File: manage_config_workflow_page.php
<?php # MantisBT - a php based bugtracking system # MantisBT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MantisBT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MantisBT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org */ /** * MantisBT Core API's */ require_once( 'core.php' ); require_once( 'email_api.php' ); auth_reauthenticate(); html_page_top( lang_get( 'manage_workflow_config' ) ); print_manage_menu( 'adm_permissions_report.php' ); print_manage_config_menu( 'manage_config_workflow_page.php' ); $t_access = current_user_get_access_level(); $t_project = helper_get_current_project(); $t_can_change_workflow = $t_access >= config_get_access( 'status_enum_workflow' ); $t_can_change_flags = $t_can_change_workflow; $t_overrides = array(); function set_overrides( $p_config ) { global $t_overrides; if ( !in_array( $p_config, $t_overrides ) ) { $t_overrides[] = $p_config; } } function parse_workflow( $p_enum_workflow ) { $t_status_arr = MantisEnum::getAssocArrayIndexedByValues( config_get( 'status_enum_string' ) ); if ( 0 == count( $p_enum_workflow ) ) { # workflow is not set, default it to all transitions foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_status => $t_label ) { $t_temp_workflow = array(); foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_next => $t_next_label ) { if ( $t_status <> $t_next ) { $t_temp_workflow[] = $t_next . ':' . $t_next_label; } } $p_enum_workflow[$t_status] = implode( ',', $t_temp_workflow ); } } $t_entry = array(); $t_exit = array(); # prepopulate new bug state (bugs go from nothing to here) $t_submit_status_array = config_get( 'bug_submit_status' ); $t_new_label = MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'status_enum_string' ), config_get( 'bug_submit_status' ) ); if ( is_array( $t_submit_status_array ) ) { # @@@ (thraxisp) this is not implemented in bug_api.php foreach ($t_submit_status_array as $t_access => $t_status ) { $t_entry[$t_status][0] = $t_new_label; $t_exit[0][$t_status] = $t_new_label; } } else { $t_status = $t_submit_status_array; $t_entry[$t_status][0] = $t_new_label; $t_exit[0][$t_status] = $t_new_label; } # add user defined arcs and implicit reopen arcs $t_reopen = config_get( 'bug_reopen_status' ); $t_reopen_label = MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'resolution_enum_string' ), config_get( 'bug_reopen_resolution' ) ); $t_resolved_status = config_get( 'bug_resolved_status_threshold' ); $t_default = array(); foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_status => $t_status_label ) { if ( isset( $p_enum_workflow[$t_status] ) ) { $t_next_arr = MantisEnum::getAssocArrayIndexedByValues( $p_enum_workflow[$t_status] ); foreach ( $t_next_arr as $t_next => $t_next_label) { if ( !isset( $t_default[$t_status] ) ) { $t_default[$t_status] = $t_next; } $t_exit[$t_status][$t_next] = ''; $t_entry[$t_next][$t_status] = ''; } } else { $t_exit[$t_status] = array(); } if ( $t_status >= $t_resolved_status ) { $t_exit[$t_status][$t_reopen] = $t_reopen_label; $t_entry[$t_reopen][$t_status] = $t_reopen_label; } if ( !isset( $t_entry[$t_status] ) ) { $t_entry[$t_status] = array(); } } return array( 'entry' => $t_entry, 'exit' => $t_exit, 'default' => $t_default ); } # Get the value associated with the specific action and flag. function show_flag( $p_from_status_id, $p_to_status_id ) { global $t_can_change_workflow, $t_overrides, $t_file_workflow, $t_global_workflow, $t_project_workflow, $t_colour_global, $t_colour_project; if ( $p_from_status_id <> $p_to_status_id ) { $t_file = isset( $t_file_workflow['exit'][$p_from_status_id][$p_to_status_id] ) ? 1 : 0 ; $t_global = isset( $t_global_workflow['exit'][$p_from_status_id][$p_to_status_id] ) ? 1 : 0 ; $t_project = isset( $t_project_workflow['exit'][$p_from_status_id][$p_to_status_id] ) ? 1 : 0; $t_colour = ''; if ( $t_global != $t_file ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_global . '" '; # all projects override if ( $t_can_change_workflow ) { set_overrides( 'status_enum_workflow' ); } } if ( $t_project != $t_global ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_project . '" '; # project overrides if ( $t_can_change_workflow ) { set_overrides( 'status_enum_workflow' ); } } $t_value = '<td class="center"' . $t_colour . '>'; $t_flag = ( 1 == $t_project ); $t_label = $t_flag ? $t_project_workflow['exit'][$p_from_status_id][$p_to_status_id] : ''; if ( $t_can_change_workflow ) { $t_flag_name = $p_from_status_id . ':' . $p_to_status_id; $t_set = $t_flag ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; $t_value .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"flag[]\" value=\"$t_flag_name\" $t_set />"; } else { $t_value .= $t_flag ? '<img src="images/ok.gif" width="20" height="15" title="X" alt="X" />' : ' '; } if ( $t_flag && ( '' != $t_label ) ) { $t_value .= '<br />(' . $t_label . ')'; } } else { $t_value = '<td> '; } $t_value .= '</td>'; return $t_value; } function section_begin( $p_section_name ) { $t_enum_statuses = MantisEnum::getValues( config_get( 'status_enum_string' ) ); echo '<table class="width100">'; echo '<tr><td class="form-title-caps" colspan="' . ( count( $t_enum_statuses ) + 2 ) . '">' . $p_section_name . '</td></tr>' . "\n"; echo '<tr><td class="form-title" width="30%" rowspan="2">' . lang_get( 'current_status' ) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="form-title" style="text-align:center" colspan="' . ( count( $t_enum_statuses ) + 1 ) . '">' . lang_get( 'next_status' ) . '</td></tr>'; echo "\n<tr>"; foreach( $t_enum_statuses as $t_status ) { echo '<td class="form-title" style="text-align:center"> ' . string_no_break( MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'status_enum_string' ), $t_status ) ) . ' </td>'; } echo '<td class="form-title" style="text-align:center">' . lang_get( 'custom_field_default_value' ) . '</td>'; echo '</tr>' . "\n"; } function capability_row( $p_from_status ) { global $t_file_workflow, $t_global_workflow, $t_project_workflow, $t_colour_global, $t_colour_project, $t_can_change_workflow; $t_enum_status = MantisEnum::getAssocArrayIndexedByValues( config_get( 'status_enum_string' ) ); echo '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '><td>' . string_no_break( MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'status_enum_string' ), $p_from_status ) ) . '</td>'; foreach ( $t_enum_status as $t_to_status_id => $t_to_status_label ) { echo show_flag( $p_from_status, $t_to_status_id ); } $t_file = isset( $t_file_workflow['default'][$p_from_status] ) ? $t_file_workflow['default'][$p_from_status] : 0 ; $t_global = isset( $t_global_workflow['default'][$p_from_status] ) ? $t_global_workflow['default'][$p_from_status] : 0 ; $t_project = isset( $t_project_workflow['default'][$p_from_status] ) ? $t_project_workflow['default'][$p_from_status] : 0; $t_colour = ''; if ( $t_global != $t_file ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_global . '" '; # all projects override if ( $t_can_change_workflow ) { set_overrides( 'status_enum_workflow' ); } } if ( $t_project != $t_global ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_project . '" '; # project overrides if ( $t_can_change_workflow ) { set_overrides( 'status_enum_workflow' ); } } echo '<td class="center"' . $t_colour . '>'; if ( $t_can_change_workflow ) { echo '<select name="default_' . $p_from_status . '">'; print_enum_string_option_list( 'status', $t_project ); echo '</select>'; } else { echo MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'status_enum_string' ), $t_project ); } echo ' </td>'; echo '</tr>' . "\n"; } function section_end() { echo '</table><br />' . "\n"; } function threshold_begin( $p_section_name ) { echo '<table class="width100">'; echo '<tr><td class="form-title" colspan="3">' . $p_section_name . '</td></tr>' . "\n"; echo '<tr><td class="form-title" width="30%">' . lang_get( 'threshold' ) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="form-title" >' . lang_get( 'status_level' ) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="form-title" >' . lang_get( 'alter_level' ) . '</td></tr>'; echo "\n"; } function threshold_row( $p_threshold ) { global $t_access, $t_can_change_flags, $t_colour_project, $t_colour_global; $t_file = config_get_global( $p_threshold ); $t_global = config_get( $p_threshold, null, null, ALL_PROJECTS ); $t_project = config_get( $p_threshold ); $t_can_change_threshold = $t_access >= config_get_access( $p_threshold ); $t_colour = ''; if ( $t_global != $t_file ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_global . '" '; # all projects override if ( $t_can_change_threshold ) { set_overrides( $p_threshold ); } } if ( $t_project != $t_global ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_project . '" '; # project overrides if ( $t_can_change_threshold ) { set_overrides( $p_threshold ); } } echo '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '><td>' . lang_get( 'desc_' . $p_threshold ) . '</td>'; if ( $t_can_change_threshold ) { echo '<td' . $t_colour . '><select name="threshold_' . $p_threshold . '">'; print_enum_string_option_list( 'status', $t_project ); echo '</select> </td>'; echo '<td><select name="access_' . $p_threshold . '">'; print_enum_string_option_list( 'access_levels', config_get_access( $p_threshold ) ); echo '</select> </td>'; $t_can_change_flags = true; } else { echo '<td' . $t_colour . '>' . MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'status_enum_string' ), $t_project ) . ' </td>'; echo '<td>' . MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'access_levels_enum_string' ), config_get_access( $p_threshold ) ) . ' </td>'; } echo '</tr>' . "\n"; } function threshold_end() { echo '</table><br />' . "\n"; } function access_begin( $p_section_name ) { echo '<table class="width100">'; echo '<tr><td class="form-title" colspan="2">' . $p_section_name . '</td></tr>' . "\n"; echo '<tr><td class="form-title" colspan="2">' . lang_get( 'access_change' ) . '</td></tr>'; } function access_row() { global $t_access, $t_can_change_flags, $t_colour_project, $t_colour_global; $t_enum_status = MantisEnum::getAssocArrayIndexedByValues( config_get( 'status_enum_string' ) ); $t_file_new = config_get_global( 'report_bug_threshold' ); $t_global_new = config_get( 'report_bug_threshold', null, null, ALL_PROJECTS ); $t_project_new = config_get( 'report_bug_threshold' ); $t_file_set = config_get_global( 'set_status_threshold' ); foreach ( $t_enum_status as $t_status => $t_status_label) { if ( !isset( $t_file_set[$t_status] ) ) { $t_file_set[$t_status] = config_get_global('update_bug_status_threshold'); } } $t_global_set = config_get( 'set_status_threshold', null, null, ALL_PROJECTS ); foreach ( $t_enum_status as $t_status => $t_status_label) { if ( !isset( $t_file_set[$t_status] ) ) { $t_file_set[$t_status] = config_get('update_bug_status_threshold', null, null, ALL_PROJECTS ); } } $t_project_set = config_get( 'set_status_threshold' ); foreach ( $t_enum_status as $t_status => $t_status_label) { if ( !isset( $t_file_set[$t_status] ) ) { $t_file_set[$t_status] = config_get('update_bug_status_threshold' ); } } foreach ( $t_enum_status as $t_status => $t_status_label) { echo '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '><td width="30%">' . string_no_break( MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'status_enum_string' ), $t_status ) ) . '</td>'; if ( config_get( 'bug_submit_status' ) == $t_status ) { $t_level = $t_project_new; $t_can_change = ( $t_access >= config_get_access( 'report_bug_threshold' ) ); $t_colour = ''; if ( $t_global_new != $t_file_new ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_global . '" '; # all projects override if ( $t_can_change ) { set_overrides( 'report_bug_threshold' ); } } if ( $t_project_new != $t_global_new ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_project . '" '; # project overrides if ( $t_can_change ) { set_overrides( 'report_bug_threshold' ); } } } else { $t_level = ( isset( $t_project_set[$t_status] ) ? $t_project_set[$t_status] : false ); $t_level_global = ( isset( $t_global_set[$t_status] ) ? $t_global_set[$t_status] : false ); $t_level_file = ( isset( $t_file_set[$t_status] ) ? $t_file_set[$t_status] : false ); $t_can_change = ( $t_access >= config_get_access( 'set_status_threshold' ) ); $t_colour = ''; if ( $t_level_global != $t_level_file ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_global . '" '; # all projects override if ( $t_can_change ) { set_overrides( 'set_status_threshold' ); } } if ( $t_level != $t_level_global ) { $t_colour = ' bgcolor="' . $t_colour_project . '" '; # project overrides if ( $t_can_change ) { set_overrides( 'set_status_threshold' ); } } } if ( $t_can_change ) { echo '<td' . $t_colour . '><select name="access_change_' . $t_status . '">'; print_enum_string_option_list( 'access_levels', $t_level ); echo '</select> </td>'; $t_can_change_flags = true; } else { echo '<td class="center"' . $t_colour . '>' . MantisEnum::getLabel( lang_get( 'access_levels_enum_string' ), $t_level ) . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>' . "\n"; } } echo '<br /><br />'; # count arcs in and out of each status $t_enum_status = config_get( 'status_enum_string' ); $t_status_arr = MantisEnum::getAssocArrayIndexedByValues( $t_enum_status ); $t_extra_enum_status = '0:non-existent,' . $t_enum_status; $t_lang_enum_status = '0:' . lang_get( 'non_existent' ) . ',' . lang_get( 'status_enum_string' ); $t_all_status = explode( ',', $t_extra_enum_status); # gather all versions of the workflow $t_file_workflow = parse_workflow( config_get_global( 'status_enum_workflow' ) ); $t_global_workflow = parse_workflow( config_get( 'status_enum_workflow', null, null, ALL_PROJECTS ) ); $t_project_workflow = parse_workflow( config_get( 'status_enum_workflow' ) ); # validate the project workflow $t_validation_result = ''; foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_status => $t_label ) { if ( isset( $t_project_workflow['exit'][$t_status][$t_status] ) ) { $t_validation_result .= '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '><td>' . MantisEnum::getLabel( $t_lang_enum_status, $t_status ) . '</td><td bgcolor="#FFED4F">' . lang_get( 'superfluous' ) . '</td>'; } } # check for entry == 0 without exit == 0, unreachable state foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_status => $t_status_label) { if ( ( 0 == count( $t_project_workflow['entry'][$t_status] ) ) && ( 0 < count( $t_project_workflow['exit'][$t_status] ) ) ){ $t_validation_result .= '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '><td>' . MantisEnum::getLabel( $t_lang_enum_status, $t_status ) . '</td><td bgcolor="#FF0088">' . lang_get( 'unreachable' ) . '</td>'; } } # check for exit == 0 without entry == 0, unleaveable state foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_status => $t_status_label ) { if ( ( 0 == count( $t_project_workflow['exit'][$t_status] ) ) && ( 0 < count( $t_project_workflow['entry'][$t_status] ) ) ){ $t_validation_result .= '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '><td>' . MantisEnum::getLabel( $t_lang_enum_status, $t_status ) . '</td><td bgcolor="#FF0088">' . lang_get( 'no_exit' ) . '</td>'; } } # check for exit == 0 and entry == 0, isolated state foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_status => $t_status_label ) { if ( ( 0 == count( $t_project_workflow['exit'][$t_status] ) ) && ( 0 == count( $t_project_workflow['entry'][$t_status] ) ) ){ $t_validation_result .= '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '><td>' . MantisEnum::getLabel( $t_lang_enum_status, $t_status ) . '</td><td bgcolor="#FF0088">' . lang_get( 'unreachable' ) . '<br />' . lang_get( 'no_exit' ) . '</td>'; } } $t_colour_project = config_get( 'colour_project'); $t_colour_global = config_get( 'colour_global'); echo "<form name=\"workflow_config_action\" method=\"post\" action=\"manage_config_workflow_set.php\">\n"; echo form_security_field( 'manage_config_workflow_set' ); if ( ALL_PROJECTS == $t_project ) { $t_project_title = lang_get( 'config_all_projects' ); } else { $t_project_title = sprintf( lang_get( 'config_project' ) , string_display( project_get_name( $t_project ) ) ); } echo '<p class="bold">' . $t_project_title . '</p>' . "\n"; echo '<p>' . lang_get( 'colour_coding' ) . '<br />'; if ( ALL_PROJECTS <> $t_project ) { echo '<span style="background-color:' . $t_colour_project . '">' . lang_get( 'colour_project' ) .'</span><br />'; } echo '<span style="background-color:' . $t_colour_global . '">' . lang_get( 'colour_global' ) . '</span></p>'; # show the settings used to derive the table threshold_begin( lang_get( 'workflow_thresholds' ) ); if ( !is_array( config_get( 'bug_submit_status' ) ) ) { threshold_row( 'bug_submit_status' ); } threshold_row( 'bug_resolved_status_threshold' ); threshold_row( 'bug_reopen_status' ); threshold_end(); echo '<br />'; if ( '' <> $t_validation_result ) { echo '<table class="width100">'; echo '<tr><td class="form-title" colspan="3">' . lang_get( 'validation' ) . '</td></tr>' . "\n"; echo '<tr><td class="form-title" width="30%">' . lang_get( 'status' ) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="form-title" >' . lang_get( 'comment' ) . '</td></tr>'; echo "\n"; echo $t_validation_result; echo '</table><br /><br />'; } # display the graph as a matrix section_begin( lang_get( 'workflow' ) ); foreach ( $t_status_arr as $t_from_status => $t_from_label) { capability_row( $t_from_status ); } section_end(); if ( $t_can_change_workflow ) { echo '<p>' . lang_get( 'workflow_change_access' ) . ':'; echo '<select name="workflow_access">'; print_enum_string_option_list( 'access_levels', config_get_access( 'status_enum_workflow' ) ); echo '</select> </p><br />'; } # display the access levels required to move an issue access_begin( lang_get( 'access_levels' ) ); access_row(); section_end(); if ( $t_access >= config_get_access( 'set_status_threshold' ) ) { echo '<p>' . lang_get( 'access_change_access' ) . ':'; echo '<select name="status_access">'; print_enum_string_option_list( 'access_levels', config_get_access( 'set_status_threshold' ) ); echo '</select> </p><br />'; } if ( $t_can_change_flags ) { echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . lang_get( 'change_configuration' ) . "\" />\n"; echo "</form>\n"; if ( 0 < count( $t_overrides ) ) { echo "<div class=\"right\"><form name=\"mail_config_action\" method=\"post\" action=\"manage_config_revert.php\">\n"; echo form_security_field( 'manage_config_revert' ); echo "<input name=\"revert\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . implode( ',', $t_overrides ) . "\"></input>"; echo "<input name=\"project\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$t_project\"></input>"; echo "<input name=\"return\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . form_action_self() ."\"></input>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\""; if ( ALL_PROJECTS == $t_project ) { echo lang_get( 'revert_to_system' ); } else { echo lang_get( 'revert_to_all_project' ); } echo "\" />\n"; echo "</form></div>\n"; } } else { echo "</form>\n"; } html_page_bottom();