File: owlback-0.51.sh
#!/bin/sh # owlbackup version 0.51 # written by Aaron Sullivan (as7274@sbc.com) # Set initial variables CWD=/ datevar=`/bin/date '+%m-%d-%G-%H-%M-%S'` deftempdir='/tmp/owlbackup' defdbdir='/var/lib/mysql/intranet' defdocdir='/var/www/html/intranet/Documents' defintradir='/var/www/html/intranet' defowltmpdir='/tmp' deftrashdir='/var/www/html/intranet/TrashCan' defmysqldbname='intranet' faildir='does not exist. Ensure all specified directories exist before running script. Exiting...' passdir='exists, continuing...' # Gather backup directories and other variables interactively echo "" echo "###############################################" echo "####### OWL Interactive Backup Program ########" echo "###############################################" echo "" echo -n "Enter directory containing MySQL database [$defdbdir]: " read dbdir if [ -z "$dbdir" ]; then dbdir=$defdbdir fi echo -n "Enter MySQL database name [$defmysqldbname]: " read mysqldbname if [ -z "$mysqldbname" ]; then mysqldbname=$defmysqldbname fi echo -n "Are you storing your documents in the database or on the filesystem? [db/fs]: " read docordb until [ "$docordb" = "db" -o "$docordb" = "fs" ]; do echo -n "Are you storing your documents in the database or on the filesystem? [db/fs]: " read docordb done if [ "$docordb" = "db" ]; then continue elif [ "$docordb" = "fs" ]; then echo -n "Enter directory containing OWL Documents [$defdocdir]: " read docdir if [ -z "$docdir" ]; then docdir=$defdocdir fi fi echo -n "Enter directory containing OWL intranet directory [$defintradir]: " read intradir if [ -z "$intradir" ]; then intradir=$defintradir fi #echo -n "Enter directory containing OWL TMP directory [$defowltmpdir]: " #read owltmpdir #if [ -z "$owltmpdir" ]; # then # owltmpdir=$defowltmpdir #fi echo -n "Enter directory containing OWL TrashCan [$deftrashdir]: " read trashdir if [ -z "$trashdir" ]; then trashdir=$deftrashdir fi echo -n "Enter temporary directory where files will store while backup is processing [$deftempdir]: " read tempdir if [ -z "$tempdir" ]; then tempdir=$deftempdir fi echo -n "Enter final backup destination directory: " read destdir while [ -z "$destdir" ]; do echo "You MUST input a final backup destination directory" echo -n "Enter final backup destination directory:" read destdir done echo "" echo "You can opt to compress your backup files so that they use less space on their final destination volume." echo "However, using compression will cause the backup to take more time to complete and makes it harder for" echo "this script to determine how much space will be needed in your temporary working/storage directory as" echo "well as in your final destination volume. If you use compression, estimates will be offerred as to how" echo "much space will be needed, but depending on the content of your backup, they may or may not be accurate." echo "" echo -n "Would you like to use compression? [y/n]: " read compression until [ "$compression" = "y" -o "$compression" = "n" ]; do echo -n "Would you like to use compression? [y/n]: " read compression done if [ "$compression" = "n" ]; then docomp=0 elif [ "$compression" = "y" ]; then docomp=1 fi # Verify that interactive variables were input accurately echo "Please verify your input:" echo "" echo "MySQL database directory: $dbdir" echo "MySQL database name: $mysqldbname" if [ "$docordb" = "fs" ]; # Only echo documents directory verification if filesystem storage is being used then echo "OWL documents directory: $docdir" fi echo "OWL intranet directory: $intradir" #echo "OWL TMP directory: $owltmpdir" echo "OWL TrashCan directory: $trashdir" echo "Temporary working/storage directory: $tempdir" echo "Final backup destination: $destdir" if [ "$docomp" = "0" ]; then echo "Compression will be used: no" elif [ "$docomp" = "1" ]; then echo "Compression will be used: yes" fi echo "" # Eval user input on variables to continue echo -n "Is this correct? [y/n]:" read cont if [ "$cont" = "y" ]; then continue elif [ "$cont" != "y" ]; then echo "Cancelling" exit 0 fi echo "" echo "You selected '$cont', so we'll continue" echo "" # Check to make sure that variables input by user exist echo "Checking to see if MySQL database and specified directories exist" echo "" echo "Checking for MySQL database directory" if [ ! -d "$dbdir" ]; then echo "$dbdir $faildir" exit 0 else echo "$dbdir $passdir" fi echo "Checking for MySQL database by name" if /usr/bin/mysql -e quit $mysqldbname &>/dev/null then echo "$mysqldbname exists, continuing..." else echo "$mysqldbname does not exist. Ensure that the database exists before running script. Exiting..." exit 0 fi if [ "$docordb" = "fs" ]; then echo "Checking for OWL documents directory" if [ ! -d "$docdir" ]; then echo "$docdir $faildir" exit 0 else echo "$docdir $passdir" fi fi #echo "Checking for OWL TMP directory" #if [ ! -d "$owltmpdir" ]; # then # echo "$owltmpdir $faildir" # exit 0 #else # echo "$trashdir $passdir" #fi echo "Checking for OWL TrashCan directory" if [ ! -d "$trashdir" ]; then echo "$trashdir $faildir" exit 0 else echo "$trashdir $passdir" fi echo "Checking for Temporary working/storage directory" if [ ! -d "$tempdir" ]; then echo "$tempdir $faildir" exit 0 else echo "$tempdir $passdir" fi echo "Checking for Final backup destination" if [ ! -d "$destdir" ]; then echo "$destdir $faildir" exit 0 else echo "$destdir $passdir" fi # Check for available disk space echo "" echo "Checking if there is sufficient disk space available for backup" if [ "$docomp" = "0" ]; # In case compression isn't used we'll calculate current, temp, and final usage reqs. then if [ "$docordb" = "fs" ]; # Calculation of diskusage variable dependent upon use of fs or db then fsdiskusage=`du -kcs $dbdir $docdir $trashdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1 }'` dbdumpusage=`du -kcs $dbdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1 }'` diskneededtemp1=`echo $fsdiskusage | awk '{ printf "%.f", $0*1.01 }'` diskneededtemp=`expr $dbdumpusage + $diskneededtemp1` diskneededfinal=$diskneededtemp else fsdiskusage=`du -kcs $dbdir $trashdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1 }'` dbdumpusage=`du -kcs $dbdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1 }'` diskneededtemp1=`echo $fsdiskusage | awk '{ printf "%.f", $0*1.01 }'` diskneededtemp=`expr $dbdumpusage + $diskneededtemp1` diskneededfinal=$diskneededtemp fi fi if [ "$docomp" = "1" ]; # In case compression is used we'll calculate current, temp, and final usage reqs. then if [ "$docordb" = "fs" ]; # Calculation of diskusage variable dependent upon use of fs or db then fsdiskusage=`du -kcs $dbdir $docdir $trashdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1 }'` dbdumpusage=`du -kcs $dbdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1*0.62 }'` diskneededtemp1=`echo $fsdiskusage | awk '{ printf "%.f", $0*1.38 }'` diskneededtemp2=`echo $fsdiskusage | awk '{ printf "%.f", $0*.62 }'` diskneededtemp=`expr $dbdumpusage + $diskneededtemp1` diskneededfinal=`expr $dbdumpusage + $diskneededtemp2` else fsdiskusage=`du -kcs $dbdir $trashdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1 }'` dbdumpusage=`du -kcs $dbdir | grep total | awk '{ printf "%.f", $1*0.62 }'` diskneededtemp1=`echo $fsdiskusage | awk '{ printf "%.f", $0*1.38 }'` diskneededtemp2=`echo $fsdiskusage | awk '{ printf "%.f", $0*.62 }'` diskneededtemp=`expr $dbdumpusage + $diskneededtemp1` diskneededfinal=`expr $dbdumpusage + $diskneededtemp2` fi fi tempdiskavl=`df -k $tempdir | grep / | awk '{ printf "%.f", $4 }'` finaldiskavl=`df -k $destdir | grep / | awk '{ printf "%.f", $4 }'` echo "" echo "Current disk usage by OWL: $fsdiskusage KB" echo "Approx. Space temporarily needed while processing backup: $diskneededtemp KB" echo "Approx. Space on partition homing temp directory: $tempdiskavl KB" echo "Approx. Space required by backup once complete: $diskneededfinal KB" echo "Approx. Space on partition homing final backup destination directory: $finaldiskavl KB" echo "" if [ $diskneededtemp -gt $tempdiskavl ]; then tmpdiskissue=1 echo "You probably don't have enough disk space on the partition homing your temporary working/storage directory" echo "" fi if [ $diskneededfinal -gt $finaldiskavl ]; then finaldiskissue=1 echo "You probably don't have enough disk space on the partition homing your final backup destination" echo "" fi if [ "$tmpdiskissue" = "1" -o "$finaldiskissue" = "1" ]; then echo -n "Do you want to continue anyway? [y/n]: " read diskissueresp echo "" if [ "$diskissueresp" != "y" ]; then echo "Cancelling" exit 0 fi if [ "$diskissueresp" = "y" ]; then echo "You may need to clean out your temp storage/working and final destination directory manually if the backup fails..." fi fi # Final verification before launching script echo "" echo -n "Everything appears to be in order, shall we proceed with the backup? [y/n]:" unset cont read cont if [ "$cont" = "y" ]; then echo "This can be very time consuming. Please wait..." continue elif [ "$cont" != "y" ]; then echo "Cancelling" exit 0 fi echo "#######beginning owlbackup script#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######making backup directory#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/mkdir -v /$destdir//$datevar >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######backup directory creation complete" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######archive operations#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##archiving owl data directores##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/tar -cv -f /$tempdir/owl_data.tar /$docdir /$trashdir >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##archiving command for owl data directory complete##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##archiving owl database files##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/tar -cv -f /$tempdir/owl_database.tar /$dbdir/ >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##archiving command for owl database complete##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##archiving owl web instance##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/tar -cv -f /$tempdir/owl_intranet.tar /$intradir --exclude --exclude /$trashdir --exclude /$docdir >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##archiving command for owl web instance complete##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######archive operations complete#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 if [ "$docomp" = "0" ]; # If compression disabled, just perform mysqldump then echo "#######performing mysqldump of $mysqldbname#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt intranet > /$tempdir/$mysqldbname.sql if [ -f /$tempdir/$mysqldbname.sql ]; then echo "#######mysqldump complete#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 else echo "#######mysqldump failed#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 fi elif [ "$docomp" = "1" ]; # If compression enabled, compress files, mysqldump then echo "#######compression operations#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##bzipping owl_data.tar##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /usr/bin/bzip2 -v /$tempdir/owl_data.tar >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##bzip2 operation for owl_data.tar complete##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##bzipping owl_database.tar##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /usr/bin/bzip2 -v /$tempdir/owl_database.tar >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##bzip2 operation for owl_database.tar complete##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##bzipping owl_intranet.tar##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /usr/bin/bzip2 -v /$tempdir/owl_intranet.tar >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##bzip2 operation for owl_intranet.tar complete##" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######compression operations complete#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######performing mysqldump of $mysqldbname and compressing#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt intranet | bzip2 -cz > /$tempdir/$mysqldbname.sql.bz2 if [ -f /$tempdir/$mysqldbname.sql.bz2 ]; then echo "#######mysqldump and compression complete#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 else echo "#######mysqldump and/or compression failed#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar fi fi echo "" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######moving files#######" >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/mv -v /$tempdir/owl_data.* /$destdir//$datevar/ >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/mv -v /$tempdir/owl_database.* /$destdir//$datevar/ >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/mv -v /$tempdir/owl_intranet.* /$destdir//$datevar/ >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/mv -v /$tempdir/$mysqldbname.* /$destdir//$datevar/ >> /$tempdir/results-$datevar 2>&1 /bin/mv -v /$tempdir/results-$datevar /$destdir//$datevar/ >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######moving operations complete#######" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######removing old backups#######" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##backup directories to be deleted (assume there are none to be deleted if empty)##" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 /usr/bin/find /$destdir/ -type d \! -iname 'lost*' \! -iname 'san' -mtime +31 >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "##deleting backup directories##" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 /usr/bin/find /$destdir/ -type d \! -iname 'lost*' \! -iname 'san' -mtime +31 | /usr/bin/xargs rm -r echo "#######removing old backups operations complete#######" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######finished#######" >> /$destdir//$datevar/results-$datevar 2>&1 echo "#######you may find a log of the backup's activity in "$destdir/""$datevar""/results-$datevar"########" exit 0
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