File: move.php
<?php /** * move.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * Project Founder: Chris Vincent <cvincent@project802.net> * * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The Owl Project Team * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * $Id: move.php,v 1.12 2005/03/23 00:21:00 b0zz Exp $ */ require_once("./config/owl.php"); require_once("./lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/owl.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/security.lib.php"); if ($sess == "0" && $default->anon_ro > 1) { printError($owl_lang->err_login); } //print("M: $myaction_x X: $myaction"); if (isset($myaction_x)) { $myaction = "$owl_lang->cancel_button"; } global $order, $sortorder, $sortname; switch ($order) { case "name": $sortorder = 'sortname'; break; case "major_revision": $sortorder = 'sortver'; break; case "filename" : $sortorder = 'sortfilename'; break; case "size" : $sortorder = 'sortsize'; break; case "creatorid" : $sortorder = 'sortposted'; break; case "smodified" : $sortorder = 'sortmod'; break; case "checked_out": $sortorder = 'sortcheckedout'; break; default: $order= "name"; $sortorder= "sortname"; break; } if ($myaction == "$owl_lang->cancel_button") { displayBrowsePage($parent); exit(); } if ($action == "file" or $action == "cp_file" or $action == "lnk_file") { if (check_auth($id, "file_modify", $userid) == 0) { include("./lib/header.inc"); include("./lib/userheader.inc"); printError($owl_lang->err_nofilemod); } } elseif ($action == "bulk_move") { if (isset($id)) { $disp = unserialize(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes($id)))))); } if (isset($folders)) { $fdisp = unserialize(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes($folders)))))); } } else { if (check_auth($id, "folder_modify", $userid) == 0 or check_auth($id, "folder_delete", $userid) == 0 ) { include("./lib/header.inc"); include("./lib/userheader.inc"); printError($owl_lang->err_nofilemod); } } function checkForNewFolder() { global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $newFolder, $moreFolder; if (!is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS)) return; while (list($key, $value) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "ID") { $newFolder = intval(substr($key, 2)); break; } if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "MO") { $moreFolder = intval(substr($key, 2)); break; } } } function showFoldersIn($fid, $folder) { global $folderList, $fCount, $fDepth, $excludeID, $action, $id, $default, $userid, $moreFolder, $folders ; $sql = new Owl_DB; // If restricted view is in effect only show the folders you do have access to $showfolder = 1; if ($default->restrict_view == 1) if (check_auth($fid, "folder_modify", $userid) != 0 && $fid != 0) { $showfolder = 1; } else { $showfolder = 0; } if ($showfolder == 1) { for ($c = 0 ;$c < ($fDepth-1) ; $c++) { print "<img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/blank.gif' alt='' height='16' width='16' align='top'></img>"; } if ($fDepth) { $sql->query("select name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table where parent='$fid'"); if ($sql->num_rows() > 0) { print "<input type='image' src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/more.gif' align='top' name='MO" . $fid ."'></input>"; } else { print "<img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/link.gif' alt='' align='top'></img>"; } } $gray = 0; // Work out when to gray out folders ... if ($fid == $excludeID) $gray = 1; // current parent for all moves if (($action == "folder" or $action == "cp_folder") && ($fid == $id)) $gray = 1; // subtree for folder moves if (($action == "bulk_move")) { $aFolders = unserialize(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes(stripslashes($folders)))))); foreach ($aFolders as $iFolder) { if ( $fid == $iFolder) { $gray = 1; // This is one of the folders we are moving break; } } } if (($moreFolder > 0) && ($fid == $id)) $gray = 1; // subtree for folder moves if (check_auth($fid, "folder_modify", $userid) == 0) { $gray = 1; // check for permissions } if ($gray) { print "<img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/folder_gray.gif' align='top' alt=''></img>"; print " <font color=\"silver\">$folder</font><br></br>\n"; } else { print "<input type='image' src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/folder_closed.gif' align='top' name='ID"; print "$fid'></input> $folder<br></br>\n"; } } if (($action == "folder") && ($fid == $id)) return; // Don't show subtree of selected folder as target for folder move for ($c = 0; $c < $fCount; $c++) { if ($folderList[$c][2] == $fid) { $fDepth++; if ($fDepth == 1) { showFoldersIn($folderList[$c][0] , $folderList[$c][1]); } $fDepth--; } } } checkForNewFolder(); if (isset($newFolder)) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $source = ""; $fID = $parent; do { $sql->query("SELECT name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$fID'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $tName = $sql->f("name"); $fID = $sql->f("parent"); } $source = $tName . "/" . $source; } while ($fID != 0); $dest = ""; $fID = $newFolder; do { $sql->query("SELECT name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$fID'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $tName = $sql->f("name"); $fID = $sql->f("parent"); } $dest = $tName . "/" . $dest; } while ($fID != 0); if ($action == "file" or $action == "cp_file") { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT filename, parent from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $fname = $sql->f("filename"); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); } } elseif ($action == "folder" or $action == "cp_folder") { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT name, parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$id'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $fname = $sql->f("name"); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); } } if ($action == "lnk_file") { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where id='$id'"); $sql->next_record(); $result = $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,parent,created,description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,checked_out, major_revision, minor_revision, url, doctype, updatorid, linkedto, approved) values ('" . $sql->f("name") . "', '" . $sql->f("filename") . "', '" . $sql->f("f_size") . "', '" . $sql->f("creatorid") . "', '$newFolder', '" . $sql->f("created") . "', '" . $sql->f("description") . "', '" . $sql->f("metadata") . "', '" . $sql->f("security") . "', '" . $sql->f("groupid") . "','" . $sql->f("smodified") . "','" . $sql->f("checked_out") . "','" . $sql->f("major_revision") . "','" . $sql->f("minor_revision") . "', '" . $sql->f("url") . "', '" . $sql->f("doctype") . "', '" . $sql->f("updatorid") ."' , '$id', '" . $sql->f("approved") ."')"); $newid = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); owl_syslog(FILE_LINKED, $userid, flid_to_filename($newid), $parent, $owl_lang->log_file_to . fid_to_name($newFolder), "FILE"); displayBrowsePage($parent); } if ($action == "bulk_move") { if (isset($disp)) { foreach($disp as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT filename, parent, url from $default->owl_files_table where id = '$fid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $fname = $sql->f("filename"); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); if ($sql->f("url") == 1) { $type = "url"; } else { $type = ""; } } if ($type != "url") { if (!file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$dest$fname")) { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { $cmd = "mv \"$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname\" \"$default->owl_FileDir/$dest\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_movecancel, $result); } } else { // IF Windows just do a rename and hope for the best rename ("$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname", "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest/$fname"); } } else { printError($owl_lang->err_fileexists . "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest$fname", $result); } } } $sql->query("update $default->owl_files_table set parent='$newFolder' where id='$fid'"); owl_syslog(FILE_MOVED, $userid, flid_to_filename($fid), $parent, $owl_lang->log_file_to . fid_to_name($newFolder), "FILE"); } } } if (isset($fdisp)) { foreach($fdisp as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1) { if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT name, parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$fid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $fname = $sql->f("name"); $parent = $sql->f("parent"); } if (!file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$dest$fname")) { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { $cmd = "mv \"$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname\" \"$default->owl_FileDir/$dest\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_movecancel, $result); } } else { // IF Windows just do a rename and hope for the best rename ("$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname", "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest/$fname"); } } else { printError($owl_lang->err_fileexists . "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest$fname", $result); } $sql->query("update $default->owl_folders_table set parent='$newFolder' where id='$fid'"); owl_syslog(FOLDER_MOVED, $userid, fid_to_name($fid), $parent, $owl_lang->log_file_to . fid_to_name($newFolder), "FILE"); } } } } } else { if ($default->owl_use_fs) { $Realid = fGetPhysicalFileId($fid); if ($type != "url" and $Realid == $fid) { if (!file_exists("$default->owl_FileDir/$dest$fname")) { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != "Windows") { if ($action == "cp_file") { $cmd = "cp \"$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname\" \"$default->owl_FileDir/$dest\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_movecancel, $result); } } else if ( $action == "cp_folder") { my_dir_copy("$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname", "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest" . fid_to_name($id) ); //printError("S: $source N: $fname" , "$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname", "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest" . fid_to_name($id) ); } else if ( $action == "folder") { $cmd = "mv \"$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname\" \"$default->owl_FileDir/$dest\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_movecancel, $result); } } else { $cmd = "mv \"$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname\" \"$default->owl_FileDir/$dest\" 2>&1"; $lines = array(); $errco = 0; $result = myExec($cmd, $lines, $errco); if ($errco != 0) { printError($owl_lang->err_movecancel, $result); } } } else { if ($action == "cp_file") { // IF Windows just do a copy and hope for the best copy ("$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname", "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest/$fname"); } else if ( $action == "cp_folder") { my_dir_copy("$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname", "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest"); } else { // IF Windows just do a rename and hope for the best rename ("$default->owl_FileDir/$source$fname", "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest/$fname"); } } } else { printError($owl_lang->err_fileexists . "$default->owl_FileDir/$dest$fname", $result); } } } } if ($action == "file") { $sql->query("update $default->owl_files_table set parent='$newFolder' where id='$id'"); owl_syslog(FILE_MOVED, $userid, flid_to_filename($id), $parent, $owl_lang->log_file_to . fid_to_name($newFolder), "FILE"); } else if ($action == "cp_file") { if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_data_table where id='$id'"); $sql->next_record(); $filedata = $sql->f("data"); $compressed = $sql->f("compressed"); } $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where id='$id'"); $sql->next_record(); $result = $sql->query("INSERT INTO $default->owl_files_table (name,filename,f_size,creatorid,parent,created,description,metadata,security,groupid,smodified,checked_out, major_revision, minor_revision, url, doctype, linkedto, approved) values ('" . $sql->f("name") . "', '" . $sql->f("filename") . "', '" . $sql->f("f_size") . "', '" . $sql->f("creatorid") . "', '$newFolder', '" . $sql->f("created") . "', '" . $sql->f("description") . "', '" . $sql->f("metadata") . "', '" . $sql->f("security") . "', '" . $sql->f("groupid") . "','" . $sql->f("smodified") . "','" . $sql->f("checked_out") . "','" . $sql->f("major_revision") . "','" . $sql->f("minor_revision") . "', '" . $sql->f("url") . "', '" . $sql->f("doctype") . "', '" . $sql->f("linkedto") . "', '" . $sql->f("approved") ."')"); $newid = $sql->insert_id($default->owl_files_table, 'id'); if (!$default->owl_use_fs) { $sql->query("INSERT into $default->owl_files_data_table (id, data, compressed) values ('$newid', '$filedata','$compressed')"); } if (!$result && $default->owl_use_fs) unlink($newpath); owl_syslog(FILE_COPIED, $userid, flid_to_filename($newid), $parent, $owl_lang->log_file_to . fid_to_name($newFolder), "FILE"); } else if ($action == "cp_folder") { fCopyFolder($id, $newFolder); owl_syslog(FOLDER_COPIED, $userid, fid_to_name($id), $parent, $owl_lang->log_file_to . fid_to_name($newFolder), "FILE"); } else if ($action == "folder") { $sql->query("update $default->owl_folders_table set parent='$newFolder' where id='$id'"); owl_syslog(FOLDER_MOVED, $userid, fid_to_name($id), $parent, $owl_lang->log_file_to . fid_to_name($newFolder), "FILE"); } // if we deleted something that was in the backup directory // we want to display the Parent Directory when we are done displayBrowsePage($parent); } // First time through. Generate screen for selecting target directory include("./lib/header.inc"); include("./lib/userheader.inc"); if ($parent == 0) { $parent = 1; } print("<center>"); if ($expand == 1) { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_expand_width'>\n<tr>\n<td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } else { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_collapse_width'>\n<tr>\n<td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='border2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar1", "top"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); print("<br />\n"); if ($action == "bulk_move") { fPrintNavBar($parent, $owl_lang->moving . ": "); } else { if ($action == "folder") { fPrintNavBar($id, $owl_lang->moving_folder . ": "); } elseif ($action == "lnk_file") { fPrintNavBar($parent, "LINKING FILE" . ": ", $id); } elseif ($action == "cp_file") { fPrintNavBar($parent, $owl_lang->copy_file . ": ", $id); } elseif ($action == "cp_folder") { fPrintNavBar($id, $owl_lang->copy_folder . ": "); } else { fPrintNavBar($parent, $owl_lang->moving_file . ": ", $id); } } //print("</TABLE><br />\n"); // Get information about file or directory we want to move if ($action == "file") { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT filename, parent from $default->owl_files_table where id='$id'"); } elseif ($action == "bulk_move") { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql2 = new Owl_DB; $query = "SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where "; $query2 = "SELECT * from $default->owl_folders_table where "; if (isset($disp)) { foreach($disp as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "file_modify", $userid) == 1) { $query .= "id = '" . $fid . "' or "; } } $query .= "id = " . $fid . " and 1=1"; $sql->query("$query"); } if (isset($fdisp)) { foreach($fdisp as $fid) { if (check_auth($fid, "folder_modify", $userid) == 1) { $query2 .= "id = '" . $fid . "' or "; } } $query2 .= "id = " . $fid . " and 1=1"; $sql2->query("$query2"); } } else { $sql = new Owl_DB; $sql->query("SELECT name, parent from $default->owl_folders_table where id='$id'"); } print("<br />\n"); print("<table class='margin2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td align='left' valign='top'>\n"); print("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); if (isset($fdisp)) { while ($sql2->next_record()) { $fname = $sql2->f("name"); $parent = $sql2->f("parent"); print "<tr>\n<td><font size='1'><b style=\"color:#0000aa;\">".$owl_lang->moving."</b></font></td>\n<td align='left'> <img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/folder_closed.gif' alt=''></img><font size='1'>$fname</font></td>\n</tr>\n"; } } if (isset($disp)) { while ($sql->next_record()) { if ($action == "file" || $action == "bulk_move") { $fname = $sql->f("filename"); } if ($action == "folder") { $fname = $sql->f("name"); } $parent = $sql->f("parent"); print "<tr>\n<td><font size='1'><b style=\"color:#0000aa;\">".$owl_lang->moving."</b></font></td>\n<td align='left'><font size='1'> <img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/16x16.gif' alt=''></img>$fname.</font></td>\n</tr>\n"; } } print "<tr>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<font size='1'>$owl_lang->select</font></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"; print("<form method='post' action=''>"); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['action'] = $action; $urlArgs2['myaction'] = $myaction; $urlArgs2['fname'] = $fname; $urlArgs2['id'] = $id; print fGetHiddenFields ($urlArgs2); if (isset($moreFolder)) { print gen_navbar($moreFolder,0,1); print("<table class='margin2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); print("<tr>\n"); print("<td align='left' valign='top'>\n"); print("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n"); } print ("<table cellspacing='0' border='1' cellpadding='4'>\n<tr>\n<td align='left' bgcolor='white'>\n<p>\n"); // Get list of folders sorted by name $whereclause = " "; if ($default->hide_backup == 1 and !fIsAdmin()) { $whereclause = " WHERE name <> 'backup'"; } $sql->query("select id,name,parent from $default->owl_folders_table $whereclause order by name"); $i = 0; while ($sql->next_record()) { $folderList[$i][0] = $sql->f("id"); $folderList[$i][1] = $sql->f("name"); $folderList[$i][2] = $sql->f("parent"); $i++; } $fCount = count($folderList); $fDepth = 0; $excludeID = $parent; // current location should not be a offered as a target if (isset($moreFolder)) { showFoldersIn($moreFolder, fid_to_name($moreFolder)); } else { showFoldersIn($default->HomeDir, fid_to_name($default->HomeDir)); } print("</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("</form>\n"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n"); print("<td colspan=\"2\" class='form2' width='90%' nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(4, 12); print("<form method='post' action=''>"); fPrintSubmitButton($owl_lang->cancel_button, $owl_lang->alt_cancel, "submit", "myaction_x"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 12); print("</form>"); print("</td>\n</tr><tr><td>\n"); fPrintButtonSpace(12, 1); if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar2"); } print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); include("./lib/footer.inc"); ?>