File: hddelcron.php
<?php /* * admin/hddelcron.php * * Written by: B0zz * * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Owl Project Team * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * */ // ******************************************************************************************* // This script is NOT desiged to work with // DB only stored files ie owl_use_fs = false // // This script will NOT work with Postgresql // // You can run this from your browser on demand or // you can setup a cron job to run this script // at your leisure. // // This script was designer to replace the LookAtHD Delete // Feature. As at some very large site, the LookAtHD Delete // Feature can degrade the webservers performance. // // Here is an examble of a cron job that runs every half hour. // // 59,29 * * * * lynx -dump http://localhost/intranet/admin/tools/hddelcron.php?type=both > /dev/null // // This would clean up all delete files and folders from that database // that have been deleted from the file system. // // Hope this is usefull to someone. // // Usage: hddelcron.php?type=ActionType&verbose=DetailLevel // // DetailLevel // 1 Display Deleted Items // 0 Silent // // Action Type // file To delete files from the Database that have been removed from the File System // folder To delete folders from the Database that have been removed from the File System // both To delete files and Folders from the Database that have been removed from the File System // // // PLEASE BACKUP YOUR DATABASE THIS SCRIPT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO // DELETE ALL FILES AND ALL FOLDER ENTRIES IN YOUR DATABASE. // // mysqldump -u username -p > mydbdump.sql // // ******************************************************************************************* // ************************************** // Globals as per config/owl.php // ************************************** $default->owl_files_table = "files"; $default->owl_folders_table = "folders"; $default->owl_monitored_file_table = "monitored_file"; $default->owl_monitored_folder_table = "monitored_folder"; $default->owl_comment_table = "comments"; $default->owl_FileDir = "/var/www/html/intranet"; $default->owl_db_user = "someuser"; $default->owl_db_pass = ""; $default->owl_db_host = "localhost"; $default->owl_db_name = "intranet"; // ************************************** // Register Globals = Off // ************************************** if (substr(phpversion(),0,5) >= "4.1.0") import_request_variables('pgc'); else { if (!EMPTY($_POST)) { extract($_POST); } else { extract($HTTP_POST_VARS); } if (!EMPTY($_GET)) { extract($_GET); } else { extract($HTTP_GET_VARS); } if (!EMPTY($_FILE)) { extract($_FILE); } else { extract($HTTP_POST_FILES); } } if(!file_exists($default->owl_FileDir)) { print("<font size=4 color=red>SEVERE ERROR:</font><font size=4> \$default->owl_FileDir was not found '$default->owl_FileDir'<BR><BR> Script Terminating</font>"); exit; } // ************************************** // MAIN BEGIN // ************************************** if(isset($type)) { if($type == "file") { $somethingwasdeleted = DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($default->owl_files_table,$verbose,$type); } elseif ($type == "folder") { $somethingwasdeleted = DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($default->owl_folders_table,$verbose,$type); } elseif ($type == "both") { $somethingwasdeleted = DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($default->owl_files_table,$verbose,$type); $somethingwasdeleted = DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($default->owl_folders_table,$verbose,$type); } else { pringUsage(); } } else { pringUsage(); } // ************************************** // MAIN END // ************************************** // ************************************** // Functions Section BEGIN // ************************************** // ************************************** // Main function that does the work // ************************************** function DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($table, $verbose,$type) { global $default; if($verbose == 1) { if($default->owl_files_table == $table) { print("<h2>Begin File Script...</h2>"); } if($default->owl_folders_table == $table) { print("<h2>Begin Folder Script...</h2>"); } } $somethingwasdeleted = false; $dblink = mysql_connect("$default->owl_db_host","$default->owl_db_user","$default->owl_db_pass") or die ("could not connect") ; if ($table == $default->owl_files_table) { $query = "select id,parent,filename from $table where url <> 1"; } else { $query = "select id,name from $table order by parent desc"; } $get = mysql_db_query($default->owl_db_name,$query,$dblink) or die ("GET QUERY FAILED"); while($getrow = mysql_fetch_row ($get)) { if ($table == $default->owl_files_table) { $dbfolder = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . get_dirpath($getrow[1]) . "/" . $getrow[2]; } else { $dbfolder = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . get_dirpath($getrow[0]); } if(!file_exists($dbfolder)) { $delid = $getrow[0]; $db_del_link = mysql_connect("$default->owl_db_host","$default->owl_db_user","$default->owl_db_pass") or die ("could not connect") ; $delquery = "delete from $table where id = '$delid'"; $del = mysql_db_query($default->owl_db_name,$delquery,$db_del_link) or die ("DELETE QUERY FAILED"); if ($table == $default->owl_files_table) { // Clean up all monitored files with that id $delquery = "DELETE from $default->owl_monitored_file_table where fid = '$delid'"; $del = mysql_db_query($default->owl_db_name,$delquery,$db_del_link) or die ("DELETE MONITORED FILE QUERY FAILED"); // Clean up all comments with this file $delquery = "DELETE from $default->owl_comment_table where fid = '$delid'"; $del = mysql_db_query($default->owl_db_name,$delquery,$db_del_link) or die ("DELETE COMMENT QUERY FAILED"); } else { $delquery = "DELETE from $default->owl_monitored_folder_table where fid = '$delid'"; $del = mysql_db_query($default->owl_db_name,$delquery,$db_del_link) or die ("DELETE MONITORED FOLDERQUERY FAILED"); } $somethingwasdeleted = true; if($verbose == 1) { if($default->owl_files_table == $table) { print("Deleted file '$dbfolder' from the database<BR>"); } if($default->owl_folders_table == $table) { print("Deleted file '$dbfolder' from the database<BR>"); } } } } mysql_free_result($get); if($verbose == 1) { if($default->owl_files_table == $table) { print("<h2>End File Script...</h2>"); } if($default->owl_folders_table == $table) { print("<h2>End Folder Script...</h2>"); } } return $somethingwasdeleted; } // ************************************** // Function that returns the path // of the file or folder // ************************************** function get_dirpath($parent) { global $default; $name = fid_to_name($parent); $navbar = "$name"; $new = $parent; while ($new != "1") { $dblink = mysql_connect("$default->owl_db_host","$default->owl_db_user","$default->owl_db_pass") or die ("could not connect") ; $query = "select parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$new'"; $getparent = mysql_db_query($default->owl_db_name,$query,$dblink) or die ("QUERY FAILED"); $row = mysql_fetch_row ($getparent); mysql_free_result($getparent); mysql_close($dblink); $newparentid = $row[0]; if($newparentid == "") break; $name = fid_to_name($newparentid); $navbar = "$name/" . $navbar; $new = $newparentid; } return $navbar; } function fid_to_name($parent) { global $default; $dblink = mysql_connect("$default->owl_db_host","$default->owl_db_user","$default->owl_db_pass") or die ("could not connect") ; $query = "select name from $default->owl_folders_table where id = '$parent'"; $getname = mysql_db_query($default->owl_db_name,$query,$dblink) or die ("QUERY FAILED"); $row = mysql_fetch_row ($getname); mysql_free_result($getname); mysql_close($dblink); return $row[0];; } function pringUsage () { print("<B>Usage:<B> hddelcron.php?type=ActionType&verbose=DetailLevel<BR><BR>"); print("<B>DetailLevel<B><BR>"); print("<TABLE>\n"); print("<TR><TD width=90 align=left><B><font color=red>1</font></B></TD><TD>Display Deleted Items</TD></TR>"); print("<TR><TD width=90 align=left><B><font color=red>0</font></B></TD><TD>Silent</TD></TR>"); print("</TABLE><BR>"); print("<B>Action Type<B><BR>"); print("<TABLE>\n"); print("<TR><TD width=90 align=left><B><font color=red>file</font></B></TD><TD>To delete files from the Database that have been removed from the File System </TD></TR>"); print("<TR><TD width=90 align=left><B><font color=red>folder</font></B></TD><TD>To delete folders from the Database that have been removed from the File System </TD></TR>"); print("<TR><TD width=90 align=left><B><font color=red>both</font></B></TD><TD>To delete files and Folders from the Database that have been removed from the File System </TD></TR>"); print("</TABLE>"); } ?>