File: readhd.php
<?php /** * readhd.php * * Author: Anders Axesson * Adapted to OWL global config file by B0zz * Project Founder: Chris Vincent <cvincent@project802.net> * * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The Owl Project Team * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * */ function GetFromHD($GetWhat, $ThePath) { global $default; if(!file_exists($ThePath)) { return "NOTEXIST"; } if ($Dir = opendir($ThePath)) { $FileCount = 0; $DirCount = 0; while(false !== ($file = readdir($Dir))) { if ($file[0] == '.') { continue; } $PathFile = $ThePath . "/" . $file; //must test with full path (is_file etc) if(($file <> ".") and ($file <> "..")) { if (!is_file($PathFile)) { //check if it is a folder (dir) or file (dont check if it is a link) $bOmitFile = false; if(isset($default->lookHD_ommit_directory)) { foreach ($default->lookHD_ommit_directory as $omit) { if ($file == $omit) { $bOmitFile = true; } } } if(!$bOmitFile) { $DirCount++; $Dirs[$DirCount] = $file; } } else { $bOmitFile = false; if(isset($default->lookHD_ommit_ext)) { $filesearch = explode('.',$file); $extensioncounter=0; while ($filesearch[$extensioncounter+1] != NULL) { $extensioncounter++; } if($extensioncounter == 0) { $file_extension = ''; } else { $file_extension = $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; } foreach ($default->lookHD_ommit_ext as $omit) { if ($file_extension == $omit) { $bOmitFile = true; } } } if(!$bOmitFile) { $FileCount++; $Files[$FileCount] = $file; } } } } if ($GetWhat == 'file') { $FileCount++; $Files[$FileCount] = "[END]"; //stop looping @ this return $Files; } if ($GetWhat == 'folder') { $DirCount++; $Dirs[$DirCount] = "[END]"; //stop looping @ this return $Dirs; } } } function GetFileInfo($PathFile) { $TheFileSize = filesize($PathFile); //get filesize $TheFileTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($PathFile)); //get and fix time of last modifikation //$TheFileTime2 = date("M d, Y \a\\t h:i a", filemtime($PathFile)); //get and fix time of last modifikation $FileInfo[1] = $TheFileSize; $FileInfo[2] = $TheFileTime; //s$modified //$FileInfo[3] = $TheFileTime2; //modified return $FileInfo; } function CompareDBnHD($GetWhat, $ThePath, $DBList, $parent, $DBTable) { //compare files or folders in database with files on harddrive global $default, $fCount, $folderList; $RefreshPage = false; //if filez/Folderz are found the page need to be refreshed in order to see them. $somethingwasdeleted = false; if ($default->owl_lookAtHD_del == 1) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT id,name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table order by name"); $fCount = ($sql->nf()); $i = 0; while($sql->next_record()) { $folderList[$i][0] = $sql->f("id"); $folderList[$i][2] = $sql->f("parent"); $i++; } if($GetWhat == "folder") { $somethingwasdeleted = DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($default->owl_files_table, $parent); } else { $somethingwasdeleted = DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($default->owl_folders_table, $parent); } } $F = GetFromHD($GetWhat, $ThePath); if ( $F == "NOTEXIST") return true; if(is_array($F)) { for($HDLoopCount = 1; $F[$HDLoopCount] !== "[END]";$HDLoopCount++) { for($DBLoopCount = 1; $DBList[$DBLoopCount] !== "[END]";$DBLoopCount++) { if($F[$HDLoopCount] == $DBList[$DBLoopCount]) { unset($F[$HDLoopCount]); //removing file/folder that is in db from list of filez on disc (leaving list of filez on disc but not in db) break; } } } if(count($F) > 1) { for($HDLoopCount = 1; $F[$HDLoopCount] !== "[END]";$HDLoopCount++) { if(ord($F[$HDLoopCount]) !== 0) //if not the file/folder name is empty... { if($GetWhat == "file") { $RefreshPage = true; InsertHDFilezInDB($F[$HDLoopCount], $parent, $ThePath, $DBTable); //call function that inserts the filez-on-disc-but-not-in-db into the db. } else { $RefreshPage = false; } if($GetWhat == "folder") { $RefreshPage = true; InsertHDFolderzInDB($F[$HDLoopCount], $parent, $ThePath, $DBTable); //call function that inserts the folderz-on-disc-but-not-in-db into the db. } } } } } if($somethingwasdeleted) { $RefreshPage = $somethingwasdeleted; } return $RefreshPage; } function DeleteDBFolderzNotInDB($table, $parent) { global $default; $somethingwasdeleted = false; $get = new Owl_DB; //create new db connection $del = new Owl_DB; //create new db connection $children = new Owl_DB; //create new db connection $query = "select * from $table "; if ($table == $default->owl_files_table) { $query .= " where linkedto = '0' and url <> '1' and parent = '$parent' "; //$query .= " where url <> 1 "; $query .= " order by parent desc "; } else { $query .= " where parent = '$parent' "; $query .= " order by parent desc "; } $get->query("$query"); while($get->next_record()) { $newparent = $get->f("parent"); if ($table == $default->owl_files_table) { $dbfolder = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . get_dirpath($get->f("parent")) . "/" . $get->f("filename"); } else { $dbfolder = $default->owl_FileDir . "/" . get_dirpath($get->f("id")); } if(!file_exists($dbfolder)) { $delid = $get->f("id"); if ($table == $default->owl_files_table) { $del->query("DELETE from $table where id = '$delid'"); // Clean up all monitored files with that id $del->query("DELETE from $default->owl_monitored_file_table where fid = '$delid'"); // Clean up all comments with this file $del->query("DELETE from $default->owl_comment_table where fid = '$delid'"); // Clean up all comments with this file $del->query("DELETE from $default->owl_docfieldvalues_table where file_id = '$delid'"); // Clean up all linked files $del->query("DELETE from $default->owl_files_table where linkedto = '$delid'"); fDeleteFileIndexID($delid); } else { delTree($delid); } $somethingwasdeleted = true; } } return $somethingwasdeleted; } function InsertHDFolderzInDB($TheFolder, $parent, $ThePath, $DBTable) { global $default; $sql = new Owl_DB; //create new db connection $check = new Owl_DB; //create new db connection $smodified = $sql->now(); $original_name = $TheFolder; $TheFolder = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $TheFolder))); $check->query("select * from $DBTable where name='$TheFolder' and parent='$parent'"); while($check->next_record()) { if ($check->f("name") == $TheFolder ) { $TheFolder .= "-" .date("Ymd-gis"); } } rename($ThePath . "/" . $original_name, $ThePath . "/" . $TheFolder); $SQL = "INSERT INTO $DBTable (name,parent,security,groupid,creatorid,description,smodified) values ('$TheFolder', '$parent', '$default->owl_def_fold_security', '$default->owl_def_fold_group_owner', '$default->owl_def_fold_owner', '', $smodified)"; $sql->query($SQL); } function InsertHDFilezInDB($TheFile, $parent, $ThePath, $DBTable) { global $default; $sql = new Owl_DB; //create new db connection $check = new Owl_DB; //create new db connection $original_name = $TheFile; $TheFile = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $TheFile))); if ($DBTable == "trash") { $DBTable = $default->owl_files_table; } else { $check->query("select * from $DBTable where filename='$TheFile' and parent='$parent'"); if ($check->num_rows($check) != 0) { $TheFile .= "-" . date("Ymd-gis"); rename($ThePath . "/" . $original_name, $ThePath . "/" . $TheFile); } } $FileInfo = GetFileInfo($ThePath . "/" . $TheFile); //get file size etc. 2=File size, 2=File time (smodified), 3=File time 2 (modified) if (empty($FileInfo[1])) { $iFileSize = "0"; } else { $iFileSize = $FileInfo[1]; } if ($default->owl_def_file_title == "") { $filesearch = explode('.',$TheFile); $extensioncounter=0; while ($filesearch[$extensioncounter+1] != NULL) { // pre-append a "." separator in the name for each // subsequent part of the the name of the file. if ( $extensioncounter != 0) { $firstpart = $firstpart."."; } $firstpart = $firstpart.$filesearch[$extensioncounter]; $extensioncounter++; } if($extensioncounter == 0) { $firstpart = $TheFile; $file_extension = ''; } else { $file_extension = $filesearch[$extensioncounter]; } $title_name = $firstpart; $title_name = trim(ereg_replace("[^$default->list_of_valid_chars_in_file_names]", "", ereg_replace("%20|^-", "_", $title_name))); } else { $title_name = $default->owl_def_file_title; } $SQL = "INSERT into $DBTable (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,parent,created,description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,approved,linkedto) values ('$title_name', '$TheFile', '$iFileSize', '$default->owl_def_file_owner', '$parent', '$FileInfo[2]', '$TheFile', '$default->owl_def_file_meta', '$default->owl_def_file_security', '$default->owl_def_file_group_owner','$FileInfo[2]', '1', '0')"; $sql->query($SQL); // index New Files pdf and TXT Files for SEARCH $searchid = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); fIndexAFile($TheFile, $ThePath . "/" . $TheFile, $searchid); } ?>