ $g_preview_max_height = 250; /** * Show an attachment indicator on bug list * Show a clickable attachment indicator on the bug * list page if the bug has one or more files attached. * Note: This option is disabled by default since it adds * 1 database query per bug listed and thus might slow * down the page display. * * @global int $g_show_attachment_indicator */ $g_show_attachment_indicator = OFF; /** * access level needed to view bugs attachments. View means to see the file names * sizes, and timestamps of the attachments. * @global int $g_view_attachments_threshold */ $g_view_attachments_threshold = VIEWER; /** * list of filetypes to view inline. This is a string of extentions separated by commas * This is used when downloading an attachment. Rather than downloading, the attachment * is viewed in the browser. * @global string $g_inline_file_exts */ $g_inline_file_exts = 'gif,png,jpg,jpeg,bmp'; /** * access level needed to download bug attachments * @global int $g_download_attachments_threshold */ $g_download_attachments_threshold = VIEWER; /** * access level needed to delete bug attachments * @global int $g_delete_attachments_threshold */ $g_delete_attachments_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * allow users to view attachments uploaded by themselves even if their access * level is below view_attachments_threshold. * @global int $g_allow_view_own_attachments */ $g_allow_view_own_attachments = ON; /** * allow users to download attachments uploaded by themselves even if their access * level is below download_attachments_threshold. * @global int $g_allow_download_own_attachments */ $g_allow_download_own_attachments = ON; /** * allow users to delete attachments uploaded by themselves even if their access * level is below delete_attachments_threshold. * @global int $g_allow_delete_own_attachments */ $g_allow_delete_own_attachments = OFF; /********************** * Field Visibility **********************/ /** * Enable or disable usage of the ETA field. * @global int $g_enable_eta */ $g_enable_eta = OFF; /** * Enable or disable usage of the Projection field. * @global int $g_enable_projection */ $g_enable_projection = OFF; /** * Enable or disable usage of the Product Build field. * @global int $g_enable_product_build */ $g_enable_product_build = OFF; /** * An array of the fields to show on the bug report page. * * The following fields can not be included: * id, project, date_submitted, last_updated, status, * resolution, tags, fixed_in_version, projection, eta, * reporter. * * The following fields must be included: * category_id, summary, description. * * To overload this setting per project, then the settings must be included in the database through * the generic configuration form. * * @global array $g_bug_report_page_fields */ $g_bug_report_page_fields = array( 'category_id', 'view_state', 'handler', 'priority', 'severity', 'reproducibility', 'platform', 'os', 'os_version', 'product_version', 'product_build', 'target_version', 'summary', 'description', 'additional_info', 'steps_to_reproduce', 'attachments', 'due_date', ); /** * An array of the fields to show on the bug view page. * * To overload this setting per project, then the settings must be included in the database through * the generic configuration form. * * @global array $g_bug_view_page_fields */ $g_bug_view_page_fields = array ( 'id', 'project', 'category_id', 'view_state', 'date_submitted', 'last_updated', 'reporter', 'handler', 'priority', 'severity', 'reproducibility', 'status', 'resolution', 'projection', 'eta', 'platform', 'os', 'os_version', 'product_version', 'product_build', 'target_version', 'fixed_in_version', 'summary', 'description', 'additional_info', 'steps_to_reproduce', 'tags', 'attachments', 'due_date', ); /** * An array of the fields to show on the bug print page. * @global array $g_bug_print_page_fields */ $g_bug_print_page_fields = array ( 'id', 'project', 'category_id', 'view_state', 'date_submitted', 'last_updated', 'reporter', 'handler', 'priority', 'severity', 'reproducibility', 'status', 'resolution', 'projection', 'eta', 'platform', 'os', 'os_version', 'product_version', 'product_build', 'target_version', 'fixed_in_version', 'summary', 'description', 'additional_info', 'steps_to_reproduce', 'tags', 'attachments', 'due_date', ); /** * An array of the fields to show on the bug update page. * * To overload this setting per project, then the settings must be included in the database through * the generic configuration form. * * @global array $g_bug_update_page_fields */ $g_bug_update_page_fields = array ( 'id', 'project', 'category_id', 'view_state', 'date_submitted', 'last_updated', 'reporter', 'handler', 'priority', 'severity', 'reproducibility', 'status', 'resolution', 'projection', 'eta', 'platform', 'os', 'os_version', 'product_version', 'product_build', 'target_version', 'fixed_in_version', 'summary', 'description', 'additional_info', 'steps_to_reproduce', 'attachments', 'due_date', ); /** * An array of the fields to show on the bug change status page. * * To overload this setting per project, then the settings must be included in the database through * the generic configuration form. * * @global array $g_bug_change_status_page_fields */ $g_bug_change_status_page_fields = array ( 'id', 'project', 'category_id', 'view_state', 'date_submitted', 'last_updated', 'reporter', 'handler', 'priority', 'severity', 'reproducibility', 'status', 'resolution', 'projection', 'eta', 'platform', 'os', 'os_version', 'product_version', 'product_build', 'target_version', 'fixed_in_version', 'summary', 'description', 'additional_info', 'steps_to_reproduce', 'tags', 'attachments', 'due_date', ); /************************** * MantisBT Misc Settings * **************************/ /** * access level needed to report a bug * @global int $g_report_bug_threshold */ $g_report_bug_threshold = REPORTER; /** * access level needed to update bugs (i.e., the update_bug_page) * This controls whether the user sees the "Update Bug" button in bug_view*_page * and the pencil icon in view_all_bug_page * @global int $g_update_bug_threshold */ $g_update_bug_threshold = UPDATER; /** * Access level needed to monitor bugs. * Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value. * @global int $g_monitor_bug_threshold */ $g_monitor_bug_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Access level needed to add other users to the list of users monitoring * a bug. * Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value. * @global int $g_monitor_add_others_bug_threshold */ $g_monitor_add_others_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Access level needed to delete other users from the list of users * monitoring a bug. * Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value. * @global int $g_monitor_add_others_bug_threshold */ $g_monitor_delete_others_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level needed to view private bugs * Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value * @global int $g_private_bug_threshold */ $g_private_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level needed to be able to be listed in the assign to field. * @global int $g_handle_bug_threshold */ $g_handle_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level needed to show the Assign To: button bug_view*_page or * the Assigned list in bug_update*_page. * This allows control over who can route bugs * This defaults to $g_handle_bug_threshold * @global int $g_update_bug_assign_threshold */ $g_update_bug_assign_threshold = '%handle_bug_threshold%'; /** * access level needed to view private bugnotes * Look in the constant_inc.php file if you want to set a different value * @global int $g_private_bugnote_threshold */ $g_private_bugnote_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level needed to view handler in bug reports and notification email * @todo yarick123: now it is implemented for notification email only * @global int $g_view_handler_threshold */ $g_view_handler_threshold = VIEWER; /** * access level needed to view history in bug reports and notification email * @todo yarick123: now it is implemented for notification email only * @global int $g_view_history_threshold */ $g_view_history_threshold = VIEWER; /** * access level needed to send a reminder from the bug view pages * set to NOBODY to disable the feature * @global int $g_bug_reminder_threshold */ $g_bug_reminder_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Access lever required to drop bug history revisions * @global int $g_bug_revision_drop_threshold */ $g_bug_revision_drop_threshold = MANAGER; /** * access level needed to upload files to the project documentation section * You can set this to NOBODY to prevent uploads to projects * See also: $g_upload_bug_file_threshold, $g_allow_file_upload * @global int $g_upload_project_file_threshold */ $g_upload_project_file_threshold = MANAGER; /** * access level needed to upload files to attach to a bug * You can set this to NOBODY to prevent uploads to bugs but note that * the reporter of the bug will still be able to upload unless you set * $g_allow_reporter_upload or $g_allow_file_upload to OFF * See also: $g_upload_project_file_threshold, $g_allow_file_upload, * $g_allow_reporter_upload * @global int $g_upload_bug_file_threshold */ $g_upload_bug_file_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Add bugnote threshold * @global int $g_add_bugnote_threshold */ $g_add_bugnote_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Update bugnote threshold (if the bugnote is not your own) * @global int $g_update_bugnote_threshold */ $g_update_bugnote_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Threshold needed to view project documentation * @global int $g_view_proj_doc_threshold */ $g_view_proj_doc_threshold = ANYBODY; /** * Site manager * @global int $g_manage_site_threshold */ $g_manage_site_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Threshold at which a user is considered to be a site administrator. * These users have "superuser" access to all aspects of Mantis including * the admin/ directory. WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE UNLESS YOU * ABSOLUTELY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! Users at this access level have the * ability to damage your Mantis installation and data within the database. * It is strongly advised you leave this option alone. * @global int $g_admin_site_threshold */ $g_admin_site_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * Threshold needed to manage a project: edit project * details (not to add/delete projects) ...etc. * @global int $g_manage_project_threshold */ $g_manage_project_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Threshold needed to add/delete/modify news * @global int $g_manage_news_threshold */ $g_manage_news_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Threshold required to delete a project * @global int $g_delete_project_threshold */ $g_delete_project_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * Threshold needed to create a new project * @global int $g_create_project_threshold */ $g_create_project_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * Threshold needed to be automatically included in private projects * @global int $g_private_project_threshold */ $g_private_project_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * Threshold needed to manage user access to a project * @global int $g_project_user_threshold */ $g_project_user_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Threshold needed to manage user accounts * @global int $g_manage_user_threshold */ $g_manage_user_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * Delete bug threshold * @global int $g_delete_bug_threshold */ $g_delete_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Delete bugnote threshold * @global string $g_delete_bugnote_threshold */ $g_delete_bugnote_threshold = '%delete_bug_threshold%'; /** * Are users allowed to change and delete their own bugnotes? * @global int $g_bugnote_allow_user_edit_delete */ $g_bugnote_allow_user_edit_delete = ON; /** * Move bug threshold * @global int $g_move_bug_threshold */ $g_move_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Threshold needed to set the view status while reporting a bug or a bug note. * @global int $g_set_view_status_threshold */ $g_set_view_status_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Threshold needed to update the view status while updating a bug or a bug note. * This threshold should be greater or equal to $g_set_view_status_threshold. * @global int $g_change_view_status_threshold */ $g_change_view_status_threshold = UPDATER; /** * Threshold needed to show the list of users montoring a bug on the bug view pages. * @global int $g_show_monitor_list_threshold */ $g_show_monitor_list_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Threshold needed to be able to use stored queries * @global int $g_stored_query_use_threshold */ $g_stored_query_use_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Threshold needed to be able to create stored queries * @global int $g_stored_query_create_threshold */ $g_stored_query_create_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Threshold needed to be able to create shared stored queries * @global int $g_stored_query_create_shared_threshold */ $g_stored_query_create_shared_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Threshold needed to update readonly bugs. Readonly bugs are identified via * $g_bug_readonly_status_threshold. * @global int $g_update_readonly_bug_threshold */ $g_update_readonly_bug_threshold = MANAGER; /** * threshold for viewing changelog * @global int $g_view_changelog_threshold */ $g_view_changelog_threshold = VIEWER; /** * threshold for viewing roadmap * @global int $g_roadmap_view_threshold */ $g_roadmap_view_threshold = VIEWER; /** * threshold for updating roadmap, target_version, etc * @global int $g_roadmap_update_threshold */ $g_roadmap_update_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * status change thresholds * @global int $g_update_bug_status_threshold */ $g_update_bug_status_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level needed to re-open bugs * @global int $g_reopen_bug_threshold */ $g_reopen_bug_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level needed to assign bugs to unreleased product versions * @global int $g_report_issues_for_unreleased_versions_threshold */ $g_report_issues_for_unreleased_versions_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level needed to set a bug sticky * @global int $g_set_bug_sticky_threshold */ $g_set_bug_sticky_threshold = MANAGER; /** * The minimum access level for someone to be a member of the development team * and appear on the project information page. * @global int $g_development_team_threshold */ $g_development_team_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * this array sets the access thresholds needed to enter each status listed. * if a status is not listed, it falls back to $g_update_bug_status_threshold * example: $g_set_status_threshold = array( ACKNOWLEDGED => MANAGER, CONFIRMED => DEVELOPER, CLOSED => MANAGER ); * @global array $g_set_status_threshold */ $g_set_status_threshold = array(); /** * Allow a bug to have no category * @global int $g_allow_no_category */ $g_allow_no_category = OFF; /** * login method * MD5, LDAP, BASIC_AUTH or HTTP_AUTH. * Note: you may not be able to easily switch encryption methods, so this * should be carefully chosen at install time. However, MantisBT will attempt * to "fall back" to older methods if possible. * @global int $g_login_method */ $g_login_method = MD5; /** * limit reporters * Set to ON if you wish to limit reporters to only viewing bugs that they report. * @global int $g_limit_reporters */ $g_limit_reporters = OFF; /** * close immediately * Allow developers and above to close bugs immediately when resolving bugs * @global int $g_allow_close_immediately */ $g_allow_close_immediately = OFF; /** * reporter can close * Allow reporters to close the bugs they reported, after they're marked resolved. * @global int $g_allow_reporter_close */ $g_allow_reporter_close = OFF; /** * reporter can reopen * Allow reporters to reopen the bugs they reported, after they're marked resolved. * @global int $g_allow_reporter_reopen */ $g_allow_reporter_reopen = ON; /** * reporter can upload * Allow reporters to upload attachments to bugs they reported. * @global int $g_allow_reporter_upload */ $g_allow_reporter_upload = ON; /** * account delete * Allow users to delete their own accounts * @global int $g_allow_account_delete */ $g_allow_account_delete = OFF; /** * Enable anonymous access to Mantis. You must also specify * $g_anonymous_account as the account which anonymous users will browse * Mantis with. The default setting is OFF. * @global int $g_allow_anonymous_login */ $g_allow_anonymous_login = OFF; /** * Define the account which anonymous users will assume when using Mantis. * You only need to define this setting when $g_allow_anonymous_login is * set to ON. This account will always be treated as a protected account * and thus anonymous users will not be able to update the preferences or * settings of this account. It is suggested that the access level of this * account have read only access to your Mantis installation (VIEWER). * Please read the documentation on this topic before setting up anonymous * access to your Mantis installation. * @global string $g_anonymous_account */ $g_anonymous_account = ''; /** * CVS linking * insert the URL to your CVSweb or ViewCVS * eg: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/mantisbt/mantisbt/ * @global string $g_cvs_web */ $g_cvs_web = ''; /** * For open source projects it is expected that the notes be public, however, * for non-open source it will probably be VS_PRIVATE. * @global int $g_source_control_notes_view_status */ $g_source_control_notes_view_status = VS_PRIVATE; /** * Account to be used by the source control script. The account must be enabled * and must have the appropriate access level to add notes to all issues even * private ones (DEVELOPER access recommended). * @global string $g_source_control_account */ $g_source_control_account = ''; /** * If set to a status, then after a checkin with a log message that matches the regular expression in * $g_source_control_fixed_regexp, the issue status is set to the specified status. If set to OFF, the * issue status is not changed. * @global int $g_source_control_set_status_to */ $g_source_control_set_status_to = OFF; /** * Whenever an issue status is set to $g_source_control_set_status_to, the issue resolution is set to * the value specified for this configuration. * @global int $g_source_control_set_resolution_to */ $g_source_control_set_resolution_to = FIXED; /** * Regular expression used to detect issue ids within checkin comments. * see preg_match_all() documentation at * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match-all.php * @global string $g_source_control_regexp */ $g_source_control_regexp = "/\bissue [#]{0,1}(\d+)\b/i"; /** * Regular expression used to detect the fact that an issue is fixed and extracts * its issue id. If there is a match to this regular expression, then the issue * will be marked as resolved and the resolution will be set to fixed. * @global string $g_source_control_fixed_regexp */ $g_source_control_fixed_regexp = "%source_control_regexp%"; /** * Bug Linking * if a number follows this tag it will create a link to a bug. * eg. for # a link would be #45 * eg. for bug: a link would be bug:98 * @global string $g_bug_link_tag */ $g_bug_link_tag = '#'; /** * Bugnote Linking * if a number follows this tag it will create a link to a bugnote. * eg. for ~ a link would be ~45 * eg. for bugnote: a link would be bugnote:98 * @global string $g_bugnote_link_tag */ $g_bugnote_link_tag = '~'; /** * Bug Count Linking * this is the prefix to use when creating links to bug views from bug counts (eg. on the main * page and the summary page). * Default is a temporary filter * only change the filter this time - 'view_all_set.php?type=1&temporary=y' * permanently change the filter - 'view_all_set.php?type=1'; * @global string $g_bug_count_hyperlink_prefix */ $g_bug_count_hyperlink_prefix = 'view_all_set.php?type=1&temporary=y'; /** * The regular expression to use when validating new user login names * The default regular expression allows a-z, A-Z, 0-9, +, -, dot, space and * underscore. If you change this, you may want to update the * ERROR_USER_NAME_INVALID string in the language files to explain * the rules you are using on your site * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_Expression for more details about regular expressions. * For testing regular expressions, use http://rubular.com/. * @global string $g_user_login_valid_regex */ $g_user_login_valid_regex = '/^([a-z\d\-.+_ ]+(@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]{2,4})?)$/i'; /** * Default user name prefix used to filter the list of users in * manage_user_page.php. Change this to 'A' (or any other * letter) if you have a lot of users in the system and loading * the manage users page takes a long time. * @global string $g_default_manage_user_prefix */ $g_default_manage_user_prefix = 'ALL'; /** * Default tag prefix used to filter the list of tags in * manage_tags_page.php. Change this to 'A' (or any other * letter) if you have a lot of tags in the system and loading * the manage tags page takes a long time. * @global string $g_default_manage_tag_prefix */ $g_default_manage_tag_prefix = 'ALL'; /** * CSV Export * Set the csv separator * @global string $g_csv_separator */ $g_csv_separator = ','; /** * threshold for users to view the system configurations * @global int $g_view_configuration_threshold */ $g_view_configuration_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * threshold for users to set the system configurations generically via MantisBT web interface. * WARNING: Users who have access to set configuration via the interface MUST be trusted. This is due * to the fact that such users can set configurations to PHP code and hence there can be a security * risk if such users are not trusted. * @global int $g_set_configuration_threshold */ $g_set_configuration_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /************************************ * MantisBT Look and Feel Variables * ************************************/ /** * status color codes, using the Tango color palette * @global array $g_status_colors */ $g_status_colors = array( 'new' => '#fcbdbd', // red (scarlet red #ef2929) 'feedback' => '#e3b7eb', // purple (plum #75507b) 'acknowledged' => '#ffcd85', // orange (orango #f57900) 'confirmed' => '#fff494', // yellow (butter #fce94f) 'assigned' => '#c2dfff', // blue (sky blue #729fcf) 'resolved' => '#d2f5b0', // green (chameleon #8ae234) 'closed' => '#c9ccc4'); // grey (aluminum #babdb6) /** * The padding level when displaying project ids * The bug id will be padded with 0's up to the size given * @global int $g_display_project_padding */ $g_display_project_padding = 3; /** * The padding level when displaying bug ids * The bug id will be padded with 0's up to the size given * @global int $g_display_bug_padding */ $g_display_bug_padding = 7; /** * The padding level when displaying bugnote ids * The bugnote id will be padded with 0's up to the size given * @global int $g_display_bugnote_padding */ $g_display_bugnote_padding = 7; /** * colours for configuration display * @global string $g_colour_project */ $g_colour_project = 'LightGreen'; /** * colours for configuration display * @global string $g_colour_global */ $g_colour_global = 'LightBlue'; /***************************** * MantisBT Cookie Variables * *****************************/ /** * --- cookie path --------------- * set this to something more restrictive if needed * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php * @global string $g_cookie_path */ $g_cookie_path = '/'; /** * * @global string $g_cookie_domain */ $g_cookie_domain = ''; /** * cookie version for view_all_page * @global string $g_cookie_version */ $g_cookie_version = 'v8'; /** * --- cookie prefix --------------- * set this to a unique identifier. No spaces or periods. * @global string $g_cookie_prefix */ $g_cookie_prefix = 'MANTIS'; /** * * @global string $g_string_cookie */ $g_string_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_STRING_COOKIE'; /** * * @global string $g_project_cookie */ $g_project_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_PROJECT_COOKIE'; /** * * @global string $g_view_all_cookie */ $g_view_all_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_VIEW_ALL_COOKIE'; /** * * @global string $g_manage_cookie */ $g_manage_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_MANAGE_COOKIE'; /** * * @global string $g_logout_cookie */ $g_logout_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_LOGOUT_COOKIE'; /** * * @global string $g_bug_list_cookie */ $g_bug_list_cookie = '%cookie_prefix%_BUG_LIST_COOKIE'; /***************************** * MantisBT Filter Variables * *****************************/ /** * * @global int $g_filter_by_custom_fields */ $g_filter_by_custom_fields = ON; /** * * @global int $g_filter_custom_fields_per_row */ $g_filter_custom_fields_per_row = 8; /** * * @global int $g_view_filters */ $g_view_filters = SIMPLE_DEFAULT; /** * This switch enables the use of xmlhttprequest protocol to speed up the filter display. * Rather than launching a separate page, the filters are updated in-line in the * view_all_bugs_page. * @global int $g_dhtml_filters */ $g_dhtml_filters = ON; /** * The threshold required for users to be able to create permalinks. To turn of this feature use NOBODY. * @global int $g_create_permalink_threshold */ $g_create_permalink_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * The service to use to create a short URL. The %s will be replaced by the long URL. * To disable the feature set to ''. * @global string $g_create_short_url */ $g_create_short_url = 'http://tinyurl.com/create.php?url=%s'; /************************************* * MantisBT Database Table Variables * *************************************/ /** * table prefix * @global string $g_db_table_prefix */ $g_db_table_prefix = 'mantis'; /** * table suffix * @global string $g_db_table_suffix */ $g_db_table_suffix = '_table'; /** * table names * @global array $g_db_table */ $g_db_table['mantis_bug_file_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_file%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bug_history_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_history%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bug_monitor_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_monitor%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bug_relationship_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_relationship%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bug_revision_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_revision%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bug_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bug_tag_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_tag%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bug_text_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bug_text%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bugnote_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bugnote%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_bugnote_text_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_bugnote_text%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_category_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_category%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_news_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_news%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_plugin_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_plugin%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_project_category_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_project_category%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_project_file_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_project_file%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_project_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_project%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_project_user_list_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_project_user_list%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_project_version_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_project_version%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_tag_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_tag%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_user_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_user%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_user_profile_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_user_profile%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_user_pref_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_user_pref%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_user_print_pref_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_user_print_pref%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_custom_field_project_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_custom_field_project%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_custom_field_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_custom_field%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_custom_field_string_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_custom_field_string%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_upgrade_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_upgrade%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_filters_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_filters%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_sponsorship_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_sponsorship%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_tokens_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_tokens%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_project_hierarchy_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_project_hierarchy%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_config_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_config%db_table_suffix%'; $g_db_table['mantis_email_table'] = '%db_table_prefix%_email%db_table_suffix%'; /************************* * MantisBT Enum Strings * *************************/ /** * status from $g_status_index-1 to 79 are used for the onboard customization (if enabled) * directly use MantisBT to edit them. * @global string $g_access_levels_enum_string */ $g_access_levels_enum_string = '10:viewer,25:reporter,40:updater,55:developer,70:manager,90:administrator'; /** * * @global string $g_project_status_enum_string */ $g_project_status_enum_string = '10:development,30:release,50:stable,70:obsolete'; /** * * @global string $g_project_view_state_enum_string */ $g_project_view_state_enum_string = '10:public,50:private'; /** * * @global string $g_view_state_enum_string */ $g_view_state_enum_string = '10:public,50:private'; /** * * @global string $g_priority_enum_string */ $g_priority_enum_string = '10:none,20:low,30:normal,40:high,50:urgent,60:immediate'; /** * * @global string $g_severity_enum_string */ $g_severity_enum_string = '10:feature,20:trivial,30:text,40:tweak,50:minor,60:major,70:crash,80:block'; /** * * @global string $g_reproducibility_enum_string */ $g_reproducibility_enum_string = '10:always,30:sometimes,50:random,70:have not tried,90:unable to duplicate,100:N/A'; /** * * @global string $g_status_enum_string */ $g_status_enum_string = '10:new,20:feedback,30:acknowledged,40:confirmed,50:assigned,80:resolved,90:closed'; /** * @@@ for documentation, the values in this list are also used to define variables in the language files * (e.g., $s_new_bug_title referenced in bug_change_status_page.php ) * Embedded spaces are converted to underscores (e.g., "working on" references $s_working_on_bug_title). * they are also expected to be english names for the states * @global string $g_resolution_enum_string */ $g_resolution_enum_string = '10:open,20:fixed,30:reopened,40:unable to duplicate,50:not fixable,60:duplicate,70:not a bug,80:suspended,90:wont fix'; /** * * @global string $g_projection_enum_string */ $g_projection_enum_string = '10:none,30:tweak,50:minor fix,70:major rework,90:redesign'; /** * * @global string $g_eta_enum_string */ $g_eta_enum_string = '10:none,20:< 1 day,30:2-3 days,40:< 1 week,50:< 1 month,60:> 1 month'; /** * * @global string $g_sponsorship_enum_string */ $g_sponsorship_enum_string = '0:Unpaid,1:Requested,2:Paid'; /** * * @global string $g_custom_field_type_enum_string */ $g_custom_field_type_enum_string = '0:string,1:numeric,2:float,3:enum,4:email,5:checkbox,6:list,7:multiselection list,8:date,9:radio'; /********************************* * MantisBT Javascript Variables * *********************************/ /** * allow the use of Javascript? * @global int $g_use_javascript */ $g_use_javascript = ON; /******************************* * MantisBT Speed Optimisation * *******************************/ /** * Use compression of generated html if browser supports it * If you already have compression enabled in your php.ini file * (either with zlib.output_compression or * output_handler=ob_gzhandler) this option will be ignored. * * If you do not have zlib enabled in your PHP installation * this option will also be ignored. PHP 4.3.0 and later have * zlib included by default. Windows users should uncomment * the appropriate line in their php.ini files to load * the zlib DLL. You can check what extensions are loaded * by running "php -m" at the command line (look for 'zlib') * @global int $g_compress_html */ $g_compress_html = ON; /** * Use persistent database connections * @global int $g_use_persistent_connections */ $g_use_persistent_connections = OFF; /***************** * Include files * *****************/ /** * Specify your top/bottom include file (logos, banners, etc) * @global string $g_bottom_include_page */ $g_bottom_include_page = '%absolute_path%'; /** * Specify your top/bottom include file (logos, banners, etc) * if a top file is supplied, the default MantisBT logo at the top will be hidden * @global string $g_top_include_page */ $g_top_include_page = '%absolute_path%'; /** * CSS file * @global string $g_css_include_file */ $g_css_include_file = 'css/default.css'; /** * RTL CSS file * @global string $g_css_rtl_include_file */ $g_css_rtl_include_file = 'css/rtl.css'; /** * meta tags * @global string $g_meta_include_file */ $g_meta_include_file = '%absolute_path%meta_inc.php'; /**************** * Redirections * ****************/ /** * Default page after Login or Set Project * @global string $g_default_home_page */ $g_default_home_page = 'my_view_page.php'; /** * Specify where the user should be sent after logging out. * @global string $g_logout_redirect_page */ $g_logout_redirect_page = 'login_page.php'; /*********** * Headers * ***********/ /** * An array of headers to be sent with each page. * For example, to allow your MantisBT installation to be viewed in a frame in IE 6 * when the frameset is not at the same hostname as the MantisBT install, you need * to add a P3P header. You could try something like 'P3P: CP="CUR ADM"' in your * config file, but make sure to check that the your policy actually matches with * what you are promising. See * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537343.aspx * for more information. * @global array $g_custom_headers */ $g_custom_headers = array(); /** * Browser Caching Control * By default, we try to prevent the browser from caching anything. These two settings * will defeat this for some cases. * * Browser Page caching - This will allow the browser to cache all pages. The upside will * be better performance, but there may be cases where obsolete information is displayed. * Note that this will be bypassed (and caching is allowed) for the bug report pages. * * @global int $g_allow_browser_cache */ // $g_allow_browser_cache = ON; /** * File caching - This will allow the browser to cache downloaded files. Without this set, * there may be issues with IE receiving files, and launching support programs. * @global int $g_allow_file_cache */ // $g_allow_file_cache = ON; /***************** * Custom Fields * *****************/ /** * Threshold needed to manage custom fields * @global int $g_manage_custom_fields_threshold */ $g_manage_custom_fields_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * Threshold needed to link/unlink custom field to/from a project * @global int $g_custom_field_link_threshold */ $g_custom_field_link_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Whether to start editng a custom field immediately after creating it * @global int $g_custom_field_edit_after_create */ $g_custom_field_edit_after_create = ON; /**************** * Custom Menus * ****************/ /** * Add custom options to the main menu. For example: * $g_main_menu_custom_options = array( array( "My Link", MANAGER, 'my_link.php' ), * array( "My Link2", ADMINISTRATOR, 'my_link2.php' ) ); * Note that if the caption is found in custom_strings_inc.php, then it will be replaced by the * translated string. Options will only be added to the menu if the current logged in user has * the appropriate access level. * @global array $g_main_menu_custom_options */ $g_main_menu_custom_options = array(); /********* * Icons * *********/ /** * Maps a file extension to a file type icon. These icons are printed * next to project documents and bug attachments. * Note: * - Extensions must be in lower case * - All icons will be displayed as 16x16 pixels. * @global array $g_file_type_icons */ $g_file_type_icons = array( '' => 'text.gif', '7z' => 'zip.gif', 'ace' => 'zip.gif', 'arj' => 'zip.gif', 'bz2' => 'zip.gif', 'c' => 'cpp.gif', 'chm' => 'chm.gif', 'cpp' => 'cpp.gif', 'css' => 'css.gif', 'csv' => 'csv.gif', 'cxx' => 'cpp.gif', 'diff' => 'text.gif', 'doc' => 'doc.gif', 'docx' => 'doc.gif', 'dot' => 'doc.gif', 'eml' => 'eml.gif', 'htm' => 'html.gif', 'html' => 'html.gif', 'gif' => 'gif.gif', 'gz' => 'zip.gif', 'jpe' => 'jpg.gif', 'jpg' => 'jpg.gif', 'jpeg' => 'jpg.gif', 'log' => 'text.gif', 'lzh' => 'zip.gif', 'mhtml' => 'html.gif', 'mid' => 'mid.gif', 'midi' => 'mid.gif', 'mov' => 'mov.gif', 'msg' => 'eml.gif', 'one' => 'one.gif', 'patch' => 'text.gif', 'pcx' => 'pcx.gif', 'pdf' => 'pdf.gif', 'png' => 'png.gif', 'pot' => 'pot.gif', 'pps' => 'pps.gif', 'ppt' => 'ppt.gif', 'pptx' => 'ppt.gif', 'pub' => 'pub.gif', 'rar' => 'zip.gif', 'reg' => 'reg.gif', 'rtf' => 'doc.gif', 'tar' => 'zip.gif', 'tgz' => 'zip.gif', 'txt' => 'text.gif', 'uc2' => 'zip.gif', 'vsd' => 'vsd.gif', 'vsl' => 'vsl.gif', 'vss' => 'vsd.gif', 'vst' => 'vst.gif', 'vsu' => 'vsd.gif', 'vsw' => 'vsd.gif', 'vsx' => 'vsd.gif', 'vtx' => 'vst.gif', 'wav' => 'wav.gif', 'wbk' => 'wbk.gif', 'wma' => 'wav.gif', 'wmv' => 'mov.gif', 'wri' => 'wri.gif', 'xlk' => 'xls.gif', 'xls' => 'xls.gif', 'xlsx' => 'xls.gif', 'xlt' => 'xlt.gif', 'xml' => 'xml.gif', 'zip' => 'zip.gif', '?' => 'generic.gif' ); /** * Icon associative arrays * Status to icon mapping * @global array $g_status_icon_arr */ $g_status_icon_arr = array ( NONE => '', LOW => 'priority_low_1.gif', NORMAL => 'priority_normal.gif', HIGH => 'priority_1.gif', URGENT => 'priority_2.gif', IMMEDIATE => 'priority_3.gif' ); /** * Sort direction to icon mapping * @global array $g_sort_icon_arr */ $g_sort_icon_arr = array ( ASCENDING => 'up.gif', DESCENDING => 'down.gif' ); /** * Read status to icon mapping * @global array $g_unread_icon_arr */ $g_unread_icon_arr = array ( READ => 'mantis_space.gif', UNREAD => 'unread.gif' ); /******************** * My View Settings * ********************/ /** * Number of bugs shown in each box * @global int $g_my_view_bug_count */ $g_my_view_bug_count = 10; /** * Boxes to be shown and their order * A box that is not to be shown can have its value set to 0 * @global array $g_my_view_boxes */ $g_my_view_boxes = array ( 'assigned' => '1', 'unassigned' => '2', 'reported' => '3', 'resolved' => '4', 'recent_mod' => '5', 'monitored' => '6', 'feedback' => '0', 'verify' => '0', 'my_comments' => '0' ); /** * Toggle whether 'My View' boxes are shown in a fixed position (i.e. adjacent boxes start at the same vertical position) * @global int $g_my_view_boxes_fixed_position */ $g_my_view_boxes_fixed_position = ON; /************* * RSS Feeds * *************/ /** * This flag enables or disables RSS syndication. In the case where RSS syndication is not used, * it is recommended to set it to OFF. * @global int $g_rss_enabled */ $g_rss_enabled = ON; /** * This seed is used as part of the inputs for calculating the authentication key for the RSS feeds. * If this seed changes, all the existing keys for the RSS feeds will become invalid. This is * defaulted to the database user name, but it is recommended to overwrite it with a specific value * on installation. * @global string $g_rss_key_seed */ $g_rss_key_seed = '%db_username%'; /********************* * Bug Relationships * *********************/ /** * Enable relationship graphs support. * Show issue relationships using graphs. * * In order to use this feature, you must first install either GraphViz * (all OSs except Windows) or WinGraphviz (only Windows). * * Graphviz homepage: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ * WinGraphviz homepage: http://home.so-net.net.tw/oodtsen/wingraphviz/ * * Refer to the notes near the top of core/graphviz_api.php and * core/relationship_graph_api.php for more information. * @global int $g_relationship_graph_enable */ $g_relationship_graph_enable = OFF; /** * Font name and size, as required by Graphviz. If Graphviz fails to run * for you, you are probably using a font name that gd can't find. On * Linux, try the name of the font file without the extension. * @global string $g_relationship_graph_fontname */ $g_relationship_graph_fontname = 'Arial'; /** * * @global int $g_relationship_graph_fontsize */ $g_relationship_graph_fontsize = 8; /** * Default dependency orientation. If you have issues with lots of childs * or parents, leave as 'horizontal', otherwise, if you have lots of * "chained" issue dependencies, change to 'vertical'. * @global string $g_relationship_graph_orientation */ $g_relationship_graph_orientation = 'horizontal'; /** * Max depth for relation graphs. This only affects relation graphs, * dependency graphs are drawn to the full depth. A value of 3 is already * enough to show issues really unrelated to the one you are currently * viewing. * @global int $g_relationship_graph_max_depth */ $g_relationship_graph_max_depth = 2; /** * If set to ON, clicking on an issue on the relationship graph will open * the bug view page for that issue, otherwise, will navigate to the * relationship graph for that issue. * * @global int $g_relationship_graph_view_on_click */ $g_relationship_graph_view_on_click = OFF; /** * Complete path to dot and neato tools. Your webserver must have execute * permission to these programs in order to generate relationship graphs. * NOTE: These are meaningless under Windows! Just ignore them! * @global string $g_dot_tool */ $g_dot_tool = '/usr/bin/dot'; /** * Complete path to dot and neato tools. Your webserver must have execute * permission to these programs in order to generate relationship graphs. * NOTE: These are meaningless under Windows! Just ignore them! * @global string $g_neato_tool */ $g_neato_tool = '/usr/bin/neato'; /** * Number of years in the past that custom date fields will display in * drop down boxes. * @global int $g_backward_year_count */ $g_backward_year_count = 4; /** * Number of years in the future that custom date fields will display in * drop down boxes. * @global int $g_forward_year_count */ $g_forward_year_count = 4; /** * Custom Group Actions * * This extensibility model allows developing new group custom actions. This * can be implemented with a totally custom form and action pages or with a * pre-implemented form and action page and call-outs to some functions. These * functions are to be implemented in a predefined file whose name is based on * the action name. For example, for an action to add a note, the action would * be EXT_ADD_NOTE and the file implementing it would be bug_actiongroup_add_note_inc.php. * See implementation of this file for details. * * Sample: * * array( * array( 'action' => 'my_custom_action', * 'label' => 'my_label', // string to be passed to lang_get_defaulted() * 'form_page' => 'my_custom_action_page.php', * 'action_page' => 'my_custom_action.php' * ) * array( 'action' => 'my_custom_action2', * 'form_page' => 'my_custom_action2_page.php', * 'action_page' => 'my_custom_action2.php' * ) * array( 'action' => 'EXT_ADD_NOTE', // you need to implement bug_actiongroup_<action_without_'EXT_')_inc.php * 'label' => 'actiongroup_menu_add_note' // see strings_english.txt for this label * ) * ); * @global array $g_custom_group_actions */ $g_custom_group_actions = array(); /******************** * Wiki Integration * ********************/ /** * Wiki Integration Enabled? * @global int $g_wiki_enable */ $g_wiki_enable = OFF; /** * Wiki Engine (supported engines: 'dokuwiki', 'mediawiki', 'twiki', 'wikka', 'xwiki') * @global string $g_wiki_engine */ $g_wiki_engine = ''; /** * Wiki namespace to be used as root for all pages relating to this MantisBT installation. * @global string $g_wiki_root_namespace */ $g_wiki_root_namespace = 'mantis'; /** * URL under which the wiki engine is hosted. Must be on the same server. * @global string $g_wiki_engine_url */ $g_wiki_engine_url = $t_protocol . '://' . $t_host . '/%wiki_engine%/'; /******************** * Recently Visited * ********************/ /** * Whether to show the most recently visited issues or not. At the moment we always track them even if this flag is off. * @global int $g_recently_visited */ $g_recently_visited = ON; /** * The maximum number of issues to keep in the recently visited list. * @global int $g_recently_visited_count */ $g_recently_visited_count = 5; /*************** * Bug Tagging * ***************/ /** * String that will separate tags as entered for input * @global int $g_tag_separator */ $g_tag_separator = ','; /** * Access level required to view tags attached to a bug * @global int $g_tag_view_threshold */ $g_tag_view_threshold = VIEWER; /** * Access level required to attach tags to a bug * @global int $g_tag_attach_threshold */ $g_tag_attach_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Access level required to detach tags from a bug * @global int $g_tag_detach_threshold */ $g_tag_detach_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Access level required to detach tags attached by the same user * @global int $g_tag_detach_own_threshold */ $g_tag_detach_own_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Access level required to create new tags * @global int $g_tag_create_threshold */ $g_tag_create_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Access level required to edit tag names and descriptions * @global int $g_tag_edit_threshold */ $g_tag_edit_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * Access level required to edit descriptions by the creating user * @global int $g_tag_edit_own_threshold */ $g_tag_edit_own_threshold = REPORTER; /***************** * Time tracking * *****************/ /** * Turn on Time Tracking accounting * @global int $g_time_tracking_enabled */ $g_time_tracking_enabled = OFF; /** * A billing sums * @global int $g_time_tracking_with_billing */ $g_time_tracking_with_billing = OFF; /** * Stop watch to build time tracking field * @global int $g_time_tracking_stopwatch */ $g_time_tracking_stopwatch = OFF; /** * access level required to view time tracking information * @global int $g_time_tracking_view_threshold */ $g_time_tracking_view_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level required to add/edit time tracking information * @global int $g_time_tracking_edit_threshold */ $g_time_tracking_edit_threshold = DEVELOPER; /** * access level required to run reports * @global int $g_time_tracking_reporting_threshold */ $g_time_tracking_reporting_threshold = MANAGER; /** * allow time tracking to be recorded without a bugnote * @global int $g_time_tracking_without_note */ $g_time_tracking_without_note = ON; /**************************** * Profile Related Settings * ****************************/ /** * Enable Profiles * @global int $g_enable_profiles */ $g_enable_profiles = ON; /** * Add profile threshold * @global int $g_add_profile_threshold */ $g_add_profile_threshold = REPORTER; /** * Threshold needed to be able to create and modify global profiles * @global int $g_manage_global_profile_threshold */ $g_manage_global_profile_threshold = MANAGER; /** * Allows the users to enter free text when reporting/updating issues * for the profile related fields (i.e. platform, os, os build) * @global int $g_allow_freetext_in_profile_fields */ $g_allow_freetext_in_profile_fields = ON; /******************** * Twitter Settings * ********************/ /** * The integration with twitter allows for a MantisBT installation to post * updates to a twitter account. This feature will be disabled if username * is empty or if the curl extension is not enabled. * * The twitter account user name. * @global string $g_twitter_username */ $g_twitter_username = ''; /** * The twitter account password. * @global string $g_twitter_password */ $g_twitter_password = ''; /***************** * Plugin System * *****************/ /** * enable/disable plugins * @global int $g_plugins_enabled */ $g_plugins_enabled = ON; /** * absolute path to plugin files. * @global string $g_plugin_path */ $g_plugin_path = $g_absolute_path . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /** * management threshold. * @global int $g_manage_plugin_threshold */ $g_manage_plugin_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * A mapping of file extensions to mime types, used when serving resources from plugins * * @global array $g_plugin_mime_types */ $g_plugin_mime_types = array( 'css' => 'text/css', 'js' => 'text/javascript', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'png' => 'image/png', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg' ); /************ * Due Date * ************/ /** * threshold to update due date submitted * @global int $g_due_date_update_threshold */ $g_due_date_update_threshold = NOBODY; /** * threshold to see due date * @global int $g_due_date_view_threshold */ $g_due_date_view_threshold = NOBODY; /***************** * Sub-projects ***************** /** * show extra dropdown for subprojects * Shows only top projects in the project dropdown and adds an extra dropdown for subprojects. * @global int $g_show_extended_project_browser */ $g_show_extended_project_browser = OFF; /** * Sub-projects should inherit categories from parent projects. */ $g_subprojects_inherit_categories = ON; /** * Sub-projects should inherit versions from parent projects. */ $g_subprojects_inherit_versions = ON; /********************************** * Debugging / Developer Settings * **********************************/ /** * Time page loads. Shows at the bottom of the page. * @global int $g_show_timer */ $g_show_timer = OFF; /** * used for development only. Leave OFF * @global int $g_debug_timer */ $g_debug_timer = OFF; /** * Used for debugging e-mail feature, when set to OFF the emails work as normal. * when set to e-mail address, all e-mails are sent to this address with the * original To, Cc, Bcc included in the message body. * @global int $g_debug_email */ $g_debug_email = OFF; /** * Shows the total number/unique number of queries executed to serve the page. * @global int $g_show_queries_count */ $g_show_queries_count = OFF; /** * Indicates the access level required for a user to see the queries count / list. * This only has an effect if $g_show_queries_count is ON. Note that this threshold * is compared against the user's default global access level rather than the * threshold based on the current active project. * * @global int $g_show_queries_threshold */ $g_show_queries_threshold = ADMINISTRATOR; /** * Shows the list of all queries that are executed in chronological order from top * to bottom. This option is only effective when $g_show_queries_count is ON. * WARNING: Potential security hazard. Only turn this on when you really * need it (for debugging/profiling) * @global int $g_show_queries_list */ $g_show_queries_list = OFF; /** * --- detailed error messages ----- * Shows a list of variables and their values when an error is triggered * Only applies to error types configured to 'halt' in $g_display_errors, below * WARNING: Potential security hazard. Only turn this on when you really * need it for debugging * @global int $g_show_detailed_errors */ $g_show_detailed_errors = OFF; /** * --- error display --- * what errors are displayed and how? * The options for display are: * 'halt' - stop and display traceback * 'inline' - display 1 line error and continue * 'none' - no error displayed * A developer might set this in config_inc.php as: * $g_display_errors = array( * E_WARNING => 'halt', * E_NOTICE => 'halt', * E_USER_ERROR => 'halt', * E_USER_WARNING => 'none', * E_USER_NOTICE => 'none' * ); * @global array $g_display_errors */ $g_display_errors = array( E_WARNING => 'inline', E_NOTICE => 'none', E_USER_ERROR => 'halt', E_USER_WARNING => 'inline', E_USER_NOTICE => 'none' ); /** * --- debug messages --- * If this option is turned OFF (default) page redirects will continue to * function even if a non-fatal error occurs. For debugging purposes, you * can set this to ON so that any non-fatal error will prevent page redirection, * allowing you to see the errors. * Only turn this option on for debugging * @global int $g_stop_on_errors */ $g_stop_on_errors = OFF; /** * --- system logging --- * This controls the logging of information to a separate file for debug or audit * $g_log_level controls what information is logged * see constant_inc.php for details on the log channels available * e.g., $g_log_level = LOG_EMAIL | LOG_EMAIL_RECIPIENT | LOG_FILTERING | LOG_AJAX; * * $g_log_destination specifies the file where the data goes * right now, only "file:<file path>" is supported * e.g. (Linux), $g_log_destination = 'file:/tmp/mantisbt.log'; * e.g. (Windows), $g_log_destination = 'file:c:/temp/mantisbt.log'; * see http://www.php.net/error_log for details * @global int $g_log_level */ $g_log_level = LOG_NONE; /** * * @global string $g_log_destination */ $g_log_destination = ''; /** * if OFF, will include original javascript files * if ON, will include javascript files that have been compressed by yuicompressor if available * @global int $g_minimal_jscss */ $g_minimal_jscss = ON; /************************** * Configuration Settings * **************************/ /** * The following list of variables should never be in the database. * These patterns will be concatenated and used as a regular expression * to bypass the database lookup and look here for appropriate global settings. * @global array $g_global_settings */ $g_global_settings = array( '_table$', 'cookie', '^db_', 'hostname', 'allow_signup', 'database_name', 'show_queries_', 'admin_checks', 'version_suffix', 'global_settings', '_path$', 'use_iis', 'language', 'use_javascript', 'minimal_jscss', 'display_errors', 'show_detailed_errors', 'stop_on_errors', 'login_method', '_file$', 'anonymous', 'content_expire', 'html_valid_tags', 'custom_headers', 'rss_key_seed', 'plugins_enabled', 'session_', 'form_security_', 'compress_html', '_page$', '_url$', );