File: showrecords.php
<?php /** * showrecords.php -- Browse page * * Author: Steve Bourgeois owl@bozzit.com * * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The Owl Project Team * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. */ require_once("./config/owl.php"); require_once("./lib/disp.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/owl.lib.php"); require_once("./lib/readhd.php"); require_once("./lib/security.lib.php"); if ($default->anon_user == $userid) { die("$owl_lang->err_unauthorized"); } if (!isset($parent) || $parent == "" || !is_numeric($parent)) { $parent = $default->HomeDir; } if (!isset($expand) or !is_numeric($expand)) { $expand = $default->expand; } if (!isset($order)) { $order = $default->default_sort_column; } if (!isset($sortname)) { $sortname = $default->default_sort_order; } if (!isset($sortver) or strlen($sortver) > 24) { $sortver = "ASC, minor_revision ASC"; } if (!isset($sortcheckedout) or strlen($sortcheckedout) > 4) { $sortcheckedout = "ASC"; } if (!isset($sortfilename) or strlen($sortfilename) > 4) { $sortfilename = "DESC"; } if (!isset($sortsize) or strlen($sortsize) > 4) { $sortsize = "DESC"; } if (!isset($sortposted) or strlen($sortposted) > 4) { $sortposted = "DESC"; } if (!isset($sortmod) or strlen($sortmod) > 4) { $sortmod = "DESC"; } if (!isset($sort) or strlen($sort) > 4) { $sort = "asc"; } switch ($order) { case "name": $sortorder = 'sortname'; $sort = $sortname; break; case "major_minor_revision": $sortorder = 'sortver'; $sort = $sortver; break; case "filename" : $sortorder = 'sortfilename'; $sort = $sortfilename; break; case "f_size" : $sortorder = 'sortsize'; $sort = $sortsize; break; case "creatorid" : $sortorder = 'sortposted'; $sort = $sortposted; break; case "smodified" : $sortorder = 'sortmod'; $sort = $sortmod; break; case "checked_out": $sortorder = 'sortcheckedout'; $sort = $sortcheckedout; break; default: $order= "name"; $sortorder= "sortname"; $sort = "ASC"; break; } if (check_auth($parent, "folder_view", $userid) != "1") { printError($owl_lang->err_nofolderaccess); exit; } // V4B RNG Start $urlArgs = array(); $urlArgs['sess'] = $sess; $urlArgs['expand'] = $expand; $urlArgs['order'] = $order; $urlArgs['sortorder'] = $sort; // V4B RNG End $getlastlogin = new Owl_DB; $getlastlogin->query("SELECT lastlogin FROM $default->owl_users_table where id = '" . $userid . "'"); $getlastlogin->next_record(); $lastlogin = $getlastlogin->f("lastlogin"); include_once("./lib/header.inc"); include_once("./lib/userheader.inc"); print("<center>\n"); if ($expand == 1) { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_expand_width'><tr><td align='center' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } else { print("<table class='border1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='$default->table_collapse_width'><tr><td align='center' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); } fPrintButtonSpace(1, 4); print("<table class='border2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td align='left' valign='top' width='100%'>\n"); if ($default->show_prefs == 1 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar1", "top"); } fPrintButtonSpace(12); switch ($type) { case "pa": $sPageTitle = $owl_lang->peer_pending_title; break; case "wa": $sPageTitle = $owl_lang->peer_approval_title; break; default: $sPageTitle = ""; break; } print("<table class='margin2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td align='left' valign='top'>\n"); print("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>"); fPrintSectionHeader($sPageTitle); print("</table>\n"); print("</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); print("<br></br>"); if ($default->show_search == 1 or $default->show_search == 3 or (fIsAdmin() and $default->show_search == 0)) { fPrintSearch(); } print("<table class='margin2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td align='left' valign='top'>\n"); print("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr>"); if (($default->expand_disp_status and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_status and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='title1'> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_doc_num and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_num and $expand == 0)) { show_link("id", "sortid", $sortid, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->doc_number); } if (($default->expand_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='title1'> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_title and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_title and $expand == 0)) { show_link("name", "sortname", $sortname, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->title); } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_version and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_version and $expand == 0)) { show_link("major_minor_revision", "sortver", $sortver, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->ver); } } if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { show_link("filename", "sortfilename", $sortfilename, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->file); } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { show_link("f_size", "sortsize", $sortsize, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->size); } if (($default->expand_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { show_link("creatorid", "sortposted", $sortposted, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->postedby); } if (($default->expand_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { show_link("smodified", "sortmod", $sortmod, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->modified); } if (($default->expand_disp_action and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_action and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='title1'>$owl_lang->actions</td>\n"); } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_held and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_held and $expand == 0)) { show_link("checked_out", "sortcheckedout", $sortcheckedout, $order, $sess, $expand, $parent, $owl_lang->held); } } if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1 and $type == "pa") { print("\t<td class='title1' align='center'>$owl_lang->peer_satus</td>"); } print("</tr>\n"); $sql = new Owl_DB; if ($type == "t") { $CountLines = 0; $qSqlQuery = "("; $sql->query("SELECT fid FROM $default->owl_monitored_folder_table where userid = '$userid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $qSqlQuery .= $glue . " id ='" . $sql->f('fid') . "'"; $glue = " OR "; } $qSqlQuery .= ")"; //$sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_folders_table where $qSqlQuery order by $order_clause "); if ($glue == " OR ") { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_folders_table where $qSqlQuery "); while ($sql->next_record()) { // Looping out Folders $GetItems = new Owl_DB; $iFolderCount = 0; $iParent = $sql->f("parent"); $GetItems->query("SELECT id from $default->owl_folders_table where parent = '" . $sql->f("id") . "'" . $whereclause); if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { while ($GetItems->next_record()) { $bFileDownload = check_auth($GetItems->f("id"), "folder_view", $userid); if ($bFileDownload) { $iFolderCount++; } } } else { $iFolderCount = $GetItems->num_rows(); } $iFileCount = fCountFileType ($sql->f("id"), '0'); $iUrlCount = fCountFileType ($sql->f("id"), '1'); $iNoteCount = fCountFileType ($sql->f("id"), '2'); $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; print("<tr>\n"); if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } //******************************************************************************************************* if(($default->expand_disp_status and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_status and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass'> <br /></td>"); } if(($default->expand_disp_doc_num and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_num and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass'> <br /></td>"); } if(($default->expand_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/folder_closed.gif' border='0' alt=''></img><br /></td>"); } if(($default->expand_disp_title and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_status and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass'>"); $sPopupDescription = nl2br($sql->f("description")); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("id"); $url = fGetURL ('browse.php', $urlArgs2); print("\n<a class='$sLfList' href='$url' title='$owl_lang->title_browse_folder'>" . $sql->f("name") . "</a>"); if(!$default->hide_folder_doc_count) { if ($iFolderCount > 0 or $iFileCount > 0 or $iUrlCount > 0 or $iNoteCount > 0) { print(" ("); } if ($iFolderCount > 0 ) { print("<a class='cfolders1'>$iFolderCount</a>"); } if ($iFileCount > 0 ) { if ($iFolderCount > 0) { print(":"); } print("<a class='cfiles1'>$iFileCount</a>"); } if ($iUrlCount > 0 ) { if ($iFileCount > 0) { print(":"); } print("<a class='curl1'>$iUrlCount</a>"); } if ($iNoteCount > 0) { print(":<a class='cnotes1'>$iNoteCount</a></b>"); } if ($iFolderCount > 0 or $iFileCount > 0 or $iUrlCount > 0 or $iNoteCount > 0) { print(")"); } } if ($sql->f("description")) { print("<br /><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/transparent.gif' border='0' alt=''></img><font class='DESC'>" . str_replace("\n", "<br /><img src=$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_misc/transparent.gif border='0' alt=''></img>", $sql->f("description")) . "</font>"); } print("</td>\n"); } //if ($default->records_per_page == 0) //{ //$DBFolderCount++; //count number of filez in db 2 use with array //$DBFolders[$DBFolderCount] = $sql->f("name"); //create list if files in //} //if ($expand == 1) //{ if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_version and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_version and $expand == 0)) { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>" . flid_to_creator($sql->f("id")) . "</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } } else { if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>" . flid_to_creator($sql->f("id")) . "</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } } if (($default->expand_disp_action and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_action and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>"); // ***************************************** // There is not Log Icon for folders so put A space // ***************************************** if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { fPrintButtonSpace(1,21); } else { fPrintButtonSpace(1,2); } // ***************************************** // Display the Delete Icons For the Folders // ***************************************** if (check_auth($sql->f("id"), "folder_delete", $userid) == 1) { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder_delete'; $url = fGetURL ('dbmodify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$url'\tonclick='return confirm(\"$owl_lang->reallydelete " . htmlspecialchars($sql->f("name"), ENT_QUOTES) . "?\");'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/trash.gif' alt='$owl_lang->alt_del_folder' title='$owl_lang->alt_del_folder' border='0'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1,4); } else { fPrintButtonSpace(1,21); } // ***************************************** // Display the Property Icons For the Folders // ***************************************** if (check_auth($sql->f("id"), "folder_property", $userid) == 1) { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder_modify'; $url = fGetURL ('modify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$url'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/edit.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_mod_folder' title='$owl_lang->alt_mod_folder'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1,25); } else { fPrintButtonSpace(1,42); } // ***************************************** // Display the move Icons For the Folders // ***************************************** if (check_auth($sql->f("id"), "folder_modify", $userid) == 1) { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['action'] = 'cp_folder'; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $url = fGetURL ('move.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$url'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/copy.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_copy_folder' title='$owl_lang->alt_copy_folder'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1,4); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder'; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $url = fGetURL ('move.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$url'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/move.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_move_folder' title='$owl_lang->alt_move_folder'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1,88); } else { // In some cases that needs to be 129 why? fPrintButtonSpace(1,106); } if (check_auth($sql->f("id"), "folder_view", $userid) == 1) { $folder_id = $sql->f("id"); $checksql = new Owl_DB; $checksql->query("select * from $default->owl_monitored_folder_table where fid = '$folder_id' and userid = '$userid'"); $checknumrows = $checksql->num_rows($checksql); $checksql->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_users_table where id = '$userid'"); $checksql->next_record(); if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { fPrintButtonSpace(1,21); } if (trim($checksql->f("email")) != "") { if ($checknumrows == 0) { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $folder_id; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder_monitor'; $url = fGetURL ('dbmodify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$url'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/monitor.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_monitor' title='$owl_lang->alt_monitor'></img></a>"); } else { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $folder_id; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder_monitor'; $url = fGetURL ('dbmodify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$url'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/monitored.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_monitored' title='$owl_lang->alt_monitored'></img></a>"); } fPrintButtonSpace(1,43); } else { fPrintButtonSpace(1,42); } } if (check_auth($sql->f("id"), "folder_view", $userid) == 1) { $urlArgs2 = array(); $urlArgs2['sess'] = $sess; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $urlArgs2['action'] = 'folder'; $urlArgs2['binary'] = 1; $urlArgs2['expand'] = $expand; $urlArgs2['order'] = $order; $urlArgs2['sortorder'] = $sort; $url = fGetURL ('download.php', $urlArgs2); //fPrintButtonSpace(20); print("<a href='$url'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/zip.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_get_file' title='$owl_lang->alt_get_file'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1,4); } print("</td>\n"); } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_held and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_held and $expand == 0)) { print ("<td class='$sTrClass'> </td>\n"); } } print("</tr>\n"); //******************************************************************************************************* } } } // // BEGIN Print Files // if ($order == "major_minor_revision") { $order_clause = "major_revision $sort, minor_revision $sort"; } else { $order_clause = "$order $sort"; } if ($type == "n") { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where approved = '1' and created > '$lastlogin' order by $order_clause"); } elseif ($type == "u") { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where approved = '1' and smodified > '$lastlogin' and created < '$lastlogin' order by $order_clause "); } elseif ($type == "c") { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where checked_out = '$userid' order by $order $sort"); } elseif ($type == "pa") { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where creatorid = '$userid' and approved = '0' order by $order $sort"); } elseif ($type == "wa") { $qSqlQuery = "(id ='-1' "; $glue = ""; $sql->query("SELECT file_id from $default->owl_peerreview_table where reviewer_id = '$userid' "); while ($sql->next_record()) { $qSqlQuery .= " OR id ='" . $sql->f('file_id') . "'"; } $qSqlQuery .= ")"; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where $qSqlQuery order by $order_clause "); } elseif ($type == "t") { $qSqlQuery = "(id ='-1' "; $glue = ""; $sql->query("SELECT fid FROM $default->owl_monitored_file_table where userid = '$userid'"); while ($sql->next_record()) { $qSqlQuery .= " OR id ='" . $sql->f('fid') . "'"; } $qSqlQuery .= ")"; $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where $qSqlQuery order by $order_clause "); } elseif ($type == "m") { $sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where creatorid = '$userid' order by $order_clause "); } elseif ($type == "g") { $sqlmemgroup = new Owl_DB; $sqlmemgroup->query("select * from $default->owl_users_grpmem_table where userid = '" . $userid . "'"); //$sGroupsWhereClause = "( gid = '-1' OR gid = '$usergroupid'"; $sFilesGroupsWhereClause = "( groupid = '-1' OR groupid = '$usergroupid'"; while($sqlmemgroup->next_record()) { //$sGroupsWhereClause .= " OR gid = '" . $sqlmemgroup->f("groupid") . "'"; $sFilesGroupsWhereClause .= " OR groupid = '" . $sqlmemgroup->f("groupid") . "'"; } //$sGroupsWhereClause .= ")"; $sFilesGroupsWhereClause .= ")"; $sMyQuery = "SELECT * from $default->owl_files_table where $sFilesGroupsWhereClause order by $order_clause "; $sql->query($sMyQuery); //$sql->query("SELECT * FROM $default->owl_files_table where creatorid = '$userid' order by $order_clause "); } // Looping out files from DB! while ($sql->next_record()) { $bPrintNew = false; $bPrintUpdated = false; // Tiian change 2003-07-31 $sDirectoryPath = get_dirpath($sql->f("parent")); $pos = strpos($sDirectoryPath, "backup"); if (is_integer($pos) && $pos) { $is_backup_folder = true; } else { $is_backup_folder = false; } if ($type == "n") { $sDirectoryPath = get_dirpath($sql->f("parent")); $pos = strpos($sDirectoryPath, "backup"); if (is_integer($pos) && $pos) { continue; } } if ($default->restrict_view == 1) { if (!check_auth($sql->f("id"), "file_download", $userid)) { continue; } } // // Find New files // if (check_auth($sql->f("id"), "file_download", $userid) == 1) { if ($sql->f("created") > $lastlogin) { $bPrintNew = true; $iNewFileCount++; } if ($sql->f("smodified") > $lastlogin && $sql->f("created") < $lastlogin) { $bPrintUpdated = true; $iUpdatedFileCount++; } } else { if ($type <> "wa") { continue; } } $CountLines++; $PrintLines = $CountLines % 2; print("\t\t\t\t<tr>\n"); if ($PrintLines == 0) { $sTrClass = "file1"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } else { $sTrClass = "file2"; $sLfList = "lfile1"; } if(($default->expand_disp_status and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_status and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>"); //print("<td class='$sTrClass' id='$sLfList' align='left'>"); if ($bHasComments) { if ($bPrintNewComment) { print("<b class='hilite'>"); } $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'file_comment'; $url = fGetURL ('modify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a class='$sLfList' href='$url'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/comment.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_comments' title='$owl_lang->alt_comments'></img></a><font color='darkblue'> ($iTotalComments)</font>"); if ($bPrintNewComment) { print("</B>"); } } if ($default->anon_user <> $userid) { if ($bPrintNew) { print("<img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/new.gif' border='0' alt=''></img>"); } if ($bPrintUpdated) { print("<img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/ui_icons/updated.gif' border='0' alt=''></img>"); } if ($bWasIndexed) { print(" <a class='curl1'>*</a>"); } } print("<br /></td>"); } if (($default->expand_disp_doc_num and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_num and $expand == 0)) { $sZeroFilledId = str_pad($sql->f("id"),$default->doc_id_num_digits, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>". $default->doc_id_prefix . $sZeroFilledId ."</td>"); //print("<td class='$sTrClass' id='$sLfList' align='left'>". $default->doc_id_prefix . $sZeroFilledId ."</td>"); } if (($default->expand_disp_doc_type and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_doc_type and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>"); //print("<td class='$sTrClass' id='$sLfList' align='left'>"); $choped = split("\.", $sql->f("filename")); $pos = count($choped); if ( $pos > 1 ) { $ext = strtolower($choped[$pos-1]); $sDispIcon = $ext; } else { $sDispIcon = "NoExtension"; } if (($ext == "gz") && ($pos > 2)) { $exttar = strtolower($choped[$pos-2]); if (strtolower($choped[$pos-2]) == "tar") $ext = "tar.gz"; } if ($sql->f("url") == "1") { print("<img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/url.gif' border='0' alt=''></img>"); } else { if (!file_exists("$default->owl_graphics_url$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/$sDispIcon.gif")) { $sDispIcon = "file"; } print("<img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_filetype/$sDispIcon.gif' border='0' alt=''></img>"); } print("<br /></td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_title and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_title and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>"); //print("<td class='$sTrClass' id='$sLfList' align='left'>"); $sPopupDescription = fCleanDomTTContent($sql->f("description")); if ($sPopupDescription == "") { $sPopupDescription = $owl_lang->no_description; } $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['sess'] = $sess; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'file_details'; $url = fGetURL ('view.php', $urlArgs2); print("\n<a class='$sLfList' href='$url' onmouseover=" . '"' . "return makeTrue(domTT_activate(this, event, 'caption', '" . $owl_lang->description . "', 'content', '" . $sPopupDescription . "', 'lifetime', 3000, 'fade', 'both', 'delay', 10, 'statusText', ' ', 'trail', true));" . '"'); print(">\n"); print("\n"); print $sql->f("name") . "</a>"; print("</td>\n"); } if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_version and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_version and $expand == 0)) { print("\n<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>" . $sql->f("major_revision") . "." . $sql->f("minor_revision") . "</td>"); } } if ($sql->f("url") == "1") { if ($bFileDownload == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print("\n<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'><a class='$sLfList' href='" . $sql->f("filename") . "' target='new' title='$owl_lang->title_browse_site : " . $sql->f("filename") . "'>" . $sql->f("filename") . " </a></td>\n"); //print("\n<td class='$sTrClass' id='$sLfList' align='left'><a class='$sLfList' href='" . $sql->f("filename") . "' TARGET=new title='$owl_lang->title_browse_site : " . $sql->f("filename") . "'>" . $sql->f("filename") . " </a></td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='right'> </td>\n"); } } else { if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { print("\n<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>" . $sql->f("filename") . "</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='right'> </td>\n"); } } } else { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $url = fGetURL ('download.php', $urlArgs2); if (($default->expand_disp_file and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_file and $expand == 0)) { //print("\n<td class='$sTrClass' id=$sLfList align='left'><a class=$sLfList href='$url' title='$owl_lang->title_download_view'>" . $sql->f("filename") . "</a></td>\n"); print("\n<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'><a class='$sLfList' href='$url' title='$owl_lang->title_download_view'>" . $sql->f("filename") . "</a></td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_size and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_size and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='right'>" . gen_filesize($sql->f("f_size")) . "</td>"); } } //if ($expand == 1) //{ if (($default->expand_disp_posted and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_posted and $expand == 0)) { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'><a class='$sLfList' href='prefs.php?owluser=" . $sql->f("creatorid") . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=" . $sql->f("parent") . "&order=$order&sortname=$sortname'>" . fid_to_creator($sql->f("id")) . "</a></td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_modified and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_modified and $expand == 0)) { print("<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>" . date($owl_lang->localized_date_format, strtotime($sql->f("smodified"))) . "</td>\n"); } if (($default->expand_disp_action and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_action and $expand == 0)) { if ($type == "wa") { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>"); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['binary'] = 1; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $sUrl = fGetURL ('download.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$sUrl'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/bin.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_get_file' title='$owl_lang->alt_get_file'></img></a>"); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['action'] = "approvedoc"; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $sUrl = fGetURL ('dbmodify.php', $urlArgs2); print(" <a href='$sUrl'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/approve.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_approve_file' title='$owl_lang->alt_approve_file'></img></a>"); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['action'] = "rejectdoc"; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $parent; $sUrl = fGetURL ('peerreview.php', $urlArgs2); print(" <a href='$sUrl'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/reject.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_reject_file' title='$owl_lang->alt_reject_file'></img></a>"); print("</td>\n"); } elseif ($type == "pa") { $qGetDocReviewer = new Owl_DB; $qGetDocReviewer->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_peerreview_table where file_id = '" . $sql->f("id") . "' and status <> '1'"); $iReviewersLeft = $qGetDocReviewer->num_rows(); print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>"); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'reminder'; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['type'] = $type; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $sUrl = fGetURL ('peerreview.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$sUrl'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/email.gif' border='0' title='$owl_lang->alt_email_reminder' alt='$owl_lang->alt_email_reminder'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 4); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'file_delete'; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['type'] = $type; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $sUrl = fGetURL ('dbmodify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$sUrl'\tonclick='return confirm(\"$owl_lang->reallydelete ".$filename."?\");'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/trash.gif' alt='$owl_lang->alt_del_file' title='$owl_lang->alt_del_file' border='0'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 4); $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'file_update'; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $sUrl = fGetURL ('modify.php', $urlArgs2); print("<a href='$sUrl'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/update.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_upd_file' title='$owl_lang->alt_upd_file'></img></a>"); fPrintButtonSpace(1, 4); if ($iReviewersLeft == 0) { $urlArgs2 = $urlArgs; $urlArgs2['action'] = 'publish'; $urlArgs2['id'] = $sql->f("id"); $urlArgs2['type'] = $type; $urlArgs2['parent'] = $sql->f("parent"); $sUrl = fGetURL ('peerreview.php', $urlArgs2); print(" <a href='$sUrl'><img src='$default->owl_graphics_url/$default->sButtonStyle/icon_action/publish.gif' border='0' alt='$owl_lang->alt_publish_file' title='$owl_lang->alt_publish_file'></img></a>"); } print("</td>\n"); } else { print("\t\t\t\t<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'>"); printFileIcons($sql->f("id"), $sql->f("filename"), $sql->f("checked_out"), $sql->f("url"), $default->owl_version_control, $ext, $sql->f("parent"), $is_backup_folder); print("</td>\n"); } } //} if ($default->owl_version_control == 1) { if (($default->expand_disp_held and $expand == 1) or ($default->collapse_disp_held and $expand == 0)) { if (($holder = uid_to_name($sql->f("checked_out"))) == "Owl") { print("\t<td class='$sTrClass' align='center'>-</td>"); } else { print("\t<td class='$sTrClass' align='left'><a class='$sLfList' href='prefs.php?owluser=" . $sql->f("checked_out") . "&sess=$sess&expand=$expand&parent=" . $sql->f("parent") . "&order=$order&sortname=$sortname'>$holder</a></td>"); } } } if ( $default->document_peer_review == 1 and $type == "pa") { $qGetDocReviewer = new Owl_DB; $qGetDocReviewer->query("SELECT * from $default->owl_peerreview_table where file_id = '" . $sql->f("id") . "' "); print ("<td class='$sTrClass'>"); print ("<table>\n"); while($qGetDocReviewer->next_record()) { print("<tr>\n"); print("<td>" . uid_to_name($qGetDocReviewer->f("reviewer_id")) . ": </td>\n"); switch ($qGetDocReviewer->f("status")) { case 1: $sStatus = "<div class='capproved'>$owl_lang->peer_satus_approved</div>"; break; case 2: $sStatus = "<div class='crejected'>$owl_lang->peer_satus_rejected</div>"; break; default: $sStatus = "<div class='cpending'>$owl_lang->peer_satus_pending</div>"; break; } print("<td align='center'>$sStatus</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); } print ("</table>\n"); print("</td>\n"); } print("</tr>\n"); } print("</table>"); print("</td>\n</tr></table>\n"); if ($default->show_search == 2 or $default->show_search == 3) { fPrintSpacer(); fPrintSearch(1); } fPrintButtonSpace(1, 12); if ($default->show_prefs == 2 or $default->show_prefs == 3) { fPrintPrefs("infobar2"); } print("</td></tr>"); print("</table>"); include("./lib/footer.inc"); ?>