File: dbmodify.php
<?php /** * dbmodify.php * * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * Project Founder: Chris Vincent <cvincent@project802.net> * * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The Owl Project Team * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * $Id: dbmodify.php,v 1.19 2005/03/23 00:24:15 b0zz Exp $ */ require_once("./config/owl.php"); require_once("./lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/owl.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/security.lib.php"); require_once("phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); require_once("lib/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"); // Code to Handle Document Type page refresh if (($action == "file_upload" or $action == "zip_upload") and !isset($send_file_x)) { header("Location: modify.php?sess=$sess&action=$action&parent=$parent&expand=$expand&order=$order&sortname=$sort&doctype=$doctype"); exit; } // Code to handle the click on the bulk action // image button; if (isset($bemailaction_x)) { $action = $owl_lang->email_selected; } elseif (isset($bmoveaction_x)) { $action = $owl_lang->move_selected; } elseif (isset($bcheckout_x)) { $action = "bulk_checkout"; } elseif (isset($bdlaction_x)) { $action = "bulk_download"; } elseif (isset($bdeleteaction_x)) { $action = $owl_lang->del_selected; } if ($sess == "0" && $default->anon_ro > 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_login); } if (!isset($type)) { $type = ""; } if (!isset($doctype)) { $doctype = "1"; } function delFile($id, $action) { global $default, $userid, $parent, $order, $sortorder, $sortname; global $owl_lang, $self; if (check_auth($id, "file_delete", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; if ($type == "url") { $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); } else { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $path = find_path($sql->f("parent")); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); $filesize = $sql->f("f_size"); $owner = $sql->f("creatorid"); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); } $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($filesize, $owner, "DEL"); if (fIsQuotaEnabled($owner)) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$owner'"); } if ($default->owl_use_fs) { if (file_exists($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename)) { // This is where we move the file to // the trash can if ($default->collect_trash == 1) { $sTrashDir = explode('/', $path); $sCreatePath = $default->trash_can_location; foreach($sTrashDir as $sDir) { $sCreatePath .= "/" . $sDir; if (!file_exists($sCreatePath)) { mkdir("$sCreatePath", $default->directory_mask); } } if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { $cmd = "mv " . "\"" . $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename . "\" \"" . $default->trash_can_location . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename . "\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) printError($owl_lang->err_general, $result); } else { copy("$default->owl_FileDir/$path/$filename", "$default->trash_can_location/$path/$filename"); unlink($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename); } } else { unlink($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename); } } owl_syslog(FILE_DELETED, $userid, $filename, $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); // Clean up all monitored files with that id $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = '$id'"); // Clean up all comments with this file $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_comment_table WHERE fid = '$id'"); // Clean up all comments with this file $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table WHERE file_id = '$id'"); // Clean up all linked files $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_files_table WHERE linkedto = '$id'"); // Clean Up SEARCH Indexes for this file fDeleteFileIndexID($id); // Clean up all previous versions as well $sql->query("Select id from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name='backup' and parent='$parent'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) != 0) { while ($sql->next_record()) { $backup_parent = $sql->f("id"); } $filesearch = explode('.', $filename); $extensioncounter = 0; while ($filesearch[$extensioncounter + 1] != null) { // pre-append a "." separator in the name for each // subsequent part of the the name of the file. if ($extensioncounter != 0) { $firstpart = $firstpart . "."; } $firstpart = $firstpart . $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; $extensioncounter++; } if ($extensioncounter == 0) { $firstpart = $filename; $file_extension = ''; } else { $file_extension = $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; } $Quota = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table WHERE filename LIKE '" . $firstpart . "\\_%" . $file_extension . "' OR filename = '$filename' AND (parent = $backup_parent OR parent = $parent) order by major_revision desc, minor_revision desc"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $path = find_path($sql->f("parent")); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); // Clean Up SEARCH Indexes for the Backup files fDeleteFileIndexID($sql->f("id")); // Update the Quota for the Backup files if (fIsQuotaEnabled($sql->f("creatorid"))) { $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($sql->f("f_size"), $sql->f("creatorid"), "DEL"); $Quota->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '". $sql->f("creatorid") . "'"); } if (file_exists($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename)) { if ($default->collect_trash == 1) { $sTrashDir = explode('/', $path); $sCreatePath = $default->trash_can_location; foreach($sTrashDir as $sDir) { $sCreatePath .= "/" . $sDir ; if (!file_exists($sCreatePath)) { mkdir("$sCreatePath", $default->directory_mask); } } if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { $cmd = "mv " . "\"" . $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename . "\" \"" . $default->trash_can_location . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename . "\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) printError($owl_lang->err_general, $result); } else { rename("$default->owl_FileDir/$path/$filename", "$default->trash_can_location/$path/$filename"); } } else { unlink($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename); } } } $sql->query("DELETE FROM $default->owl_files_table WHERE filename LIKE '" . $firstpart . "\\_%" . $file_extension . "' OR filename = '$filename' AND (parent = $backup_parent OR parent = $parent)"); } } else { $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); // Clean up all monitored files with that id $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = '$id'"); $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_files_data_table WHERE id = '$id'"); // Clean Up SEARCH Indexes for this file fDeleteFileIndexID($id); } sleep(.5); } if (fid_to_name($parent) == "backup" and $self == "log") { $parent = owlfolderparent($parent); } displayBrowsePage($parent); } else { if ($action == "file_delete") { printError($owl_lang->err_nofiledelete); } } } // Begin 496814 Column Sorts are not persistant // + ADDED &order=$order&$sortorder=$sortname to // all browse.php? header and HREF LINES switch ($order) { case "name": $sortorder = 'sortname'; break; case "major_revision": $sortorder = 'sortver'; break; case "filename" : $sortorder = 'sortfilename'; break; case "size" : $sortorder = 'sortsize'; break; case "creatorid" : $sortorder = 'sortposted'; break; case "smodified" : $sortorder = 'sortmod'; break; case "checked_out": $sortorder = 'sortcheckedout'; break; default: $order= "name"; $sortorder= "sortname"; break; } if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1) { if (($action == "approvedoc" or $action == "docreject") and fCheckIfReviewer($id)) { $sql_custom = new Owl_DB; // ***************************** // PEER Review feature END // ***************************** if ($action == "approvedoc") { $sql_custom->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_peerreview_table WHERE file_id ='$id' and status <> '1'"); if ($sql_custom->num_rows() > 1) { notify_reviewer (owlfilecreator($id), $id, $message, "approved"); } else { notify_reviewer (owlfilecreator($id), $id, $message, "final_approved", $owl_lang->peer_final_approval); } $docstatus = "1"; } else { notify_reviewer (owlfilecreator($id), $id, $message, "rejected", $reject_reason); $docstatus = "2"; } $result = $sql_custom->query("UPDATE $default->owl_peerreview_table SET status = '$docstatus' WHERE reviewer_id = '$userid' and file_id ='$id'"); // ***************************** // PEER Review feature END // ***************************** } } if ($action == "set_intial") { if (check_auth($parent, "folder_view", $userid) != "1") { printError($owl_lang->err_nofolderaccess); } else { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table SET firstdir='$parent' WHERE id = '$userid'"); } } if ($action == "file_update") { if (check_auth($parent, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1 or check_auth($parent, "folder_upload", $userid) == 1) { $userfile = uploadCompat("userfile"); fVirusCheck($userfile["tmp_name"], $userfile["name"]); $sql = new Owl_DB; $new_name = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $userfile["name"]))); $newpath = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/" . $new_name; /** * Begin Daphne Change - backups of files * If user requests automatic backups of files * get current details from db and save file state information */ if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id='$id'"); } else { // this is guaranteed to get the ID of the most recent revision, just in case we're updating a previous rev. $sql->query("SELECT distinct b.* from $default->owl_files_table a, $default->owl_files_table b WHERE b.id='$id' AND a.name='b.name' AND a.parent='b.parent' order by major_revision, minor_revision desc"); } while ($sql->next_record()) { // save state information if ($sql->f("checked_out") > 0 and $sql->f("checked_out") <> $userid) { printError($owl_lang->err_update_file_lock . " " . uid_to_name($sql->f("checked_out"))); } $major_revision = $backup_major = $sql->f("major_revision"); $minor_revision = $backup_minor = $sql->f("minor_revision"); $linkedto = $backup_linkedto = $sql->f("linkedto"); $backup_filename = $sql->f("filename"); $backup_name = $sql->f("name"); // Tiian 2004-02-18 // this stuff prevent errors when title contains apostrophes //$backup_name = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $backup_name); $backup_name = stripslashes($backup_name); $backup_name = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $backup_name)); $backup_size = $sql->f("f_size"); $backup_creatorid = $sql->f("creatorid"); $backup_updatorid = $sql->f("updatorid"); // $backup_modified = $sql->f("modified"); $backup_smodified = $sql->f("smodified"); //$dCreateDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $dCreateDate = $sql->now(); $backup_description = $sql->f("description"); // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$backup_description = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $backup_description); $backup_description = stripslashes($backup_description); $backup_description = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $backup_description); $backup_name = stripslashes($backup_name); $backup_name = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $backup_name); $backup_metadata = $sql->f("metadata"); $backup_metadata = stripslashes($backup_metadata); $backup_metadata = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $backup_metadata)); $backup_parent = $sql->f("parent"); $backup_security = $sql->f("security"); $backup_groupid = $groupid = $sql->f("groupid"); $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($userfile['size'], $userid, "ADD"); $filename = $sql->f(filename); $title = $sql->f(name); $description = $sql->f(description); // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$description = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $description); $description = stripslashes($description); $description = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $description); //$title = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $title); $title = stripslashes($title); $title = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $title)); if ($default->owl_use_fs) { if ($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/" . $sql->f(filename) != $newpath) { printError("$owl_lang->err_file_update"); } } } } /** * Begin Daphne Change * copy old version to backup folder * change version numbers, * update database entries * upload new file over the old * backup filename will be 'name_majorrev-minorrev' e.g. 'testing_1-2.doc' */ if ($default->owl_use_fs) { if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (!(file_exists($newpath) == 1) || $backup_filename != $new_name) { printError("$owl_lang->err_file_not_exist"); } // Get the file extension. $extension = explode(".", $new_name); // rename the new, backed up (versioned) filename // $version_name = $extension[0]."_$major_revision-$minor_revision.$extension[1]"; // BUG FIX BEGIN // 657896 filenames in backup folder not correct - SOLUTION // by: Gerald McMillen (mrshadow76) $extensioncounter = 0; while ($extension[$extensioncounter + 1] != null) { // pre-append a "." separator in the name for each // subsequent part of the the name of the file. if ($extensioncounter != 0) { $version_name = $version_name . "."; } $version_name = $version_name . $extension[$extensioncounter]; $extensioncounter++; } if ($extensioncounter != 0) { $version_name = $version_name . "_$major_revision-$minor_revision.$extension[$extensioncounter]"; } else { $version_name = $extension[0] . "_$major_revision-$minor_revision"; } // BUG FIX END // specify path for new file in the /backup/ file of each directory. $backuppath = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/backup/$version_name"; // Danilo change if (!is_dir("$default->owl_FileDir/" . find_path($parent) . "/backup")) { mkdir("$default->owl_FileDir/" . find_path($parent) . "/backup", $default->directory_mask); // End Danilo change // is there already a backup directory for current dir? if (is_dir("$default->owl_FileDir/" . find_path($parent) . "/backup")) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_folders_table (name, parent, security, groupid, creatorid, description) values ('backup', '$parent', '" . fCurFolderSecurity($parent) ."', '" . owlfoldergroup($parent) ."', '" . owlfoldercreator($parent) . "', '')"); } else { printError("$owl_lang->err_backup_folder_create"); } } copy($newpath, $backuppath); // copy existing file to backup folder } // End Daphne Change if (!file_exists($newpath) == 1) { printError("$owl_lang->err_file_update"); } copy($userfile['tmp_name'], $newpath); unlink($userfile['tmp_name']); if (!file_exists($newpath)) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_upload, $newpath); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_upload); } } // Begin Daphne Change if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (!file_exists($backuppath)) { printError("$owl_lang->err_backup_file"); } // find id of the backup folder you are saving the old file to $sql->query("Select id from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name='backup' and parent='$parent'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $backup_parent = $sql->f("id"); } } } if ($versionchange == 'major_revision') { // if someone requested a major revision, must // make the minor revision go back to 0 // $versionchange = "minor_revision='0', major_revision"; // $new_version_num = $major_revision + 1; $new_major = $major_revision + 1; $new_minor = 0; $versionchange = "minor_revision='0', major_revision"; $new_version_num = $major_revision + 1; } else { // simply increment minor revision number $new_version_num = $minor_revision + 1; $new_minor = $minor_revision + 1; $new_major = $major_revision; } // End Daphne Change $groupid = owlusergroup($userid); $smodified = $sql->now(); // Begin Daphne Change if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1) { $iOneWasFound = false; if (isset($reviewers)) { foreach ($reviewers as $iReviewerId) { if (is_numeric($iReviewerId)) { $iOneWasFound = true; } } if ($default->document_peer_review_optional == 1 and $iOneWasFound === false) { $iDocApproved = 1; } else { if ($iOneWasFound === false) { if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { unlink($newpath); } printError("$owl_lang->err_select_reviewer"); } else { $iDocApproved = 0; } } } } else { $iDocApproved = 1; } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if ($default->owl_use_fs) { // insert entry for backup file $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,updatorid,parent,created, smodified,groupid,description,metadata,security,major_revision,minor_revision, doctype, linkedto, approved) values ('$backup_name','$version_name','$backup_size','$backup_creatorid','$backup_updatorid','$backup_parent',$dCreateDate,'$backup_smodified','$backup_groupid', '$backup_description','$backup_metadata','$backup_security','$backup_major','$backup_minor', '$doctype', '$backup_linkedto', '$iDocApproved')") or unlink($backuppath); $idbackup = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); // update entry for existing file. Bozz's code is repeated underneath, // without the versioning attribute included. // BEGIN Bozz Change // Added this check, if the policy is allow Read Write NO DELETE // we have to make sure that the Creator is not changed. // in the case of an updated, that would then allow a user to // delete the file. Only the original Creator should be allowed // to delete the file. if (getfilepolicy($id) == 5 || getfilepolicy($id) == 6) { // Daphne addition -- $versionchange = $new_version_num $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table SET f_size='" . $userfile['size'] . "', smodified=$smodified, $versionchange='$new_version_num', description='$newdesc' WHERE id='$id'") or unlink($newpath); } else { // Daphne addition -- $versionchange = $new_version_num $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table SET f_size='" . $userfile['size'] . "',creatorid='$userid',smodified=$smodified, $versionchange='$new_version_num',description='$newdesc' WHERE id='$id'") or unlink($newpath); } // Index the Updated file for SEARCH // If pdftotext was set and exists // Create a search index for this text file. // if (file_exists($default->pdftotext_path)) //{ $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_searchidx SET owlfileid='$idbackup' WHERE owlfileid='$id'"); fIndexAFile($backup_name, $newpath, $id); //} owl_syslog(FILE_UPDATED, $userid, $userfile["name"], $parent, $version_name, "FILE"); } else { // BEGIN wes change // insert entry for current version of file $compressed = '0'; $userfile = uploadCompat("userfile"); fVirusCheck($userfile["tmp_name"], $userfile["name"]); $fsize = filesize($userfile['tmp_name']); $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,updatorid,parent, created, smodified,groupid,description,metadata,security,major_revision,minor_revision, doctype, linkedto, approved) values ('$backup_name','" . $userfile['name'] . "','" . $userfile['size'] . "','$backup_creatorid','$backup_updatorid','$parent',$dCreateDate,$smodified,'$backup_groupid', '$newdesc', '$backup_metadata','$backup_security','$new_major','$new_minor', '$doctype', '$backup_linkedto', '$iDocApproved')"); $fid = $id; $id = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); $monitorSQL = new Owl_DB; $monitorSQL->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = $fid and userid = '$userid'"); if ($monitorSQL->num_rows() != 0) { $monitorSQL->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_files_table WHERE name = '$backup_name' and parent = '$parent' and major_revision = '$new_major' and minor_revision = '$new_minor'"); $monitorSQL->next_record(); $newmonitorid = $monitorSQL->f("id"); $monitorSQL->query("UPDATE $default->owl_monitored_file_table SET fid = '$newmonitorid'"); } // If pdftotext was set and exists // Create a search index for this text file. fIndexAFile($userfile['name'], $userfile['tmp_name'], $id); if ($default->owl_compressed_database && file_exists($default->gzip_path)) { system($default->gzip_path . " " . escapeshellarg($userfile['tmp_name'])); $fd = fopen($userfile['tmp_name'] . ".gz", 'rb'); $userfile['tmp_name'] = $userfile['tmp_name'] . ".gz"; $fsize = filesize($userfile['tmp_name']); $compressed = '1'; } else { $fd = fopen($userfile['tmp_name'], 'rb'); } $filedata = addSlashes(fread($fd, $fsize)); fclose($fd); unlink($userfile['tmp_name']); if ($id !== null && $filedata) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_data_table (id, data, compressed) values ('$id', '$filedata','$compressed')"); } owl_syslog(FILE_UPDATED, $userid, $userfile["name"], $parent, $backup_name, "FILE"); } } else // versioning not included in the DB update { if ($default->owl_use_fs) { // BEGIN Bozz Change $filename = $userfile['name']; if (getfilepolicy($id) == 5 || getfilepolicy($id) == 6) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table SET f_size='" . $userfile['size'] . "',smodified=$smodified, approved='$iDocApproved' WHERE id='$id'") or unlink($newpath); } else { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table SET f_size='" . $userfile['size'] . "',creatorid='$userid',smodified=$smodified, approved='$iDocApproved' WHERE id='$id'") or unlink($newpath); } } $fid = $id; } // End Daphne Change if (fIsQuotaEnabled($userid)) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table SET quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$userid'"); } // // Yes Yes Yes, I know you may get 3 notification // for the same file, I should probably check // if a notification was already sent by // the previous notification, but I wait and see // I'll probably get complaints and feed back // and I'll fix this later if need be. // // ***************************** // PEER Review feature END // ***************************** if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1) { $sql_custom = new Owl_DB; foreach ($reviewers as $iReviewerId) { if(!empty($iReviewerId)) { $result = $sql_custom->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_peerreview_table (reviewer_id, file_id, status) values ('$iReviewerId', '$fid', '0')"); notify_reviewer ($iReviewerId, $fid , $message); } } } // ***************************** // PEER Review feature END // ***************************** if ($iDocApproved == 1) { notify_monitored($id, $type); notify_users($groupid, 1, $parent, $filename, $title, $newdesc, $type); notify_monitored_folders ($parent, $filename); } displayBrowsePage($parent); // END BUG FIX: #433932 Fileupdate and Quotas } else { printError($owl_lang->err_noupload); } } if ($action == "zip_upload") { $userfile = uploadCompat("userfile"); fVirusCheck($userfile["tmp_name"], $userfile["name"]); // If the File Size is 0 File was too big. if ($userfile["size"] == 0) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . " $owl_lang->err_upload ", $owl_lang->err_file_too_big . " " . $default->max_filesize); } else { printError("$owl_lang->err_upload"); } } $new_name = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $userfile["name"]))); $dirname = preg_split("/\.zip/", $new_name); $newpath = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/" . $dirname[0]; if (file_exists($newpath) == 1 and $default->owl_use_fs) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_file_exists, $newpath); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_file_exists); } } copy($userfile["tmp_name"], $default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $new_name); $archive = new PclZip($default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $new_name); if (($list = $archive->listContent()) == 0) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError($owl_lang->err_not_zip, "DEBUG: " .$archive->errorInfo(true)); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_not_zip ); } } if ($default->owl_use_fs ) { mkdir($newpath, $default->directory_mask); } else { mkdir($default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $dirname[0], $default->directory_mask); } $FolderPolicy = $policy; $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_folders_table (name,parent,security,description,groupid,creatorid) values ('$dirname[0]', '$parent', '$FolderPolicy', '$description', '$groupid', '$userid')"); $newParent = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_folders_table, 'id'); if (!is_dir($newpath) and $default->owl_use_fs) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG:" . $owl_lang->err_folder_create, $newpath); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_folder_create); } } //$archive = new PclZip($default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $new_name); if (!$default->owl_use_fs ) { $newpath = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $dirname[0]; } if ($archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $newpath) == 0) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " .$archive->errorInfo(true)); } } fInsertUnzipedFiles($newpath, $newParent, $FolderPolicy, $security, $description, $groupid, $userid, $metadata, $title, $major_revision, $minor_revision, $doctype); if (!$default->owl_use_fs ) { myDelete($default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $dirname[0]); } unlink($default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $new_name); unlink($userfile["tmp_name"]); } if ($action == "file_upload") { if (check_auth($parent, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1 or check_auth($parent, "folder_upload", $userid) == 1) { $sql_custom = new Owl_DB; $sql_custom->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_docfields_table WHERE doc_type_id = '$doctype'"); while ($sql_custom->next_record()) { if ( $sql_custom->f("required") == "1" and ${$sql_custom->f("field_name")} == "") { printError("$owl_lang->err_doc_field_req ", $sql_custom->f("field_name")); } } if (!isset($groupid)) { $groupid = owlusergroup($userid); } $sql = new Owl_DB; // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$description = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $description); $description = stripslashes($description); $description = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $description); if ($type == "url") { // $smodified = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $smodified = $sql->now(); //$dCreateDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $dCreateDate = $sql->now(); $new_name = $userfile; if ($major_revision == "") $major_revision = 0; if ($minor_revision == "") $minor_revision = 1; if (trim($userfile) == 'http://' or trim($userfile) == '') { printError("$owl_lang->err_bad_url"); } if ($title == "") { $title = get_title_tag($userfile); } // $title = $userfile; // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. $title = stripslashes($title); $title = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $title)); if ($default->save_keywords_to_db) { foreach ($keywordpick as $word) { if($word <> $owl_lang->none_selected) { $metadata .= " " . $word; } } } $metadata = stripslashes($metadata); $metadata = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", strtolower($metadata))); if ($major_revision == "") $major_revision = 0; if ($minor_revision == "") $minor_revision = 1; if ($checked_out == "") $checked_out = 0; $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid, updatorid,parent,created, description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,checked_out, major_revision, minor_revision, url, doctype, approved) values ('$title', '" . $userfile . "', '0', '$userid', '$userid', '$parent', $dCreateDate,'$description', '$metadata', '$security', '$groupid',$smodified,'$checked_out','$major_revision','$minor_revision','1','1','1')"); } elseif ($type == "note") { $smodified = $sql->now(); $dCreateDate = $sql->now(); $new_name = trim(ereg_replace("\.\./", "", $title)) . ".txt"; $new_name = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $new_name))); if ($major_revision == "") { $major_revision = 0; } if ($minor_revision == "") { $minor_revision = 1; } if ($title == "") { printError("$owl_lang->err_note_title"); } // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$title = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $title); $title = stripslashes($title); $title = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $title)); if ($default->save_keywords_to_db) { foreach ($keywordpick as $word) { if($word <> $owl_lang->none_selected) { $metadata .= " " . $word; } } } $metadata = stripslashes($metadata); $metadata = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", strtolower($metadata))); $note_size = strlen($note_content); if (empty($major_revision)) { $major_revision = 0; } if (empty($minor_revision)) { $minor_revision = 1; } if (empty($checked_out)) { $checked_out = 0; } $tmpfile = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/" . $new_name; if (file_exists($tmpfile)) { printError("$owl_lang->err_note_title_exists"); } $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($note_size, $userid, "ADD"); $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid, updatorid,parent,created, description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,checked_out, major_revision, minor_revision, url, doctype, approved) values ('$title', '" . $new_name . "', '$note_size', '$userid', '$userid', '$parent', $dCreateDate,'$description', '$metadata', '$security', '$groupid',$smodified,'$checked_out','$major_revision','$minor_revision','2', '1', '1')"); if ( fIsQuotaEnabled($userid) ) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$userid'"); } if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); fwrite($fp, stripslashes($note_content)); fclose($fp); $searchid = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); fIndexAFile($new_name, $tmpfile, $searchid); } else { $tmpfile = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/" . $new_name; $filedata = addSlashes($note_content); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); fwrite($fp, $note_content); fclose($fp); $searchid = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); fIndexAFile($new_name, $tmpfile, $searchid); unlink($tmpfile); if ($searchid !== null && $filedata) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_data_table (id, data, compressed) values ('$searchid', '$filedata', '$compressed')"); } } } else { $userfile = uploadCompat("userfile"); if (isset($default->upload_ommit_ext)) { $file_extension = fFindFileExtension ( $userfile["name"]); foreach ($default->upload_ommit_ext as $omit) { if ($file_extension == $omit) { $bOmitFile = true; } } if($bOmitFile) { printError($owl_lang->err_forbidden_file); } } // If the File Size is 0 File was too big. if ($default->display_password_override == 1) { if ($newpassword <> $confpassword) { printError($owl_lang->err_pass_missmatch); } else { if (!empty($newpassword)) { $newpassword = md5($newpassword); } else { } } } else { $newpassword = ""; } if ($userfile["size"] == 0) { if ($default->debug == true) printError("DEBUG: " . "$owl_lang->err_upload", $owl_lang->err_file_too_big . " " . $default->max_filesize); else printError("$owl_lang->err_upload"); } fVirusCheck($userfile["tmp_name"], $userfile["name"]); $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($userfile["size"], $userid, "ADD"); $new_name = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $userfile["name"]))); if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $newpath = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/" . $new_name; if (file_exists($newpath) == 1) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_file_exists, $newpath); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_file_exists); } } copy($userfile["tmp_name"], $newpath); //unlink($userfile["tmp_name"]); if (!file_exists($newpath)) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: " . $owl_lang->err_upload, $newpath); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_upload); } } } else { // is name already used? $sql->query("SELECT filename from $default->owl_files_table WHERE filename = '$new_name' and parent='$parent'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($sql->f("filename")) { // can't move... printError("$owl_lang->err_fexist1", $owl_lang->err_fexist2 . "<i>$new_name</i>" . $owl_lang->err_fexist3); } } } $smodified = $sql->now(); $dCreateDate = $sql->now(); if ($title == "") $title = $new_name; if ($major_revision == "") $major_revision = 0; if ($minor_revision == "") $minor_revision = 1; if ($checked_out == "") $checked_out = 0; $title = stripslashes($title); $title = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $title)); if ($default->save_keywords_to_db) { foreach ($keywordpick as $word) { if($word <> $owl_lang->none_selected) { $metadata .= " " . $word; } } } $metadata = stripslashes($metadata); $metadata = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", strtolower($metadata))); if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1) { $iOneWasFound = false; if (isset($reviewers)) { foreach ($reviewers as $iReviewerId) { if (is_numeric($iReviewerId)) { $iOneWasFound = true; } } if ($default->document_peer_review_optional == 1 and $iOneWasFound === false) { $iDocApproved = 1; } else { if ($iOneWasFound === false) { if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { unlink($newpath); } printError("$owl_lang->err_select_reviewer"); } else { $iDocApproved = 0; } } } } else { $iDocApproved = 1; } $result = $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,updatorid,parent,created,description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,checked_out, major_revision, minor_revision, url, doctype, password, linkedto, approved) values ('$title', '$new_name', '" . $userfile['size'] . "', '$userid', '$userid', '$parent', $dCreateDate, '$description', '$metadata', '$security', '$groupid',$smodified,'$checked_out','$major_revision','$minor_revision', '0', '$doctype', '$newpassword' ,'0', '$iDocApproved')") or unlink($newpath); if (!$result && $default->owl_use_fs) unlink($newpath); // IF the file was inserted in the database now INDEX it for SEARCH. if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $newpath = $userfile['tmp_name']; } $id = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); $sql_custom->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_docfields_table WHERE doc_type_id = '$doctype'"); while ($sql_custom->next_record()) { $result = $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table (file_id, field_name, field_value) values ('$id', '" . $sql_custom->f("field_name") ."', '" . ${$sql_custom->f("field_name")} ."');"); } // ***************************** // PEER Review feature END // ***************************** if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1) { foreach ($reviewers as $iReviewerId) { if(!empty($iReviewerId)) { $result = $sql_custom->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_peerreview_table (reviewer_id, file_id, status) values ('$iReviewerId', '$id', '0')"); notify_reviewer ($iReviewerId, $id , $message); } } } // ***************************** // PEER Review feature END // ***************************** // If pdftotext was set and exists // Create a search index for this text file. fIndexAFile($new_name, $newpath, $id); $compressed = '0'; $file = uploadCompat("userfile"); fVirusCheck($userfile["tmp_name"], $userfile["name"]); $fsize = $userfile['size']; if (!$default->owl_use_fs && $default->owl_compressed_database && file_exists($default->gzip_path)) { system($default->gzip_path . " " . escapeshellarg($userfile['tmp_name'])); $userfile['tmp_name'] = $userfile['tmp_name'] . ".gz"; $fsize = filesize($userfile['tmp_name']); $compressed = '1'; } // BEGIN wes change if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $fd = fopen($userfile['tmp_name'], 'rb'); $filedata = addSlashes(fread($fd, $fsize)); fclose($fd); unlink($userfile['tmp_name']); if ($id !== null && $filedata) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_data_table (id, data, compressed) values ('$id', '$filedata', '$compressed')"); } } if ( fIsQuotaEnabled($userid) ) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$userid'"); } } if ($savekeyword == 1 and $default->save_keywords_to_db) { $newkeywords = preg_split("/\s+/", $metadata); $sql = new Owl_DB; foreach ($newkeywords as $word) { $word = trim(strtolower($word)); if (!empty($word)) { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_keyword_table WHERE keyword_text = '$word' "); if ($sql->num_rows() == 0) { $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_keyword_table (keyword_text) values ('$word') "); } } } } if ($iDocApproved == 1) { notify_users($groupid, 0, $parent, $new_name, $title, $description, $type); notify_monitored_folders ($parent, $new_name); } owl_syslog(FILE_UPLOAD, $userid, $new_name, $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); displayBrowsePage($parent); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_noupload); } } if ($action == "file_modify") { if (check_auth($id, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $smodified = $sql->now(); if ($default->display_password_override == 1) { if ($newpassword <> $confpassword) { printError($owl_lang->err_pass_missmatch); } else { if (!empty($newpassword)) { $newpassword = md5($newpassword); } else { $sql->query("select password from " . $default->owl_files_table . " WHERE id='$id'"); $sql->next_record(); $newpassword = $sql->f("password"); } } } else { $newpassword = ""; } $sql_custom = new Owl_DB; $sql_custom->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_docfields_table WHERE doc_type_id = '$doctype'"); while ($sql_custom->next_record()) { if ( $sql_custom->f("required") == "1" and ${$sql_custom->f("field_name")} == "") { printError($owl_lang->err_doc_field_req, $sql_custom->f("field_name")); } } // Begin Bozz Change if (!isset($groupid)) { $groupid = owlusergroup($userid); } // BEGIN WES change if ($default->save_keywords_to_db) { $currentvalue = preg_split("/\s+/", strtolower($metadata)); $metadata = ""; foreach ($currentvalue as $word) { if(!preg_grep("/$word/", $keywordpick)) { $metadata .= " " . $word; } } foreach ($keywordpick as $word) { $metadata .= " " . $word; } } $metadata = stripslashes($metadata); $metadata = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", strtolower($metadata))); if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $name = flid_to_name($id); if ($name != $title) { // we're changing the name ... need to roll this to other revisions // is name already used? //$title = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $title); $title = stripslashes($title); $title = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $title)); $sql->query("SELECT name from $default->owl_files_table WHERE name = '$title' and parent='$parent'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($sql->f("name")) { // can't move... printError("$owl_lang->err_fexist1", $owl_lang->err_fexist2 . "<i>$new_name</i>" . $owl_lang->err_fexist3); } } //$title = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $title); $title = stripslashes($title); $title = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , ereg_replace("[<>]", "", $title)); $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set smodified = $smodified, name='$title', filename='$filename' WHERE parent='$parent' AND name = '$name'"); } } // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$description = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $description); $description = stripslashes($description); $description = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $description); //$title = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $title); $title = stripslashes($title); $title = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $title); if (isset($note_content)) { $note_size = strlen($note_content); $updquota = new Owl_DB; $updquota->query("SELECT creatorid, f_size from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); $updquota->next_record(); $iCurrentCreatorid = $updquota->f("creatorid"); $iSize = $updquota->f("f_size"); if ($iCurrentCreatorid != $file_owner) { $new_current_quota = fCalculateQuota($iSize, $file_owner, "DEL"); $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($iSize, $file_owner, "ADD"); if (fIsQuotaEnabled($file_owner)) { $updquota->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$file_owner'"); } if (fIsQuotaEnabled($iCurrentCreatorid)) { $updquota->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_current_quota' WHERE id = '$iCurrentCreatorid'"); } } else { $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($iSize, $file_owner, "DEL"); $new_quota = $new_quota + $note_size; $updquota->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$file_owner'"); } $tmpfile = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/" . $new_filename; if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); fwrite($fp, stripslashes($note_content)); fclose($fp); } else { $filedata = addSlashes($note_content); $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_data_table set data = '$filedata' WHERE id = '$id'"); } $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table SET name='$title', filename='$new_filename', security='$security', metadata='$metadata', description='$description',groupid='$groupid', creatorid ='$file_owner' , updatorid = '$userid', smodified = $smodified, f_size = '$note_size' , password = '$newpassword' WHERE id = '$id'"); } else { $updquota = new Owl_DB; $updquota->query("SELECT creatorid, f_size from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); $updquota->next_record(); $iCurrentCreatorid = $updquota->f("creatorid"); $iSize = $updquota->f("f_size"); if ($iCurrentCreatorid != $file_owner) { $current_quota_max = 0; $new_current_quota = fCalculateQuota($iSize, $iCurrentCreatorid, "DEL"); $new_quota = fCalculateQuota($iSize, $file_owner, "ADD"); if (fIsQuotaEnabled($iCurrentCreatorid)) { $updquota->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_current_quota' WHERE id = '$iCurrentCreatorid'"); } if (fIsQuotaEnabled($file_owner)) { $updquota->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set quota_current = '$new_quota' WHERE id = '$file_owner'"); } } // ianm wants to put the file rename code here. then use the following update command to update the database. if ($filename != $new_filename and $type <> "url") { $new_filename = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $new_filename))); if ($default->owl_use_fs) { if (!file_exists($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/" . $new_filename)) { // Also rename backup versions of the filesA $sql->query("Select id from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name='backup' and parent='$parent'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) != 0) { while ($sql->next_record()) { $backup_parent = $sql->f("id"); } $filesearch = explode('.', $filename); $extensioncounter = 0; while ($filesearch[$extensioncounter + 1] != null) { // pre-append a "." separator in the name for each // subsequent part of the the name of the file. if ($extensioncounter != 0) { $firstpart = $firstpart . "."; } $firstpart = $firstpart . $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; $extensioncounter++; } if ($extensioncounter == 0) { $firstpart = $filename; $file_extension = ''; } else { $file_extension = $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; } $filesearch = explode('.', $new_filename); $extensioncounter = 0; while ($filesearch[$extensioncounter + 1] != null) { // pre-append a "." separator in the name for each // subsequent part of the the name of the file. if ($extensioncounter != 0) { $new_firstpart = $new_firstpart . "."; } $new_firstpart = $new_firstpart . $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; $extensioncounter++; } if ($extensioncounter == 0) { $new_firstpart = $new_filename; $new_file_extension = ''; } else { $new_file_extension = $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; } $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table WHERE filename LIKE '" . $firstpart . "\\_%" . $file_extension . "' OR filename = '$filename' AND (parent = $backup_parent OR parent = $parent) order by major_revision desc, minor_revision desc"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $new_filename = ereg_replace("$firstpart","$new_firstpart", $sql->f("filename")); $sFilePath = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($sql->f("parent")); rename($sFilePath ."/". $sql->f("filename"), $sFilePath ."/". $new_filename); $filename = $new_filename; $upd_sql = new Owl_DB; $iId = $sql->f("id"); $upd_sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set smodified = $smodified, name='$title', filename='$filename', security='$security', metadata='$metadata', description='$description',groupid='$groupid', creatorid ='$file_owner' ,updatorid = '$userid', password = '$newpassword' WHERE id = '$iId'"); } } else { $oldWD = getcwd(); chdir ($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent)); rename($filename, $new_filename); chdir($oldWD); $filename = $new_filename; $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set smodified = $smodified, name='$title', filename='$filename', security='$security', metadata='$metadata', description='$description',groupid='$groupid', creatorid ='$file_owner',updatorid = '$userid', password = '$newpassword' WHERE id = '$id'"); } // END } else { printError($owl_lang->err_filemove_exist); } } // end owl use fs nothing in yet for DB only. else { $filename = $new_filename; $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set smodified = $smodified, name='$title', filename='$filename', security='$security', metadata='$metadata', description='$description',groupid='$groupid', creatorid ='$file_owner' , updatorid = '$userid', password = '$newpassword' WHERE id = '$id'"); } } // end fildname change if. // End of ianm change. else { if ($type == "url") { $filename = $new_filename; } $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set name='$title', smodified = $smodified, filename='$filename', security='$security', metadata='$metadata', description='$description',groupid='$groupid', creatorid ='$file_owner' ,updatorid = '$userid', password = '$newpassword' WHERE id = '$id'"); $sql_custom->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_docfields_table WHERE doc_type_id = '$doctype'"); while ($sql_custom->next_record()) { $result = $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table set field_value = '" . ${$sql_custom->f("field_name")} . "' WHERE file_id = '$id' and field_name = '" . $sql_custom->f("field_name") ."';"); } } } if ($savekeyword == 1 and $default->save_keywords_to_db) { $newkeywords = preg_split("/\s+/", $metadata); $sql = new Owl_DB; foreach ($newkeywords as $word) { $word = trim(strtolower($word)); if (!empty($word)) { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_keyword_table WHERE keyword_text = '$word' "); if ($sql->num_rows() == 0) { $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_keyword_table (keyword_text) values ('$word') "); } } } } owl_syslog(FILE_CHANGED, $userid, flid_to_filename($id), $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); // End Bozz Change displayBrowsePage($parent); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_nofilemod); } } // // Delete Requested file // if ($action == "file_delete") { delFile($id, "file_delete"); } // Begin Daphne Change // the file policy authorisation has been taken from file_modify // (it's assumed that if you can't modify the file you can't check it out) if ($action == "file_lock") { if (check_auth($id, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; // Begin Bozz Change if (owlusergroup($userid) != 0) { $groupid = owlusergroup($userid); } // check that file hasn't been reserved while updates have gone through $sql->query("SELECT checked_out from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $file_lock = $sql->f("checked_out"); } if ($file_lock == 0) { // reserve the file $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set checked_out='$userid' WHERE id='$id'"); owl_syslog(FILE_LOCKED, $userid, flid_to_filename($id), $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); } else { if ($file_lock == $userid || fIsAdmin()) { // check the file back in $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set checked_out='0' WHERE id='$id'"); owl_syslog(FILE_UNLOCKED, $userid, flid_to_filename($id), $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); } else { printError("$owl_lang->err_file_lock " . uid_to_name($file_lock) . "."); } } displayBrowsePage($parent); } else { printError("$owl_lang->err_nofilemod"); } } // End Daphne Change if ($action == "del_comment") { if (check_auth($parent, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_comment_table WHERE id = '$cid'"); header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/modify.php?sess=$sess&expand=$expand&action=file_comment&type=url&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&id=" . $id . "&parent=" . $parent); exit; } } if ($action == "file_comment") { if (empty($newcomment)) { printError("ERROR: $owl_lang->err_comment_empty"); } if (check_auth($id, "file_download", $userid) == 1) { // This is a hack to deal with ' in the comment field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$newcomment = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $newcomment); $newcomment = stripslashes($newcomment); $newcomment = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $newcomment); $sql = new Owl_DB; //$dTimeStamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $dTimeStamp = $sql->now(); $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_comment_table (userid, fid, comment_date, comments) values ('$userid', '$id', $dTimeStamp, '$newcomment')"); notify_file_owner($id, $newcomment); header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/modify.php?sess=$sess&expand=$expand&action=file_comment&type=url&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&id=" . $id . "&parent=" . $parent); exit; } else { printError($lang_nofileaccess); } } if ($action == "email" and fIsEmailToolAccess($userid)) { $mail = new phpmailer(); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login "; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; if (trim($mailto) != "") { $r = preg_split("(\;|\,)", $mailto); reset ($r); while (list ($occ, $email) = each ($r)) { $mail->AddAddress($email); } } else { $mail->AddAddress($pick_mailto); } if ($replyto == "") { $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); } else { $mail->AddReplyTo("$replyto"); } if ($ccto != "") { $mail->AddCC($ccto); } $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = "$subject"; $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . fCleanDomTTContent($mailbody); $mail->Body .= "</body></html>"; if (!$mail->Send()) { printError($owl_lang->err_email, $mail->ErrorInfo); } } if ($action == "file_email") { if (check_auth($id, "file_download", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $path = ""; $id = fGetPhysicalFileId($id); $disppath = find_path(owlfileparent($id)); $filename = flid_to_filename($id); if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $fID = owlfileparent($id); do { $sql->query("SELECT name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE id='$fID'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $tName = $sql->f("name"); $fID = $sql->f("parent"); } $path = $tName . "/" . $path; } while ($fID != 0); } $sql->query("SELECT name, filename, description from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id='$id'"); $sql->next_record(); $name = $sql->f("name"); $desc = $sql->f("description"); //$desc = ereg_replace("[\\]", "", $desc); $desc = stripslashes($desc); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); $mail = new phpmailer(); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login "; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; if (trim($mailto) != "") { $r = preg_split("(\;|\,)", $mailto); reset ($r); while (list ($occ, $email) = each ($r)) { $mail->AddAddress($email); } } else { $getuser = new Owl_DB; $getuser->query("SELECT id, email,language,attachfile from $default->owl_users_table WHERE email = '$pick_mailto'"); $getuser->next_record(); $DefUserLang = $getuser->f("language"); require("$default->owl_fs_root/locale/$DefUserLang/language.inc"); $mail->AddAddress($pick_mailto); } if ($replyto == "") $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); else $mail->AddReplyTo("$replyto"); if ($ccto != "") { $mail->AddCC($ccto); } $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = "$owl_lang->file: $name -- $subject"; if ($type != "url") { $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$mailbody" . "<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->description: <br /><br />$desc"; $mail->altBody = "$mailbody" . "\n\n" . "$owl_lang->description: \n\n $desc"; // BEGIN wes change if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { if (file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename")) { unlink("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename"); } $file = fopen("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename", 'wb'); $sql->query("SELECT data,compressed from $default->owl_files_data_table WHERE id='$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($sql->f("compressed")) { $tmpfile = $default->owl_FileDir . "/owltmp.$id.gz"; $uncomptmpfile = $default->owl_FileDir . "/owltmp.$id"; if (file_exists($tmpfile)) unlink($tmpfile); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $sql->f("data")); fclose($fp); system($default->gzip_path . " -df $tmpfile"); $fsize = filesize($uncomptmpfile); $fd = fopen($uncomptmpfile, 'rb'); $filedata = fread($fd, $fsize); fclose($fd); fwrite($file, $filedata); unlink($uncomptmpfile); } else { fwrite($file, $sql->f("data")); } } fclose($file); } if ($fileattached == 1) { $mimeType = fGetMimeType($filename); $mail->AddAttachment("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename", "" , "base64" , "$mimeType"); $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $disppath . "/" . $filename; } else { $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=0&parent=" . $parent . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $id ; $mail->Body .= "<br /><a href=" . $link . ">" . $link . "</a><br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $disppath . "/" . $filename; } } else { $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "<a href=" . $filename . ">" . $filename . "</a><br /><br />" . "$mailbody" . "<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->description: <br /><br />$desc <br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $disppath . "/" . $filename; $mail->altBody = "$filename" . "\n\n" . "$mailbody" . "\n\n" . "$owl_lang->description: \n\n $desc \n\n"; $mail->altBody .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $disppath . "/" . $filename; } $mail->Body .= "</body></html>"; if (!$mail->Send()) { printError($owl_lang->err_email, $mail->ErrorInfo); } if ($fileattached == 1) { owl_syslog(FILE_EMAILED, $userid, flid_to_filename($id), $parent, "TO: $mailto $pick_mailto and file was attached", "FILE"); } else { owl_syslog(FILE_EMAILED, $userid, flid_to_filename($id), $parent, "TO: $mailto $pick_mailto", "FILE"); } if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { if (file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename")) { unlink("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename"); } } } else { printError($lang_nofileaccess); } } if ($action == "file_monitor") { if (check_auth($id, "file_download", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = '$id' and userid = '$userid'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) == 0) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_monitored_file_table (userid, fid) values ('$userid', '$id')"); } else { $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_monitored_file_table WHERE fid = '$id' and userid = '$userid'"); } } } if ($action == "folder_monitor") { if (check_auth($id, "folder_view", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_monitored_folder_table WHERE fid = '$id' and userid = '$userid'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) == 0) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_monitored_folder_table (userid, fid) values ('$userid', '$id')"); } else { $sql->query("DELETE from $default->owl_monitored_folder_table WHERE fid = '$id' and userid = '$userid'"); } } } if ($action == "folder_create") { if (check_auth($parent, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1 or check_auth($parent, "folder_upload", $userid) == 1) { if ($default->display_password_override == 1) { if ($newpassword <> $confpassword) { printError($owl_lang->err_pass_missmatch); } else { if (!empty($newpassword)) { $newpassword = md5($newpassword); } } } else { $newpassword = ""; } $sql = new Owl_DB; $smodified = $sql->now(); // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$description = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $description); $description = stripslashes($description); $description = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $description); // we have to be careful with the name just like with the files // Comment this one out TRACKER : 603887, this was not done for renaming a folder // So lets see if it causes problems while creating folders. // Seems it causes a problem, so I put it back. $name = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $name))); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE name = '$name' and parent = '$parent'"); if ($sql->num_rows() > 0) { printError("$owl_lang->err_folder_exist"); } if ($name == '') printError($owl_lang->err_nameempty); if ($default->owl_use_fs) { if (strtolower($name) == 'backup') { printError($owl_lang->err_specialfoldername); } $path = find_path($parent); if (file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$path/$name")) { printError($owl_lang->err_folder_exist); } mkdir($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . "/" . $name, $default->directory_mask); if (!is_dir("$default->owl_FileDir/$path/$name")) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG:" . $owl_lang->err_folder_create, "$default->owl_FileDir/$path/$name"); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_folder_create); } } } $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_folders_table (name,parent,security,description,groupid,creatorid, password, smodified) values ('$name', '$parent', '$policy', '$description', '$groupid', '$userid', '$newpassword', $smodified)"); $parent = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_folders_table, 'id'); owl_syslog(FOLDER_CREATED, $userid, $name, $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); displayBrowsePage($parent); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_nosubfolder); } } if ($action == "folder_modify") { if (check_auth($id, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $smodified = $sql->now(); if ($default->display_password_override == 1) { if ($newpassword <> $confpassword) { printError($owl_lang->err_pass_missmatch); } else { if (!empty($newpassword)) { $newpassword = md5($newpassword); } } } else { $newpassword = ""; } $origname = fid_to_name($id); // This is a hack to deal with ' in the description field // on some system the ' is automaticaly changed to \' and that works // on other system it stays as ' I have no idea why // the 2 lines bellow should take care of any case. //$description = ereg_replace("[\\]'", "'", $description); $description = stripslashes($description); $description = ereg_replace("'", "\\'" , $description); $sql->query("SELECT parent from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { if ( $sql->f("parent") > 0 ) { $parent = $sql->f("parent"); $path = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($parent) . "/"; } else { $parent = 1; $path = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" ; } } $source = $path . $origname; $name = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $name))); $dest = $path . $name; if ($default->owl_use_fs) { if (!file_exists($path . $name) == 1 || $source == $dest) { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { if ($source != $dest) { $cmd = "mv \"$path$origname\" \"$path$name\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_movecancel, $result); } } } else { // IF Windows just do a rename and hope for the best rename ("$path$origname", "$path$name"); } } else printError($owl_lang->err_folderexists); } else { if ($source != $dest) { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE parent = '$parent' and name = '$name'"); if ($sql->num_rows($sql) != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_folderexists); } } } /** * BEGIN Bozz Change * If your not part of the Administartor Group * the Folder will have your group ID assigned to it */ if (owlusergroup($userid) == 0 || owlusergroup($userid) == $default->file_admin_group || $userid == owlfoldercreator($id)) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_folders_table set smodified =$smodified, name='$name', security='$policy', creatorid ='$folder_owner', description='$description' , groupid='$groupid', password = '$newpassword' WHERE id = '$id'"); } else { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_folders_table set smodified =$smodified, name='$name', security='$policy', description='$description' , password = '$newpassword'WHERE id = '$id'"); } // Changes by ianm -- allowing permissions to propagate if ($propagate) { change_ownership_perms($name, $id, $parent, $folder_owner, $groupid, $policy, $prop_file_sec); } // End changes by ianm owl_syslog(FOLDER_MODIFIED, $userid, $name, $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); // Bozz change End displayBrowsePage($parent); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_nofoldermod); } } if ($action == "folder_delete") { if ($id == 1) // Document Folder { printError("$owl_lang->err_root_delete"); } if (check_auth($id, "folder_delete", $userid) == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT id,name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table order by name"); $fCount = ($sql->nf()); $i = 0; while ($sql->next_record()) { $folderList[$i][0] = $sql->f("id"); $folderList[$i][2] = $sql->f("parent"); $i++; } if ($default->owl_use_fs) { // This is WHERE we move the file to // the trash can if ($default->collect_trash == 1) { $path = find_path($id); $sTrashDir = explode('/', $path); $sCreatePath = $default->trash_can_location; foreach($sTrashDir as $sDir) { $sDestPath = $sCreatePath; $sCreatePath .= "/" . $sDir; if (!file_exists($sCreatePath)) { mkdir("$sCreatePath", $default->directory_mask); } } if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { $cmd = "cp -r " . '"' . $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . $path . '" "' . $sDestPath . '" 2>&1'; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_general, $result); } } else { rename("$default->owl_FileDir/$path", "$default->trash_can_location"); } } myDelete($default->owl_FileDir . "/" . find_path($id)); } $log_name = fid_to_name($id); delTree($id); owl_syslog(FOLDER_DELETED, $userid, $log_name, $parent, $owl_lang->log_del_det, "FILE"); sleep(.5); displayBrowsePage($parent); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_nofolderdelete); } } if ($action == $owl_lang->email_selected) { $bIsAnyFiles = false; if (isset($batch)) { foreach($batch as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { $bIsAnyFiles = true; } } } $fa = serialize($batch); if ($bIsAnyFiles) { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/modify.php?sess=$sess&expand=$expand&action=bulk_email&type=url&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&id=" . $fa . "&parent=" . $parent); exit(); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_no_access, $owl_lang->err_no_access_info); } } //*************************************************************** // Bulk Download files and Folders //*************************************************************** if ($action == "bulk_download") { $bIsAnyFiles = false; if (isset($batch)) { foreach($batch as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "file_download", $userid) == 1) { $filelist[] = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . get_dirpath(owlfileparent($fid)) . "/" . flid_to_filename($fid); } } } if (isset($fbatch)) { foreach($fbatch as $ffid) { fGetBulkDownloadFiles($ffid); } } if (count($filelist) > 0) { $tmpDir = $default->owl_tmpdir . "/owltmp.$sess"; if (file_exists($tmpDir)) { myDelete($tmpDir); } mkdir($tmpDir, $default->directory_mask); $archive = new PclZip($tmpDir . "/" . fid_to_name(1) . ".zip"); $v_list = $archive->create($filelist, "", $default->owl_FileDir); if ($default->debug == true) { if ($v_list == 0) { printError("DEBUG: " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } } printError("<a class='owlbar1' href='download.php?sess=$sess&action=bulk_download'><<<< $owl_lang->btn_clickhere >>>></a> $owl_lang->btn_download_bulk_package","", "INFORMATION"); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_no_access, $owl_lang->err_no_access_info); } } if ($action == $owl_lang->move_selected) { $bIsAnyFiles = false; if (isset($batch)) { foreach($batch as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { $bIsAnyFiles = true; } } } if (isset($fbatch)) { foreach($fbatch as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1) { $bIsAnyFiles = true; } } } $fa = serialize($batch); $ffa = serialize($fbatch); if ($bIsAnyFiles) { header("Location: " . $default->owl_root_url . "/move.php?sess=$sess&expand=$expand&action=bulk_move&type=url&order=$order&sortname=$sortname&id=" . $fa . "&folders=" . $ffa . "&parent=" . $parent); exit(); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_no_access, $owl_lang->err_no_access_info); } } // // Batch Delete Selected files // if ($action == "bulk_checkout") { $bIsAnyFiles = false; if (isset($batch)) { foreach($batch as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { $sql->query("SELECT checked_out from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id = '$fid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $file_lock = $sql->f("checked_out"); } if ($file_lock == 0) { // reserve the file $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set checked_out='$userid' WHERE id='$fid'"); owl_syslog(FILE_LOCKED, $userid, flid_to_filename($fid), $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); } else { if ($file_lock == $userid || fIsAdmin()) { // check the file back in $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_files_table set checked_out='0' WHERE id='$fid'"); owl_syslog(FILE_UNLOCKED, $userid, flid_to_filename($fid), $parent, $owl_lang->log_detail, "FILE"); } } $bIsAnyFiles = true; } } } if (!$bIsAnyFiles) { printError($owl_lang->err_no_access, $owl_lang->err_no_access_info); } } if ($action == $owl_lang->del_selected) { $bIsAnyFiles = false; if (isset($batch)) { foreach($batch as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { delFile($fid, "Delete Selected"); $bIsAnyFiles = true; } } } if (!$bIsAnyFiles) { printError($owl_lang->err_no_access, $owl_lang->err_no_access_info); } } if ($action == "user") { // the following should prevent users from changing others passwords. if (!isset($notify)) { $notify = 0; } if (!isset($comment_notify)) { $comment_notify = 0; } if (!isset($attachfile)) { $attachfile = 0; } $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_sessions_table WHERE usid = '$id' and sessid = '$sess'"); if ($sql->num_rows() <> 1) { printError($owl_lang->err_unauthorized); } if ($newpassword <> '') { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table WHERE id = '$id' and password = '" . md5($oldpassword) . "'"); if ($sql->num_rows() == 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_pass_wrong); } if ($newpassword == $confpassword) { $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table SET name='$name',password='" . md5("$newpassword") . "' WHERE id = '$id'"); } else { printError($owl_lang->err_pass_missmatch); } } if (trim($email) == "") { printError($owl_lang->err_email_required); } $sql->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table SET name='$name', buttonstyle='$newbuttons', email='$email', notify='$notify', attachfile='$attachfile', language='$newlanguage', comment_notify = '$comment_notify' WHERE id = '$id'"); } if ($action == "bulk_email") { $id = unserialize(stripslashes(stripslashes($id))); $sql = new Owl_DB; $mail = new phpmailer(); if ($default->use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP if ($default->use_smtp_auth) { $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "$default->smtp_auth_login "; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "$default->smtp_passwd"; // SMTP password } } $mail->Host = "$default->owl_email_server"; // specify main and backup server $mail->From = "$default->owl_email_from"; $mail->FromName = "$default->owl_email_fromname"; $r = preg_split("(\;|\,)", $mailto); reset ($r); while (list ($occ, $email) = each ($r)) $mail->AddAddress($email); if ($replyto == "") $mail->AddReplyTo("$default->owl_email_replyto", "OWL Intranet"); else $mail->AddReplyTo("$replyto"); if ($ccto != "") $mail->AddCC("$ccto"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = "$default->owl_email_subject -- $subject -- "; $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . "$mailbody" . "<br /><br />"; foreach($id as $fileid) { $sql->query("select name, parent from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id='$fileid'"); $sql->next_record(); $name = $sql->f("name"); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); if (check_auth($fileid, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { $path = ""; $disppath = find_path($parent); $filename = flid_to_filename($fileid); $sql->query("SELECT url from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id='$fileid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("url") == 1) { $type = "url"; } else { $type = ""; } if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $fID = $parent; do { $sql->query("SELECT name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE id='$fID'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $tName = $sql->f("name"); $fID = $sql->f("parent"); } $path = $tName . "/" . $path; } while ($fID != 0); } $sql->query("SELECT name, filename, description from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id='$fileid'"); $sql->next_record(); $name = $sql->f("name"); $desc = $sql->f("description"); //$desc = ereg_replace("[\\]", "", $desc); $desc = stripslashes($desc); $filename = $sql->f("filename"); if ($type != "url") { $mail->Body .= "$owl_lang->description: <br />$desc<br /><br />"; $mail->altBody .= "$owl_lang->description: \n $desc \n\n"; // BEGIN wes change if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { if (file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename")) { unlink("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename"); } $file = fopen("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename", 'wb'); $sql->query("SELECT data,compressed from $default->owl_files_data_table WHERE id='$fileid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($sql->f("compressed")) { $tmpfile = $default->owl_FileDir . "/owltmp.$fileid.gz"; $uncomptmpfile = $default->owl_FileDir . "/owltmp.$fileid"; if (file_exists($tmpfile)) unlink($tmpfile); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $sql->f("data")); fclose($fp); system($default->gzip_path . " -df $tmpfile"); $fsize = filesize($uncomptmpfile); $fd = fopen($uncomptmpfile, 'rb'); $filedata = fread($fd, $fsize); fclose($fd); fwrite($file, $filedata); unlink($uncomptmpfile); } else { fwrite($file, $sql->f("data")); } } fclose($file); } if ($fileattached == 1) { $mimeType = fGetMimeType($filename); $mail->AddAttachment("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename", "" , "base64" , "$mimeType"); $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $disppath . "/" . $filename . "<br /><br />"; } else { $link = $default->owl_notify_link . "browse.php?sess=0&parent=" . $parent . "&expand=1&fileid=" . $fileid ; $mail->Body .= "<a href=" . $link . ">" . $filename . "</a><br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $disppath . "/" . $filename . "<br /><br />"; } } else { $mail->Body .= "<a href=" . $filename . ">" . $filename . ": </a><br /><br />" . "$mailbody" . "<br /><br />" . "$owl_lang->description: <br /><br />$desc<br /><br />"; $mail->Body .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . "/" . $filename . "<br /><br />"; $mail->altBody .= "$filename" . "\n\n" . "$mailbody" . "\n\n" . "$owl_lang->description: \n\n $desc\n\n"; $mail->altBody .= $owl_lang->owl_path . $path . "/" . $filename . "\n\n" ; } } } $mail->Body .= "</body></html>"; if (!$mail->Send()) { if ($default->debug == true) { printError("DEBUG: $owl_lang->err_email", $mail->ErrorInfo); } } foreach($id as $fileid) { if ($fileattached == 1) owl_syslog(FILE_EMAILED, $userid, flid_to_filename($fileid), $parent, "TO: $mailto and file was attached", "FILE"); else owl_syslog(FILE_EMAILED, $userid, flid_to_filename($fileid), $parent, "TO: $mailto", "FILE"); if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $path = ""; $filename = flid_to_filename($fileid); $sql->query("SELECT url from $default->owl_files_table WHERE id='$fileid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($sql->f("url") == 1) { $type = "url"; } else { $type = ""; } if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $fID = $parent; do { $sql->query("SELECT name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table WHERE id='$fID'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $tName = $sql->f("name"); $fID = $sql->f("parent"); } $path = $tName . "/" . $path; } while ($fID != 0); } if (file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename")) { unlink("$default->owl_FileDir/$path$filename"); } } } } displayBrowsePage($parent); ?>