File: layersmenu.inc.php
<?php // PHP Layers Menu 3.2.0-rc (C) 2001-2004 Marco Pratesi - http://www.marcopratesi.it/ /** * This file contains the code of the LayersMenu class. * @package PHPLayersMenu */ /** * This is the LayersMenu class of the PHP Layers Menu library. * * This class depends on the LayersMenuCommon class and on the PEAR conforming version of the PHPLib Template class, i.e. on HTML_Template_PHPLIB * * @version 3.2.0-rc * @package PHPLayersMenu */ class LayersMenu extends LayersMenuCommon { /** * The template to be used for the first level menu of a horizontal menu. * * The value of this variable is significant only when preparing * a horizontal menu. * * @access private * @var string */ var $horizontalMenuTpl; /** * The template to be used for the first level menu of a vertical menu. * * The value of this variable is significant only when preparing * a vertical menu. * * @access private * @var string */ var $verticalMenuTpl; /** * The template to be used for submenu layers * @access private * @var string */ var $subMenuTpl; /** * A string containing the header needed to use the menu(s) in the page * @access private * @var string */ var $header; /** * This var tells if the header has been made or not * @access private * @var boolean */ var $_headerHasBeenMade = false; /** * The JS vector to list layers * @access private * @var string */ var $listl; /** * The JS vector of keys to know the father of each layer * @access private * @var string */ var $father_keys; /** * The JS vector of vals to know the father of each layer * @access private * @var string */ var $father_vals; /** * The JS function to set initial positions of all layers * @access private * @var string */ var $moveLayers; /** * An array containing the code related to the first level menu of each menu * @access private * @var array */ var $_firstLevelMenu; /** * A string containing the footer needed to use the menu(s) in the page * @access private * @var string */ var $footer; /** * This var tells if the footer has been made or not * @access private * @var boolean */ var $_footerHasBeenMade = false; /** * The image used for forward arrows. * @access private * @var string */ var $forwardArrowImg; /** * The image used for down arrows. * @access private * @var string */ var $downArrowImg; /** * A 1x1 transparent icon. * @access private * @var string */ var $transparentIcon; /** * An array to keep trace of layers containing / not containing icons * @access private * @var array */ var $_hasIcons; /** * Top offset for positioning of sub menu layers * @access private * @var integer */ var $menuTopShift; /** * Right offset for positioning of sub menu layers * @access private * @var integer */ var $menuRightShift; /** * Left offset for positioning of sub menu layers * @access private * @var integer */ var $menuLeftShift; /** * Threshold for vertical repositioning of a layer * @access private * @var integer */ var $thresholdY; /** * Step for the left boundaries of layers * @access private * @var integer */ var $abscissaStep; /** * The constructor method; it initializates the menu system * @return void */ function LayersMenu( $menuTopShift = 6, // Gtk2-like $menuRightShift = 7, // Gtk2-like $menuLeftShift = 2, // Gtk2-like $thresholdY = 5, $abscissaStep = 140 ) { $this->LayersMenuCommon(); $this->horizontalMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . 'layersmenu-horizontal_menu.ihtml'; $this->verticalMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . 'layersmenu-vertical_menu.ihtml'; $this->subMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . 'layersmenu-sub_menu.ihtml'; $this->header = ''; $this->listl = ''; $this->father_keys = ''; $this->father_vals = ''; $this->moveLayers = ''; $this->_firstLevelMenu = array(); $this->footer = ''; $this->transparentIcon = 'transparent.png'; $this->_hasIcons = array(); $this->forwardArrowImg['src'] = 'forward-arrow.png'; $this->forwardArrowImg['width'] = 4; $this->forwardArrowImg['height'] = 7; $this->downArrowImg['src'] = 'down-arrow.png'; $this->downArrowImg['width'] = 9; $this->downArrowImg['height'] = 5; $this->menuTopShift = $menuTopShift; $this->menuRightShift = $menuRightShift; $this->menuLeftShift = $menuLeftShift; $this->thresholdY = $thresholdY; $this->abscissaStep = $abscissaStep; } /** * The method to set the value of menuTopShift * @access public * @return void */ function setMenuTopShift($menuTopShift) { $this->menuTopShift = $menuTopShift; } /** * The method to set the value of menuRightShift * @access public * @return void */ function setMenuRightShift($menuRightShift) { $this->menuRightShift = $menuRightShift; } /** * The method to set the value of menuLeftShift * @access public * @return void */ function setMenuLeftShift($menuLeftShift) { $this->menuLeftShift = $menuLeftShift; } /** * The method to set the value of thresholdY * @access public * @return void */ function setThresholdY($thresholdY) { $this->thresholdY = $thresholdY; } /** * The method to set the value of abscissaStep * @access public * @return void */ function setAbscissaStep($abscissaStep) { $this->abscissaStep = $abscissaStep; } /** * The method to set the dirroot directory * @access public * @return boolean */ function setDirroot($dirroot) { $oldtpldir = $this->tpldir; if ($foobar = $this->setDirrootCommon($dirroot)) { $this->updateTpldir($oldtpldir); } return $foobar; } /** * The method to set the tpldir directory * @access public * @return boolean */ function setTpldir($tpldir) { $oldtpldir = $this->tpldir; if ($foobar = $this->setTpldirCommon($tpldir)) { $this->updateTpldir($oldtpldir); } return $foobar; } /** * The method to update the templates directory path to the new tpldir * @access private * @return void */ function updateTpldir($oldtpldir) { $oldlength = strlen($oldtpldir); $foobar = strpos($this->horizontalMenuTpl, $oldtpldir); if (!($foobar === false || $foobar != 0)) { $this->horizontalMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . substr($this->horizontalMenuTpl, $oldlength); } $foobar = strpos($this->verticalMenuTpl, $oldtpldir); if (!($foobar === false || $foobar != 0)) { $this->verticalMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . substr($this->verticalMenuTpl, $oldlength); } $foobar = strpos($this->subMenuTpl, $oldtpldir); if (!($foobar === false || $foobar != 0)) { $this->subMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . substr($this->subMenuTpl, $oldlength); } } /** * The method to set horizontalMenuTpl * @access public * @return boolean */ function setHorizontalMenuTpl($horizontalMenuTpl) { if (str_replace('/', '', $horizontalMenuTpl) == $horizontalMenuTpl) { $horizontalMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . $horizontalMenuTpl; } if (!file_exists($horizontalMenuTpl)) { $this->error("setHorizontalMenuTpl: file $horizontalMenuTpl does not exist."); return false; } $this->horizontalMenuTpl = $horizontalMenuTpl; return true; } /** * The method to set verticalMenuTpl * @access public * @return boolean */ function setVerticalMenuTpl($verticalMenuTpl) { if (str_replace('/', '', $verticalMenuTpl) == $verticalMenuTpl) { $verticalMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . $verticalMenuTpl; } if (!file_exists($verticalMenuTpl)) { $this->error("setVerticalMenuTpl: file $verticalMenuTpl does not exist."); return false; } $this->verticalMenuTpl = $verticalMenuTpl; return true; } /** * The method to set subMenuTpl * @access public * @return boolean */ function setSubMenuTpl($subMenuTpl) { if (str_replace('/', '', $subMenuTpl) == $subMenuTpl) { $subMenuTpl = $this->tpldir . $subMenuTpl; } if (!file_exists($subMenuTpl)) { $this->error("setSubMenuTpl: file $subMenuTpl does not exist."); return false; } $this->subMenuTpl = $subMenuTpl; return true; } /** * A method to set transparentIcon * @access public * @param string $transparentIcon a transparentIcon filename (without the path) * @return void */ function setTransparentIcon($transparentIcon) { $this->transparentIcon = $transparentIcon; } /** * The method to set an image to be used for the forward arrow * @access public * @param string $forwardArrowImg the forward arrow image filename * @return boolean */ function setForwardArrowImg($forwardArrowImg) { if (!file_exists($this->imgdir . $forwardArrowImg)) { $this->error('setForwardArrowImg: file ' . $this->imgdir . $forwardArrowImg . ' does not exist.'); return false; } $foobar = getimagesize($this->imgdir . $forwardArrowImg); $this->forwardArrowImg['src'] = $forwardArrowImg; $this->forwardArrowImg['width'] = $foobar[0]; $this->forwardArrowImg['height'] = $foobar[1]; return true; } /** * The method to set an image to be used for the down arrow * @access public * @param string $downArrowImg the down arrow image filename * @return boolean */ function setDownArrowImg($downArrowImg) { if (!file_exists($this->imgdir . $downArrowImg)) { $this->error('setDownArrowImg: file ' . $this->imgdir . $downArrowImg . ' does not exist.'); return false; } $foobar = getimagesize($this->imgdir . $downArrowImg); $this->downArrowImg['src'] = $downArrowImg; $this->downArrowImg['width'] = $foobar[0]; $this->downArrowImg['height'] = $foobar[1]; return true; } /** * A method providing parsing needed both for horizontal and vertical menus; it can be useful also with the ProcessLayersMenu extended class * @access public * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu for which the parsing * has to be performed * @return void */ function parseCommon( $menu_name = '' // non consistent default... ) { $this->_hasIcons[$menu_name] = false; for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { // this counter scans all nodes of the new menu $this->_hasIcons[$cnt] = false; $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] = "L$cnt"; $current_node[$this->tree[$cnt]['level']] = $cnt; if (!$this->tree[$cnt]['child_of_root_node']) { $this->tree[$cnt]['father_node'] = $current_node[$this->tree[$cnt]['level']-1]; $this->father_keys .= ",'L$cnt'"; $this->father_vals .= ",'" . $this->tree[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]['layer_label'] . "'"; } $this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf'] = ($this->tree[$cnt+1]['level']>$this->tree[$cnt]['level'] && $cnt<$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]); // if the above condition is true, the node is not a leaf, // hence it has at least a child; if it is false, the node is a leaf if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { // initialize the corresponding layer content trought a void string $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_content'] = ''; // the new layer is accounted for in the layers list $this->listl .= ",'" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "'"; } /* if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'] = '#'; } */ if ($this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_icon'] == '') { $this->tree[$cnt]['iconsrc'] = $this->imgwww . $this->transparentIcon; $this->tree[$cnt]['iconwidth'] = 16; $this->tree[$cnt]['iconheight'] = 16; $this->tree[$cnt]['iconalt'] = ' '; } else { if ($this->tree[$cnt]['level'] > 1) { $this->_hasIcons[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']] = true; } else { $this->_hasIcons[$menu_name] = true; } $this->tree[$cnt]['iconsrc'] = $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_icon']; $this->tree[$cnt]['iconalt'] = 'O'; } } } /** * A method needed to update the footer both for horizontal and vertical menus * @access private * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu for which the updating * has to be performed * @return void */ function _updateFooter( $menu_name = '' // non consistent default... ) { $t = new Template_PHPLIB(); $t->setFile('tplfile', $this->subMenuTpl); $t->setBlock('tplfile', 'template', 'template_blck'); $t->setBlock('template', 'sub_menu_cell', 'sub_menu_cell_blck'); $t->setVar('sub_menu_cell_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('template', 'separator', 'separator_blck'); $t->setVar('separator_blck', ''); $t->setVar('abscissaStep', $this->abscissaStep); for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $t->setVar(array( 'layer_label' => $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'], 'layer_title' => $this->tree[$cnt]['text'], 'sub_menu_cell_blck' => $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_content'] )); $this->footer .= $t->parse('template_blck', 'template'); } } } /** * Method to preparare a horizontal menu. * * This method processes items of a menu to prepare the corresponding * horizontal menu code updating many variables; it returns the code * of the corresponding _firstLevelMenu * * @access public * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu whose items have to be processed * @return string */ function newHorizontalMenu( $menu_name = '' // non consistent default... ) { if (!isset($this->_firstItem[$menu_name]) || !isset($this->_lastItem[$menu_name])) { $this->error("newHorizontalMenu: the first/last item of the menu '$menu_name' is not defined; please check if you have parsed its menu data."); return 0; } $this->parseCommon($menu_name); $t = new Template_PHPLIB(); $t->setFile('tplfile', $this->horizontalMenuTpl); $t->setBlock('tplfile', 'template', 'template_blck'); $t->setBlock('template', 'horizontal_menu_cell', 'horizontal_menu_cell_blck'); $t->setVar('horizontal_menu_cell_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('horizontal_menu_cell', 'cell_link', 'cell_link_blck'); $t->setVar('cell_link_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('cell_link', 'cell_icon', 'cell_icon_blck'); $t->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('cell_link', 'cell_arrow', 'cell_arrow_blck'); $t->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); $t_sub = new Template_PHPLIB(); $t_sub->setFile('tplfile', $this->subMenuTpl); $t_sub->setBlock('tplfile', 'sub_menu_cell', 'sub_menu_cell_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('sub_menu_cell_blck', ''); $t_sub->setBlock('sub_menu_cell', 'cell_icon', 'cell_icon_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); $t_sub->setBlock('sub_menu_cell', 'cell_arrow', 'cell_arrow_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); $t_sub->setBlock('tplfile', 'separator', 'separator_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('separator_blck', ''); $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] = ''; $foobar = $this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $this->moveLayers .= "\tvar " . $menu_name . "TOP = getOffsetTop('" . $menu_name . "L" . $foobar . "');\n"; $this->moveLayers .= "\tvar " . $menu_name . "HEIGHT = getOffsetHeight('" . $menu_name . "L" . $foobar . "');\n"; for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { // this counter scans all nodes of the new menu if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { // geometrical parameters are assigned to the new layer, related to the above mentioned children if ($this->tree[$cnt]['child_of_root_node']) { $this->moveLayers .= "\tsetTop('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "', " . $menu_name . "TOP + " . $menu_name . "HEIGHT);\n"; $this->moveLayers .= "\tmoveLayerX1('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "', '" . $menu_name . "');\n"; } } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['child_of_root_node']) { if ($this->tree[$cnt]['text'] == '---') { continue; } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="moveLayerX1(' . "'" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "', '" . $menu_name . "') ; LMPopUp('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "'" . ', false);"'; } else { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="shutdown();"'; } $t->setVar(array( 'menu_layer_label' => $menu_name . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'], 'imgwww' => $this->imgwww, 'transparent' => $this->transparentIcon, 'href' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'], 'onmouseover' => $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'], 'title' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_title'], 'target' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_target'], 'text' => $this->tree[$cnt]['text'], 'downsrc' => $this->downArrowImg['src'], 'downwidth' => $this->downArrowImg['width'], 'downheight' => $this->downArrowImg['height'] )); if ($this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_icon'] != '') { $t->setVar(array( 'iconsrc' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconsrc'], 'iconwidth' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconwidth'], 'iconheight' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconheight'], 'iconalt' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconalt'], )); $t->parse('cell_icon_blck', 'cell_icon'); } else { $t->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $t->parse('cell_arrow_blck', 'cell_arrow'); } else { $t->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); } $foobar = $t->parse('cell_link_blck', 'cell_link'); $t->setVar(array( 'cellwidth' => $this->abscissaStep, 'cell_link_blck' => $foobar )); $t->parse('horizontal_menu_cell_blck', 'horizontal_menu_cell', true); } else { if ($this->tree[$cnt]['text'] == '---') { $this->tree[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]['layer_content'] .= $t_sub->parse('separator_blck', 'separator'); continue; } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="moveLayerX(' . "'" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "') ; moveLayerY('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "') ; LMPopUp('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "'". ', false);"'; } else { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="LMPopUp(' . "'" . $this->tree[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]['layer_label'] . "'" . ', true);"'; } $t_sub->setVar(array( 'imgwww' => $this->imgwww, 'transparent' => $this->transparentIcon, 'href' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'], 'refid' => 'ref' . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'], 'onmouseover' => $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'], 'title' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_title'], 'target' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_target'], 'text' => $this->tree[$cnt]['text'], 'arrowsrc' => $this->forwardArrowImg['src'], 'arrowwidth' => $this->forwardArrowImg['width'], 'arrowheight' => $this->forwardArrowImg['height'] )); if ($this->_hasIcons[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]) { $t_sub->setVar(array( 'iconsrc' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconsrc'], 'iconwidth' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconwidth'], 'iconheight' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconheight'], 'iconalt' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconalt'] )); $t_sub->parse('cell_icon_blck', 'cell_icon'); } else { $t_sub->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $t_sub->parse('cell_arrow_blck', 'cell_arrow'); } else { $t_sub->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); } $this->tree[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]['layer_content'] .= $t_sub->parse('sub_menu_cell_blck', 'sub_menu_cell'); } } // end of the "for" cycle scanning all nodes $foobar = $this->_firstLevelCnt[$menu_name] * $this->abscissaStep; $t->setVar('menuwidth', $foobar); $t->setVar(array( 'layer_label' => $menu_name, 'menubody' => $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] )); $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] = $t->parse('template_blck', 'template'); $this->_updateFooter($menu_name); return $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name]; } /** * Method to preparare a vertical menu. * * This method processes items of a menu to prepare the corresponding * vertical menu code updating many variables; it returns the code * of the corresponding _firstLevelMenu * * @access public * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu whose items have to be processed * @return string */ function newVerticalMenu( $menu_name = '' // non consistent default... ) { if (!isset($this->_firstItem[$menu_name]) || !isset($this->_lastItem[$menu_name])) { $this->error("newVerticalMenu: the first/last item of the menu '$menu_name' is not defined; please check if you have parsed its menu data."); return 0; } $this->parseCommon($menu_name); $t = new Template_PHPLIB(); $t->setFile('tplfile', $this->verticalMenuTpl); $t->setBlock('tplfile', 'template', 'template_blck'); $t->setBlock('template', 'vertical_menu_box', 'vertical_menu_box_blck'); $t->setVar('vertical_menu_box_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('vertical_menu_box', 'vertical_menu_cell', 'vertical_menu_cell_blck'); $t->setVar('vertical_menu_cell_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('vertical_menu_cell', 'cell_icon', 'cell_icon_blck'); $t->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('vertical_menu_cell', 'cell_arrow', 'cell_arrow_blck'); $t->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); $t->setBlock('vertical_menu_box', 'separator', 'separator_blck'); $t->setVar('separator_blck', ''); $t_sub = new Template_PHPLIB(); $t_sub->setFile('tplfile', $this->subMenuTpl); $t_sub->setBlock('tplfile', 'sub_menu_cell', 'sub_menu_cell_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('sub_menu_cell_blck', ''); $t_sub->setBlock('sub_menu_cell', 'cell_icon', 'cell_icon_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); $t_sub->setBlock('sub_menu_cell', 'cell_arrow', 'cell_arrow_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); $t_sub->setBlock('tplfile', 'separator', 'separator_blck'); $t_sub->setVar('separator_blck', ''); $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] = ''; $this->moveLayers .= "\tvar " . $menu_name . "TOP = getOffsetTop('" . $menu_name . "');\n"; $this->moveLayers .= "\tvar " . $menu_name . "LEFT = getOffsetLeft('" . $menu_name . "');\n"; $this->moveLayers .= "\tvar " . $menu_name . "WIDTH = getOffsetWidth('" . $menu_name . "');\n"; for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { // this counter scans all nodes of the new menu if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { // geometrical parameters are assigned to the new layer, related to the above mentioned children if ($this->tree[$cnt]['child_of_root_node']) { $this->moveLayers .= "\tsetLeft('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "', " . $menu_name . "LEFT + " . $menu_name . "WIDTH - menuRightShift);\n"; } } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['child_of_root_node']) { if ($this->tree[$cnt]['text'] == '---') { $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] .= $t->parse('separator_blck', 'separator'); continue; } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="moveLayerX(' . "'" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "') ; moveLayerY('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "') ; LMPopUp('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "'" . ', false);"'; } else { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="shutdown();"'; } $t->setVar(array( 'imgwww' => $this->imgwww, 'transparent' => $this->transparentIcon, 'href' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'], 'refid' => 'ref' . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'], 'onmouseover' => $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'], 'title' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_title'], 'target' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_target'], 'text' => $this->tree[$cnt]['text'], 'arrowsrc' => $this->forwardArrowImg['src'], 'arrowwidth' => $this->forwardArrowImg['width'], 'arrowheight' => $this->forwardArrowImg['height'] )); if ($this->_hasIcons[$menu_name]) { $t->setVar(array( 'iconsrc' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconsrc'], 'iconwidth' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconwidth'], 'iconheight' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconheight'], 'iconalt' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconalt'] )); $t->parse('cell_icon_blck', 'cell_icon'); } else { $t->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $t->parse('cell_arrow_blck', 'cell_arrow'); } else { $t->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); } $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] .= $t->parse('vertical_menu_cell_blck', 'vertical_menu_cell'); } else { if ($this->tree[$cnt]['text'] == '---') { $this->tree[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]['layer_content'] .= $t_sub->parse('separator_blck', 'separator'); continue; } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="moveLayerX(' . "'" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "') ; moveLayerY('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "') ; LMPopUp('" . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'] . "'" . ', false);"'; } else { $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'] = ' onmouseover="LMPopUp(' . "'" . $this->tree[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]['layer_label'] . "'" . ', true);"'; } $t_sub->setVar(array( 'imgwww' => $this->imgwww, 'transparent' => $this->transparentIcon, 'href' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'], 'refid' => 'ref' . $this->tree[$cnt]['layer_label'], 'onmouseover' => $this->tree[$cnt]['onmouseover'], 'title' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_title'], 'target' => $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_target'], 'text' => $this->tree[$cnt]['text'], 'arrowsrc' => $this->forwardArrowImg['src'], 'arrowwidth' => $this->forwardArrowImg['width'], 'arrowheight' => $this->forwardArrowImg['height'] )); if ($this->_hasIcons[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]) { $t_sub->setVar(array( 'iconsrc' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconsrc'], 'iconwidth' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconwidth'], 'iconheight' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconheight'], 'iconalt' => $this->tree[$cnt]['iconalt'] )); $t_sub->parse('cell_icon_blck', 'cell_icon'); } else { $t_sub->setVar('cell_icon_blck', ''); } if ($this->tree[$cnt]['not_a_leaf']) { $t_sub->parse('cell_arrow_blck', 'cell_arrow'); } else { $t_sub->setVar('cell_arrow_blck', ''); } $this->tree[$this->tree[$cnt]['father_node']]['layer_content'] .= $t_sub->parse('sub_menu_cell_blck', 'sub_menu_cell'); } } // end of the "for" cycle scanning all nodes $t->setVar(array( 'menu_name' => $menu_name, 'vertical_menu_cell_blck' => $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name], 'separator_blck' => '' )); $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] = $t->parse('vertical_menu_box_blck', 'vertical_menu_box'); $t->setVar('abscissaStep', $this->abscissaStep); $t->setVar(array( 'layer_label' => $menu_name, 'vertical_menu_box_blck' => $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] )); $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name] = $t->parse('template_blck', 'template'); $this->_updateFooter($menu_name); return $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name]; } /** * Method to prepare the header. * * This method obtains the header using collected informations * and the suited JavaScript template; it returns the code of the header * * @access public * @return string */ function makeHeader() { $t = new Template_PHPLIB(); $this->listl = 'listl = [' . substr($this->listl, 1) . '];'; $this->father_keys = 'father_keys = [' . substr($this->father_keys, 1) . '];'; $this->father_vals = 'father_vals = [' . substr($this->father_vals, 1) . '];'; $t->setFile('tplfile', $this->libjsdir . 'layersmenu-header.ijs'); $t->setVar(array( 'packageName' => $this->_packageName, 'version' => $this->version, 'copyright' => $this->copyright, 'author' => $this->author, 'menuTopShift' => $this->menuTopShift, 'menuRightShift'=> $this->menuRightShift, 'menuLeftShift' => $this->menuLeftShift, 'thresholdY' => $this->thresholdY, 'abscissaStep' => $this->abscissaStep, 'listl' => $this->listl, 'nodesCount' => $this->_nodesCount, 'father_keys' => $this->father_keys, 'father_vals' => $this->father_vals, 'moveLayers' => $this->moveLayers )); $this->header = $t->parse('out', 'tplfile'); $this->_headerHasBeenMade = true; return $this->header; } /** * Method that returns the code of the header * @access public * @return string */ function getHeader() { if (!$this->_headerHasBeenMade) { $this->makeHeader(); } return $this->header; } /** * Method that prints the code of the header * @access public * @return void */ function printHeader() { print $this->getHeader(); } /** * Method that returns the code of the requested _firstLevelMenu * @access public * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu whose _firstLevelMenu * has to be returned * @return string */ function getMenu($menu_name) { return $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name]; } /** * Method that prints the code of the requested _firstLevelMenu * @access public * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu whose _firstLevelMenu * has to be printed * @return void */ function printMenu($menu_name) { print $this->_firstLevelMenu[$menu_name]; } /** * Method to prepare the footer. * * This method obtains the footer using collected informations * and the suited JavaScript template; it returns the code of the footer * * @access public * @return string */ function makeFooter() { $t = new Template_PHPLIB(); $t->setFile('tplfile', $this->libjsdir . 'layersmenu-footer.ijs'); $t->setVar(array( 'packageName' => $this->_packageName, 'version' => $this->version, 'copyright' => $this->copyright, 'author' => $this->author, 'footer' => $this->footer )); $this->footer = $t->parse('out', 'tplfile'); $this->_footerHasBeenMade = true; return $this->footer; } /** * Method that returns the code of the footer * @access public * @return string */ function getFooter() { if (!$this->_footerHasBeenMade) { $this->makeFooter(); } return $this->footer; } /** * Method that prints the code of the footer * @access public * @return void */ function printFooter() { print $this->getFooter(); } } /* END OF CLASS */ ?>