File: bigindex.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl # ************************************************ # Script to index existing pdf and txt files # # Make sure the wordidx and searchidx tables are empty # # Run this only once at the begining to upgrade an # existing database. # # Change your database name and host name as needed # in my $data_source = "DBI:mysql:intranet;host=localhost"; # # Set the owl_fileDir and pdftotxt_location # # ./bigindex.pl # # For Windows: # # Check shebang path to Perl: # # #!c:/perl/bin/perl.exe # # # Check path to pdftotext (C:\windows\system32 or C:\Winnt\system32 or anywhere in # your path) as in OWL's Admin page # (I normally have a c:\tools folder and put them all in there and add c:\tools to the # system path) # # ActivePerl doesn't always install all required DBI/DBD modules for Myqsl. # Use Active Perl's PPM to check your installed packages. # # IMPORTANT: If PDF file's security settings disallow copying text then the contents # of the file will not be indexed. # This is not an OWL or pdftotext bug but a drawback caused by the way PDF files are # secured. # ************************************************ use DBI; use strict; my $data_source = "DBI:mysql:intranet;host=localhost"; my $username = "root"; my $password = ""; #my $owl_FileDir = "c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache\\htdocs\\intranet"; my $owl_FileDir = "/var/www/html/intranet"; #my $pdftotxt_location = "c:\pdftotext.exe"; my $pdftotxt_location = "/usr/bin/pdftotext"; my $wordtotxt_location = "/usr/local/bin/antiword"; my $dbh = DBI->connect( $data_source, $username, $password, {RaiseError=>1,AutoCommit=>0}) or die "Can't connect to $data_source: \n"; my $owlfileid; my $ext; #first, lets read in the word index data, we reuse this over and over my %words=(); my %wordindex=(); my $nextwordindex=1; my $getwrdidx = $dbh->prepare(q{select wordid,word from wordidx}) or die "Cant get word index from Owl database to start off with\n"; my $rc = $getwrdidx->execute or die "Cant execute word grab from db\n"; my $wordid; my $word; $nextwordindex=1; while(($wordid,$word) = $getwrdidx->fetchrow_array) { $wordindex{$word} = $wordid; if ($wordid > $nextwordindex) { $nextwordindex=$wordid; } } my $pidcount=0; my $readallfileinfo = $dbh->prepare(q{select parent,id,filename from files}); my $ex=$readallfileinfo->execute; my @pidlist,my @fidlist,my @efnames; while (($pidlist[$pidcount],$fidlist[$pidcount],$efnames[$pidcount]) = $readallfileinfo->fetchrow_array) { $pidcount++; } print "pidcount = $pidcount\n"; my $i=0; for($i=0;$i<$pidcount;$i++) { if ($pidlist[$i]) { #Don't index a owlfileid if its already in the index my $send="select * from searchidx where owlfileid = $fidlist[$i]"; my $chkdbl=$dbh->prepare($send); my $tex=$chkdbl->execute or die "blah outch"; if ($chkdbl->rows==0) { my $fileid=$pidlist[$i]; my $realfileid=$fidlist[$i]; my $filepath=$owl_FileDir."/".get_dirpathfs($fileid)."/".$efnames[$i]; if (($filepath=~/\.txt/) || ($filepath=~/\.pdf/) || ($filepath=~/\.doc/)) {#text file? print "$filepath is being indexed\n"; IndexAFile($filepath,$realfileid); } } } } $dbh->commit; $dbh->disconnect; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #IndexAFile Takes a filename (with full path), and a owl file id number #If the file type is a PDF, it converts it temporarily to a .text file and #indexes it. If its a txt file it just indexes it. sub IndexAFile { my $filename=$_[0]; my $fileidnum=$_[1]; my $deletefileafter=0; #$12filename=~s/_/ /g; #sub any _'s with spaces if ($filename=~/\.(.*)$/) #get extension { $ext=$1; } if ($filename=~/\.pdf/) #pdf file? { `$pdftotxt_location "$filename" "$filename.text"`; $filename=$filename.'.text'; $deletefileafter=1; } elsif ($filename=~/\.doc/) #doc file? { `/bin/sh -c '$wordtotxt_location "$filename"' > '$filename.text'`; # '$wordtotext_location \"$filename\" \" > $filename.text\"'; # Windows! `$wordtotxt_location "$filename" >"$filename.text"`; $filename=$filename.'.text'; $deletefileafter=1; } #{ #if (!($filename=~/txt/)) #text file? #{ #die "Invalid File type, currently only pdf and txt files indexable\n"; #} #} open(THEINFILE,$filename); # or die PARMS " failed open"; my %words=(); my $w; while(<THEINFILE>) { chop(); while(/([a-zA-Z][A-Za-z\']*)/g) { $w=lc($1); $words{$w}++; if ($words{$w}==1) { if ($wordindex{$w}) { my $addsrchidx= $dbh->prepare(q{insert into searchidx(wordid,owlfileid) VALUES(?,?)}); $addsrchidx->execute($wordindex{$w},$fileidnum); } else { $wordindex{$w}=$nextwordindex; my $addsrchidx= $dbh->prepare(q{insert into searchidx(wordid,owlfileid) VALUES(?,?)}); $addsrchidx->execute($wordindex{$w},$fileidnum); my $addwrdidx = $dbh->prepare(q{insert into wordidx(wordid,word) VALUES (?,?)}); $addwrdidx->execute($nextwordindex,$w); $nextwordindex++; } } } }# end of while close(THEINFILE); if ($deletefileafter==1) #is filename a temp file created just for indexing? { unlink($filename); #delete } } #end of indexafile subroutine #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #fid_to_name takes a parent id passed in and returns the name of that file sub fid_to_name #($parent) { my $parent=$_[0]; my $send = "select name from folders where id = $parent"; my $tmp = $dbh->prepare($send); #q{select name from folders where id = $parent}); $tmp->execute; my $name; while(($name) = $tmp->fetchrow_array) { return $name; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #get_dirpathfs : Get Directory Path Forward Slash #passed a fileid it returns a string with the directory path to get to the file sub get_dirpathfs { my $parent = $_[0]; my $name = fid_to_name($parent); my $navbar = "$name"; my $new = $parent; while ($new != "1") { my $send="select parent from folders where id = $new"; my $dp=$dbh->prepare($send); #q{select parent from folders where id = $new}); $dp->execute; my $newparentid=$dp->fetchrow_array; if($newparentid == "") { last; } $name = fid_to_name($newparentid); $navbar = "$name/" . $navbar; $new = $newparentid; } return $navbar; }