File: readnews.php
<?php /** * readnews.php * * Author: Steve Bourgeois <owl@bozzit.com> * Project Founder: Chris Vincent <cvincent@project802.net> * * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The Owl Project Team * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * $Id: readnews.php,v 1.5 2005/03/09 15:43:52 b0zz Exp $ */ require_once("./config/owl.php"); require_once("./lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/owl.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/security.lib.php"); include_once("./lib/header.inc"); include_once("./lib/userheader.inc"); $iGroupId = owlusergroup($userid); if ($default->anon_user == $userid) { die("$owl_lang->err_unauthorized"); } $sql = new Owl_DB; if (isset($start)) $iStartId = $start; // // Create the where Clause for user Groups // $sqlmemgroup = new Owl_DB; $sqlmemgroup->query("select * from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table where userid = '" . $userid . "'"); $sGroupsWhereClause = "( gid = '-1' OR gid = '$iGroupId'"; while ($sqlmemgroup->next_record()) { $sGroupsWhereClause .= " OR gid = '" . $sqlmemgroup->f("groupid") . "'"; } $sGroupsWhereClause .= ")"; // print("W: $sGroupsWhereClause"); // exit; // // Get the id of the last Viewed Article // $sql->query("SELECT lastnews from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $sql->next_record(); if ($action == "") { $Update = new Owl_DB; $iStartId = $sql->f("lastnews"); if ($iStardId == "") { $iStartId = 0; } $bHidePrevious = true; } // // Get the Next News Article for this user // if ($action == "prev") { $bHidePrevious = false; $iCurrentNewsId = $current - 1; // // If we go down one more is it the // first then we need to hide the // Prev button. // $dNowDate = $sql->now(); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where $sGroupsWhereClause and id <= '$iCurrentNewsId' and news_end_date >= $dNowDate order by id desc LIMIT 1"); $sql->next_record(); $iPreviousOne = $sql->f("id"); if ($iPreviousOne <= $iStartId) { $bHidePrevious = true; } if ($iCurrentNewsId <= $iStartId) { $iCurrentNewsId = $iStartId; $dNowDate = $sql->now(); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where $sGroupsWhereClause and id >= '$iStartId' and news_end_date >= $dNowDate LIMIT 1"); } else { $dNowDate = $sql->now(); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where $sGroupsWhereClause and id <= '$iCurrentNewsId' and news_end_date >= $dNowDate order by id desc LIMIT 1"); } $sql->next_record(); $iCurrentNewsId = $sql->f("id"); } else { if ($action == "") { $dNowDate = $sql->now(); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where $sGroupsWhereClause and id > '$iStartId' and news_end_date >= $dNowDate LIMIT 1"); $sql->next_record(); $iStartId = $sql->f("id"); } else { $bHidePrevious = false; $iCurrentNewsId = $current; $dNowDate = $sql->now(); $sql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where $sGroupsWhereClause and id > '$iCurrentNewsId' and news_end_date >= $dNowDate LIMIT 1"); $sql->query($sMyQuery2); $sql->next_record(); } if ($sql->num_rows() == 0) { print('<script language="javascript">'); print('window.close();'); print('</script>'); } else { $iCurrentNewsId = $sql->f("id"); $UpdateUser = new Owl_DB; $bLastNews = false; $dNowDate = $UpdateUser->now(); $UpdateUser->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_news_table where $sGroupsWhereClause and id > '$iCurrentNewsId' and news_end_date >= $dNowDate LIMIT 1"); $UpdateUser->next_record(); if ($UpdateUser->num_rows() == 0) { $bLastNews = true; } $UpdateUser->query("UPDATE $default->owl_users_table set lastnews = '" . $iCurrentNewsId . "' where id = '$userid'"); } } print("<table align='center' WIDTH='90%' CELLSPACING='2' CELLPADDING='2' border='0' HEIGHT='100%'>"); print("<td align=left WIDTH='90%'>\n"); print("<h4>" . $sql->f("news_title") . "</h4>\n"); print("</td>\n"); ?> <td><a href="#" onClick="window.print(); return false");><img src="<?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/print.gif"); ?>" border='0' alt='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_print ?>' title='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_print ?>'></img></a></td> <?php if (!$bHidePrevious) { ?> <td align='center' ><a href="readnews.php?sess=<?php print $sess; ?>&action=prev&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>¤t=<?php print $iCurrentNewsId; ?>" ><img src="<?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/prev.gif"); ?>" border='0' alt='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_prev ?>' title='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_prev ?>'></img></a></td> <?php } else { print("<td></td>"); } ?> <?php if ($bLastNews) { if ($default->allow_popup) { ?> <td align='center' ><a href="readnews.php?sess=<?php print $sess; ?>&action=next&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>¤t=<?php print $iCurrentNewsId; ?>" ><img src="<?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/close.gif"); ?>" border='0' alt='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_close ?>' title='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_close ?>'></img></a></td> <?php } else { print("<td align='center'><a href='browse.php?sess=$sess'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/close.gif' alt='$owl_lang->alt_return' title='$owl_lang->alt_return' border='0'></img></a> </td>"); } } else { ?> <td align='center' ><a href="readnews.php?sess= <?php print $sess; ?> &action=next&start= <?php print $iStartId; ?> &start= <?php print $iStartId; ?> ¤t= <?php print $iCurrentNewsId; ?> "><img src=" <?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/next.gif"); ?> " border='0' alt=' <?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_next ?> ' title=' <?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_next ?>'> </img></a></td> <?php } ?> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign='top' height='90%' colspan='5' align='left'> <?php print(nl2br($sql->f("news"))); ?></td> </tr> <?php print("<tr><td colspan='5' align='left'><br />$owl_lang->news_posted_date " . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("news_date"))) . "</td><br /><br /></tr>"); print("<tr>\n"); if ($default->allow_popup) { ?> <td align='center' > </td> <?php } else { print("<td align='center'><a href='browse.php?sess=$sess'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/close.gif' alt='$owl_lang->alt_return' title='$owl_lang->alt_return' border='0'></img></a> </td>"); } ?> <td><a href="#" onClick="window.print(); return false");><img src="<?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/print.gif"); ?>" border='0' alt='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_print ?>' title='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_print ?>'></img></a></td> <?php if (!$bHidePrevious) { ?> <td align='center' ><a href="readnews.php?sess=<?php print $sess; ?>&action=prev&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>¤t=<?php print $iCurrentNewsId; ?>" ><img src="<?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/prev.gif"); ?>" border='0' alt='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_prev ?>' title='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_prev ?>'></img></a></td> <?php } else { print("<td></td>"); } ?> <?php if ($bLastNews) { if ($default->allow_popup) { ?> <td align='center' ><a href="readnews.php?sess=<?php print $sess; ?>&action=next&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>¤t=<?php print $iCurrentNewsId; ?>" ><img src="<?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/close.gif"); ?>" border='0' alt='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_close ?>' title='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_close ?>'></img></a></td> <?php } else { print("<td align='center'><a href='browse.php?sess=$sess'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/close.gif' alt='$owl_lang->alt_return' title='$owl_lang->alt_return' border='0'></img></a> </td>"); } } else { ?> <td align='center' ><a href="readnews.php?sess=<?php print $sess; ?>&action=next&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>&start=<?php print $iStartId; ?>¤t=<?php print $iCurrentNewsId; ?>" ><img src="<?php print("$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_nav/next.gif"); ?>" border='0' alt='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_next ?>' title='<?php print $owl_lang->alt_news_next ?>'></img></a></td> <?php } print("</tr>"); ?> </table> </body> </html>